

发布时间:2024-07-04 13:37:57


参考 是什么意思?原文还是评论文?原文在这里有:《老人与海》 永别了武器也可以直接在里面搜。

hk kjdj kndjk nkadj nkjd njkd k dkdj kjsd kjdk k kj kj kj h jhjhdhj szh zszs c k cnm jmxhn jms jhsmd hjs jmsdf cjcnm sz cjhzs cd c xnj xnm xnm xmn nmx xnm xnm nm nmnmx nm m nm nm xn ksjsjk jksbkjs ssnm kaskjab jkb kjkkaj jkzas jks jk bnks kjas jks bjk k b k bsjkszjkfs jkks kjs ks k jbks kjs kj kjj kksj kj kjkj kj s j jk sx j n jks js jks jksx kjsx kjkj, bjkbdjkljsdjk jdljaa jka bjkajkd

wilhelma,跪求 论《老人与海》英雄主义 英语论文轻风论文网上面很多关于这方面的东西C158论文的写作心得1.最开始导师会给一个任务书,这时要弄懂是个什么任务,比如我是做一个软件,那么就要明白用什么做(什么开发工具,什么语言,要用到哪个行业知识),然后就是要熟悉这些工具2.要查相关文献。这就包括关于这个项目的国内外最新进展。最好到学校图书馆查,比较好的数据库有IEEE,ACM,万方数据,维普数据等,具体看什么行业。最好找20篇外文文献,40篇中文文献。阅读这些文献时,只要看摘要和结论,这时就知道这篇文献有没有适合自己论文的资料了!尤其是中文文献,你会发现有很多文献内容很雷同,换汤不换药,基本的算法都差不多,这时就要不断筛选了!也要不断找新的文献资料!做完了这个工作,可以把这些文献分类,因为对于一个课题,不同的作者可能从不同的方向看待和解决的。所以,应该建立几个文件夹,分别放置这些不同的解决方案,也便于做参考文献的编写。分好类了,这时就可以写个国内外现状的小总结,可以写到论文的绪论部分,这时很重要的。很多时候自己论文的解决方案也是来自于这个总结。如果你能创新一点,这时你就可以发挥了,博采众长,提出自己的解决方案,这就是科研创新了。C1583.论文的格式要求是很严格的。为此你要充分利用word的一些技巧、office的图标和数据处理功能,visio的流程图。C158A49335

Courageous- He endures hardship stoically- He shows courage in the face of disaster- He is not afraid to confront deathA Man of Action- He is one who does, not one who talks- He lives intensely, as though each moment were his lastSelf-Disciplined- He does what must be done- He makes no excuses; he toughs it out- He is impervious to physical pain; he does not let disabilities hamper himFierce and Rugged Individualist- He is a loner- He overcomes his estrangement from himself and the world by his total emersion in lifeConcerned with Nobility and the Ultimate Futility of Man's Struggle Against Nature, Fate, and Death- He admires noblility in the life around him- He fears death, but he is not afraid to die刚好我也在写这个题目的论文 豆瓣上有很多值得参考的评论 希望帮得上忙


参考文献,直接点击下载Tragic Form in A Farewell to ArmsR Merrill - American Literature, 1974 The Old Man and the Sea: Hemingway's Tragic Vision of ManCS Burhans Jr - American Literature, 1960 in the Dark: Hemingway, Strater and The Old Man and the SeaM Culver - Hemingway Review, 1992

wilhelma,跪求 论《老人与海》英雄主义 英语论文轻风论文网上面很多关于这方面的东西C158论文的写作心得1.最开始导师会给一个任务书,这时要弄懂是个什么任务,比如我是做一个软件,那么就要明白用什么做(什么开发工具,什么语言,要用到哪个行业知识),然后就是要熟悉这些工具2.要查相关文献。这就包括关于这个项目的国内外最新进展。最好到学校图书馆查,比较好的数据库有IEEE,ACM,万方数据,维普数据等,具体看什么行业。最好找20篇外文文献,40篇中文文献。阅读这些文献时,只要看摘要和结论,这时就知道这篇文献有没有适合自己论文的资料了!尤其是中文文献,你会发现有很多文献内容很雷同,换汤不换药,基本的算法都差不多,这时就要不断筛选了!也要不断找新的文献资料!做完了这个工作,可以把这些文献分类,因为对于一个课题,不同的作者可能从不同的方向看待和解决的。所以,应该建立几个文件夹,分别放置这些不同的解决方案,也便于做参考文献的编写。分好类了,这时就可以写个国内外现状的小总结,可以写到论文的绪论部分,这时很重要的。很多时候自己论文的解决方案也是来自于这个总结。如果你能创新一点,这时你就可以发挥了,博采众长,提出自己的解决方案,这就是科研创新了。C1583.论文的格式要求是很严格的。为此你要充分利用word的一些技巧、office的图标和数据处理功能,visio的流程图。C158A49335

1936年4月,海明威在《乡绅》杂志上发表了一篇名为“碧水之上:海湾来信”的散文,其中一段记叙了一位老人独自驾着小船出海捕鱼,捉到一条巨大的大马林鱼,但鱼的大部分被鲨鱼吃掉的故事。早在1939年,海明威搬到古巴时,他就开始计划以此为素材,写一篇情节完整的故事放到他的某个小说系类中。(实际上,他去世后,这个系类里其他篇目作为《海流中的岛屿》的一部分发表出来) 《老人与海》,美国作家欧内斯特•海明威著。《老人与海》是海明威的代表作,也是一部象征性的小说。主人公桑地亚哥是一位老渔夫,他经过重重艰险,捕获了“一条不止一千五百磅重的大马林鱼”,可是在返航的途中,这条大马林鱼却被鲨鱼吃光了,桑地亚哥只拖回了一副鱼的骨架。小说对大海的凄凉景象,对老人的复杂心情与回忆,对老人与鲨鱼搏斗的情景以及他与一个孩子的友情,都作了极具特色的描写,可谓淋漓尽致、引人入胜。 欧内斯特•海明威(1899--1961年),美国小说家,1954年诺贝尔文学奖获得者,获奖之作就是《老人与海》。这部小说是根据一位古巴渔夫的真实经历创作的,以摄像机般的写实手法记录了桑地亚哥老人捕鱼的全过程,塑造了一个在重压下仍然保持优雅风度、在精神上永远不可战胜的老人形象。这部小说创下了人类出版史上空前绝后的一个纪录:48小时售出500万册,50小时售出530万册! 当他被宣布为当年的普利策文学奖得主时,评论界一致称好。"人可以被毁灭,却不可以被打败。"海明威在《老人与海》里所说的话,不仅打动了读者,也征服了评论者。 1954年,因为海明威"精通于叙事艺术,突出地表现在他的近著《老人与海》之中;同时也因为他在当代风格中所发挥的影响",海明威又获诺贝尔文学奖。"每一句话和每一段落,都要尽量写得简洁。"这是海明威写作的信条之一,这使得他的作品改编成电影的数量比任何其他一位获奖者都多. 小说以写实手法展现了捕鱼老人桑地亚哥在重压下仍保持的优雅风度,这种精神上永远不可战胜者成为文学史上最著名的"硬汉"形象之一。对于《老人与海》这本被译成几十种文字的作品, 海明威自己认为 "是这一辈子所能写的最好的一部作品"。 这本书讲了古巴的一个名叫桑地亚哥的老渔夫,独自一个人出海打鱼,在一无所获的84天之后钓到了一条无比巨大的马林鱼。这是老人从来没见过也没听说过的,比他的船还长两英尺的一条大鱼。鱼的劲非常大,拖着小船漂流了整整两天两夜,老人在这两天两夜中经历了从未经受的艰难考验,终于把大鱼刺死,拴在船头。然而在返航时不幸遇上了鲨鱼,老人与鲨鱼进行了殊死搏斗,最终,大马林鱼还是被鲨鱼吃光了,老人历经一番艰辛,最后拖回家的只剩下一副光秃秃的鱼骨架和一身的伤,可还是得到了人们的赞赏。

