

发布时间:2024-07-06 23:20:50


据学术堂了解,在医学论文的翻译过程中,不少医学工作者表示中医术语翻译好难。翻译中医术语,不仅需要具备翻译功底,还须熟知中医学理论和扎实的古汉语知识。所以,难是可以理解的。为了帮助医学工作者解决烦恼,下面我们来谈谈医学术语的翻译方法。一、科技英语常用构词法。在科技英语构词中,普遍运用的是复合法、缀合法、缩合法、首字母缩略等,这些方法在中医术语翻译时均可借鉴。1、复合法这类术语在中医术语翻译中占了很大的比例,其含义大多是各个词含义的叠加。采用这种译法的优点是容易找到对应词,结构明了,易于理解。缺点是译文往往不够简洁。2、缀合法此类术语的含义为词缀与词干意义的相加,特点是简洁,专业性强,与西医术语的可比性强,便于学术交流。但在目前中医术语翻译中,这类词的使用比例并不高,如针灸。3、缩合法其含义通常是构成该词的两个部分的词语意义相加,其特点类似缀合法。例如针压。4、首字母缩略这种方法在科技英语(包括医学英语)中使用得非常广泛,但在中医英语中却很少使用。目前被普遍接受的只有”中医”一词。当然,也有学者在这方面做了有益的尝试,如将温病缩略为。首字母缩略是一种非常便捷的构词方式,可提高单位词汇的信息量。但是,如何运用这一方法使中医术语趋于简洁,规范,还有待进行深入的研究。二、其他翻译方法1、词性的转换由于中文和英文的语言结构,表达方式不同,在翻译时要将中医术语的结构进行转换。较常用的方法是将中文的主谓结构,动宾结构转换成英文中的名词性词组或非限定动词词组。例如 止痛等。对症状的描述也多采用类似的方法。由于症状表示的是一种状态,而非具体动作,其中文可采用主谓或动宾等词组来描述,而在英语中则常采用名词(词组)或动名词(词组)的形式。如盗汗等。2、结构调整中医术语大多形成于中国古代,故语言形式上保留了古汉语的特点,讲究工整对仗。但在译成英语时,往往需要对这类结构进行调整,采用符合目的语语言习惯的结构,实现意义上的忠实。如神疲肢倦,心悸怔忡等。3、音译法由于东西方文化和中西医理论之间存在很大的差异,所以有不少中医术语很难在西医(英语)中找到对应的词,用意译的方法则译文过于冗长,不符合术语简洁精练的要求。在这种情况下,采用音译不失为一种可取的选择,必要时可加以注释,以弥补音译的不足。例气一,气功一,阴阳一。气是中医理论中的一个重要概念,它既可以指人体的生命物质,也可以指人体的生理功能。用音译法来翻译,则最直接,最简洁地反映出了”气”的真实内涵。 基本上,医学工作者翻译医学术语,可以从以上两种方法出发。当然,在翻译的过程中也要注意实际的语境要求。最后,希望这两种翻译方法可以帮助到大家。



1、采用增译法进行论文翻译  增译法指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英的论文翻译里。通过增译,一能保证译文语法结构的完整,二可以保证译文意思的明确。  2、采用省译法进行论文翻译  省译法是与增译法相对应的一种论文翻译方法,即删去不符合目标语思维习惯、语言习惯和表达方式的词,以避免译文累赘。  3、采用转换法进行论文翻译  转换法:指翻译过程中为了使译文符合目标语的表述方式、方法和习惯而对原句中的词类、句型和语态等进行转换。




