

发布时间:2024-09-05 11:31:06


位置题目应写在第一行的中间,题目左右两边的空白距离大致相等。 大小写(1)题目的第一个单词的第一个字母必须大写。从第二个单词起,其中每个实义词的第一个字母大写,而冠词、介词和连词等虚词的第一个字母则一般小写。这种写法比较正规。如:A Day to Remember;Let's Go in for Sports(2)题目的另一种写法是所有单词的第一个字母全部用大写。如:My Life As Factory WorkerA Walk Under The Rain(3)有时我们也会看到只有第一个单词的首字母大写的标题。如: Afghan schools try to survive under attacksClimate change: youth see their future in the balance



1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。 2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录) 3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。 4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。 主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。 5、论文正文: (1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。 〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容: 提出-论点; 分析问题-论据和论证; 解决问题-论证与步骤; 结论。 6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。 中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息 所列参考文献的要求是: (1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。 (2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。

艺术的“美”  艺术离我们并不遥远,一睡就在我们身边。它可以是一首歌,一幅画,也可以是一件不起眼的小工艺品。有艺术的地方就有美。现在我就带着你走进艺术的百花园,感受艺术的魅力,受到美的熏陶。  艺术,高贵而优雅,富于情趣。与艺术交流,那是再美不过的之事。  在我现在的学习中,就有艺术这门功课。它,是音乐美术的结合。每当上这门课时,我们便在艺术的海洋中遨游,去感受一切美好的东西,这时,你就会发觉,身边的事物是多么美妙!  我跟爸爸学习书法,使我对书法有了更深的认识。书法,是我过的国粹。自古以来,人们都以书法作为我们中国人的骄傲。眼看老师—老爸拿着蘸饱墨的笔,在宣纸上挥洒几下,发挥得淋漓尽致,不一会儿,几个苍劲有力的打字便一字呵成,令人叫好。看着这几个方块大字,难道它们就之事几个大字吗?难道你就不想到它们宛然象征了我们中国人的那种坚强不屈,顽强拼搏的意志和力量?  今天,当我拿起毛笔想写几个大字时,然而,我的手却在发抖。不,我不能这样,我可别忘了我是中国人!于是,我勇敢地写出了第一笔。良好的开端是成功的一半,我完美无缺地写完了这个字,心中有说不出的使命感。  如果在写字时能有美好的音乐,那么,我想人生最大的快乐莫过于此。随着优美的旋律跳动,也就诞生了一个个快乐的小精灵。  朋友们,热爱艺术吧!当你沉浸在其间,简直是一种极大地享受!  让我们用一双锐利的眼睛,去发现生活中---艺术的“美”!  我从汉字艺术中感受到了美  汉字传承着中华民族文化的特性,它并不单纯的是一个语言交流工具,而是我们民族文化象征。汉字是一个美妙的东西。  简单的几个方块字,却蕴含着很多的奥秘。你看!“拓”字,普通话有两个发音:“ta”和“tuo”,有摹印、复制的意思,也有开辟、扩充的意思。仅此一个汉字音、形、意的多样解析,实际就有极其深刻广远的“继承”和“发展”的多重含义,这种可持续性的生命活力,恰是中国汉字艺术的精髓和其魅力所在。而对于其他语言,像英语,法语,就没有这种美丽韵味。中华汉字的美是独一无二的。  汉字的美不仅是在字意上与读音上的,还有字形的魅力。瞧,“哭”这个字多像一个人在嚎啕大哭呀!而“笑”呢,却浑身散发这微笑的魅力。“轻”字使人有漂浮感,“重”字一望而沉坠。当你写下“伟大”二字,不禁觉得这方块字的高大与肃立。多美的字形组合啊,竟充满了无穷的趣味。这些由一撇一捺组合的图案,却与人的神态、气质那么相近。你能说汉字不美吗?  不仅如此,汉字的书写也很有讲究。一撇一捺有的要舒展,有的要紧凑,甚至一个小撇点也要严格对待。是顿是仰都应该静下心来研究,古往今来,不知有多少出名的书法家了,王羲之、欧阳洵、颜真卿、柳公权······汉字书写的工具也有讲求,古代人们用的是毛笔,现代人大多用钢笔。这些笔写出来的字又分很多类型:楷书、小篆、草书······如此博大精深的汉字,你能说它单调无味吗?  这一个个方块汉字,我深深的因它而动情。这,就是中国的文化!这,就是美的中国汉字!


