

发布时间:2024-07-06 14:40:23











发表论文无非就两种方式:第一种就是自己投稿,买本杂志,根据版权页上的投稿方式去投稿(这种的弊端就是周期太长,对于着急的客户,不适用)当然,跟杂志社关系好能顺利发表的请无视我的话 因为直投杂志社容易,能成果发表难,我认识的主编跟我说他们邮箱里的稿件基本上没有低于过1000篇,而且杂志社就那么几个人,根本不可能忙的过来,就算抽时间看下邮件也就是看个题目,题目不新颖没吸引力的直接略过,就算点开文章,也是先大概看下职称、单位、研究方向、摘要、关键词,没什么吸引人眼球的内容也直接pass掉。第二种就是找代理机构发表(这种的需要睁大眼,发表行业鱼龙混杂,必须得保证自己发的杂志是正刊,也不能是增刊)。找代理机构认准以下几点;一、首先选择国家新闻出版广电局能查到的正规杂志二、其次是某宝担保交易,更有保障三、最后录用通知下来后,亲自打版权页或者收录网站(知网、维普、万方、龙源)上查稿电话查稿确认录用后,再付款。



很难。 因为《中学语文教学参考》是语文教学类核心期刊,对论文的质量要求很高,所以很难发表。中学语文教学参考的投稿要求 中学语文教学与小学一脉相承,但是内容难度加大,教师在教学的时候不仅要注意知识的积累还要培养学生学习语文的能力。



