

发布时间:2024-07-08 13:49:13



MY FAVOURITE CITY My favourite city is Changsha,I was born in changsha,where their is very beautiful and with the devolopment of people's living standars,it's becoming increasingly important to live in a comfortable city ,don't Changsha is the best one let me introduce it for you first,there are too much delicious food in the second,people there is very pretty hird,the weather is comfortable ,nither too hot nor too so ,I like changsha very very

What the life in big cities is like there are different point of Firstly,living in big cities can enjoy many things which can't be found in towns or It is very convenient for us to travel through subway to wherever we go in a big city like Shanghai,without walking long What is more,there are other much facility existing in big cities such as banking service,complete inrastructure,modern splendid Secondly,on the other side of urban life,dissatisfaction still As private cars are growing in big cities,the environment is getting worse day by day with more gas emission into the air and uncomfortable noise around resident's In addition, the survival in big cities has become a pressing issue as housing prices have been skyrocketing remarkably,employment market intense and more pressure on urban At last, with my observation,we ought to seek joy,positive side of big cities while making constant struggle to improve ourselves to better our


What the life in big cities is like there are different point of Firstly,living in big cities can enjoy many things which can't be found in towns or It is very convenient for us to travel through subway to wherever we go in a big city like Shanghai,without walking long What is more,there are other much facility existing in big cities such as banking service,complete inrastructure,modern splendid Secondly,on the other side of urban life,dissatisfaction still As private cars are growing in big cities,the environment is getting worse day by day with more gas emission into the air and uncomfortable noise around resident's In addition, the survival in big cities has become a pressing issue as housing prices have been skyrocketing remarkably,employment market intense and more pressure on urban At last, with my observation,we ought to seek joy,positive side of big cities while making constant struggle to improve ourselves to better our

City life Nowadays ,more and more people pour into cities to pursue exciting life they expected Without doubt ,in cities ,especially in coastal cities ,living standard is superior You may enjoy many convenient facilities in nearly every aspect ,from living to recreation However ,every coin has 2 sides With time going by ,social problems arise ,such as ,air pollution ,traffic jam ,heavy pressure ect,which get worse and worse Under such circumstance ,some reconsider their choices ,that is ,they woule like to transfer to where the living pressure is less Indeed ,if you want to challenge yourself ,modern cities will offer you a splendid stage No matter whether you succeed or fail , you won't regret what you devote



Settlements Ecological Ereas Design Abstract : ecological habitat areas through adjustment of ecological environment ecosystems and ecological factors, the area has become a natural ecology and human ecology, natural and artificial environment, a high degree of unity of material and spiritual civilizations, the ideals of sustainable development of urban Ecological areas of space rational structure, improving infrastructure, ecological construction, intelligent buildings and building life should be widely Use artificial environment and the natural environment It is consistent with urban planning and regional planning, and regional and urban harmony, is part of the ecological city, the host city and embodies Key word: Ecological house design 1 The ecological characteristics of small content Ecological habitat areas through adjustment of ecological environment ecosystems and ecological factors, the area has become a natural ecology and human ecology, natural and artificial environment, a high degree of unity of material and spiritual civilizations, the ideals of sustainable development of urban Ecological areas of space rational structure, improving infrastructure, ecological construction, the widespread application of smart buildings and the construction of life, artificial environment and the natural environment It is consistent with urban planning and regional planning, and regional and urban harmony, is part of the ecological city, the host city and embodies Compared with the traditional areas of ecological areas was essentially different from the following features: cohesion D symbiotic ecological areas within the natural and human, human to natural, intimate nature, natural into the residential areas into natural; At the same time, to create the environment to meet human needs of their own development, a human face, full of strong cultural atmosphere, mutual assistance groups have strong attractive, showing a prosperous, vigor and Area D ecological sustainability guided by sustainable development, and thus it can achieve small social, economic and environmental development, to achieve social and environmental benefits at the same time promoting economic development, and achieve rapid economic growth of high quality; Natural resources as a small public area can be used for a long, long Area D is not simply the pursuit of the overall ecological environment or Own prosperity, but also a