

发布时间:2024-07-18 18:56:09


都比较简单。 Help the environment protect environment Environment problem environment pollution

The protection environment, everybody has then 保护环境,人人有则 Everybody is the environmental protection, the environmental protection is an everybody 人人为环保、环保为人人 Pursue green fashion, trend green civilization追求绿色时尚、走向绿色文明

Protecting the environment保护环境 With the devolopment of the industry and economy, more and more rivers are 随着工业和经济的发展,越来越多的河流被污染了As a result,the environment is getting worse and worse 导致了环境越来越差We should form the habit of protecting the environment in our daily life 我们应该养成在日常生活中 保护环境 的习惯We should keep off grasses Don not throw rubbish everywhere我们应该不踩草坪 不随手丢垃圾 We should save 我们应该节约用水

Let us protect the environmentAchieve a balance between development and environmentTrees are our life


Dear editor: I am writing to you about the discussion we’ve had about the relationship between economic development and environmental Some students think that we should not develop the economy at the cost of damaging the For instance, in order to boost the economy, they built a lot of The waste of the factory polluted the local air, water and The polluted air does great harm to people’s The polluted water and soil causes diseases and Other students argue that the issues of the environment are unavoidable for economic It is just the by- We can solve such issues when we have money and In my opinion, a strict law should be issued to keep the environment under proper We should know that destroying environment means destroying mankind Sincerely yours,Mike

第一,我不要分,第二,我俩是百度好友只是我一个高中生的一点建议这篇文章明显正反都能写,但是外面写污染环境的文章比较多,那样我们的思路也会比较广一些,比其从另一面另辟蹊径,支持环保比较省力。这样的作文一定要用例子来证明你的观点。因为正反都可以论证,没有绝对性,那么只有例子才能让人信服。假如你的例子少,那就要在例子中加入很多的detail,这样一个例子可以写一大段,同时detail将大大增加例子的可信度。假如你的例子多,就用一堆例子,简单进行排比,把读者砸晕。那么我们来看支持环保的例子,你可以举名人实例,也可以举自己的例子,当然也可以自己编自己的例子。比如我这个长假去的西双版纳,本来是一个美丽的地方,其自然风景宜人,国家总理曾亲自提笔美丽的西双版纳。但是正因为西双版纳的美丽,她吸引来了许多游人,致使经济发展,再致使城市的现代化,最后导致其自然风光被人为的城市建设所破坏。城市是发展了,景点也毁了。这样的景点十分珍贵,我不知道是不是世界文化遗产,如果是就更有说服力了。这个例子有个缺点,外国人不知道西双版纳是什么,难以产生共鸣。或许你身边又更好的例子。那么我们再来看支持主张以旅游业发展城市不顾环境的。比如新加坡近年批下政策允许赌场的合法建立,还有之前的妓女合法化,都是为了促进旅游业。那么这个例子就很有说服力。因为有国家认为旅游业更重要,而且这个国家是花园城市新加坡,可见旅游并不一定会破坏国家环境,而经济的发展能给政府带来更多的环保资金。还有一个例子,我这次去的另一个地方,和云南接壤的老挝,其落后无法形容,在比较偏僻的地方,只有茅草房。但是老挝名城琅勃拉邦就不是这样的,那里非常繁华。为什么会这样,因为琅勃拉邦是世界文化遗产,世界各地参观的人很多。老挝人不兴农业,畜牧业,连自己最好的土地都不知道如何利用,琅勃拉邦的繁华应该大部分归功于旅游业。那也就证明了当城市落后的时候,为了迅速改善人民的生活品质,旅游业是必要的。这些例子有些难写,实际上,英语议论文就是要例子的堆积,无论英美。你例子多了,就能拿高分。用句尽量用复合句,因为复合句这个从句修饰个什么,那个插入语修饰个什么,很快一句句子就饱满了,detail就出来了。苹果树 和 我家后面庭院的美丽茂盛结有又大又红的如同少女脸颊一般的红富士的苹果树 是不一样的。效果不一样,细节越多,越能让人信服。即使写不好复合句,没关系,写简单句,复合句写不好别人看不懂,简单句没有这个问题,但是还是要尽量表达出细节的。那么开头怎么写呢?不一定要直接my opinion出来,先分析一下两者,可以采用:这个社会上的现状的是_____样子,但是这个现状有着_____的缺点,那么我认为_____,这样一来,现状就得以改善。结尾就是总结全文,再次表明观点。这样的话,文章结构清晰了。多读报,积累素材是一个写好议论文的好方法,这样再应考时会有东西可写。另外,一旦你想好一个素材了,就一定要查好那个素材要用到的词汇,背景,人名等,这样在考场上,你才能准确表达出你要的意思。一个发明家和托马斯爱迪生这个用钨丝改进了电灯泡的伟大的中世纪发明家是不一样的。那么钨丝怎么写,托马斯爱迪生怎么写,电灯泡怎么写,都要知道。这样,那个例子才会是你的。你可以准备几个普遍用得上的例子~加油加油~我能帮你就那么多最后让你感动下,我2:30写到3:15(凌晨)



