

发布时间:2024-07-07 13:35:18










英文的演讲稿篇一 :英文论文演讲稿

1、hello everyone!

today i will introduce you a paper, which is called “effects of corporate governance on capital structure: empirical evidence from pakistan “

2、i will use the following four parts to introduce

3、i got this paper from the emerald reprints the world’s leading publisher of management research and the type of the paper is research paper


4、then we can have a simple knowledge of the two authors:nadeem ahmed sheikh and 王宗军 one is a doctoral degree candidate in the school of management, hua zhong university of science and technology, wuhan .the other is a professor in this college

5. about the paper’s outline

firstly the aim of this empirical study is to investigate whether corporate governance attributes affect capital structure choices of pakistani firms

then the design of the paper is multiple regression analysis

6、in order to have a good knowledge of the paper we can from the following three aspects to

the attributes of the corporate governance are background also includes :measures of corporate governance and their relation to capital structure

8、research design

firstly 1.research methodology:it includes three aspects: data variables and methodology date: this study investigates the significant corporate governance attributes that may affect the capital structure of non-financial firms listed on the karachi stock exchange pakistan during 2004-2008. and the final sample set consists of 775 observations for 155 firms over a period of five years.

this study employed panel data methodology(面板数据方式) because sample contained data across firms and over time

9、this table is the definition of variables. it includes three parts:

10. dependent variables consist of total debt ratio and long-term debt ratio. this is a basic formula.

12、this table is the yearly mean value of shareholding pattern

13、here are some of regression analysis tables, through the multiple regression analysis the paper gives the conclusions

14、the results is as follows:

capital structure is positively related to board size、outside directors and ownership concentration. that is to say: a large board serve as a means to obtain support from external environment;

boards with more independent directors can take on more debt on favorable terms due to effective monitoring ;

block holders have more ability than dispersed shareholders to force management to take those actions that maximize the shareholder wealth.

15、on the other hand, capital structure is negative related to managerial ownership、director remuneration 、profitability and liquidity.

16、in the end, i have a summary:

the results of the paper indicate that corporate governance attributes, in part, explicate the financing behavior of pakistani firms

and, the empirical results of this study provide support to corporate managers in establishing an optimal capital structure, and to regulatory authorities for enacting laws and developing institutional support to make corporate governance mechanisms work more effectively in the country.

17、thats all, thank you for listen to me, if you are interested in this paper you can have a study after class

thank you !


my paper is revenge tragedy in english renaissance——about 《hamlet》 ppt1:.... ppt2:....


ppt4:next, let`s analyse the relationship between the characters in the drama. this is a relationship diagram.

hamlet ,the prince of denmark and also the protagonist(主角、主要人物、领导者)was about thirty years old at the start of the play. hamlet is the son of queen gertrude and the late king hamlet, and the nephew of the present king, claudius. hamlet is melancholy, bitter, and cynical, full of hatred for his uncle’s scheming and disgust for his mother’s sexuality. a reflective and thoughtful young man who has studied at the university of wittenberg, hamlet is often indecisive and hesitant, but at other times prone to rash and impulsive acts.

哈姆雷特 prince hamlet —— 丹麦王子。为父王的鬼魂所困扰,要对杀父凶手复仇。经历了痛苦的挣扎之后他达成了目的,整个王宫也陷入了死亡的恐怖之中。他最后也中了致命的毒剑死去。

claudius, as the king of denmark, hamlet’s uncle and the villain(反派角色) of the play, was a calculating, ambitious politician,and was driven by his sexual appetites and his lust for power, but he occasionally showed signs of guilt and human feeling—his love for gertrude, for instance, seems sincere.

克劳迪斯 claudius —— 丹麦现任国王。他是哈姆雷特的叔父,在哥哥死后继任了王位。老国王的鬼魂告诉哈姆雷特,他正是谋杀自己的凶手。他罪有应得,最后死在侄子复仇的毒剑下。

鬼魂 king hamlet (ghost) —— 哈姆雷特的父亲死后化成的鬼魂。他被弟弟毒死时,哈姆雷特正在国外。

ophelia - polonius’s daughter, a beautiful young woman with whom hamlet has been in love. ophelia is a sweet and innocent young girl, who obeys her father and her brother, laertes. dependent on men to tell her how to behave, she gives in to polonius’s schemes(诡计) to spy(侦察) on hamlet. even in her lapse into(陷入) madness and death, she remains maiden, singing songs about flowers and finally drowning in the river。

