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J就是期刊的意思1 黄欣;电子期刊研究综述[J];情报科学;2002年08期 2 黄铭锋;浅谈网络电子期刊的发展[J];情报探索;2004年01期 3 李安强;JSP/Servlet技术在管理信息系统中的应用[J];青海大学学报(自然科学版);2004年04期 4 于荣全;试论电子期刊网络化发展与开发利用[J];图书馆建设;2002年04期 5 乔杨,张毅;网络电子期刊的开发与利用[J];图书馆学刊;2005年03期 6 刘红;基于Java的网络微型图书馆管理系统[J];现代图书情报技术;2005年04期

As the Internet technologies development and maturity, and edit other departments such as a newspaper article acquisition has from the single post manuscripts'check process step by step to be more efficient and convenient Internet online submission process.journals online submission system is to meet this demand by the rise of a new presentation collection, it's culture provides a wider range of high - quality platform.This article describes journals online submission system, and then the value of a detailed description of the development of this system is needed for research and development process, and finally by the way that describes the system performed by the specific functions and module operate, etc.This system uses JavaEE as a development language, as a development tool, myelipse6.5 tomcat6.0 as a Web container, SQLServer2000 as a database.use the traditional MVC design pattern, JSP, servlet development of combined business layer implements and the presentation tier of separation, not only increased code reusability and flexibility, and makes the page developer having to modify views and you must first understand the model, a large extent, to improve the efficiency of program development.Thesis writing in the process of the theory and practice of medicine, online journals is allowed to contribute to the process described at the same time to meet the specific module author with a view to achieve JavaEE software engineering marrowof and students'ideological and acquaintourselves understanding and recognition.专业版



As Internet technology continues to develop and mature, and edit the newspaper articles and other departments collecting postal articles from a single process step by step to be more efficient and convenient Internet replaced by online submission process. Journals online submission system is to adapt to this demand by the emergence of a new acquisition mode presentation, it was a culture of providing a broader dissemination of high-quality platform. This article introduces the journals online submission system value, and then details the development of the system required the development of technologies and processes, the final approach to graphic systems introduced by the specific application functions and modules operation. JAVAEE use the system as a development language, MyElipse6.5 as a development tool, Tomcat6.0 as WEB containers, SQLServer2000 as a database. The use of the traditional MVC design patterns, JSP + Servlet development portfolio, to achieve the business layer and presentation layer of separation, not only to improve code reusability and flexibility, but also developers do not have the page view for the revision must first understand the model and , to a large extent to improve the efficiency of program development.

热门频道首页博客研修院VIPAPP问答下载社区推荐频道活动招聘专题打开CSDN APPCopyright © 1999-2020, CSDN.NET, All Rights Reserved打开APP审稿周期较快的SCI期刊总结:人工智能,神经网络,CV 原创2019-10-14 16:41:02 29点赞乘风万万里 码龄5年关注1.期刊名:Journal of Information Science and Engineering期刊主页:影响因子:0.37审稿周期:平均八个月(台湾)、大概需要一年左右甚至更多期刊收录范围:人工智能大数据与云计算音频、语音和语言处理计算机架构与硬件设计计算机网络和无线通信计算机安全与密码学计算机视觉和模式识别计算机系统数据挖掘与分析数据库和信息系统进化计算模糊系统人机交互图像处理信息检索机器学习多媒体自然语言处理实时和嵌入式系统传感器网络信号处理软件系统2.期刊名:IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems期刊主页:投稿指南:影响因子:7.98审稿周期:两个月期刊收录范围:IEEE《神经网络和学习系统学报》发表技术文章,讨论神经网络和相关学习系统的理论、设计和应用。重点将放在人工神经网络和学习系统。3. 期刊名:International Journal of Systems Science期刊主页:

As Internet technology continues to develop and mature, and edit the newspaper articles and other departments collecting postal articles from a single process step by step to be more efficient and convenient Internet replaced by online submission process. Journals online submission system is to adapt to this demand by the emergence of a new acquisition mode presentation, it was a culture of providing a broader dissemination of high-quality platform. This article introduces the journals online submission system value, and then details the development of the system required the development of technologies and processes, the final approach to graphic systems introduced by the specific application functions and modules operation. JAVAEE use the system as a development language, MyElipse6.5 as a development tool, Tomcat6.0 as WEB containers, SQLServer2000 as a database. The use of the traditional MVC design patterns, JSP + Servlet development portfolio, to achieve the business layer and presentation layer of separation, not only to improve code reusability and flexibility, but also developers do not have the page view for the revision must first understand the model and , to a large extent to improve the efficiency of program development. In the process of thesis writing to the theory and practice, in the online journal submission process set out at the same time, coupled with the preparation of specific modules to achieve the essence of JAVAEE software engineering thinking and deeper understanding and awareness.

翻译内容如下:Along with the development of technology and the Internet, the newspaper editors and mature of the acquisition method consists of a single post manuscript has gradually been more efficient flow of Internet on-line contribute process. Journal entries system for online is adapted to the demand of a new draft of collecting method, which provides for the spread of culture more extensive high quality platform. This paper introduces the application of on-line journal entries system, then detail the value of this system is needed to develop technology and development process, and finally to the way the system can accomplish specific functions and modules of operation, etc.This system is used as a language, MyElipse6.5 JAVAEE development as a development tool, Tomcat6.0 as WEB containers, SQLServer2000 as database. The use of traditional MVC design patterns, JSP, Servlet + development of the business and realize the presentation layer separation, not only increased code reusability and flexibility, and make the page for developers need to modify view, first understand model greatly improve program development efficiency.In the writing process, combining theory with practice, contributes to online journals in the process of the paper, with specific modules to write, in order to achieve JAVAEE essence and software engineering idea deeper understanding and the understanding.


Editorial Manager 是一种在线投稿系统,用于管理期刊的投稿和审稿过程。关于通讯作者的设置,不同的期刊和投稿系统可能有不同的规定。通常来说,一篇文章可能只能有一个通讯作者,通讯作者是文章的主要联系人,负责接收编辑部和审稿人的沟通和修改建议。但是,有些期刊可能允许有多个通讯作者,在这种情况下,请遵循期刊的指导方针和程序。










登陆各个期刊网站,先注册,填写个人信息。通过在线投稿系统Peer X-Press,投递稿件。 在您成功登陆Peer X-Press后,可以点击链接阅读作者须知。投稿后,您可以使用Peer X-Press通过同行评审程序查询稿件状态。 各期刊投稿简则 1. 至少要上传一份投稿说明,一份手稿或文章文本文件。将投稿说明,文章全文(包括标题,署名,摘要,主要内容,附录,参考文献,表格,图说列表)以及全部图片各自放入独立的文件中,通过PeerX-Press系统,分别上传。 2. 投稿函上应详细注明文章作者,文章标题,要投稿的期刊,以及作者邮箱和其他要求。除非特别声明,否则投递的稿件将被视作从未受版权保护,非保密,未发行过,也不会出现一稿两投的情况。 3. 文章发表之前,要求作者签订一份论文著作权转让书。当您通过在线投稿系统上传原稿或修改稿时,请务必附上一份您已签署的AIP著作权转让书。 4. 建议作者至少推荐4位该领域的国内外专家作为评审人,请详细填写评审人的通讯地址。当然主编也可能不从以上推荐人中挑选评审人。 5. 编辑希望与作者取得直接联系,而不是与作者单位或实验室负责人员沟通。凡退回作者修改的稿件请于两个月内修回,因故超期未修回者,再投稿时将按新稿件重新编号。因此,您与编辑部的及时沟通会加快您的文章发表速度。



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