参考 是什么意思?原文还是评论文?原文在这里有:《老人与海》 永别了武器也可以直接在里面搜。


参考 是什么意思?原文还是评论文?原文在这里有:《老人与海》 永别了武器也可以直接在里面搜。

"A man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed, is he." - the old man and the seaPersonal attention-seeking means everyone is longing for his ability to get others to his attention, the 1899 was born in America, his life character, brave, strong combative have a strong tendency of personal heroism. In Europe, gun battle. In the African jungle to catch ferocious beast, in the ring to master the challenge. Also in his fiction is full of war, fighting, love sport, and tourism. The author of the character of his works is the old man and the sea ", in this work embodies a confident, daring to challenge the fate of courage, show the fighting spirit. This work was huge, even as the church , Hemingway's works in many so-called "heroics" composition, more is the bursting of the emotion, Hemingway other piece like "the sun also rises," "A farewell to arms", "short fiction works", the "garden of Eden", "A Movable Feast" etc, can say "and" personal attention-seeking "almost touch on can then consider the topic. If the old man and the sea ", the following reference analysisOutstanding performance:One is to human life. Look! The roar of the shark, aggressive resembles, but not a ChuiMu into the old man! Old man with despair, hunger in battle, heart always in silently thoughtfully: people were not born to overthrow. It is one of life's tenacity and strong embody!2 is the ultimate meaning of life works. Consider, old man with hunger, cold, dark, don't say to work by a fishbone empty? Man is completely cut off line is easy, but he has no! He is in trouble with the strong competition in battle,! YuSiWangPo rather too obstinate. Old man and the sea and in the volatile, completed the people's life force. Here is the success in said: "life is born, the brilliance of itself, not in a dead results - - - - - - - - the heel in cardiac alive!Three QuanZhu work is the concept of "success". The win on the material can be secular sense of success, but not necessarily successful life. If the life as a business to succeed, then, the life first should be perfect personality. Xiang is a loser, but he is recognized as the hero, Liu, but still seized by one as "surabaya rogue". If the solemn, farewell to the significance of human works embodies the spirit of America's western values and. Adventure and heroics usually for the beauty of the old man, San Diego small fishing boat to upload the mayflower "in" the same spirit, namely: can I failed, but you destroy me, I always strive for a breakthrough. Reason: the nationality of works for the works of a is the work presents a new dialogue between man and nature. "The old man and the sea" dialogue ", is weak and strong, loneliness and noise, winning and losing dialogue, it is different from the dialogue with the island, Crusoe is some life. Shark, the sea is spoiled, and the spirit of land for long. People in turbulent waves, and in living in the region, is absolutely called?6 is the product of work is personified. This course should brush, chicheng frankly. As is known to all, Hemingway's life in nature, good adventure. Challenge vitality He thought, no power of life. He hates to human desires, lust, and love, he often bypass the crowd around, magical place hunting, war, piao sentiment. Because of this, he mentally alone in the sea as fighting with the old man of sharks. However, he was born, until picked a secular evil theory with empty, only to double fishbone tube rifle issued a warning to the is a novel, but also can take it as a fable. Hemingway sing out here to humans fighting spirit stubborn. The novel is optimistic note and the end. Through the boy will once again with a new man, to fight and a new , of course, we should also realize that as a bourgeois individual Hemingway's limitations. He neither see, see the way society, the strength of the masses, he is in a weak foothold to personal struggle spirit came. Consequently, he failed to hero is only the hero. The old man and the sea "optimism is wide dark a glimmer of the air, and throughout the is a melancholy throughout the old man is a real image, or if the employee is but a critics say a laborer appearance of Hemingway's intellectuals? We think that is a - the true image of laborer, though, may be slightly. The writer is a true to his characters will simply as his mouthpiece. If Santiago only cosmetic of Hemingway, this novel won't have such power of moving. Santiago's thoughts and feelings and not beyond him such a laborer of thoughts and feelings. He in the boundless sea battle with fish, fish that will both as the enemy and as a brother's mood, should be understood and experience. In Hemingway's this old man is not a profound social content, but are faithful and the old man Santiago is a writer Ernest Hemingway's shadow. His son Gregory Hemingway wrote in a memoir, "Hemingway's hero is Hemingway himself, or his best." This is right. We work in some of the many characters are seen writers of his own shadow. But, in the novel "the old man and the sea", we felt in the thoughts and feelings with Hemingway, Santiago is more closely together, he loves him, sing praises to him, he entered the ", "the old man in the sea, feeling and sentiment is he to experience. In a sense, and from a certain Angle, the old man is Hemingway incarnation. But this is not to say ahead of us is a real art image that YiJiuErLiuNian, Hemingway published "the sun also rises," in this novel, he expressed in the first world war, the part of the American young intellectuals deep despair of reality. He therefore "lost generation" of the identity of the representative by notice, and some people will this novel as a "lost generation" declaration. Since then, he has been in his life and society. He attended the struggle against Spain franco. His works have exposed in the dark, capitalism had antifascist enthusiasm. His sympathy for China's Anti-Japanese War. He is a serious, right-minded writer. But, he always can not out of the circle, and individualism, never get rid of pessimism. Although "lost generation" as a literary genre in in the 1930s has collapsed, after the age from thought, said Hemingway is still a "lost". From the surface, Hemingway is a made great achievements, Fraser shatter his reputation, status, money. He is bold and unconstrained, open-minded, generous. But another Hemingway that he didn't see the real human way. And, as in war, it had a few times impaired his health. And he is old, writing more and more difficult. His heart is depressed, YiYu, doleful. In the boundless hugecrowd struggle, ups. The old man and the sea "is his soul essence of certain things. He not only in the old Santiago's body to his life on the feeling, also be the heroic man to motivate yourself as the to his son, Hemingway later in writing up has less easily. "The past is a water Wells, and now have the water pump.... he is no longer poet..., he became a workman, blame your destiny, sigh he's going into * entangles! � times first-come-first-served basis of dam Lei if ⊙ based Ge He lie � * his genius and back, which gives birth to a masterpiece (refers to the old man and the sea"), although not quite, but the scale, insight, and full of love and truth." Anyway, we can agree on the subject, because love, because of the ground with object close together, is the novel can obtain some achievements and can move one of the important reasons. -- but generally he is getting on in writing. So he had to say such words: "I wrote the book. I can't finish line." "I've been in this damned desk before... but I can't write out. It's not written. You know, I can't." His son say: "he always tries to win. He was lost, the". He's an old friend Malcolm, says: "if he can't write, he didn't want to live." In 1961, with a rifle bullets ended his life. I'm afraid I can't just explain for disease, it should also praised his old Santiago heroism another expression. However, we can also be considered that in the boundless huge crowd to struggle, the individual heroes who toil in a bell, their personal power loss after all, just to see more hope.

wilhelma,跪求 论《老人与海》英雄主义 英语论文轻风论文网上面很多关于这方面的东西C158论文的写作心得1.最开始导师会给一个任务书,这时要弄懂是个什么任务,比如我是做一个软件,那么就要明白用什么做(什么开发工具,什么语言,要用到哪个行业知识),然后就是要熟悉这些工具2.要查相关文献。这就包括关于这个项目的国内外最新进展。最好到学校图书馆查,比较好的数据库有IEEE,ACM,万方数据,维普数据等,具体看什么行业。最好找20篇外文文献,40篇中文文献。阅读这些文献时,只要看摘要和结论,这时就知道这篇文献有没有适合自己论文的资料了!尤其是中文文献,你会发现有很多文献内容很雷同,换汤不换药,基本的算法都差不多,这时就要不断筛选了!也要不断找新的文献资料!做完了这个工作,可以把这些文献分类,因为对于一个课题,不同的作者可能从不同的方向看待和解决的。所以,应该建立几个文件夹,分别放置这些不同的解决方案,也便于做参考文献的编写。分好类了,这时就可以写个国内外现状的小总结,可以写到论文的绪论部分,这时很重要的。很多时候自己论文的解决方案也是来自于这个总结。如果你能创新一点,这时你就可以发挥了,博采众长,提出自己的解决方案,这就是科研创新了。C1583.论文的格式要求是很严格的。为此你要充分利用word的一些技巧、office的图标和数据处理功能,visio的流程图。C158A49335

