

发布时间:2024-09-06 13:00:35


说实话··我是这个专业的··还是工程管理好一点,造价比较容易,完全自学可以。 工程管理以后主要是进建筑单位,做监理之类工作。 造价方向就不言而喻了, 而就我们学校来看(我们工程管理在全国还算拿的出手的)主要单位还是要项目管理的人。例如北京中建,广核等。 还是本身专业比较好分。 楼主自己权衡,还有就是女生分配的话估价可能好点,因为女生在建筑单位眼里没什么竞争力。

你是哪个省的啊 看看如果可以的话 可以给你一份全面的

建筑工程项目分承包管理方式的探讨 闻迅 关键词:项目、项目管理、总承包商(总包商)、分承包商(分包商)、建筑市场分包体系、矩阵式组织结构、合同管理、目标管理提要:随着建筑工程项目化管理更加深入,项目管理的科学方法应用更加广泛,建筑业向更高层次发展,建立完善的建筑业专业分包体系,将是我国建筑市场发展的必然趋势,笔者认为在目前的环境中,采用集权式的公司发包,授权项目的实施管理,采取矩阵式的组织管理结构,着重于合同管理和生产过程目标管理的方式,是较为有效的分包管理形式。 一项目的概念及特征、项目管理、建筑工程项目管理特点(一)项目的概念 “项目”的提法由来以早,建筑业及军事领域最早运用项目管理的工具和方法。项目的定义有多种,但都围绕着项目的基本概念而归纳的。ISO10006中规定项目为“具有独特的过程,有开始和结束时间,由一系列相互协调和受控的活动组成。过程的实施是为了达到规定的目标,包括满足时间、费用和资源的约束性条件。” 美国项目管理协会PMI在PMBOOK(2000版)给出的定义为:“项目是为了完成某一独特的产品或服务而作的一次性努力。” 德国国家标准DIN69901地应项目为“项目是指总体上符合下列条件的具有唯一性的任务。(具有预定目标,具体的时间、财务人力和其它限制条件,具有专门的组织)。” (二)项目的特征 独特和唯一性的任何项目所处的时间、地点、环境、参与的人、目的均各不相同,他们因项目二临时联系起来。就象“人没有相同的两个人”一样,是独特和唯一的。另外项目在进行过程中,所发生的事件、冲突和矛盾都不相同,所以对参与项目的人或物来说,每个项目都是独特的。因其在发展变化上的独特性,项目也是唯一的。 生命周期项目均具有明确的开始时间和结束时间。一般的,在这其中任何项目均具备四个阶段,即概念、计划、实施、结束四阶段,就如生命的孕育、出生、成长、成熟、消亡一样,项目周而复始,每个阶段都有相应不同的特点。现代,又将四阶段扩展为五阶段:“概念、计划、实施、结束、运行和维护”。 明确的目标项目活动均是“为了完成某一独特的产品或服务”,所以项目具有明确是目标,如建筑工程的质量、工期、成本文明施工目标。目标之间可能是相互矛盾和约束的,但又统一于项目内,目标具有约束性,项目活动就是要在受着许多约束和限制的条件下,完成诸多相互冲突矛盾的,但又不得不完成的任务。项目管理的结果就是在目标间求得一种平衡的结果。目标可以分解,总的目标由多层次的分目标组成。 系统组织项目是一个整体,项目各个组成部分相互影响,相互约束,形成一个完整的系统,并且项目都是在有组织的背景下产生的,如建筑工程项目都是在某建筑公司的组织内被组织和管理的,所以项目是一个有组织的整体系统。 不确定性项目是独特的,且是唯一的,项目发展没有固定先例。 Construction project management sub-contracting of Wen Xun Keywords: project, project management, general contractor (general contractor), sub-contractors (subcontractors), the construction market sub-system, matrix organizational structure, contract management , the target management Abstract: With the construction projects in greater depth of management, project management of more extensive application of scientific methods, the construction industry to a higher level of development, set up a sound system of construction specialist sub-contractors will be building market development in China are the inevitable trend, I think in the current environment, the use of centralized contract-style company, authorized the implementation of the project management, to take the matrix-style organization and management structure, focused on contract management and production process management by objectives approach is a more effective management of subcontractors The concept and characteristics of the project, project management, construction project management features (1) project concept "project" was the origin of a morning, the building industry and the military field, the earliest use of project management tools and The definition of the project has a wide range, but they all revolve around the basic concept of the project and ISO10006 in the project as "a unique process that has the beginning and end of time, by a series of coordinated and controlled the activities of the The process of implementation are in order to achieve the objectives set, including the needs of time, cost and resource binding "American Project Management Institute PMI at PMBOOK (2000 version) give the definition as:" projects are completed for a unique product or service for a one-time "German National Standard DIN69901 and should project as a" project are refers to the following conditions are met on a unique (with the intended target, a specific time, financial and other restrictions on human conditions, with specific organizations) "(b) the characteristics of the project a unique and uniqueness any item in which the timing, location, environment, participation of people, the aim should vary, they are linked to project the Second P As "people do not have the same two people", is unique and In addition the project during the course of events, conflicts and contradictions are not the same, so for example people or things involved in the project, each project is At the development and changes on its uniqueness, the project is also The life cycle of projects have specific start and end In general, and in this one of any of the items are available in four phases, namely, the concept, planning, implementation, ending four stage of life such as breeding, birth, growth, maturity, like the demise of the project cycle, each stage has a corresponding different Modern, will be extended to four stages of five stages: "the concept, planning, implementation, end of operation and " Specific objectives of the project activities are "for the completion of a unique product or service," so the project with a clear goal, such as construction quality, duration and cost goals of civilized Between the objectives may be contradictory and constraints, but are united in the project, the target of a binding nature, the project activity is to much suffering and limit the conditions, the completion of the many contradictions in conflict with each other, but had to be completed The results of project management is to achieve a balance between the objectives of Goals can be decomposed, the overall target from multi-layered composition of the sub- System project is a whole organization, project the various components of the mutual influence, mutual constraints, form a complete system, and projects are organized at the background, such as construction projects are at a construction company organizations are organized and managed, so the project is an organized system as a Uncertainty projects are unique, and is the only project the development of no fixed



