

发布时间:2024-09-02 11:08:03


30分太少了 给我三个200分帮你搞



那么给你他们的人文吧~~People and CultureIndia is the world's second most populous nation (after China) Its ethnic composition is complex, but two major strains predominate: the Aryan, in the north, and the Dravidian, in the India is a land of great cultural diversity, as is evidenced by the enormous number of different languages spoken throughout the Although Hindi (spoken in the north) and English (the language of politics and commerce) are used officially, more than 1,500 languages and dialects are The Indian constitution recognizes 15 regional languages (Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu) Ten of the major states of India are generally organized along linguistic Although the constitution forbids the practice of “untouchability,” and legislation has been used to reserve quotas for former untouchables (and also for tribal peoples) in the legislatures, in education, and in the public services, the caste system continues to be About 80% of the population is Hindu, and 14% is M Other significant religions include Christians, Sikhs, and B There is no state The holy cities of India attract pilgrims from throughout the East: Varanasi (formerly Benares), Allahabad, Puri, and Nashik are religious centers for the Hindus; Amritsar is the holy city of the Sikhs; and Satrunjaya Hill near Palitana is sacred to the JWith its long and rich history, India retains many outstanding archaeological landmarks; preeminent of these are the Buddhist remains at Sarnath, Sanchi, and Bodh Gaya; the cave temples at Ajanta, Ellora, and Elephanta; and the temple sites at Madurai, Thanjavur, Abu, Bhubaneswar, Konarak, and M For other aspects of Indian culture, see Hindu music; Indian art and architecture; Indian literature; Mughal art and architecture; Pali canon; Prakrit literature; Sanskrit


那么给你他们的人文吧~~People and CultureIndia is the world's second most populous nation (after China) Its ethnic composition is complex, but two major strains predominate: the Aryan, in the north, and the Dravidian, in the India is a land of great cultural diversity, as is evidenced by the enormous number of different languages spoken throughout the Although Hindi (spoken in the north) and English (the language of politics and commerce) are used officially, more than 1,500 languages and dialects are The Indian constitution recognizes 15 regional languages (Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu) Ten of the major states of India are generally organized along linguistic Although the constitution forbids the practice of “untouchability,” and legislation has been used to reserve quotas for former untouchables (and also for tribal peoples) in the legislatures, in education, and in the public services, the caste system continues to be About 80% of the population is Hindu, and 14% is M Other significant religions include Christians, Sikhs, and B There is no state The holy cities of India attract pilgrims from throughout the East: Varanasi (formerly Benares), Allahabad, Puri, and Nashik are religious centers for the Hindus; Amritsar is the holy city of the Sikhs; and Satrunjaya Hill near Palitana is sacred to the JWith its long and rich history, India retains many outstanding archaeological landmarks; preeminent of these are the Buddhist remains at Sarnath, Sanchi, and Bodh Gaya; the cave temples at Ajanta, Ellora, and Elephanta; and the temple sites at Madurai, Thanjavur, Abu, Bhubaneswar, Konarak, and M For other aspects of Indian culture, see Hindu music; Indian art and architecture; Indian literature; Mughal art and architecture; Pali canon; Prakrit literature; Sanskrit

