

发布时间:2024-07-08 08:16:27


Guizhou province: Suan tang yu (fish in sour soup, 酸汤鱼)


The cuisine: Like foodies in Sichuan and Hunan, Miao tribespeople in hilly Guizhou loves their food sour and spicy.

烹饪风格:像湖南和四川 爱好 美食的人们一样,居住在贵州山区的苗族人家也更喜欢吃酸辣口味的菜。

The dish: The soup is made with rice or tomatoes, pickled chilis and various herbs, and then cooked with freshly caught river fish for a super sour blend.


The thick, delicious broth has a persistent aroma. You can throw in tofu and other vegetables and eat it hot-pot style.


Hebei province: Lvrou huoshao (donkey meat sandwich, 驴肉火烧) 河北省:驴肉火烧

The cuisine: Much as it is in neighboring Beijing, Hebei cuisine is savory and sauce heavy, with an emphasis on the cut and color of the dishes.


The dish: Brace yourself. Locals reckon donkey is as delicious as dragon meat, even though no one can provide much in the way of evidence of having eaten the latter.


Donkey meat is high in protein, low in cholesterol and has a finer fiber than beef. It's leaner than pork and lacks the funky odor of mutton. Sliced donkey meat is stewed and served between two pieces of ciabatta-like bread to make a Hebei-style sandwich.


Heilongjiang province: Harbin hongchang (Harbin red sausage, 哈尔滨红肠)


The cuisine: Heilongjiang is among the coldest provinces in China, and its people eat lots of meat and Russian bread. The cuisine is typified by heavy sauce and deep-frying.


The dish: In the early 20th century, Russian traders brought this smoked pork sausage across the border into Harbin. Since then it's become a specialty of the city.


Flavored with garlic and black pepper, hongchang is the perfect companion to dalieba bread and tastes even better with a pint of Harbin beer.


Hubei province: Sanxian doupi (three delicacies wrapped in tofu skin, 三鲜豆皮)


The cuisine: Three words sum up Hubei cuisine: steamed, fishy and soupy. 烹饪风格:“蒸、鱼、汤”这三个字就可以 总结 湖北菜。

The province is also famous for its delicious breakfast snacks, such as hot dry noodles and sanxian doupi.


The dish: Sanxian doupi is Hubei's answer to .The traditional breakfast from Wuhan is made with a delicious stuffing, a mixture of soft glutinous rice, egg, mushroom and pork, tucked into two pieces of tofu skin and then pan-fried until golden brown.


Hunan province: Duojiao yutou (steamed fish head with pickled chilis, 剁椒鱼头)


The cuisine: Also known as Xiang cuisine (湘菜), Hunan food is known to be just as hot as Sichuan, minus the numbing quality. Locals are partial to smoked and cured meats in their dishes.


The dish: In addition to an irresistible combination of pickled chilis and the tender meat of a fish head, duojiao yutou is packed with nutrients, such as vitamin A and vitamin C, providing an instant boost.


Instead of just red chilis, chefs use both green and red chilis to create a colorful mixture. Add the complimentary plate of egg noodles to the soupy fish dish to make a full meal.


Inner Mongolia autonomous region: Kao yang tui (barbequed lamb leg, 烤羊腿)


The cuisine: From beef and mutton, to venison and ostrich, hearty Inner Mongolians never say no to barbecue.


The dish: This isn't the average meat-on-a-stick. It's an entire grilled sheep leg loaded with spices.