Study the summary in methodology of building project management: The construction project is a plentiful, most typical " project ", practice of building project management is one of the important origins of the management theory of the project, the project management theory of merging the system of the practical experience of the project management has offered the theory tool for building project management, so as to build project management day by day systematizedly, Keyword: Project management Project1, Proposition and current situation survey project management of problem become one modern society solve effective tool a kind of job qualification of " lump-sum problem ", employ and develop in the social affairs, economic course rapidly extensively, lie in it offers a new The modern social total supply and demand is increasing constantly, economic globalization, information-based trend are being strengthened day by day, development accelerates, the course is complicated, new trade, field are appearing constantly, products development period is shortened, cause more and more " disposable ", appearance of task that have no precedent to follow, especially the governments of enterprises and the social public affairs of management, face complicated various problems from the market and domestic and international affairs day by day even more, there are more and more factor, the interests main body involved, these management with regular problem is difficult to solve or solve satisfactorily, And the project office procedures from fields such as construction project and military, space exploration, are promoted as management theory of the project and thought, have offered and solved the unconventional problem means in social economic Can think, development and application of the project management lie in its It is a thing in recent years that it is popularized that the project management is popularized in China extensively, in the ascendant, and the focal point which we introduce, popularize, should not be tedious theory, concept, procedure, and should be the concise, applicable, effective No matter how economic structure changes, project construction is still the main carriers of economic development of our In the well-off society of comprehensive construction at present of our country, develop the Northwest, revitalize the background of the Northeast, important means that project construction becomes a lot of regional economy and Some city put forward slogan of " event revitalize city " Mainly depend on the new scientific and technological application of results, rely on the intension type to expand, depend on the situation of the knowledge innovation in economic progress, it is not a means to revitalize the economy suitable by extensive type project construction, our country has been paying the enormous cost for the fault of the investment decision all the time too, so utilize the scientific method to manage construction project, including assess, prove, important terms that project construction will you please achieve the nticipated The office procedure of the project is not only a concrete method, but also include the The Third Plenary Session of the 16th Party Central Committee of the party puts forward the human-oriented, sustainable scientific development view, " human-oriented ", " sustainable " a basic content is the developing in harmony of science and technology, the economy, environment, society, project construction is done in order to develop the economic important means, not merely costly, have to surrounding environment influence more, so must meet sustainably and coordinating the demand for development, this is one of the important guidelines of project management Methodology is the study on Comprehensive construction well-off society, develop the Northwest, revitalize the Northeast realistic background might raise the upsurge of new round of engineering construction, sustainable and developing the scientific development view in harmony and proposing the macro-control sure to restrict to project construction, this should implement on the method to build project The purpose of project management not only realizes the concrete goal (time limit, quality, expenses), should accomplish the coordination