1936年4月,海明威在《乡绅》杂志上发表了一篇名为“碧水之上:海湾来信”的散文,其中一段记叙了一位老人独自驾着小船出海捕鱼,捉到一条巨大的大马林鱼,但鱼的大部分被鲨鱼吃掉的故事。早在1939年,海明威搬到古巴时,他就开始计划以此为素材,写一篇情节完整的故事放到他的某个小说系类中。(实际上,他去世后,这个系类里其他篇目作为《海流中的岛屿》的一部分发表出来) 《老人与海》,美国作家欧内斯特•海明威著。《老人与海》是海明威的代表作,也是一部象征性的小说。主人公桑地亚哥是一位老渔夫,他经过重重艰险,捕获了“一条不止一千五百磅重的大马林鱼”,可是在返航的途中,这条大马林鱼却被鲨鱼吃光了,桑地亚哥只拖回了一副鱼的骨架。小说对大海的凄凉景象,对老人的复杂心情与回忆,对老人与鲨鱼搏斗的情景以及他与一个孩子的友情,都作了极具特色的描写,可谓淋漓尽致、引人入胜。 欧内斯特•海明威(1899--1961年),美国小说家,1954年诺贝尔文学奖获得者,获奖之作就是《老人与海》。这部小说是根据一位古巴渔夫的真实经历创作的,以摄像机般的写实手法记录了桑地亚哥老人捕鱼的全过程,塑造了一个在重压下仍然保持优雅风度、在精神上永远不可战胜的老人形象。这部小说创下了人类出版史上空前绝后的一个纪录:48小时售出500万册,50小时售出530万册! 当他被宣布为当年的普利策文学奖得主时,评论界一致称好。"人可以被毁灭,却不可以被打败。"海明威在《老人与海》里所说的话,不仅打动了读者,也征服了评论者。 1954年,因为海明威"精通于叙事艺术,突出地表现在他的近著《老人与海》之中;同时也因为他在当代风格中所发挥的影响",海明威又获诺贝尔文学奖。"每一句话和每一段落,都要尽量写得简洁。"这是海明威写作的信条之一,这使得他的作品改编成电影的数量比任何其他一位获奖者都多. 小说以写实手法展现了捕鱼老人桑地亚哥在重压下仍保持的优雅风度,这种精神上永远不可战胜者成为文学史上最著名的"硬汉"形象之一。对于《老人与海》这本被译成几十种文字的作品, 海明威自己认为 "是这一辈子所能写的最好的一部作品"。 这本书讲了古巴的一个名叫桑地亚哥的老渔夫,独自一个人出海打鱼,在一无所获的84天之后钓到了一条无比巨大的马林鱼。这是老人从来没见过也没听说过的,比他的船还长两英尺的一条大鱼。鱼的劲非常大,拖着小船漂流了整整两天两夜,老人在这两天两夜中经历了从未经受的艰难考验,终于把大鱼刺死,拴在船头。然而在返航时不幸遇上了鲨鱼,老人与鲨鱼进行了殊死搏斗,最终,大马林鱼还是被鲨鱼吃光了,老人历经一番艰辛,最后拖回家的只剩下一副光秃秃的鱼骨架和一身的伤,可还是得到了人们的赞赏。


hk kjdj kndjk nkadj nkjd njkd k dkdj kjsd kjdk k kj kj kj h jhjhdhj szh zszs c k cnm jmxhn jms jhsmd hjs jmsdf cjcnm sz cjhzs cd c xnj xnm xnm xmn nmx xnm xnm nm nmnmx nm m nm nm xn ksjsjk jksbkjs ssnm kaskjab jkb kjkkaj jkzas jks jk bnks kjas jks bjk k b k bsjkszjkfs jkks kjs ks k jbks kjs kj kjj kksj kj kjkj kj s j jk sx j n jks js jks jksx kjsx kjkj, bjkbdjkljsdjk jdljaa jka bjkajkd

参考 是什么意思?原文还是评论文?原文在这里有:《老人与海》 永别了武器也可以直接在里面搜。

wilhelma,跪求 论《老人与海》英雄主义 英语论文轻风论文网上面很多关于这方面的东西C158论文的写作心得1.最开始导师会给一个任务书,这时要弄懂是个什么任务,比如我是做一个软件,那么就要明白用什么做(什么开发工具,什么语言,要用到哪个行业知识),然后就是要熟悉这些工具2.要查相关文献。这就包括关于这个项目的国内外最新进展。最好到学校图书馆查,比较好的数据库有IEEE,ACM,万方数据,维普数据等,具体看什么行业。最好找20篇外文文献,40篇中文文献。阅读这些文献时,只要看摘要和结论,这时就知道这篇文献有没有适合自己论文的资料了!尤其是中文文献,你会发现有很多文献内容很雷同,换汤不换药,基本的算法都差不多,这时就要不断筛选了!也要不断找新的文献资料!做完了这个工作,可以把这些文献分类,因为对于一个课题,不同的作者可能从不同的方向看待和解决的。所以,应该建立几个文件夹,分别放置这些不同的解决方案,也便于做参考文献的编写。分好类了,这时就可以写个国内外现状的小总结,可以写到论文的绪论部分,这时很重要的。很多时候自己论文的解决方案也是来自于这个总结。如果你能创新一点,这时你就可以发挥了,博采众长,提出自己的解决方案,这就是科研创新了。C1583.论文的格式要求是很严格的。为此你要充分利用word的一些技巧、office的图标和数据处理功能,visio的流程图。C158A49335

