

发布时间:2024-09-05 17:14:33


论文(Paper)或:dissertation(论文)或:thesis(论文)经常说的:)~English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)

gavin7991 - 举人 四级 说的很详细,但更加简洁明了的说法是:硕士论文用thesis, MA thesis (文学硕士论文),博士论文用dissertation, 学期论文或发表的文章可用paper,essay指篇幅较短小的文章,相当于作文类或散文类

他因发表了几篇有影响的论文,在学术界颇有名气He published several influential papers, is very famous in academia

在期刊上发表了论文Published a paper in the Journal—————————————————您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑;如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳;如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。——————————————————————————————————祝您生活愉快!


“论文”一词的英文表达很多,通常因场合、用处不同而有不同的表达,下面罗列了几种,请楼主斟酌一下那一种是适合自己。*dissertation(博士学位)论文,(专题)论文,学术演讲:长而正式的论文,尤指大学里由博士学位攻读者所写的论文;学位论*disquisition专题论文;专题演讲,专题讨论:关于一个论题的正式讨论,常为书面形式*thesis命题论文:尤指出于获得学位的研究需要而改进原来观点以作为研究成果的论文*discourse (学术)讨论,研讨用的论文*paper 作业形式的,为达到某一目的或效果(如学位)而写的


论文(Paper)或:dissertation(论文)或:thesis(论文)经常说的:)~English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)

在期刊上发表了论文Published a paper in the Journal—————————————————您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑;如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳;如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。——————————————————————————————————祝您生活愉快!


Should We Keep the Students in School All the Time?Hello,Wether we should keep the students in school all the time is a hot topic among educationists,teachers and Some teachers think that in order to let the students have more time for their lessons and develop their good behaviors,the schools are supposed to be sealed off,so the students can't go out and have to stay at But some teachers and the students hold a different They believe that would cause some The students will have no time for relax,doing something they like,and that would do harm to their health,as well as their To my mind,I don't think it's a good way to keep the students in school all day Students,like every one of us,need time and places for playing。Please do not keep the students in school all the time,for our students and education,


Three Days to See

一、以“如果我掌握了克隆技术”为题,写一篇作文 答:这是一篇完全开方式的作文,英语作文目前还没有这种形式。下面是小学生的作文,供参考: 假如我掌握了克隆技术,我想为人类造福,为有需要的病人克隆出他们所需的人体器官。 走进医院,病房里一位位病人痛苦地呻吟着,我挨个为他们克隆器官。第一个病人需要克隆的是心脏。我用机器查看他的心脏的基因和形状,然后在电脑中绘画出一个与他心脏一模一样的,我不由地捏了一把汗。因为心脏是所有人最关键的器官,可容不得马虎。但想想我以前做过那么多的克隆心脏手术,便对自己信心十足。   半小时后,克隆心脏完成了,接下来任务更加艰巨了,我把氧气输入体内。然后通过先进的设备将他原来的心脏与我克隆好的心脏相交换,就成功了。我松了一口气。那患者的心脏还有用,只是心脏功能退化了。所以我又通过设备将心脏储藏好,等到下一个患者需要心脏,就可以派上用场了。   真希望我能掌握克隆技术,那时我一定要实现这个伟大的理想。      二、假如你是李华,你的朋友Peter来信咨询如何学好英语,根据以下要点回信: 参加中文学习班 看中文书刊、电视 学唱中文歌曲 交中国朋友Dear Peter, I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese Here are a few First, it is important to take a Chinese course, as you’ll be able to learn from the teacher and practice with your fellow Then, it also helps to watch TV and read books, newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever Besides, it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs, because by doing so you’ll learn and remember Chinese words more You can also make more Chinese They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn C Try and write me in Chinese next Best wishesLi Hua三、假如你是李华,你的新西兰笔友Nick将于8月来四川旅游,询问景点,依要点回信: 旅游资源:许多世界著名风景名胜,如九寨沟(海子,清澈见底,色彩斑斓) 都江堰水利工程(1000多年历史仍在发挥作用) 相关信息:气候宜人,交通方便Dear Nick,First of all, allow me to extend to you my warmest Sichuan is a charming province with many places of interest, including Lyla and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System, which are among the sights of the Since they are really worthwhile to pay a visit to, I strongly recommend that you should not miss What is more, you know, the virtue of living in Sichuan is that the weather is so It will be neither too hot nor too You could even feel the sound of I believe that never in your life will be so close to experience the beauty of Besides, the very convenient transportation will bring you an extremely new You have to appreciate the progress of a city while admiring the palmy In conclusion, you will have a good time here!Sincerely yours,Lihua 上面两篇是参考范文,仅供参考。别指望会有人给你原创写三篇作文。给100元RMB或许有人会写。


在期刊上发表了论文Published a paper in the Journal—————————————————您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑;如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳;如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。——————————————————————————————————祝您生活愉快!

