

发布时间:2024-07-06 07:19:54



1、1992年10月所写论文《浅谈初中毕业政治课教学与复习》获市教研室、市教育学会思想政治教学专业委员会九二年政治学科初中论文评比一等奖。2、1995年6月论文《强化常规管理,提高德育质量》获市直学校青年教职工“教书育人”论文一等奖,还进行了市教季《攀枝花德育特色研究》子课题《后进生的教育及转化》研究的组织领导工作。3、论文《浅谈依靠教职工加强学校民主建设》获一九九九年市教育工会工作理论研讨论文“二等奖”。4、《如何培养初中学生的主体性》发表在1999年第三期《攀枝花教育》。5、《关于进一步开展好我市支教扶贫工作的几点思考》发表在2001年6月3日的《攀枝花日报》上。6、1999年10月11日文章《浅谈依靠教职工加强学校民主建设》与《如何培养初中学生的主体性》被收入香港中国与世界出版社《为了明天的太阳》著作中,同时担任《为了明天的太阳》一书的执行副主编和编委。7、在《攀枝花日报》、《攀枝花晚报》、《攀枝花广播电视报》发表有关新闻稿件50余篇。8、2008年9月《试论中小学如何培养和谐个性及全面发展的人》在“四川省第九届教师优秀论文评选活动”中荣获四川省教育厅颁发的省二等奖。论文《师生双方主体互动是教育成功的秘诀》获四川省教育报刊社优秀奖。9、2010年5月10日《初中数学“自主学习—引导探索—当堂过关”教学法的实践研究》课题获攀枝花市人民政府颁发的攀枝花市教学成果奖二等奖。10、2010年5月21日硕士学位论文《学习权视野下中小学教师专业发展问题研究》获论文答辩委员会学位论文评定“优秀”等级。11、2010年9月《加强课堂教学中的策略指导,着力教会学生学习》在“四川省第十一届教师优秀论文评选活动”中荣获四川省教育厅颁发的省二等奖 。

















· 刘长征,薛峰,2010:不同强度El Niño的衰减过程. I,强El Niño的衰减过程. 地球物理学报,53(1),39-48.· 刘长征,薛峰,2010:不同强度El Niño的衰减过程.Ⅱ,中等和较弱El Niño的衰减过程.地球物理学报,53(11),2564-2573.· 苏同华,薛峰,2010:东亚夏季风环流和雨带的季节内变化. 大气科学,34(3),611-628.· 薛峰,苏同华,2009:夏季西太平洋副热带高压的年代际变化及其与南半球环流的联系. 自然科学进展,19(4), 421-425· 薛峰,2008:强La Niña背景下的东亚夏季风异常与1989年和1999年中国夏季降水的对比分析. 大气科学,32(3),423-431

1Gao, J.; Tang, P.* and Yang, Y. L. “Non-lamellae structures of coil–semiflexible diblock copolymers”, Soft Matter 2013, 9, 69−81.2Yang, G.; Tang, P.* and Yang, Y. L. “Uniaxial-Biaxial Nematic Phase Transition in Combined Main-chain/Side-Chain Liquid Crystal Polymers Using Self-Consistent Field Theory”, Macromolecules 2012, 45, 3590−3603.3Song, W. D.; Tang, P.*; Qiu, F.; Yang, Y. L. and Shi, A. C. “Phase behavior of rod-coil diblock copolymer and homopolymer blends from self-consistent field theory”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115(26), 8390-8400.4Gao, J.; Song, W. D.; Tang, P.* and Yang, Y. L. “Self-assembly of semiflexible block copolymers: 2D numerical implementation of self-consistent field theory”, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 5208-5216.5Wang, Y. Q.; Yang, G.; Tang, P.*; Qiu, F.; Yang, Y. L. and Zhu, L. “Mixed homopolymer brushes grafted onto a nanosphere”, J. Chem. Phys., 2011, 134, 134903 (selected as Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology)6Wang, Y. Q.; Li, X.; Tang, P.* and Yang, Y. L. “Dynamics and Order-Disorder Transitions in Bidisperse Diblock Copolymer Blends”, Physica B 2011, 406, 1132-1138.7Song, W. D.; Tang, P.*; Qiu, F.; Yang, Y. L. and Shi, A. C. “Phase behavior of semiflexible-coil diblock copolymers: a hybrid numerical SCFT approach”, Soft Matter 2011, 7, 929-938 (selected as hot article).8王月强, 唐萍*, 杨玉良, “A/B/A-b-B/(A-b-B)4四元共混体系相行为的自洽场理论研究”, 化学学报(Acta Chimica Sinica) 2011, 69, 89-94.9Yang, G.; Tang, P.*; Yang, Y. L. and Wang, Q. “Self-Assembled Microstructures of Confined Rod-Coil Diblock Copolymers by Self-Consistent Field Theory”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114(46), 14897-14906.10Yang, G.; Tang, P.*; Yang, Y. L. and Cabral, J. T. “Self-Assembly of AB Diblock Copolymers under Confinement into TopographicallyPatterned Surface”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113(43), 14052-14061.11Song, W. D.; Tang, P.*; Zhang, H. D.; Yang, Y. L.* and Shi, A. C. “New Numerical Implementation of Self-Consistent Field Theory for Semiflexible Polymers”, Macromolecules 2009, 42, 6300-6309.12Han, W. C.; Tang, P.