"A man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed, is he." - the old man and the seaPersonal attention-seeking means everyone is longing for his ability to get others to his attention, the 1899 was born in America, his life character, brave, strong combative have a strong tendency of personal heroism. In Europe, gun battle. In the African jungle to catch ferocious beast, in the ring to master the challenge. Also in his fiction is full of war, fighting, love sport, and tourism. The author of the character of his works is the old man and the sea ", in this work embodies a confident, daring to challenge the fate of courage, show the fighting spirit. This work was huge, even as the church , Hemingway's works in many so-called "heroics" composition, more is the bursting of the emotion, Hemingway other piece like "the sun also rises," "A farewell to arms", "short fiction works", the "garden of Eden", "A Movable Feast" etc, can say "and" personal attention-seeking "almost touch on can then consider the topic. If the old man and the sea ", the following reference analysisOutstanding performance:One is to human life. Look! The roar of the shark, aggressive resembles, but not a ChuiMu into the old man! Old man with despair, hunger in battle, heart always in silently thoughtfully: people were not born to overthrow. It is one of life's tenacity and strong embody!2 is the ultimate meaning of life works. Consider, old man with hunger, cold, dark, don't say to work by a fishbone empty? Man is completely cut off line is easy, but he has no! He is in trouble with the strong competition in battle,! YuSiWangPo rather too obstinate. Old man and the sea and in the volatile, completed the people's life force. Here is the success in said: "life is born, the brilliance of itself, not in a dead results - - - - - - - - the heel in cardiac alive!Three QuanZhu work is the concept of "success". The win on the material can be secular sense of success, but not necessarily successful life. If the life as a business to succeed, then, the life first should be perfect personality. Xiang is a loser, but he is recognized as the hero, Liu, but still seized by one as "surabaya rogue". If the solemn, farewell to the significance of human works embodies the spirit of America's western values and. Adventure and heroics usually for the beauty of the old man, San Diego small fishing boat to upload the mayflower "in" the same spirit, namely: can I failed, but you destroy me, I always strive for a breakthrough. Reason: the nationality of works for the works of a is the work presents a new dialogue between man and nature. "The old man and the sea" dialogue ", is weak and strong, loneliness and noise, winning and losing dialogue, it is different from the dialogue with the island, Crusoe is some life. Shark, the sea is spoiled, and the spirit of land for long. People in turbulent waves, and in living in the region, is absolutely called?6 is the product of work is personified. This course should brush, chicheng frankly. As is known to all, Hemingway's life in nature, good adventure. Challenge vitality He thought, no power of life. He hates to human desires, lust, and love, he often bypass the crowd around, magical place hunting, war, piao sentiment. Because of this, he mentally alone in the sea as fighting with the old man of sharks. However, he was born, until picked a secular evil theory with empty, only to double fishbone tube rifle issued a warning to the is a novel, but also can take it as a fable. Hemingway sing out here to humans fighting spirit stubborn. The novel is optimistic note and the end. Through the boy will once again with a new man, to fight and a new , of course, we should also realize that as a bourgeois individual Hemingway's limitations. He neither see, see the way society, the strength of the masses, he is in a weak foothold to personal struggle spirit came. Consequently, he failed to hero is only the hero. The old man and the sea "optimism is wide dark a glimmer of the air, and throughout the is a melancholy throughout the old man is a real image, or if the employee is but a critics say a laborer appearance of Hemingway's intellectuals? We think that is a - the true image of laborer, though, may be slightly. The writer is a true to his characters will simply as his mouthpiece. If Santiago only cosmetic of Hemingway, this novel won't have such power of moving. Santiago's thoughts and feelings and not beyond him such a laborer of thoughts and feelings. He in the boundless sea battle with fish, fish that will both as the enemy and as a brother's mood, should be understood and experience. In Hemingway's this old man is not a profound social content, but are faithful and the old man Santiago is a writer Ernest Hemingway's shadow. His son Gregory Hemingway wrote in a memoir, "Hemingway's hero is Hemingway himself, or his best." This is right. We work in some of the many characters are seen writers of his own shadow. But, in the novel "the old man and the sea", we felt in the thoughts and feelings with Hemingway, Santiago is more closely together, he loves him, sing praises to him, he entered the ", "the old man in the sea, feeling and sentiment is he to experience. In a sense, and from a certain Angle, the old man is Hemingway incarnation. But this is not to say ahead of us is a real art image that YiJiuErLiuNian, Hemingway published "the sun also rises," in this novel, he expressed in the first world war, the part of the American young intellectuals deep despair of reality. He therefore "lost generation" of the identity of the representative by notice, and some people will this novel as a "lost generation" declaration. Since then, he has been in his life and society. He attended the struggle against Spain franco. His works have exposed in the dark, capitalism had antifascist enthusiasm. His sympathy for China's Anti-Japanese War. He is a serious, right-minded writer. But, he always can not out of the circle, and individualism, never get rid of pessimism. Although "lost generation" as a literary genre in in the 1930s has collapsed, after the age from thought, said Hemingway is still a "lost". From the surface, Hemingway is a made great achievements, Fraser shatter his reputation, status, money. He is bold and unconstrained, open-minded, generous. But another Hemingway that he didn't see the real human way. And, as in war, it had a few times impaired his health. And he is old, writing more and more difficult. His heart is depressed, YiYu, doleful. In the boundless hugecrowd struggle, ups. The old man and the sea "is his soul essence of certain things. He not only in the old Santiago's body to his life on the feeling, also be the heroic man to motivate yourself as the to his son, Hemingway later in writing up has less easily. "The past is a water Wells, and now have the water pump.... he is no longer poet..., he became a workman, blame your destiny, sigh he's going into * entangles! � times first-come-first-served basis of dam Lei if ⊙ based Ge He lie � * his genius and back, which gives birth to a masterpiece (refers to the old man and the sea"), although not quite, but the scale, insight, and full of love and truth." Anyway, we can agree on the subject, because love, because of the ground with object close together, is the novel can obtain some achievements and can move one of the important reasons. -- but generally he is getting on in writing. So he had to say such words: "I wrote the book. I can't finish line." "I've been in this damned desk before... but I can't write out. It's not written. You know, I can't." His son say: "he always tries to win. He was lost, the". He's an old friend Malcolm, says: "if he can't write, he didn't want to live." In 1961, with a rifle bullets ended his life. I'm afraid I can't just explain for disease, it should also praised his old Santiago heroism another expression. However, we can also be considered that in the boundless huge crowd to struggle, the individual heroes who toil in a bell, their personal power loss after all, just to see more hope.


