

发布时间:2024-07-07 00:20:31


发表论文数十篇,主要的有:《楚辞研究史略》(《语文导报》1986年10期),《楚辞版本源流考索》(《浙江学刊》1987年1期),《浙江四十年楚辞研究概述》(《浙江社会科学》1990年4期),以上三篇皆经人民大学报刊资料复印中心转载;《论版本和善本》(《杭州大学学报》1988年4期),《〈四库全书总目〉版本考辨》(《文史》第35辑)等。附论文不完全列表: [1]崔富章. 十世纪以前的楚辞传播[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版),2012,06:74-90. [2]崔富章. 四库提要诸本分析——以《四库全书总目》本为优[J]. 文献,2012,03:3-17. [3]崔富章. 十世纪以前的楚辞传播[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版),,:. [4]崔富章,周晶晶. 《世本集览》手稿本之文献价值[J]. 文献,2010,04:52-58. [5]崔富章. 《楚辞补注》汲古阁刻本及其衍生诸本——竹治贞夫等四家误判辨析[A]. 中国屈原学会、南通大学楚辞研究中心.中国楚辞学(第十八辑)——2010年江苏南通屈原与楚辞学国际学术研讨会论文集[C].中国屈原学会、南通大学楚辞研究中心:,2010:7. [6]崔富章. 读漆雕世彩《梅赋》感言[J]. 职大学报,2010,01:44. [7]崔富章,朱新林. 《古逸丛书》本《玉烛宝典》底本辨析[J]. 文献,2009,03:144-150. [8]崔富章,柯亚莉. 天一阁藏明人奏疏四种经眼录[J]. 文献,2009,01:153-157. [9]崔富章,柯亚莉. 《中央图书馆善本书目·楚辞类》补正[J]. 文献,2008,03:72-77. [10]崔富章. 21世纪楚辞学的开拓与发展[J]. 国际学术动态,2008,03:8-11. [11]方铭,张曦,石川三佐男,陈怡良,崔富章. 中国屈原学会第十二届年会资料汇编[J]. 职大学报,2008,01:35-37+140. [12]崔富章. 天一阁与《四库全书》——论天一阁进呈本之文献价值[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版),2008,01:148-155. [13]崔富章. 《四库全书总目》传播史上的一段公案——从傅以礼的《跋》谈起[J]. 文史知识,2007,12:44-49. [14]崔富章. 《楚辞书录解题》后记[A]. 中国屈原学会.中国楚辞学(第十四辑)——2007年浙江杭州屈原及楚辞学国际学术研讨会论文集[C].中国屈原学会:,2007:4. [15]崔富章. 《中央图书馆善本书目·楚辞类》补正[A]. 中国屈原学会.中国楚辞学(第十四辑)——2007年浙江杭州屈原及楚辞学国际学术研讨会论文集[C].中国屈原学会:,2007:6. [16]崔富章. 《中央图书馆善本书目·楚辞类》补正[A]. 东亚细亚比较文化学术会议、中国屈原学会.2007年楚辞学国际学术会议论文集[C].东亚细亚比较文化学术会议、中国屈原学会:,2007:4. [17]崔富章,郭丽. 《四库全书总目·韩魏公别录提要》补正[J]. 文献,2007,03:59-62. [18]崔富章. 屈骚精神 互古常新[A]. 中国屈原学会.中国楚辞学(第八辑)——2007年楚辞学国际学术研讨会论文专辑(一)[C].中国屈原学会:,2007:10. [19]崔富章. 屈骚精神 互古常新[J]. 中国楚辞学,2007,01:1-10. [20]崔富章. 屈骚精神 互古常新[J]. 中国楚辞学,2007,01:1-10. [21]崔富章. 屈骚精神 亘古常新[J]. 甘肃社会科学,2006,01:46-48. [22]崔富章. 《四库全书总目》武英殿本刊竣年月考实——“浙本翻刻殿本”论批判[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版),2006,01:104-109. [23]崔富章. 《楚辞》校勘文献概论[J]. 中国楚辞学,2005,02:99-115. [24]崔富章. 《楚辞》校勘文献概论[J]. 中国楚辞学,2005,02:99-115. [25]崔富章,崔涛. 《春秋繁露》的宋本及明代传本[J]. 文献,2005,03:146-157. [26]崔富章. 文澜阁《四库全书总目》残卷之文献价值[J]. 文献,2005,01:152-159. [27]崔富章. 大阪大学藏楚辞类稿本、稀见本经眼录[J]. 文献,2004,02:232-243. [28]崔富章. 民俗节日里的屈原故事与士人向往的屈原形象[J]. 职大学报,2004,01:40-43+74. [29]崔富章. 陆时雍《楚辞疏》引“晁无咎曰”辨证[J]. 北方论丛,2004,01:1-3. [30]崔富章,石川三佐男. 西村时彦对楚辞学的贡献[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版),2003,05:31-39. [31]崔富章. 版本释名[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版),2002,02:101-107. [32]崔富章. 楚辞校勘文献概论[J]. 南通师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2001,01:20-25. [33]崔富章. 《楚辞》校勘文献概论[A]. 中国屈原学会.中国楚辞学(第七辑)——2000年楚辞学国际学术研讨会论文专辑[C].中国屈原学会:,2000:17. [34]崔富章. 论嵇康的著述指趣[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版),2000,01:44-51. [35]崔富章. 嵇康的生平事迹及《嵇康集》的传播源流[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版),1999,04:9-16. [36]崔富章. 论嵇康对《诗三百》传统的继承与发展[A]. 中国诗经学会.第四届诗经国际学术研讨会论文集[C].中国诗经学会:,1999:10. [37]崔富章. 班固笔下的屈原[J]. 深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版),1998,04:81-86. [38]崔富章. 屈原《卜居》与嵇康《卜疑》[J]. 云梦学刊,1997,02:6-9. [39]崔富章. 浙江的刻书与藏书[J]. 文史知识,1996,10:65-70. [40]崔富章. 《四库提要·诗类》补正[A]. 河北师范大学.1993诗经国际学术研讨会论文集[C].河北师范大学:,1993:9. [41]萧兵,赵逵夫,戴志钧,刘毓庆,崔富章,汤漳平,曹大中,潘啸龙,江立中,黄中模. 楚辞学:现状与未来十人谈[J]. 云梦学刊,1991,01:1-6. [42]崔富章 ,黄征. 浙江敦煌学研究概述[J]. 浙江社会科学,1991,01:29-32. [43]崔富章. 浙江四十年楚辞研究概况[J]. 浙江社会科学,1990,03:22-25. [44]崔富章. 四库提要补正[J]. 杭州大学学报(哲学社会科学版),1990,01:46-54. [45]崔富章. 四库提要补正[J]. 杭州大学学报(哲学社会科学版),1990,01:46-54. [46]崔富章. 四库提要补正四则[J]. 文献,1988,04:236-241. [47]崔富章. 论版本和善本[J]. 杭州大学学报(哲学社会科学版),1988,04:84-92. [48]崔富章. 《楚辞》版本源流考索——兼及《楚辞要籍解题》之讹误[J]. 浙江学刊,1987,01:120-125. [49]崔富章. 四库提要补正——史部地理类(浙江)[J]. 杭州师院学报(社会科学版),1984,02:89-97. [50]崔富章. 四库提要补正[J]. 文献,1982,03:187-198. [51]崔富章. 章学诚“方志为外史所领”说发疑[J]. 晋阳学刊,1982,02:20-22. [52]崔富章. “秬秠”辨[J]. 杭州大学学报(哲学社会科学版),1980,04:125-127. [53]崔富章. 沈约籍贯考[J]. 杭州大学学报(哲学社会科学版),1980,01:109-111. [54]崔富章. 从《秦献记》《秦政记》写作年代谈起[J]. 文史哲,1979,03:77+62. [55]崔富章. 关于《秦献记》的主题及其他[J]. 杭州大学学报(哲学社会科学版),1978,03:127-133.

