

发布时间:2024-09-02 07:27:43


中文版 苏州博物馆是中国地方历史艺术性博物馆。位于江苏省苏州市东北街。1960年建立,2006年10月建成新馆,设计者为著名的建筑设计大师贝聿铭。馆址为太平天国忠王李秀成王府遗址。面积8000多平方米,分东、西、中3路,中路立体建筑为殿堂型式,梁坊满饰苏式彩绘,入口处侧门,有文征明手植紫藤,内部东侧有太平天国古典舞台等,是全国重点文物保护单位。这座投资达39亿元的新馆建筑和相伴的忠王府古建筑交相辉映,总建筑面积26500平方米,其中忠王府建筑面积7500平方米,地面一层为主,局部二层;新馆建筑面积19000平方米,为充分尊重所在街区的历史风貌,博物馆新馆采用地下一层,地面也是以一层为主,主体建筑檐口高度控制在6米之内;中央大厅和西部展厅安排了局部二层,高度16米。“修旧如旧”的忠王府古建筑作为苏州博物馆新馆的一个组成部分,与新馆建筑珠联璧合,从而使苏州博物馆新馆成为一座集现代化馆舍建筑、古建筑与创新山水园林三位一体的综合性博物馆。 在整体布局上,新馆巧妙地借助水面,与紧邻的拙政园、忠王府融会贯通,成为其建筑风 苏州博物馆格的延伸。新馆建筑群坐北朝南,被分成三大块:中央部分为入口、中央大厅和主庭院;西部为博物馆主展区;东部为次展区和行政办公区。这种以中轴线对称的东、中、西三路布局,和东侧的忠王府格局相互映衬,十分和谐。新馆与原有拙政园的建筑环境既浑然一体,相互借景、相互辉映,符合历史建筑环境要求,又有其本身的独立性,以中轴线及园林、庭园空间将两者结合起来,无论空间布局和城市机理都恰到好处。 英文版Suzhou museum is China's local history museum of Located in suzhou northeast Established in 1960, October 2006, the designer to build new architectural design of famous master Is granted for the taiping heavenly kingdom zhong king li xiu-chen wangfu Area of more than 8,000 square meters, east and west, in the middle road, building three-dimensional edifice, liang fang for full adorn su coloured drawing or pattern, at the entrance to the side, wen levy goes, the east has instituted inside the taiping heavenly kingdom, the classic stage is the key units to be The investment of 39 million yuan li brary buildings and the concomitant inter-shining ancient palace, with a total construction area of 26500 square meters, construction area of wang zhong 7,500 square meters, ground layer, local floor, Li brary buildings area 19,000 m2, fully respect the historical block, where the new museum by underground, the ground is in a layer of main building, in 6 meters high control cornice, In western and central hall hall arranged partial height 16 "Instancing the Palace Museum of suzhou ancient as part of a new, and li brary buildings, thus formed a set of suzhou museum new modern library construction, architectural and landscape garden trinity of innovation comprehensive In the overall layout ably, new with water, and close to the house, loyal, become its mastery of architectural wind suzhou New buildings, is divided into three parts: sits for entry, the central part: central hall and the courtyard, The western area for museums, East times galleries, and administrative This axis symmetric east, middle and west road layout, and the mutual faithful wangfu pattern, very New and original zhuozhengyuan architectural environment, which is integrated with history, mutual reflect, architectural and environmental requirements, and has its own independence, with central axis and landscape, garden space will be both Arise, whether spatial layout and cities are proper

The Suzhou is a national point tour city, the cultural object protection unit has 489 totally now, among them national 15, the province class 85, the amount only next to Peking and XAncient city in the Suzhou is located in water net, street according to river and then set up, the land-and-water proceeds together;The building faces water but builds, ex- lane empress river, the special appearance of the formation"small bridge, flowing water, somebody else"Gather the building, landscape, flowers and trees, carvings, calligraphy and painting is equal to integral whole of Suzhou park is the mankind are civilized of the soul treasure strange,government park with stay a park to be included in four name parks in China, and together net teacher park, wreath show country villa and 沧 wave station, lion wood, skill, park, back to think park's is 9 classic parks, distinguish is taught a section text the organization by United Nations to be included in in 97 December, yearses and November,2000 《inheritance in the world record 》, ancient town together inside, week Chuang,keeping be declaring to be included in cultural inheritance in the world



Should Museums be open to the public? When asked about whether museums should be open to the public, our class just held a debate to discuss about the One part think that museums should be open to public because it'll benefit us a We should have the right to enjoy vistiting For paying visit to, for example, art museum, science museum, history museum can make us better understand these things of our To some extant, it can improve our knowledge of many But the other part don't They think that museums being open to the public may cause a lot of trouble, for people there may damage the displays withour doing it on And the exhibitions can't be taken good care I'm for the first From what have been discussed I think that museums should be open to public to let us know more about art, science, history of our country and so Just making strict rules will help solving the