摘 要:海明威在 《老人与海》 中运用其 “冰山理论”的创作原则,处理人与 自然斗争的这一重大题材 , 赋予这一题材以丰富的象征意义,使小说表现出的主题远远超 出题材本身的内涵,表现 了更广大的思想空 间。小说以其独特的语言风格、精湛的写作技巧、生动的描写,把无限的意蕴寓于有限的表象形式中,使 作品充满着对有限的超越 ,对无限的神往。主要分析并探讨这部小说及象征意义及语言特色。 关键词:《老人与海》;文体;象征;语言特色 Abstract:In”The Old Man and the Sea”by Hemingway,we can see how he deals with the tremendous subject of the struggle between man and nature,using unique language style,beautiful writing skills,vivid descriptions an d the writing principle of”Iceberg”.Hemingway symbolizes the subject,and thus the theme gives beyond the connotation of the story itself,and provides much room for thinking.Th is essay analyses and discusses mainly the symbolic meanings of the novel and its linguistic features. Key words:”The Old Man and the Sea”;stylistic feature;sym bolization;linguistic features “每一种文体都有超乎寻常的语言特点;每一个作家都在创作过程中使自己的语言显示出超乎寻常的风格。超乎寻常才能引人注目,超乎寻常才能体现风格”。[ 《老人与海》 是海明威一生思想和艺 术探索的 总结 ,是他赖以获得 1954年诺贝尔文学奖的主要代表作。他运用象征手法、巧妙的细节描写、简练含蓄的语言、生动形象的比喻 编织 出一个感人的 故事 ,一个新颖独特的具有双重审美层面的审美 体 ,小说的“冰山顶部”峻拔易透,而“水面以下”的大千世界则深藏若虚,让读者去揣摩、联想、体会。 一、 象征意义 象征的基本含义是用某种知觉或想象的图象标示来暗示某种不可见的意蕴,它可以通过意象来诱 发欣赏者的 经验 和情感的表现,使文学作品产生强盛的生命力和永久的艺术魅力。作为现实主义作家,海明威深知此道,运用象征手法将抽象的思想变成具体的物象 ,再让读者从具体的物象激发经验想象和情感的表现,去挖掘其中的意蕴。 海明威在《老人与海》中通过局部修辞手段的象征手法来赋予这部小说的象征性。 (一)故事的主人公圣地亚哥是“生命英雄”的象征。他敢于向人生的种种磨难宣战,向人的生命的极限挑战并超越它,以生命换荣誉、换尊严,从前所未有的角度震撼人心地展示了人的生命价值。在与大海、大马林鱼和鲨鱼的较量中,他以自信、勇敢、强悍的英雄形象奏响了一曲深沉低 回的大提琴协奏 曲。渔民以 捕鱼 为生,在茫茫大海上,孤独的老人划着小船连续八十四天没有钓到一条鱼,这真是“倒 了血霉”,然而,老人并没有失去信心: Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the san'le color as the sea and were cheerfur and undefeated.[2](P.2) 眼睛是心灵的窗户,这“海水一样蓝的眼睛”跟那象征着厄运的破帆相对照,揭示出了老人圣地亚哥绝不向命运屈服的性格特征 ,透着老人乐观开朗,一如继往,不达目的决不罢休的精神。他决心在第八十五天“驶向远方”去钓大鱼,这是老人对理想的挚着追求,是人类要征服 自身懦弱的表现。在同大马林鱼的较量中,明知对方力量比自己强,却表现出: Mine does not matter,I carl contro1.But his pain could drive him mad.[2](P.84) You did not kill the fish only to keep alive an d to sell for food,he thought.You killed him for pride and because you are a fisherman .[2](P.1O1) 语言铿锵有力,落地有声,气吞山河。同马林鱼的较量不仅是体力对抗 ,更重要的是对 自我精神力量的确信,这种精神力量是“生命英雄”为捍卫人的尊严,实现生命价值的具体表现。而随着故事情节的发展,海明威又将老人一次次地推向绝境。 面对“为所欲为”的鲨鱼,人是无法抗拒的,但老人用鱼叉、刀子、船浆、舵把、木棍等一切个人手段与之苦战,饿了就撕下一块生鱼吃。海明威这样描述道: He hit it with his blood mushed hands driving a goo d harpoon with all his strength.He hit it without hope but with resolution an d conplete malignancy.[2](P 98) He jerked the tiller from the rudder and beat and chopped with it,holding it in both hands and driving it down again and again.[2](P.115) He lean ed over the side and pulled loose fl piece of the meat of the fish where the shark had cut him.He chewed it and noted its quality and its good taste.[2](P 102) 圣地亚哥不断承受着不幸命运的挑战,而正是他的勇敢和强悍战胜了一次次的厄运。面对着不断被鲨鱼撕咬的大马林鱼残骸,老人说,“一个人并不是生来给打败的,你尽可能把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他”。透过老人与鲨鱼的搏斗,我们再次领悟到“生命英雄”在精神上是不可摧毁的,是人类取得美好未来的保证。 (二)大海象征人生的搏斗场,是人类社会的剪影。海明威并没有只是对大海作客观的描写,许多地方是通过老人圣地亚哥带有倾向性的默想、回忆、自言 自语等形式叙述出来的。那有毒的水母是海里最欺诈成性的生物 ,但却是海龟的美食: The turtles saw them,approached them from the front,then shut their eyes SO they were completely carflpaced and ate them filaments and al1.[2](P.29) 可是,那可恶的鲨鱼对海龟却残酷无情: It was these sharks that would cut the turtles leg and flippers off when the turtles were asleep on the stirface,? [2](P.104) 这海龟吃水母 ,鲨鱼吃海龟,还有那“在阳光下闪出银白色光的金枪鱼跳得很远地捕食小鱼”,小鸟被老鹰追捕时发出“微弱而凄惨的叫声”,于是我们便看到一幅从海底到天空的巨型画卷。在这幅画卷上到处是强者的追逐,弱者的逃奔,无处不隐伏着杀机,它所展现的是自然界中真真切切、自亘古又永恒的弱肉强食生存斗争的景象。这象征当时的美国社会,人们靠实力确定自己的地位,等级分明,没有平等、公正可言;有势力者高高在上,为所欲为,而芸芸众生则在社会底层受愚弄,遭鱼肉。大海暗示出只要出现本性同鲨鱼的统治者,哪里有他们,哪里就蒙受灾难。 (三)鲨鱼主要代表一切破坏性的力量,是掠夺成性 ,制造灾难 ,阻止人们达到理想境界的各种破坏性恶势力的象征。对鲨鱼的强壮、凶悍、残忍,作者这样描写道 : (9)He came like a pig to the trough if a pig had a mouth SO wide that you could put your head in it.【2]( 108) (1O)In the night sharks hit the carcasses as someone might pick up crumbs from the table.[2]( 116) 然而,面对鲨鱼不断残暴地摧残死去的大马林鱼,老人圣地亚哥“感到就像 自己挨到袭击一样”,他想:“跟它们斗,我要跟它们斗到死。”这生动地展示了人与自然界的殊死搏斗,更加反衬出人的伟大,同时也凸现了作者以斗争为乐的独特的“硬汉”性格。 (四) 作者通过多处象征性描写,有意识地把老人比作基督的化身。在故事的全过程中,老人经历了两次被钉十字架的过程。如,当老人圣地亚哥看到星鲨 (galanos)时,不禁“Ay”[2](P.103)了一声。