

发布时间:2024-09-05 08:37:39


节资源,水慎用Resource saving, water with caution水,是生命之源。然而在全世界,有千百万人民面临用水短缺,每年有千百万儿童死于水媒疾病,一些最贫穷的国家遭受周期性干旱之苦。在中国的农村有3000多万人饮水困难,在城市,有400多个城市缺水,严重缺水,严重缺水有110多个,全国缺水量为1600万立方米。Water, is the source of However, throughout the world, millions of people are confronted with the shortage of water, there are millions of children die every yearof water-borne diseases, some of the poorest countries suffer periodic In China rural about 30000000 people drinking water problems, in thecity, water shortage is a serious water shortage city, more than 400, a serious shortage of water more than 110, the water volume is 16000000 cubic 听到这些,你有何感受?Hearing this, what do you feel?我们不禁想起那句警示名言:如果我们不节约用水,不珍惜宝贵的水资源,那么地球上最后一滴水很可能是我们的眼泪。We can not help but think of the phrase warning saying: if we don't save water, do not cherish the precious water resource, so the last drop of water on earth is likely to be our 节约用水,保障水资源的可持续利用,是我们共同的事业,也是我们共同的责任。可是,作为新世纪的少年,我们节约用水了吗?Water conservation, sustainable utilization of water resource, is our common cause, is our common But, as the new century, young, we save water?当你哗啦哗啦洗手时,是否听见水在深深地叹息;When you came to wash their hands, hear the deep sigh of water;当你哗啦哗啦洗衣服的时候,是否看见映着蓝天的水伤心地流泪;When you came to wash clothes, if they could see the blue sky water shed tears of sadness;当你哗啦哗啦沐浴的时候,是否目睹千万的水珠痛心流逝;When you came to bathe, whether seen millions of drops painful passage;当你哗啦哗啦冲厕所的时候,是否听见水的愤怒;When you came to flush the toilet, hear water anger;当你走过哗啦啦漏水的水龙头时,是否感觉到那干枯生命焦急的面孔!When you walk through a crashed a leaking faucet, if it feels that the dry lifeworried face!水,是生命之源!Water is the source of life!是水,让碧草变得更绿。Is the water, so that more 是水,让花儿竞相开放。Is the water, let flowers 是水,让大树挺拔茁壮。Is the water, make the trees grow tall and 是水,创造了文明,滋润了万物。Is the water, to create a civilized, nourishing all 森林与人类息息相关,是人类的亲密伙伴,是全球生态系统的重要组成部分。如果没有森林,陆地上绝大多数的生物会灭绝,绝大多数的水会流入海洋;大气中氧气会减少、二氧化碳会增加;气温会显著升高,水旱灾害会经常发生。森林,还可以改善空气质量,减少泥沙流失,涵养水源,减少风沙危害,减轻噪音污染,美化自然环境等等。 Forest and mankind, is mankind's intimate partners, is an important part of the global ecological If there is no forest land, most biological extinction, the vast majority of water will flow into the sea; the oxygen in the atmosphere will reduce, carbon dioxide will increase; the temperature can significantly increased,flood and drought disasters occur The forest, but also can improve the air quality, reduce soil loss, water conservation, reduce the hazards of sand storms,reduce noise pollution, beautify the environment and so 森林的现状,很多人不知道。请看——“无数台拖拉机、推土机隆隆作响,难以数计的树木倒在地上。动物们被吓跑了,成片土地被推平。The present situation of the forest, a lot of people do not Please see --"countless tractors, bulldozers rumbled, countless trees fell to the The animal is scared, plots of land were bulldozed 这就是人类的行为吗?爱护森林吧!行动起来吧!滥砍乱伐森林是人类的愚蠢行为,再不要做这种危害子孙后代的事了。我们一定要保护好现有的森林资源!This is the human behavior? Love forest! Action bar! Deforestation deforestation forest is human folly, then do not do the harm descendants We must protect the existing forest resources!让呼吸在绿色中流畅,让土地在根系间凝聚! 今天你吃了森林,明天沙漠就会吃了你。 为子孙后代留下蓝天碧水绿地!Let the breath flowing in green, let the land to condense on the root! You eat desertforest today, tomorrow will eat Left for future generations, blue sky and green land!让我们一起节约用水!让生命源远流长!Let us work together to save water! Let life history!

Topic : Sino-Russian trade in timber Problems and Solutions Abstract : Russia is China's biggest supplier of timber, Sino-Russian trade in timber and forest products trade is an important Based on the Sino-Russian bilateral trade in forest resources and the status of research, analyze existing trade issues Transactions such as poor product quality and market irregularities and bilateral policy And to address these issues and come up with the inspection work, improvement of the market system and the strengthening of bilateral cooperation in the joint venture enterprises such as corresponding solutions, while maintaining the sustainable development concept, strengthen forest certification work, in order to meet the Sino-Russian trade in timber sustained and healthy Key words : China and Russia; Timber trade; ; Countermeasures

Forest resource status analysis based on GIS and its driving force —A case study in Longfeng CountryAbstract: Based on the digital results of forest resource investigation for Xuyong County in 2012, the distribution of forest resource was analized one by one by using the methods of making thematic maps, spatial analysis and attributes extraction provided by ArcGIS The results indicates that……全部是自己翻译的