Through to {center western dinner table etiquette culture} the research not only has enriched the knowledge, enhances the dinner table etiquette culture the tutelage, moreover exercised the independent data collection, the analysis question, has solved the question ability, enhanced the application English to carry on the human relations the In the modern social life, along with the economical and the cultural development, is fastidious the civilization manner, the attenion etiquette courtesy, more and more becomes people's one kind of mutual Speaks politeness, understands the etiquette Is a national and a national civilized degree symbol, the improvement interpersonal relationship, the promotion society progress and the economical development has the noticeable Because China has already joined WTO, then we and the overseas friend will have more If does business eats meal and so Therefore I decided in the research in the western culture "China and the West Dinner table Etiquette Contrast", enable oneself to have the in-depth to on the center west dinner table etiquette the These concrete knowledge all are may utilize Keyword which later in the actual commercial activity will go: 1 takes a seat 2 to go to eat 3 dinner tables diets to be supposed to perform to pay attention Takes a seat the China and the West dinner table etiquette basic difference to have the slight China generally is, by 左为上, regards as the seat of honor, the relative seat of honor is two, under the seat of honor has three, under two is The seating order was "east Shang Zuozun", "the surface for reveres towards the front door" The family reunion banquet seat of honor is the rank highest elder, 末席 is Patrols when the liquor from chief respects according to a smooth If round table, then to the front door is the hosts and visitors, nearby the left hand is in turn 2, 4, Nearby the right hand is in turn 3, 5, Until If is the table for eight, if has to the front door seat, then to a front door side 右位 is the hosts and If not to front door, then east a surface side right mat is Then nearby the chief left hand 坐开 goes is 2, 4, 6, 8, nearby the right hand is 3, 5, Of if is the big feast, arrangement between the table and the table is fastidious chief precedes comes between, left side 2, 4, 6, right side are in turn 3, 5, 7, according to hosts and visitors status, status, friend or stranger minute The Chinese custom is the people takes a seat when certainly does not have the west that to be fastidious, mostly is takes a seat according to own Western taking a seat is faces the gate to leave the gate farthest that seat is a hostess, with it relative is the male master's Nearby the hostess right hand seat is the first head table, generally is gentleman; Right side the male master's seat is the second head table, generally is 主宾 Left side of hostess's seat is the third head table, the male master's left side seat is the fourth head Takes a seat by chair left side Most appropriate takes a seat the way is takes a seat from left After the chair is pulled open, the body in nearly must bump into the table the distance departure to be straight, leads to be able to advance the chair behind, when the leg curved bumps into the chair, may sit Front also has takes a seat, cannot rashly enter the The elbow do not have to put on the tabletop, may not 跷足 May not when dining the midway walks If has the matter firmly to have to leave should low voice say the hello to the about Generally speaking is on the western dinner table is static, on the Chinese dinner table Western person ordinary day active, waves the hand physique language and so on peak shoulder is specially Has China and the west dines between the politeness different minimum Normally in China, left side is the above place, moreover is treated as the first place, compares with the first place is the second place, has after the first place three places and four after the second The place order form is left side the "respect and eastern part", the "place facing the gate is above place" Goes to eat on the detail China dinner table the commonly used tableware is the cup, the tray, the bowl, the dish, the chopsticks, the porcelain spoon and so on several What the west is commonly used is the knife, the fork, the spoon, the plate, the cup and so on, the knife divides into the edible knife, the fish knife, the meat knife, the cream knife, the water fruit knife; Forks divides into the edible fork, the harpoon, the lobster The public knife and fork specification generally is bigger than uses the knife and The spoon divides the soupspoon, the teaspoon, the cup type are more, the teacup, the coffee cup are a chinaware, and matches the small small dish; The drinking glass, the wine class are many is the glass First uses the chopsticks how in China, the finger middle finger and the ring finger separately put on two chopsticks underneath, the thumb according to in the chopsticks place above, the index finger tightly pastes the thumb, the little finger is bending to The chopsticks 开合 scope may use the middle finger the activity to In the west as a result of the cultural difference, they uses the knife and fork, how uses the knife and fork? The basic principle is right grasps the knife or the soupspoon, the left hand takes the If has two above, should use in turn by most outside to End the knife and fork 拿法 is lightly grasps, index finger according to on The soupspoon uses to grasp the pen the way to take If felt not conveniently, may trade the right hand to take the fork, but replaces frequently appears