INTO THE STORMFOR much of the past year the fast-growing economies of the emerging world watched the Western financial hurricane from Their own banks held few of the mortgage-based assets that undid the rich world’s financial Commodity exporters were thriving, thanks to high prices for raw China’s economic juggernaut powered And, from Budapest to Brasília, an abundance of credit fuelled domestic Even as talk mounted of the rich world suffering its worst financial collapse since the Depression, emerging economies seemed a long way from the centre of the 过去一年的大部分时间里,高速发展的新兴国家一直在远处观望着西方国家的金融风暴。他们的银行仅持有少量抵押资产,而类似的资产已经破坏了发达国家的金融公司。商品出口商因为原材料的高价格而日渐富有。中国不可抗拒的经济力量已然开启,而且信贷刺激的内需从布达佩斯到巴西利亚都表现得非常充足。尽管大萧条后关于西方国家受难于金融崩塌的话题与日俱增,但新兴国家似乎距离金融风暴的中心还有一段距离。No As foreign capital has fled and confidence evaporated, the emerging world’s stockmarkets have plunged (in some cases losing half their value) and currencies The seizure in the credit market caused havoc, as foreign banks abruptly stopped lending and stepped back from even the most basic banking services, including trade 不过目前的情况不再是那样了,随着境外资本的流失和经济信心的消失,新兴国家股市暴跌(有些地区已经腰斩),本币迅速贬值。由于外国银行突然中断贷款,并且收缩了包括贸易信贷在内的基础银行服务,新兴国家的信贷市场突发混乱,并引发了一场浩劫。Like their rich-world counterparts, governments are battling to limit the damage (see article) That is easiest for those with large foreign-exchange Russia is spending $220 billion to shore up its financial services South Korea has guaranteed $100 billion of its banks’ Less well-endowed countries are asking for Hungary has secured a EURO5 billion ($6 billion) lifeline from the European Central Bank and is negotiating a loan from the IMF, as is U Close to a dozen countries are talking to the fund about financial 新兴国家的政府和发达国家的政府一样都在为控制损失程度而奋斗。不过对于外汇储备充足的国家来说难度会小一些:俄罗斯斥资2200亿美元重振金融服务行业;韩国政府担保了1000亿美元的银行债务。而那些储备并不充足的国家正在四处求援:匈牙利成功向欧洲央行求得了50亿欧元(约66亿美元)的生命线,同时也在同国际货币基金组织协商借款事宜,同时向国际货币基金组织求援的还有乌克兰。近一打儿的国家在向基金组织求助。Those with long-standing problems are being driven to desperate Argentina is nationalising its private pension funds, seemingly to stave off default (see article) But even stalwarts are looking Figures released this week showed that China’s growth slowed to 9% in the year to the third quarter-still a rapid pace but a lot slower than the double-digit rates of recent 有持续问题的国家正棋行险招:阿根廷正在将私人养老金国有化,意图阻止违约的发生。即使强有力的国家也表现出虚弱一面:本周公布的数字表明今年中国的增长率在第三季度减缓为9%,虽然增速还算快,但是与近些年的两位数增率相比缓慢了不少。Blowing cold on credit对信贷没兴趣The various emerging economies are in different states of readiness, but the cumulative impact of all this will be Most obviously, how these countries fare will determine whether the world economy faces a mild recession or something Emerging economies accounted for around three-quarters of global growth over the past 18 But their economic fate will also have political 众多新兴经济的意愿并不相同,但是累计在一起的影响力却非同一般。最明显的就是这些国家的表现将会决定世界经济所面临的是一个较为缓和的衰退还是更可怕的情况。在过去18个月的全球经济增长中,新兴经济贡献了75%。但是他们的经济命运也会有一些政治后果。In many places-eastern Europe is one example (see article)-financial turmoil is hitting weak But even strong regimes could Some experts think that China needs growth of 7% a year to contain social More generally, the coming strife will shape the debate about the integration of the world Unlike many previous emerging-market crises, today’s mess spread from the rich world, largely thanks to increasingly integrated capital If emerging economies collapse-either into a currency crisis or a sharp recession-there will be yet more questioning of the wisdom of globalised 在类似东欧的很多地区,金融混乱目前的打击目标是软弱的政府;但强硬的政权同样会尝到苦果。