评高级的论文一般要求在2000字以上,3000字更好,发表的刊物最好是语文类专业期刊。 曾帮不少朋友发表过,只要单位要求不是特别变态,评职称都可以用。




如何有效记忆英语单词,词汇? 摘要:新英语课程的目标是提高学生的学习兴趣和积极性,因此在教学活动中,教师应该用不同的方法创造学习情境、激发学生的学习兴趣,从而提高学习效率。关键词:兴趣;词汇;情境;记忆。英语单词学习是整个英语学习的基础,每个小小的英语单词结合起来就组成了句子,多个句子构成整篇文章。学习英语最难的是单词的记忆。对于大部分学生来说,记忆单词没有什么好方法,只会死记硬背,机械地记忆单词的每个字母,这样不但记得不熟,而且还很容易忘记。 总之,在传统教学活动中,单词记忆采用的往往是读、背、写这种机械的记忆方法。读单词,背单词,写单词成为记忆的主要手段。所以,如何采用行之有效的记忆方法提高学生的单词记忆效果,一直是英语教师探索的焦点。 笔者认为通过老师和学生的共同努力,让英语课变得有趣,让学生在自我需要中学习英语,可以通过以下几个方面得以实现: 一、设最佳心理状态 1.要激起强烈的记忆欲望 首先要明确记忆目标。在自己想要记住某些单词之前,最好怀着强烈的记忆欲望,并赋予那些单词特殊的意义和价值。笔者曾做过这样的实验:在两个水平相当的班里同样要求学生用15分钟识记50个同样单词,但只对其中一个班说,15分钟之后要进行测试,选拔前10名在学校期中总结大会上表彰,并拍照放在学校橱窗里宣传,希望同学认真准备。实验结果如下:事先说过测试的班级,15分钟后能记住86%,3小时仍能记住60%;而另一个班效果却不佳,15分钟后只能记住50%,3小时仅能记住22%,两班成绩差距显著! 2.要促成稳定的愉悦心情 如上述实验中,作实验的那个班,当笔者宣布,他们英语测试成绩比对比班高出36分而获胜时,全体同学欢呼雀跃。紧接着笔者又公布了前10名获奖名单,并对他们进行了表彰,使课堂气氛走向高潮。临下课,笔者对当堂内容进行了测试,90分以上的有56人,占80%,是有史以来最好的课堂效果之一。课后,笔者在教后记里写下了这样的反思:这节课取得了令人满意的效果,我认为最主要的原因是学生受到适当的表扬和激励后,心情十分舒畅,精神放松,记忆通道畅通,形成记忆的最佳契机,记忆痕迹保持相对持久。作为教师应该努力创设教学情景,促成稳定的愉悦心情,促成学生最佳记忆状态的形成。 3.要树立强烈的自信心和成功感 现代教育心理学认为,一个人的成才与否,其智力因素和非智力因素都起至关重要的作用!而自信心又是非智力因素中极为重要的方面。如果学生认为学习外语很困难,那就真地会感到困难。但是,如果他充分认识了词汇在英语学习中的重要作用,坚信自己有非凡的语言才能和坚强的毅力,坚信困难只是暂时的,积极努力,百折不挠,就会使学习外语变得更加容易。 二、使用实物、图片、CAI等直观教学手段 文具、水果、食物、饮料、日常生活用品,这些单词都是可以用实物来呈现、操练的。就连动物,也可以将相关毛绒玩具带入课堂。遇到不便或不易带进课堂的物体,可采用图片进行教学,如plane、train、bookcase、table、cupboard等。如果一时找不到图片,也可以运用简单易行的简笔画,直接在黑板上画,边画边呈现,边画边操练。随着现代信息教育技术的广泛应用,多媒体辅助教学(CAI)越来越多地走进了英语课堂。CAI画面优美,音乐动听,能填补实物、图片的不足。特别在教学一些表示地点的单词,如zoo,park,supermarket,library,bedroom,sitting-room等时,它就比图片具有更多的信息量,更为学生所喜闻乐见。形象直观的实物、图片、CAI,生动活泼,视听结合,容易使学生加深印象,强化记忆,充分激发了学生的学习热情和学习兴趣。 三、动态课堂,寻找更多的精彩源泉 1.将学生崇拜的明星引入课堂 英语教学要善于利用中学生的心理特点来激发他们学习词汇的兴趣。这个年龄段的学生对成功所带来的美丽光环充满想象,他们热捧明星,视明星为偶像。笔者据此设计组织了课堂活动 Athletes and sports。这些体育明星们再次唤起了学生学习运动名称的兴趣和热情,学生饶有兴趣地学习刘翔所从事的hurdle race,田亮的diving,泰森的boxing,刘璇的gymnastics和舒马赫的rally等。 2.将音乐与课堂相结合 笔者在初二英语课中也作了一个教学实验,用一节课的时间教给学生一首英文歌曲“我心永恒”(美国影片《泰坦尼克号》主题曲)。这首旋律优美、节奏鲜明而又抒情味十足的英文歌曲,学生很快就学会了。学生就是在唱歌、感受音乐美的同时,牢牢记住了“heart”、“will”“go on”“forever”(心、将、继续、永远)等陌生单词。直到第三天、第四天以及以后的随时提问,学生都能迅速准确地书写出来。且大部分的同学对一些结构较为复杂、用法意义较为宽泛的短语也能准确默写、听写。单词掌握程度之深,让人惊叹。 四、在游戏中记忆单词 在单词记忆时应引入各种游戏,不仅能有效地调节英语学习的气氛,激发学生的学习爱好,还能促使学生以积极的心态,在活动中主动地记忆单词。 1.单词接龙游戏:多人合作,首先由任意一个学生说出一个单词,下一个学生说出的单词的第一个字母必须是上一个学生所说单词的尾字母,如此循环下去,不能重复同一个词,如有人在规定的时间内未说出单词,则被淘汰,剩下的学生继续游戏,谁坚持到最后谁就是获胜者。如:car—read—do—one—eat—ten—name--evening—game—English… 2.改头换拆词游戏:如多变的天气,用weather这七个字母能拼出多少个学过的单词? we/eat/at/tea/the/he/her/here/there/tree /are/where/hear/heart/what/water… 3.改头换面游戏:即在一个单词中增加、减少或改变一个字母使之成为一个新词。如:of—off/if,us—as/bus,know--now/known/knew,hair—chair/air,look—book/cook… 对于习惯机械记忆的学生,教师教学的主要任务是使学生通过思维去理解所学的内容,使所教内容在学生头脑中建立起多方面的联系。大量的日常经验和实验研究都证实,只有理解了的,有系统的知识,才能长久地保持在记忆中,并在需要时很快地提取出来。 所以,在教学中,教师可引导学生在理解中识记或识记时给材料人为地建立一些联系,这样的课堂是精彩的。在这样的课堂上,学生获得了多方面的满足和发展,教师的劳动也闪耀着智慧的光芒,师生都感觉到生命活力的涌动,这才是我们教学的理想境界。英语对照:How to effectively remember English words, vocabulary? Abstract: The new English curriculum aims to improve student interest in learning and motivation, so in teaching activities, teachers should use different methods to create learning contexts to stimulate students interest in learning, to enhance learning efficiency. Keywords: interest; vocabulary; situation; memory. English words to learn the entire English language learning, and each combination of a small English words on the formation of a sentence, multiple sentences constitute the entire article. The hardest part is learning English words of memory. For most students, there is no good way to remember the word, only by rote, mechanical memory word for each letter, so remember not only unfamiliar, and very easy to forget. In short, in the traditional teaching activities, the word is often used in memory reading, back, write the memory of this mechanical method. Read the word, back the word, write the word as the primary means of memory. Therefore, the memory of how to adopt effective means to enhance student word memory effect, has been the focus of English language teachers to explore. I believe that through the joint efforts of teachers and students, so that English classes more interesting for students to learn English in the self-needs can be achieved through the following areas: 1, let the best state of mind 1. To provoke a strong memories of desire First, goals must be clear memory. Want to remember certain words in their own before, the best memories with keen desire, and give those words a special meaning and value. I have done this experiment: in two comparable level of class also requires students to use the same 15 minutes memorizing 50 words, but only on one class, said 15 minutes later to test and selection of the top 10 in school Summary of the General Assembly on the recognition period, and took photos on the school windows publicity, wants them to make earnest preparations. The results are as follows: pre-mentioned test classes, after 15 minutes can remember 86%, 3 hours can still remember the 60%; while the other classes the result was not good, after 15 minutes only remember 50%, 3 hours Remember that only 22%, a significant gap between the two classes results! 2. To promote the joy of a stable mood As mentioned above experiment, for experiments that class, when I announced that their English test scores 36 points higher than the comparison class and won, all the students cheered. Then I also announced the top 10 list of winners, and they were recognized, so that the classroom atmosphere reach new heights. Pro class is, the author of the content when the Church has been tested, 90 points more than 56 people, accounting for 80%, a record for one of the best classroom results. After the lesson, where I teach postscript written such a reflection: This lesson has achieved satisfactory results, I think the main reason is that students are subject to the appropriate recognition and incentives, the mood is very relaxed, mental relaxation, memory the access to the best opportunity for the formation of memory, the memory trace remained relatively durable. As a teacher should strive to create teaching situations, to promote stability in the joy of feeling led to the formation of students in the state of the best memories. 