复杂的范围的一种现时上下文的检索原由: 对差错的一种分析复杂的工作记忆范围任务已被显示预言有关包括流动的能力的较高的秩序认识的一些措施的性能。 然而,确切地为什么有关这些任务的性能与较高的秩序认识有关仍然不是被知道。 现在的研究检查在两种普通复杂的范围任务上被做的差错的模式。 结果建议在这些任务上被做的差错的模式是为性能构成基础并且指向现时的上下文的提示的重要性的过程的一个重要的指示器。 进而,单独的区别数据那么向下建议得分参与者不更加做每一类型的在所有连续的位置的差错,但是可变性相当为了每一差错类型被定位到一些在理论上有意义的位置。 结果那么向下建议得分参与者有导致记忆的一低效能的搜索的不较精确的现时上下文的提示。关键词是 复杂的范围; 差错; 单独的区别;


Abstract: Behavior of teachers in the teaching classroom, including manner in ognanizaitons of teaching contents and way of implement teaching from the main aspect, representing in words and deeds of teachers from secondary aspect, then we can see the relations of behavior in the teaching classroom and qualities of teaching from This text researches behavior in the teaching classroom that affects impacts of teaching and analyses transform trends of behavior in the teaching classroom The purpose is finding behavior in the teaching classroom which is in favor of improving qualities of See defects and encourage ourself, know more and do better in Keywords: behavior in the teaching classroom, behavior problem in the teaching classroom, transform trends

Chinese academic papers Chinese academic papers Abstract

The building of the internal control environment is the first thing in strengthening and improving internal control of The internal control environment provides discipline and structure for enterprises, shapes corporate culture and influences employee awareness of the control, and it is the foundation of all the other components of internal control The United States COSO Commission described the internal control environment as : control environment primarily refers to the core staff, as well as the individual attributes and the work environment, including personal honesty, integrity, ethical values and the capacity to complete all of the organization's commitment , the Board and the Audit Committee, management's philosophy and operating style of operation, organizational structure, segregation of duties and human resources policies and The building of the quality of internal control environment is directly related to internal control in the implementation and enforcement of business objectives and the whole strategic The following is the definition on the internal control environment, together with the factors having the most important impact on the internal control environment; to analysis the present status of enterprise internal control environment of listed companies in China, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures, to play a certain role in the improvement of internal control Keywords: enterprise internal control environment, corporate governance structure, internal, listed companies



引用数据(图表、表格):常用的动词:show, present, illustrate, summarize, demonstrate, contain, provide, list, report, give, reveal, display, indicate, suggest, describe, …as从句:As shown in…/As can be seen in…/As revealed by…引用/简述他人的研究/观点:XXX + V + /that…其中Verb可以为:state, claim, argue, maintain, suggest, assert, hypothesize, conclude, describe, develop, propose, find, show, report, use, study, demonstrate, note, discuss, observe, explain, expand, publish, give, examine, analyze, focus, presume, speculate, assume, support, theorize, contend, recommend其它:Based on…/In the view of…/According to…表达可能性:It is certain that …It is almost certain that …It is very probable/ highly likely that …It is probable/likely that …It is possible that …It is unlikely that …It is very/highly unlikely that …用于表达可能性的另一种途径:There is a definite possibility that …There is a strong possibility that …There is a good possibility that …There is a slight possibility that …There is little possibility that …

