

发布时间:2024-07-08 00:38:05



回答 你好,首先,计算机专科毕业论文的题目选择空间还是比较多的,例如云计算、互联网、人工智能、区块链、Web开发、移动互联开发、信息安全、新媒体等诸多方向。在选择具体方向和题目时,要结合自己专科期间的主攻方向,以及未来的发展规划。其次,针对老师与学长的选题,你可以优先考虑老师的选题。因为老师会负责给你做论文指导,选择老师给定的选题更能获得老师的认可。也可以优先考虑自己熟悉的或者对选题内容较为擅长的题目进行写作。 相关论文题目参考如下:人工智能方向选题:1人工智能在辅助医疗领域现状与未来发展趋势概述2人工智能技术在供电领域的创新应用分析3探讨人工智能在计算机网络技术中的应用4浅析人工智能在航天中的应用5探究计算机网络技术中人工智能的应用6试论人工智能技术对计算机网络技术的影响及应用7浅析人工智能核心技术在交通领域的应用

学术堂提供了十五个新颖的计算机毕业论文题目,希望能帮助大家:  1、基于特征提取的图像质量评价及计算机辅助诊断  2、多功能体育馆音质控制计算机仿真实例对比研究  3、中职计算机应用基础课游戏化学习软件的设计研究  4、基于图像的计算机物体识别研究  5、中职计算机生态课堂高效教学策略的实践性研究  6、基于计算机视觉的胶囊缺陷检测系统的设计与实现  7、计算机网络信息安全风险评估标准与方法研究  8、基于计算机视觉的表面缺陷检测及应用  9、擦窗机伸缩臂计算机辅助设计系统研究  10、基于乳腺癌计算机辅助诊断的病理图像分析  11、面向创新创业的民办高校计算机基础课程教学改革研究  12、中职学校计算机类课程作业提交与评价系统研究  13、基于物联网的计算机监控系统设计与开发  14、基于计算机视觉的皮革测配色研究  15、基于计算机视觉的杂草种子鉴别



其实越难的在答辩的时候很多老师不会,他们就不会问你一些问题。。因为他们也不懂。。只有你的指导老师懂的多一些。这样只要你好好看看,多了解了解,也是能过的。 你好,针对于前两个题目,个人是学网络的,所以相对来说做点网络的题目,对自己以后的发展等等也是比较有用的。第三个题目比较常见,做个系统什么的是好多大学里面提供的题目,感觉在别的课程学习的过程中也应该涉及到过。对于第四个题目就比较难了,数据挖掘技术估计你在学习过程中也应该没有涉及过。具体选择什么请结合自己的专业、喜好选择。希望对你有帮助。

-_-! 想的很是美美,英语论文就算了,随便找找,还得翻译中文哇天下没那等没事哟~ 祝福LZ呢~


来自百度:DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING PROJECTKEY WORDS: GIS,Design,Analysis,Application,Management,ProductionABSTRACT:With the development of photogrammetry and spatial information sciences, we have found many new methods to solve the technical problem in surveying and mapping But there is a little research on the project Traditional management method is complex and time- Now, we need use new technique to improve the management method for enhancing management Taking “National Western Surveying and Mapping Project on 1:50000 Topological Maps Blank Area” as an example, this paper focus on production planning The project is remarkable, not only the task and extent is tremendous, but also the staff and stuff are The Blank Area has atrocious weather and extreme All of the conditions increase the project management For reasonable planning and logical budget, we designed and realized a production planning management system to give the decision support to the This paper studies the system’s requirement analysis, system structure and function in INTRODUCTIONNowadays, Geographical Information Systems(GIS) are powerful and useful as means of information, visualization and research tools(Quan Bao,2004) Most GIS software is more suited to providing limited types of output than as a tool to support, at anything other than a superficial level, tactical or strategic decision-making To improve the usefulness of GIS as a decision support tool, two needs are First, decision-makers require methods that allow them to easily select alternatives across a number of relevant Second, it is necessary to explicitly recognize that most decision-making processes involve multiple Since problem solving id often characterized by multiple and conflicting objectives, methods that contribute toward more a completely aiding decision system are



学术堂整理了十五个好写的计算机科学与技术专业毕业论文题目供大家进行参考:  1、多媒体课件开发工具对比研究  2、信息技术教学方法研究  3、中小学信息技术课程标准研究  4、网络环境下教学评价系统研究  5、利用网络技术支持课堂教学改革  6、网络环境下教与学的研究与实现  7、小学信息技术课程教学内容与方法探讨  8、基于FLASH的多媒体课件设计与开发  9、中学信息技术教育对学生文化素养的影响现状与对策  10、新课程改革下中学信息技术课改情况调查分析  11、信息技术环境下的教师素质和能力、角色与地位  12、信息技术与课程整合的研究  13、中学新课程对信息技术教师的素质要求研究  14、多媒体课件或网络课件制作  15、多媒体教学软件的设计与制作