3. We must establish a strong sense of self-confidence and success Modern educational psychology that a person's talent or not, its intellectual factors and non-intellectual factors have played a vital role! The self-confidence of non-intellectual factors also extremely important aspect. If students believe that learning a foreign language is difficult, it really will feel difficult. However, if he was fully aware of the vocabulary in English to learn the important role of faith in their own language of extraordinary talent and strong determination, convinced that the difficulties are temporary, positive efforts, indomitable will to make learning a foreign language easier. Second, the use of real objects and pictures, CAI and other visual means of teaching Stationery, fruit, food, beverages, daily necessities, these can all be used kind words to witness a training session. Even animals can also be related to plush toys into the classroom. Inconvenient or difficult experience into the classroom objects, images can be used for teaching, such as plane, train, bookcase, table, cupboard and so on. If you can not find pictures, you can also use a simple stick figure, directly on the blackboard painting, while painting while present, while painting while drilling. With modern information technology, education, the extensive application of multimedia-aided instruction (CAI) more and more into the English classroom. CAI beautiful pictures, music and sounds, to fill the physical, pictures deficiencies. Sites, especially in the teaching of some that the word, such as the zoo, park, supermarket, library, bedroom, sitting-room, etc., it has more informative than pictures, more loved by the students. Visual image of the physical, pictures, CAI, lively, audio-visual combination is easy for the students to a deeper impression, enhance memory, fully inspired the students enthusiasm and interest in learning. 3, dynamic classroom, looking for more exciting source of 1. The worship of the star into the classroom of students English teaching should be good at the use of the psychological characteristics of middle school students to stimulate their interest in learning vocabulary. This age the success of students brought a beautiful ring is full of imagination, they are sought-star, depending on the stars as their idols. Accordingly, the author organized classroom activities designed to Athletes and sports. These sports stars are once again aroused the students to learn the name of sports interest and enthusiasm, the students learn with interest Liu Xiang is engaged hurdle race, Tian Liang's diving, Tyson's boxing, Liu Xuan's gymnastics and Schumacher's rally, etc. . 2. The combination of music and the classroom In the second year I also made an English class teaching experiment, using the time to teach a lesson to the students an English song "My Heart Will Go On" (American film "Titanic" theme song). This is a wonderful melody, rhythm and lyrical yet distinct flavor of the English song, the students soon learned it. Student is singing, feel the music and at the same time, firmly remember the "heart", "will" "go on" "forever" (mind, will continue forever) and other unfamiliar words. Until the third day, fourth day and at any time after the questions, students could write them quickly and accurately. Most of the students and some of the more complex the structure, usage, the meaning of the phrase can also be more broad and accurate dictation, dictation. Grasp the extent of the depth of the word, amazing. Fourth, remember the word in the game Memory should be a word of introduction of various games, not only can effectively adjust the atmosphere of learning English to inspire love of learning, but also encourage students to adopt a positive attitude, take the initiative in the activity memory of words. 1. Word word games: Multiplayer co-operation, first of all by any one student to say a word, the next students to elaborate on the first letter of the word must be said, a student on the end of the letter word, and so on down, could not repeat the same a word, if a person does not speak within the time prescribed words, were eliminated, the remaining students to continue the game, who stick to the end who is the winner. Such as: car-read-do-one-eat-ten-name - evening-game-English ... 2. To change the first word game for demolition: If the changeable weather, with the weather these seven letters to spell out the number of learned words? we / eat / at / tea / the / he / her / here / there / tree / are / where / hear / heart / what / water ... 3. A face-lift game: namely, that a word in the increase, decrease or change one letter to become a new word. Such as: of-off/if, us-as/bus, know--now/known/knew, hair-chair/air, look-book/cook ... For the habit of mechanical memory, students, teachers, teaching main task is to enable students to understand what they have learned by thinking about the content, so that the content taught in the minds of students to establish numerous contacts. A large number of everyday experience and experimental studies have confirmed that only understand, there are systems of knowledge, in order to maintain the long-term memory, and, if necessary quickly extracted. So, in teaching, teachers can guide students in understanding or memorizing memorizing material, when to artificially set up some links, such a classroom is wonderful. In this classroom, students receive a wide range of satisfaction and development, and teacher's labor is also shining light of wisdom, teachers and students feel the vitality of the surging, and this is our ideal of teaching.



