

发布时间:2024-07-07 04:34:41




对于没有英文论文投稿经验的作者来说,对英文论文总有一种恐惧感,因为很多作者对国外期刊的不了解,加之英文水平有限,认为国外期刊的审稿周期很长、过程复杂、审稿意见很难回答等等,其实并不是真实情况,发表英文论文并没有我们想象的那么难。 SCI基本成为衡量学术成果的标准,不少学者都有发表SCI论文的经历。sci论文的被引用率也成为了衡量科研工作者科研能力的重要标准,论文的发表有时候对作者的前途有很大的影响,也是科研工作者的科研成果能否被社会所接受的重要影响因素。 大部分的英文期刊(在英国、美国出版的)都是被SCI收录的,这个要比入选SCI的中文期刊占所有中文期刊的比例大很多,所以在投稿的时候,基本上是不用考虑所选的英文期刊是不是被SCI收录的。 国内很多一流期刊数量有限的僧多粥少的局面下,文章录用率是大大降低的。反而不如投稿SCI这类英文期刊。写英文的文章刚开始的时候过程比较艰难,通过壹品优刊网平台提供的sci论文发表服务,平台提供国内合作者与国外研究员研合模式合作完成论文,顺利见刊。

如何在国外电子平台上出版英文论文?1. 投稿:一般情况下,你想在电子出版平台上出版文章或者论文,首先你得在该出版平台上注册,写清楚邮箱和电话等联系方式很重要,这便于你投稿,以及和出版社工作人员沟通。 同时,在投稿之前,你得写好你的稿件,稿件质量很重要,不然很难通过审核。 其次,选择投递的期刊名称,这个就属于对你自己的文章的一个定位了,投递方向正确了,审核才能顺利进行。 2. 审稿和修改:在你的稿件成功投递之后,会有专业的审稿人对你的稿件进行审核,审核内容包括稿件的标题、单位信息,摘要,关键词,内容、字数、参考文献,及文章质量等。等到确认你的文章在这些方面,没有什么大问题,可以经过简单的修改就可以出版。如果有问题,你需要根据审稿人的要求进行修改,经过修改的文章,最终确定没有问题,就可以着手出版了。 3. 出版:一般在稿件修改完成以后,出版平台会进行一个最终的排版,然后跟你做最后确认一次来定稿,没有什么问题就可以出版了,当然,出版之前,你得支付出版费用。一般情况下,费用会根据出版平台、稿件字数和内容等的不同,而不 同。比如一些国际性的大出版社,一般的费用就在1600美金左右,多的高达3000美金。其他一些收费没有那么贵的,也就400美金左右。 4. 增值服务:一般在电子出版平台出版书刊后,会给客户提供一定的增值服务。比如Science Publishing Group 这个平台,客户在这个平台出版书刊以后,可以免费阅读和下载这个平台的英文文献和资料,同时也可以转载或者分享自己的作品到自己的社交平台等。不管是什么样的增值服务,对投稿人来说,都是有益的。总之,在这个互联网时代,选择电子出版,比选择传统的出版,多了一些便利、快捷,同时也最大限度的分享知识。若可能,你的文章或者其他作品,会分享给世界各地有需求的人,并且长久的保存下来。



论文是一个汉语词语,拼音是lùn wén,古典文学常见论文一词,谓交谈辞章或交流思想。




一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在研究和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB/T 7714-2015》进行。