欧菲莉 ophelia—— 波洛涅斯的女儿。她与哈姆雷特双双陷入爱河,但种种阻力警告王子,政治地位使他们无望结合。作为哈姆雷特疯狂复仇计划的一部分,她被他无情抛弃,加上父亲的死让她陷入精神错乱,最终失足落水溺毙。

ppt6: then let`s look at the character analysis of hamlet. hamlet pretended to be mad in order to revenge. he also use his intelligence to approve his uncle`s guilt.

when hamlet confirmed that claudius was guilt, he decided to revenge without fear. then he also use stratagem to make himself avoid being killed. all of these approved that he was brave and smart.

ppt7: he pursued ophelia and finally gave up because of the revenge. before he was fight with laertes, he said sorry to him. this indicates he was guilt and sorry for laertes because it was he that made laertes lose his father. these approved that he was a kind and sincere man.


ppt9: when we read the play, we can also easily feel the dilemma. just like the words “to be or not to be-that is the question”





instructions 说明

1.assess how much time your speech should take. if you dont have a time limit, try to keep your speech brief yet informative.


2.think about your audience and let your perception of the audience shape the tone of your speech as you write it.


3.begin with an introduction that establishes who you are, what your purpose is, what youll be talking about and how long youre going to take. you may want to include a joke, anecdote or interesting fact to grab the audiences attention.


4.organize your information into three to seven main points and prioritize them according to importance and effectiveness.


5. points that arent crucial to your speech if you have too many for your time frame.


6.start with your most important point, then go to your least important point and move slowly back toward the most important. for example, if you have five points with no. 5 being the most important and no. 1 being the least important, your presentation order would be

5-1-2-3-4. 从最重要的一点开始你的演讲,之后到次重要点,然后再慢慢回到最重要点上。例如,你的演讲稿中有5点要讲,第5点是其中的重中之重,而第1点是次重要点,你的演


7.add support to each point using statistics, facts, examples, anecdotes, quotations or other supporting material.


8.link your introduction, points and conclusions together with smooth transitions. 引言、演讲要点和结论连贯顺承地串在一起。

9.write a conclusion that summarizes each of your points, restates your main purpose and leaves the audience with a lasting impression.用结论总结所有演讲点,重申主题,让观众留下最后的深刻印象。


Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen!

I'm very honored to stand here and give you a short speech! To begin with ,I want to ask a question .Does everybody dream a good dream last night?

Actually ,today I want to talk about dream with you. Of course, What I want to talk is not a dream you have last night,but a dream—— about life.

Everyone has dreams about life, different dreams at different life stage,and we need dreams to support us. Dreams are like the stars we never reach in the sky,but like most mariners(水手),we can chart our course by them. With the dream,we have a direction,with a direction, we were no longer confused.With the dream, there is hope,With hope, we have the strength to fight.

But I know,life is tough,and there are always ups and downs, maybe we fail in the way to our aims,and we may feel depressed ,whenever at this time, the dream in our heart can always comfort us, encourage us ,and support us to move ahead . Young!Fortunately, I am young now. Just due to it, I know that nothing is impossible.I firmly believe that nothing can stand in my way. If

I can't realize my dream,it result from that I haven't work harder enough and I won't find other excuses. If no people believe you, you can make it to prove that you are right. If you think the god haven't blessed you and there is no truth here, you can become the god and create the truth.

"My breath swallows the sky and make the yellow river overflow, my sword is famous in Kyushu and it can collapse the five sacred mountains." At some time in the past I also had am bitious words and I had some achievements. Each achievement results from my hard work. I always believe that "If you want to have more achievements than others, you must work harder."

In some extent, the dream is the hope. If you can insist on doing something, the victory will come.

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. So my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams. Whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today. Let's--- move ----out! Thank you for your listening!