一些专家认为中国每年需要7%的增长率来阻止社会动荡的发生。总体来说,如此争端必将影响全球经济一体化的讨论。与以往数次新兴经济危机不同,这次的混乱始于发达国家,很大程度上要归咎于一体化的资本市场。一旦新兴经济崩溃,无论是货币危机还是剧烈的经济萧条,大家对于金融全球化是否属明智之举会有更多的质疑。Fortunately, the picture is not universally All emerging economies will Some will surely face deep But many are facing the present danger in stronger shape than ever before, armed with large reserves, flexible currencies and strong Good policy-both at home and in the rich world-can yet avoid a 幸运的是上述恐怖的场景没有发生在全球的每个角落:所有的新兴经济都会减缓发展速度,有一些也必将面临深度萧条;但是更多的国家在面临当下危机的时候却拥有比以往任何时候都强壮的形式,用充足的储备、弹性的货币和强大的预算武装自己。新兴国家及发达国家良好的政策可以避免大灾难的发生。One reason for hope is that the direct economic fallout from the rich world’s disaster is Falling demand in America and Europe hurts exports, particularly in Asia and M Commodity prices have fallen: oil is down nearly 60% from its peak and many crops and metals have done That has a mixed Although it hurts commodity-exporters from Russia to South America, it helps commodity importers in Asia and reduces inflation fears Countries like Venezuela that have been run badly are vulnerable (see article), but given the scale of the past boom, the commodity bust so far seems unlikely to cause widespread 至少有一个原因值得抱有希望:发达国家此次灾难的直接经济影响还是在可控的范围内。欧美锐减的需求对出口来说无疑是一个打击,特别是对亚洲和墨西哥。商品价格走低:原油价格与巅峰时期比较已经下降了60%,很多粮食和金属类商品跌幅更大。这两个现象有混合效果:尽管从俄罗斯到南美的商品(能源)出口企业备受打击,但却帮助了亚洲的商品(能源)进口商,并且缓和了各地对通胀的恐惧。委内瑞拉的情形一直很糟糕,也很脆弱;不过由于过去极度的繁荣,商品价格下跌目前还不会引发大范围传播的危机。The more dangerous shock is Wealth is being squeezed as asset prices China’s house prices, for instance, have started falling (see article) This will dampen domestic confidence, even though consumers are much less indebted than they are in the rich Elsewhere, the sudden dearth of foreign-bank lending and the flight of hedge funds and other investors from bond markets has slammed the brakes on credit And just as booming credit once underpinned strong domestic spending, so tighter credit will mean slower 比商品价格更令人震惊的事情发生在金融领域。由于资产价格的下降,财富水平正在被挤压缩水。以中国房价为例,目前已经开始下跌。尽管新兴国家的消费者比发达国家的负债水平低很多,上述情况还是会挫伤国内的经济信心。在其他方面,国外银行借款骤然匮乏、对冲基金以及其他投资者逃离债券市场,这些因素给信贷增长踩了一脚急刹车。正如发达的信贷曾经强力支撑国内支出那样,信贷紧缩将意味着增长放缓。Again, the impact will differ by Thanks to huge current-account surpluses in China and the oil-exporters in the Gulf, emerging economies as a group still send capital to the rich But over 80 have deficits of more than 5% of GDP Most of these are poor countries that live off foreign aid; but some larger ones rely on private For the likes of Turkey and South Africa a sudden slowing in foreign financing would force a dramatic A particular worry is eastern Europe, where many countries have double-digit In addition, even some countries with surpluses, such as Russia, have banks that have grown accustomed to easy foreign lending because of the integration of global The rich world’s bank bail-outs may limit the squeeze, but the flow of capital to the emerging world will The Institute of International Finance, a bankers’ group, expects a 30% decline in net flows of private capital from last 需要再次重申的是,冲击的表现会因国家的不同而有所区别。多亏中国和海湾产油国经常项目下的巨额顺差,新型经济整体还不断的向发达国家输送资本。但是80 多个国家的财政赤字已经超过GDP的5%,其中的多数是那些依靠国外救助过活得贫困国家;不过也有一些依靠私人资本的大国。对于类似土耳其和南非的国家来说,突然减缓的境外融资迫使其进行大幅调整。