of project construction and environment, the society too, otherwise may have followed the investment fault, unwise track of an overturned cart out of control in the This is that an office procedure of a project rises to one of the meanings of " methodology " The theory of the project management can be already said to be very complete so far, this not merely displays if the emergence of various project management books (including translating) in the rich and varied theory achievement, display and have one's own " knowledge system " in this field even more, if the project management association of USA (PMI) put forward in 1987 and " managerial knowledge system of the project " that revised through 1996, 2000, the international project management association put out" administrative staff's ability basis of the project " in 1997, China pairs of law research association project management research committee put out" managerial knowledge system, event of China, " on 2001 Every knowledge system described above divides the managerial knowledge of the project into several fields, key element, module, knowledge system of China have " method and tool " concept, other system independent special topic about the method, but run through at each stages of project management, course, Various project management works lay particular emphasis on the argumentation at project management content, stage, procedure, organizing, more too, the special argumentation to the method is Certainly this does not mean the neglect of the method, summary, concentrate on, study with improving project management role of popularization and application to facilitate project management give full play to in 2, Time limit when the level narrowly-defined project management of the office procedure of the construction project is being limited, quality, expense go on comprehensive management to the project by realizing the predeterminated target of event in the goal, but this only management that project construct, influence, strengthen with scale of investment, enlargement, investment source diversification, project of field to environment, economy, project management has not been limited to implementing the course yet, but expand to and safeguard overall management from setting up to making available to the users, implementation of project develop from constructing and contracting to project management too, project always person who contract various As to a concrete project, its goal has already not merely been control in quality, time limit, expenses, with capital collection, risk analysis, use, it maintains to be and economy, environment, connected with where one occurs ground, the goal, management of the projects should all be considered according to " broad sense " Unless the project management one method, besides concrete methods technical,whose name is to before and after appraisal of issue extend, take, consider sustainable, coordinated development that central authorities put forward, reflect thought In sum, this text divides the office procedure of the project into two levels: Ideological content method and technical method, in other words, project management thought and 3, Ideological content method to build project management

建筑工程项目分承包管理方式的探讨 闻迅 关键词:项目、项目管理、总承包商(总包商)、分承包商(分包商)、建筑市场分包体系、矩阵式组织结构、合同管理、目标管理提要:随着建筑工程项目化管理更加深入,项目管理的科学方法应用更加广泛,建筑业向更高层次发展,建立完善的建筑业专业分包体系,将是我国建筑市场发展的必然趋势,笔者认为在目前的环境中,采用集权式的公司发包,授权项目的实施管理,采取矩阵式的组织管理结构,着重于合同管理和生产过程目标管理的方式,是较为有效的分包管理形式。 一项目的概念及特征、项目管理、建筑工程项目管理特点(一)项目的概念 “项目”的提法由来以早,建筑业及军事领域最早运用项目管理的工具和方法。项目的定义有多种,但都围绕着项目的基本概念而归纳的。ISO10006中规定项目为“具有独特的过程,有开始和结束时间,由一系列相互协调和受控的活动组成。过程的实施是为了达到规定的目标,包括满足时间、费用和资源的约束性条件。” 美国项目管理协会PMI在PMBOOK(2000版)给出的定义为:“项目是为了完成某一独特的产品或服务而作的一次性努力。” 德国国家标准DIN69901地应项目为“项目是指总体上符合下列条件的具有唯一性的任务。(具有预定目标,具体的时间、财务人力和其它限制条件,具有专门的组织)。” (二)项目的特征 独特和唯一性的任何项目所处的时间、地点、环境、参与的人、目的均各不相同,他们因项目二临时联系起来。就象“人没有相同的两个人”一样,是独特和唯一的。另外项目在进行过程中,所发生的事件、冲突和矛盾都不相同,所以对参与项目的人或物来说,每个项目都是独特的。因其在发展变化上的独特性,项目也是唯一的。 生命周期项目均具有明确的开始时间和结束时间。一般的,在这其中任何项目均具备四个阶段,即概念、计划、实施、结束四阶段,就如生命的孕育、出生、成长、成熟、消亡一样,项目周而复始,每个阶段都有相应不同的特点。现代,又将四阶段扩展为五阶段:“概念、计划、实施、结束、运行和维护”。 明确的目标项目活动均是“为了完成某一独特的产品或服务”,所以项目具有明确是目标,如建筑工程的质量、工期、成本文明施工目标。目标之间可能是相互矛盾和约束的,但又统一于项目内,目标具有约束性,项目活动就是要在受着许多约束和限制的条件下,完成诸多相互冲突矛盾的,但又不得不完成的任务。项目管理的结果就是在目标间求得一种平衡的结果。目标可以分解,总的目标由多层次的分目标组成。 系统组织项目是一个整体,项目各个组成部分相互影响,相互约束,形成一个完整的系统,并且项目都是在有组织的背景下产生的,如建筑工程项目都是在某建筑公司的组织内被组织和管理的,所以项目是一个有组织的整体系统。 不确定性项目是独特的,且是唯一的,项目发展没有固定先例。 