

发布时间:2024-07-21 00:44:19


The Suzhou is a national point tour city, the cultural object protection unit has 489 totally now, among tJiangnan heard of it?Ah, we will think of JJ's "" As his songs, as is so beautiful J I do not know my hometown be regarded as Suzhou Jiangnan ------ I love my hometown, it brought up, we give our best Saying that the landscape in Guilin a The Suzhou gardens we also a The world of it! If you went to Suzhou, you will then need to visit the Suzhou Suzhou is also the playground, which cartoon figures, there is always a smile for you to recruit, hem national 15, the province class 85, the amount only next to Peking and X

Suzhou is a national point tour city,the cultural object protection unit has 489 totally now,among them national 15,the province class 85,the amount only next to Peking and XAncient city in the Suzhou is located in water net,street according to river and then set up,the land-and-water proceeds together;The building faces water but builds,ex- lane empress river,the special appearance of the formation"small bridge,flowing water

Suzhou, the cradle of Wu Culture, is a city with a history of more than 2,500 years, tracing back to the later Shang D While talking about Suzhou, the old saying mentions it as a “Paradise on the Earth” or the "East Venice of the World”, referring to its natural beauty, classical gardens, bridges and waters, traditional operas and soft dialect The city is well-known to its classical gardens, in which two of them have been listed as the great world heritage Situated in the downstream of Yangtze River Drainage Basin and Yangtze River Delta economic zone, Suzhou has been a national tourist center and has attracted visitors around the Not just for its natural beauty, its splendid history, or its cultural heritage, Suzhou’s economy represents the highest growth and the fastest expansion in the past 5-10 years in the region and in C The city’ GDP has surpassed its any other neighbor cities except Shanghai in the region and more than 80 of the world top 500 corporations listed on the Fortune have set their offices in the suzhou is one of thirteen prefecture cities of Jiangsu and the cities including Changshu, Taicang, Kunshan, Wujiang and Zhangjiagang are under its The flower emblematic of the city is osmanthus and the city tree is camphor Geography, Resources and Climate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suzhou is in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and on the shores of Lake Taihu between north latitude 30°47’ - 32°02’, east longitude 119°55’ - 121°20’ The city borders its great neighbor, Shanghai, on the east, Wuxi on the west, and other three cities of Zhejiang Province on the Dubbed "East Venice of the World” Suzhou is crisscrossed by rivers and Yangtze River, the most spectacular river in the region, flows through the city’s north boundary but the Grand Canal runs down from north to The city has the jurisdiction over the Lake Taihu, being equal to about 2/3 of the proportion of the lake, nestling in its southwest Yangcheng Lake, located in Changsu, attracts hundreds of thousands of travelers, coming each year to enjoy its beauty and aquatic Five county-level cities under Suzhou’s jurisdiction are Zhangjiagang, Changshu, Taicang, Kunshan and Wujiang, nestling in from northeast to southeast of the city in Suzhou is under the influence of East Asia M The city has a mild and humid climate and is easily accessible by water, land and air Seasons are distinct, with usually hot summers and plenty of precipitation throughout the The average annual temperature is close to 20°C Jurisdiction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suzhou jurisdiction includes twelve county-level divisions, of which five are districts, five are cities, and two are special industrial The districts are the old urban areas of Suzhou while the five cities are recently designated as county-level districts being considered as suburbs and governed by the Suzhou city The special industrial zones are specifically designated as new investment

The beautiful waterside City of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province in South China is most famous for its elegant classical Among these, the Humble Administrator's Garden, covering about 52,000 meters (85 acres), is the largest and most Due to its unique designs and ethereal beauty, the garden has garnered many special It is listed as a World Cultural Heritage site and has also been designated as one of the Cultural Relics of National Importance under the Protection of the State as well as a Special Tourist Attraction of C Along with the Summer Palace in Beijing, the Mountain Resort of Chengde in Hebei Province and the Lingering Garden in Suzhou, it is considered as one of China's four most famous No other classic garden in the country has been honored more than this


【On the Suzhou Tourism ProductDevelopment Management】In Suzhou, the prospect of major tourism development in the face of the tourist market demand and dissatisfaction with the development of tourism products in Suzhou to explore the advantages and disadvantages of effective measures for the tourism products in Suzhou integration and structural optimization to enhance the image of tourism in Suzhou, In order to enhance the attraction of Suzhou, a tourist destination and make the necessary product development, innovation, and eliminate the drawbacks of the old system, forming a coordinated development of the tourism market, rather than forming a patchwork of low-grade product mix, strong tourism for the city of Suzhou to build a solid building the basis of the

Discussed shallowly the Suzhou tourism product development manages Under Suzhou big traveling development prospect, facing traveling source of tourists market demand and discontented, discusses the Suzhou tourism product development the superiority and the inferiority, thus acts appropriately to the situation, carries on the conformity and the structure to Suzhou's tourism product optimizes, promotes Suzhou's traveling image, to enhance the Suzhou traveling destination the attraction to make the essential product development innovation, abolishes the old system malpractice, forms a coordinated development the tourism product market, but is not the inferiority which pieces together forms

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The Suzhou is a national point tour city, the cultural object protection unit has 489 totally now, among tJiangnan heard of it?Ah, we will think of JJ's "" As his songs, as is so beautiful J I do not know my hometown be regarded as Suzhou Jiangnan ------ I love my hometown, it brought up, we give our best Saying that the landscape in Guilin a The Suzhou gardens we also a The world of it! If you went to Suzhou, you will then need to visit the Suzhou Suzhou is also the playground, which cartoon figures, there is always a smile for you to recruit, hem national 15, the province class 85, the amount only next to Peking and X


Suzhou is a national point tour city,the cultural object protection unit has 489 totally now,among them national 15,the province class 85,the amount only next to Peking and XAncient city in the Suzhou is located in water net,street according to river and then set up,the land-and-water proceeds together;The building faces water but builds,ex- lane empress river,the special appearance of the formation"small bridge,flowing water

The beautiful waterside City of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province in South China is most famous for its elegant classical Among these, the Humble Administrator's Garden, covering about 52,000 meters (85 acres), is the largest and most Due to its unique designs and ethereal beauty, the garden has garnered many special It is listed as a World Cultural Heritage site and has also been designated as one of the Cultural Relics of National Importance under the Protection of the State as well as a Special Tourist Attraction of C Along with the Summer Palace in Beijing, the Mountain Resort of Chengde in Hebei Province and the Lingering Garden in Suzhou, it is considered as one of China's four most famous No other classic garden in the country has been honored more than this 答案补充 _htm中学口语书上都有,找一本来,下次作文不用烦了


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