东欧的情况特别令人担忧,那里的不少国家赤字水平已经达到了两位数。另外,象俄罗斯这样处于顺差的国家,其银行也逐渐适应了可以轻易从外国取得的贷款,原因自然是全球金融一体化。发达国家的救助计划也许可以限制财富被挤压的水平,但资本流向新兴世界的速度无疑会减慢。国际金融研协会预测私人资本的净流量比去年回减少30%。A wing and a prayer飞行之翼与祈祷者This credit crunch will be grim, but most emerging markets can avoid The biggest ones are in relatively good The more vulnerable ones can (and should) be 信贷紧缩必将令人生畏,不过多数新兴市场可以躲过一劫,最大的市场形势还相当不错。比较脆弱的市场可以(也应该)得到帮助。Among the giants, China is in a league of its own, with a $2 trillion arsenal of reserves, a current-account surplus, little connection to foreign banks and a budget surplus that offers lots of room to boost Since the country’s leaders have made clear that they will do whatever it takes to cushion growth, China’s economy is likely to slow-perhaps to 8%-but not Although that is not enough to save the world economy, such growth in China would put a floor under commodity prices and help other countries in the emerging 在那些坚强的巨人中,中国卓然不群:手握2万亿美元的储备,经常项下的顺差状态,与国外银行罕有关联,过剩的预算给推动支出留有足够空间。鉴于国家领导人已经明确表示将不惜一切代价为经济增长减速缓冲,中国的经济增长应该会减缓到大约8%的水平,但是决不会崩溃。虽然这不足以挽救世界经济,但是该增长率将会为商品价格建底并帮到新兴世界的其他国家。The other large economies will be harder hit, but should be able to weather the India has a big budget deficit and many Brazilian firms have a large foreign-currency But Brazil’s economy is diversified and both countries have plenty of reserves to smooth the shift to slower With $550 billion of reserves, Russia ought to be able to stop a run on the In the short-term at least, the most vulnerable countries are all smaller 其他的经济大国会受到更大的冲击,不过应该可以禁受住风暴侵袭。印度的财政赤字巨大,巴西很多公司面临巨大的外汇风险。但巴西经济已经实现多样化,同时上述两个国家拥有充足的储备来平稳过渡到缓慢的增长。俄罗斯掌握着5500亿美元的储备,应该能够阻止对卢布的抢购。至少在短期内,小国家才是最弱不禁风的。There will be pain as tighter credit forces But sensible, speedy international assistance would make a big Several emerging countries have asked America’s Federal Reserve for liquidity support; some hope that China will bail them A better route is surely the IMF, which has huge expertise and some $250 billion to Sadly, borrowing from the fund carries a That needs to The IMF should develop quicker, more flexible financial instruments and minimise the conditions it attaches to Over the past month deft policymaking saw off calamity in the rich Now it is time for something similar in the emerging 受到紧缩信贷压力进行的调整必然带来痛苦,但快速的国际援助是明智之举,因为这会让结果很不相同。一些新兴国家已经向美联储求援以缓解流动性问题;有一些则希望中国可以拯救他们与水火。更佳的求救路线莫过于国际货币基金组织,因为它掌握大量的专门知识和2500亿美元的可出借款项。不幸的是人们认为向基金借款有辱其名,国际货币基金组织应该推出更快捷、更灵活的金融工具,同时实现借贷条件最小化。过去数月中,机敏的决策驱散了发达国家的灾难。现在也正是新兴世界发生类似事情的时候了。



INTO THE STORMFOR much of the past year the fast-growing economies of the emerging world watched the Western financial hurricane from Their own banks held few of the mortgage-based assets that undid the rich world’s financial Commodity exporters were thriving, thanks to high prices for raw China’s economic juggernaut powered And, from Budapest to Brasília, an abundance of credit fuelled domestic Even as talk mounted of the rich world suffering its worst financial collapse since the Depression, emerging economies seemed a long way from the centre of the 过去一年的大部分时间里,高速发展的新兴国家一直在远处观望着西方国家的金融风暴。他们的银行仅持有少量抵押资产,而类似的资产已经破坏了发达国家的金融公司。商品出口商因为原材料的高价格而日渐富有。中国不可抗拒的经济力量已然开启,而且信贷刺激的内需从布达佩斯到巴西利亚都表现得非常充足。尽管大萧条后关于西方国家受难于金融崩塌的话题与日俱增,但新兴国家似乎距离金融风暴的中心还有一段距离。No As foreign capital has fled and confidence evaporated, the emerging world’s stockmarkets have plunged (in some cases losing half their value) and currencies The seizure in the credit market caused havoc, as foreign banks abruptly stopped lending and stepped back from even the most basic banking services, including trade 不过目前的情况不再是那样了,随着境外资本的流失和经济信心的消失,新兴国家股市暴跌(有些地区已经腰斩),本币迅速贬值。