*; Li, X.; Qiu, F.; Zhang, H. D. and Yang, Y. L. “Self-assembly of Star ABC Triblock Copolymer Thin Films: Self-Consistent Field Theory”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112(44), 13738-13748.13韩文弛, 唐萍*, 张红东, 杨玉良, 嵌段共聚物和星型均聚物共混体系相行为的自洽场理论研究, 化学学报 2008, 66, 1707-1712.14Li, X.; Tang, P.*; Zhang, H. D.; Qiu, F. and Yang, Y. L.* “Mesoscopic dynamics of inhomogeneous polymers based on variable cell shape dynamic self-consistent field theory”, J. Chem. Phys. 2008, 128: 114901.15Ma, J. W.; Li, X.; Tang, P.* and Yang, Y. L.* “Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic ABC Star Triblock Copolymers and Their Blends with AB Diblock Copolymers in Solution”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111: 1552-1558.16Li, X.; Tang, P.*; Qiu, F.; Zhang, H. D. and Yang, Y. L.* “Aggregates in Solution of Binary Mixtures of Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymers with Different Chain Length”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110: 2024-2030.17杨玉良*,邱枫,唐萍,张红东“高分子体系的自洽场理论方法及其应用”,中国科学B辑, 2006, 36(1): 1-22.18杨玉良*,邱枫,唐萍,张红东“高分子体系相分离动力学及图样生成和选择”,化学进展,2006,18: 363-381.19Wang, R.*; Tang, P.*; Qiu, F. and Yang, Y. L. “Aggregate Morphologies of Amphiphilic ABC Triblock Copolymer in Dilute Solution Using Self-Consistent Field Theory”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2005, 109: 17120-17127. 20Tang, P.; Qiu, F.*; Zhang, H. D. and Yang, Y. L. “Phase separation patterns for diblock copolymers on spherical surfaces: A finite volume method”, Phys. Rev. E, 2005, 72(1): 016710. 21Tang, P.; Qiu, F.*; Zhang, H. D. and Yang, Y. L. “Morphology and phase diagram of complex block copolymers: ABC star triblocks”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2004, 108(24): 8834-8838. 22Tang, P.; Qiu, F.*; Zhang, H. D. and Yang, Y. L. “Morphology and phase diagram ofcomplex block copolymers:ABC linear triblocks”, Phys. Rev. E, 2004, 69(3): 031803.23Tang, P.; Li, G. X.; Higgins, J. S. and Arrighi, V. “Phase behaviour of SMMA and SAN blends using Flory’s equation of state theory”, Polymer, 2002, 34: 6661-6667. 24Tang, P.; Li, G. X.; Higgins, J. S. and Arrighi, V. “Kinetics of phase separation of SMMA and SAN blends”, Polymer International, 2004, 53: 1686-1692. 25李光宪,唐萍,“含无规共聚物三元共混体系SMMA-PMMA-SAN相行为”,高等学校化学学报,2002,23:1207-1209. 26唐萍,李光宪,“Flory状态方程理论研究PS/PMMA/SAN相行为”,高等学校化学学报,2000,21:136-139. 27唐萍,李光宪,黄锐“运用Flory状态方程理论预测三元均聚物共混体系的相行为”,高分子材料科学与工程,1999, 15: 12-14. 28唐萍,李光宪,黄锐“多组分聚合物体系热力学理论研究进展”,高等学校化学学报,1998,19(3):477-482. 29Li, G. X. and Tang, P. “Influence of competition between binary interactions on the phase behavior in ternary blends”, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 1997, 8: 261-264. 30唐萍,曾邦禄,“化学交联聚丙烯的研究”,塑料工业,1995, 23(2): 14-16. 31唐萍,曾邦禄,“MA接枝LDPE及其在PET/LDPE共混物中的作用研究”, 塑料工业, 1994, 22(3): 14-16. 32唐萍, 李光宪, 高分子科学的近代论题, 江明, 府寿宽编, 复旦大学出版社,1998: 202-211. 33唐萍,邱枫,张红东,杨玉良,第11章“高分子复杂流体相行为的介观理论”:290-326,韩志超主编,结构材料化学进展,化学工业出版社,2005年8月. 34唐萍,李光宪,第12章“光学塑料件设计”:360-374,申开智主编,塑料制品设计方法及应用实例,国防工业出版社,2007年1月