Construction project management sub-contracting of Wen Xun Keywords: project, project management, general contractor (general contractor), sub-contractors (subcontractors), the construction market sub-system, matrix organizational structure, contract management , the target management Abstract: With the construction projects in greater depth of management, project management of more extensive application of scientific methods, the construction industry to a higher level of development, set up a sound system of construction specialist sub-contractors will be building market development in China are the inevitable trend, I think in the current environment, the use of centralized contract-style company, authorized the implementation of the project management, to take the matrix-style organization and management structure, focused on contract management and production process management by objectives approach is a more effective management of subcontractors The concept and characteristics of the project, project management, construction project management features (1) project concept "project" was the origin of a morning, the building industry and the military field, the earliest use of project management tools and The definition of the project has a wide range, but they all revolve around the basic concept of the project and ISO10006 in the project as "a unique process that has the beginning and end of time, by a series of coordinated and controlled the activities of the The process of implementation are in order to achieve the objectives set, including the needs of time, cost and resource binding "American Project Management Institute PMI at PMBOOK (2000 version) give the definition as:" projects are completed for a unique product or service for a one-time "German National Standard DIN69901 and should project as a" project are refers to the following conditions are met on a unique (with the intended target, a specific time, financial and other restrictions on human conditions, with specific organizations) "(b) the characteristics of the project a unique and uniqueness any item in which the timing, location, environment, participation of people, the aim should vary, they are linked to project the Second P As "people do not have the same two people", is unique and In addition the project during the course of events, conflicts and contradictions are not the same, so for example people or things involved in the project, each project is At the development and changes on its uniqueness, the project is also The life cycle of projects have specific start and end In general, and in this one of any of the items are available in four phases, namely, the concept, planning, implementation, ending four stage of life such as breeding, birth, growth, maturity, like the demise of the project cycle, each stage has a corresponding different Modern, will be extended to four stages of five stages: "the concept, planning, implementation, end of operation and " Specific objectives of the project activities are "for the completion of a unique product or service," so the project with a clear goal, such as construction quality, duration and cost goals of civilized Between the objectives may be contradictory and constraints, but are united in the project, the target of a binding nature, the project activity is to much suffering and limit the conditions, the completion of the many contradictions in conflict with each other, but had to be completed The results of project management is to achieve a balance between the objectives of Goals can be decomposed, the overall target from multi-layered composition of the sub- System project is a whole organization, project the various components of the mutual influence, mutual constraints, form a complete system, and projects are organized at the background, such as construction projects are at a construction company organizations are organized and managed, so the project is an organized system as a Uncertainty projects are unique, and is the only project the development of no fixed


我也是工程管理专业的毕业论文,感觉好难,是不怎么好写,后来还是师兄给的莫文网,专业的就是靠谱的多,很快就帮忙搞定了  莫文网还发了很多题目,你参考下吧  无线电监测与测向管理系统服务端的设计与实现益阳市水利工程管理单位定岗方法及应用研究基于NET的项目管理系统的设计与实现电力工程安装公司信息化系统顶层设计与评价方法研究桥梁基于失效包络图理论的可视化安全评估石化工程项目施工分包合同管理研究BIM(建筑信息模型)应用于房地产项目管理信息化台山输变电工程项目进度管理系统信息化研究脱硫设计项目全寿命周期管理研究内江电业局农电规范化服务管理研究供电企业基建项目标准化管理模式应用研究新型PIP系统在大型石化工程项目管理中的应用电力调试工程项目管理研究与应用丰满水电厂检修项目内部监理机制研究大学校园移动网络优化研究广东省北江大堤监控信息管理系统设计与实现电子政务外包项目甲方风险管理研究推进绿色建筑工程管理关键问题研究数字化变电站监控系统的开发与应用双语英汉科学词典术语翻译和编撰工程管理研究揭阳移动TD建设跟踪评估及流程优化中小航空公司可靠性方案的制定与数据分析公路大修工程质量控制与进度控制的协调地面瓦斯欠平衡车装钻机的研究与开发退耕还林过程中的政府行为研究电力通信综合资源管理系统设计基于PDA的建筑工程现场数据处理系统基于测量机器人的大桥远程控制监测系统开发青海移动项目管理信息系统的研究与实践胶州市少海新城板桥镇项目管理研究