由于外国银行突然中断贷款,并且收缩了包括贸易信贷在内的基础银行服务,新兴国家的信贷市场突发混乱,并引发了一场浩劫。Like their rich-world counterparts, governments are battling to limit the damage (see article) That is easiest for those with large foreign-exchange Russia is spending $220 billion to shore up its financial services South Korea has guaranteed $100 billion of its banks’ Less well-endowed countries are asking for Hungary has secured a EURO5 billion ($6 billion) lifeline from the European Central Bank and is negotiating a loan from the IMF, as is U Close to a dozen countries are talking to the fund about financial 新兴国家的政府和发达国家的政府一样都在为控制损失程度而奋斗。不过对于外汇储备充足的国家来说难度会小一些:俄罗斯斥资2200亿美元重振金融服务行业;韩国政府担保了1000亿美元的银行债务。而那些储备并不充足的国家正在四处求援:匈牙利成功向欧洲央行求得了50亿欧元(约66亿美元)的生命线,同时也在同国际货币基金组织协商借款事宜,同时向国际货币基金组织求援的还有乌克兰。近一打儿的国家在向基金组织求助。Those with long-standing problems are being driven to desperate Argentina is nationalising its private pension funds, seemingly to stave off default (see article) But even stalwarts are looking Figures released this week showed that China’s growth slowed to 9% in the year to the third quarter-still a rapid pace but a lot slower than the double-digit rates of recent 有持续问题的国家正棋行险招:阿根廷正在将私人养老金国有化,意图阻止违约的发生。即使强有力的国家也表现出虚弱一面:本周公布的数字表明今年中国的增长率在第三季度减缓为9%,虽然增速还算快,但是与近些年的两位数增率相比缓慢了不少。Blowing cold on credit对信贷没兴趣The various emerging economies are in different states of readiness, but the cumulative impact of all this will be Most obviously, how these countries fare will determine whether the world economy faces a mild recession or something Emerging economies accounted for around three-quarters of global growth over the past 18 But their economic fate will also have political 众多新兴经济的意愿并不相同,但是累计在一起的影响力却非同一般。最明显的就是这些国家的表现将会决定世界经济所面临的是一个较为缓和的衰退还是更可怕的情况。在过去18个月的全球经济增长中,新兴经济贡献了75%。但是他们的经济命运也会有一些政治后果。In many places-eastern Europe is one example (see article)-financial turmoil is hitting weak But even strong regimes could Some experts think that China needs growth of 7% a year to contain social More generally, the coming strife will shape the debate about the integration of the world Unlike many previous emerging-market crises, today’s mess spread from the rich world, largely thanks to increasingly integrated capital If emerging economies collapse-either into a currency crisis or a sharp recession-there will be yet more questioning of the wisdom of globalised 在类似东欧的很多地区,金融混乱目前的打击目标是软弱的政府;但强硬的政权同样会尝到苦果。一些专家认为中国每年需要7%的增长率来阻止社会动荡的发生。总体来说,如此争端必将影响全球经济一体化的讨论。与以往数次新兴经济危机不同,这次的混乱始于发达国家,很大程度上要归咎于一体化的资本市场。一旦新兴经济崩溃,无论是货币危机还是剧烈的经济萧条,大家对于金融全球化是否属明智之举会有更多的质疑。Fortunately, the picture is not universally All emerging economies will Some will surely face deep But many are facing the present danger in stronger shape than ever before, armed with large reserves, flexible currencies and strong Good policy-both at home and in the rich world-can yet avoid a 幸运的是上述恐怖的场景没有发生在全球的每个角落:所有的新兴经济都会减缓发展速度,有一些也必将面临深度萧条;但是更多的国家在面临当下危机的时候却拥有比以往任何时候都强壮的形式,用充足的储备、弹性的货币和强大的预算武装自己。新兴国家及发达国家良好的政策可以避免大灾难的发生。