

发布时间:2024-07-08 06:48:49


承担的主要科研项目有 “兵团人口矢量分析”(兵团计生委)、 “兵团农牧团场社会保障制度研究” (经济研究院)。近三年发表的代表性学术论文主要有:“应注意《农民专业合作社法》的短期负面效应”、“基于“钻石”模型的农业产业集群要素分析——以山东寿光蔬菜产业集群为例“、“基于中间组织理论的兵团团场组织制度模式的思考”、“兵团团场成员代际退出与国家安全”、“兵团农牧团场小额信贷模式及履约机制研究”、“农户建立合作组织意愿的博弈分析”、“农业合作经济组织中订单农业的风险转移”等。

著作:生科类《物理化学》教材;《物理化学实验》教材,武汉大学出版社近年发表的代表性学术论文:1. Hongtao Guo, Xiaohai Zhou*, Jinfeng Dong, Gaoyong Zhang, Xinlin Hong. Influence of Copper (II) Ions on the Structure and Properties of Octodecyl Propylenediamine Vesicles. Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2006,277:151-1562. Hongtao Guo, Fei Xu, Xiaohai Zhou*, Jinfeng Dong, Gaoyong Zhang, Xinlin Hong. Transformation of Structure and Properties of Vesicles Induced by Transition Metal Ions. Chinese Chemical Letter,2005,16(12):1667-16703. Weibing Lu, Xiaohai Zhou*. Synthesis and crystal structure of a copper(II) complex of the tripodal tetradentate ligand tris(2-benzimidazolylmethyl)amine. J.Coord.Chem.,2005,58(18):1653 -16584. Quanzhen Huang, Gongzhen Cheng, Haibo Zhang, Songtao Ding, Xiaobing Yang, Xiaohai Zhou*, Gaoyong Zhang. The unusual spectrum of mixture of tin-octabutoxy naphthalocyanine and SnCl2 in CH2Cl2.Chinese Chemical Letter,2005,16(4):497-5005. Wei-bing Lu, Xiao-hai Zhou*, Jian-guo Ren. Dicobalt diporphyrin complex with hyperfine EPR spectrum mediates only a two-electron reduction of O2. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2005, 8:789-7916. Weibing Lu, Cunxin Wang, Qingye Lv, Xiaohai Zhou*. Electrocatalytic reduction of dioxygen on the surface of glass carbon electrodes modified with dicobalt diporphyrin complexes. J.of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2003,558:59-637. Lu Wei-bing, Wang Cun-xin, Zhou Xiao-hai*, Ren Jian-guo. Synthesis, characterization of heterodinuclear Co-Cu complex and its electrocatalytic activity towards O2 reduction. Chinese J.of Chemistry, 2003, 21:1183-11908 . Weibing Lu, Qingye Lv, Cunxin Wang, Xiaohai Zhou*. Synthesis and Spectroscopic characterization of a porphyrin- dibenzimidazole dinucleating ligand and its cobalt-copper heterodinuclear complex as a


著作:生科类《物理化学》教材;《物理化学实验》教材,武汉大学出版社近年发表的代表性学术论文:1. Hongtao Guo, Xiaohai Zhou*, Jinfeng Dong, Gaoyong Zhang, Xinlin Hong. Influence of Copper (II) Ions on the Structure and Properties of Octodecyl Propylenediamine Vesicles. Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2006,277:151-1562. Hongtao Guo, Fei Xu, Xiaohai Zhou*, Jinfeng Dong, Gaoyong Zhang, Xinlin Hong. Transformation of Structure and Properties of Vesicles Induced by Transition Metal Ions. Chinese Chemical Letter,2005,16(12):1667-16703. Weibing Lu, Xiaohai Zhou*. Synthesis and crystal structure of a copper(II) complex of the tripodal tetradentate ligand tris(2-benzimidazolylmethyl)amine. J.Coord.Chem.,2005,58(18):1653 -16584. Quanzhen Huang, Gongzhen Cheng, Haibo Zhang, Songtao Ding, Xiaobing Yang, Xiaohai Zhou*, Gaoyong Zhang. The unusual spectrum of mixture of tin-octabutoxy naphthalocyanine and SnCl2 in CH2Cl2.Chinese Chemical Letter,2005,16(4):497-5005. Wei-bing Lu, Xiao-hai Zhou*, Jian-guo Ren. Dicobalt diporphyrin complex with hyperfine EPR spectrum mediates only a two-electron reduction of O2. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2005, 8:789-7916. Weibing Lu, Cunxin Wang, Qingye Lv, Xiaohai Zhou*. Electrocatalytic reduction of dioxygen on the surface of glass carbon electrodes modified with dicobalt diporphyrin complexes. J.of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2003,558:59-637. Lu Wei-bing, Wang Cun-xin, Zhou Xiao-hai*, Ren Jian-guo. Synthesis, characterization of heterodinuclear Co-Cu complex and its electrocatalytic activity towards O2 reduction. Chinese J.of Chemistry, 2003, 21:1183-11908 . Weibing Lu, Qingye Lv, Cunxin Wang, Xiaohai Zhou*. Synthesis and Spectroscopic characterization of a porphyrin- dibenzimidazole dinucleating ligand and its cobalt-copper heterodinuclear complex as a