social, economic, environmental overall coordination among development, nor is a small ecologicalization the ecologicalization, but overall the area of ecological and achieve overall ecological Therefore, the ecological residential building our cities will gradually change the current building environmental pollution, lack of effective environmental protection unreasonable status quo and achieve energy savings, and section, water conservation, pollution, and the effective management of the property to improve the environment of cities and areas have their own powerful 2 Ecological planning content areas (1) Ecological district planning objectives UN Man and the Biosphere Programme N 57 report pointed out: "It is natural ecological planning ecological and social psychological aspects of the two to create a fully integrated technology and natural human activity optimal environment induced human creativity and productivity in high material and cultural standard of "According to this description, We ecological areas can be understood as planning objectives : to ecology "as a whole, coordination, circulation, renewable" principle as a guide, through the promotion of eco-design methodology Habitat improvement of the quality of the environment and people in harmony with the natural, artificial and natural facilities coordination, and achieve small social-economic-natural complex system as a whole to achieve a coordinated and stable, balanced, orderly state of (2) ecological district planning methods The use of eco laws aiming at sustainable development, to engineering measures and technical means to support the traditional sense small design planning to become a real estate ecological areas to areas of ecological civilization advance the sustainable development of (3) the content of the ecological area planning Including small ecological planning, economic planning and social ecological ecological 1, ecological planning! Green indicators: The indicators are measured Ecological district level building the most important Green belts (including node and surface) to more than 50%, the per capita public green spaces in more than 28 square Ground water indicators : indicators that the water seepage capacity building bases to minimize concrete coverage, the use of natural drainage systems to facilitate rainwater infiltration, the ideal target is 80% of the surface area of flooding to Water-saving targets the targets for the development of alternative water resources (revenue) and the provincial water apparatus use (cut), as the main water-saving The former refers to the design of residential buildings or use force rain water purification system design, which means that rain, life-pooling processed, the required water quality standards, duplication in the use of non-potable water and non-physical contact with the complex Energy conservation targets : to design energy-efficient buildings through air-conditioning systems, lighting, night-ray use, the use of solar energy and other CO2 and waste reduction targets : the application of indicators to encourage Qinglianghua architectural structures, such as the use of steel construction to reduce construction sand Stone, brick and other building materials; Promote home simple interior designers, building materials recycling to achieve energy conservation, provincial resources, reduce waste and reduce carbon dioxide Sewage treatment indicators: the former for construction of storm water, sewage diversion pipeline systems, on the one hand facilitate the recycling of rainwater, on the other hand, could reduce the volume of sewage The latter refers to refuse collection and classification of resources Green traffic indicators: a clean, suitable for the urban environment, health useful means of transport to complete socio-economic According to Taiwan with the use of green transport assessment, foot, bicycle, Light Rail, trams, score 40 or more, and ordinary buses, trucks, motorcycles, scored in the following Therefore, ecological areas green transport planning should encourage residents to use green 2, economic ecological planning! The overall objective is to resource consumption and environmental pollution to the light of the rapid economic growth and cultivating scientific civilization consumption For this purpose, the application of green technology and green consumption production technology, and gradually change the energy structure, accelerate renewable energy alternative to fossil energy, applications hydropower, wind, biomass, solar and other green energy; Using natural ventilation and natural lighting and reduce energy consumption; In the area of production of green, green 3, the social ecology planning to enhance the sense of belonging and a small landmark, a center of the square and the charm of the inhabitants frog space; Supporting the establishment of complete, rationally ecological infrastructure, the creation of various age groups to facilitate crowd living environment; Area provide diversity, individuality residential, to ensure that all economic income people and people of various age levels demand; small commercial activities, public services, cultural activities, recreational activities, the center concentrated In short, ecological planning of new residential areas is a concept and a vision for the future of urban targets will be the ideal leisure parks and sustainable urban development trend of the future residential It is a magnificent building integrated engineering; we need