The Weifang Kyte MuseumFriends,have you ever been to Weifang city?Have you ever been to Weifang Kyte Meseum?Well,let me tell you something about the The Weifang Kyte Museum is located in Xingzheng Street,Kuiwen District,Weifang City,Shandong PIt was set up in April 1989 with a construct area of 8100 square There are many different kinds of kytes in the museum,some look like a plane,some look like a bird and some look like a In addition,there are many books and magazines on kyte in it,which tell you the history,culture,and some other information of Some of them are for sale,you can buy it if you Nowadays the Weifang Kyte Museum is so famous that people throughout the world go to visit They can not only enjoy the beautiful kytes but also enjoy the culture and know more about the customs of Weifang Friends,why not pay a visit to Weifang and see the kytes?I believe you won't be disappointed!

在假期里爸爸带我们全家去了六朝古都南京旅游On holidays dad brought our family went to the six dynasties nanjing 很幸运我们住的酒店就在风景迷人的钟山上Luckily our hotel in the charming scenery 而且中山陵明孝陵灵古寺这些著名景点也都在钟山上And sun yat-sen mausoleum MingXiaoLing spirit kwu these famous scenic spot in 山道两旁高大茂盛的梧桐树就像两排忠实坚强的守卫兵矗立着Road lined with tall lush trees like two rows of faithful strong guard soldiers 当我们到达南京时已经是晚上6点多了我们先把行李放在酒店里就出去吃饭了When we get to nanjing when it was evening before six o 'clock we first put my luggage in the hotel and went out to 我们简单的吃了一点麦当劳便出发去了南京有名的夜市——夫子庙We simply ate some McDonald's and set off for the nanjing famous night market - Confucius 夜晚的夫子庙格外热闹大大小小的商店琳琅满目The night of the Confucius temple particularly lively greatly small shop is 有卖衣服的有卖糖果的有卖装饰品的有卖南京特色小吃的……Have clothes have sell sweets sell accessories have sell nanjing characteristics snacks 穿过种类繁多的商店就看到了秦淮河秦淮河在夜光中显得格外美丽Through a wide variety of shops would see the qinhuai river qinhuai river in luminescent seem extremely 我们在秦淮河边吃了一些小点心现在想想那滋味真是难以忘怀We ate in qinhuai river some snacks now think that flavor was 欣赏完秦淮河美丽的夜景我们就回去了当然了也不忘买一些雨花石和南京特色小吃After enjoying the beautiful night qinhuai river, so we went back of course also do not forget to buy some extend and nanjing characteristics 妈妈还告诉我夫子庙有几百年大历史是中国最有名的夜市Mother told me Confucius temple several hundred years history is China's most famous night 第二天我早早的起来了因为今天我们要去中山陵和明孝陵The next day I got up early because today we are going to sun yat-sen mausoleum and MingXiaoL虽然登上中山陵让我累的气喘吁吁但是当我登上中山陵我的心中却有一种说不出的开心与激动当我踏上最高一级台阶时我往下看了一眼哇站在这里竟可以看见大半个南京!Although boarded sun yat-sen mausoleum let me tired panting but when I boarded the sun yat-sen mausoleum my heart but have a kind of inarticulate happy and excited when I stepped onto the highest step when I look down at wow stand here could see half a nanjing!明孝陵里我印象最深的就是那些生龙活虎的石像了I MingXiaoLing the deepest impression of stone that 有马狮子大象麒麟骆驼等等A horse lion elephants kylin camels, 到了第三天我们去了灵古寺和位于南京市中心的玄武湖On the third day, we went to the spirit and be located in the centre of nanjing kwu xuanwu 我们在灵古寺做了登山游览索道真是太刺激了!We made in spirit kwu cableway is so exciting mountain tour!短短的南京三日游过去了却给我留下了深刻的印象Short nanjing 3 swam at left a deep impression on