201115.Linlin Shen,Sen Jia, Zhen Ji and Wen-sheng Chen. Extracting local texture features for image based coin recognition, IET Image Processing, in press.14.Linlin Shen, Li Bai and Zhen Ji. FPCode: An efficient approach for multi-modal biometrics, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 25(2), pp. 273-286, March, 2011.201013. Baochang Zhang, Lei Zhang, David Zhang andLinlin Shen.Directional binary code with application to PolyU near-infrared face database, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 31 (14), pp.2337-2344, Oct. 2010.200912. 贾森,钱云涛,纪震,沈琳琳,基于光谱和空间特性的高光谱解混方法,深圳大学学报(理工版),Jul. 2009,Vol. 26(3), pp. 262-267.11. 李玉文,周家锐,沈琳琳(通迅),基于DM6446平台的实时人眼检测系统,深圳大学学报(理工版),Oct. 2009,Vol. 26(4), pp. 420-424.10. Ian L. Dryden, Li Bai, C. J. Brignell andLinlin Shen. Factored principal components analysis, with applications to face recognition. Statistics and Computing, Sep.2009, Vol. 19 (3): pp.229-238.9.SHEN Lin-Linand JI Zhen. Gabor wavelet selection and SVM classification for object recognition. ACTA Automatica Sinica (自动化学报), Apr. 2009, Vol. 35 (4), pp.350-355. 采用精选Gabor小波和SVM分类的物体识别(英文)8.Linlin Shenand Alex Kot. A new wavelet domain feature for fingerprint recognition. International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences, Jan. 2009, Vol.14(1), pp.53-56.20087.Linlin Shenand Li Bai. 3D Gabor wavelets for evaluating SPM normalization algorithm. Medical Image Analysis (SCI 1区,IF: 4.25), Jun. 2008, Vol.12 (3) pp 375-383.6.SHEN Lin Linand MING Zhong. Automatic face recognition based on skin masking and improved HMM [J].Journal of Shenzhen University, Science and Engineering, Jan. 2008, Vol. 25 (1), pp.71-75. 基于皮肤模板和改进HMM的自动人脸识别系统(英文)20075.Linlin Shen, Zhen Ji and Li Bai. DWT based HMM for face recognition[J]. Journal of Electronics (China), Nov. 2007, Vol. 24(6), pp.835-837. (Number of citations : 5)4.Linlin Shen, Li Bai and Michael Fairhurst. Gabor wavelets and general discriminant analysis for face identification and verification[J]. Image and Vision Computing, May. 2007, Vol. 25(5), pp.553-563. (Number of citations from Google: 92. 2010 Most Cited Paper Award for the journal of Image & Vision Computing)20063.Linlin Shenand Li Bai. MutualBoost learning for selecting Gabor features for face fecognition[J]. Pattern Recognition Letters, Nov. 2006, Vol. 27(15), pp. 1758-1767. (Number of citations from Google: 59)2.Linlin Shenand Li Bai. A review on Gabor wavelets for face recognition[J]. Pattern Analysis and Applications, Sep. 2006, Vol. 9(2), pp. 273-292. (Number of citations from Google: 109)1.Linlin Shenand Li Bai. Information theory for Gabor feature selection for face recognition[J]. EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Jan. 2006, Vol (2006), pp.1-11. (Number of citations from Google: 20) 16.Linlin Shen,Sen Jia. Three-Dimensional Gabor wavelets for pixel-based hyperspectral imagery classification, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, accepted. 