long-term and unremitting 3、The ecological residential contents Ecological residential has a strict technical standard, developers can not arbitrarily self- Ecological residential demand in the energy and water, gas, sound, light, heat and the green environment, waste disposal, building materials and other aspects of the nine national 1, in the energy system, should avoid multiple pipelines into people's homes, the wall structure of residential energy-efficient design and reversal system and encourage the use of solar, wind, geothermal, maintaining appropriate indoor temperature, indoor temperature in the 2, the system called for the establishment of outdoor aquatic environment sewage reuse rainwater collection system and use the system, indoor and outdoor use of water saving devices, the use of water-saving landscape water 3, gas environment to the secondary system for the outdoor air quality standards, indoor ensure natural ventilation, ventilation ventilation facilities with bathrooms, kitchens have gas emission concentration system to the larger national air quality 4, sound environmental systems, Architectural designs have noise Jiangzao measures for outdoor daytime noise 50dB, less than 40dB noise at night, less than 35dB noise indoor day, night noise less than 30 dB5, optical environmental systems meet the requirements of interior design sunshine hours, try using natural light; indoor, avoid light pollution, such as glare advertising, curtain walls; indoor application of energy-saving lamps, and promote the use of solar green 6, ecological residential use has also requested approval of the National Environment Commission approved the award of the environment and surrounded by the signs of building materials to meet the non-toxic, harmless, non-polluting, non-radioactive, non-volatile requirements, the use of 3R (reusable, recyclable use, renewable use) Small green environment is an important theme of ecological residential, while living in the garbage disposal is a major part of a For residential ecology, ecological areas of life to the full bag of garbage collection, enclosed containers stored the collection rate 100% classification rate of 50%4、The types and characteristics of the ecological residential (a) the type of ecological residential 1, ecological residential categories : main advocate for the arts in origin, the maximum residential development ecological functional art, and art to such convergence of ecological art to be created as residential to create, whether such residential look from the outside or from within is a piece of 2, ecological wisdom categories: ecological wisdom mainly to highlight various features to maximize residential Any person living on possible devices capable of providing intelligent services have been placed in the appropriate part, the owner can rely on imagination and simple operation can achieve a special 3, in addition to other types of more! Species, there are eco-religious groups, lived a primitive tribal group, and some of the ecological category, ecological deficit tribunal Residential (2) the ecological health of the residential characteristics Ecological residential called "health " Not only ecological residential green, and from the planning point of view, the overall ecological area layout, monomer space portfolio, housing construction, natural energy use, energy efficiency measures, green systems and life support services in the design, must be to improve and enhance the ecological environment, the quality of life as a starting point and the Moreover, in actual design, layout on the green level, style and building mutual shine; Focus on different aspects of the complementary integration of plants, such as, inter ordinary plants, flowers and trees to watch, leafy trees, edible fruit trees, medicinal and aromatic plants cultivation; Green throughout the area to play while the other deeper ecological role, such as insulation, wind-proof, dust-proof and anti-noise, the elimination of poison material, adult bacterial virus, or even elimination from the visual sensory and mental fatigue, psychological And the housing construction, will consider the ecological and social ecology needs to save energy, to occupants of natural space and interpersonal Ecological residential to health Real estate not to sell land for the ultimate goal, nor is selling steel, cement house for the ultimate purpose is not to sell the concept and the environment as the ultimate goal, but to create a line with the development of human society and human needs of a healthy and civilized new home for the final It can be said that real estate is selling a lifestyle, a subculture is sold, the sale of a new society and a new Owners as a community, to really enjoy the community healthy and civilized new life, is not only reflected in the design of the real estate business, not only in the real estate area matching hardware facilities, but on community service software, people really enjoy the physical and mental This is a healthy and civilized into the 5、Ecological design and construction of residential Since China's reform and opening up, economic development has made remarkable achievements, but at the same time was accompanied by a waste of resources and environmental Since the backward production technologies, our average construction energy is developed 2~3 times, pollution was also very serious, our cities were the World Health Organization as a "serious pollution" in Real estate development and use