Significantly in recent years, the growth rate of China's FER Such a large scale】 【FER of, plus the currency in US dollar-based structure, with the result that in the US loan crisis meeting after the loss of China's FER FER-related investment portfolio and risk control, and again aroused extensive In particular, China's foreign exchange reserves as the world's largest, in terms of size more than a moderate level of long ago, how to invest in foreign exchange assets of the portfolio and risk control, it is very In this paper, the actual situation of China's FER as the starting point, for the dollar, yen, euro and pound the four foreign currencies, the use of Eviews and SAS software, the establishment of econometric models, the application of portfolio theory in the SAS in the mathematical model of quadratic programming for solving Eviews software obtained from the various currencies of China's FER minimum holding percentage of predictive value, and then through the SAS software to yield the expected FER, to quantify the level of risk, the case of three different optimal portfolio Theoretical analysis and empirical research combining econometric software, statistical software and professional fit, the latest monthly data and quantitative indicators of integration, so this article has some innovative and practical use value, management of national income and the risk of foreign exchange reserves have the meaning of Papers in the final against the global financial crisis under the portfolio of foreign exchange reserves and risk control recommendations are

AAC automatic ampltiude control 自动幅度控制
AB AB制立体声录音法
Abeyancd 暂停,潜态
A-B repeat A-B重复
ABS absolute 绝对的,完全的,绝对时间
ABS american bureau of standard 美国标准局
ABSS auto blank secrion scanning 自动磁带空白部分扫描
Abstime 绝对运行时间
ADEF audio defeat 音频降噪,噪声抑制,伴音静噪
ADJ adjective 附属的,附件
ADJ Adjust 调节
ADJ acoustic delay line 声延迟线
Admission 允许进入,供给
ADP acoustic data processor 音响数据处理机
ADP(T) adapter 延配器,转接器
ADRES automatic dynamic range expansion system 动态范围扩展系统
ADRM analog to digital remaster 模拟录音、数字处理数码唱盘
ADS audio distribution system 音频分配系统
ADUB audio dubbing 配音,音频复制,后期录音
ADV advance 送入,提升,前置量
ADV adversum 对抗
ADV advancer 相位超前补偿器
Adventure 惊险效果
AE audio erasing 音频(声音)擦除
AE auxiliary equipment 辅助设备
Aerial 天线
AES audio engineering society 美国声频工程协会
AF audio fidelity 音频保真度
AF audio frequency 音频频率
AFC active field control 自动频率控制
AFC automatic frequency control 声场控制
Affricate 塞擦音
AFL aside fade listen 衰减后(推子后)监听
A-fader 音频衰减
AFM advance frequency modulation 高级调频
AFS acoustic feedback speaker 声反馈扬声器
AFT automatic fine tuning 自动微调
AFTAAS advanced fast time acoustic analysis system 高级快速音响分析系统
After 转移部分文件
Afterglow 余辉,夕照时分音响效果
Against 以……为背景
AGC automatic gain control 自动增益控制
AHD audio high density 音频高密度唱片系统
AI advanced integrated 预汇流
AI amplifier input 放大器输入
AI artificial intelligence 人工智能
AI azimuth indicator 方位指示器
A-IN 音频输入
A-INSEL audio input selection 音频输入选择
Alarm 警报器
ALC automatic level control 自动电平控制
ALC automatic load control自动负载控制
Alford loop 爱福特环形天线
Algorithm 演示
Aliasing 量化噪声,频谱混叠
Aliasing distortion 折叠失真
Align alignment 校正,补偿,微调,匹配
Al-Si-Fe alloy head 铁硅铝合金磁头
Allegretto 小快板,稍快地
Allegro 快板,迅速地
Allocation 配置,定位
All rating 全(音)域
ALM audio level meter 音频电平表
ALT alternating 震荡,交替的
ALT alternator 交流发电机
ALT altertue 转路
ALT-CH alternate channel 转换通道,交替声道
Alter 转换,交流电,变换器
AM amperemeter 安培计,电流表
AM amplitude modulation 调幅(广播)
AM auxiliary memory 辅助存储器
Ambience 临场感,环绕感
ABTD automatic bulk tape degausser 磁带自动整体去磁电路
Ambient 环境的
Ambiophonic system 环绕声系统
Ambiophony 现场混响,环境立体声
AMLS automatic music locate system 自动音乐定位系统
AMP ampere 安培
AMP amplifier 放大器
AMPL amplification 放大
AMP amplitude 幅度,距离
Amorphous head 非晶态磁头
Abort 终止,停止(录制或播放)
Absorber 减震器
Absorption 声音被物体吸收
ABX acoustic bass extension 低音扩展
AC accumulator 充电电池
AC adjustment caliration 调节-校准
AC alternating current 交流电,交流
AC audio coding 数码声,音频编码
AC audio center 音频中心
AC azimuth comprator 方位比较器
