

发布时间:2024-09-04 15:39:01


Topic: Re-recognition of the value of school sportsmanship Abstract: Physical education is the main vector for the physical act of open education activities, school sports and moral thinking in young people play an important role in the Based on the current shortage of school education in sportsmanship, from building a harmonious society, unmarried children, and other aspects of the new curriculum for schools of education by the sportsmanship of the new requirements of research, believe that the value of the new school sportsmanship awareness and positioning, so that its adaptation to changing social needs and better qualified people to cultivate socialist Key words: schools; sports; ethics; value; sportsmanship; the value of sportsmanship Web page software, not translation, that translated a lot of grammatical mistakes, professional word also get you ~ ~ seek help under the English is pretty busy! ! ! Thanks

The graduation thesis, the graduation replied, pre- reply

Schools recognize the value of sportsmanship Abstract: Physical education is the main vector for the physical act of open education activities, school sports and moral thinking in young people play an important role in the Based on the current shortage of school education in sportsmanship, from building a harmonious society, unmarried children, and other aspects of the new curriculum for schools of education by the sportsmanship of the new requirements of research, believe that the value of the new school sportsmanship awareness and positioning, so that its adaptation to changing social needs and better qualified people to cultivate socialist Key words: schools; sports; ethics; value; sportsmanship; the value of sportsmanship

Topic: Re-recognize the value of school’s Abstract: School acts an important role, shaping teenager’s moral by body behavior which is the main factor with physical Base on the lack of sportsmanship in current school education, this article introduce the study through different aspects, such as build up a harmonious society, only child and new requirements with new curriculums of sportsmanship in school’s The value of school’s sportsmanship should be re-recognized and positioned, in order to adapt changing society and train the service of excellent socialist Key words: schools; sports; moral; value; sportsmanship; the value of sportsmanship希望能帮上忙^^


论文答辩: (thesis) oral defense

(thesis) oral defense(answering是chinglish)

绝对是:"Thesis defense"

论文答辩Oral defense


根据专业而定吧 不过全程英文确实很酷


首先你要做5分钟左右的presentation,那部分内容包含1 : why you choose this topic ;2:what is the main content of your thesis: 3:What is the problem still in your paper (也即是你论文中你觉得哪些需要后来的学者继续研究或者也可从你论文不足的地方讲几句)。 其次你开始回答问题,通常是3或4个问题。这部分你准备时, 一定要将自己论文中的各个标题记熟。很多老师就针对其问问题。你文中所用的术语,其definition要能说出。 如果你在上部分presentation未说明你为什么选择这个论题时。老师也可能对此提出问题。也有可能询问你撰写的论文对语言学习有什么帮助。 嘿嘿 ,个人看法。你的格式最好要少些瑕疵,有些老师就专挑格式错误,他们认为这能反映你的态度是否端正。还有答辩老师未必有那么多时间看。而这个错误最为明显。 提前将abstract和conclusion背一背。答辩时态度谦逊些。自信些,老师都不大会为难我们。祝你好运。


defense your thesis

(thesis) oral defense(answering是chinglish)

Dear teachers, good morning! My name is xx, is 08 levels of English this regular professional training students, I dissertation5 topic is "the cultural differences between Chinese and western communication" Papers are in the x professor of meticulous coaxed completion, here I asked my tutor our deepest thanks to all the teacher pains to attend my thesis heartfelt thanks for three years, and I have a chance to listen to all teachers teaching our heartfelt Below I will this paper designed and main content to each teacher makes a report, kindly fellow teachers criticized First of all, I want to talk about the graduation thesis of purpose and As China's social and economic development, world various nationalities between commercial frequent communication and People in different cultures in the process of communication is cross-cultural To understand the cultural differences between Chinese and western communication can better promote the national economy, cultural exchange between and This paper with the relationship between language and culture of Chinese and western culture by listing from daily communicative language communication to the understanding of the euphemism, taboo language and posture language differences in learning English analysis how to foster intercultural communication competence, avoid in our daily communication appear misurclerstanding was discussed in the Secondly, I want to talk about this essay structure and its main Thesis mainly divided into five The first part is the Summary of Chinese and western culture communication system in today's social The second part is the relationship between language and Through the description of the relationship between language and culture, explains the relationship between language and culture are inseparable, deep influence culture, different language caused the cultural The third part is the cultural differences between Chinese and western For example demonstrated through communication between China and the west in everyday language used in the course, euphemism, taboo language and posture language is different, thus explain that communication between Chinese and western cultural The fourth part is of the cultivation of intercultural communication Lists related to foster intercultural communication competence methods, in order to avoid people in our daily communication appear erroneous The fifth part is summarized and S In order to succeed in cross-cultural communication, will realize our national culture and western culture, the differences between in communication right choice accords with western cultural norms expression in order to achieve the aim of Foreign language learners should not only try to master the accurate and fluent and natural English language, learn to decent, naturally transmitted and received communicative message, Also want to understand and grasp of English countries cultural background knowledge and customs, learn to overcome in communication barriers produced cultural Meanwhile, foreign language learners but must take the culture differences, trying to broaden their perspective of culture, to learn more about English culture of the country, in a solid foundation of language application ability at the same time, develop their intercultural consciousness, improve their ability to cross-cultural Finally, I want to talk about this essay and system This essay writing and modification process, also is the more I realize his lack of experience and knowledge of the Although, I will try to collect materials, we try our best to use their own knowledge thesis paper writing, but there are still many shortcomings, needs to be Please, judges much criticism and corrections, let me in the future learn hank you可能有些错误。。。。呵呵

绝对是:"Thesis defense"




回答 您好,很高兴为您解答。长春工程学院是经教育部批准成立的一所以工学为主,管理学、理学、艺术学、文学等多学科发展的省属普通本科高校,学校现在是很不错的,老师都是专业的,而且是比较负责,学校设备也比较齐全,环境很不错。 您这个专业在学校是被受关注的 提问 好就业吗? 回答 还是很不错的,您可以自己收一下就业前景 提问 网评住宿环境差,各方面都不太好 回答 住宿环境是不怎么好,只是一部分 更多4条 

不知道二楼的是不是被长春工程学院曾经的某学生艹过的 BIAO 子花钱雇来的托????看了你的几条回答 全T妈说长春工程学院东区不好的 你麻痹的什么大学??就你那素质 中学毕业了吗??想必在你眼里,所有学校也只局限在中学给你的印象了?神马?为什么?艹你大爷的 还用哥跟你解释下吗??至少一楼和三楼的回答的很公正,湖东区是小了点,那是因为专业不多 当然不能和东北师大相比但是学校只是给你提供的一个学习的地方 四年的大学生活要在此度过的地方而已 大了能怎样?让你养尊处优?培养二楼那样的“人才 ” ??但是有一点可以告诉你 东区的女生资源绝对是西区和本部无法比的 无论是男女比例还是质量上(呵呵 你懂的) 因为艺术各类专业(服装、艺术设计、环艺等)营销各类专业在此


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