英语是世界上普遍使用的语言,英语教学得到了极大的重视,尤其是初中英语教学也日益受到人们的关注。下面是我为大家整理的初中英语教学论文,供大家参考。初中英语教学论文篇一:《初中英语教学中多媒体技术运用》 摘要:对多媒体技术在初中英语教学中的应用进行 反思 ,分析其正面作用与存在的问题。 关键词:多媒体技术;初中英语;学习资料 1前言 英语作为一门语言课,随着社会的进步而不断发展。当今社会充满信息化,故而英语这门语言课中所蕴含的信息量越来越大。多媒体技术是学生在课堂上接触信息化社会的重要媒介,随着科学技术的不断发展,多媒体技术的安装成本逐渐降低,越来越多的学校实现了多媒体教学,多媒体教学实现广泛应用,多媒体技术在初中英语教学中的作用日益明显,成为初中英语教学效率提高的重要因素。 2多媒体技术应用于初中英语课堂的正面效应 巧用多媒体提高学生 学习英语 的兴趣多媒体技术应用于初中英语的一个首要作用就是提高了学生学习英语的兴趣。对于初中阶段的学生来说,他们虽然在小学阶段接触过英语,但是 英语学习 更多是集中在口语练习和兴趣培养方面,到了初中阶段英语学习发生很大变化,学生除了要记忆单词、 句子 之外,还要学习系统的语法知识。随着英语难度的增加,学生逐渐对英语学习失去兴趣。而多媒体技术运用于初中英语课堂,可以将抽象的语言知识以文字、动画等形象展现出来,将枯燥的英语学习变得生动有趣,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。在小学阶段学习英语时,由于教课内容较为简单,教师多采取直观的教学方式,如模型、实物、挂图等,采用这种方式可以让学生听觉、视觉受到直观的冲击,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 但是这种教学随着初中学生学习内容的增加,实物教学的效果受到限制。采用多媒体技术进行教学,则可以极大避免这种情况出现,多媒体技术具有实物模拟功能,为学生提供声情并茂、形象生动的学习资料。巧用多媒体创造真实的学生练习口语的情境在日常教学中经常会听到一些学生抱怨: 英语口语 学习怎么那么难;很难遇到外国人,见了也不敢说话……英语学习是语言的学习,学习语言就需要口语训练环境。学生耳濡目染的都是汉语的各种说法,英语练习缺乏真实的能够说英语的环境。尽管学生在英语课堂上学到很多的英语知识,但是受到母语的限制,在课下很少有练习的机会,仅靠课堂上的学习很难掌握。再加上初中英语知识要比小学阶段复杂难懂得多,教师在课堂上的教学多是讲解性质的,不可能向小学教师那样玩耍着教学,同时也很少关注学生的语言练习,故而也就成为初中学生学习英语的一大困难。采用多媒体工具进行初中英语教学,将文字、图片、动画等元素进行有机融合,为学生创设跟本课内容相关的英语学习真实环境,使学生更好地进行学习口语练习,并学以致用。 对于英语学习来说,除了记忆一些词汇、词组之外,还需要了解英语国家的风土人情、语言习惯等,这些单靠教师的讲解并不能在学生心中留下深刻的印象,但是通过多媒体技术的图片、视频等展示,则可以加深学生的印象,提高学习兴趣。巧用多媒体活跃英语课堂学习氛围巧用多媒体技术可以激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃初中英语课的学习氛围。运用多媒体教学可以活跃学生的思维,让学生在一个相对轻松的氛围下学习英语。对于初中阶段的学生来说,他们仍然保留有孩提时代活泼好动的秉性,通过多媒体技术学习初中英语,将抽象的知识转化为以图片、动画展现的具象知识,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,让兴趣转化成为最强大的学习动力,挖掘出学生的潜力。兴趣是学生学习的最大动力,如果学生对英语学习可以保留有浓厚的兴趣,那么这股兴趣将成为学生英语成绩提高的最强大的力量来源。对于教师来说,运用多媒体教学,教师就节省了书写大量板书的时间,教师可以在上课之前将需要讲解的知识全部打在课件上,这样便有了更多的时间跟学生进行交流,有利于师生关系的融洽,同时促进课堂氛围的活跃。 3多媒体技术应用于初中英语课堂的负面效应 随着多媒体技术的广泛使用,滥用或错用的现象在各个课堂都可以见到。多媒体技术运用于初中英语课堂的初衷是要提升教学效率,但是随着滥用多媒体的现象出现,教师在使用多媒体技术时便产生一系列的问题。下面谈一谈多媒体技术在初中英语课堂应用中出现的负面效应。 现象之一:教师应付备课随着多媒体技术在教学中应用的逐渐普及,一些负面的影响也随之产生,阻碍了英语课堂的高效。如教师在备课中有种应付的心态,在原来的英语教学模式下,教师要想上好课离不开对教材、教学参考的认真研读,这样才能提高课堂的教学效率。但是随着多媒体技术在英语课堂的使用,教师可以借助多媒体课件开展英语教学。网络是一个包罗万象的资源库,教师可以从网络上很方便地寻找、下载自己所需要的课件和资源,这样就造成教师在备课时不认真对待,应付心态严重,最终阻碍了教师自我素质的提升,同时也造成课堂教学的低效,不利于学生英语成绩的提高。 现象之二:板书的重要性被忽视板书是课堂的灵魂,是学生在课堂上掌握教师讲课脉络的重要凭借。在传统的教学模式下,教师主要凭借板书传递给学生英语知识,加深学生对教师所讲解知识的理解。随着多媒体技术在初中英语课堂的使用,教师适应了点击鼠标展现知识的方式,将书写板书这一重要的步骤基本省略。虽然上文提到多媒体技术在初中英语课堂的使用节省了教师书写板书的时间,但是这并不意味着在教学中完全抛弃书写板书的环节。对于学生来说,虽然他们可以从课件上学到一些知识,但是学生无法区分知识的重要与否,这样不利于学生对英语知识的系统掌握。书写板书可以给学生进行知识的强调,帮助他们区分知识的重要性,有利于学生的长远发展。 现象之三:课件制作不合理在多媒体技术和初中英语课堂整合过程中,有些英语教师对多媒体课件的新奇性过分推崇和追求,认为只要英语课的课件制作得精美新奇就可以吸引学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生臣服于课件,提高其英语成绩。在这一目的的驱使之下,教师将一些动态的图案、漫画穿插进英语课件之中,如旋转的小球、奔跑的小狗、跳动的小闹钟、一闪一闪的小灯等,通过这些动态图案的应用把学生的注意力全部抓住,使之造成学生无法集中注意力在教师的知识讲解上,最终影响了学生的听课效果。 参考文献 [1]俞毅成.浅谈多媒体教学及其在英语教学活动中的应用[J].青海师范大学学报:哲学社会科学版,2004(6). [2]王军.多媒体在英语教学中的应用[J].辽宁高职学报,2004(2). [3]赵雪芹.多媒体在英语教学中的应用[J]. 教育 实践与研究,2001(6). [4]曾小艳.多媒体辅助教学在初中英语课堂中的应用[J].教育教学论坛,2011(25). [5]张冬梅.多媒体与英语教学[J].资治文摘:管理版,2010(4). [6]陈艳.多媒体技术在英语课堂教学中的优势、误区及其对策[J].安徽电子信息职业技术学院学报,2009(2). 初中英语教学论文篇二:《初中英语课堂教学效率提升 措施 》 摘要:课堂教学是英语教学的主要形式,提高英语课堂教学效率,是提高学生英语听、说、读、写能力的主要途径,是提高教学质量的关键。因此,英语教师要认真备课,精心设计课堂教学,改进 教学 方法 和手段,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的自学能力以及综合运用语言的能力,提高课堂教学效率。 关键词:初中英语;课堂教学;效率兴趣;自学能力 提高初中英语课堂教学效率,就要在一定的时间内更好地完成教学任务,使学生获得更多的知识和技能,而且学生学习的过程是愉快的。为此,教师要采用多种教学方法和手段,培养学生的学习兴趣,充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,多鼓励学生,引导学生,使学生掌握学习策略,增强学生学习英语的自信心,使学生积极参与课堂教学活动。只有这样,才能充分体现以教师为主导、以学生为主体的教学理念,使学生能够更好更快地掌握英语知识,并能够灵活运用这些语言知识,达到提高学生语言能力,培养学生创新精神和实践能力的目的。下面笔者就如何提高初中英语课堂教学效率谈几点粗浅的认识。 一、培养学生学习英语的兴趣 长期以来,有些初中生对英语缺乏兴趣,甚至存在一定的畏惧心理,成为提高教学效率的障碍。因此,如何激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣是当前我们需要认真思考的问题。笔者认为,激发学生的英语学习兴趣,可从以下几方面入手。首先,建立和谐的师生关系,营造良好的教学氛围。和谐的师生关系是提高教学效率的前提。在英语教学中,教师不仅要传授知识,还要有爱心,有责任心,热爱学生、尊重学生,加强师生间的沟通交流互动,使学生“亲其师,信其道”,产生浓厚的学习兴趣。另外,良好的教学氛围也是激发学生学习兴趣和提高教学效率的重要条件。教师在英语教学中应尊重学生的个性和人格,为学生营造民主、和谐、愉悦的教学环境,给学生提供均等的展示自己的机会,在课堂上要多使用表扬用语,鼓励学生,使学生感到自信、轻松、愉快,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,从而使他们全身心地投入到英语学习中去,积极主动地获取知识和技能。其次,通过趣味导课,激发学生学习兴趣。教师要在上课伊始就调动起学生的学习积极性,可通过风趣幽默的开场白、生动有趣的小 故事 ,用多媒体播放视听材料、歌曲、电影片段等,吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣。再次,运用游戏激发学生的学习兴趣。教师可在英语教学中适当开展游戏活动,将教学内容融入游戏中,使学生在游戏过程中学习和巩固知识,比如教学词汇时可用猜词游戏,讲授课文时,可组织小组竞争游戏。最后,开辟第二课堂,拓宽学生视野,激发学习兴趣。教师要注意课内外相结合,课下可让学生在教室办英语角、英语专栏,收集一些英语小故事、 成语 、笑话等,组织学生开展故事会、游戏、对话比赛等活动。这样,学生会兴趣盎然,积极准备,踊跃参加,能够拓宽他们的视野,使他们学到更多的知识,并学以致用。这些活动的开展,有效地激发了学生的学习兴趣,学生在活动过程中会感受到学习英语的乐趣,能学到更多的英语知识和技能,且印象深刻,经久不忘。 二、提高学生自学英语的能力 “授之以鱼,不如授之以渔。”在英语教学中,教师要教给学生学习的方法,加强听、说、读、写的训练,提高学生综合运用语言的能力和自学能力。只有学生具备一定的实际运用语言的能力和自学能力,才能更好地进一步学习和运用英语,才能在学习过程中不断克服困难、解决问题。从这个角度看来,培养学生的英语自学能力比直接传授给学生英语知识更能有效提高教学效率,更具现实和长远的意义。因此,教师要注意启发学生,让学生多读多练,激发学生的阅读兴趣,提高学生的 英语阅读 能力,从而全面提高学生的听、说、读、写能力。阅读重在理解,学生要注意从整体上把握 文章 内容,还要从细节上理解,注意关键词句。教师要让学生多进行听说读写的练习,通过不断的练习,提高学生自学英语的能力,使学生学会自主提出问题并解决问题。教师还要注意指导学生掌握学习英语的方法,比如,记忆单词的方法、各种阅读方法、写作的方法技巧等,使学生能够举一反三。此外,教师也要引导学生多做 总结 ,使学生将前后学习的知识联系起来,使所学的知识系统化、整体化。通过这些环节,全面提高学生自学英语的能力。 三、巧设活动,注重实效 课堂活动是激发学生学习兴趣、使学生掌握英语知识和技能的重要途径。那么,在初中英语教学中,教师怎样设计课堂活动才能达到最佳的教学效果呢?我认为,要想使活动更具实效性,我们要遵循以下几方面的原则:教学活动目标要明确,情境创设要合理,要让全体学生都积极参与活动,要注意合理利用教学资源,要注意有效的评价和反馈。具体而言,首先,活动要围绕内容展开。每节课都有一定的教学内容和教学目标,教师在课前一定要理清思路,安排好教学内容和教学环节,根据每一个环节要达到的目标设置相关的教学活动,循序渐进,并突出教学重难点。其次,活动要难易适当。学生是课堂教学的主体,教师要保证学生能够积极参与,在有限的时间内完成教学任务,就要把握好课堂活动的难易程度,分层设计课堂活动,在学生的最近发展区内使各个层次的学生都能有所进步,在较有难度的地方给学生一些支持是非常必要的。这样,英语基础好的学生可以尽情表现,基础差的学生也能积极参与、有所收获。 四、科学地运用评价手段 教学评价是教学过程中的重要组成部分。教师通过评价,能够使学生认识到自己的优点和进步、缺点和不足,从而达到鼓励学生,增强学生自信心,纠正学生错误,使学生有效弥补不足的目的。如果学生在学习中得到了正面评价,那么他们就得到了教师和同学的肯定,就会产生成就感,增强自信心,就会产生学习英语的兴趣和学习进步的需要。相反,如果学生得到的负面评价过多,就会产生消极情绪,有些学生,特别是成绩较差的学生,学习英语的信心会下降。因此,教师应多鼓励学生,尊重学生的个体差异,对不同的学生提出不同的要求,只要他们有进步,就要鼓励他们,使各个层次的学生都能增强自信心,在英语学习上都能进步。教师还要注意在表扬的同时也要指出学生的不足,使学生查漏补缺,积极进步。总之,在教学过程中,教师要科学合理地评价学生,要善于捕捉学生的闪光点,多表扬、少批评,使学生信心十足、积极主动地学好英语。 参考文献: [1]徐永芳.初中英语教学问题及应对策略[J].科教文汇:中旬刊,2011(12). [2]陈露露.基于分层教学法的初中英语教学探索[J].科教文汇:中旬刊,2010(9). 初中英语教学论文篇三:《初中英语口语教学》 近年来,随着教学改革的不断深入,初中英语口语教学取得了一定的进展,但是由于受到应试的影响,以及教学方法、教学观念的落后,初中英语口语教学仍然存在着很多问题。而新课程标准的要求,21世纪的英语教学的主要目的在于引导和培养学生掌握语言行为交际,这就突出强调了英语口语教学的重要性。难么我们应从哪些方面做起来提高英语口语教学呢? 一、口语教学存在的不利因素 初中英语口语教学方案中容易出现的误区,主要表现在教学方式、教学内容两个方面。 1.从教学方式来看 虽然我国初中教育已经实现了九年义务教育,但是,应试教育体制的本质还并没有发生变化,在传统的教学理念影响之下,初中英语教师在口语教学方案中就容易延续以往的应试教学作风,采用照本宣科和理念式教学,也就是将口语的基本理论进行重点强调,而忽视口语练习的教学,在这样的教学中,教师更注重通过阅读课文或者背诵课本的方式,企图让学生通过更多的自我阅读,来提升其口语水平,而忽视了对学生口语中的偏差指正和标准化教导;另一方面,在初中的口语教学中,教师的教学方式更多的是让学生独自学习,并没有采用现代化的信息教学方式,或者合作教学方式,这就会让初中的英语口语教学失去了趣味性,而无法带动学生的积极性和主动性,影响英语口语教学的质量。 2.从教学内容上来看 初中英语口语教学是以课本内容为主,也就是模范课本的对话和句子内容,来让学生进行口语方面的联系,从本质上上来说,初中英语口语教学的内容是专注于英语本身,而没有加注对英语的各类相关性的延生,那么,像 英语 文化 、影视等内容并没有引用到初中英语的口语教学中,而英语教学发展到现阶段,口语教学已经脱离了传统的机械式的教学,开始走向丰富性和多样化的教学,像影视和文化等内容早就已经进入了口语教学,成为了英语口语教学的有效手段,初中英语口语教学的教师却因为教学课程的难度系数低,而存在一定的疏忽,这就让初中英语口语教学的教学内容显得单一,再加上教学方式上的疏忽,则会导致整个英语口语教学课堂的枯燥和乏味。 3.教师的综合素质低 无论是从数量上,还是从质量上来看,中学英语教师都非常的紧缺。这方面在农村体现得更为严重,甚至在大量的农村学校中因为没有英语教师而放弃了英语这一学科,也有许多其他的学校没有足够的资金聘请合格的英语教师,只能聘请读过高中的短期的代课教师,这些教师严重缺少规范而系统的训练,只是随自己的习惯心性来给学生授课,结果将使学生缺乏正确的训练方法,进而接受了错误的发音,学习了地道的方言英语,最终错失了学习标准英语的机会。 二、口语教学的具体对策 1.口语教学生活化 一节成功的外语课,应该设有丰富的情境,学生在这种情境中不断增强对已学知识的驾驭能力。英语口语教学应为学生创设情境,引导学生身临其境。可与生活实际密切联系,创设生活情景,这样更利于口语教学生活化。设置情境可以将学生带入一个特定的空间之中,让他们用情感去体验,在较短时间内能激发他们的情感。在设置情境时如果能结合教材内容及学生的年龄特点,将大大提高课堂效率。 学好外语,学生只有更多接触外语和使用外语。学习口语要有讲究,让学生学习不常用的口语是没有任何意义的。因此,教师在设置情景时一定要贴近生活,是学生喜闻乐见,感兴趣的生活趣事。由学生已知的信息,导入目 标语 言结构,学生学起来就会轻松很多。甚至遇到一些生词时,单凭理解就可以知道它的意思与用法。 2.注重学生英语基本功 语言基本功直接影响学生的英语水平,是影响学生口语水平的重要因素。大多数学生语言基本功不扎实,如语音不标准、语调不规范、句型运用不熟练、语法不过关等都是学生口语水平偏低的原因。 针对这一具体情况,教师应从基本的语音语流讲解开始,夯实学生英语基本功。语音语流学习中有很多学生较难掌握的重要内容,如连读、爆破、弱读等。教师可先向学生讲解相关的基本知识,再慢慢过渡到句型训练,并以教材内容为依托。引导学生进行大量巩固练习,力争在短时间内提升学生的语音面貌。 语法也是制约学生英语口语水平的原因之一.所以语法讲解是西部不发达地区初中英语教学中的重要内容。教师应以教材为基础进行语法讲解。并引导学生大量背诵教材中的 经典句子 ,让学生在掌握语法基础的同时提升英语语感。 3.鼓励学生大胆说 在初中英语口语教学中,为了鼓励学生大胆说讲英语,从而增强学生的口语交际能力,教师应该在教学中坚持尽量用英语跟学生进行口语交流。比如,学习了简单的交际用语后,教师早上上课前要求学生用英语问好:“Good morning,Teacher!”迟到时先问:“May I come in?”打扰别人要说:“Excuse me.”得到别人帮助以及受到别人赞美应回答:“Thank you!”等等。让学生先由简单的对话开始,慢慢习惯用英语交流,从而提高自身英语口语能力。而在学生运用英语的过程中,即使有时发音不准或者表达不够流畅时,教师应委婉地帮助其纠正,并给予积极鼓励。这样,才能有效增强学生的自信心,从而让他们大胆说英语,最终提高口语交际能力。 4.适时纠正错误 犯错误是语言学习过程中的必然现象。在口语教学中,教师最主要的任务是帮助、鼓励学生开展各项交际活动.以期达到学生口语练习的最大实践量。口语能力的提高一定是在实际运用中来实现的。教师切忌盲目地责怪学生.而要耐心地对学生加以引导.让学生发现自己的错误,从而提高他们说英语的自信心和兴趣.促使他们能够在课堂外自觉不自觉地运用英语交流.只有这样,我们学生的口语能力才能不断得到提高。 5.提高自身素质 初中英语口语的培养对于同学们日后的发展都是十分重要的,所以英语教师一定要更加重视口语的训练,提升自身素质,在日后的教学中改进课堂教育方式,让口语课堂内容丰富多彩,更加具有意义,同学们能够在课堂中得到更多的锻炼英语口语的机会。 三、结语 随着我国改革开放进一步深化扩大以及国际交往日益频繁, 学习英语并运用英语进行口头交际已成为社会的需要。因此,加强英语口语的教学已被大家所注重,这不但是当前素质教育的一项要求,也反映了外语教学改革的趋势。教师要用英语组织课堂教学,用英语处理教材内容,并且要求学生用英语参加课堂实践活动,用英语提问及回答问题,通过说的实际培养听说能力。师生在课堂上都说英语,这已是英语课堂教学的显著特征和优秀课堂教学的重要标志之一,也是提高我国英语教学的方向。 猜你喜欢: 1. 初中英语教学论文 2. 初中英语优秀论文 3. 初中英语教学论文发表 4. 英语文学类论文范文 5. 初中英语教学计划范文