Summary of the study on construction project management methodology: is the largest number of construction projects, the most typical "projects", construction project management practice is one of the important sources of project management theory with integrated project management system of project management theory and practical experience provide theories for construction project management tools, making increasingly systematic and scientific management of construction Tags: 1, raised issues of project management and overview of project management is becoming a modern social address "one-off questions" effective tools that a kind of professional qualification, wide application in the process of social, economic and rapid development is that it provides a new Modern social economic total constantly increased, economic globalization, and information trend increasingly enhanced, development speed speed up, process complex, new of industry, and field constantly appears, products development cycle shortened, led increasingly more of "one-time", and no precedent can through of task of appears, especially enterprise and management social public affairs of Government, more faced was increasingly complex of from market and at home and abroad Affairs of various problem, involves of factors, and interests main increasingly more, these problem General of management approach difficult to solution or successfully solution, and from construction project and the military, and space exploration, field of project management method by upgrade for project management theory and thought, provides has solution social economic development non-General problem of You can think, lies in its development and application of project management Widely promoted popular project management in China in recent years, the ascendant, and we introduce, universal focus, should not be a complicated theories, concepts, procedures, and should be concise, applicable and effective Regardless of the economic structure changes, construction remains the main carrier of China's economic In comprehensively building a comfortably well-off society and development in China under the background of the Northwest, Northeast, become important means for economic revitalization in many parts of the Some cities even proposed "project will flourish cities" Rely mainly on the application of new scientific and technological achievements in economic progress, relying on the content-type extension, depend on the situation of knowledge innovation, rely on an extensive project is not a suitable means of revitalizing the economy, has been in China for failure to pay the investment decision of enormous cost, so using the scientific method on engineering construction project management, including assessment of argumentation, is the important condition of the building can achieve the desired purpose of the Project management methods are not only specific methods, including Party of 16 session third plenary made people, and can continued of science development view, "people", and "can continued" of a basic content is science and technology, and economic, and environment, and social of coordination development, project construction do for development economic of important means, not only cost huge, and on around environment has larger effect, so must meet can continued, and coordination development requirements, this is project management of important guiding ideology Methodology is the study of Comprehensively building a comfortably well-off society and development in Northwest and northeast of real background might set off a new round of upsurge of construction, sustainable and coordinated development of scientific concept of development put certain constraints on the construction of macro-control, this method should be implemented in construction project Project management is not only for the purposes of achieving specific objectives (duration, quality and cost), should also do project construction and coordination of environmental, social or risk repeating previous errors, mistake, got out of the investment This is also a project management method to rise to "methodology" meaning Project management of theory so far has can said is is complete of, this not only performance in rich diverse of theory results as various project management books (including translation) of launched, more performance in this area has has own of "knowledge system", as United States Project Management Association (PMI) Yu 1987 made and by 1996, and 2000 amendment of "project management knowledge system", international project management Association 1997 launched has "project management personnel ability benchmark", China double method society for the project management Research Committee also Yu 2001 launched China project management knowledge system Each of these knowledge systems project management body of knowledge is divided into a number of areas, elements, modules, China knowledge system "methods and tools" concept, other systems do not have on the topic independent of the method, but throughout all stages of project management, processes, Various project management works also focus on content, stage of project management, program, organization of expositions devoted to Of course, this does not mean to ignore, perfection but summary, concentrate on methods of research and contribute to the popularization and application of project management project management role into full 建设工程项目管理的方法论研究摘要:建设工程项目是数量最多、最典型的“项目”,建设工程项目管理的实践是项目管理理论的重要渊源之一,融合了项目管理实践经验的系统的项目管理理论又为建设工程项目管理提供了理论工具,使得建设工程项目管理日益系统化、科学化。 