工业设计 Industrial Design designIndustrial design is an applied art whereby the aesthetics and usability of products may be improved for marketability and production. The role of an Industrial Designer is to create and execute design solutions towards problems of engineering, usability, marketing, brand development and sales.Definition of industrial designGeneralIndustrial Designers are a cross between a mechanical engineer and an artist. They study both function and form, and the connection between product and the user. They do not design the gears or motors that make machines move, or the circuits that control the movement. And usually, they partner with engineers and marketers, to identify and fulfill needs, wants and expectations.In Depth"Industrial Design (ID) is the professional service of creating and developing concepts and specifications that optimize the function, value and appearance of products and systems for the mutual benefit of both user and manufacturer." According to the IDSA (Industrial Design Society of America)Design, itself, is often difficult to define to non-designers because the meaning accepted by the design community is not one made of words. Instead, the definition is created as a result of acquiring a critical framework for the analysis and creation of artifacts. One of the many accepted (but intentionally unspecific) definitions of design originates from Carnegie Mellon's School of Design, "Design is the process of taking something from its existing state and moving it to a preferred state". This applies to new artifacts, whose existing state is undefined and previously created artifacts, whose state stands to be improved.According to the (Chartered Society of Designers) design is a force that delivers innovation that in turn has exploited creativity. Their design framework known as the Design Genetic Matrix (TM) determines a set of competences in 4 key genes that are identified to define the make up of designers and communicate to a wide audience what they do. Within these genes the designer demonstrates the core competences of a designer and specific competences determine the designer as an 'industrial designer'. This is normally within the context of delivering innovation in the form of a three dimensional product that is produced in quantity. However the definition also extends to products that have been produced using an industrial process. Industrial design is rapidly becoming an obsolete term as 'products' can now be industrially produced as 'one-offs' by the use of Rapid Prototyping Machines. In a post-industrial era and with the emergence of strategic design definitions such as this are incumbering designers and the advancement of design practice.According to the ICSID, (International Council of Societies of Industrial Design) "Design is a creative activity whose aim is to establish the multi-faceted qualities of objects, processes, services and their systems in whole life-cycles. Therefore, design is the central factor of innovative humanization of technologies and the crucial factor of cultural and economic exchange.Process of designAlthough the process of design may be considered 'creative', many analytical processes also take place. In fact, many industrial designers often use various design methodologies in their creative process. Some of the processes that are commonly used are user research, sketching, comparative product research, model making, prototyping and testing. These processes can be chronological, or as best defined by the designers and/or other team members. Industrial Designers often utilize 3D software, Computer-aided industrial design and CAD programs to move from concept to production. Product characteristics specified by the industrial designer may include the overall form of the object, the location of details with respect to one another, colors, texture, sounds, and aspects concerning the use of the product ergonomics. Additionally the industrial designer may specify aspects concerning the production process, choice of materials and the way the product is presented to the consumer at the point of sale. The use of industrial designers in a product development process may lead to added values by improved usability, lowered production costs and more appealing products. However, some classic industrial designs are considered as much works of art as works of engineering: the iPod, Coke bottle, and VW Beetle are frequently-cited examples.Industrial design has no focus on technical concepts, products and processes. In addition to considering aesthetics, usability, and ergonomics, it can also encompass the engineering of objects, usefulness as well as usability, market placement, and other concerns such as seduction, psychology, desire, and the sexual or affectionate attachment of the user to the object. These values and accompanying aspects on which industrial design is based can vary, both between different schools of thought and among practicing designers.Product design and industrial design can overlap into the fields of user interface design, information design and interaction design. Various schools of industrial design and/or product design may specialize in one of these aspects, ranging from pure art colleges (product styling) to mixed programs of engineering and design, to related disciplines like exhibit design and interior design.Also used to describe a technically competent product designer or industrial designer is the term Industrial Design Engineer. The Cyclone vacuum cleaner inventor James Dyson for example could be considered to be in this category (see his autobiography Against The Odds, Pub Thomson 2002).Industrial design rightsIndustrial design rights are intellectual property rights that make exclusive the visual design of objects that are not purely utilitarian. An industrial design consists of the creation of a shape, configuration or composition of pattern or color, or combination of pattern and color in three dimensional form containing aesthetic value. An industrial design can be a two- or three-dimensional pattern used to produce a product, industrial commodity or handicraft. Under the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs, a WIPO-administered treaty, a procedure for an international registration exists. An applicant can file for a single international deposit with WIPO or with the national office in a country party to the treaty. The design will then be protected in as many member countries of the treaty as desired.


平面设计专业英语论文There are several phases and processes in the user interface design some of which are more demanded upon than others depending on the project. (note for the remainder of this section the word system is used to denote any project whether it is a web site, application, or device)Functionality requirements gathering - assembling a list of the functionality required of the system to accomplish the goals of the project and the potential needs of the users. User analysis - analysis of the potential users of the system either through discussion with people who work with the users and/or the potential users themselves. Typical questions involve: What would the user want the system to do? How would the system fit in with the users normal workflow or daily activities? How technically savvy is the user and what similar systems does the user already use? What interface look & feel styles appeal to the user? Information architecture - development of the process and/or information flow of the system (i.e. for phone tree systems, this would be an option tree flowchart and for web sites this would be a site flow that shows the hierarchy of the pages).Prototyping - development of wireframes, either in the form of paper prototypes or simple interactive screens. These prototypes are stripped of all look & feel elements and most content in order to concentrate on the interface. Usability testing - testing of the prototypes on an actual user—often using a technique called talk aloud protocol where you ask the user to talk about their thoughts during the experience. Graphic Interface design - actual look & feel design of the final graphical user interface (GUI.) It may be based on the findings developed during the usability testing if usability is unpredictable, or based on communication objectives and styles that would appeal to the user.