潍坊风筝博物馆位于潍坊市奎文区行政街66号,1989年4月建成。是目前世界上建筑面积最大的风筝专业博物馆。它占地3公顷,建筑面积8100平方米,建筑造型选取了潍坊龙头蜈蚣风筝的特点,屋脊是一条完整的组合陶瓷巨龙,屋顶用孔雀蓝琉璃瓦铺成,墙壁铺白色马塞克。整个建筑设计风格独特似蛟龙遨游长空,伏而又起。 该馆设有综合馆、中国馆、潍坊馆、友谊馆等12个展馆,在约2000平方米的展室内,收藏了古今中外的风筝珍品以及有关风筝的文物资料2000余件,介绍了风筝的历史、分类、创新及潍坊国际风筝会、风筝界友好往来、潍坊市概况。 展览以1000余只筒式、板式、硬翅、软翅、串式五大类风筝精品以及300余件翔实的风筝文物资料为主,较全面、客观地体现了潍坊风筝所独有的题材广泛、造型优美、绘画精细、色彩艳丽的风格;介绍了构思大方、造型夸张、色彩对比鲜明、注重飞翔性能、研究价值较高的外国风筝;重现了历届潍坊国际风筝会的盛况;展示了在潍坊市委、市政府“文化搭台,经济唱戏”这一决策指导下各行各业发生的巨大变化。1988年各国风筝组织推举潍坊为“世界风筝都”,1989年“国际风筝联合会”成立。风筝博物馆每年接待国内外观众3万余人次,已成为潍坊市对外开放的一个重要窗口。Kite museum in the Wei shop is located on Kui text area administration street in Wei shop City 66 numbers and is finished in April, Construct the biggest kite in area professional museum in the world It covers 3 hectares and constructs area 8100 square meters and constructs the characteristics that the shape selected by examinations group leader centipede kite in the Wei shop, the ridge is the combination porcelain and ceramics of an integrity Ultrasaurus, the roof is spread with the peacock blue glazed tiles, the wall spreads white Ma Sai KThe whole building design style is special the flood dragon roam about at pleasure vast sky, Fu but rise That building's establishing comprehensive building and Chinese building, Wei shop building, and comity is 12 exhibition buildings, the exhibition in about 2000 square meters the indoor, collected a thou now Chinese and Foreign kite delicacy and the cultural object concerning kite data is more than 2000 pieces and introduced history, classification, innovation and international kite in the Wei shop of kite meeting, the kite field friendly contacts, Wei shop City general Exhibition with more than 1000 tube types, plank type, hard wings, soft wings and string type five big kite exquisite article and more than 300 pieces thoroughly kite cultural object data is lord, more overall, objectively embodied the topic that kite in the Wei shop possesses singly extensive, shape beautiful, painting fine, style with gorgeous color;Introducing to conceive outline is generous, the shape exaggeration, color contrast fresh clear, pay attention to fly a function, research to be worth of higher foreign kite;Re-appeared the grand occasion of international kite meeting in the successive Wei shop;Displayed in the Wei shop City Wei, the city hall decision in"culture takes Taiwan, the economy sings an opera" guide under every trade occurrence of huge Kite organization in all countries recommends the Wei shop as"the world kites are all" in 1988, 1989"the international kite unites a meeting" The kite museum receives domestic and international audience annually more than 30,000 person-time, have become Wei shop City to outward open of an important window



苏州博物馆新馆位于东北街西首204号,紧靠临顿路它是现代化的博物馆,由国际著名建筑大师贝聿铭先生设计。博物馆里有瓷器书画刺绣雕刻等文物,被分为四个常设展览,为吴中风雅吴塔国宝吴门书画和吴地遗珍还有一个特展厅。   首先,我走进了“吴中风雅”。一块块精雕细琢的玉进入了我的眼帘。瞧!那块玉多美啊!上面雕刻着牧童和黄牛,那牧童多么活泼可爱。我不禁想起了所见这首诗:牧童骑黄牛,歌声振林樾我仿佛听到了牛在叫,牧童在吹笛,使我身临其境。看!那块玉巧妙地运用了绿莹莹的线条,雕刻着一个少女正在跳舞的形象。真是如诗如画,富有遐想。  其次,我参观了“吴塔国宝 ”。玻璃橱里有一只五代秘色瓷。这只五代秘色瓷器黄中带白,白中带青,光亮细泽,刻了一条条动人优美的花纹。这些大大小小的花纹连成一片片花瓣交错在一起,远远望去,没有任何瑕疵,使人们不禁啧啧赞叹。  接着,我参观了“吴门书画”。走进书画区,一阵墨香扑鼻而来,那一张张扇面上,写着毛笔字,有大有小,字迹遒劲潇洒,我看得简直入了迷。  最后,我又去了“吴地遗珍”。那里遗留下来的文物,非常珍贵,也非常神奇……  啊!苏州博物馆在无行中使我们受到了爱国主义教育和革命传统教育,也丰富了我们的科学文化知识苏洲博物馆,下次我还要去好好地参观。