关键词:项目管理 工程1、问题的提出及现状综述 项目管理之所以成为一种现代社会解决“一次性问题”的有效工具以至于一种职业资格,在社会事务、经济过程中广泛应用并且迅速发展,就在于它提供了一种新的方法。现代社会经济总量不断增加,经济全球化、信息化趋势日益增强,发展速度加快,过程复杂,新的行业、领域不断出现,产品开发周期缩短,导致越来越多的“一次性”、无先例可循的任务的出现,尤其是企业和管理社会公共事务的政府,更面临着日趋复杂的来自市场和国内外事务的各种问题,涉及到的因素、利益主体越来越多,这些问题常规的管理办法难以解决或圆满解决,而来自建设工程项目及军事、空间探索等领域的项目管理方法经提升为项目管理理论和思想,提供了解决社会经济发展中非常规问题的手段。可以认为,项目管理的发展与应用在于它的方法。项目管理在中国广泛推广普及是近几年的事,方兴未艾,而我们引进、普及的重点,不应是繁琐的理论、概念、程序,而应该是简明、适用、有效的方法。 不论经济结构如何变化,工程项目建设仍是我国经济发展的主要载体。在我国目前全面建设小康社会、开发西北、振兴东北的背景下,项目建设成为许多地区经济振兴的重要手段。有的城市甚至提出“项目兴市”的口号。在经济进步主要依靠新科技成果应用、依靠内涵式扩展、依靠知识创新的形势下,靠粗放式项目建设并不是合适的振兴经济的手段,我国也一直在为投资决策的失误付出巨大代价,所以利用科学方法对工程建设项目进行管理,包括评估论证,将是项目建设能否达到预期目的的重要条件。 工程项目管理方法不仅是具体方法,也包括思想。党的十六届三中全会提出以人为本、可持续的科学发展观,“以人为本”、“可持续”的一个基本内容就是科学技术、经济、环境、社会的协调发展,工程项目建设做为发展经济的重要手段,不仅耗资巨大,而且对周围环境有较大影响,所以必须满足可持续、协调发展要求,这也是工程项目管理的重要指导思想之一。方法论是对方法的研究。全面建设小康社会、开发西北、振兴东北的现实背景可能掀起新一轮工程建设热潮,可持续、协调发展科学发展观对工程项目建设提出了一定制约的宏观控制,这一点要落实到建设项目管理的方法上。工程项目管理的目的不仅是实现具体的目标(工期、质量、费用),也应做到项目建设与环境、社会的协调,否则可能重蹈以前投资失误、失策、失控的覆辙。这也是工程项目管理方法上升到“方法论”的意义之一。 项目管理的理论至今已可以说是很完备的,这不仅表现在丰富多样的理论成果如各种项目管理书籍(包括翻译)的面世,更表现在这个领域有了自己的“知识体系”,如美国项目管理协会(PMI)于1987年提出并经1996、2000年修订的“项目管理知识体系”,国际项目管理协会1997年推出了“项目管理人员能力基准”,中国双法研究会项目管理研究委员会也于2001年推出《中国项目管理知识体系》。上述各知识体系将项目管理知识划分为若干领域、要素、模块,中国的知识体系有“方法与工具”概念,其他体系未有关于方法的独立专题,而是贯穿于项目管理的各个阶段、过程、领域。各种项目管理著作也多侧重于对项目管理内容、阶段、程序、组织等的论述,对于方法的专门论述不多见。当然这并不意味着对方法的忽略,但对方法的总结、集中研究与完善有助于项目管理的推广应用的项目管理作用的充分发挥。


说实话··我是这个专业的··还是工程管理好一点,造价比较容易,完全自学可以。 工程管理以后主要是进建筑单位,做监理之类工作。 造价方向就不言而喻了, 而就我们学校来看(我们工程管理在全国还算拿的出手的)主要单位还是要项目管理的人。例如北京中建,广核等。 还是本身专业比较好分。 楼主自己权衡,还有就是女生分配的话估价可能好点,因为女生在建筑单位眼里没什么竞争力。


Study the summary in methodology of building project management: The construction project is a plentiful, most typical " project ", practice of building project management is one of the important origins of the management theory of the project, the project management theory of merging the system of the practical experience of the project management has offered the theory tool for building project management, so as to build project management day by day systematizedly, Keyword: Project management Project1, Proposition and current situation survey project management of problem become one modern society solve effective tool a kind of job qualification of " lump-sum problem ", employ and develop in the social affairs, economic course rapidly extensively, lie in it offers a new The modern social total supply and demand is increasing constantly, economic globalization, information-based trend are being strengthened day by day, development accelerates, the course is complicated, new trade, field are appearing constantly, products development period is shortened, cause more and more " disposable ", appearance of task that have no precedent to follow, especially the governments of enterprises and the social public affairs of management, face complicated various problems from the market and domestic and international affairs day by day even more, there are more and more factor, the interests main body involved, these management with regular problem is difficult to solve or solve satisfactorily, And the project office procedures from fields such as construction project and military, space exploration, are promoted as management theory of the project and thought, have offered and solved the unconventional problem means in social economic Can think, development and application of the project management lie in its It is a thing in recent years that it is popularized that the project management is popularized in China extensively, in the ascendant, and the focal point which we introduce, popularize, should not be tedious theory, concept, procedure, and should be the concise, applicable, effective No matter how economic structure changes, project construction is still the main carriers of economic development of our In the well-off society of comprehensive construction at present of our country, develop the Northwest, revitalize the background of the Northeast, important means that project construction becomes a lot of regional economy and Some city put forward slogan of " event revitalize city " Mainly depend on the new scientific and technological application of results, rely on the intension type to expand, depend on the situation of the knowledge innovation in economic progress, it is not a means to revitalize the economy suitable by extensive type project construction, our country has been paying the enormous cost for the fault of the investment decision all the time too, so utilize the scientific method to manage construction project, including assess, prove, important terms that project construction will you please achieve the nticipated The office procedure of the project is not only a concrete method, but also include the The Third Plenary Session of the 16th Party Central Committee of the party