作者描述道:“这个词儿是没法翻译的,也许不过是一声叫喊,就像一个人感到钉子穿过他的双手,钉进木头时不由自主地发出的那种喊叫声”。作者在这里暗示的“这一个人”就是“被钉十字架的耶稣”。最生动的一点是老人拖着那巨大的鱼骨架回来后,“肩扛着桅杆开始往堤岸上爬去”时,曾回头望那绑在船边的马林鱼的残骸。这一静止的镜头显示出老人作为一个基督正在开始另一次苦难的历程,而鱼作为另一个基督正被绑在十字架上。这些象征性的描写是在暗示在美国耶稣重又被钉上了十字架,基督精神死亡了。通过这种隐晦的描写表达了作者对美国现实的极度悲观。 (五)小说中一个极其重要的象征物,是圣地亚哥魂系梦萦的“那群狮子”,它代表旺盛的生命力和青春,象征着老人对力量的追求和对强者的向往,每次梦见“那群狮子”后都给老人增添了无穷的精神力量。群狮象征着同情弱者,仇视邪恶,既能创造人问奇迹,又能战胜各种邪恶势力的团结友爱的群体。 群狮的个体模式表现在老人圣地亚哥同鲨鱼搏斗到手无寸铁的风度,是海明威笔下硬汉形象的高度概括和升华,标志着后期海明威在思想上的发展与进步,寄托着他的理想及对人类的希望。小说的结尾“The old man was dreaming about the lions”,[2](P_124)这是一个富有寓意的回声 ,体现了海明威的人生哲学与道德理想,即不向命运低头,永不服输的斗士精神和积极向上的乐观人生态度。虽然他拖回的只是一副鱼骨架,但他在精神上却始终是个胜利者。 (六) 在故事的结尾处,当孩子看到那苍白的鱼骨架和老人那伤痕累累的双手时,“he started to cry?and all the way down the road he was crying”.[2]( 119)孩子心痛的不仅是老人那双流过血的手,更心痛的是老人历尽艰险才得到的战利品竟然被鲨鱼咬噬得一千二净,更心痛的是老人在历经长达八十四天的凄惶失意极度紧张艰苦的考验后所换来的却只是更大的失望。孩子的“放声大哭”使读者产生强烈的听觉感,深深地撞击着读者的心弦,甚至掩卷之后仍依稀可闻。这哭声包含着孩子对老人的无限崇敬和深深的同情。这哭声显然是孩子在老人的英雄气概感召下性格走向成熟的起点,象征孩子的回归。这一象征手法的处理昭示出“他是在通过一条相当新的路子返回到他的起点”,l-3 表达了作品的乐观主义倾 向。 二、语言特色 (一)简洁的语言风格 无论是叙述事实,铺陈景物,对话,还是揭示人物的心理活动,海明威在《老人与海》中的语言是简洁的,而所表达的思想又十分深刻,引人深思;不仅揭示了文体的结构关系,也表现了现代艺术的走向和美情趣——“越少,也就越多”(Less is more);语言的表述方式简练客观而节奏迅速。如: He no longer dreamed of storms,nor of women,nor of great occurrences,nor of great fish,nor fights,norcontests of strength.nor of his wife.(¨He only dreamed of places now and of the lions on the beach.( )Theyplayed like young cats in the dusk and he loved them as he loved the boy.‘ ’He never dreamed about theboy.(¨He simple woke 1ooked out the open doo r at the moon and unrolled his trousers an d put them on.‘ )H.urinated ou~ide the shack an d then went up the road to wake the bo y.(‘)He WaS shivering with the mornincold.(’)But he knew he would shiver himselfw锄 an d that soon he would be rowi ng.(。)[2](只18) 从语音来看,其中单音节和双音节词竟有 115个,而三个音节以上的词仅有四个。(事实上整部小说也多是单音节和双音节词。)大量使用单音节和双音节词使得这段文字读起来清新活泼、简洁有力。 从词法来看,1、一词多义,如 ,wake(vi.醒来,、rt.叫醒),shiver(vi.哆嗦,、rt.使哆嗦)。这种情况在书中俯拾皆是,如,ship(n.船,、rt,把??放进船内),sail(n.帆 、ri.浮游)。2、词的构成 ,常用前缀 un来表示做相反的动作,使读者能很容易理解其含义。除本段文字中 unroll一词外 ,本书中 其它 地方 ,如:The old nlan unhooked the fish? [2](P.67)/Surely it wi ll uncap to help my right hand.[2](P.58)/He had anleashed his effort and forced the hand of the negro down? [2]( 64) 书中除了用前缀 un外 ,还常用后缀 less来表示相反的意义,如:a fishless desert/needless temptation his wing Smotionless. 从 句子 结构来看 ,多用简单句(句(1)(2)(4)(5)(6)(7)),句(3)和句(8)分别是并列复合句和复合句。可见这段文字结构并不复杂,文笔是简练的,直截了当的。句(1)和句(2)文字铿锵有力,干脆利落,作者七次重复“不再梦见”有力地烘托出老人对“那群狮子”的热烈追求 ,寄托着他的理想。由于梦狮所产生的精神力量 ,老人从梦中醒来,接着作者用了三个简单句(句(5)(6)(7))描写了老人一连串的动作,这些动作动词使读者产生了强烈的视觉感,仿佛看见老人怀着激切的心情去迎接新的战斗。 此外 ,《老人与海》简洁的语言风格还表现在以下几个方面: 1、常用小词。如 :good,great,so,then和 and等,特别是 good一词的妙用 ,以引起读者 的联想。例如: (1)He S good for the night and SO锄 I.[2]( 6s) (2)It Was very good against all colds and grippes and it Was good for the eyes.[2]( 30—31) 2、常用省略结构。从语法上分析,这种省略句结构不算完整,但从上下文看意义是清楚的,它使语言更生动活泼,更接近现实生活,表意更突出,能收到言简意赅的强烈效果。例如: (3)I remember everything from when we first went togelher.[2](Po5)(在 when前省略 the time) (4)I better put a small line out with a spoon on it?[2]( 93)(在 better前省略 had,小说中有 3次省略 ,见 P.79,93,113) 读完下面的句子,细细咀嚼,更使我们对海明威简洁的写作技巧称口叫绝: (5)I Can do nothing with him and he Can do nothing with me,he thought.Not as long as he keeps them up.[2]( 41) (6)“I shouldn t have gone out SO far,fish,”he said.“Neither for you nor for me.I m sorry,fish”.[2(P.106) 句 (5)中的“Not”不仅指前面的并列句,而且以“Not”一词开头,明白地告诉读者老人同大马林鱼的较量是谁也奈何不得,充分表达了老人此刻的内心活动,加强了语言表达效果。就句(6)而言,从语法上分析,在“Neither”和“nor”后省略了good一词,这前后的省略表明了老人对这次“远海”钓到大马林鱼后的复杂心理活动。 3、含蓄也是这部小说简洁文体的一个特点。它对所提出的事实不加评论、解释,让读者从简洁平谈的叙述中去慢慢品味,猜想。且看老人是如何在清晨喊醒小男孩的: He took hold of one foo t gently an d held it until the bo y woke? [2](P.18) 这无声的语言意蕴着无限的温情,然而它丝毫无损于老人的“硬汉”形象,相反 ,它更充分地表现了老人“重压下的优雅风度”——刚柔共济,相得益彰。(--)比喻手法比喻手法的运用是这部小说的一大语言特色。海明威在描写人物、景物和鱼类时都大量运用这一手法,充分展示了他细腻、精湛、巧妙的语言修辞艺术和独特的写作技巧。通过比喻,折射出许多丰富生动的形象和深层的意蕴 ,增强了语言在小说中的表意功能,突出了主题。如海明威对老人圣地亚哥左手的比喻模写: (1)His left hand was still as tight as the gripped claws of an eagle.[2]( 58) (2)But his left hand had always been a traitor and would not do what he called on it to do and he did not trust it.