One reason for hope is that the direct economic fallout from the rich world’s disaster is Falling demand in America and Europe hurts exports, particularly in Asia and M Commodity prices have fallen: oil is down nearly 60% from its peak and many crops and metals have done That has a mixed Although it hurts commodity-exporters from Russia to South America, it helps commodity importers in Asia and reduces inflation fears Countries like Venezuela that have been run badly are vulnerable (see article), but given the scale of the past boom, the commodity bust so far seems unlikely to cause widespread 至少有一个原因值得抱有希望:发达国家此次灾难的直接经济影响还是在可控的范围内。欧美锐减的需求对出口来说无疑是一个打击,特别是对亚洲和墨西哥。商品价格走低:原油价格与巅峰时期比较已经下降了60%,很多粮食和金属类商品跌幅更大。这两个现象有混合效果:尽管从俄罗斯到南美的商品(能源)出口企业备受打击,但却帮助了亚洲的商品(能源)进口商,并且缓和了各地对通胀的恐惧。委内瑞拉的情形一直很糟糕,也很脆弱;不过由于过去极度的繁荣,商品价格下跌目前还不会引发大范围传播的危机。The more dangerous shock is Wealth is being squeezed as asset prices China’s house prices, for instance, have started falling (see article) This will dampen domestic confidence, even though consumers are much less indebted than they are in the rich Elsewhere, the sudden dearth of foreign-bank lending and the flight of hedge funds and other investors from bond markets has slammed the brakes on credit And just as booming credit once underpinned strong domestic spending, so tighter credit will mean slower 比商品价格更令人震惊的事情发生在金融领域。由于资产价格的下降,财富水平正在被挤压缩水。以中国房价为例,目前已经开始下跌。尽管新兴国家的消费者比发达国家的负债水平低很多,上述情况还是会挫伤国内的经济信心。在其他方面,国外银行借款骤然匮乏、对冲基金以及其他投资者逃离债券市场,这些因素给信贷增长踩了一脚急刹车。正如发达的信贷曾经强力支撑国内支出那样,信贷紧缩将意味着增长放缓。Again, the impact will differ by Thanks to huge current-account surpluses in China and the oil-exporters in the Gulf, emerging economies as a group still send capital to the rich But over 80 have deficits of more than 5% of GDP Most of these are poor countries that live off foreign aid; but some larger ones rely on private For the likes of Turkey and South Africa a sudden slowing in foreign financing would force a dramatic A particular worry is eastern Europe, where many countries have double-digit In addition, even some countries with surpluses, such as Russia, have banks that have grown accustomed to easy foreign lending because of the integration of global The rich world’s bank bail-outs may limit the squeeze, but the flow of capital to the emerging world will The Institute of International Finance, a bankers’ group, expects a 30% decline in net flows of private capital from last 需要再次重申的是,冲击的表现会因国家的不同而有所区别。多亏中国和海湾产油国经常项目下的巨额顺差,新型经济整体还不断的向发达国家输送资本。但是80 多个国家的财政赤字已经超过GDP的5%,其中的多数是那些依靠国外救助过活得贫困国家;不过也有一些依靠私人资本的大国。对于类似土耳其和南非的国家来说,突然减缓的境外融资迫使其进行大幅调整。东欧的情况特别令人担忧,那里的不少国家赤字水平已经达到了两位数。另外,象俄罗斯这样处于顺差的国家,其银行也逐渐适应了可以轻易从外国取得的贷款,原因自然是全球金融一体化。发达国家的救助计划也许可以限制财富被挤压的水平,但资本流向新兴世界的速度无疑会减慢。国际金融研协会预测私人资本的净流量比去年回减少30%。A wing and a prayer飞行之翼与祈祷者This credit crunch will be grim, but most emerging markets can avoid The biggest ones are in relatively good The more vulnerable ones can (and should) be 信贷紧缩必将令人生畏,不过多数新兴市场可以躲过一劫,最大的市场形势还相当不错。比较脆弱的市场可以(也应该)得到帮助。Among the giants, China is in a league of its own, with a $2 trillion arsenal of reserves, a current-account surplus, little connection to foreign banks and a budget surplus that offers lots of room to boost Since the country’s leaders have made clear that they will do whatever it takes to cushion growth, China’s economy is likely to slow-perhaps to 8%-but not Although that is not enough to save the world economy, such growth in China would put a floor under commodity prices and help other countries in the emerging 在那些坚强的巨人中,中国卓然不群:手握2万亿美元的储备,经常项下的顺差状态,与国外银行罕有关联,过剩的预算给推动支出留有足够空间。鉴于国家领导人已经明确表示将不惜一切代价为经济增长减速缓冲,中国的经济增长应该会减缓到大约8%的水平,但是决不会崩溃。虽然这不足以挽救世界经济,但是该增长率将会为商品价格建底并帮到新兴世界的其他国家。