puts forward the human-oriented, sustainable scientific development view, " human-oriented ", " sustainable " a basic content is the developing in harmony of science and technology, the economy, environment, society, project construction is done in order to develop the economic important means, not merely costly, have to surrounding environment influence more, so must meet sustainably and coordinating the demand for development, this is one of the important guidelines of project management Methodology is the study on Comprehensive construction well-off society, develop the Northwest, revitalize the Northeast realistic background might raise the upsurge of new round of engineering construction, sustainable and developing the scientific development view in harmony and proposing the macro-control sure to restrict to project construction, this should implement on the method to build project The purpose of project management not only realizes the concrete goal (time limit, quality, expenses), should accomplish the coordination of project construction and environment, the society too, otherwise may have followed the investment fault, unwise track of an overturned cart out of control in the This is that an office procedure of a project rises to one of the meanings of " methodology " The theory of the project management can be already said to be very complete so far, this not merely displays if the emergence of various project management books (including translating) in the rich and varied theory achievement, display and have one's own " knowledge system " in this field even more, if the project management association of USA (PMI) put forward in 1987 and " managerial knowledge system of the project " that revised through 1996, 2000, the international project management association put out" administrative staff's ability basis of the project " in 1997, China pairs of law research association project management research committee put out" managerial knowledge system, event of China, " on 2001 Every knowledge system described above divides the managerial knowledge of the project into several fields, key element, module, knowledge system of China have " method and tool " concept, other system independent special topic about the method, but run through at each stages of project management, course, Various project management works lay particular emphasis on the argumentation at project management content, stage, procedure, organizing, more too, the special argumentation to the method is Certainly this does not mean the neglect of the method, summary, concentrate on, study with improving project management role of popularization and application to facilitate project management give full play to in 2, Time limit when the level narrowly-defined project management of the office procedure of the construction project is being limited, quality, expense go on comprehensive management to the project by realizing the predeterminated target of event in the goal, but this only management that project construct, influence, strengthen with scale of investment, enlargement, investment source diversification, project of field to environment, economy, project management has not been limited to implementing the course yet, but expand to and safeguard overall management from setting up to making available to the users, implementation of project develop from constructing and contracting to project management too, project always person who contract various As to a concrete project, its goal has already not merely been control in quality, time limit, expenses, with capital collection, risk analysis, use, it maintains to be and economy, environment, connected with where one occurs ground, the goal, management of the projects should all be considered according to " broad sense " Unless the project management one method, besides concrete methods technical,whose name is to before and after appraisal of issue extend, take, consider sustainable, coordinated development that central authorities put forward, reflect thought In sum, this text divides the office procedure of the project into two levels: Ideological content method and technical method, in other words, project management thought and 3, Ideological content method to build project management


说实话··我是这个专业的··还是工程管理好一点,造价比较容易,完全自学可以。 工程管理以后主要是进建筑单位,做监理之类工作。 造价方向就不言而喻了, 而就我们学校来看(我们工程管理在全国还算拿的出手的)主要单位还是要项目管理的人。例如北京中建,广核等。 还是本身专业比较好分。 楼主自己权衡,还有就是女生分配的话估价可能好点,因为女生在建筑单位眼里没什么竞争力。