People have always been on language study only emphasize verbal and written However, for the language (mainly body language communication) is not so According to a US study shows that: in the emotions, attitudes exchanges, more than 90% of the information on the height and facial expressions tone, namely the language to Visible, body language in English teaching and practical communication has important So, how in elementary school English teaching effectively use body language, English teaching effect is better? In the new curriculum reform in the elementary school, English teaching task is advocated, emphasizes the role (teachers' leading role and students' subject role) If the lecture to a play, a leader of the teaching of the teacher, is the In the classroom can properly applied body language and facial expressions, gestures, such as eye contact, physical distance, worsen the classroom teaching, achieve more rich and profound silence "sound" the From the following aspects, I try to 1, the Expression of Facial Expression art (use),Here, the main means of expression facial Facial expression of the human society is a kind of ", "one of the esperanto laughter, anger, sorrow, sorrow, fear, surprised all available from reflected in facial Famous writer Roman Rowland says: "the facial expression is centuries of successful language training, is more than 100 thousands of complex mouth speaks the " Therefore, the teacher in the classroom can appear in different situation, good use of language and facial expressions can effectively adjust classroom atmosphere, improve the teaching As a teacher, the students answered questions, can make full use of wrong body language teacher, student answers: the very happy smile, peach blossom, if the student is one kind of affirmation and praise, Students answer wrong, the teacher also encourage students to smile, don't feel discouraged, and motivate yourself more Conversely, if the facial expression, can make students stiff The really important use For most students, learning English is a language that is difficult to understand, boring, So, they need the teacher in the classroom that students optimism, confidence, positive attitude, just have the special Some educators have proposed: "love smile to conquer students' " Teachers should be brought into the classroom, the smile that its maximum effect, lets the student feel learning English is fun rather than 2 class, "the second language", "use gestures (art)In the classroom, using gesture, reasonably accurate, and can be thought to express feelings, also can increase the spoken language conviction and Teaching in class, the teacher wrote in a moment with sign language to say teachers want students to participate in activities of Such as: teaching English sentences, pointing to his clothes or may contain the books, to teach "a jacket/coat/map/bag /" or "He teaching " When, 'spot "just use hands high or" lukerya ", by five fingers In addition, the simple gesture can also said "Come!" roll (a hand before, to move towards oneself and gather It), "OK!" Since (up) or doing OK gestures Such as teaching pupils "car" when driving, "when do embrace watermelon watermelon" doll ", "do embrace doll sleep These are the students feel particularly easy to understand and master, and enhance the strong interest in learning EAnyhow, gestures in body language is the fastest, most variation, the largest, and has the very rich Therefore, the teacher in the classroom instruction should sign language use proper, succinct, natural, coordination and 3 and the eye contact methods of art (are),Eyes are the Windows of the From a person's eyes, he can see the question, likes and dislikes and attitude to approve or Emerson once said: "people's eyes and say, tongue, but can not dictionary from the eyes of all understand " Visible, in facial expressions, eye can speak the word, and to express feelings and The teacher in the classroom, with good eye artistry for auxiliary teaching, improve the teaching First, the teacher can students from the expression and change, see his teaching effect, differentiate students For example, students in the class aimlessly from staring at the ceiling or window, it shows that glared they change their minds, FeiYan whispered, dark, they found that flaw or teacher speak wrong, Eyes flash, the joy that sudden Visible, students in the China contemporary famous teachers SiXia emphasises attention to students' Teachers should know the real thing in the eyes, improving How to see students look act? Teachers in the lectures, with eyes looking at the classroom, enables the student to feel you in his lecture, arouse their participation, individual students listen carefully, also can not by this around, remind him, urging him to listen carefully and In addition, local focus for the students to carefully to find their psychological research, teaching effect can be inspired and encourage students to speak boldly, break the ice phenomenon classroom questioning, more important can stop part or individual distracted or As a student in class, the teacher carefully with eyes stared at him with eyes, the stern, will make his If the teacher has a pair of eyes, will speak different class Applications will look to art education really helps a 4, physical distance of the body (distance) using art,Interpersonal distance has information meaning, is also a kind of silent posture Teaching in class, the teacher in the classroom, the students in different locations, with due to different psychological feeling, produce different Studies have shown that when the teacher standing in 2-5 metres away from students, can produce a kind of control effect, if a student does not listen to or improper behaviors, teachers treat this behavior, as long as the students began to express the intention, and will make the students' improper behavior is changing English class, the teacher voice, go down the platform, enter the "space" student, can control the classroom, found and corrected students' pronunciation, intonation, make classroom becomes As a student in the clouds, when the teacher voice when approached him, he will be When did the teacher, the dictation, while appropriate moving, can cause student's attention, arouse their positive If teachers and students from 4-5 meters, perhaps to produce the Some teachers have repeatedly said, electricity from the podium (4-5 metres students in a small class) the classroom without good Visible, pay attention to distance in the classroom, can get good teaching Anyhow, in foreign language teaching, nonverbal communication means nots allow to In the teaching of English in primary schools, teachers, and natural coordinate accurately to use body language, can help to enhance teachers, teaching organization, activate students feelings, emotions, outstanding teaching to improve teaching Therefore, in the primary school English teaching, the teacher should consciously will nonverbal communication methods used to rise, "YaYu" effect, with silence, optimization and sound service for English teaching


翻译:have published some papers in the journal【详释】在期刊上:in the journal,地点状语放在句尾发表了:have published,谓语动词,根据语境用了现在进行时论文:(some) papers,宾语,英语语言习惯加上some,也可以用a paper表示单一的论文。


翻译:have published some papers in the journal【详释】在期刊上:in the journal,地点状语放在句尾发表了:have published,谓语动词,根据语境用了现在进行时论文:(some) papers,宾语,英语语言习惯加上some,也可以用a paper表示单一的论文。

推荐用一般过去式(时) I published the paper/article/essay(推荐前2者) entitled(提名为) *** in the journal/periodical(2选1) *** 其中,两部分***都需斜体表示(张伶俐无法显示) 供参



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