The other large economies will be harder hit, but should be able to weather the India has a big budget deficit and many Brazilian firms have a large foreign-currency But Brazil’s economy is diversified and both countries have plenty of reserves to smooth the shift to slower With $550 billion of reserves, Russia ought to be able to stop a run on the In the short-term at least, the most vulnerable countries are all smaller 其他的经济大国会受到更大的冲击,不过应该可以禁受住风暴侵袭。印度的财政赤字巨大,巴西很多公司面临巨大的外汇风险。但巴西经济已经实现多样化,同时上述两个国家拥有充足的储备来平稳过渡到缓慢的增长。俄罗斯掌握着5500亿美元的储备,应该能够阻止对卢布的抢购。至少在短期内,小国家才是最弱不禁风的。There will be pain as tighter credit forces But sensible, speedy international assistance would make a big Several emerging countries have asked America’s Federal Reserve for liquidity support; some hope that China will bail them A better route is surely the IMF, which has huge expertise and some $250 billion to Sadly, borrowing from the fund carries a That needs to The IMF should develop quicker, more flexible financial instruments and minimise the conditions it attaches to Over the past month deft policymaking saw off calamity in the rich Now it is time for something similar in the emerging 受到紧缩信贷压力进行的调整必然带来痛苦,但快速的国际援助是明智之举,因为这会让结果很不相同。一些新兴国家已经向美联储求援以缓解流动性问题;有一些则希望中国可以拯救他们与水火。更佳的求救路线莫过于国际货币基金组织,因为它掌握大量的专门知识和2500亿美元的可出借款项。不幸的是人们认为向基金借款有辱其名,国际货币基金组织应该推出更快捷、更灵活的金融工具,同时实现借贷条件最小化。过去数月中,机敏的决策驱散了发达国家的灾难。现在也正是新兴世界发生类似事情的时候了。


Indian Economy Overview: India's diverse economy encompasses traditional village farming, modern agriculture, handicrafts, a wide range of modern industries, and a multitude of Services are the major source of economic growth, accounting for more than half of India's output with less than one third of its labor Slightly more than half of the work force is in agriculture, leading the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government to articulate a rural economic development program that includes creating basic infrastructure to improve the lives of the rural poor and boost economic The government has reduced controls on foreign trade and Higher limits on foreign direct investment were permitted in a few key sectors, such as However, tariff spikes in sensitive categories, including agriculture, and incremental progress on economic reforms still hinder foreign access to India's vast and growing Privatization of government-owned industries remains stalled and continues to generate political debate; populist pressure from within the UPA government had restrained needed The economy has posted an average growth rate of more than 7% in the decade since 1997, reducing poverty by about 10 percentage India achieved 5% GDP growth in 2006, 0% in 2007, and 3% in 2008, significantly expanding manufactures through late India also is capitalizing on its large numbers of well-educated people skilled in the English language to become a major exporter of software services and software Strong growth combined with easy consumer credit, a real estate boom, and fast-rising commodity prices fueled inflation concerns from mid-2006 to August Rising tax revenues from better tax administration and economic expansion helped New Delhi make progress in reducing its fiscal deficit for three straight years before skyrocketing global commodity prices more than doubled the cost of government energy and fertilizer The ballooning subsidies, amidst slowing growth, brought the return of a large fiscal deficit in In the long run, the huge and growing population is the fundamental social, economic, and environmental