博士生论文发表是不是很难写?众所周知学术界对论文的写作和发表都有着十分严格的规定,所以很多人就因为这个原因而害怕去写论文和发表。那么,博士生论文发表是不是很难写?博士论文高效写作发表的方法是什么?下面就随着小编一起来看看吧。博士生论文发表是不是很难写博士论文写作发表是博士研究生主要要完成的工作,是博士研究生教育的重要组成部分。完成一篇博士论文并非人们想象重那么简单,是有一定难度的。它需要较长的写作周期,以及在创新,写作规范,实际及理论意义等方面有着比较高的要求。博士论文高效写作发表的方法一、给自己设置realistic的目标很重要。我是非常坚定地要按时毕业,因为各种现实压力再加上自己的性格,我没有给自己留下“延毕”的退路。同时,我知道我属于一段时间只能集中做一件事的人,所以我停下了手中所有别的项目,包括一个R&R,这样不至于被overwhelm. 我给自己定了大的目标,比如几月前完成哪个部分,然后我也给自己定了小目标,比如每天写700-900个字。即使有时候浪费了一点时间,如果完成了每天的目标,我也觉得很开心。如果你又写博士论文,又赶别的项目、又拖家带口,那真的很容易精神、脑力、和体力三重崩溃。二、记录自己的进步,这样才会有成就感,保持好心情。这也和第一点相联系。我每天在微博上记录自己的进展,一方面是希望给看我微博的人一些正能量,另一方面也是make myself feel accountable. 感觉每天需要像大家汇报点什么,心里踏实又有成就感,工作的时候也会让自己集中注意力,好好完成每天的目标。同时,不要对自己太苛刻,责备自己“我怎么这么慢”,“怎么什么和没干”,生活压力已经很大了,treat yourself gently!三、坐下来写, don't judge your writing! 我写东西需要在电脑前磨磨蹭蹭写写删删,几个小时才进入状态。所以,我每天定计划的时候,把这部分预热的时间也算进去了。另外,我觉得毫无廉耻地写很重要。我也常常觉得自己写东西像挤牙膏,写出来的东西像屎一样,但有了第一版,以后再慢慢改,只会越来越好。而且有时候自己看自己写的东西不一定客观,比如我一直不太满意我的第二篇论文,但我导师看了,给我的评语是“I enjoyed reading the chapter. It is well thought out and well executed. The writing is good and easy to understand. Great job! ” 还是那句老话:A good dissertation is a done dissertation.博士生论文发表是不是很难过博士发表论文难度挺大的,整体比其他学科要难,现代数学的分支太多,首先是字数和页数的要求,通常要求不低于150页、10万字,再一个就是必须要有创新点,要有理论深度。总之比较困难。数学博士论文发表至少要发表两篇到三篇以上的SCI论文,所以难度是非常高的,作为数学博士,发表论文的难度是极高的,通常来说,数学博士都会延迟毕业第四年或者第五年才能够将所有的论文完成,作为数学博士,在发表前出来要完成相应的发表论文之外,最重要的就是要在SCI期刊上发表论文。1、我们知道国内核心最难发的是南核,而sci的发表难度不亚于南核,在国内选择发表sci论文的作者往往是高学历人才或者从是科研工作的人员,这些人员本身知识水平和科研能力普遍高于普通作者,因此发表sci论文压力要小一些。2、博士生在国内是高学历人群,近年发表sci的博士越来越多,特别是某些学校要求博士毕业必须发表sci,由此可见sci论文发表对博士生的必要性,sci论文是国际顶尖学术论文发表,代表的是国际上最先进的科研成果和学科发展趋势,如果文章学术价值不够高是不可能发表sci刊物的,况且sci论文还需要英文写作发表,因此写作难度和发表难度都是很大的,不少博士生对sci论文都感到怵头,因此需要发表sci论文的作者都需要尽早规划准备的,sci论文不同于其他论文,需要作者投入大量时间和精力才能完成,如果涉及实验等工作,周期会更长一些。


可以 只是您发表要用来做什么呢






1.首先确定选题。选题很重要,看一下是否适合自己去做。 2、查阅资料,列提纲确定论文的内容。 先列提纲(用来反应你的思路结构,征求别人意见),写出草稿,写作时从最容易的地方入手(比如:仪器材料,实验方法,结果),抽取有价值结果放入讨论,完成讨论,结论,引言。3、查阅资料,做试验,收集数据,写论文。4、写完论文,找导师查阅,修改。文章修改(需要多次,这里第一次是概括的讲可以包含几次直至达到目的)5、论文定稿后找一家刊物出版社发表论文 。




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