提供一些美术类的毕业论文题目,供参考。 1、 解读香港设计师李永铨的海报 2、 平面设计中的形态设计 3、 版面设计中的“平面空间” 4、 产品文化性“主题”与造型依据 5、 导向21世纪的设计机构 6、 平面设计中的精神与物质 7、 突破传统的传统—平面设计中的传统与现代 8、 谈平面设计中的创意 9、 数字的微笑—数字在平面设计中的运用 10、 立足本土,放眼世界 11、非纸类材质在书籍装帧中的运用 12、“博古”与“薄古”(以古论今) 13、包装设计的价值观 14、中国广告人为什么对幽默说不 15、论“力动”与海报设计 16、电脑图标的功能与特色 17、浅谈吉祥物的造型设计 18、谈广告的图形构成 19、交错在传统与时尚间的茶眼饮包装设计 20、广告活动应强调互动性(谈“热力奥运”活动与受众之间的互动关系) 21、浅谈对以文字为主题的招贴的视觉感受 22、浅谈现代插图的“立体化”趋势 23、从西式符号到中国图式(寻找中国商标设计的自我理念) 24、图画的文字,汉字的图化(浅谈中国文字的视觉运用) 25、浅谈沟通在文化性广告中的重要作用 26、浅谈当今旅游食品包装的设计理念 27、旅游产品包装与区域旅游品牌关系(寻找两者见的最佳契合点及其表现方式) 28、浅谈酒包装设计中的情感互动 29、从中山陵的广告设计中浅谈设计中的文化性 30、从“福田繁雄”的作品中的矛盾空间看创造性思维的发展求采纳