其实,生活不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。美食,柴米油盐,处处皆美。一起来看看五分钟美食英文 演讲稿 5篇2020,欢迎查阅!


You are what you eat.;Nutrition experts often use this saying to promote better eating habits.What we put in our mouths does become a part of us.But we can look at this statement another way.What we eat reflects who we are--as people and as a culture.Do you want to understand another culture?Then you ought to find out about its food.Learning about American food can give us a real taste of American culture.

What is American food?At first you might think the answer is easy as pie.To many people,American food means hamburgers,hot dogs,fried chicken and pizza.If you have a sweet tooth,you might even think of apple pie or chocolate chip cookies.It's true that Americans do eat those things.But are those the only kind of vittles you can find in America?

你是你吃什么。,营养专家经常使用这句话来促进更好的饮食习惯。我们把我们的嘴的东西确实成为我们的一部分。但我们可以看看这个语句的另一种 方法 。我们是谁吃的反映出我们自己——不论什么人,如 文化 。你想了解另一种文化吗?然后你应该找出它的食物。学习美国食品可以给我们一个真正的美国文化的味道。



When we see the movie, Chinese food is praised by the people. Recently, there is a famous movie called A Bite of China, the movie is popular, it introduces Chinese food from different places. The audience is attracted by the delicious food, they never thought Chinese food would be so various. Now the second part of the movie has been made out, more and more Chinese traditional food has been introduced. After appreciating the movie, I begin to learn more about Chinese food, I want to have taste of them. I am so proud of our food, when we talk about it to foreign friends, we can feel their favor of our food. The food is part of our culture, they should be inherited. 高中 英语 作文



Technology, especially my mother a good cook, there are many of the dishes I like to eat. Of these, my favorite dishes to eat the fish is braised.

Today, her mother burned to eat my favorite braised fish. I witnessed the mother fish fish washing process.

Mother first ready material: carp, onions, ginger, garlic, sugar, soy sauce, coriander, rice wine, salt, cooking oil and green pepper.

These materials are ready, my mother began to wash the fish. She saw a knife to scale, and then remove the fish gills, and fish bubble remain in the belly, to puncture the bubble of fish, the fish maw with black all the debris removed, cleaned the fish, fish evenly in a few designated marks I can spare.

Mother heated the pot, when smoking pot when the oil poured into a little, let the pot coated with a layer of oil, then add a small amount of cooking oil, fry after a good wash pot Add the fish and then release into some rice wine, so you can remove the fish smell, adding a teaspoon of sugar, a small amount of soy sauce.fish can be a color, then start adding cold water, let the fish submerged in water, adding green onions, ginger, garlic, pepper and salt, and then after the fire to boil, to low heat, boil 40 minutes, adding parsley, Finally, a pot of tasty braised fish cooking in her mother under the care of.

Smell this fragrance, I salivate. I quickly pick up the chopsticks, a small dip at juice, ah, how good you and incense and soft and slippery, so together with color, flavor and taste a whole food ah!








In Jiangsu cuisine, there is a well-known dish called Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish. And it is universally acknowledged that this dish is the representative of Jiangsu cuisine.

This dish is prepared with more than 9 main ingredients including fish, cooking wine, pine nut, pepper, ketchup, salt and vinegar. First, you should make the fish clean and remove it’s bones and organs. Second the fish should be placed into a wok, with pepper and cooking wine and then fry it until its color changes. Third, make the fish like a squirrel and pour the hot and thick marinade on the fish. Then the last thing is just enjoying this beautiful and delicious “squirrel”. The Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish is suitable for people of all ages. And it not only contains fat and protein but also is rich sources of the beneficial elements. So this dish is worthy of the being called the most bright pearl of Jiangsu cuisine.