[2](65) 句 (1)的比喻结构是 as+adj.+as+名词(喻体),明喻。鹰是人们熟悉的凶猛的飞禽,“像紧抓着的鹰爪”比喻具体、形象,使人们产生种种可怕的联想。句(2)是用一个名词“traitor”作隐喻,比喻他的左手总是不听他的吩咐,总是背叛他。这两句对左手背叛比喻的描写有更深层的含意。海明威创作《老人与海》的年月正值麦卡锡主义在美国猖獗横行,民主与进步力量遭到疯狂的迫害,某些一度左倾的作家“在拼命地向麦卡锡道歉”,告密者成为名利双收的“爱国者”和“民族英雄”。海明威用含蓄象征的比喻手法表示了对这“叛徒似的左手”极大的鄙视。 海明威在小说中常用比喻手法的描写以景抒情 ,以景喻情 ,充满丰富的象征寓意。例如: (3)He could not see the green ofthe shore now but only the tops of the blue hills that showed white as though they were snow—capped and the clouds that looked like high snow mountains above them-[2](P.33) (4)He looked at the sky and saw the white cumulus built like friendly piles ofice crealn and high above were the thin feathers of the cirrus against the high Semptember sky-[2]( 55) 句(3)的比喻结构分别由as though +从句和like+名词(喻体)构成。那青山的顶峰仿佛积着白雪顶峰上空的云块又像是高耸的雪山,这顶峰积着的白雪和高耸的雪山与深蓝色的海水相映衬,显示出大海无比的壮美。这白雪象征着小说中那不可缺少的小男孩,老人像山,有了雪,山才显得更加深沉与伟岸。句(4)的比喻结构分别由like+名词(喻体)和名词(喻体)+0f+名词(主体)构成。像一堆堆冰淇淋似的积云,像一缕缕羽毛般的卷云又一次展现了大海上空一幅美丽的景象 ,让人赏心悦 目,意蕴着老人对大海的热爱。老人圣地亚哥同大马林鱼的搏斗是这部小说的主要情节。海明威作意对大马林鱼身体形象细腻的比喻描写则意味着更多的东西。例如: (5)His sword was as long as a baseball hat and tapered like a rapiered?[2](P.57) (6)The wire must have slipped on the great hill of his back-[2]( 46) (7)He could picture the fish swimming in the water with his purple pectoral fins set wide as wings?His eye is huge an d a horse,with less eye,can see in the dark-[2](P.61—62) (8)The old man was afraid he would cut the line with his tail which Was sharp as a scythe and almost othat size and shape.[2]( 43) 句 (7)、(8)的比喻结构都是由as+名词(喻体)构成,同时在句(7)中,作者把大马林鱼的眼睛同马的眼睛形象地联系起来作了大小的比较。通过以上四句的比喻描写,一条凶猛的大马林鱼形象地展现在读者面前:它的嘴像 棒球 棒一样长,然后逐渐细如轻剑,脊背像小山一样高高隆起 ,紫色的胸鳍宽如翅膀,眼像似马眼却比马眼还大,尾巴像大镰刀般锋利而大小和形状都和大镰刀差不多。这些形象精湛的比喻喻体都是具体名词,能使读者唤起对客观具体事物的联想,增强了语言的表现力,而轻剑、大镰刀更容易使人产生可怕的联想。由此可见,这鱼不仅强大凶猛,而且美丽、高贵,这暗示着老人要战胜它是非常艰难的,是一次意志与力量的较量,是一场生死的搏斗。这些精湛的比喻也表明,凭着这鱼庞大的身躯、姿态、威力及美丽的色泽,谁也不配吃它,同时也使人联想到它象征人们渴望创造奇迹 ,要达到的宏伟 目标,甚至是要实现的远大理想。 (三 )重复手法 海明威在《老人与海》中重复和略有变化的重复使用同一个词、 短语 或句子 ,一方面使得语句连贯文笔流畅,充满神秘的韵味,另一方面加强了语气和感情,突出了表达效果。例如:He let the line down down ,down ,unrolling off the first ofthe two reserve coils.[23(36)随着“down ”一词的不断重复,读者产生强烈的听觉感和视觉感 ,仿佛看见老人向海里放钓索时发出有节奏的音乐声,同时引起读者在猜想那咬着钓勾的大马林鱼不知正躲在大海深处的某个地方,让人感到鱼的狡猾 ,预示着同鱼的较量的艰难。伴随这“down ”一词的重复所带来的节奏感,读者的心仿佛也跟着下沉,抛向那吉凶未 卜、茫茫大海的深渊。 再如:If the boy was here,he would wet the coils of line,he thought.Yes.If the boy were here.If the bo were here.这是老人同马林鱼搏斗碰到困难时常发出的内心呼唤,语气是虚拟的,这给读者以很大的想象空间。孩子是老人的精神支柱,每次呼唤后都给他增添了极大的勇气和无穷的力量 ,正如“他爱那群狮如同爱这孩子一样”。因此 ,在同马林鱼较量的过程中,“1 wish I had the boy.”或“1 wish the boy Washere.”在不同情节中先后重复了五次[2]( 38,41,44,45,50),由此可见,海明威运用重复手法的良苦用心。 (四)自由直接引语 根据英文体学家利奇(G.Leech)和肖特(M.short)的理论,人的内心思想活动可用五种方式表达“直接思想”(例如:He wondered“Does she still love me?”)、“间接思想”(He wondered if she still lovhiram)、“自由直接思想”(Does she still love me?)、“自由间接思想”(Did she still love him?)、“思想行为的叙述体”(He wondered about her love for him)等对应名称来描述表达思想的几种引语形式。【4 现代小说正是通过展示第三人称人物的心理活动来达到逼真的再现生活的目的。在意识流等现代小说中,作者要表现思想的随意性或潜意识性时,多采用“自由直接思想” 或“自由间接思想”。在<老人与海》这部小说中,“自由直接思想”出现约一百五十次,成为这部名著的一大语言特点。例如: (1)I can do nothing tll him and he Can do nothing tll me,he thought.Not as long as he keeps thiup.[2】( 41) (2)Remember,no matter how little you want to,that you must eat him in the morning.Rememb er,hsaid to himself.[2]( 41,42) 这种比直接引语还要“直接的”引语可叫做“自由直接引语”(Free Direct Speech)。它是现代小说描写人物心理活动的主要手段之一,能使读者直接了解人物的心理活动,缩短了人物与读者之间的距离。 三、结 语 <老人与海》运用深刻的象征涵盖了整部作品丰富的思想主题,赋予老人圣地亚哥、大海、马林鱼鲨鱼、群狮、小男孩、老人那抽筋的左手等以丰富的象征和寓意。简练的语言风格使人于平淡处感到新奇,从一粒沙中看一个世界,从有限的文字中看到丰富的思想内容,所谓“言犹尽而意无穷”,让读者透过纸面表象去努力追求、解释、咀嚼。因此,简洁而深蕴的表达和象征手法的运用是海明威“冰山”风格的完整体现,他给人们奉献了一个具有自己独特风格的永恒的艺术世界,构成《老人与海》这样一座完整而宏伟壮观的艺术大厦。小说中许多对比、对照、排比、反衬、交错配列句型、词序的变异等优美的语句为这部小说增添了一道又一道亮丽的光环。掩卷沉思,海明威独特的创作风格所塑造出的鲜明生动的艺术形象,使读者在阅读过程中提高了艺术欣赏的能力,欣赏由动情到移性,在不知不觉中,性格情操得到陶冶 ,思想感情得到净化。 参考文献: [1]秦秀白.文体学概论[M].长沙:湖南 教育 出版社 ,1986. [2]Ernest Hemingway[美国].南京:译林出版社,2001. [3]董衡巽编选 .海明威研究[c].北京 :中国社会科学出版社 ,1980. [4]Geoffrey N.Leech,Michael H.Short.Styte in Fiction.London:Longnmn.1981.P_336—346 这是海明威描写老人出海前的一段文字,共 119个词。现从语音、词法和句法来分析以上这段文字的简洁之处 。