议论文中心论点的确立应遵循四个原则——准、深、稳、新。 “准”包括审题的准确性和文章思想的正确性。准确性是指能吃透题目或所提供的材料,毫无差错地把握旨意;正确性是指观点要鲜明,提倡什么,反对什么,不用含糊,要符合马列主义原理和审美情趣。如94年高考作文《尝试》,有的同学写自己在上学途中,被汽车撞伤,在医院接受治疗,尝试痛苦;有的同学写外祖母去世。这些都没有能够审清题旨,因为自己被汽车撞伤或者外祖母去世都是不能“有计划,有目的”地“主动”安排的,这就是审题不准确。同是这个作文题,有些同学不理解尝试的积极意义,忽视了立意的思想性,甚至格调低下,如写尝试吸烟,尝试去做小偷,尝试谈恋爱等等,这些尝试的内容即使是真实的,但因为不符合我们的审美情趣,因而文章几乎都是三、四类卷。 “深”就是要能全面驾驭题目或材料,多角度剖析和思考,能透过现象触及到问题的实质,深入挖掘其中蕴涵的思想意义。如下面这一则材料: “宋元之际,世道纷乱。学者许衡外出,因天气炎热,口渴难忍。路边正好有一棵梨树,行人都去摘梨,惟独许衡不为所动。有人便问:‘何不摘梨以解渴?’他回答:‘不是自己的梨,岂能乱摘?’那人笑其迂腐:‘世道这样乱,管他是谁的梨。’许衡正色道:‘梨虽无主,我心有主。’”就这则材料,有的同学立意为“不能拿别人的东西”,这个观点就显得比较稚嫩,而比较准确的观点应是“应加强自身的品德修养”。再如下面的材料:“驴子驮着盐渡过一条河。它滑了一下,跌倒在水里,盐溶化了,驴子站起来时轻了许多,这使它非常高兴。后来有一天,它背了一袋棉花走到一条河边,便故意一滑,跌倒了水里。可是它再也没有站起来。”就这个材料,有的同学立意为“偷懒要不得”,这个观点实在是太肤浅了,距离材料的实质“具体问题要具体分析”,还有很远。 “稳”是指要严格按照要求作文,不要过分“标新立异”,要平稳地把握材料的中心,否则就会弄巧成拙。如下面的一则材料:“东汉时有一少年名叫陈蕃,独居一室而庭院龌龊不堪。他父亲的朋友薛勤见状批评说:‘孺子何不洒扫以待宾客?’他回答说:‘大丈夫处世,当扫除天下,安事一屋?’”这则材料对人物的褒贬态度十分明确,材料的立意应该是“要从小事做起”。但就有同学反其道而行之,立意为“成大事何必顾及细枝末节”。这个观点就有点危险了。我们在分析题目或材料的时候,要尽量顺向思维,在考试作文中,尤其要强调这一点,因为逆向思维不易把握,还是求稳为好。 “新”是指不人云亦云,亦步亦趋,能言人之未曾言,发人之未曾发,有自己独特的思考和见解。如95年高考作文就《鸟的评说》写一篇议论文,南京市的一位考生在《换一种眼光》的文章中,作者选择了一个全新的视角展开了论述,分析鸟儿为什么不能正确对待自己,也不能正确对待别的鸟,是因为思维方式的片面性,不能全面地看问题。看问题的立场、角度不同,就会作出截然不同的评价。所以要“换一种眼光”,这样才能克服“形而上学”。这篇文章的视角、立意方式与其他同学相比,就高了一筹。满意请采纳



来自百度:DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING PROJECTKEY WORDS: GIS,Design,Analysis,Application,Management,ProductionABSTRACT:With the development of photogrammetry and spatial information sciences, we have found many new methods to solve the technical problem in surveying and mapping But there is a little research on the project Traditional management method is complex and time- Now, we need use new technique to improve the management method for enhancing management Taking “National Western Surveying and Mapping Project on 1:50000 Topological Maps Blank Area” as an example, this paper focus on production planning The project is remarkable, not only the task and extent is tremendous, but also the staff and stuff are The Blank Area has atrocious weather and extreme All of the conditions increase the project management For reasonable planning and logical budget, we designed and realized a production planning management system to give the decision support to the This paper studies the system’s requirement analysis, system structure and function in INTRODUCTIONNowadays, Geographical Information Systems(GIS) are powerful and useful as means of information, visualization and research tools(Quan Bao,2004) Most GIS software is more suited to providing limited types of output than as a tool to support, at anything other than a superficial level, tactical or strategic decision-making To improve the usefulness of GIS as a decision support tool, two needs are First, decision-makers require methods that allow them to easily select alternatives across a number of relevant Second, it is necessary to explicitly recognize that most decision-making processes involve multiple Since problem solving id often characterized by multiple and conflicting objectives, methods that contribute toward more a completely aiding decision system are