绘画与设计关系的几点思考 内容摘要:文章通过分析绘画与设计的使命、特点、异同与发展等,客观、深刻、科学地阐述了两者的关系。 关 键 词:绘画 设计 使命 关系 画家与设计师有时会引发一些争议。有的认为,绘画与设计同属美术,只要有绘画功夫,搞设计是不成问题的;而另一种观点是:仅仅靠绘画的功底去从事设计是远远不够的。因此,有必要认真思考绘画与设计两者的使命,理清它们之间的种种关系,这对艺术设计教育与实践等具有建设性意义。 一、 绘画与设计的特点、使命、区分 绘画与设计虽然同属创造性活动,但具有各自的特点和使命。 具体说来,绘画具有被观赏的特征,反映的是思想意识、精神生活、情感宣泄和美感体现等,因此,绘画是非物质、非功利、非实用主义的。创新是绘画的生命,并且通过个性化体现来实现,古今中外每一位杰出的绘画大师都创作过极为个性化的作品,展现了自己的典型风格和特征。画家们(尤其是现代派画家),为了表现出作品的生命力,根据自己的愿望,在技能、材质与工具的应用上随心所欲,可以完全不考虑其作品被不被人理解、欣赏、接纳或认可。在这方面,凡·高是一位典型的大师,他创造了大量极作,但在当时未能被人们广泛接受。 而设计具有鲜明的实用价值,设计的产生、发展是与商业行为结伴而来的,是随着商品经济的激烈竞争而出现的。设计体现的是多层次的理性思考,是在设计理念和功能体现的前题下,通过科学技术、材料、工艺、机械加工等工业化的生产综合水平,生产出各类产品,最终满足全社会消费者生存所必不可少的物质需求与精神需求。因此,设计是物质性、功利性和实用性的,是不能完全凭感觉去完成的,而更需要接受和服从广大的消费者的消费需求、文化品位与生活习惯。例如,各类电器从设计到生产,再从市场到消费者的使用,整个过程体现了设计需要考虑各种因素如设计、策划、市场、消费、生产、成本、企业文化、品牌、设计思潮、设计风格和流行趋势等问题,寻找最佳的表达方法,把设计师的构想变成消费者能够接受和采纳的现实。 二、绘画与设计的异同 绘画与设计属于美术两大分支,它们之间有着相同之处,都是属于创造性活动,但也有本质的区别,二者之间的关系属于两个不同性质行业之间的关系,具体体现在以下几个方面。 首先,绘画与设计在工艺制作和实现方式上存在着区别。绘画虽然是一门艺术,但整个绘画作品的产生和制作过程是属于纯手工艺的,观者看到画面上的点、线、面、体和真实的肌理或质感,都是画家手工制作的,因此,绘画中手工操作的技术含量占重要比例。完成一幅绘画作品实际上是完成一种思维过程,即通过某种技法去实现某种意念,那么,怎样才能使这种思维的实现成为可能?在这里技术所包含的材料、技巧等起到了决定性的作用。例如,油画是通过以油为结合剂的油性颜料,用特定的技法,将构想画在布面或其他材料上;国画是用毛笔蘸上墨等水溶性颜料,以特有的笔法,将构想画在宣纸、帛以及其他材料上。但对设计产品来说,在实现方式上是通过脑力劳动的创造与大工业机器生产相结合来完成的,如今科技的进步和电脑的产生,给设计业带来了划时代的变化,设计作品的产生方式更加体现了机器的智能化、系列化,机器的重要性越来越明显。 其次,绘画与设计在商品经济中的地位是不同的。 对于绘画而言,是非商品化的(商业绘画除外),画家们强调的是自身的感受、意念、风格和精神内涵,如现代绘画更是创新观念独特,其个性表露和情感发泄更加强烈,使人惊讶不已,画家不会考虑其绘画能否让观者接受,更不去考虑绘画在商品经济中的地位。但设计是一项为他人服务的活动,具有物质性、功利性和实用性,并与商界有密切联系。如果说消费者和顾客是上帝的话,那么设计师就得屈服于他们的“上帝”,这是应该遵循的原则。设计者必须使他的产品具备使用价值与审美价值,去满足消费者的种种需求,赢得他们的信任与满意,最后通过市场竞争,使之实现畅销。因此,设计在商品经济中的地位是举足轻重的。 三、绘画与设计的联系 虽然绘画与设计之间存在着各种差异,但不能否认绘画与设计这两个同属于一根藤的瓜,有着千丝万缕的联系。如:早期绘画与设计的起源在艺术规律和基本特征上有着很大的相似性。又如,具备必要的绘画知识及审美能力,对于设计教学和设计实践尤为重要。在设计教学中,学生应具备必要的绘画知识,才能表达各类形态的造型,并能提高形象思维能力、抽象思维能力、抽象表现能力、对形态的审美能力等。这就意味着素描教学有很重要的地位,学生的绘画是从基础素描开始的,随后再通过设计素描、设计草图、设计效果图等课程的学习进行绘画的进一步训练。这些课程在培养学生从设计基础向设计专业过渡和衔接上起到关键性作用,是培养学生的设计意识及设计表达能力不可缺少的重要环节。在设计实践中,更是离不开绘画,如果一个从事设计的人不懂得绘画,那是寸步难行。这是因为:第一,在设计前期,也就是在想象和构思阶段,绘画(绘制草图)可以帮助捕捉灵感;第二,成熟的设计意念需要通过绘画得到具体表达,传达给他人。 绘画与设计也将随着时代的前进而发展。我国的绘画将继续在国际性的巨大风格差异中摸索和试验,探索新的道路,将绘画的时代性、民族性、当代性放在第一位,开创中国绘画的国际地位与影响,这对设计领域也是一个很好的促进;在设计教育方面,我国将实行素质教育,它是一种综合教育方式,涉及到社会、人文、科技,具有跨学科意义,使学生得到设计方向、设计商务、设计策划等多途径的教育,这对绘画观念的更新有着巨大影响。 结语 绘画与设计,就好比是“一根藤上的两个瓜”,是不可分割的。只有正确理解绘画与设计的起源与奥秘、特点与使命、异同与对比、整合与发展等,才能对两者的关系有客观的、深刻的、科学的认识,这对提高教学的质量、打造时代所需要的设计人才,弘扬中国元素与民族精神,摘掉中国设计师只会拷贝的帽子,具有建设性意义。