AC-3 杜比数码环绕声系统
AC-3 RF 杜比数码环绕声数据流(接口)
ACC Acceleration 加速
Accel 渐快,加速
Accent 重音,声调
Accentuator 预加重电路
Access 存取,进入,增加,通路
Accessory 附件(接口),配件
Acryl 丙基酰基
Accompaniment 伴奏,合奏,伴随
Accord 和谐,调和
Accordion 手风琴
ACD automatic call distributor 自动呼叫分配器
ACE audio control erasing 音频控制消磁
A-Channel A(左)声道
ACIA asynchronous communication interface adapter 异步通信接口适配器
Acoumeter 测听计
Acoustical 声的,声音的
Acoustic coloring 声染色
Acoustic image 声像
Across 交叉,并行,跨接
Across frequency 交叉频率,分频频率
ACST access time 存取时间
Active 主动的,有源的,有效的,运行的
Active crossover 主动分频,电子分频,有源分频
Active loudsperker 有源音箱
Armstrong MOD 阿姆斯特朗调制
ARP azimuth reference pulse 方位基准脉冲
Arpeggio 琶音
Articulation 声音清晰度,发音
Artificial 仿……的,人工的,手动(控制)
AAD active acoustic devide 有源声学软件
ABC auto base and chord 自动低音合弦
Architectural acoustics 建筑声学
Arm motor 唱臂唱机
Arpeggio single 琶音和弦,分解和弦
ARL aerial 天线
ASC automatic sensitivity control 自动灵敏度控制
ASGN Assign 分配,指定,设定
ASP audio signal processing 音频信号处理
ASS assembly 组件,装配,总成
ASSEM assemble 汇编,剪辑
ASSEM Assembly 组件,装配,总成
Assign 指定,转发,分配
Assist 辅助(装置)
ASSY accessory 组件,附件
AST active servo techonology 有源伺服技术
A Tempo 回到原速
Astigmatism methord 象散法
Asynchronous bit-stream 非同步比特流
AT antenna 天线
AT attenuator 衰减器
ATC automatic timing correction 自动定时校正器
ATC automatic tone correction 自动音调调整
ATD automatic tape degausser 磁带自动去磁器
ATF automatic track finding 自动寻迹
ATRAC adaptive transform acoustic coding 自适应转换声学编码
ATS automatic tuning system 自动调谐系统
ATSC advancde television systems committee 美国数字电视标准
ATT attenuator 衰减器
Attack 启动时间
Attack delay 预延时
Attenuater 衰减网络,屏蔽材料
Attenuation 衰减
AHD audio high density 音频高密度唱片
AU Adapter unit 适配器
AUD audio 音频的,音频,音响
Audible sound 可听声
Audience area 听众区
Audifier 声频放大器
Audio 音频
Audiophile 音响发烧友
Audition 试听发音,播音前试音
Aural Exciter 听觉激励器
Auricle effect 耳廓效应
AUTO automatic 自动的,自动
Auto fade 自动电平衰减
Automatch 自动匹配
Auto-changer 自动换片器
Auto-reset overload protector 自动复原过载保护器
Auto reverse 自动翻转
Auto-select 自动选择
Auto-space 自动插入空白信号
Auto-sweep 自动扫描,自动搜寻
Autotune 自动调谐
AUTP autopunch 自动穿插录音
AUX auxiliary 辅助输出,辅助输入
AV audio/video 音视频,音像系统
AV audio visual 视听,视听系统
AVAL available volume control 自动音量控制
AVC automatic volume control 自动音量控制
Average value 平均值,平衡,抵消
AVG average 平均值
AV MUTING 音像系统静噪
AWCS acoustic wave cannon system 声波管系统
A-weighting A-计权
AWG acoustic wave guide 声波导
AWGN additive white gaussion noise 相加白高斯噪声
AWM audio wave from memory 音频波形记忆
AWM automatic writinf machine 自动写入机
Axis 轴向的,轴线的
Azimuth loss 方位损失
APTWG copy protection technical working group 复制保护技术工作级
Ampler 取样装置 Active page 活动页
Activity (线圈)占空系数,动作
Actual level 有效电平
ACTV advancde compatible television 与普通电视兼容的高清晰度电视系统
ACU automatic calling unit 自动呼叫装置
Adagio 柔板(从容地)
ADAP Adapter 适配器,外接电源
A/D audio to digital 模拟/数字
ADC audio digital conversion 模拟数字转换
ADD address 地址
Adder 混频器
AMS 跳曲播放
AMS audio monitor selection 音频监听选择
AMS Acoustic measuriment system 音响测量系统
AMS automatic music sensor 自动音乐传感器
AMSS automatic music select system 自动音乐选择系统
Analog(ue) 模拟的,模型,类似
Analog cueing track 模拟提示轨迹
Analog audio master tape 模拟原版录音带
Analog cassette tape 模拟磁带录机
Analyzer 分析仪
ANG automatic noise canceller 自动噪声消除器
Anechoic chamber 消声室,无回声室
Angle 角度
ANL automatic noise limiter 自动噪声抑制器
Announciator 报警器
Anode 阳极,正极
ANRS automatic noise reduction system 自动降噪系统
ANT antenna 天线
Antihum 哼声消除
Anti-hunt 阻尼,反搜索
Anti-noise 抗干扰
AOM acoustic optical modulator 声光调制器
AP automatic pan 自动声像(控制)
APC automatic phase control 相位自动控制
APC automatic power control 自动功率控制
APCM adaptive PCM 自适应性脉冲编码调制
Aperture distortion 孔径失真
APLD automatic program locate device 自动选曲
APN allochthonous 声像漂移
APO automatic power off 自动电源关断
Append 附加,插入
APS automatic program search 自动节目搜索
APSS auto program search system 自动选曲系统
APSS automatic program pause system 自动节目暂停系统
APSS automatic program search system 自动节目搜索系统
APU audio playback unit 音频重放装置
AR assisted resonance 接受共振(声场控制方式)
AR audio response 音频响应
ARC automatic record control 自动录音控制(系统)
ARC automatic remote control 自动遥控
Architectural acoustics 建筑声学