Hi,everyone.Today I'd like to introduce a dish that I really like.It's beaf steak.Let me tell you how to cook it.First,get the pieces of steak ready.Remember not to wash them with water.Put some salt on them.Then,heat the pan with big fire,and put in a little olive oil or any cooking oil.Wait till the oil gets hot,put in the steak,wait for half a minute and turn the steak upside down.When the both sides get brown,turn down the gas fire to medium.Fry for one minute or so,and take them out on a plate,put on some sauce or herbs,and you can enjoy the delicious fried beaf steak!I hope you like it.

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Spicy potato chips

Raw materials: potato, chili powder, cumin powder, pepper powder, salt, sugar, vegetable MSG, black and white sesame (cooked), oil, sesame oil


1, peeled and cut into potatoes, boiled in boiling water, you can remove, control the water to cool.

2, take empty bowl into the whole of paprika, salt, sugar, vegetable MSG, half of the pepper powder, with hot oil pouring incense, after pouring a little oil, pour in half a cup of boiling water, stir well.

3, the potato chips into the seasoning bowl, each covered with spicy sauce, into the plate, then sprinkle the other half of pepper and cumin powder, then sprinkle black and white sesame seeds, you can.

这是英国的 望采纳~~Compared to other European countries, Britain has been criticized for not diet culture; But as Britain join the European Union, the different diet culture has been introduced in the UK, and British consumers in terms of food demand, caused a revolutionary change和其他欧洲国家相比,英国向来被批评为没有饮食文化;不过随着英国加入欧盟之后,不同的饮食文化已被引进了英国,造成英国消费者在食品需求方面,出现了革命性的变化。

Compared to other European countries, Britain has been criticized for not diet culture; But as Britain join the European Union, the different diet culture has been introduced in the UK, and British consumers in terms of food demand, caused a revolutionary change简而言之,英国菜制作方式有两种;放入烤箱烤、放入锅里煮。




Their habits stewed, barbecue, Fried and Fried foods, including vegetables. For meat, seafood, game cooking also has a unique way. And they on beef special preferences, such as barbecue beef, when eating is not only the enclosed seasonal vegetables, baked detailed taro, also the steak with a little mustard sauce; On the use of ingredients like butter and liquor; Fresh on spices, cinnamon or other spices.他们习惯烩、烧烤、煎和油炸食物,甚至包括蔬菜。


Dinner for British people and is the most important part in daily life, they choose the meal time is usually late, and ate and drank, chatted, to promote the friendship beeen have dinner person, but to see they are belong to the autonomy of ethnic groups, a dinner for them may take a few hours!晚餐对英国人来说也是日常生活中最重要的一部份,他们选择的用餐时间通常较晚,而且都是边吃边喝边聊,以促进用餐人之间的情谊,可想见他们是属于极有自主性的民族,一顿晚餐对他们来说可能要花上好几个钟头!Fish and Fried potatoes, this is the "McDonald's", is a kind of cheap and convenient food. Fish are flatfish, or cod, with French fries dipped in salt or vinegar (many British people use both), is very popular with ordinary people.炸鱼及炸马铃薯条,这是英国的“麦当劳”,是一种既便宜又方便的食品。


Sichuan being the most known Chinese food style within China, you will find no shortage of delicious Sichuan food in Chengdu. Most of the food is quite spicy, be sure to order non spicy (不要辣 bú yào là) or little spicy (微辣 wēi là) food, at least if you are not accustomed to it yet, or have a bottle of peanut milk ready to quell the fire. The local king of kings is the Hotpot, basically a big pot of oil, water and spices simmering in a hole in the middle of your table. Patrons choose from a big variety of skewered food including veggies, sea-weed, fish, beef, chicken, and dog's meat and proceed to boil them in the oil. After the meal, your bill will be calculated by counting the skewer-sticks.

Most of us like potatoes because they are delicious.Scientists tell us that they are good for our health.Potatoes originating the Andes and Chilean coastal mountain,the local Indians as their main food.6 years by the Spanish seaman came to Europe in 1565,potato was led to the UK and Ireland,1785 was a pharmacist Farr Mengqi into the french.It's very long phase of exotic flowers and rare herbs as ornamental,even as the queen of France will be the flowers worn on the head for decoration and the French as asymbol of fashion and noble.

Fast Food Fast food is being more and more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today, nothing is more representative of the fast pace of modern society than fast food. There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is quick and convenient. Go into a fast food restaurant, and your food will be ready in a minute. You can satisfy your hunger instantly. Precious time won't be wasted in waiting-in-line to order or waiting at your table for your food to arrive. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean food, the excellent service and the fortable environment of the fast food restaurant. 或者There are 3 people in my family: My father, my mother and I.My father likes sweet. So he likes apples, pears, cakes, bread and ice-cream. My father doesn't like hamburgers, French fries, salad or chicken.My mother likes tasty food. She likes broccoli, cabbages,French fries, apples and carrots.I like hamburgers, French fries, vegetables, egg, ice-cream, apples, pears, broccoli and beef.We have breakfast at 7:00. At noon, we have vegetables, beef, some soup and some rice for lunch. We have dinner at 7:00. Often we have mutton and pork. Sometimes we have noodles, tomatoes and tofu for dinner.

Eight Cuisines(八大菜系) China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since China's local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine. Shandong Cuisine Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste. Shandong is the birthplace of many famous ancient scholars such as Confucious and Mencius. And much of Shandong cuisine's history is as old as Confucious himself, making it the oldest existing major cuisine in China. But don't expect to gain more wisdom from a fortune cookie at a Shandong restaurant in the West since fortune cookies aren't even indigenous to China. Shandong is a large peninsula(半岛) surrounded by the sea to the East and the Yellow River meandering through the center. As a result, seafood is a major ponent(成分) of Shandong cuisine. Shandong's most famous dish is the Sweat and Sour Carp. A truly authentic(真的,真正的) Sweet and Sour Carp must e from the Yellow River. But with the current amount of pollution in the Yellow River, you would be better off if the carp was from elsewhere. Shandong dishes are mainly quick-fried, roasted, stir-fried or deep-fried. The dishes are mainly clear, fresh and fatty, perfect with Shandong's own famous beer, Qingdao Beer Sichuan Cuisine Sichuan Cuisine, known often in the West as Szechuan Cuisine, is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world. Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor, Sichuan cuisine, prolific(多产的) of tastes, emphasizes on the use of chili. Pepper and prickly ash(花椒) also never fail to acpany, producing typical exciting tastes. Besides, garlic, ginger and fermented soybean are also used in the cooking process. Wild vegetables and animals are usually chosen as ingredients, while frying, frying without oil, pickling and braising are applied as basic cooking techniques. It cannot be said that one who does not experience Sichuan food ever reaches China. If you eat Sichuan cuisine and find it too bland(淡而无味的), then you are probably not eating authentic Sichuan cuisine. Chili peppers and prickly ash are used in many dishes, giving it a distinctively(特别的突出的) spicy taste, called ma in Chinese. It often leaves a slight numb(麻木的) sensation(感觉) in the mouth. However, most peppers were brought to China from the Americas in the 18th century so you can thank global trade for much of Sichuan cuisine's excellence. Sichuan hot pots are perhaps the most famous hotpots in the world, most notably the Yuan Yang (mandarin duck) Hotpot half spicy and half clear. Guangdong Cuisine Cantonese food originates(起源于) from Guangdong, the southernmost province in China. The majority of overseas Chinese people are from Guangdong (Canton) so Cantonese is perhaps the most widely available Chinese regional cuisine outside of China. Cantonese are known to have an adventurous palate, able to eat many different kinds of meats and vegetables. In fact, people in Northern China often say that Cantonese people will eat anything that flies except airplanes, anything that moves on the ground except trains, and anything that moves in the water except boats. This statement is far from the truth, but Cantonese food is easily one of the most diverse and richest cuisines in China. Many vegetables originate from other parts of the world. It doesn't use much spice, bringing out the natural flavor of the vegetables and meats. Tasting clear, light, crisp and fresh, Guangdong cuisine, familiar to Westerners, usually chooses raptors and beasts to produce originative dishes. Its basic cooking techniques include roasting, stir-frying, sauteing, deep-frying, braising, stewing and steaming. Among them steaming and stir-frying are more monly applied to preserve the natural flavor. Guangd...