英语核刊本来就少 对文章要求也高的 你百度一下中国期刊库吧 也许他们能帮你


一方面,写论文并不比实验简单。 调查显示,在大学里,部分硕士、博士研究生完成导师交给的实验任务都还可以,但在论文写作上往往并不顺利。 很多研究生认为写论文比做实验更难,写高水平的论文是难上加难, 特别是用英语撰写符合要求的SCI论文,对很多研究生乃至专家和教授来说是相当困难的。

另一方面,发表SCI论文也很困难。 对大多数科研人员来说,写SCI论文的过程已经很辛苦,发表论文的过程更不容易,也会在此期间受到很大的打击。 较为有名的期刊投稿采用率普遍偏低,世界上从事科学研究的人很多,发表研究论文的人也很多,期刊上的稿件数量远远超过了可以采用的数量,SCI核心期刊尤其是部分稿件可能在期刊编辑的预审中退回。



在以英文发表文章之前,我总是觉得用英文写文章非常困难。此外,通过传闻,有经验的人会说审阅周期有多长,以及回答审阅意见有多困难。整个过程多么复杂,所以我总是担心发布英文SCI文章。在一段时间内,我会在心中安慰自己,这辈子,我会用中文发表文章。只要研究结果不错,中文仍然可以吸引别人的注意。后来,当我出国时,我不得不用英语写文章。一段时间后,我意识到用英语发表文章并不困难,根本没有那么困难。  以下是我的分析:

首先,大多数英文期刊(在英国和美国出版)都包含在SCI中,这比SCI选择的中文期刊在所有中文期刊中所占的比例要大得多。因此,在提交稿件时,基本上不需要考虑它是否被收。只要是经常阅读的文档所在的期刊,它们基本上是的。  在中国,有中文核心期刊和科技核心期刊。中国的核心水平高于科学技术的核心水平。SCI收录了部分中文核心期刊,而科技期刊的核心期刊收录很少。如果切换到英语期刊,将成为影响因子较高的SCI期刊和影响因子较低的SCI期刊。SCI和非SCI之间只有水平级别不同,其他也没有区别。 SCI总共包含3700多种期刊,因此根据研究领域,一篇文章可以找到数十种期刊以供提交投稿。如果是跨领域文章,则有更多适合提交的期刊。与中文期刊相比,每个领域的一流期刊看起来像4-5种期刊。每个期刊上发表的文章数量是有限的。同时,许多国内组织对发表文章有要求,由于科研人员众多,一流期刊数量有限,文章的接受率大大降低。因此,最好是主动出击并直接投票给英文期刊。在开始用英语撰写文章时,这有点痛苦,但换来了更广阔的道路。


中学语文 语文教学与研究 中学生语数外 语文学刊


一、教师想要发表论文一般有2种方式: 1、直接向杂志社投稿, 2、通过论文代理或期刊采编中心投稿。 ( 这两种方式,费用方面基本差不多,都是社里统一定的价格。) 二、论文发表的过程基本: 投稿→审核→答复通过(不通过)→办理版面费(修改稿件或换文章)→安排版面→出刊→邮递样刊。



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