The Art of China  Reseached by Cynthia  Have you ever seen paper decorating ladies hair? Well, China has an art form called papercuts that does just Chinese civilization began more than 4000 years The earliest art forms would use rock and stone for art because they didn’t know to use metal Later there was the Bronze Age, Stone Age, Neolithic or New Stone A There were many different dynasties like the T’ang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, and the Qin Dynasty were a few   Influence  Chinese arts are influenced by three major religions: Confucianism, Taoism, and B Another major influence was The three major kinds of subject they liked to paint were birds, flowers, and landscapes from the All the religions stress love for All landscape painters tried to get a feeling of the human spirit and the strength of the wind, water, mist and Painting became an art form more than 2000 years ago then influenced the later   Art Forms  Chinese arts come in many different forms such as: painting, folk arts, silk, calligraphy, pottery, sculpture, metal arts and Chinese papercuts were created around the first century in AD The Chinese invented paper, which was very important for It first started in the Tang D People then would hang them up to decorate windows, houses, clothes and even ladies In these thin and fragile papercuts, they would create animals, aerobics, Buddha, opera faces and other   Sculptures were made of many different materials: stone, jade, lacquer, wood, metal, clay, They weren’t only for admiring but they were used as everyday items like a wine bucket, mirrors, pottery, and A famous example is the sculptures of the Terra cotta They were buried with the body of an emperor to protect the emperor in his   Paintings became an art form more than 2000 years The Chinese painted emperors, landscape and zodiac animals, flowers, ladies, and Chinese have three thousand years of history of painting starting from 600 AD T’ang dynasty to the 20th century  Process and Material  The Chinese used many materials such as medal, bronze, lacquer, jade, clay, silk, and They made the most flexible of material… Chinese people used jade to make mirrors and clay and stone to make pottery and At a ceremony they would use bronze to make wine vessels in animal The process of a statue in a human figure is molded The front and back has to be made Then the two sides would be put   Subject and Style  Chinese arts cover a very broad range of In papercuts they like to cut Buddhas, opera faces, animals, flowers, children, and Sometimes in their painting they would use black and white, having one object with each One of their favorite subjects was They believed that the spirit of nature gives life to everything, so if painting nature the painter must capture the feeling of Zodiac animals, landscapes, opera faces, figure painting, mountains, and cranes, which were a symbol for long life, were popular subjects for their Emperors and their court was an another important subject for   Chinese art began more than 4000 years We still appreciate the hard work artists did back We visit the museum to look at the magnificent artwork done long The Chinese culture hasn’t changed much, but their art is prized in museums around the   艺术中国  Reseached by Cynthia reseached由辛西娅  Have you ever seen paper decorating ladies hair? 你见过纸装点女士们的头发? Well, China has an art form called papercuts that does just 那么,中国有一种艺术形式,所谓papercuts但这只是。 Chinese civilization began more than 4000 years 中华文明始于4000多年前。 The earliest art forms would use rock and stone for art because they didn’t know to use metal 最早的艺术形式,将利用岩石和石头艺术,因为他们不知道使用金属。 Later there was the Bronze Age, Stone Age, Neolithic or New Stone A 后来有青铜器时代,石器时代 , 新石器时代或新的石器时代。 There were many different dynasties like the T’ang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, and the Qin Dynasty were a few 有很多不同的朝代,如唐朝,周人,秦人的几个朝代。  Influence 影响力  Chinese arts are influenced by three major religions: Confucianism, Taoism, and B 中国艺术受到三大宗教:儒教,道教和佛教。 Another major influence was 另一个重大影响是本质。 The three major kinds of subject they liked to paint were birds, flowers, and landscapes from the 三大各类主体,他们喜欢把油漆的鸟类,花卉和景观,从乡下。 All the religions stress love for 各教应力热爱大自然。 All landscape painters tried to get a feeling of the human spirit and the strength of the wind, water, mist and 所有山水画尝试的一种感觉,人的精神和力量的风,水,薄雾和山区。 Painting became an art form more than 2000 years ago then influenced the later 绘画成为一种艺术形式,两千多年前的影响,那么,后来的画家。  Art Forms 艺术形式  Chinese arts come in many different forms such as: painting, folk arts, silk, calligraphy, pottery, sculpture, metal arts and 中国艺术来,在许多不同的形式,如:绘画,民间艺术,丝绸,书法,陶艺,雕塑,金属艺术和papercuts 。 Chinese papercuts were created around the first century in AD The Chinese invented paper, which was very important for 中文papercuts创造了大约一世纪,在专案,中国发明了纸,这是很重要的papercuts 。 It first started in the Tang D 它首先发端于唐代。 People then would hang them up to decorate windows, houses, clothes and even ladies 于是人们将挂在了装饰窗户,房子 , 衣服 , 甚至是女士们的头发。 In these thin and fragile papercuts, they would create animals, aerobics, Buddha, opera faces and other 在这些薄和脆弱papercuts ,会造成动物,健美操,佛像,戏曲面临着与其它学科。  Sculptures were made of many different materials: stone, jade, lacquer, wood, metal, clay, They weren’t only for admiring but they were used as everyday items like a wine bucket, mirrors, pottery, and 雕塑作了许多不同的材料:石器,玉器,漆器,木,金属,粘土等,他们不但为钦佩,但他们被用来作为日常的项目,如葡萄酒水桶,镜子,陶器及锦旗。 A famous example is the sculptures of the Terra cotta 一个著名的例子是雕塑的兵马俑。 They were buried with the body of an emperor to protect the emperor in his 他们被埋葬与身体的是一个皇帝,以保护皇帝,在他的来世。  Paintings became an art form more than 2000 years 绘画成为一种艺术形式,两千多年前。 The Chinese painted emperors, landscape and zodiac animals, flowers, ladies, and 中国画的皇帝,景观和生肖,花卉,女士们,和鸟。 Chinese have three thousand years of history of painting starting from 600 AD T’ang dynasty to the 20 th century 中国有三千年的历史,绘画出发,从600专案唐代到20世纪  Process and Material 工艺和材料  The Chinese used many materials such as medal, bronze, lacquer, jade, clay, silk, and 中国人使用了许多材料,如勋章,铜,漆器,玉器,陶土,丝绸和布匹。 They made the most flexible of material… 他们作出了最灵活的材料…文件。 Chinese people used jade to make mirrors and clay and stone to make pottery and 中国人用玉,使镜子和粘土和石料,使陶器和雕像。 At a ceremony they would use bronze to make wine vessels in animal 在一项仪式中,他们会用青铜作酒器在动物形状。 The process of a statue in a human figure is molded 过程中的一尊塑像,在一个人的数字是模铸分开。 The front and back has to be made 正面与背面有需要作出分裂。 Then the two sides would be put 届时,双方将放在一起。  Subject and Style 主题和风格  Chinese arts cover a very broad range of 中国艺术涵盖的范围十分广泛的学科。 In papercuts they like to cut Buddhas, opera faces, animals, flowers, children, and 在papercuts他们想削减佛像,歌剧的面孔,动物,花卉,儿童和健美操。 Sometimes in their painting they would use black and white, having one object with each 有时是在他们的画,他们会用黑色和白色,有一物体,每种颜色。 One of their favorite subjects was 其中他们最喜欢的科目是自然。 They believed that the spirit of nature gives life to everything, so if painting nature the painter must capture the feeling of 他们认为,这一精神是大自然赋予生命的一切,所以,如果画大自然,画家必须捕捉感觉的性质。 Zodiac animals, landscapes, opera faces, figure painting, mountains, and cranes, which were a symbol for long life, were popular subjects for their 生肖,山水,戏曲的面孔,人物画,山,和起重机,这是一个象征,长寿,很受科目为自己的画作。 Emperors and their court was an another important subject for 皇帝和他们的法院是另一个重要课题,绘画。  Chinese art began more than 4000 years 中国艺术始于4000多年前。 We still appreciate the hard work artists did back 我们仍然感谢辛勤工作的艺术家也不会回来了。 We visit the museum to look at the magnificent artwork done long 我们参观博物馆,看宏伟的艺术品做不久。 The Chinese culture hasn’t changed much, but their art is prized in museums around the 中国文化并没有多大改变,但他们的艺术是珍贵的,在世界各地博物馆中。  (后面是一句英文一句翻译,5分钟要看自己的语速,适当截取)加油!!!