冷战时期印美关系研究 在线阅读 整本下载 分章下载 分页下载 【英文题名】A Study on the India-US Relations in the Cold War【作者】陶莹;【导师】刘德斌;【学位授予单位】吉林大学;【学科专业名称】世界史【学位年度】2008【论文级别】博士【网络出版投稿人】吉林大学;陶莹【网络出版投稿时间】2008-10-20【关键词】印度; 美国; 冷战;【中文摘要】印度和美国的关系与我国的外交及安全息息相关。二战后的半个世纪,美苏两个超级大国一直在包括南亚地区在内的第三世界地区进行对抗和争夺。由于地缘关系,美苏特别是美国与印巴的关系对中国和印度、巴基斯坦、美国、苏联的关系影响很大。随着冷战的结束和南亚各国,尤其是印度政治经济的发展,世界各国更加重视印美之间的关系。本文从印度独立后外交政策的形成与发展变化入手,在马克思主义理论的指导下,综合运用各种已有材料,对冷战时期印度与美国的关系进行考察和研究。 冷战时期的印美关系一直在友好与淡漠之间徘徊,在冷战的大背景下呈现出一种非结盟却并不完全交恶的状态。印美关系是冷战“中心一外围”关系的典型案例,正是印美两国基于各自国家利益所采取的外交政策导致双方在四十多年时间里的微妙关系。对于印度而言,冷战时期的对美关系一直是其外交政策中的重点之一。在印美关系中,印度追求与美国的对等状态,并力图排除大国在南亚的介入。对于美国而言,印度在美国全球战略中的地位和作用具有明显的间歇性,因此,美国对印政策的典型模式是“干预—退出”,缺乏连贯性和长远性。总之,冷战时期,影响印美关系疏远或改善的因素是多方面的,正是这些因素的相互作用导致【英文摘要】The relationship between India and America is closely associated with the diplomacy of our During the half-century after the World War II, the two superpowers, USA and USSR, had been confronting and contesting with each other in the "Third World Region" which included South Asian R Considering the regional matter, the relations between USA and USSR, especially the relations between USA and India & Pakistan, can be a great influence on the relations between China and India, Pakistan, USA【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:128942【更新日期】2008-11-11




Indian Economy Overview: India's diverse economy encompasses traditional village farming, modern agriculture, handicrafts, a wide range of modern industries, and a multitude of Services are the major source of economic growth, accounting for more than half of India's output with less than one third of its labor Slightly more than half of the work force is in agriculture, leading the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government to articulate a rural economic development program that includes creating basic infrastructure to improve the lives of the rural poor and boost economic The government has reduced controls on foreign trade and Higher limits on foreign direct investment were permitted in a few key sectors, such as However, tariff spikes in sensitive categories, including agriculture, and incremental progress on economic reforms still hinder foreign access to India's vast and growing Privatization of government-owned industries remains stalled and continues to generate political debate; populist pressure from within the UPA government had restrained needed The economy has posted an average growth rate of more than 7% in the decade since 1997, reducing poverty by about 10 percentage India achieved 5% GDP growth in 2006, 0% in 2007, and 3% in 2008, significantly expanding manufactures through late India also is capitalizing on its large numbers of well-educated people skilled in the English language to become a major exporter of software services and software Strong growth combined with easy consumer credit, a real estate boom, and fast-rising commodity prices fueled inflation concerns from mid-2006 to August Rising tax revenues from better tax administration and economic expansion helped New Delhi make progress in reducing its fiscal deficit for three straight years before skyrocketing global commodity prices more than doubled the cost of government energy and fertilizer The ballooning subsidies, amidst slowing growth, brought the return of a large fiscal deficit in In the long run, the huge and growing population is the fundamental social, economic, and environmental


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