近五年共撰写发表及录用论文92篇,其中SCI/EI论文70篇。发表论文目录 :[1] 谢建中,杨育,张晓微,康国旭,李斐.基于FCM和模糊质量屋的广义客户需求及资源配置研究[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2015,3.( EI:20151800797428)[2] 杨涛,杨育,张东东. 考虑客户需求偏好的产品创新概念设计方案生成[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2015.4(EI:20152200887621)[3] 杨涛;杨育; 薛承梦;张雪峰;焦;.考虑客户需求偏好的产品创新设计方案多属性决策评价[J].计算机集成制造系统,2015,2,417-426.(EI: 20151600746416)[4] 张雪峰,杨育,于国栋,杨涛.面向产品创新任务的协同客户利益分配机制研究[J].计算机集成制造系统. 2015.(EI:20151200650605)[5] Su, JF,Yang, Y,Yang, T,Zhang, XF,Liu, L. SIMULATION OF CONFLICT CONTAGION IN CUSTOMER COLLABORATIVE PRODUCT INNOVATION, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SIMULATION MODELLING, 2015,14,134-144.( SCI:000351950800012)[6] 李斐,杨育,苏加福,陈倩,谢建中. 协同产品创新中的创新客户流失预测模型[J].计算机集成制造系统,2015.1(EI:20151200650608)[7] 谢建中,杨育,陈倩,李斐.基于改进BASS的短生命周期产品需求预测模型研究[J].计算机集成制造系统,2015,1.(EI:20151200650609)[8] 张雪峰, 杨育, 于国栋. 基于任务分解结构的协同创新客户贡献度测度[J].计算机集成制造系统.(已录用).[9] 张雪峰, 杨育,苏加福. 面向产品创新任务的协同客户利益分配机制研究[J].计算机集成制造系统.(已录用).[10] Zhang Xuefeng, Yang Yu, Zhang na,Yang Tao. Robustness Analysis of Super Network Consisting of Product Development Tasks, Customers and Customers’ Knowledge [J]. international journal of hybrid information technology.(已录用).[11] 张雪峰, 杨育, 于国栋. 基于知识视角的协同创新客户选择[J].计算机集成制造系统.(已录用)[12] 杨育, 于国栋, 李斐,张雪峰. 客户协同产品创新系统鲁棒性分析与优化[J].计算机集成制造系统.(已录用)[13] 于国栋;杨育;谈文静.考虑客户流失及其波及效应的协同产品创新客户重要度模型[J].计算机集成制造系统. (EI核心,已录用)[14] 于国栋;杨育;李斐;张雪峰.客户协同产品创新系统鲁棒性分析与优化[J].计算机集成制造系统.(EI,已录用)[15] 杨涛,杨育,张雪峰,于国栋,薛承梦. 基于客户聚类分析的产品概念设计方案评价决策方法[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2015,(07):1669-1678.(已刊出)[16] Yu G.D., Yang Y. Zhao X. Multiobjective Dynamic Fuzzy Scheduling and Its Algorithm in Product Collaborative Design Considering Emergency. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. 已录用[17] Yu G.D., Yang Y., Zhang X F. Li C.. An integrated decision-making approach for requirements changes of customized product: based on changes impacts on product networks, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making.已录用[18] Yu G.D., Yang Y. Zhao X., Li G., Multi-objective rescheduling model for Product Collaborative Design Considering Disturbance, International Journal of Simulation Modelling. 2014,13(4):472-484 (WOS:000346958200007)[19] Beifang Bao,Yu Yang, Qian Chen ,Aijun Liu,Jiali Zhao.Task Allocation Optimization in Collaborative Customized Product Development Based on Double-population Adaptive Genetic Algorithm[J].Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. July 4, 2014 .(EI:IP53227536)[20] Beifang Bao, Yu Yang, Aijun Liu, Jiali Zhao, Leiting Li. Task Allocation Optimization in Collaborative Customized Product Development Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm[J]. Journal of Intelligent Systems,2014,23(1):1-19.(EI:20135017081892)[21] 杨育,赵小华,刘爱军,李斐,胡建军. 业主组织成员选择的权衡模型及求解算法[J]. 重庆大学学报.2014(2). 22-30.(CSCD核心)[22] Xue, Chengmeng; Yang, Yu; Yang, Tao; Zeng, Tingting Person-organization fit evaluation and process optimization based on the matching theory. Computer Modelling and New Technologies,2014,18,174-180.(EI: 20144700214788)[23] 包北方,杨育,李斐,刘爱军. 产品定制协同开发任务分解模型研究[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2014,07:1537-1545.(EI: 201440082006)[24] 包北方,杨育.产品定制协同制造资源优化配置[J].计算机集成制造系统,2014,08:1807-1818.(EI:201440081961)已奖励[25] Tao Yang, Yu Yang, Yao Jiao. Reliability analysis and prediction for product design based on feature similarity[J]. International Journal of Database Theory and Application, v 7, n 5, p .(EI: 201447223544)[26] Li Fei, Yang Yu, Xie Jianzhong, Liu Aijun, Chen Qian. Selection method of customer partners in customer collaborative product innovation [J]. Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2014,23(4): 423-435. (EI : 201444135370)[27] Tao Yang, Yu Yang, Chengmeng Xue. Conflict analysis between task iteration and design capabilities in collaborative product development[J]. International Journal of Security and Its Applications, 2014, 8(2): 375-386. (EI: 20141517555799)[28] 李斐,杨育,于鲲鹏,包北方,谢建中. 基于UWG的客户协同产品创新系统稳定性研究[J]. 科学学研究,2014,32(3).464-472. (NSFC管理科学部A类期刊,重庆大学认定的重要期刊)[29] 包北方,杨育,李雷霆,李斐,刘爱军,刘娜. 产品定制协同开发任务分配多目标优化[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2014,4: 739-746.(EI:20142117745020)[30] 李斐,杨育,谢建中,张峰. 协同产品创新中的创新客户重要度评价方法[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2014, 3:537-543.(EI:20141917703903)[31] YU Guodong, YANG Yu, XING Qingson, LI Fei. Research on the time optimization model algorithm of customer collaborative product innovation[J]. Journal of industrial Engineering and Management, 2014,7(1):137-152. (EI: 20141617600763)[32] 杨育,李云云,李斐,邢青松,包北方. 产品协同创新设计任务分解及资源分配[J]. 重庆大学学报,2014(1). 31-38(CSCD核心)[33] Tao Yang, Yu Yang. Reliability evaluation of collaborative product design process considering redesigning activities[J]. Information Technology Journal, Vol. 12, No. 21, pp. 6325 ~ 6329, 2013.(EI: 20142417805996)[34] 于鲲鹏,杨育,刘娜,李斐,谢建中.复杂网状供应链拓扑特性分析及脆弱性研究[J].计算机集成制造系统,2013.(EI: 20142117745046)[35] Beifang Bao, Yu Yang. Task Granularity Analysis for Task Decomposition in Collaborative Customized Product Development [J]. 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Hu, Simultaneous speciation analysis of inorganic arsenic, chromium. and selenium in environmental waters by 3-(2-aminoethylamino) propyltrimethoxysilane modified multi-wall carbon nanotubes packed microcolumn solid phase extraction and ICP-MS. Talanta, 2015. 131: p. 266-272.[12] Y. Liu, M. He, B. Chen, and B. Hu, Simultaneous speciation of inorganic arsenic, selenium and tellurium in environmental water samples by dispersive liquid liquid microextraction combined with electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Talanta, 2015. 142: p. 213-220.[13] C. Hu, M. He, B. Chen, and B. Hu, Simultaneous determination of polar and apolar compounds in environmental samples by a polyaniline/hydroxyl multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite-coated stir bar sorptive extraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 2015. 1394: p. 36-45.[14] W. Fan, M. Gao, M. He, B. Chen, and B. 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Hu, Recent developments in stir bar sorptive extraction. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2014. 406(8): p. 2001-2026.[4] B.B. Chen, M. He, C. Zhong, and B. Hu, Chiral speciation of selenoamino acids in biological samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2014. 1363: p. 62-70.[5] S.W. Su, B.B. Chen, M. He, Z.W. Xiao, and B. Hu, A novel strategy for sequential analysis of gold nanoparticles and gold ions in water samples by combining magnetic solid phase extraction with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2014. 29(3): p. 444-453.[6] H.Y. Peng, Y. Jiao, X. Xiao, B.B. Chen, M. He, Z.R. Liu, X. Zhang, and B. Hu, Magnetic quantitative analysis for multiplex glycoprotein with polymer-based elemental tags. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2014. 29(6): p. 1112-1119.[7] X. Liu, M. He, B. Chen, and B. 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