201025. Linlin Shen, Nengheng Zheng, Songhao Zheng and Wei Li. Secure mobile services by face and speech based personal authentication, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, Vol.3, Xiamen, Oct. 2010, pp. 97-100 .24. Linlin Shen, Zhen Ji, Yuwen Li and Li Bai. Coding Gabor features for multi-modal biometrics, Proceedings of the 2010 Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vol. 1, Chongqing, Oct. 2010, pp.217 - 220.23. Linlin Shen, Li Bai and Zhen Ji. Hand-based biometrics fusing palmprint and finger-knuckle-print, The First International Workshop on Emerging Techniques and Challenges for Hand-based Biometrics, in conjunction with ICPR 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 2010,200922 . Linlin Shen, Zhen Ji, Lei Zhang and Zhenhua Guo. Applying LBP operator to Gabor response for palmprint identification [C]. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Information Engineering and Computer Science, Wuhan, Dec. 2009, pp.355-357.21. Hieu V. Nguyen, Li Bai andLinlin Shen, Local Gabor binary pattern whitened PCA: a novel approach for face recognition from single image per person. International Conference on Biometrics, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5555, pp.269-278, June.,2009.20.Linlin Shen, Sen Jia, Zhen Ji and Wen-Sheng Chen. Statistics of Gabor features for coin recognition [C]. Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Shenzhen, May., 2009. (Citations from Google: 4)200819. Linlin Shen, Li Bai and Zhen Ji. Data Driven Gabor Wavelet Design for Face Recognition [C]. Proceedings of 2008 Chinese Conference onPattern Recognition, Beijing, Oct., 2008, pp. 246-251.18. Linlin Shen and Zhen Ji. Modeling geometric features for face based age classification[C]. Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2008), July. 2008, Kunming, China, pp. 2927-2931.(Citations from Google: 4)200717. Shen Linlin and Ji Zhen. Object recognition based on optimized Gabor features and SVM[C]. Proceedings of the First Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition (CCPR 2007), 11-12 Dec. 2007, Beijing, China, pp. 105-112.16.Ángel Serrano,Isaac Martín de Diego,Cristina Conde,Enrique Cabello,Li Bai, and LinLin Shen:Fusion of Support Vector Classifiers for Parallel Gabor Methods Applied to Face Verification.MCS 2007: 141-15015. Ángel Serrano,Cristina Conde,Isaac Martín de Diego,Enrique Cabello,Li Bai, LinLin Shen: Parallel gabor PCA with fusion of SVM scores for face verification.VISAPP (2) 2007: 149-154.14. Linlin Shen, Li Bai and Zhen Ji. A SVM face recognition method based on optimized Gabor features[C]. The 9th International Conference on Visual Information System, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4781, pp.165-174, 28–29 June 2007, Shanghai, China.13. Linlin Shen, Zhen Ji and Li Bai. Tuning Kernel parameters with different Gabor features for face recognition[C]. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4682:pp.881-890, 2007.200612. Li Bai, Linlin Shen, Yan Wang, A novel eye location algorithm based on radial symmetry transform[C]. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), 2006, pp. 511-514.11. Linlin Shen, Dorothee Auer and Li Bai. 3D Gabor wavelets for evaluating medical image registration algorithms[C]. International Workshop on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4091, pp.261-268, 2006.(SCI)200510. Li Bai and Linlin Shen. A fast and robust Gabor feature based method for face recognition[C]. The IEE International Symposium on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (Best Papers), The IEE Savoy Place, London, 2005.9. Linlin Shen and Li Bai. Kernel enahanced informative Gabor features for face recognition[C]. The 16th British Machine Vision Conference, Oxford, UK, 2005.8. Linlin Shen and Li Bai, etc. Gabor feature selection for face recognition using improved AdaBoost learning[C]. Advances in Biometric Person Authentication, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3781, pp. 39-49, 2005.