[摘要]本文从文学文体学的角度对《老人与海》独特的文体特色进行较为系统的分析, 运用统计法和描写法揭示其风格要素即小说的语言材料、表达方式和叙事方式的具体特征, 进而指出《老人与海》是海明威客观、简洁、朴实的美学思想的完美体现。 [关键词]海明威语言特色现代叙事手法老人与海 简介 美国著名小说家海明威是一位不平凡的语言大师, 他以“精通现代叙事艺术”和“在当代风格所发挥的影响” 而荣获1954 年诺贝尔文学奖。文学语言可分为两种: 一种是叙事语言, 另一种是人物话语。海明威正是通过这种创新的语言艺术, 创造出一种独特的文学 散文 风格。本文从《老人与海》入手, 对其语言特色和叙事手法简单的分析。粗略的探析了其独特写作风格及形成原因和影响。 一、语言特色——电报风格 以《老人与海》为例, 从中可以看出海明威对词汇、句式、语气、对话模式和语法等运用了他个人的偏好, 显示了他的电报风格语言特色。海明威倾向用英语中最核心、最普通的词汇。 从《老人与海》的用词和 句子 结构不难看出, 文章 的用词很简单, 很少用表示抽象意义的大词。如: Aware that he will need to keep his strength, the old man makes himself eat the tuna he caught the day before,which he had expected to use as bait. While he cuts and eats the fish with a claw under the strain of taking all the fish's resistance. Stantiago is angered and frustrated by the weakness of his own body, but the tuna, he hopes,will reinvigo2rate the hand. As he eats, he feels abrotherly desire to feed the marlin too. (老人清楚, 他必须得保持体力, 所以就强迫自己吃前一天捕获到的、原打算做诱饵用的金枪鱼。在右手切鱼、吃鱼的时候, 他那只被勒伤的左手开始抽筋, 而且, 由于那条大马林鱼在抵抗, 他必须拼尽全力拉住鱼线, 所以那只手搐得像一只爪子。桑提亚哥对自己的身体状况既感到气馁, 又忿恨不已, 他希望金枪鱼能使他的伤手恢复劲力。他吃鱼的时候, 产生一种强烈的愿望, 想喂一喂那条马林鱼, 像对兄弟那样。) 这段描写的是老人在与鱼僵持的几个简单的动作。就其用词而言, 喜欢用动词和名词写作, 少用形容词以增强动感。而且几乎所有的动词和名词都是简明、易懂。动词如: need, make, cut, eat, use, take 。将形容词变成动词和名词的形式, 如: an2gered, weakness 。从句子结构频繁使用He does something. 简单的句式。主语是he, 谓语以使役动词为主。由于使役动词的基本意义是指一个动作发生并完成, 因此这类句型就成了动作的执 行者做一件事, 并使其行为产生预期的结果。在《老人与海》中, 这类句型和描写具体行为的短小动词占据主导地位, 所以从整体上传达出一个基本意义: 老人是个行动者, 他的行动都达到了预期目的。这完全符合海明威塑造“硬汉”形象的一贯追求。 在《老人与海》中, 作者充分使用贯穿小说的人物桑提亚哥和他忠实的助手兼朋友小诺曼林之间的对话或对话加上非常简练的描写与叙述来推动 故事 的发展。其中他们谈论最多的是 棒球 赛的最新战况, 探讨老人的偶像—狄马吉奥在球场的表现。 如:“Tell me about the baseball, ”the boy asked h im. “In the Am erican League it is the Yankees as I said, ”the old man said happily. “T hey lot today, ”the boy told him. “T hat means nothing. T he great D im aggio is him self again. ” “T hey have o ther m en on the team. ” “Naturally. But he makes the difference. In the other league, between Brook lyn and Philadelphia I must take Brooklyn. But then I thnk of Dick Sisler and those great drives in the old park. ” 省去不写, 这只会增强你的冰山重要的是那没有显露出来的部分。”这是海明威在《老人与海》出版后回答《巴黎评论》记者采访时的谈话。我们来看另一段摘自《老人与海》的片段: Just then “Therewasnothingeverlike them. Hehitsthe longestball I have ever seen. ” 从表面来看, 只是老人的 兴趣 爱好 , 实则表现桑提亚哥老人坚信伴随84 天一无所获的背运马上就会结束, 由此而引出故事的开端, 老人去更远的水域 捕鱼 。《老人与海》通过使用第三人称, 不流露个人感情, 超然叙述事情发生的经过。作者通过老人内心的意识来反映事件, 进而流露出作者本人的价值观和世界观。 二、现代叙事手法—冰山理论 想知道的话, 我一直用冰山理论指导我的写作。冰山有八分之七在水下, 只有八分之一是显露出来的。任何你知道的, 你都可以电报风格主要是用于说明他谴词 造句 的简洁、朴实, 但这并不代表海明威小说的语言艺术, 因为海明威小说在简单的表层之下蕴藏着许多内涵。借用他自己的观点叫“冰山理论”:“如果 the stern line came taut under his foot,where he had kept the loopof the line,andhedroppedhisoarsandfelt the weight of the sm all tuna’sshiveringpullasheheldthelinefirm andcom 2menced to haul it in. The shivering increased as he pulled in and he could see the blue back of the fish in thewater and the gold of his sides before he swung him over the side and into the boat. He lay in the stern in the sun, compact and bullet shaped, his big, unintelligent eyes staring as he thumped his life out a2gainsttheplankingoftheboatwith thequick shiveringstrokes ofhisneat,fast-movingtail,Theoldmanhithimonthehead for kindness and kicked him , his body still shuddering, under the shade of the stern. (就在这个时候, 船尾的鱼线在他脚下突然绷紧, 因为他在那打了一个环。于是他放下船桨, 抓牢鱼线, 开始往回拉, 他感觉到金枪鱼把鱼线拉得沉甸甸地抖动。他越往回拉, 鱼线抖动得就越厉害, 接着他看见了水中浮动的蓝色鱼脊和金灿灿的两侧, 之后他把鱼从船帮处拉了上来, 扔到船里。鱼躺在船尾, 阳光照射着, 它身体密实, 形如子弹, 它把身体一次次重重地摔到船板上, 匀称、动作迅速的鱼尾快速颤抖着, 反复扫动着, 两只大而无神的眼睛一直瞪着, 最后一点力气也没有了。老人友好地打它的头, 又踢它, 鱼的身体在船尾的背阴处仍在抖动着。) 这段描写桑提亚哥在第二天捕获金枪鱼经过, 这段文字是海明威简洁煽情的典范, 传神且优美。作者也正是通过使用最简单、最普遍的字眼来表达具体但又有诗歌意象的内容。上面场景的描写, 即使是对那些根本没有捕鱼 经验 的人, 也会让他们有身临其境之感。除此之外, 作者在此段最后用“for kindness”,“友好”两个字, 以及在上一段文字的最后作者用“brotherly”,“兄弟般的”字眼来传达作者与金枪鱼的关系, 看似自相矛盾, 实则将作者的心境体现得淋漓尽致。这几个字虽少, 却能使读者全面地了解到老人的个性。海明威在表现桑提亚哥与他所处的那个世界的关系, 他对世界的尊重时, 并未提及老人内心最深处到底想些什么, 而是刻意选择了这两个字, 从感情深处刻画出桑提亚哥是一个什么样的人。海明威把这种通过简单语言表达深刻意义的“冰山原则”运用得巧妙, 正如冰山顶端能够揭示出隐藏于水下的巨大冰块的品质一样, 潜移默化地揭示出人类最伟大的真理。 三、象征主义 象征主义是海明威小说语言艺术的又一大特色。甚至有人称海明威是象征主义作家。他善于依据作品内容运用象征手法来展现主体。在《老人与海》中, ____象征主义手法, 特别是基督受难的形象在这一著作中, 自始自终得到充分的体现。老人在和马林鱼搏斗的过程中, 手掌被鱼线勒割得血肉模糊, 虽然这说明了桑提亚哥的艰辛, 说明了他甘愿献身的精神, 但伤口却寓指基督身上的圣伤痕, 海明威一心要把桑提亚哥塑造成一个像基督一样的殉难者。鲨鱼袭来时, 老人立即发出一声“像是一个人的手被钉子钉穿在木板上时”所发出的惨叫。再有, 老人肩上扛着船桅, 艰难地攀爬小山, 向村里走去的情形会使人联想到基督朝着卡尔加里艰难行进的场面。甚至桑提亚哥精疲力竭地扑倒在床上的动作, 他脸朝下、双臂直伸、手心朝下的姿势, 都会让人联想到基督在十字架上的惨景。此外, 在故事悲剧性的结尾时, 最后的画面寓意极其深刻: 他拖着沉重的步子走进小屋睡下了, 梦中他见了非洲的雄狮—勇敢无畏的象征。 四、海明威独特写作风格的形成原因及影响 海明威的简洁、朴素的散文文体风格, 其所以形成是有其原因的。首先, 继承。海明威十分推崇的前辈作家是美国现实主义作家马克·吐温, 他认为,“一切现代文学来自马克·吐温的一本书《哈克贝利》, 这是我们最好的一本书”。舍伍德·安德森采用了一种随随便便、信手拈来的风格。这些都对海明威的创作产生了十分重要的影响。第二, 生活经历。一个作家的文体风格往往是作家本人, 即“文如其人”。而这个“人”不是孤立存在的, 而是其 文化 背景、社会环境和生活经历等因素的综合体。他从小受父亲影响, 喜欢打斗、第一次世界大战爆发时踊跃报名参加, 大大地丰富了他的阅历。贯穿一生的记者身份和崇尚毅力的硬汉性格, 使他的作品中的“电报风格”语言特色尤为明显。第三, 独创精神。为了适应快节奏的社会生活, 也为塑造行动型的人物性格, 开创了他“冰山理论”指导的叙事风格。 结语 海明威的作品以其独特的文体风格而著称。他的小说言近而指远, 平白而蕴籍。他善于用白描的手法写景, 他的叙事艺术则以藏而不露的感情变化支撑人物的行动, 他的对话简洁, 素有“电报风格”之称, 叙事则充分体现其“冰山理论”。他的写作开创了一代文风, 其影响将是永恒的。 参考文献 [1]Donaldson,Scott. ErnestHemingway. [M ]. 上海: 上海外语 教育 出版社. [2] 戴金喜. 论海明威独特的文体风格. [J ]. 南平: 南平师专报2006 (1) , 63-66. [3] 董衡巽. 海明威研究[M ]. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社, 1980. [4] 刘瑛. 从《白象似的群山》看海明威作品的语言特点. [J] 乌鲁木齐: 乌鲁木齐职业大学报. 2005 (12) , 116-118. [5] 欧内斯特·海明威.《老人与海》[M ]. 南京: 译林出版社, 1999. [6] 张国敬译, 欧内斯特·海明威.《老人与海》[M ]. 天津: 天津科技翻译出版社, 2003.


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