1.英国Report实践性更重一点,少写理论,多结合实际情况分析。对于某些Case Analysis的Report来说,一定要针对导师提供的Case来做分析,而不是自由发挥和滥用无关联的理论。所有分析都必须针对Case里的内容来进行。

2.数据和图表的使用很重要。如果用到某公司几年内的某一项数据的变化,可以先列数据表格,再用柱状图、馅饼图或曲线图进行直观反映。字体格式:论文有明确要求字体格式、大小等时,根据要求来操作;论文没有明确要求字体大小等时,一般用times new roman字体;12(小四);1.5倍行距;Word默认页边距;标题字体可加粗;每段落之间空一行;每段直接写,无需空格;在每页的右下角插入页数。

1、Table of Contents,一定要用Word自动生成格式。

2、Executive Summary,一般要出现“The main purpose of this report is to……”这样的标志性语句。一般来说,这部分主要介绍这篇Report的研究内容、研究对象、研究目的、研究意义等等一些概括性的东西。



5、Conclusion/Recommendation, 根据论文要求具体把握。

6、Reference: Reference是导师最看重的,所以请一定特别注意!绝对不能出现编造的情况,一定要真实。英国对这个问题查得很严。一旦查出有作假或抄袭情况,会直接挂科,甚至开除学籍。一般来说,Reference包含两个部分,一种是in-text reference 也就是在文章里的reference,一种是在文章最后出现的reference, 也就是reference list。一篇论文须要包含文中的in-text reference和文末的reference list。论文有明确要求几个Reference的,根据要求来把握;没有明确说明个数的,一般按照每千字3-10个来操作。


在英国Report写作中,多选择一些更加简洁和贴切的语句,具体到细节,比如说减少there be句型的使用。很多同学习惯使用there be...但是可能会出现滥用的情况。

其实在很多情况下,there be的句式是可以省略的,使用更为恰当的语句来替代。



其实可以很通俗的给你讲 本科段就是专科和本科都是修的同一个专业 但是独立段本科就是你专科所学的专业和本科所学的专业是不一样的 也就是说你跨专业了 这个没有什么好坏之分的 就看你所选专业了,可以问问壹品优刊