Our country FER speeds up in recent years So ample FER [scale]'s, currency of adding gives first place to U S dollar on kind of structure , cause our country FER sustains losses after time of USA loan crisis The problem that portfolio formation and risk control about FER, broad having once aroused society pays close attention Especially our country stores the first Great Power as world foreign currency,under scale exceeds appropriate measure long ago horizontal situation, portfolio formation and risk how to be in progress to foreign exchange assets appear very important under the control The main body of a book the reality from our country FER is starting point, specifically for U S dollar , yen , this four kinds Euro and pound sterling foreign currency, the programming making use of Eviews and the SAS software , building economy measuring a model , applying assets combinatorial theory to SAS middle carrying out repeated plan mathematic model finds the The minimum that every currency grows in reaching our country FER from Eviews software holds the proportion forecast value , pass SAS software expectation to FER That theoretical analysis and demonstration study union , economy measure a software each other and special field counts the each other fit , up-to-date monthly of software data blending with index quantization each other, makes the main body of a book have certain FOAK nature and reality making use of value , avails and risk managing exchange cover's to the country to significance having Thesis exchange cover portfolio formation and risk falling specifically for the whole world financial crisis in at last has given a relevance out suggestion under the control Special field vocabulary: Exchange cover FER , Foreign exchange reserve , optimum combination , Optimal compositon,


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