建筑工程项目分承包管理方式的探讨 闻迅 关键词:项目、项目管理、总承包商(总包商)、分承包商(分包商)、建筑市场分包体系、矩阵式组织结构、合同管理、目标管理提要:随着建筑工程项目化管理更加深入,项目管理的科学方法应用更加广泛,建筑业向更高层次发展,建立完善的建筑业专业分包体系,将是我国建筑市场发展的必然趋势,笔者认为在目前的环境中,采用集权式的公司发包,授权项目的实施管理,采取矩阵式的组织管理结构,着重于合同管理和生产过程目标管理的方式,是较为有效的分包管理形式。 一项目的概念及特征、项目管理、建筑工程项目管理特点(一)项目的概念 “项目”的提法由来以早,建筑业及军事领域最早运用项目管理的工具和方法。项目的定义有多种,但都围绕着项目的基本概念而归纳的。ISO10006中规定项目为“具有独特的过程,有开始和结束时间,由一系列相互协调和受控的活动组成。过程的实施是为了达到规定的目标,包括满足时间、费用和资源的约束性条件。” 美国项目管理协会PMI在PMBOOK(2000版)给出的定义为:“项目是为了完成某一独特的产品或服务而作的一次性努力。” 德国国家标准DIN69901地应项目为“项目是指总体上符合下列条件的具有唯一性的任务。(具有预定目标,具体的时间、财务人力和其它限制条件,具有专门的组织)。” (二)项目的特征 独特和唯一性的任何项目所处的时间、地点、环境、参与的人、目的均各不相同,他们因项目二临时联系起来。就象“人没有相同的两个人”一样,是独特和唯一的。另外项目在进行过程中,所发生的事件、冲突和矛盾都不相同,所以对参与项目的人或物来说,每个项目都是独特的。因其在发展变化上的独特性,项目也是唯一的。 生命周期项目均具有明确的开始时间和结束时间。一般的,在这其中任何项目均具备四个阶段,即概念、计划、实施、结束四阶段,就如生命的孕育、出生、成长、成熟、消亡一样,项目周而复始,每个阶段都有相应不同的特点。现代,又将四阶段扩展为五阶段:“概念、计划、实施、结束、运行和维护”。 明确的目标项目活动均是“为了完成某一独特的产品或服务”,所以项目具有明确是目标,如建筑工程的质量、工期、成本文明施工目标。目标之间可能是相互矛盾和约束的,但又统一于项目内,目标具有约束性,项目活动就是要在受着许多约束和限制的条件下,完成诸多相互冲突矛盾的,但又不得不完成的任务。项目管理的结果就是在目标间求得一种平衡的结果。目标可以分解,总的目标由多层次的分目标组成。 系统组织项目是一个整体,项目各个组成部分相互影响,相互约束,形成一个完整的系统,并且项目都是在有组织的背景下产生的,如建筑工程项目都是在某建筑公司的组织内被组织和管理的,所以项目是一个有组织的整体系统。 不确定性项目是独特的,且是唯一的,项目发展没有固定先例。 Construction project management sub-contracting of Wen Xun Keywords: project, project management, general contractor (general contractor), sub-contractors (subcontractors), the construction market sub-system, matrix organizational structure, contract management , the target management Abstract: With the construction projects in greater depth of management, project management of more extensive application of scientific methods, the construction industry to a higher level of development, set up a sound system of construction specialist sub-contractors will be building market development in China are the inevitable trend, I think in the current environment, the use of centralized contract-style company, authorized the implementation of the project management, to take the matrix-style organization and management structure, focused on contract management and production process management by objectives approach is a more effective management of subcontractors The concept and characteristics of the project, project management, construction project management features (1) project concept "project" was the origin of a morning, the building industry and the military field, the earliest use of project management tools and The definition of the project has a wide range, but they all revolve around the basic concept of the project and ISO10006 in the project as "a unique process that has the beginning and end of time, by a series of coordinated and controlled the activities of the The process of implementation are in order to achieve the objectives set, including the needs of time, cost and resource binding "American Project Management Institute PMI at PMBOOK (2000 version) give the definition as:" projects are completed for a unique product or service for a one-time "German National Standard DIN69901 and should project as a" project are refers to the following conditions are met on a unique (with the intended target, a specific time, financial and other restrictions on human conditions, with specific organizations) "(b) the characteristics of the project a unique and uniqueness any item in which the timing, location, environment, participation of people, the aim should vary, they are linked to project the Second P As "people do not have the same two people", is unique and In addition the project during the course of events, conflicts and contradictions are not the same, so for example people or things involved in the project, each project is At the development and changes on its uniqueness, the project is also The life cycle of projects have specific start and end In general, and in this one of any of the items are available in four phases, namely, the concept, planning, implementation, ending four stage of life such as breeding, birth, growth, maturity, like the demise of the project cycle, each stage has a corresponding different Modern, will be extended to four stages of five stages: "the concept, planning, implementation, end of operation and " Specific objectives of the project activities are "for the completion of a unique product or service," so the project with a clear goal, such as construction quality, duration and cost goals of civilized Between the objectives may be contradictory and constraints, but are united in the project, the target of a binding nature, the project activity is to much suffering and limit the conditions, the completion of the many contradictions in conflict with each other, but had to be completed The results of project management is to achieve a balance between the objectives of Goals can be decomposed, the overall target from multi-layered composition of the sub- System project is a whole organization, project the various components of the mutual influence, mutual constraints, form a complete system, and projects are organized at the background, such as construction projects are at a construction company organizations are organized and managed, so the project is an organized system as a Uncertainty projects are unique, and is the only project the development of no fixed


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