英国留学论文格式及基本要求如下: 1.格式 平时的小作业有essay 和 report 两种格式 essay --- 结构分为introduction, main body, 和 conclusion. 不用太复杂的结构 Report ----- 要有 executive summary, 结构要求很高,文章分为几个部分,每个部分都要有大标题,下面还要有副标题,等等。(可以参考一起附上的report例文的结构) 2.References问题 文章一定要有references (参考文献), 就是引用别人文章中的观点,但是这个引用不能整断整段的直接用书上,网上的文章,或者杂志上的文章的内容。如果一段话中有超过三个词是引用的,就要表明 references. (如果完全是用自己的语言将别人的观点说出来了,引用的词是两个或更少,就可以不用标出references)。 *如果整段要直接引用原话,要用引号标出,而且这样的引用的比率不能超过全文字数的5%。 *全文注明references的文字,就是引用的文字不能超过全文字数的30%. *References (参考文献)可以是书,也可以是学术杂志上发表的文章,或者网上的文章,但是引用的文章最好大多数是近十年的文章,而且References一定要按照正确方法标注。 References 在文中是在文中用自己的话说出别人书中或文章中的内容后,用括号标出作者和年代,而在文后的references列表中一定要用Harvard references system的格式来标出参考文献。 参考文献的数量也是有要求的,一般是每1000 字要有5个references. 3.字数问题 字数也是要按照要求写的,否则会扣分 文后的references列表和附录 (appendix)是不算字的。 比如,文章要求如果是4000字,那正文的字数就是4000 +/- 10% 字。 如果要求no more than 4000 words, 那正文的字数就不能超过4000字。 如果要求 no less than 4000 words, 那正文的字数就不能少于4000字。 如果要求4000-4500 words, 那正文的字数就要写4000-4500字之间。 4.人称问题 因为写的作业都属于学术文章,所以不能用第一人称(I, we, in my opinion,…) 这样主观的说法, 可以用被动语态。 *不能说 I DO STH, 要说 XX HAS BEEN DONE。。。特别是写REPORT的时候, 老师喜欢看到被动语句 5.Introduction和Executive summary 的区别 Introduction: 不能在introduction说出文章的结论,introduction是对文章的要写内容的介绍,结构的介绍。 Executive summary: 阐述文章得出的finding, conclusion, recommendations. (这个文件的最后几页有两者比较的具体阐述,如果需要可以看看。) 写作内容注意事项 1. 英国人的思维是反方向的,所以,我们写东西也要这样。 不要在文章开始就写出结论(你自己的观点),而是要先阐述能验证结论的论证,最后在得出结论。 比如我们的习惯,是先有观点譬如:我想吃蔬菜,(这就是你的观点),然后你会去论证你的观点,譬如:我今天需要补充维生素,维生素对于我身体有好处,(这些是你的论证),这些论证放在一起,就是你对观点“我想吃蔬菜”的总结,而在外国人眼里,你要先说“蔬菜有很多的维生素”,都有哪些种每一种对人体有什么好处你为什么要吃蔬菜,,最后再说出你的观点,“我想吃蔬菜”,这样就是有说服力的说法,可以的话在举个Reference什么的,“人或者离不开蔬菜”看看那个明人说过,拿来就可以引用一下。 2. 得出结论的时候要把自己的观点放在最前面,因为自己的观点在他们的眼里才是最重要的,Reference要引用人说的东西,要放在自己观点后面,作为辅助,证明自己观点使用,不要他人家观点写出来,自己再作分析,因为,论文要看得是你想的东西,人家观点已经是得出来的结果,用结果在写分析,老师会觉得你没有自己的观点,甚至认为你是抄的。 3. 引用观点的时候不要整段引用,挑出关键词,多过3个字,要标明那里引用的,如果需要大量引用观点,不妨尝试把观点拆开引用,并且在每个观点之前先写上自己的观点,或者理解. 如果你引用不够三个字,可以不标明为Reference可以直接使用,当作自己的观点. 还有一点我觉得,就是可以根据老师给的资料,HANDOUT和推荐的书写,不要盲目的全部在GOOGLE上搜。特别如果那本书是你老师写的而且他有推荐你去看去买的话,就引用点里面的做REFERENCE 4. 英国老师很喜欢表格,图表,等等,来表示各种数据,在他们看来这是专业的象征,所以只要是和数字有关的,不妨都多画一个图表,excel就可以帮你画里面什么样子的都有,立体的平面的,把你文章里的数据套进去就可以,尝试一下,效果不错,数据可以是你验证后得到的,也可以使自己估计的,详细地要文章解释。 5. 千万不要为了凑字数,车轱辘话,来回绕,得不偿失,但是可以从不同的角度来验证自己这句话,或者人家的话,不同角度一写字数就多了,而且只要这个观点是对的,老师会觉得你很有见地,分析全面,而且只会长分,不会减分。