A tour guide is a person who leads groups of tourists around a town, museum, or other tourist The guide provides commentary on the features and history of the The tours can be from as little as 10-15 minutes to extended periods over many Such a person normally possesses a qualification usually issued or recognised by the appropriate When I travelled in Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou last summer with my parents, an idea always ran into my mind that I could consider becoming an English tour guide some Yes, why not? Travel can broaden my mind, deepen my knowledge of the beautiful in China, even in the If I can realize my dream, then personally I can enjoy the beautiful scenic spots for free and earn money and enrich my life, thus uplifting my life 苏州是一个旅游小镇,有博物馆,周围或其他受欢迎的旅游景点之一。本指南还提供评论其特点和历史的位置。从生态旅游可以尽可能少10 - 15分钟,时间延长了许多日子。这样的人通常拥有资格通常发行或确认通过合适的权威。    今年夏天我好想去苏州旅游,一个想法让我好想和父母一起去。是的,为什么不呢?旅游能开阔我的心灵,深化知识在中国的美丽,即使是在世界上的更大。    如果我能实现我的梦想,然后就我个人而言,我可以享受美丽的风景名胜区为自由而赚钱,丰富了我的生活,我的生活质量。因此向上的

During a long vacation,I usually like to go to see the exhibits in one of a great many Such as the art museum,the history museum,the museum of natural history,and the museum of science and Many wonderful things are cared for in There are paintings,potteries,sculptures,costumes,swords,ancient animal bones and plants,stuffed animals,antique steam locomotives,and many It is always a good review of history to visit those

中文版 苏州博物馆是中国地方历史艺术性博物馆。位于江苏省苏州市东北街。1960年建立,2006年10月建成新馆,设计者为著名的建筑设计大师贝聿铭。馆址为太平天国忠王李秀成王府遗址。面积8000多平方米,分东、西、中3路,中路立体建筑为殿堂型式,梁坊满饰苏式彩绘,入口处侧门,有文征明手植紫藤,内部东侧有太平天国古典舞台等,是全国重点文物保护单位。这座投资达39亿元的新馆建筑和相伴的忠王府古建筑交相辉映,总建筑面积26500平方米,其中忠王府建筑面积7500平方米,地面一层为主,局部二层;新馆建筑面积19000平方米,为充分尊重所在街区的历史风貌,博物馆新馆采用地下一层,地面也是以一层为主,主体建筑檐口高度控制在6米之内;中央大厅和西部展厅安排了局部二层,高度16米。“修旧如旧”的忠王府古建筑作为苏州博物馆新馆的一个组成部分,与新馆建筑珠联璧合,从而使苏州博物馆新馆成为一座集现代化馆舍建筑、古建筑与创新山水园林三位一体的综合性博物馆。 在整体布局上,新馆巧妙地借助水面,与紧邻的拙政园、忠王府融会贯通,成为其建筑风 苏州博物馆格的延伸。新馆建筑群坐北朝南,被分成三大块:中央部分为入口、中央大厅和主庭院;西部为博物馆主展区;东部为次展区和行政办公区。这种以中轴线对称的东、中、西三路布局,和东侧的忠王府格局相互映衬,十分和谐。新馆与原有拙政园的建筑环境既浑然一体,相互借景、相互辉映,符合历史建筑环境要求,又有其本身的独立性,以中轴线及园林、庭园空间将两者结合起来,无论空间布局和城市机理都恰到好处。 英文版Suzhou museum is China's local history museum of Located in suzhou northeast Established in 1960, October 2006, the designer to build new architectural design of famous master Is granted for the taiping heavenly kingdom zhong king li xiu-chen wangfu Area of more than 8,000 square meters, east and west, in the middle road, building three-dimensional edifice, liang fang for full adorn su coloured drawing or pattern, at the entrance to the side, wen levy goes, the east has instituted inside the taiping heavenly kingdom, the classic stage is the key units to be The investment of 39 million yuan li brary buildings and the concomitant inter-shining ancient palace, with a total construction area of 26500 square meters, construction area of wang zhong 7,500 square meters, ground layer, local floor, Li brary buildings area 19,000 m2, fully respect the historical block, where the new museum by underground, the ground is in a layer of main building, in 6 meters high control cornice, In western and central hall hall arranged partial height 16 "Instancing the Palace Museum of suzhou ancient as part of a new, and li brary buildings, thus formed a set of suzhou museum new modern library construction, architectural and landscape garden trinity of innovation comprehensive In the overall layout ably, new with water, and close to the house, loyal, become its mastery of architectural wind suzhou New buildings, is divided into three parts: sits for entry, the central part: central hall and the courtyard, The western area for museums, East times galleries, and administrative This axis symmetric east, middle and west road layout, and the mutual faithful wangfu pattern, very New and original zhuozhengyuan architectural environment, which is integrated with history, mutual reflect, architectural and environmental requirements, and has its own independence, with central axis and landscape, garden space will be both Arise, whether spatial layout and cities are proper


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