China's forest was not much, plus because of The forests of our country are getting less and From the woods to the Recently, I know that the forest can improve the living environment, green can purify the air, reduce environmental Can also provide the work of raw materials and other forest In the disaster areas, flood overruns the reason is because some there is no culture of farmers felling of trees caused water and soil erosion, so that flood will be so fierce Desert, sand flying Originally, this situation is caused by now: the forest is cut The role of forests, some ignorant farmers also not understand it Forest can store water and We feel hot in the summer, and it's more stuffy in the That's because the forest was destroyed, so it's not Where there is a forest, it is like an air conditioner, the trees can block some sunlight, so it will not be too In winter, the trees of the shelter, the woods will not be too You said, the forest is not a cool "natural regulator"Forests have a very beneficial role in the country's interests!It plays a great role in camouflage and concealment on the national defense at the So, the forest is a big hero ""Do you see, the role of the forest is not a lot, a lot of it? So, the forest is really too 我国的森林本来就不多 , 再加上由于人们的乱砍滥伐 。 我们国家的森林是越来越少了。由森林变化为林子。最近,我知道了森林可以改善生活环境,绿化可以净化空气,减少环境污染。还可以提供工作原料和其它林副产品。在灾区里,洪水泛滥成灾的原因是因为一些没有文化的农民们乱砍树木造成水土大量流失,所以,洪水才会如此凶猛的。少漠中,黄沙漫飞舞着。原来,造成现在这样情景的是:森林被砍光了。人们对于森林的作用,有些愚昧的农民还不明白呢!森林可以蓄水保土。我们在夏天里觉得很热,到了森林里更闷了。那是因为森林被人为破坏了,所以才一点也不凉快。有森林的地方,就像一个空调器,树木可以挡住一些太阳光,这样就不会太热了。冬天,树木的遮挡,林子里面就不会太凉了。你说,森林是不是一个冬暖夏凉的“自然调节器”。森林还有一个很利于国家利益的作用哩!它在边境的国防上,起到了很大的伪装、隐蔽的作用。所以,森林也是一大“功臣”。你看,森林的作用是不是很多,很大呀?所以,森林实在是太重要了。

Make breathing in green is fluent, make land between root together! Did you eat today forest, desert will eat you (3) for future generations left blue sky green!

Trees Are Important to Use   Trees are very useful to They provide us with wood and other They give us shade and they help to prevent drought and   Unfortunately, in many parts of our country, people haven't realized the importance of They cut them down at They are usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after new As a result, the forests continue to   Where there are no trees the rain falls on the surface, causing floods, and carries away with the rich topsoil, in which crops grow so When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but worthless   The big floods of 1998, in parts of China, have already taught us a good So every one of us must love trees, protect forests, and keep on planting trees each year


Analysis on Main Impacts on Surrounding Environment by Forestry Resources in Sichuan Province

Topic : Sino-Russian trade in timber Problems and Solutions Abstract : Russia is China's biggest supplier of timber, Sino-Russian trade in timber and forest products trade is an important Based on the Sino-Russian bilateral trade in forest resources and the status of research, analyze existing trade issues Transactions such as poor product quality and market irregularities and bilateral policy And to address these issues and come up with the inspection work, improvement of the market system and the strengthening of bilateral cooperation in the joint venture enterprises such as corresponding solutions, while maintaining the sustainable development concept, strengthen forest certification work, in order to meet the Sino-Russian trade in timber sustained and healthy Key words : China and Russia; Timber trade; ; Countermeasures


Trees Are Important to Use   Trees are very useful to They provide us with wood and other They give us shade and they help to prevent drought and   Unfortunately, in many parts of our country, people haven't realized the importance of They cut them down at They are usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after new As a result, the forests continue to   Where there are no trees the rain falls on the surface, causing floods, and carries away with the rich topsoil, in which crops grow so When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but worthless   The big floods of 1998, in parts of China, have already taught us a good So every one of us must love trees, protect forests, and keep on planting trees each year

China's forest was not much, plus because of The forests of our country are getting less and From the woods to the Recently, I know that the forest can improve the living environment, green can purify the air, reduce environmental Can also provide the work of raw materials and other forest In the disaster areas, flood overruns the reason is because some there is no culture of farmers felling of trees caused water and soil erosion, so that flood will be so fierce Desert, sand flying Originally, this situation is caused by now: the forest is cut The role of forests, some ignorant farmers also not understand it Forest can store water and We feel hot in the summer, and it's more stuffy in the That's because the forest was destroyed, so it's not Where there is a forest, it is like an air conditioner, the trees can block some sunlight, so it will not be too In winter, the trees of the shelter, the woods will not be too You said, the forest is not a cool "natural regulator"Forests have a very beneficial role in the country's interests!It plays a great role in camouflage and concealment on the national defense at the So, the forest is a big hero ""Do you see, the role of the forest is not a lot, a lot of it? So, the forest is really too 我国的森林本来就不多 , 再加上由于人们的乱砍滥伐 。 我们国家的森林是越来越少了。由森林变化为林子。最近,我知道了森林可以改善生活环境,绿化可以净化空气,减少环境污染。还可以提供工作原料和其它林副产品。在灾区里,洪水泛滥成灾的原因是因为一些没有文化的农民们乱砍树木造成水土大量流失,所以,洪水才会如此凶猛的。少漠中,黄沙漫飞舞着。原来,造成现在这样情景的是:森林被砍光了。人们对于森林的作用,有些愚昧的农民还不明白呢!森林可以蓄水保土。我们在夏天里觉得很热,到了森林里更闷了。那是因为森林被人为破坏了,所以才一点也不凉快。有森林的地方,就像一个空调器,树木可以挡住一些太阳光,这样就不会太热了。冬天,树木的遮挡,林子里面就不会太凉了。你说,森林是不是一个冬暖夏凉的“自然调节器”。森林还有一个很利于国家利益的作用哩!它在边境的国防上,起到了很大的伪装、隐蔽的作用。所以,森林也是一大“功臣”。你看,森林的作用是不是很多,很大呀?所以,森林实在是太重要了。




Analysis on Main Impacts on Surrounding Environment by Forestry Resources in Sichuan Province


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