Brief analysis family indoor design color factor[Abstract] color is the emotional expression of a language, it is an expression of the human heart in some very complex feelings. Color design is known as the "soul." It is the interior design of the most vivid, the most active, has a pivotal position. The success of design is the color we can meet the aesthetic demands of the residents is to express individuality. [Key words] color interior designFirst, color interior design is an important part of the The interior color design to be considered by a lot of factors which include space, form, structure, light, materials and colors. However, the design factors are often ignored is the color. This approach is often the color will not achieve the best results. Color choice should be included in the overall design of the building, and not like to deal with after the deal. The success of design is the color of all colors and other materials as a color combination to deal with. The most successful interior design and color of the overall design objectives. Second, the interior design of the basic requirements for color Interior design in color, there are many factors that influence the design of color. The main factors include the inherent interior. For example: the use of space for different purposes, such as workshops, wards, obviously taking into account the requirements of color, reflect the character and atmosphere of the formation varies. Another example: interior design can be different color space, in the form of further stressed or weakened. Of course, is also the interior design color reference, in a different direction under natural light colors are different, there are differences in a sense of well-being, may be used to adjust the color. Factors include the "residents". For example: the use of space, the type of person. Men, women and children of color requires a lot of difference between the colors should meet the preferences of the residents, another example: a user's activities in space and the use of the length of time. Learning classrooms, industrial production workshop, a variety of activities and work, require a different line of sight conditions, in order to improve efficiency, safety and comfort. Finally, should also be factors, including the space around which the environmental factors. Color and the environment are closely linked, especially in the interior, reflective color can affect the other colors. And a different environment, through the outdoor landscape can be reflective to the interior, the color should also be made to coordinate with the surrounding environment.Third, the color of the interior design 1. Color coordination. Indoor color design is the fundamental problem of color matching issues, Van Gogh said: "There is no bad colors, only with bad." Color effect of different colors depending on the relationship between the same color in different background conditions, a The results can be very different. Visual organs in accordance with the natural physiological conditions, with different colors on request. There will be a lot of visual color phenomenon. The vision colors of the organ to stimulate the instinct to carry out the swap in order to maintain visual physiological balance, and only when the color of the complementary relationship-building, the only vision and balance are met. 2. Indoor color composition. Color in the interior composition can often play a special role. (1) can cause people to hide or attention. (2) objects can have a swelling sense of contraction. (3) color can be fabricated in the form of indoor space, to break the pattern of the original space. (4) Color Indoor enable the object of varieties, materials, texture, form each other to form internal relations.