(SCI)20047. Linlin Shen and Li Bai. Gabor feature based face recognition using Kernel methods[C]. Proc. of the IEEE 6th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Soel, Korea, 2004. (pdf)6. Linlin Shen and Li Bai. Combining Gabor feature and Kernel Direct Discriminant Analysis for face recognition[C]. Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Cambridge, UK, 2004. (pdf)5. Linlin Shen, Li Bai and P. Picton. Facial recognition/verification using Gabor wavelets and kernel methods[C]. Proc. of the IEEE Internal Conference on Image Processing, Singapore, 2004.4. Linlin Shen and Li Bai. AdaBoost Gabor feature selection for classification[C]. Proc. of Image and Vision Computing, New Zealand, 2004.20033. Li Bai and Linlin Shen. Face detection by orientation map matching[C]. Proceeding of International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modeling Control and Automation, Austria, Feb. 2003, pp. 363-369. (pdf)2. Li Bai and Linlin Shen. Combining wavelets with HMM for face recognition[C]. Proceedings of the 23rd SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, Dec., 2003.20011. Linlin Shen. Quality measures of fingerprint images[C]. Audio- And Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2091: pp. 266-271, 2001.(SCI,Number of citations from Google: 85)















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2018中西医考研105107影像医学与核医学(二级学科):医学影像专业是现代医学诊疗的基石,深圳大学第一附属医院影像医学专业是国家级医学影像专业住院医师规培基地,集医疗、教学、科研于一体,临床诊断技术水平居深圳市前列,科研实力和教学师资力量雄厚:承担国家、省、市级科研项目多项,担负深圳大学医学院本科生桥梁课《医学影像学》的大课教学任务。是包括中山大学、南方医科大学在内的国内、省内多所重点高等医学高校的教学医院和培训基地目前有7人受聘为广州医科大学、安徽医科大学、南昌大学、汕头大学、深圳大学兼职和专职硕士生导师,历年培养研究生数(包括博、硕士研究生)共33人,医学影像专业由放射科、超声科、核医学科三个学科组成,各具特色:放射科:是罕见病/疑难病(17会诊网http://www. 17huizhen.com/)医学影像会诊中心首个基地,深圳市神经影像学组组长所在单位。目前科内配有:500mA以上大型X线机5台,DR共4台,乳腺数字钼靶机1台,多层螺旋CT机3台,高场强MR机3台。各亚专科技术力量雄厚,业务范围各方面,能够充分利用各种先进影像学技术对诸多疑难疾病进行诊断,诊断准确率较高,技术水平位于在深圳市前列,优势亚专科为:神经影像,骨关节影像,乳腺影像。近年先后承担国家自然科学基金课题 1项,省部级科研课题 2项。发表 SCI 收录文章 7 篇,并有百余篇文章发表于国内重要期刊。多次举办学术会议,在市内放射影像学科具有较大的影响力。现有深大及其他医学高校专职和兼职研究生导师2名。超声科:是中国超声医学工程学会超声医务人员全国培训基地,该学会浅表器官及外周血管专业委员会主任委员所在地。于2006年被评为深圳市重点医学专科,2010年被评选为广东省第一批专科医师培训基地,2015年被评为深圳市第二人民医院重点学科。科室现有各种大型超声仪器设备39台,其中20台为国外进口高档彩超,现有工作人员63人,其中医生46名,包括主任医师7名,副主任医师8名,主治医师11名。拥有博士学位者4名,硕士学位者20名,本科21名。科室具有完善的学科布局,能开展国内外超声医学领域绝大部分诊疗项目。分为心血管、腹部、妇产科、浅表器官与周围血管超声诊断及介入超声4个专业组:心血管超声涵盖胎儿、小儿及成人的二维及三维超声心动图结构和功能检查,开展了经食道超声心动图检查。作为卫生部挂牌脑卒中预防和诊治基地的重要组成部分,在深圳市率先开展了颈部动脉超声筛查。对腹腔、腹膜后脏器疾病的超声诊断也具有雄厚的实力和丰富的经验。在以乳腺、甲状腺为代表的浅表器官疾病超声诊断水平居于国内领先地位。是国内最先开展盆底超声检查的医院之一,并连续成功举办5届全国盆底超声诊疗学习班。另一方面将胎儿超声检查的重点从中晚孕期向早中孕期发展,使我科的早中孕超声检查处于国内领先水平。在深圳市率先开展了超声介入诊断、治疗以及术中超声引导等项目。近年也常规开展了包括超声造影、弹性成像在内的一系列新的超声诊疗技术。科室科研实力雄厚,先后承担国家科技支撑计划项目1项,主持省自然科学基金、省科技厅、市科创委等课题共31项,获得厅级以上科技创新进步奖10项。近3年发表科研论文SCI9篇(影响因子大于3.0 两篇),中文重要期刊19篇主编专业著作5部,获奖2部。 承担博、硕士研究生的培养工作,现有深大及其他医学高校专职和兼职研究生导师4名。共培养博、硕士研究生27人,在读12人每年举办1-2期全国性继续教育学习班及1-2期市级继续教育学习班,每期培训全国各地学员200余人以上,每年培训学员600余人以上。以上是猎考考研为大家准备整理的“深圳大学医学部影像医学与核医学专业介绍”的相关内容。了解更多相关资讯,敬请关注猎考考研。另外,为了帮助考生更好地复习,猎考考研为广大学子推出2018考研暑期集训营、半年集训营、推免课程系列备考专题,针对每一个科目要点进行深入的指导分析,还会根据每年的考研大纲进行针对性的分析哦~欢迎各位考生了 解咨询。同时,猎考考研一直为大家推出考研直播课堂,足不出户就可以边听课边学习,为大家的考研梦想助力!研究生考试有疑问、不知道如何总结考研考点内容、不清楚考研报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:



2018中西医考研105107影像医学与核医学(二级学科):医学影像专业是现代医学诊疗的基石,深圳大学第一附属医院影像医学专业是国家级医学影像专业住院医师规培基地,集医疗、教学、科研于一体,临床诊断技术水平居深圳市前列,科研实力和教学师资力量雄厚:承担国家、省、市级科研项目多项,担负深圳大学医学院本科生桥梁课《医学影像学》的大课教学任务。是包括中山大学、南方医科大学在内的国内、省内多所重点高等医学高校的教学医院和培训基地目前有7人受聘为广州医科大学、安徽医科大学、南昌大学、汕头大学、深圳大学兼职和专职硕士生导师,历年培养研究生数(包括博、硕士研究生)共33人,医学影像专业由放射科、超声科、核医学科三个学科组成,各具特色:放射科:是罕见病/疑难病(17会诊网http://www. 17huizhen.com/)医学影像会诊中心首个基地,深圳市神经影像学组组长所在单位。目前科内配有:500mA以上大型X线机5台,DR共4台,乳腺数字钼靶机1台,多层螺旋CT机3台,高场强MR机3台。各亚专科技术力量雄厚,业务范围各方面,能够充分利用各种先进影像学技术对诸多疑难疾病进行诊断,诊断准确率较高,技术水平位于在深圳市前列,优势亚专科为:神经影像,骨关节影像,乳腺影像。近年先后承担国家自然科学基金课题 1项,省部级科研课题 2项。发表 SCI 收录文章 7 篇,并有百余篇文章发表于国内重要期刊。多次举办学术会议,在市内放射影像学科具有较大的影响力。现有深大及其他医学高校专职和兼职研究生导师2名。超声科:是中国超声医学工程学会超声医务人员全国培训基地,该学会浅表器官及外周血管专业委员会主任委员所在地。于2006年被评为深圳市重点医学专科,2010年被评选为广东省第一批专科医师培训基地,2015年被评为深圳市第二人民医院重点学科。科室现有各种大型超声仪器设备39台,其中20台为国外进口高档彩超,现有工作人员63人,其中医生46名,包括主任医师7名,副主任医师8名,主治医师11名。拥有博士学位者4名,硕士学位者20名,本科21名。科室具有完善的学科布局,能开展国内外超声医学领域绝大部分诊疗项目。分为心血管、腹部、妇产科、浅表器官与周围血管超声诊断及介入超声4个专业组:心血管超声涵盖胎儿、小儿及成人的二维及三维超声心动图结构和功能检查,开展了经食道超声心动图检查。作为卫生部挂牌脑卒中预防和诊治基地的重要组成部分,在深圳市率先开展了颈部动脉超声筛查。对腹腔、腹膜后脏器疾病的超声诊断也具有雄厚的实力和丰富的经验。在以乳腺、甲状腺为代表的浅表器官疾病超声诊断水平居于国内领先地位。是国内最先开展盆底超声检查的医院之一,并连续成功举办5届全国盆底超声诊疗学习班。另一方面将胎儿超声检查的重点从中晚孕期向早中孕期发展,使我科的早中孕超声检查处于国内领先水平。在深圳市率先开展了超声介入诊断、治疗以及术中超声引导等项目。近年也常规开展了包括超声造影、弹性成像在内的一系列新的超声诊疗技术。科室科研实力雄厚,先后承担国家科技支撑计划项目1项,主持省自然科学基金、省科技厅、市科创委等课题共31项,获得厅级以上科技创新进步奖10项。近3年发表科研论文SCI9篇(影响因子大于3.0 两篇),中文重要期刊19篇主编专业著作5部,获奖2部。 承担博、硕士研究生的培养工作,现有深大及其他医学高校专职和兼职研究生导师4名。共培养博、硕士研究生27人,在读12人每年举办1-2期全国性继续教育学习班及1-2期市级继续教育学习班,每期培训全国各地学员200余人以上,每年培训学员600余人以上。以上是猎考考研为大家准备整理的“深圳大学医学部影像医学与核医学专业介绍”的相关内容。了解更多相关资讯,敬请关注猎考考研。另外,为了帮助考生更好地复习,猎考考研为广大学子推出2018考研暑期集训营、半年集训营、推免课程系列备考专题,针对每一个科目要点进行深入的指导分析,还会根据每年的考研大纲进行针对性的分析哦~欢迎各位考生了 解咨询。同时,猎考考研一直为大家推出考研直播课堂,足不出户就可以边听课边学习,为大家的考研梦想助力!研究生考试有疑问、不知道如何总结考研考点内容、不清楚考研报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:





邓 旭,男,汉族,1968年7月生,中共党员,深圳大学生命科学学院教授。曾在厦门大学任教,2005年6月调至深圳大学生命科学学院任教,2006年12月经广东省高级职称评定委员会评定为教授。主要从事生物化工、环境生物化工和化学工程领域的研究工作,在细胞发酵、酶法合成以及利用生物技术处理工业废水,尤其是重金属废水治理方面进行了较为深入的研究。主持及参加过两项国家自然科学基金国家863科技项目、一项教育部优秀青年教师基金、四项省部级科研基金及与企业合作科研课题的研究,主要包括:“好氧-厌氧循环一体化处理高浓度有机废水”“固定化藻和细菌深度废水处理工程技术示范”“生物吸附法去除重金属废水中的铅离子”“含硫酸废水的综合治理”“树脂吸附法回收废水中柠檬酸”“利用基因工程菌去除水体中的镍离子”“多碳源乙醇连续发酵” “L-苯丙氨酸酶法合成”“阿福霉素工业发酵”等,在国内外核心刊物上发表学术论文五十余篇,其中SCI摘录12篇。 1992.9 – 1996.3 浙江大学化工系生物化工专业,工学博士课1989.9 – 1992.6 浙江大学化工系化学工程专业,工学硕士1985.9 – 1989.7 北京化工大学化工系化学工程专业,工学学士2002.7 – 2002.8 澳大利亚Sunshine Coast University作为骨干教师英语培训336260 371999.7 – 2000.8 美国Cornell University分子生物及遗传学系,访问学者336 260381996.4 – 2005.5 厦门大学化工与生物工程系从事教学、科研及行政管理等方面的工作彰武(1999年12月晋升为副教授)336260 372005.6 – 现在 深圳大学生命科学学院从事教学科研工作200092 主要发表论文(都为第一作者或通讯作者)3362 30391. 镉离子的生物富集,离子交换与吸附,2005, 21(4):311-316.同济2. Simultaneous mercury bioaccumulation and cell propagation by genetically engineered E.coli, Process Biochemistry, 2005, 40:1611-1616. 同济3. 基因工程技术在重金属废水处理中的应用,水处理技术,2005, 31(5):62-65.336 260384. Genetic engineering of E.coli SE5000 and its potential for Ni2+ bioremediation, Process Biochemistry, 2005, 40:425-430.5. 氨氮废水生物脱氮研究进展,化工环保,2004, 24:141-144.6. 高选择性基因工程菌E.coli SE5000生物富集水体中的镍离子,环境科学学报,2004, 24(2):11-16.7. 具超强汞富集能力基因工程菌生长情况的研究,工业微生物,2003, 33(3):11-15.8. 基因工程菌大肠杆菌JM109富集废水中镍离子的研究,生物工程学报,2003, 19(3):343-348.9. Bioaccumulation of nickel from aqueous solutions by genetically engineered Escherichia coli. Water Research, 2003, 37(10):2505-2511.10. 利用基因工程菌去除电解废水中的汞离子。厦门大学学报(自然科学版),2002,41(3):330-333.11. Bioaccumulation of Mercury from Wastewater by Genetically Engineered Esherichia coli. Applied Microbiol. Biotechnol.. 2001,56:276-279.12. 从大蒜细胞中分离纯化超氧化物歧化酶。食品科学,2001,22(9):47-49.13. Mercury Removal by Recombinant E.coli from Real Electrolytic Wastewater. Chem. J. of Chinese Universities. 2000, 21(12): 184-185.