of a large consumption of resources, produce large quantities of industrial To people hygiene, health, comfortable living, and environmental protection must be put in an important (1) The full use of solar energy Solar energy is the most important green energy is inexhaustible, widespread natural energy, and its advantage is extremely rich, clean, safe and Currently, the use of solar energy in residential areas, there are three main areas : solar water heaters, solar air conditioning and solar According to information on, for the installation of a 300 year by the solar hot water massage central hot water system will require an investment of about 15 million, the annual energy cost about 80,000 yuan, 2a can recover the full investment, and solar water heating systems for 15~20a useful life, then the costs of energy-saving equipment on the high 100~140 In recent decades, many countries are active in research, development, the use of solar energy, and achieved encouraging The most notable of which Australia and Israel, the prevalence of solar water heaters are 30% and 50% Our research and development of solar late, and achieved certain results, but only about 6% coverage, and development is uneven and more concentrated in the western region, the highest rate of Yunnan, 10% My solar abundant sunshine hours for 2500h years, the region accounted for more than 2/3 land area, some areas up to This use of solar energy for the development of our country provided a good With scientific and technological progress, the scope will be broader use of solar energy and energy conversion efficiency will be (2) rational use of water resources My country is a lack of water in some places, on the one hand, serious water shortages, on the other hand, Water is the key measures or "" Residents primarily drinking water consumption and use, including restaurants use about 5% of total consumption, while the remaining 95% for washing, In the residential area, according to applications of A, B two water A system specifically for drinking water (including milk, river, village, cooking) The system must be consistent with the water clean water drinking water B system exclusively for the use of The water system should be Household will tell, laundry, water and roofing rain, the ground water within a reservoir, filtration, purification, decontamination of physical, chemical processing, and then imported household "use water" for washing, car washing, forestation, features, flushing, sewage and other Water cycle use of the system can save a lot of (3) Planning for with the fast-paced economic development, land resources have Residential areas on the section to the problem, from three aspects 1, the volume of control at a reasonable level, not lower ;2, garage or into the overhead to the construction of three-dimensional multi-storey car park or underground, semi-underground car park ;3, with the section from the energy into two factors, are advised to the construction of multi-storey and high-level incomparable data small apartment, control building door independence households alone villa, particularly yard, beautiful landscape "auspicious treasure-house" should not build luxury villas and private gardens for a handful of people enjoy, and the construction of small parks and other public facilities should be for public (4) strong rectification, the promotion of environmental protection Housing construction and use of the existence of environmental Contaminated environment harms human health, which is well known On the environmental pollution problems in the past only to "waste" (waste, emissions, waste residue) pollution, and now increased pollution and light pollution and sound This is the realistic There are problems that electromagnetic With the improvement of people's living conditions, household appliances and usage is also increasing coverage, electromagnetic pollution has emerged, and the growing The content of this proposal into water plans and 6、Concluding remarks China Environmental Sciences Professor Xia Qing, a real sense of ecological residential areas should be from the design, construction until use, abandoned throughout the life cycle are harmless to the environment, not simply of little Because many of the latest technologies and building materials to be used, in order to build refuse and water treatment devices, the general real estate developers simply can not Now these may be environmental residential advance, but it is our residential development

Cities Now Home to More Than Half of All People Over half the world's people now live in The latest "Global Report on Human Settlements" says the historic change took place last The report came out this week from UN Habitat, a United Nations A century ago, less than 5% of all people lived in By the middle of this century it could be 70% , or almost 6,500,000,000 Already 3/4 of people in developed countries live in Now most urban population growth is in the developing Urbanization can lead to social and economic progress, but also pressure on cities to provide housing and The new report says almost 200,000 people move into cities and towns each It says worsening inequalities, driven by social divisions and differences in wealth, could lead to violence unless cities plan Another issue is urban This is where cities expand into rural areas, sometimes at a much faster rate than urban population Sprawl is common in the United S Americans move a In a recent study, Art Hall at the University of Kansas found that people are moving away from the major cities to smaller He sees a trend toward "de-urbanization" across A But urban economies still provide possibilities that rural areas do 城市人口过半 如今世界过半数人口都居住在城市。据最新一份“全球人居报告”显示,在去年这一情况发生了巨大变化。联合国人居机构在本周发布了这项报告。 一个世纪前,全球城市人口不足5%到本世纪中叶,城市人口可能上升至70%,约有65亿人。发达国家现有四分之三的人口为城市人口。现在,大多数城市人口增长发生在发展中国家。 城市化推动了社会和经济的向前发展,但同时也增加了城市提供住房和服务的压力。据这份最新报告显示,每天约有20万人口向城镇转移。报告也同时指出,除非城市能有更好的规划,否则日益严重的不平等,社会分工以及贫富差距,均有可能导致暴力的发生。 另一个问题就是城市的扩张。城市向乡村地区扩张的速度有时候甚至比城市人口增长速度更为惊人。 这一现象在美国很普遍。美国搬迁的人数众多。卡萨斯州大学的阿特。霍尔在其最新研究中发现,人们正在从大城市搬迁至小城市。他将这称之为美国的“逆城市化”趋势。 但是城市经济仍然可以提供农村地区不能提供的可能性。