Eight Regional Variations For most foreigners, “Chinese food” usually implies a lot of deep-fried, strong-flavored and greasy dishes that all taste similar. However, for Chinese people, “Chinese food” is a concept as useless as “German beer,” because, like Chinese culture in general, Chinese food is extremely diverse. China covers a large territory and has many nationalities; hence there is a wide variety of Chinese foods, each with quite different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavors. Because China's local dishes have their own typical characteristics, Chinese food can be divided into eight regional cuisines, the distinction of which is now widely accepted. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine. Shandong Cuisine Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clean, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallots and garlic are frequently used as seasonings so Shandong dishes taste pungent. Soups are given much emphasis in Shandong cuisine. Thin soups are clear and fresh while creamy soups are thick and taste strong. Jinan chefs are adept at deep-frying, grilling, pan-frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong chefs are famous for cooking seafood with a fresh and light taste. Typical menu items: Bird's Nest Soup; Yellow River Carp in Sweet and Sour Sauce Sichuan Cuisine Sichuan Cuisine, known more monly in the West as “Szechuan,” is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world. Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavors, Sichuan cuisine, with a myriad of tastes, emphasizes the use of chili. Pepper and prickly ash are always in acpaniment, producing the typical exciting tastes. Garlic, ginger and fermented soybean are also used in the cooking process. Wild vegetables and meats such as are often chosen as ingredients, while frying, frying without oil, pickling and braising are used as basic cooking techniques. It can be said that one who doesn't experience Sichuan food has never reached China. Typical menu items: Hot Pot; Smoked Duck; Kung Pao Chicken; Water-Boiled Fish; Tasty and Spicy Crab; Twice Cooked Pork; Mapo Tofu Guangdong (Cantonese) Cuisine Tasting clean, light, crisp and fresh, Guangdong cuisine, familiar to Westerners, usually has fowl and other meats that produce its unique dishes. The basic cooking techniques include roasting, stir-frying, sauteing, deep-frying, braising, stewing and steaming. Steaming and stir-frying are most frequently used to preserve the ingredients' natural flavors. Guangdong chefs also pay much attention to the artistic presentation of their dishes. Typical menu items: Shark Fin Soup; Steamed Sea Bass; Roasted Piglet; Dim Sum (a variety of side dishes and desserts) Fujian Cuisine Combining Fuzhou Cuisine, Quanzhou Cuisine and Xiamen Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine is renowned for its choice seafood, beautiful color and magical tastes of sweet, sour, salt and savory. The most distinct feature is their "pickled taste." Typical menu items: Buddha Jumping Over the Wall; Snow Chicken; Prawn with Dragon's Body and Phoenix's tail Huaiyang Cuisine Huaiyang Cuisine, also called Jiangsu Cuisine, is popular in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Using fish and crustaceans as the main ingredients, it stresses their freshness. Its carving techniques are delicate, of which the melon carving technique is especially well known. Cooking techniques consist of stewing, braising, roasting, and simmering. The flavor of Huaiyang Cuisine is light, fresh and sweet and its presentation is delicately elegant. Typical menu items: Stewed Crab with Clear Soup, Long-boiled and Dry-shredded Meat, Duck Triplet, Crystal Meat, Squirrel with Mandarin Fish, and Liangxi Crisp Eel Zhejiang Cuisine Comprising local cuisines of Hanzhou, Ningbo, and Shaoxing, Zhejiang Cuisine is not greasy. It wins its reputation for freshness, tenderness, softness, and *** oothness of its dishes with their mellow fragrance. Hangzhou Cuisine is the most famous one of the three. Typical menu items: Sour West Lake Fish, Longjing Shelled Shrimp, Beggar's Chicken Hunan Cuisine Hunan cuisine consists of local cuisines of Xiangjiang Region, Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau areas. It is characterized by thick and pungent flavors. Chili, pepper and shallot are usually necessities in this variation. Typical menu items: Dongan Chicken; Peppery and Hot Chicken Anhui Cuisine Anhui Cuisine chefs focus much more attention on the temperature in cooking and ...

My favourite food is cake.because it is very delicious.Although cake is very sweet,it looks very beautiful.On my birthday,my mother bought a cake for me.L'm very happy.There are some things on the cake.For example ,some fruit and some chocolate .l also like chocolate very much .Cake is my favourite .中文大意是:我最喜欢的食物是蛋糕,因为它很美味.虽然蛋糕很甜,但它看上去很漂亮.在我的生日,我妈妈买给我一个蛋糕.我非常开心.有许多东西在蛋糕上.例如:一些水果和巧克力.我也非常喜欢吃巧克力.蛋糕是我最喜欢的食物....

Spicy potato chipsRaw materials: potato, chili powder, cumin powder, pepper powder, salt, sugar, vegetable MSG, black and white sesame (cooked), oil, sesame oilpractice:1, peeled and cut into potatoes, boiled in boiling water, you can remove, control the water to cool.2, take empty bowl into the whole of paprika, salt, sugar, vegetable MSG, half of the pepper powder, with hot oil pouring incense, after pouring a little oil, pour in half a cup of boiling water, stir well.3, the potato chips into the seasoning bowl, each covered with spicy sauce, into the plate, then sprinkle the other half of pepper and cumin powder, then sprinkle black and white sesame seeds, you can.

Chinese Traditional food is mainly eaten on the New Year.中国的传统食物主要是在过年时吃的。

The nian gao is a sweet steamed(被动,蒸汽,水蒸气) sticky(粘性的,胶粘的) rice pudding(布丁). The zong zi is sticky rice wrapped(裹,捆) inreed leaves. The man tou is steamead wheat(小麦) bread served with meat dumplings.Jiaozi is also a famous Traditional Chinese Food. It can be served by steaming or frying them. The Chinese fried meat balls are prepared by mincing the meat and mixing it with variety of spices. Soya sauce, ginger and wine are its main ingredients(混合物). This preparation is eaten together by the family members to sh...Chinese Traditional food is mainly eaten on the New Year.中国的传统食物主要是在过年时吃的。

The nian gao is a sweet steamed(被动,蒸汽,水蒸气) sticky(粘性的,胶粘的) rice pudding(布丁). The zong zi is sticky rice wrapped(裹,捆) inreed leaves. The man tou is steamead wheat(小麦) bread served with meat dumplings.Jiaozi is also a famous Traditional Chinese Food. It can be served by steaming or frying them. The Chinese fried meat balls are prepared by mincing the meat and mixing it with variety of spices. Soya sauce, ginger and wine are its main ingredients(混合物). This preparation is eaten together by the family members to show love and care for the family members. The fish balls are also prepared in the same way by using fish instead of meat. A variety of cakes are also made on special occasions(场合,时刻,时节). The Nian gao is a delicious cake made of rice flour(面粉,谷粉). It is similar to pudding. The fa gao cake is made from wheat flour. This cake is a symbol of prosperity. Spring rolls are eaten different variety of sauce(沙司,调味汁). They are also known as egg rolls. The filling es in a variety. The Alabone meat is very tasty .It is also a part of the traditional Chinese food .Pomelo salads are made during festivals. Imperial Chicken, General Tso's Chicken, Hunan Beef are examples of traditional Chinese dishes.

Everyone has his own favorite food. All my family members have their own favorite food as well. My grandparents love to eat (你祖父母喜欢吃啥???). It is a kind of food from (食物是哪里的??),China. It is a traditional food in China and many old people likes it very much. My dad likes eating .... But I don't like it anyway. It is so disgusting for me but it is the most delicious things in the world for my dad! My mum and I like the same food,...,it is beautiful and it tastes really good! China is really big and has lots and lots of delicious food and every kinds of food are differnte from one another

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Everyone has been horrified by the increasing number of food scandals and we all know that eating food from unregulated street vendors is fraught with dangers, yet we keep doing it. The risks have done little to diminish the allure of a spiced yangrouchuan.Street food is more than just a way to fill one’s stomach in China; it is an integral part of the food culture. Amidst towering skyscrapers and roaring traffic, a bite into a steaming hot fritter from a street stall is a sure way to be transported back into an era where bus conductors dispensed change and allowed boarding and alighting almost anywhere. And so street food vendors continue despite Chengguan, food scandals and ever tighter restrictions getting in their way.