截止到2014年5月,深圳大学有7个省教育部重点实验室;一个国防国技实验室;省级技术型重点实验室5个;省级人文社科重点实验室9个。 教育部重点实验室:激光工程重点实验室;特种功能材料重点实验室;土木工程耐久性重点实验室;高等教育研究所;国学研究所;建筑设计研究院,印度研究中心。 国防国技实验室:ATR国防科技重点实验室。省级技术型重点实验室:超级计算中心;新技术研究中心;光电子学研究所;物流研究所;模具先进制造技术重点实验室。省级人文社科重点实验室:移民文化研究所;文化产业研究院;比较文学与比较文化研究所;当代中国政治研究所;中国经济特区研究中心;弱势群体保护研究所;传媒与文化发展研究中心;中国海外利益研究中心;港澳基本法研究中心。 馆藏资源截止到2012年12月,深圳大学图书馆馆舍48441㎡,全校拥有342.25万余册图书,其中图书馆有312.26万余册,图书馆藏书达460万余册(含电子图书150万余册),各学院资料室有29.99万余册。馆藏书刊目录数据库累计817917种,3072639册,其它50000册未编赠书。 中文图书720686种,2755242册,外文图书82028种,128075册。中文报刊合订本4647种,126206册,外文报刊合订本2379种,51806册。电子图书镜像1701784册。全文电子期刊6.63万种。光盘、网络、镜像数据库共204种(中外文),含全文电子期刊74447种。收藏美术艺术作品累计248件,其它艺术品11件。各种非书资料约7.8万件。以丰富的港澳台版藏书为特藏,共收藏6.6万余册港台图书。 学术期刊《深圳大学学报(理工版)》《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》本刊是由深圳大学主办的人文社会科学综合性学术性刊物,以鲜明的办刊特色和高水平的学术论文,被确立为中国人文社会科学核心期刊。《深圳大学报》《世界建筑导报》 “十一五”期间共承担科研项目4030项,其中“863”、“973”课题,国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、国防科研项目等国家级课题、项目293项。其中,国家自然科学基金项目2010年达74项。2005年实到科研经费6100万元,2006 年突破9000万元,其中横向课题经费超5000万元。2010年文理科实到科研经费1.3亿元。科学研究贴近社会需求,横向项目和经费不断增加。2011年,自然科学类科研项目497项,人文社科类项目211项;科研实到总经费自然科学类13553.67万元,人文社科类3432.99万元;国家基金项目科技类78项,社科类11项。科学研究贴近社会需求,横向项目和经费不断增加。五届高交会 ,233个项目参展,达成合同金额1.2亿元,部分技术实现产业化。截止到2013年,国家级高层次科研项目获得重大突破,获得国家社科基金重大项目3项,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目2项,重大国际(地区)合作与交流项目1项,国家杰出青年科学基金项目1项。获国家级技术发明二等奖、解放军总参谋部一等奖、广东省科技进步一等奖、教育部科技进步二等奖、教育部人文社科优秀成果二等奖、两项广东省哲学社科优秀成果一等奖等省部级以上科研成果奖。《深圳大学学报》理工版被《工程索引》和《科学文摘》收录,篇引率居全国科技期刊前列;人文社科版论文转载量在全国综合性大学学报中名列前茅。 论文成果 截止到2013年,理工类论文被SCI、EI、ISTP收录2804篇,人文社科类论文被CSSCI收录1306篇,2009年至2012年,学校本科生公开发表学术研究论文113 篇,其中,英文论文14篇,SCI收录9篇,EI收录15篇,ISTP收录6篇,CSSCI收录3篇;学生申请发明专利4项(其中1项已获授权),实用新型专利2项。共出版专著263部、译著40部。 青年基金项目 国家杰出青年基金项目、教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目取得突破。截止到2013年,获得全国美展金奖、全国十大杰出青年法学家、解放军总参谋部一等奖、教育部人文社科优秀成果二等奖、广东省科技进步一等奖、广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖等在内的省部级以上科研成果奖29项,获得授权专利107项。 计算机成果 2012年12月,深大联手中科大研制出万亿次个人高性能计算机。

201115.Linlin Shen,Sen Jia, Zhen Ji and Wen-sheng Chen. Extracting local texture features for image based coin recognition, IET Image Processing, in press.14.Linlin Shen, Li Bai and Zhen Ji. FPCode: An efficient approach for multi-modal biometrics, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 25(2), pp. 273-286, March, 2011.201013. Baochang Zhang, Lei Zhang, David Zhang andLinlin Shen.Directional binary code with application to PolyU near-infrared face database, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 31 (14), pp.2337-2344, Oct. 2010.200912. 贾森,钱云涛,纪震,沈琳琳,基于光谱和空间特性的高光谱解混方法,深圳大学学报(理工版),Jul. 2009,Vol. 26(3), pp. 262-267.11. 李玉文,周家锐,沈琳琳(通迅),基于DM6446平台的实时人眼检测系统,深圳大学学报(理工版),Oct. 2009,Vol. 26(4), pp. 420-424.10. Ian L. Dryden, Li Bai, C. J. Brignell andLinlin Shen. Factored principal components analysis, with applications to face recognition. Statistics and Computing, Sep.2009, Vol. 19 (3): pp.229-238.9.SHEN Lin-Linand JI Zhen. Gabor wavelet selection and SVM classification for object recognition. ACTA Automatica Sinica (自动化学报), Apr. 2009, Vol. 35 (4), pp.350-355. 采用精选Gabor小波和SVM分类的物体识别(英文)8.Linlin Shenand Alex Kot. A new wavelet domain feature for fingerprint recognition. International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences, Jan. 2009, Vol.14(1), pp.53-56.20087.Linlin Shenand Li Bai. 3D Gabor wavelets for evaluating SPM normalization algorithm. Medical Image Analysis (SCI 1区,IF: 4.25), Jun. 2008, Vol.12 (3) pp 375-383.6.SHEN Lin Linand MING Zhong. Automatic face recognition based on skin masking and improved HMM [J].Journal of Shenzhen University, Science and Engineering, Jan. 2008, Vol. 25 (1), pp.71-75. 基于皮肤模板和改进HMM的自动人脸识别系统(英文)20075.Linlin Shen, Zhen Ji and Li Bai. DWT based HMM for face recognition[J]. Journal of Electronics (China), Nov. 2007, Vol. 24(6), pp.835-837. (Number of citations : 5)4.Linlin Shen, Li Bai and Michael Fairhurst. 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Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2008), July. 2008, Kunming, China, pp. 2927-2931.(Citations from Google: 4)200717. Shen Linlin and Ji Zhen. Object recognition based on optimized Gabor features and SVM[C]. Proceedings of the First Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition (CCPR 2007), 11-12 Dec. 2007, Beijing, China, pp. 105-112.16.Ángel Serrano,Isaac Martín de Diego,Cristina Conde,Enrique Cabello,Li Bai, and LinLin Shen:Fusion of Support Vector Classifiers for Parallel Gabor Methods Applied to Face Verification.MCS 2007: 141-15015. Ángel Serrano,Cristina Conde,Isaac Martín de Diego,Enrique Cabello,Li Bai, LinLin Shen: Parallel gabor PCA with fusion of SVM scores for face verification.VISAPP (2) 2007: 149-154.14. Linlin Shen, Li Bai and Zhen Ji. A SVM face recognition method based on optimized Gabor features[C]. The 9th International Conference on Visual Information System, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4781, pp.165-174, 28–29 June 2007, Shanghai, China.13. Linlin Shen, Zhen Ji and Li Bai. Tuning Kernel parameters with different Gabor features for face recognition[C]. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4682:pp.881-890, 2007.200612. Li Bai, Linlin Shen, Yan Wang, A novel eye location algorithm based on radial symmetry transform[C]. