

发布时间:2024-07-05 23:10:44


你好,很高兴为你解答。保证正确率~!【翻译】: The first analysis of the smoking prevalence among college students at ChongQing Higher Education Mega Center and its influencing factors. 重庆大学城在校大学生吸烟现状及影响因素的初探Abstract ( 摘要): The survey is intended to discuss the influencing factors of undergraduates smoking and the recognition of how much tobaccos affect human bodies , which offers important information for college students at ChongQing Higher Education Mega Center about creating a new way to prevent and control smoking . 目的探讨影响在校大学生吸烟的因素及对烟草与健康危害程度的认知情况,为重庆大学城的学生们预防和控制吸烟研发出创新的方法和制定措施提供重要的信息。The survey adopts the way of stratified random sampling . About 228 college students of two universities at ChongQing Higher Education Mega Center are asked to fill in the questionnaires , and there are 222 valid ones.方法采取分层随机抽样方法,对重庆市大学城2所大学228名大学生进行自填问卷调查,有效问卷为222份。As a result , the total smoking rate is . The medical professional college students cover , and scientific technology ones ( cover) . Besides, of them are boys , and are girls . The smoking rate of boys is significantly higher than that of girls (chi-square = , P < ). It has become a major psychological factor of college students' smoking that the parents , relatives and friends ' smoking and attitudes as wellas their sadness or depression.结果总吸烟率。其中医学类专业大学生吸烟率,理工类吸烟率。男生吸烟率,女生吸烟率。男生显著高于女生(χ 2= < )。父母亲友吸烟、对吸烟的态度、感到伤心、心情抑郁等是影响大学生吸烟的主要社会心理因素。So it is concluded that college students' smoking rate gets higher and the differences between the genders exist . Factors that affect college students' smoking behaviors include personal, psychological, behavioral and environmental factors, etc. According to the main factors affecting college students' smoking , we should deal with the problem from multiple perspectives, actively pay attention to the education of mental health , and specially strengthen the prevention and control of smoking behaviors.结论大学生吸烟率较高,不同性别吸烟率存在差异。影响大学生吸烟行为的因素包括个人、心理、行为及环境因素等。根据影响大学生吸烟行为的主要因素,应从多方面着手,积极开展心理健康教育,针对性加强其吸烟行为的预防和控制。Key words : smoking , influencing factors , college students , the harm caused by tobaccos.关键词:吸烟;影响因素;大学生;烟草危害支持原创,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻~~望采纳,祝开心~!!!

Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract

With the advent of the information age, the development of enterprises are also increasingly showing industrial diversification, the structure of the distribution, management information features. Computer network technology continues to improve, expanding the scope of information management, both internal departments, suppliers or outside the enterprise, affiliates and outgoing personnel, are required to establish between the corporate headquarters with a fast, secure and stable network communication environment. How to establish secure communication with the external environment and the internal network between the network environment, remote access to enterprise branch offices outside the internal network resources, a lot of companies in the current building information network problems to be solvedKeyword: VPN , network , tunnel , safely,IPSec,GRE

Chongching University District problem about smokingIntro : Our propose is to find out how bad is tobacco . We make about 222 result and smoking is percent , medical university dude smoke percent , science smoke percent , boys smoke percent , girls do percent


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Title: Study on Decisions and Skills of Construction Project Bid QuotationAbstract: Focusing on project bid, this article analyzes the decision methods and related factors, bidding risks and quoting skills. Describe advantages and disadvantages of different ways which are widely used in bidding quotation Words: Construction Project Bid, SkillsTitle: Study on how the alteration of construction affects the cost managementAbstract: Based on the clause of FID1C, this article defines the alteration of construction and explains the principals and methods of cost management in the alteration of construction according to the principals of justice and efficiency. With examples, this article also illustrates the background, principals and methods in the determination of project price alteration based on the existence or absence of the pricing items in Words: Alteration of Construction, Cost Management, FIDIC ClauseTitle: Risk Theories of Real Estate InvestmentAbstract: From the point of real estate investment, this article illustrates the definition of real estate risks and identifies the resources of real estate risks. According to the domestic economical policies and the corresponding methods and skills based on the risk categories of real estate investment, this article analyzes the current investment risks of real estate and aims to minimize the risks in real estate Words: Real Estate, Risks



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根据你的标题内容翻译如下: City pipe system and its reform City pipe system China's traditional planned economy to a socialist market economy in the process of a product in a particular historical period, plays a certain positive effects, as China's political, economic and social reform and development, has emerged City pipe system obvious disadvantages. At present, many parts of the reform of China's successful experience in practice shows that the actual combination of the local socio-economic development, the establishment of provincial cities and counties control system, through the County to expand its powers, the way cities and counties under divided rule, and gradually virtual control of the city of the county, is to promote economic development and deepening the reform of local administration of important trends. This article intends to discuss the source City pipe system, historical role and the drawbacks of starting some of China's provinces by the provincial case-control analysis of the reform of the county to sum up the experience, and explore feasible ways to reform. 谢谢

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