only found one. hope that works~American table manners[edit] Table Layout * Bread plates are to the left of the main plate, beverage glasses are to the right. * Salad fork, knife and soup spoon are further from the main plate than the main course knife, fork and spoon. Dessert utensils are either placed above the main plate or served with dessert.[edit] General Behavior * Chew with your mouth closed. * Do not talk at an excessively loud volume. * Refrain from coughing, sneezing or blowing nose at the table. * Never tilt back your chair while at the table, or at any other time. * Do not make unbecoming noises while eating. * Do not play with food or table utensils. * Do not single out or chastise someone who has shown poor table manners. * Do not put your elbows on the table or slouch. * Always ask the host or hostess to be excused before leaving the table. * Do not stare at anyone while he or she is eating. * Never talk on your phone at the table. If urgent, ask host or hostess to be excused, and go outside. Apologize when returned.[edit] Utensils * Do not eat food with your fingers unless you are eating foods customarily eaten with fingers, such as bread, french fries, chicken wings, pizza, etc. * The fork may be used either in the American (use the fork in your left hand while cutting; switch to right hand to pick up and eat a piece) or the Continental (fork remains in the left hand) fashion -- either is now acceptable. (See Fork etiquette) * The fork is used to convey any solid food to the mouth. * The knife blade should be placed on the edge of your plate when not in use. The blade should always face inward. * When you have finished eating soup, the spoon should be placed to the side of the saucer, not left in the bowl. * Keep your napkin on your lap. At more formal occasions all diners will wait to place their napkins on their laps until the host or hostess places his or her napkin on his or her lap * When eating barbecue or some other messy foods such as cracked crab, a 'bib' napkin may be provided for and used by adults. Usually these foods are also eaten by hand, and wet wipes or paper napkins should be used to clean the hands. * When using paper napkins, never ball them up or allow stains to show. * Use your silverware from the outside moving inward toward the main plate. (Salad fork, knife and soup spoon are further from the main plate than the main course knife, fork and spoon. Dessert utensils are either placed above the main plate or served with dessert.)[edit] Dining * A prayer or 'blessing' may be customary in some families, and the guests should join in even if they are not religious or do not follow the same religion. Most prayers are made by the host before the meal is eaten. Instead or in addition, a 'toast' may be offered [1]. * Do not start eating until (a) every person is served or (b) those who have not been served request that you begin without waiting. At more formal occasions all diners will wait to begin until the hostess or host lifts a fork or spoon. * When a dish is presented 'family style', the food is served to one's plate and then passed on to the next person. put the food on your left, take some and pass to the person next to you. * When serving, serve from the left and pick up the dish from the right. Beverages are both served and removed from the right. * Eat soup noiselessly and with the side of the spoon. * Tea or coffee should never be poured into the saucer to cool but should be sipped from the cup. Alternatively, ice may be used to cool either. * Seasoning ones meal prior to tasting can be considered rude and may insult the chef.[edit] At the end of the meal * It is acceptable in most places to not finish all of the food on your plate. * When finished with your meal, place your knife and fork with handles at the 4 o'clock position and the tines of the fork down to signal to the server you are done. * Except in a public restaurant, do not ask to take some of your uneaten food away from the meal after it ends, especially when having a formal dinner.[edit] British table manners * The fork is held in your left hand and the knife is held in your right. * You should hold your knife with the handle in your palm and your fork in the other hand with the prongs pointing downwards. * If you’re eating a dessert, your fork (if you have one) should be held in the left hand and the spoon in the right. * When eating soup, you should hold your spoon in your right hand and tip the bowl away from you, scooping the soup in movements away from yourself. * It is not acceptable to use your fingers at the table to eat or push food onto your fork. You may, however, eat some foods such as fruit, sandwiches, hamburgers, crisps, chips or pizza with your fingers. * If there are a number of knives or forks, then you should start from the outside set working your way in as each course is served. * Drinks should always be to the right of your plate with the bread roll to the left. * When eating bread rolls, break off a piece before buttering. Use your knife only to butter the bread, not to cut it. * You should not start eating before your host does or instructs you to do so. At larger meals, it is considered okay to start eating once others have been served. * When you’re finished, place your knife and fork together at five o’clock with your fork on the left (tines facing up) and knife on the right, with the knife blade facing in. This signals that you are finished. * Your napkin should never be screwed up. Nor should it be folded neatly as that would suggest that your host might plan to use it again without washing it - just leave is neatly but loosely. * Never blow your nose on your napkin. Place it on your lap and use it to dab your mouth if you make a mess. * It is considered rude to answer the telephone at the table. If you need to take an urgent call, excuse yourself and go outside. * Always ask for permission from the host and excuse yourself if you need to leave the table. You should place your napkin on your seat until you return. * If you must leave the table or are resting, your fork should be at eight o’clock and your knife at four o’clock (with the blade inwards). Once an item of cutlery has been used, it should not touch the table again. * The food should be brought to your mouth on the fork; you should sit straight and not lean towards your plate. * Dishes should be served from the right, and taken away from the right. Unless the food is placed on your plate at the table, then it should arrive from the left. * Drinks should be served from the right. * Never lean across somebody else’s plate. If you need something to be passed, ask the person closest to it. If you have to pass something, only pass it if you are closest to it and pass it directly to them if you can. * Salt & pepper should be passed together. * Do not take food from a neighbour’s plate and don’t ask to do so. * You must not put your elbows on the table. * If pouring a drink for yourself, offer to pour a drink for your neighbours before serving yourself. * If extra food is on the table, ask others first if they would like it before taking it yourself. * When chewing food, close your mouth and only talk when you have swallowed it. * Swallow all food before eating more or having a drink. * Do not slurp your food or eat loudly. Burping or sneezing at the table should be avoided, too. * Never pick food out of your teeth with your fingernails. * Try to eat all the food you are served. * Glasses served in a wine glass or other stemmed-glass should be held at the stem. * Always remember “regular” manners. Remember to say "please" and "thank you".[edit] Chinese table mannersThese are mostly concerned with the use of chopsticks. Otherwise generally Chinese table manners are rather more informal, what would be considered rude in other cultures such as talking with the mouth full may be acceptable but better not to do so. * Chopsticks must always be held in the correct manner. It should be held between the thumb and fingers of the right hand, * Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only, even by the left-handed. Although chopsticks may now be found in either hand, a few still consider left-handed chopstick use improper etiquette. One explanation for the treatment of such usage as improper is that this can symbolise argument, as the chopsticks may collide between the left-handed and right-handed user. * When communal chopsticks are supplied with shared plates of food, it is considered impolite to use your own chopsticks to pick up the food from the shared plate or eat using the communal chopsticks. An exception to this rule is made in intimate family dinners where family members may not mind the use of one's own chopsticks to transfer food. * It is considered impolite to use the blunt end of the chopsticks to transfer food from a common dish to your own plate or bowl. Use the communal chopsticks instead. * Never wave your chopsticks around as if they were an extension of your hand gestures, bang them like drumsticks, or use them to move bowls or plates. * Decide what to pick up before reaching with chopsticks. Do not hover around or poke looking for special ingredients. After you have picked up an item, do not put it back in the dish. * When picking up a piece of food, never use the tips of your chopsticks to poke through the food as if you were using a fork. Exceptions include tearing larger items apart such as vegetables. In informal use, small, difficult to pick-up items such as cherry tomatoes or fishballs may be stabbed but this use is frowned upon by traditionalists. * Chopsticks can be rested horizontally on one's plate or bowl to keep them off the table entirely. A chopstick rest can also be used to keep the points off the table. * Never stab chopsticks into a bowl of rice, leaving them standing upwards. Any stick-like object facing upward resembles the incense sticks that some Asians use as offerings to deceased family members. This is considered the ultimate faux pas on the dining table. * Chinese traditionally eat rice from a small bowl held in the left hand. The rice bowl is raised to the mouth and the rice pushed into the mouth using the chopsticks. Some Chinese find it offensive to scoop rice from the bowl using a spoon. If rice is served on a plate, as is more common in the West, it is acceptable and more practical to eat it with a fork or spoon. The thumb must always be above the edge of the bowl. * It is acceptable to transfer food to people who have a close relation with you (e.g. parents, grandparents, children or significant others) if you notice they are having difficulty picking up the food. Also it is a sign of respect to pass food to the elderly first before the dinner starts (part of the Confucian tradition of respecting seniors). * Traditionally, it is polite for the youngest members of the table to address each and everyone of the elderly members of the table before a meal starts and literally tell them to "eat rice", which means "go ahead and start the meal", to show respect. * The host should always make sure the guests drinks are sufficiently full. One should not pour for ones self, but should (if thirsty) offer to pour for a neighbor. When your drink is being poured, you should say "thank you" and/or tap your fingers on the table to show appreciation. * When people wish to clink drinks together in the form of a cheer, it is important to observe that younger members should clink the edge of their drink below the edge of an elder to show respect. * When eating food that contains bones, it is customary that the bones be spit out onto the table to the right of the dining plate in a neat pile.


Everyone has been horrified by the increasing number of food scandals and we all know that eating food from unregulated street vendors is fraught with dangers, yet we keep doing it. The risks have done little to diminish the allure of a spiced yangrouchuan.Street food is more than just a way to fill one’s stomach in China; it is an integral part of the food culture. Amidst towering skyscrapers and roaring traffic, a bite into a steaming hot fritter from a street stall is a sure way to be transported back into an era where bus conductors dispensed change and allowed boarding and alighting almost anywhere. And so street food vendors continue despite Chengguan, food scandals and ever tighter restrictions getting in their way.