1This is the composition about to protect and love our Indeed, we only have one earth, it is essential and imperative for us to treat it Or else, we will be the one As a matter of fact, a great number of animals and plants had All this was substantially because of we human And a large number of them are If this does not imply that we are not obliged to do something, the world is going insane and will be To stop this from happening, we have many First and foremost we should start from Do as what a perfect citizen should Then, restrain the factories from polluting, this can be done by establishing laws and If we united as one, nothing is 2In our country, the number of wild animals is becoming smaller and Some of them are even dying outThe dangerous methods we human being has taken are as follows: We have been cutting the trees to build houses, so the home of animals is intruded and they have to find new places to In this process, some of them died in the new The abuse of pesticide has also been endangering the life of wild In addition, in order to earn money, people have been killing the rare wild In that we have realized the threat of our behavior to our best friends, we should take actions to change such a condition by taking the following methods: We should protect the wild animal by protecting the environment that they live in and protect themselves, not to hurt At the same time, we should establish more natural reserves for the wild I believe as long as work together to protect the wild animals, our life will be more and more

Protect the AnimalsHello,My name is ***Let's talk about protecting the Animals,like tigers,pandas and monkeys are all our good So,we should not kill We should protect Protecting animals means protecting our environment,protecting That's Thank 保护动物同学们,大家好!我叫***。今年12岁。我们来谈谈保护动物的话题吧。动物,像老虎,熊猫,猴子等等都是我们的好朋友。因此,我们不应该扑杀他们,而要保护它们。保护动物就是保护环境,保护我们自己。好了,就说到这里,谢谢大家。

According to my collection to a report said: "the environment problem is due to human is not reasonable to develop and make use of the natural source caused by environmental Red main air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, food contamination, not suitable development and utilization of natural resources it five " As one of the fact that we iron, they are like a demon ruthless swallowed with human It threatens the ecological balance, the harm to human health, and restricts the sustainable development of economy and society, it lets the human was in For this I make declared: "as long as we have not forgotten--human moment of the environmental protection consciousness, have the consciousness of the environment according to law, the global village will be beautiful paradise" The future of the sky of dark blue must be, water is clear, the green flowers, can enjoy the human nature with our "The real test our environment is not words, but action " Although I do is just some small things, but I firmly believe that if we all have the responsibility to protect the environment, from oneself, starts from the minor matter, starts to protect our homes, to human nature will be In the cradle of warm-a prairie; In the smiling face of the kind-growth, source of lov

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Among the more significant point sources are municipal landfills and industrialwaste disposal When either of these occur in or near sand and gravel aquifers, thepotential for widespread contamination is the In Ville Mercier, Quebec, for example, the disposal of industrial wastes intolagoons in an old gravel pit over many years rendered the water supplies of thousandsof residents in the region Water had to be pumped from a well 10 kilometersaway to replace the area's Other point sources are individually less significant, but they occur in largenumbers all across the Some of these dangerous and widespread sources ofcontamination are septic tanks, leaks and spills of petroleum products and of denseindustrial organic Septic systems are designed so that some of the sewage is degraded in the tank andsome is degraded and absorbed by the surrounding sand and Contaminants thatmay enter groundwater from septic systems include bacteria, viruses, detergents, andhousehold These can create serious contamination Despite the factthat septic tanks and cesspools are known sources of contaminants, they are poorlymonitored and very little Contamination can render groundwater unsuitable for Although the overallextent of the problem across Canada is unknown, many individual cases ofcontamination have been investigated such as Ville Mercier in Quebec; the highwayde-icing salt problem in Nova Scotia; industrial effluents in Elmira, Ontario; variouspesticides in the Prairie provinces; industrial contamination in Vancouver, BritishColumbia; and so In many cases, contamination is recognized only aftergroundwater users have been exposed to potential health The cost of cleaning upcontaminated water supplies is usually extremely



