

发布时间:2024-07-08 11:17:45


The design of Block entitled rocker shaft technology and equipment design and CAD / CAM From Chaoyang Diesel Engine Company LThis is designed to complete the 195-seat rocker shaft diesel engine mold design, Rocker Shaft Tower card processing routes and the development process, some special fixture design Three-dimensional modeling software Pro / E into the mold of its design, including: the construction of a module with parts and blank parts of the solid model; on the part of the investment casting mold design, including sub-surface, injection system, pushing pieces of bodies, punch and die, mold base, , with engineering drawings and CAXA electronic board module to complete the mold assembly Order to develop machining technology, including process selection, process development line, the determination of machining allowance, and then calculated according to the technical point of order parameters and the appropriate technology to produce the Special milling fixture design, 2 sets of special drilling jig 1 set: the analysis, selection and design, the use of CAXA electronic drawing board to complete its work The design of the difficulties is the fixture and die, in the access to a wealth of information and very good teachers under the guidance of the final settlement of these issues, the successful completion of the


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如果是去外企面试或者申请留学,是 I was graduated from XX university, my major is Mechanic Engineering如果就在国内,给国人看的,就是:I was graduated from XX university, my major is Machanic Engineering and Automatical扩展资料机械设计制造及其自动化是研究各种工业机械装备及机电产品从设计、制造、运行控制到生产过程的企业管理的综合技术学科。培养具备机械设计制造基础知识与应用能力,能在工业生产第一线从事机械制造领域内的设计制造、科技开发、应用研究、运行管理和经营销售等方面工作的高级工程技术人才。以机械设计与制造为基础,融入计算机科学、信息技术、自动控制技术的交叉学科,主要任务是运用先进设计制造技术的理论与方法,解决现代工程领域中的复杂技术问题,以实现产品智能化的设计与制造。参考资料 百度百科机械设计制造及其自动化


Mechanical engineering, machinery and power generation with a relevant engineering Machinery and equipment industry is to provide the basis for the national economy, industry, the development of science and technology with a (This the most important and must be translated)Mechanical engineering is the science of natural science and technology based on the theory, combined with technical experience in the production practice, research and resolve in the development, design, manufacture, installation, use and repair of all machinery in the application of theoretical and practical issues (This is also very important)Mechanical engineering is the science of natural science and technology based on the theory, combined with technical experience in the production practice, research and resolve in the development, design, manufacture, installation, use and repair of all machinery in the application of theoretical and practical issues Machinery of modern society the five elements of production and services (people, money, energy, materials and machinery) of, and participation in energy and materials (This is more important)My father was in 1984 and graduated from Shandong University of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering, and then assigned to the machinery factory A child I often see him inside the factory of his work for him after work, at the time of the machine had a strong By then my father for my education, I learned that engineering profession, it is a good combination of theory and practice of professional, not only have a wealth of theoretical knowledge, but also have a strong practical ability and practical ability, to the the use of learned to do a perfect My father once said to me: "School of Engineering who not only smart, but also have superior practical " From then on, I set out to study engineering, studied mechanical Now, after these days in Shandong University, studying mechanical engineering knowledge, I have a more profound Shandong University, students of mechanical engineering education in the footsteps of Shandong University of Technology, under the premise of education, combined with the 21st century facing new situations, through a series of reforms, the formation of a unique teaching Shandong University, trained to professional students can adapt to mechanical needs of the community, promote social progress and contribute to Mechanical engineering students, and all engineering majors, not only taught by professional teachers a wealth of theoretical knowledge, as well as specific practical courses, requirements to practice engineering training In addition, one year before graduation, the school will organize the students to the factory specialized training to fully understand the actual situation, to know how to properly apply the knowledge and strengthen their ability in In addition, through these years of understanding and information through Internet I understand that China's overseas engineering students engineering education and health education is still a lot of Although with these different, but this is because different countries have different national conditions of the Every seat in the midst of the University at the same time, but also according to their national conditions to determine which specific educational programs to cultivate a real talent for the At this point, Shandong University, to do very well, mechanical professional teachers teaching the basic theoretical knowledge but also teach the most advanced knowledge, and according to China's specific national conditions and arrangements for the plan most suitable for mountain college students, so that Hill College full and comprehensive development, so that after graduation they contribute to the motherland