绘画与设计关系的几点思考 内容摘要:文章通过分析绘画与设计的使命、特点、异同与发展等,客观、深刻、科学地阐述了两者的关系。 关 键 词:绘画 设计 使命 关系 画家与设计师有时会引发一些争议。有的认为,绘画与设计同属美术,只要有绘画功夫,搞设计是不成问题的;而另一种观点是:仅仅靠绘画的功底去从事设计是远远不够的。因此,有必要认真思考绘画与设计两者的使命,理清它们之间的种种关系,这对艺术设计教育与实践等具有建设性意义。 一、 绘画与设计的特点、使命、区分 绘画与设计虽然同属创造性活动,但具有各自的特点和使命。 具体说来,绘画具有被观赏的特征,反映的是思想意识、精神生活、情感宣泄和美感体现等,因此,绘画是非物质、非功利、非实用主义的。创新是绘画的生命,并且通过个性化体现来实现,古今中外每一位杰出的绘画大师都创作过极为个性化的作品,展现了自己的典型风格和特征。画家们(尤其是现代派画家),为了表现出作品的生命力,根据自己的愿望,在技能、材质与工具的应用上随心所欲,可以完全不考虑其作品被不被人理解、欣赏、接纳或认可。在这方面,凡·高是一位典型的大师,他创造了大量极作,但在当时未能被人们广泛接受。 而设计具有鲜明的实用价值,设计的产生、发展是与商业行为结伴而来的,是随着商品经济的激烈竞争而出现的。设计体现的是多层次的理性思考,是在设计理念和功能体现的前题下,通过科学技术、材料、工艺、机械加工等工业化的生产综合水平,生产出各类产品,最终满足全社会消费者生存所必不可少的物质需求与精神需求。因此,设计是物质性、功利性和实用性的,是不能完全凭感觉去完成的,而更需要接受和服从广大的消费者的消费需求、文化品位与生活习惯。例如,各类电器从设计到生产,再从市场到消费者的使用,整个过程体现了设计需要考虑各种因素如设计、策划、市场、消费、生产、成本、企业文化、品牌、设计思潮、设计风格和流行趋势等问题,寻找最佳的表达方法,把设计师的构想变成消费者能够接受和采纳的现实。 二、绘画与设计的异同 绘画与设计属于美术两大分支,它们之间有着相同之处,都是属于创造性活动,但也有本质的区别,二者之间的关系属于两个不同性质行业之间的关系,具体体现在以下几个方面。 首先,绘画与设计在工艺制作和实现方式上存在着区别。绘画虽然是一门艺术,但整个绘画作品的产生和制作过程是属于纯手工艺的,观者看到画面上的点、线、面、体和真实的肌理或质感,都是画家手工制作的,因此,绘画中手工操作的技术含量占重要比例。完成一幅绘画作品实际上是完成一种思维过程,即通过某种技法去实现某种意念,那么,怎样才能使这种思维的实现成为可能?在这里技术所包含的材料、技巧等起到了决定性的作用。例如,油画是通过以油为结合剂的油性颜料,用特定的技法,将构想画在布面或其他材料上;国画是用毛笔蘸上墨等水溶性颜料,以特有的笔法,将构想画在宣纸、帛以及其他材料上。但对设计产品来说,在实现方式上是通过脑力劳动的创造与大工业机器生产相结合来完成的,如今科技的进步和电脑的产生,给设计业带来了划时代的变化,设计作品的产生方式更加体现了机器的智能化、系列化,机器的重要性越来越明显。 其次,绘画与设计在商品经济中的地位是不同的。 对于绘画而言,是非商品化的(商业绘画除外),画家们强调的是自身的感受、意念、风格和精神内涵,如现代绘画更是创新观念独特,其个性表露和情感发泄更加强烈,使人惊讶不已,画家不会考虑其绘画能否让观者接受,更不去考虑绘画在商品经济中的地位。但设计是一项为他人服务的活动,具有物质性、功利性和实用性,并与商界有密切联系。如果说消费者和顾客是上帝的话,那么设计师就得屈服于他们的“上帝”,这是应该遵循的原则。设计者必须使他的产品具备使用价值与审美价值,去满足消费者的种种需求,赢得他们的信任与满意,最后通过市场竞争,使之实现畅销。因此,设计在商品经济中的地位是举足轻重的。 三、绘画与设计的联系 虽然绘画与设计之间存在着各种差异,但不能否认绘画与设计这两个同属于一根藤的瓜,有着千丝万缕的联系。如:早期绘画与设计的起源在艺术规律和基本特征上有着很大的相似性。又如,具备必要的绘画知识及审美能力,对于设计教学和设计实践尤为重要。在设计教学中,学生应具备必要的绘画知识,才能表达各类形态的造型,并能提高形象思维能力、抽象思维能力、抽象表现能力、对形态的审美能力等。这就意味着素描教学有很重要的地位,学生的绘画是从基础素描开始的,随后再通过设计素描、设计草图、设计效果图等课程的学习进行绘画的进一步训练。这些课程在培养学生从设计基础向设计专业过渡和衔接上起到关键性作用,是培养学生的设计意识及设计表达能力不可缺少的重要环节。在设计实践中,更是离不开绘画,如果一个从事设计的人不懂得绘画,那是寸步难行。这是因为:第一,在设计前期,也就是在想象和构思阶段,绘画(绘制草图)可以帮助捕捉灵感;第二,成熟的设计意念需要通过绘画得到具体表达,传达给他人。 绘画与设计也将随着时代的前进而发展。我国的绘画将继续在国际性的巨大风格差异中摸索和试验,探索新的道路,将绘画的时代性、民族性、当代性放在第一位,开创中国绘画的国际地位与影响,这对设计领域也是一个很好的促进;在设计教育方面,我国将实行素质教育,它是一种综合教育方式,涉及到社会、人文、科技,具有跨学科意义,使学生得到设计方向、设计商务、设计策划等多途径的教育,这对绘画观念的更新有着巨大影响。 结语 绘画与设计,就好比是“一根藤上的两个瓜”,是不可分割的。只有正确理解绘画与设计的起源与奥秘、特点与使命、异同与对比、整合与发展等,才能对两者的关系有客观的、深刻的、科学的认识,这对提高教学的质量、打造时代所需要的设计人才,弘扬中国元素与民族精神,摘掉中国设计师只会拷贝的帽子,具有建设性意义。