在Acta Mater.、Phys. Rev.Lett.、Prog. Mater. Sci.、Nature Mater.等SCI刊物上发表SCI论文220余篇(第一作者50篇),上述论文被发表在Nature、Science、NatureMater.、Phys. Rev. Lett.和Acta Mater.等80余种SCI刊物上论文引用4000余次,单篇论文引用400余次。代表性学术论文如下: 1. Li,P., Li, S. X., Wang, Z. G., and Zhang, Z.F., Fundamental principle of cyclic deformation behaviors anddislocation evolution of fcc crystals, Prog. Mater. Sci., 56(2011) 328-377.2. Zhang,Z. F., and Wang, Z. G., Grain boundary effects on cyclic deformation andfatigue damage, Prog. Mater. Sci., 53 (2008) 1025-1099.3. Zhang,Z. F., and Eckert, J., Unified tensile fracture criterion, Phys.Rev. Lett., 94 (2005) 094301.4. Zhang,Z. F., He, G., Eckert, J., and Schultz, L., Fracture mechanismsin bulk metallic glassy materials,Phys. Rev. Lett., 91 (2003) 0455055. Han,W. Z., Cheng, G. M., Li, S. X., Wu, S. D., and Zhang, Z. F.,Deformation induced micro-twins and stacking faults in aluminum singlecrystal, Phys. Rev. Lett., 101 (2008) 115505.6. Guo,H., Yan, P. F., Wang, Y. B., Tan, J., Zhang, Z. F., Sui, M. L., andMa, E., Tensile plasticity and necking of metallic glass, NatureMater., 6 (2007) 735-739.7. Zhang,Z. F., Eckert, J., and Schultz, L., Difference in compressive andtensile fracture mechanisms of Zr59Cu20Al10Ni8Ti3 bulk metallic glass, ActaMater., 51 (2003) 1167-1179.8. Zhang,Z. F., and Wang, Z. G., Dependence of intergranular fatigue crackingon the interactions of persistent slip bands with grain boundaries, ActaMater., 51 (2003) 347-364.9. Zhang,Z. F., Wang, Z. G., and Sun, Z. M., Evolution and microstructuralcharacterization of deformation bands in fatigued copper singlecrystal, Acta Mater., 49 (2001) 2875-2886.10. Zhang,Z. F., and Wang, Z. G., Effect of grain boundaries on the cyclicdeformation behavior of copper bicrystals and columnar crystals, ActaMater., 46 (1998) 5063-5072.


在国内外公开发行刊物上发表的学术论文主要有:1. Hong Jiang, Zhiguo Fan, Chaoying Shieh(谢超英),Finite element analysis of temperature rise in CP–Ti during equalchannel angular extrusion, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 513–514, pp109–114 (2009)2. Zhiguo Fan, Hong Jiang, Xiaogang Sun, Jie Song, Xiaoning Zhang, Chaoying Shieh(谢超英),Microstructures and mechanical deformation behaviors of ultrafine-grained commercial pure (grade 3) Ti processed by two-step severe plastic deformation, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol.527, pp 45–51 (2009)3. Zhiguo Fan, Hong Jiang, Chaoying Shieh(谢超英),Superelasticity characteristics of Ti-50.9%Ni alloy processed by Equal Channel Angular Extrusion,MRS International Materials Research Conference,Chongqing, China, Jue 9-12, 20084. Zhiguo Fan,Chaoying Shieh(谢超英), Phase transformation behaviors of Ti-50.9at%Ni Alloy after Equal Channel Angular Extrusion, Materials Letter, Vol.62, pp800-803 (2008)5. Hong Jiang, Zhiguo Fan, and Chaoying Shieh(谢超英),3-D finite element simulation of deformation behavior of CP-Ti and working load during multi-pass equal channel angular extrusion, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol.485,pp 409–414(2008)6. 范志国,谢超英. 等通道转角挤压及冷轧法制备超细晶工业纯Ti组织与力学性能. 中国有色金属学报. 2007 (17): 1: 6-137. Zhiguo Fan, Chaoying Shieh(谢超英), Effects of temperature and strain rate on compressive mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained CP Titanium, Materials Science Forum, Vols.561-565, pp381-384(2007)8. Chaoying Shieh(谢超英), Zhiguo Fan, Microstructures and Phase Transformations of Ti-50.9at%Ni Alloy processed by Equal Channel Angular Extrusion at Medium Temperature, Materials Science Forum, Vols.561-565, pp887-880(2007)9. Lei Zhang , Chaoying Shieh(谢超英), Jiansheng Wu, Effectof annealing temperature on surface morphology and mechanical properties of sputter-deposited Ti–Ni thin films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 427(2007)238-24310. Lei Zhang, Chaoying Shieh(谢超英), Jiansheng Wu, In situ X-ray diffraction analysis on the crystallization of amorphous Ti–Ni thin films, Scripta Materialia 55 (2006) 609–61211. Lei Zhang, Chaoying Shieh(谢超英), Jiansheng Wu, Martensitic transformation and shape memory effect of Ti–49at.%Ni alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A 438-440(2006)905-910


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