如果是去外企面试或者申请留学,是 I was graduated from XX university, my major is Mechanic Engineering如果就在国内,给国人看的,就是:I was graduated from XX university, my major is Machanic Engineering and Automatical扩展资料机械设计制造及其自动化是研究各种工业机械装备及机电产品从设计、制造、运行控制到生产过程的企业管理的综合技术学科。培养具备机械设计制造基础知识与应用能力,能在工业生产第一线从事机械制造领域内的设计制造、科技开发、应用研究、运行管理和经营销售等方面工作的高级工程技术人才。以机械设计与制造为基础,融入计算机科学、信息技术、自动控制技术的交叉学科,主要任务是运用先进设计制造技术的理论与方法,解决现代工程领域中的复杂技术问题,以实现产品智能化的设计与制造。参考资料 百度百科机械设计制造及其自动化

Introduction to Mechanical Engineering; an Introduction to Mechanical Engineering;

Mechanical engineering is concerned with the power of a door production engineering Machinery industry is provided for the national economy, the basic industries will be equipped with the development of science and technology and produce Most important, that must be translated)Mechanical engineering related is the natural science and technology as the theoretical basis, combining with the production practice of technical experience, research and development, design, manufacture, installation, use and repair machinery theory and practical problems in the application of (this is also very important)Mechanical engineering related is the natural science and technology as the theoretical basis, combining with the production practice of technical experience, research and development, design, manufacture, installation, use and repair machinery theory and practical problems in the application of Modern society is mechanical manufacturing and service of five factors (people, capital, energy and materials and machines), and one in energy and material The more important)My father is a 1984 and shandong college graduates, industrial and distribution to machinery factory When I was young I always see him in his factory work until he gets off work, then to have a strong interest in By my father in my later education, I learned that engineering is a need good combination of theory and practice, not only have the professional knowledge and rich theory have strong ability and practice ability, the knowledge to use perfect work to be My father once said to me, "the man must not only smart engineering, super " Since then, I have decided to study the mechanical engineering, the study of Now, after these days in shandong university study of mechanical engineering knowledge, I have a more profound Shandong university students to mechanical engineering education is in the way of education in shandong polytechnic university under the premise of the 21st century, with the new situation faced by a series of reforms, formed a unique way of Shandong university of mechanical engineering students can adapt society's demands, leading to social progress, and contribute to the The students, as well as mechanical engineering students all, not only to the teacher taught by the professional knowledge and rich practical courses, the special requirement to the engineering training center for In addition, in the year before the graduate school, students will also go to the factory organized practice, fully understand the actual situation, know how to correctly apply knowledge and strengthen their practice In addition, through years of understanding, and through the Internet search I understand that the engineering education in China and foreign born of engineering education still has many different Although these are different, but it is different countries have different conditions of the Each university in with the international standard, according to their country's national education plans to determine the specific, cultivate true for At this point, shandong university will do very well, mechanical professional teachers to teach basic theoretical knowledge and teach the most advanced knowledge of China, and according to the specific conditions of college students is most suitable for mountain arrangement plan, make mountains adequately, comprehensive university, so that they can contribute to the motherland after



I major in mechatronic


应该用majoring 如果想要表达曾经主修机械工程的话可以这么写:I am an engineer who majored in mechanical engineering



去国外的大学教授主页上找吧,一般他们都会公布自己写的论文。这上面都一些机械控制的论文,不知道是不是符合你的要求 上面那个连接随便点一个进去就是一篇论文。。。 这就是论文了 这是第二篇





mymajorismechanicalandelectronicengineering注:mechanical英[məˈkænɪkl]美[mɪˈkænɪkəl]机械的,机械学的;呆板的;体力的;手工操作的;我是哈尔滨理工大学机械动力工程学院的大三学生 iamajuniorfromschoolofmechanicalanddynamicengineering,

机械工程的翻译:Mechanical Engineering


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