语言学在人类文明史中具有悠久的历史和深远的影响,语言学在某种程度上记录了人类历史的演变程序。下文是我为大家整理的的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考! 篇1 论模糊语言学与英语教学 摘要:语言的模糊性是语言的基本属性之一,如同语言的社会性、符号性、系统性、生成性、冗余性一样,各种语言不无具有模糊性,英语也不例外。就模糊语言学在英语教学中的运用、二者之间的关系等方面谈谈认识,以期抛砖引玉,与同行一起探讨这个新学科领域的话题。 关键词:模糊性;英语教学;教学大纲 自从最早由美国加利福尼亚大学电机工程系控制论专家查德L.A. Zadeh在《资讯与控制》Information and Control杂志上发表论文“模糊集”Fuzzy Sets开始,就标志著模糊学或模糊理论的诞生,随着模糊理论研究的发展,模糊语言学Fuzzy linguistics也应运而生。虽然,模糊语言学是最近二三十年才兴起的一门学科,并且是介于语言学与模糊学之间的边缘学科,然而,由于它是研究语言和言语中的模糊现象的学科,其模糊语言的理论和方法可以用来指导外语教学。因此,从它的诞生开始就引起了语言教学领域,尤其是英语教学领域的高度重视。 一、模糊语言学与英语教师 尽管模糊语言学是语言理论学科系列中正在形成的一门新学科,但由于在我们赖以生存的现实中模糊事物和人类思维中模糊概念、模糊逻辑的普遍性,更由于模糊的特征是英语语言的一种重要的自然特征,作为英语教师要搞好英语教学,就非常有必要在语言理论基础方面增加模糊语言学的理论知识。 完全可以想象,如果英语教师具备了一些模糊语言学的基本知识,就能较好地把握语言的模糊性,在英语教学实践过程中与纷繁复杂的语言现象打交道时,处理和解决语言问题就能更加灵活得体。例如,在英语翻译教学中,模糊语言学理论尤为重要。我们知道,由于自然语言中绝大多数词都是模糊词,因此,在翻译时处处都会遇到模糊言语现象,也迫使译者在处理这些现象时使用模糊翻译方法。下面引用一段欧亨利小说While the Auto Waits中的描写来说明这个问题: To repeat:Her dress was gray,and plain enough to mask its impeccancy of style and fit. A large meshed veil imprisoned her turban hat and a face that shone through it with a calm and unconscious beauty. She had e there at the same hour on the day previous, and on the day before that;and there was one who knew it. 再叙述一下那位姑娘吧:她身着灰色衣服,十分朴素,但很时髦,又非常合身,一条大网面纱遮住了她的头巾式无檐帽和面孔,但透过面纱,仍能瞥见她那文静而又美丽的脸庞。她昨天、前天在同样的时候来过这儿,坐上片刻。几天来,有一个人注意到了这种情形。 对比以上译文,可以发现在对英文的翻译中使用了许多语义模糊的词语,就连动词Shone的原意也不得已而忽略了,代替以模糊表达意思“瞥见”。而在上面这段文字中尤其是在文艺作品的翻译中,如果不采用模糊表达的翻译方法,既无法将原文的基本意思展现出来,更谈不上翻译文学作品要达到的“信、达、雅”的标准,自然也谈不上文学翻译的再创造了。由此我们也体会到,作为英语教师掌握一定模糊语言学理论知识的必要性和重要性。 二、运用模糊语言学理论正确认识教学大纲的模糊性 统一的英语教学大纲是英语教学的指导性档案,可以说是英语教学的指挥棒。然而,由于教学大纲内容本身存在着一定的弹性和不精确性,也就是在此谈到的模糊性,当在看待英语教学大纲时也不能视为“放之四海而皆准”的硬性准则。 例如,在针对全国普通高专颁布的《普通高等专科英语课程教学基本要求》中关于教学目的的内容是:“培养学生掌握必需的、实用的英语语言知识和语言技能,具有阅读和翻译与本专业有关的英文资料的初步能力,并为进一步提高英语的应用能力打下一定的基础。”以上短短的一段话就包含了几个模糊限制语,譬如“必要的、初步的、一定的”。这些不精确的用语本身就说明了高专英语教学目的具有模糊性,而这些模糊性的限制语又恰恰说明了高专英语教学目的适时得体,符合实际的要求。同时,这对于评价教师的业绩以及学生的成绩都大有好处。 比如,在评价一位英语教师的教学效果时,我们能不能因为某些学生的英语应用能力强而另一些学生较弱就判定这位教师的业务能力不行,或教学态度不好呢?如果这样认为,恐怕这种评价就有失公允,也不切合实际,因为,在高专英语的教学基本要求中的教学目的本身具有模糊性,不精确性。并且,事实上,一些学生的应用能力强而部分学生弱都是教学中必然存在的现象,也是教学大纲允许的,也正是由于教学大纲中教学目的的模糊性而必然造成的结果。 除了以上谈到的教学目的具有模糊性外,其中“应用能力”这个术语也具有模糊性。虽然教学目的中明确提出“培养学生掌握必需的、实用的英语语言知识和语言技能,具有阅读和翻译与本专业有关的英文资料的初步能力,并为进一步提高英语的应用能力打下一定基础”。 在这里虽然明确提出了“应用能力”,然而且不说模糊性极强的“一定的基础”的表述,仅就“应用能力”这个术语在大纲中并没有做任何说明,因而表现出较强的不确定性和模糊性。事实上,根据现今外语教学领域里大多数专家的共识,英语“应用能力”主要指的是由美国著名的社会语言学家海姆斯D.Hymes提出的“交际能力”。这种“交际能力”的概念还包含了由转换生成语法的创始人乔姆新基N.Chomsky提出的“语言能力”petence.根据海姆斯的观点,“交际能力”包含了: 1语言能力——即语言知识,包括语音、词汇、语法的知识; 2社会语言能力sociolinguistic petence——即使用功能变体和言语功能的能力; 3话语能力discourse petence——即学会怎样用语言来做事、交流; 4对应能力strategic petence——交际是一种彼此之间的协调,在协调中有各种对应手段,如怎样能开始一段谈话,怎样转换话题,怎样结束谈话等。 因此,就“应用能力”这个术语运用于英语教学中时,英语教师究竟该怎样认识和理解,究竟该怎样去培养学生的“应用能力”,以及怎样理解“交际能力”中包含的四种能力,或许对于许多教师来说仍旧是模糊的。然而,只有当我们了解了“应用能力”的模糊性之后的这样一个大前提,才可能对“教学大纲”和“教学目的”有进一步的理解和认识。这样,在英语教学过程中才不会简单地、绝对地看待“应用能力”的问题,也才能符合实际地、有的放矢地组织教学,以期收到更好的教学效果。 三、运用模糊语言学正确认识英语教学法的模糊性 英语教学法流派多种多样,理论各异,新观点、新方法、新学派层出不穷。到目前为止,已有十几种教学法流派存在。如,传统的语法翻译法Grammar Translation Method、听说法Audio lingual Method、阅读法Reading Method、认知法Cognitive Approach、暗示法Suggest Method、视听法Audio Visual Method,以及近几年产生的程式教学Programmed Instruction和计算机辅助语言教学puter aided Language Instruction等等。 从这些英语教学学派的产生和发展历史来看,它们都不是随心所欲的,都有其一定的社会文化背景,其哲学、教育学、心理学、语言学等理论基础之间既存在着相互排斥、相互矛盾的各具特色的个性,同时也存在着相互制约、相互联络、相互继承发展的共性关系。而恰好就是这种共性关系使各学派之间的界限彼此模糊,呈现出你中有我,我中有你的局面。比如,听说法和视听法,这两种教学法既在基本特点上存在差异,又存在着共性,表现出二者之间的界限是模糊的。 听说法的基本特点强调:1以句型结构操练为主;2在口语基础上培养书面语;3不用母语;4反复模仿,强化操练。而视听法的基本特点强调:1幻灯影象和录音视听相结合;2感知整体结构的对话;3充分利用幻灯、录音视听教具;4在口语基础上进行书面语教学;5集中强化教育。 概括地讲,二者界限的模糊性表现在:1它们都强调在口语基础上培养书面语能力和用外语讲解外语以培养外语语感;2它们所产生的心理学基础都是行为主义心理学Behavioristic Psychology和描写语言学descriptive linguistics,而这就不可避免会使它们彼此之间存在着共性。 可见,在英语教学过程中了解并掌握英语教学法的不同流派的个性、共性以及彼此间的模糊性,从而扬长避短,博采众长,对于建设中国特色的外语教学法体系大有益处。 综上所述,探讨以英语为主的外语教学同模糊理论以及模糊语言学的关系,提倡用模糊语言学的理论和方法来指导英语教学,将有利于提高我国英语教学水平。 参考文献: [1]李晓明.模糊性:人类认识之谜.人民出版社,1985. [2]苗东升.模糊学导引.中国人民大学出版社,1987. [3]陈治安.模糊语言学概论.西南师范大学出版社,1997. [4]Chomsky,N.Language and Mind. New York: Harcourt,Brace & World,1972. [5]Zadeh,L. A.“Fuzzy sets” Information and Control,1963,8:338-2353. [6]Zadeh,L.A.“Quantitative Fuzzy Semantics”,Information Sciences,1971,3:159-2176. 篇2 论大学英语语言学习策略 摘要:英语语言学习策略的研究是一个年轻的领域,本文对国内外英语语言学习策略研究的发展做了概括介绍,分析了大学英语教学存在的问题和探讨了英语语言学习策略的研究方法。 关键词:英语语言 策略 研究 在现代大学英语教学中,普遍呈现出来的现象为:高校英语语言教学人员对英语的教与学的认识已经发生了很大的变化,学生如何学习已成为教育研究的重点。 一、国内外英语语言学习策略研究的概况 语言学习策略是学习者为了取得更好的语言学习效果而采取的各种策略,即学习者在学习外语过程中对有效的学习方法的选择和使用。学习策略研究不仅有助于语言学习者的个体差异,而且对外语语言的教和学及建构产生了重大影响。国内外研究者以认知心理学为理论研究的基础,将英语学习策略分为认知策略、元认知策略、情感策略和交际策略。 一国外英语语言学习策略研究的发展 研究语言学习策略的外国研究者有Ruhin, Naiman ,Wong Filhnore,Stern, A Wenden, Jam M alley, Chamol, R Oxford以及A. Cohen等。20世纪70年代初,外语教学法研究停滞不前以及认知心理学的迅速发展促使外语教学研究的重点从研究教师如何“教”转向研究学习者如何“学”。这时的语言学习策略的研究在语习得研究中占有重要地位。 这一研究很快发展成语言学习策略的研究。旱期的语言学习策略研究注重归纳并描述学习策略和刘一学习策略进行分类。之后,研究者在研究的深度、广度及研究方法等方面有较大改进,是学习策略研究的第一个重大发展。早期的学习策略研究无论是在方法上还是在研究成果上都给后来的研究打下了良好的基础。 20世纪80年代后,语言学习策略的研究得到了迅速的发展,A. Wenden, Jam Mallev, U. Chamo}, R. Oxford以及A. Cohen等研究者刘一学习策略进行深入研究,最具典型性和代表性的是。Malley等人的研究,他们以认知学习理论为指出将语言认知过程和学习策略相关联,得出一整套理论化的语言学习策略。随着语言学习策略研究的深入开展,有关学习策略的论著也越来越多,如W enden和Ruhin于1987年编辑出版的论文集Learner Salegies in Language Learning《语言学习,},的学习者策略。 Malley和Chamo于90年代出版的专著Learner Salegies in Second Language Acquisition《第一言习得中的学习策略》以及Oxford于1990年出版的专著LanguageLearning Every Teacher Should Know《语言学习策略:教师须知》等。Oxford还建立了语言学习策略调查问卷Salegiese InveWorv for Language Learning。 二国内英语语言学习策略研究的发展 我国对语言学习策略的研究从20世纪80年代中期开始,研究者有黄小华、桂诗春、刘润清、文秋芳等,他们在自己的论著中都涉及到语言学习策略。这此学者的研究为教育研究打下了良好的基础,他们的研究对于语言教学有指出意义,对英语学习者的学习也有实践指出意义。 这一阶段的语言学习策略研究有如下特点:第一,学习策略研究是以各种语言学习理论为指导的研究。Krashen的监控理论、Aderson的认知学习理论以及其他对学习者本体研究的成果都为学习策略研究者提供了丰富的理论基础。第二,学习策略研究逐渐从巨集观转向微观。研究者针刘一阅读理解策略、听力理解策略、词汇学习策略等进行单项研究。第三,研究者重视学习策略研究的方法,认为研究方法关系到研究结果的信度和效度。第四,学习策略研究从理论走向实践。研究者认为只要是被证明有效的学习策略,就可以培训学习者使川这此策略,从而提高他们的学习效果。 20世纪90年代以来,我国外语界学者们对中国学生的外语学习策略展开了广泛的研究,发表了大量论文。1996年,文秋芳所著《英语学习策略论—献给立志学好英语的朋友》成为国内第一部专门论述语言学习策略的著作。 2002年,程晓堂和郑敏编写的《英语学习策略》表明语言学习策略研究在我国进入了一个新的阶段。 二、大学英语教学存在的问题和英语语言策略研究方法 改革开放以来,我国的大学英语教学取得了迅猛的发展,教学质量取得了显著的提高。然而,由于各种复杂的因素,很多大学生在外语学习上花了大量的时间和精力,但学习的效果并不理想。有此教师仍采取传统的以知识讲解为重点的教学方法,忽视培养学生的学习方法和学习策略。 二目前大学英语教学存在的问题 随着国际交流的深入发展和竞争的日益激烈,社会对外语人才的去求在数量、质量、层次和种类上要求更高。然而,我国的大学英语教学明显滞后,相当部分大学生几乎把大学学习的前一两年都花在了英语学习上。造成这样结果的原因主要包括:外语教学理论研究薄弱;师资质量不高;;教学水平有限;外语教学应试倾向严重;外语教学上形式和教学方法缺乏创新;学生学习态度不积极;学习不得法;中小学、大学外语教学严重脱节等。 另一方面,我国外语教学理论研究和实践上也存在误区,如外语学习越早越好;外语是一门知识课;外语是教会的;外语学习有捷径可走;外语学习年限越氏越好;交际能力就是说话能力等。这此都影响了我国外语教学质量的提高与发展。 要提高大学英语教学水平,关键在于教师怎么教和学生怎么学。有此教师欠缺语言学习策略理论知识,未从学习者角度探索学习方法,因而无法指出学生的学习。因此,要使学生在英语学习中形成有效的学习策略,教师首先应参与学习策略的学习和研究。探讨和研究英语学习策略并在教学中指导和渗透学习策略,是当今英语教师又一个重要任务。 二英语语言学习策略研究方法 要指导和培训大学生英语学习策略,英语教师应掌握一定研究方法和技巧,学会观察和记录资料,并掌握分析方法。 一般来说,英语语言学习策略研究的型别有:自然调查survey,对研究contrastive study,相关性研究correlational study,发展研究developmental/ longudinal study和策略训练研究strategy training}。学习策略研究资料采集的方法有:观察法observation,问卷调查法}questionnaire ,访谈interview},日记diary和口头报告verbal roport。 目前国内外的研究趋势是定性研究与定量研究相结合,而且定性研究有增加的趋势。研究者通常采用多种方式收集资料,以客观全面地反映事实、深入分析,避兔所得的结论的片面性。因此,英语教师在进行策略研究中应多角度采集资料,采用定性与定量研究,探索有效的指,,和培训学生的方法,提高教学效果和自身的科研水平。 参考文献: [1] Malley.J.&A.U.Chamol.Language Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition. University Press. 1990. [2] 束定芳.外语教学改革:问题与对策[J].上海:上海外语教育出版社.2005: 4.