学术堂整理了20个经济学毕业论文题目供大家参考:  1、人口老龄化与社会经济发展相互关系研究进展  2、探析艺术品市场与社会经济的相互影响  3、退耕还林工程对生态环境及社会经济影响评价探讨  4、清末民国时期四川烟草业与地域社会经济初论  5、基于城市社会经济发展的城市管理模式探究  6、社会经济发展与电力需求关联研究综述  7、社会经济发展中审计问责的内涵与实现途径  8、统计工作对社会经济发展的作用  9、雾霾对社会经济发展的影响及治理对策--基于无锡地区的探索  10、我国房地产经济和社会经济发展的相互协调  11、"营改增"对我国社会经济及企业的意义  12、浅析我国房地产行业对社会经济的影响  13、新常态下信息化对社会经济发展的影响研究--基于省级面板数据的实证分析  14、电子商务促进社会经济发展的演进路径--基于结构方程模型展开  15、新社会经济发展背景下城市经营的定位转变  16、干旱区耕地景观格局碎化特征及社会经济驱动因素分析  17、关于气候变化对社会经济系统影响的机理和途径的探讨  18、民航安全状况与社会经济指标关联分析  19、新媒体对社会经济的影响简析  20、当代中国社会经济转型的困境与策略选择


虽然我的专业是生态领域,其实我个人基本是倾向于生态优先的,但既然是辩论赛,无疑还是可以提供一些论据的。这个辩论依然是传统关于比较级的辩论,即谁谁//“更”重要,所以这个辩论赛我们的核心论点就是:我们不否认保护环境的重要性,而且相反,我们还是积极提倡环境的保护与发展,只是相对而言,经济的发展是根本,经济发展是比环境保护更为重要。/r/n /r/n我个人建议大致从以下几个角度展开:/r/n /r/n一、哲学角度,或者说经济的根本性,这是系统的阐述/r/n /r/n物质基础,我想这一点基本很好阐明,我国虽然提出建设几大文明,也提出生态文明这一概念,但无疑经济文明是根本,是决定其他文明的,这一点你可以搜集一些素材,我不再展开。/r/n /r/n二、因为经济发展才能很好的发展科技,也才能更好的保护环境/r/n /r/n因为很多污染物的危害,在原先经济条件下是无法治理的,比如很多生活污水的排放,如果一个城市没有足够的资金和技术的话,那么是很难对城市实行清洁循环的,具体可以继续展开。/r/n /r/n三、如果经济发展足够强大的话,即使是排放更多的污染,也不会承担很大的责任/r/n /r/n以全球碳排放为例,基本来说,现在全球试想碳交易的,比如中国一年可以产生多少碳,但因为经济发展比较快,我们需要更多的碳排放指标,如果有一定经济实力的话,就可以向其他国家购买,这样在排放碳的同时也实现经济的飞速发展,这也是建立在经济发展的基础之上。/r/n /r/n基本如此,而且反驳对方的时候,一定要记住我们的立论,即我们是承认环境保护的重要性的,只是认为经济发展更重要,如此~

“低碳经济”是一个具有广泛社会性的经济前沿理念,最早是在2003年英国政府发布的能源白皮书《我们能源的未来:创建低碳经济》正式提出的。低碳经济包括低碳发展、低碳产业、低碳技术和低碳生活等经济形态,是指在不影响经济发展的前提下,通过技术创新和制度创新,降低能源和资源消耗,尽可能最大限度地减少温室气体和污染物的排放,实现减缓气候变化的目标,促进人类的可持续发展。  Protection of Environment   目前环保还存在着许多问题。   为了保护环境,   各国政府做了大量的工作。   我的看法。  There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and the polluted air does great harm to people’s The polluted water causes diseases and What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern   To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection   In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind

Development and the Environment development and environment 环境与发展的联系 It is undeniable that the worsening environment has become the biggest concern of the present-day Land resources are dwindling because of water loss and soil Waste gases poison the air we The rivers and lakes are polluted by waste dumped in them from It is probably no exaggeration to say that deterioration of the quality of the environment threatens the existence of mankind Some people are of the opinion that the environmental problem is the price we have to pay for economic But I do not think that this argument is After all, what is the point of economic growth if people's lives are adversely alfected by worsening environmental pollution? There is plenty of evidence to show that sustainable development can be achieved by balancing economic growth with protection of the The key to achieving this is to make people aware of the seriousness of the Both governments and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future


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