工业设计 Industrial Design designIndustrial design is an applied art whereby the aesthetics and usability of products may be improved for marketability and production. The role of an Industrial Designer is to create and execute design solutions towards problems of engineering, usability, marketing, brand development and sales.Definition of industrial designGeneralIndustrial Designers are a cross between a mechanical engineer and an artist. They study both function and form, and the connection between product and the user. They do not design the gears or motors that make machines move, or the circuits that control the movement. And usually, they partner with engineers and marketers, to identify and fulfill needs, wants and expectations.In Depth"Industrial Design (ID) is the professional service of creating and developing concepts and specifications that optimize the function, value and appearance of products and systems for the mutual benefit of both user and manufacturer." According to the IDSA (Industrial Design Society of America)Design, itself, is often difficult to define to non-designers because the meaning accepted by the design community is not one made of words. Instead, the definition is created as a result of acquiring a critical framework for the analysis and creation of artifacts. One of the many accepted (but intentionally unspecific) definitions of design originates from Carnegie Mellon's School of Design, "Design is the process of taking something from its existing state and moving it to a preferred state". This applies to new artifacts, whose existing state is undefined and previously created artifacts, whose state stands to be improved.According to the (Chartered Society of Designers) design is a force that delivers innovation that in turn has exploited creativity. Their design framework known as the Design Genetic Matrix (TM) determines a set of competences in 4 key genes that are identified to define the make up of designers and communicate to a wide audience what they do. Within these genes the designer demonstrates the core competences of a designer and specific competences determine the designer as an 'industrial designer'. This is normally within the context of delivering innovation in the form of a three dimensional product that is produced in quantity. However the definition also extends to products that have been produced using an industrial process. Industrial design is rapidly becoming an obsolete term as 'products' can now be industrially produced as 'one-offs' by the use of Rapid Prototyping Machines. In a post-industrial era and with the emergence of strategic design definitions such as this are incumbering designers and the advancement of design practice.According to the ICSID, (International Council of Societies of Industrial Design) "Design is a creative activity whose aim is to establish the multi-faceted qualities of objects, processes, services and their systems in whole life-cycles. Therefore, design is the central factor of innovative humanization of technologies and the crucial factor of cultural and economic exchange.Process of designAlthough the process of design may be considered 'creative', many analytical processes also take place. In fact, many industrial designers often use various design methodologies in their creative process. Some of the processes that are commonly used are user research, sketching, comparative product research, model making, prototyping and testing. These processes can be chronological, or as best defined by the designers and/or other team members. Industrial Designers often utilize 3D software, Computer-aided industrial design and CAD programs to move from concept to production. Product characteristics specified by the industrial designer may include the overall form of the object, the location of details with respect to one another, colors, texture, sounds, and aspects concerning the use of the product ergonomics. Additionally the industrial designer may specify aspects concerning the production process, choice of materials and the way the product is presented to the consumer at the point of sale. The use of industrial designers in a product development process may lead to added values by improved usability, lowered production costs and more appealing products. However, some classic industrial designs are considered as much works of art as works of engineering: the iPod, Coke bottle, and VW Beetle are frequently-cited examples.Industrial design has no focus on technical concepts, products and processes. In addition to considering aesthetics, usability, and ergonomics, it can also encompass the engineering of objects, usefulness as well as usability, market placement, and other concerns such as seduction, psychology, desire, and the sexual or affectionate attachment of the user to the object. These values and accompanying aspects on which industrial design is based can vary, both between different schools of thought and among practicing designers.Product design and industrial design can overlap into the fields of user interface design, information design and interaction design. Various schools of industrial design and/or product design may specialize in one of these aspects, ranging from pure art colleges (product styling) to mixed programs of engineering and design, to related disciplines like exhibit design and interior design.Also used to describe a technically competent product designer or industrial designer is the term Industrial Design Engineer. The Cyclone vacuum cleaner inventor James Dyson for example could be considered to be in this category (see his autobiography Against The Odds, Pub Thomson 2002).Industrial design rightsIndustrial design rights are intellectual property rights that make exclusive the visual design of objects that are not purely utilitarian. An industrial design consists of the creation of a shape, configuration or composition of pattern or color, or combination of pattern and color in three dimensional form containing aesthetic value. An industrial design can be a two- or three-dimensional pattern used to produce a product, industrial commodity or handicraft. Under the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs, a WIPO-administered treaty, a procedure for an international registration exists. An applicant can file for a single international deposit with WIPO or with the national office in a country party to the treaty. The design will then be protected in as many member countries of the treaty as desired.


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