这个看起来没问题,不过需要改一下:A Study Of Profitability and Development Capability in XX(Company),


位置题目应写在第一行的中间,题目左右两边的空白距离大致相等。 大小写(1)题目的第一个单词的第一个字母必须大写。从第二个单词起,其中每个实义词的第一个字母大写,而冠词、介词和连词等虚词的第一个字母则一般小写。这种写法比较正规。如:A Day to Remember;Let's Go in for Sports(2)题目的另一种写法是所有单词的第一个字母全部用大写。如:My Life As Factory WorkerA Walk Under The Rain(3)有时我们也会看到只有第一个单词的首字母大写的标题。如: Afghan schools try to survive under attacksClimate change: youth see their future in the balance



国画(guohua)、书法十字绣的相关技术探讨(我们对"跳针"、"杂色"的态度)technical discussion:cross-stitch of traditional chinese paintings & calligraphies (jaklio of ttxt)国画(guohua)、书法十字绣的相关技术探讨jaklio中国画、中国书法是用毛笔作于宣纸或者丝绢上,笔墨浸染,往往几笔就能传神,取材立意布局谋篇贯穿中国的务虚美学情结,这是与世界上其他地方的绘画、书写作品的最根本不同之处。就将国画、书法制作为十字绣作品而言,我们主张忠实于原作,力求保持国画、书法的独特神韵。于是在用布和用色、用针这三方面,国画、书法十字绣作品都与其他不同。用布,对照国画、书法原作所用纸/绢的颜色,常用blanc、ecru以及浅米色(712)、浅亚麻色(738)、浅咖啡色布。某些书法作品也可以用到红布、黑布、亮丝布等。至于用布的规格,市面上几乎全部是aida,经过实验,aida 14ct绣2股、18ct或者22ct绣单股都是很好的选择,最好不用16ct,至于25ct、28ct、32ct绣单股也有更好的表现,只是太细密绣起来比较辛苦,所以不作推荐,适应绣超细格的jms还是可以选用。16ct绣2股线的话,过线会比较紧,结果会将线磨得比较毛,影响光泽效果;而绣单股线的话呢,16ct似乎又漏底太多了,最后的效果会比较灰蒙蒙,实际是底色漏出来所致……所以不建议用16ct。11ct及更大格的绣布不可避免地造成作品粗糙,特别妨碍印章及线条的表现,所以如果不是为了应付一个"大"作品的话,不要用。用色,因为要表现国画、书法中笔墨对纸/绢的浸润,以及当时作者用笔用色的轻重缓急,再加上不同时期不同质地印章(印泥)的颜色、质感,所以作品上会形成"边缘"和"过渡"这两样东西。我们首先要将"边缘"和"过渡"与"杂色"区分开来,"杂色"是电子文件颜色配置以及一些转换软件的转色方式的缺陷形成的,表现为与周围颜色格格不入,而"边缘"位于绣区与不绣区的交接地带,是主体颜色的发散,"过渡"位于绣区的中间,大多是不同颜色之间的相互渗透或者相同颜色的轻重缓急。可以这么说,没有边缘,作品比较容易陷于突兀、生硬,没有过渡,作品则比较容易陷于呆板、没有灵气。所以国画、书法作品中,往往会需要黑色和几种深灰、深棕色来表现墨色,而不是单单黑色就行,往往需要有适当的边缘,才能表现笔墨的浸润,其他颜色也一样,一味地消除"跳针",会直接影响chinese style的感觉。


Humanities and Fine Arts course is compulsory education highly, but it is also training the students ability and ability to cultivate aesthetic qualities of a comprehensive basic course, is the primary and secondary school curriculum an important component is to carry out ideological education in primary human primary means of primary and secondary students are responsible to the overall quality of beauty and culture of In the process of promoting quality education, more and more people realize that art education to improve human thinking in an irreplaceable This paper to address the status of primary and secondary art education and how to train primary and secondary human thinking Key words: Teaching Humanities and Fine Arts thought train

Have you ever seen art show? I saw an good art show in our Now, Let me tell you something about In the September 5th to September 9th,Our school has successfully organized student art exhibition,It is held in the school Organized student art exhibition in order to show artistic achievements of students,development of school First,the schoolmaster gave a speech,then 120 pieces of painting, photography, sculpture, paper-cut on There were lots of pictures, such as watercolour paintings, traditional Chinese Some of them were so good that people in the painting looked like Through the art show, we have got some knowledges, especially we have seen something new and Art show was very successful and a good assess by teachers and


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