Information literacy Knowing how to find data from several sources, select relevant material, analyse and organise it into a form that can be used to make Computers have become the tools people use to access and manage Information technologists are people who analyse and design the What is a computer? Tradition definitions of computers include • A machine that accepts data and processes it into use • A computer is a binary, digital, electronic, stored program • While a computer is commonly a digital machine, analogue machine do An electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory unit, that can accept data (input), process data arithmetically and logically, produce results (output) from the processing and stores results for future Many computers receive and send data (communicate) across networks LAN and W A computer system consists of hardware and What is hardware? Hardware Hardware is physical devices or components that can be physically handled – you can thou Input Devices Input devices convert data that humans collect into coded electrical signals that a computer can The central processing unit The electronic processing takes place in the CPU The CPU consists of • A control unit that controls all of the computer’s functions and an • Arithmetic and logical unit (ALU) that performs any calculation Memory Memory holds all programs and What is RAM currently open? Data (notes) Word processor OS Output devices Output devices convert the computer’s electronic signals back into information Secondary storage devices These devices store programs and data The programs and data are not necessarily (or likely to be) in current E DVD CD Communication devices These devices enable a computer to connect to another List the six different type of hardware? Secondary storage(external), input, processor, output , memory, C Name eight pieces of hardware USB, keyboard, monitor, screen, RAM, ROM, VDU, M The system unit and peripheral devices The system unit is the computer Peripheral devices are any devices around the outside, or in other words, plugged into the (back of) the Peripheral devices include the key board, mouse, printer, joy stick and Peripheral devices are any devices around the outside, or in other words, plugged into the (back of) the Peripheral devices include the keyboard, mouse, printer, joy stick and What else does a computer have? Software Software is a computer program ,which is a detailed set of instructions that directs a computer to perform the tasks necessary to process data into These instructions are written in languages that computer can Software includes computer games, a word processing packing, an accounting package, amongst Definition of a computer system • A computer system is the configuration of hardware and software, functioning together, to process data into useful information, in order to achieve a purpose for a human What is data? • Data is raw facts, be they numbers, words, images and sounds, that can be input into a Mary a name is a piece of data What is information? • Information is processed data, that has meaning and is John is a list of names who scored an A grade on an exam John A Chai A Pam A Commodore $23 500 Magna $21 500 Falcon $19 800 The system unit contains the • Motherboard • CPU • Memory • Other electronics It is where the computer program instructions are executed and the data is manipulatedThe Processor CPU The CPU interprets and carries out basic instructions that operate the computer, the CPU contain the • Control unit and the • Arithmetic logic unit Control unit The control unit directs and coordinates the computer’s For every single instruction, the control unit repeats four basic operations, • Fetching • Decoding • Executing • Storing CPU speed The CPU’s speed may be measured in MIPS The number of millions of instructions per second Arithmetic/logic unit The ALU performs all calculations, which involve • Arithmetic operations 2+3 • Comparison operations age>=17 • Logical operations pass Processing instructions A CPU may begin executing a second machine cycle before completing the first-referred to as Current CPU’s can pipeline up to 4 Storage within the CPU Registers temporarily hold data and The computer’s clock A System clock is necessary to control the timing of all computer Each tick of the clock is referred to as a clock Clock speed is the speed at which a processor executes A hertz is one cycle per second and a megahertz is 1024 by1024 and a gigahertz is 1024 by 1024 Memory Memory is the temporary storage place for data and (program) Memory is measured in • Kilobytes 1024 bytes 2^10 • Megabytes 1024* 1024 bytes 2^20 • Gigabytes 1024*1024*1024 bytes 2^30 Representation of data Digital computers are built from many small electronic Each circuit, at any point of time can be turned OFF or ON Hence these devices are called two state Binary Digit 0and 1 Each off or on digital value is called a bit, short for binary A 1 bit computer would be able to distinguish between two values-characters, symbols or Hardly sufficient for the characters on the keyboard Bits Characters 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 8 256




The computer is a wonderful It has a lot of Today most computers have a That means information can be stored in it and be taken out any time So computers are used a great deal in many Computers are being made kinds of They can be used in doing business work smaller and cheaper while at the same time they have been made easier for Computers have worked faster and faster Computers can do many in science research work, in science of medicine, in some large factories; and even in our daily People also have been buying hone computers to plat computer games at They have become very popular


The influence of the computerNowaday, the computer is widely use in our daily Firstly,we can store many information in itand have no need to carry many Secondly,with the help of the programmer, the computer can deal with many dangerous Thirdly,The robot of artificial intelligence is human good The above is the advantage of the computer,but it also have some Easyly leakage of personal information, privacy will no longer The abuse of the hightechnoligy will make some dangerous In my opinion,to some extent, the advantages outweigh the If we can use the computer correctly, it can helps to know many creative 希望能帮到你。相信我的能力,我过了英语六级的。哈哈


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