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), 2006, pp. 511-514.11. Linlin Shen, Dorothee Auer and Li Bai. 3D Gabor wavelets for evaluating medical image registration algorithms[C]. International Workshop on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4091, pp.261-268, 2006.(SCI)200510. Li Bai and Linlin Shen. A fast and robust Gabor feature based method for face recognition[C]. The IEE International Symposium on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (Best Papers), The IEE Savoy Place, London, 2005.9. Linlin Shen and Li Bai. Kernel enahanced informative Gabor features for face recognition[C]. The 16th British Machine Vision Conference, Oxford, UK, 2005.8. Linlin Shen and Li Bai, etc. Gabor feature selection for face recognition using improved AdaBoost learning[C]. Advances in Biometric Person Authentication, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3781, pp. 39-49, 2005.(SCI)20047. Linlin Shen and Li Bai. Gabor feature based face recognition using Kernel methods[C]. Proc. of the IEEE 6th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Soel, Korea, 2004. (pdf)6. Linlin Shen and Li Bai. Combining Gabor feature and Kernel Direct Discriminant Analysis for face recognition[C]. Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Cambridge, UK, 2004. (pdf)5. Linlin Shen, Li Bai and P. Picton. Facial recognition/verification using Gabor wavelets and kernel methods[C]. Proc. of the IEEE Internal Conference on Image Processing, Singapore, 2004.4. Linlin Shen and Li Bai. AdaBoost Gabor feature selection for classification[C]. Proc. of Image and Vision Computing, New Zealand, 2004.20033. Li Bai and Linlin Shen. Face detection by orientation map matching[C]. Proceeding of International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modeling Control and Automation, Austria, Feb. 2003, pp. 363-369. (pdf)2. Li Bai and Linlin Shen. Combining wavelets with HMM for face recognition[C]. Proceedings of the 23rd SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, Dec., 2003.20011. Linlin Shen. Quality measures of fingerprint images[C]. Audio- And Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2091: pp. 266-271, 2001.(SCI,Number of citations from Google: 85)



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201115.Linlin Shen,Sen Jia, Zhen Ji and Wen-sheng Chen. Extracting local texture features for image based coin recognition, IET Image Processing, in press.14.Linlin Shen, Li Bai and Zhen Ji. FPCode: An efficient approach for multi-modal biometrics, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 25(2), pp. 273-286, March, 2011.201013. Baochang Zhang, Lei Zhang, David Zhang andLinlin Shen.Directional binary code with application to PolyU near-infrared face database, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 31 (14), pp.2337-2344, Oct. 2010.200912. 贾森,钱云涛,纪震,沈琳琳,基于光谱和空间特性的高光谱解混方法,深圳大学学报(理工版),Jul. 2009,Vol. 26(3), pp. 262-267.11. 李玉文,周家锐,沈琳琳(通迅),基于DM6446平台的实时人眼检测系统,深圳大学学报(理工版),Oct. 2009,Vol. 26(4), pp. 420-424.10. Ian L. Dryden, Li Bai, C. J. Brignell andLinlin Shen. Factored principal components analysis, with applications to face recognition. Statistics and Computing, Sep.2009, Vol. 19 (3): pp.229-238.9.SHEN Lin-Linand JI Zhen. Gabor wavelet selection and SVM classification for object recognition. ACTA Automatica Sinica (自动化学报), Apr. 2009, Vol. 35 (4), pp.350-355. 采用精选Gabor小波和SVM分类的物体识别(英文)8.Linlin Shenand Alex Kot. A new wavelet domain feature for fingerprint recognition. International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences, Jan. 2009, Vol.14(1), pp.53-56.20087.Linlin Shenand Li Bai. 3D Gabor wavelets for evaluating SPM normalization algorithm. Medical Image Analysis (SCI 1区,IF: 4.25), Jun. 2008, Vol.12 (3) pp 375-383.6.SHEN Lin Linand MING Zhong. Automatic face recognition based on skin masking and improved HMM [J].Journal of Shenzhen University, Science and Engineering, Jan. 2008, Vol. 25 (1), pp.71-75. 基于皮肤模板和改进HMM的自动人脸识别系统(英文)20075.Linlin Shen, Zhen Ji and Li Bai. DWT based HMM for face recognition[J]. Journal of Electronics (China), Nov. 2007, Vol. 24(6), pp.835-837. (Number of citations : 5)4.Linlin Shen, Li Bai and Michael Fairhurst. Gabor wavelets and general discriminant analysis for face identification and verification[J]. Image and Vision Computing, May. 2007, Vol. 25(5), pp.553-563. (Number of citations from Google: 92. 2010 Most Cited Paper Award for the journal of Image & Vision Computing)20063.Linlin Shenand Li Bai. MutualBoost learning for selecting Gabor features for face fecognition[J]. Pattern Recognition Letters, Nov. 2006, Vol. 27(15), pp. 1758-1767. (Number of citations from Google: 59)2.Linlin Shenand Li Bai. A review on Gabor wavelets for face recognition[J]. Pattern Analysis and Applications, Sep. 2006, Vol. 9(2), pp. 273-292. (Number of citations from Google: 109)1.Linlin Shenand Li Bai. Information theory for Gabor feature selection for face recognition[J]. EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Jan. 2006, Vol (2006), pp.1-11. (Number of citations from Google: 20) 16.Linlin Shen,Sen Jia. Three-Dimensional Gabor wavelets for pixel-based hyperspectral imagery classification, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, accepted. 