1 语言学的发展

语言学的前身应该可以被既定为历史比较语言学(Historical comparative linguistics), 追溯更早则称之古代语文学阶段。现代语言学是从索绪尔开始的,索绪尔开创了结构主义新时期,这一时期索绪尔(F.De.Saussure)著有《普通语言学教程》(The Course in General linguistic)。结构主义中以美国结构主义影响最大,F.Boas, E.Sapir, L.Bloomfield 三者较为出名,他们创立了新结构主义学派——美国描述语言学,三者中以后者较为出名,所以美国语言学也叫“布龙非尔德主义”。

1.1 美国的结构主义


(1)替换分析法(Substitutional Analysis),即用一个语言单位代换另一个语言单位是否得到新的事实。

(2)对比分析法(Contrastive Analysis)是比较两个或两个以上语言单位,找出他们相同或不同部分从而确定单位性质。

(3)分布分析法 (Distribution Analysis)为研究词位出现的位置,词类(实、虚)分布的位置。

(4)直接成分分析法(Immediate constituent analysis)一个句子首先可切分成两个部分,切到词素为止。

(5)序列分析法(String analysis)是把句子带有修饰或不带有修饰的基本单位、结构成分或基本单位、修饰成分。

(6)转换分析法(Transformational analysis) 为把任何的结构看成核心句(Kernel sentence)的转换,所谓核心句是基本句型(SVO, SV等)其他是核心的拓展或是从核心句转换而来的。

1.2 系统功能语言学

系统功能语言学的创始人 M.A.K. Halliday (韩礼德) 师从伦敦学派J.R.Firth(弗斯)。后来,我国的两名学者罗常培和王力,打破传统语言或结构主义的根本,把语法形式意义、语言用法等系统地有机地连结起来。

1.3 转换生成语法

20世纪50年代Chomsky 对美国结构语言提出挑战,创立了转换生成词法或形式语言学,提出研究重点人是如何从有限的语言单位创造出无限的语用句型。这一时期的发展共经历了五个阶段:经典理论时期、标准理论时期、扩充标准理论时期、修正式扩充标准理论时期、最简的解释理论时期。这个时期Chomsky提出了两个很重要的概念:深层和表层结构。这两个概念对“同形异义、异形同义”歧义能做出科学的解释。

2 语言学的动态研究

语用学 (Pragmatics) 即语言使用学,其主要研究问题包括:指示语 (Deixis)包含人称指示、时间指示、话语指示、承接指示;前提 (Presuposition), 语用推论, 以语言结为根据,靠逻辑推论语言的前提条件;语用含义(Implicative)话语含义, 给语法事实提供重要功能解释。

2.1 语篇学

语篇学是在句法学的基础上发展起来的,也叫篇章语法或语篇分析(Discourse analysis)。上世纪70年代开始,语言学由静态到动态的大转变,由结构研究到功能研究。篇章语法主要解决篇章结构研究;篇章语义主要解决篇章意义连贯,研究篇章的层次。篇章的语用研究,重点探讨会话结构、话轮(说话顺序)邻近配对(前者说话的反应),也解决影响会话因素(心理因素、文化),篇章理论研究,研究篇章的产生。

2.2 社会语言学


3 我国语言学研究的热点

3.1 系统功能语言学的研究


3.2 语用学的研究





3.3 社会语言学的研究



3.4 话语分析研究


4 我国语言学研究的趋势



(3)研究目的看,目标不断从窄到广,从肤浅到深度;从描写转向解释 Chomsky 试图从大脑的遗传基因来解释语言的事实;从理论的探讨转向应用价值分析,如计算机的发展离不开语言学,语用学的分析应用到法庭审讯中等。






摘 要:对比比较是人类认识事物、了解事物、研究事物的最常用方法,其也是语言学研究的一种基本方法。对比语言学作为语言学研究的重要一支,发展于上世纪五十年代。本文仅就对比语言学的定义、分类、历史发展、原则与程序做一简单概述。






自从人类产生了语言后,语言之间的比较与研究便蓬勃发展起来,对比语言学学科作为现代语言学的一个分支有两个渊源,一是起源于欧洲,其二是起源于美国。欧洲的对比语言学学科始于19世纪末,发展于20世纪初,其理论框架为对比型理论性的共时语言分析,而后由布拉格学派的语言学家继承发展。美国的对比语言学发展于二战期间,对比语言学的英文名称contrastive linguistics一词,由语言学家Whorf于1941年在其著作《语言与逻辑》一书中首次提出。而与欧洲传统的对比语言学特点不同,美国对比语言学的研究主要是应用性的。表现在运用语言对比的方法进行语言接触和双语现象研究等理论方面的探索,另外还运用对比语言学研究为外语教学服务。但20世纪60年代以后,对比分析的两个理论基础:行为主义心理学与结构主义语言学受到极其严厉的批判,对比语言学也开始走下坡路,从此一蹶不振。而与此同时,对比语言学在欧洲却持续发展,大部分的语言学家则采用转换生成语法作为对比描述的语言学框架。在此后的30多年中,理论对比语言学在欧美越来越受到了关注,学科地位得到提高,学术界对对比语言学本身的一些理论、方法问题的探讨也逐渐深入。我国国内的对比研究学者有严复,此外还有马建忠、黎锦熙、赵元任、王力和吕叔湘等都对汉外对比研究做出了重要贡献。















1、 许余龙.对比语言学(第2版)[M].上海:上海外语教学出版社,2010



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