关于罗马的关于伦敦的London, capital of Great Britain, SE England, on both sides of the Thames R Greater London (1991 6,378,600), 620 sq mi (1,610 sq km), consists of the Corporation of the City of London (1991 4,000), usually called the City, plus 32 The City is the old city of London and is the modern city's commercial center; it is also referred to as the “Square Mile” because of its The 12 inner boroughs that surround the City are Westminster, Camden, Islington, Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Greenwich, Lewisham, Southwark, Lambeth, Wandsworth, Hammersmith and Fulham, Kensington and C The 20 outer boroughs are Waltham Forest, Redbridge, Havering, Barking and Dagenham, Newham, Bexley, Bromley, Croydon, Sutton, Merton, Kingston upon Thames, Richmond upon Thames, Hounslow, Hillingdon, Ealing, Brent, Harrow, Barnet, Haringey, and E Greater London includes the area of the former county of London, most of the former county of Middlesex, and areas that were formerly in Surrey, Kent, Essex, and H Each of the boroughs of Greater London elects a The Greater London Council administered the larger London area until 1986, when it was abolished by the Thatcher government, making London unique as a world metropolis without a central governing In 1999 the Greater London Authority Act reestablished a single local governing body for the Greater London area, consisting of an elected mayor and the London A Elections were held in 2000, and Ken Livingstone became London's first elected Economy London is one of the world's foremost financial, commercial, industrial, and cultural The Bank of England, Lloyd's, the stock exchange, and numerous other banks and investment companies have their headquarters there, primarily in the City, but increasingly at Canary W The financial services sector is a major source of overall employment in L London still remains one of the world's greatest It exports manufactured goods and imports petroleum, tea, wool, raw sugar, timber, butter, metals, and Consumer goods, clothing, precision instruments, jewelry, and stationery are produced, but manufacturing has lost a number of jobs in the once-dominant textile, furniture, printing, and chemical-processing industries as firms have moved outside the Engineering and scientific research are also important to the economy, as is The city is a hub for road, rail, and air (its airports include Heathrow and Gatwick), and it is now linked to the Continent by a high-speed rail line under the English C Points of Interest The best-known streets of London are Fleet Street, the Strand, Piccadilly, Whitehall, Pall Mall, Downing Street, and Lombard S Bond and Regent streets and Covent Garden are noted for their Buckingham Palace is the royal family's London Municipal parks include Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, Regent's Park (which houses the London Zoo), and S James's and Green Museums include the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the National Gallery, the Tate Gallery, the Wallace Collection, the Institute of Contemporary Art, and the Saachi G London also has numerous commercial art galleries and plays a major role in the international art The British Library, one of the world's great reference resources, is located in L The city is rich in other artistic and cultural Its approximately 100 theater companies reflect the importance of drama, and it has several world-class orchestras, a well-known opera house, performance halls, and A working replica of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre opened in The U of London is the largest in Great Britain, and there are other universities and colleges in the The state-owned BBC (British Broadcasting Company) is headquartered in London, and most of the country's national newspapers are published The New Scotland Yard, synonymous with criminal investigation, is located in the Sporting events draw large support from Londoners who follow cricket, soccer (at Wimbley Stadium), and tennis (including the Wimbledon championship) History Little is known of London prior to AD 61, when, according to the Roman historian Tacitus, the followers of Queen Boadicea rebelled and slaughtered the inhabitants of the Roman fort L Roman authority was soon restored, and the first city walls were built, remnants of which still After the final withdrawal of the Roman legions in the 5th , London was lost in Celts, Saxons, and Danes contested the general area, and it was not until 886 that London again emerged as an important town under the firm control of King Alfred, who rebuilt the defenses against the Danes and gave the city a London put up some resistance to William I in 1066, but he subsequently treated the city During his reign the White Tower, the nucleus of the Tower of London, was built just east of the city Under the Normans and Plantagenets (see Great Britain), the city grew commercially