201025. Linlin Shen, Nengheng Zheng, Songhao Zheng and Wei Li. Secure mobile services by face and speech based personal authentication, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, Vol.3, Xiamen, Oct. 2010, pp. 97-100 .24. Linlin Shen, Zhen Ji, Yuwen Li and Li Bai. Coding Gabor features for multi-modal biometrics, Proceedings of the 2010 Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vol. 1, Chongqing, Oct. 2010, pp.217 - 220.23. Linlin Shen, Li Bai and Zhen Ji. Hand-based biometrics fusing palmprint and finger-knuckle-print, The First International Workshop on Emerging Techniques and Challenges for Hand-based Biometrics, in conjunction with ICPR 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 2010,200922 . Linlin Shen, Zhen Ji, Lei Zhang and Zhenhua Guo. Applying LBP operator to Gabor response for palmprint identification [C]. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Information Engineering and Computer Science, Wuhan, Dec. 2009, pp.355-357.21. Hieu V. Nguyen, Li Bai andLinlin Shen, Local Gabor binary pattern whitened PCA: a novel approach for face recognition from single image per person. International Conference on Biometrics, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5555, pp.269-278, June.,2009.20.Linlin Shen, Sen Jia, Zhen Ji and Wen-Sheng Chen. Statistics of Gabor features for coin recognition [C]. Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Shenzhen, May., 2009. (Citations from Google: 4)200819. Linlin Shen, Li Bai and Zhen Ji. Data Driven Gabor Wavelet Design for Face Recognition [C]. Proceedings of 2008 Chinese Conference onPattern Recognition, Beijing, Oct., 2008, pp. 246-251.18. Linlin Shen and Zhen Ji. Modeling geometric features for face based age classification[C]. Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2008), July. 2008, Kunming, China, pp. 2927-2931.(Citations from Google: 4)200717. Shen Linlin and Ji Zhen. Object recognition based on optimized Gabor features and SVM[C]. Proceedings of the First Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition (CCPR 2007), 11-12 Dec. 2007, Beijing, China, pp. 105-112.16.Ángel Serrano,Isaac Martín de Diego,Cristina Conde,Enrique Cabello,Li Bai, and LinLin Shen:Fusion of Support Vector Classifiers for Parallel Gabor Methods Applied to Face Verification.MCS 2007: 141-15015. Ángel Serrano,Cristina Conde,Isaac Martín de Diego,Enrique Cabello,Li Bai, LinLin Shen: Parallel gabor PCA with fusion of SVM scores for face verification.VISAPP (2) 2007: 149-154.14. Linlin Shen, Li Bai and Zhen Ji. A SVM face recognition method based on optimized Gabor features[C]. The 9th International Conference on Visual Information System, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4781, pp.165-174, 28–29 June 2007, Shanghai, China.13. Linlin Shen, Zhen Ji and Li Bai. Tuning Kernel parameters with different Gabor features for face recognition[C]. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4682:pp.881-890, 2007.200612. Li Bai, Linlin Shen, Yan Wang, A novel eye location algorithm based on radial symmetry transform[C]. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), 2006, pp. 511-514.11. Linlin Shen, Dorothee Auer and Li Bai. 3D Gabor wavelets for evaluating medical image registration algorithms[C]. International Workshop on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4091, pp.261-268, 2006.(SCI)200510. Li Bai and Linlin Shen. A fast and robust Gabor feature based method for face recognition[C]. The IEE International Symposium on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (Best Papers), The IEE Savoy Place, London, 2005.9. Linlin Shen and Li Bai. Kernel enahanced informative Gabor features for face recognition[C]. The 16th British Machine Vision Conference, Oxford, UK, 2005.8. Linlin Shen and Li Bai, etc. Gabor feature selection for face recognition using improved AdaBoost learning[C]. Advances in Biometric Person Authentication, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3781, pp. 39-49, 2005.(SCI)20047. Linlin Shen and Li Bai. Gabor feature based face recognition using Kernel methods[C]. Proc. of the IEEE 6th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Soel, Korea, 2004. (pdf)6. Linlin Shen and Li Bai. Combining Gabor feature and Kernel Direct Discriminant Analysis for face recognition[C]. Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Cambridge, UK, 2004. (pdf)5. Linlin Shen, Li Bai and P. Picton. Facial recognition/verification using Gabor wavelets and kernel methods[C]. Proc. of the IEEE Internal Conference on Image Processing, Singapore, 2004.4. Linlin Shen and Li Bai. AdaBoost Gabor feature selection for classification[C]. Proc. of Image and Vision Computing, New Zealand, 2004.20033. Li Bai and Linlin Shen. Face detection by orientation map matching[C]. Proceeding of International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modeling Control and Automation, Austria, Feb. 2003, pp. 363-369. (pdf)2. Li Bai and Linlin Shen. Combining wavelets with HMM for face recognition[C]. Proceedings of the 23rd SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, Dec., 2003.20011. Linlin Shen. Quality measures of fingerprint images[C]. Audio- And Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2091: pp. 266-271, 2001.(SCI,Number of citations from Google: 85)


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