and politically and during the reign of Richard I (1189–99) obtained a form of municipal government from which the modern City Corporation In 1215, King John granted the city the right to elect a mayor The guilds of the Middle Ages gained control of civic affairs and grew sufficiently strong to restrict trade to freemen of the The guilds survive today in 80 livery companies, of which members were once the voters in London's municipal Medieval London saw the foundation of the Inns of Court and the construction of Westminster A By the 14th London had become the political capital of E It played no active role in the Wars of the Roses (15th ) The reign of Elizabeth I brought London to a level of great wealth, power, and influence as the undisputed center of England's Renaissance This was the time of Shakespeare (and the Globe Theatre) and the beginnings of overseas trading companies such as the Muscovy C With the advent (1603) of the Stuarts to the throne, the city became involved in struggles with the crown on behalf of its democratic privileges, culminating in the English civil In 1665, the great plague took some 75,000 A great fire in S, 1666, lasted five days and virtually destroyed the Sir Christopher Wren played a large role in rebuilding the He designed more than 51 churches, notably the rebuilt S Paul's C Other notable churches include the gothic Southwark Cathedral, S Paul's Church (1633; designed by Inigo Jones), S Martin-in-the-Fields (18th ), and Westminster C Much of the business of London as well as literary and political discussion was transacted in coffeehouses, forerunners of the modern Until 1750, when Westminster Bridge was opened, London Bridge, first built in the 10th , was the only bridge to span the T Since the 18th , several other bridges have been constructed; the Tower Bridge was completed in In the 19th , London began a period of extraordinary The area of present-day Greater London had about 1 million people in 1801; by 1851, the population had increased to 7 million, and by 1901 to 6 During the Victorian era, London acquired tremendous prestige as the capital of the British Empire and as a cultural and intellectual Britain's free political institutions and intellectual atmosphere made London a haven for persons unsafe in their own The Italian Giuseppe Mazzini, the Russian Aleksandr Herzen, and the German Karl Marx were among many politically controversial figures who lived for long periods in L Many buildings of central London were destroyed or damaged in air raids during World War II These include the Guildhall (scene of the lord mayor's banquets and other public functions); N 10 Downing Street, the prime minister's residence; the Inns of Court; Westminster Hall and the Houses of Parliament; S George's Cathedral; and many of the great halls of the ancient livery Today there are numerous blocks of new office buildings and districts of apartment dwellings constructed by government The growth of London in the 20th has been extensively One notable feature has been the concept of a “Green Belt” to save certain areas from intensive urban In 1982, a tax-free zone in the Docklands in the East End's Tower Hamlets borough was created to stimulate Although the Canary Wharf financial center (with Lloyd's futuristic building, opened in 1986) was initially slow to fill, it now rivals the C London has an ethnically and culturally diverse population, with large groups of immigrants from Commonwealth South Asian, West Indian, African, and Middle Eastern peoples account for much of the immigrant The city is the site of one of the largest Hindu temple complexes and the largest Sikh temple outside India; there also are many mosques, including one of the largest in E With the reestablishment of the city's central government (2000), London built its egg-shaped City Hall (2002), on the south bank of the Thames opposite the Tower of L The city was the site of the 1908 and 1948 summer Olympic games and will be the site of the 2012 summer







Shenzhen is a modern city in South of China,it lies next to Hong KShenzhen is very young and beautiful,There are many scenic spots here,for example,there are two famous beaches,named Da Meisha and Xiao MPeople always go swimming There are also a lot of mountain parks here like Lianhua Park and Bao'an Park,they are covered with green tall trees,grass and colorful Welcome to Shenzhen when you are free!

The United Kingdom when people refer to Britain, they often use different names such as Britain, England, the United Kingdom or the UK But they are not the official of the country which is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern I It is an island country surrounded by the It lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe from which it is separated by the English Channel in the south between England and France is quite narrow and the North Sea in the the origins of a nation was from 5000BC to AD1066,the Norman CWilliam the Conqueror established the feudal system in E The shaping of the nation was from 1066 to During the time, It was the best-known event ,the Handred Years' war with France from 1337 to At the end ,Calais was only part of France that was still in the hands of the EThe expulsion of the English from France is reregarded as a blessing for both Transition to the modern age was from 1455 to 1688, it started as the Wars of Roses and end with the Glorious Revolution of the rise and fall of the British Empire was from 1688 it happened the Industrial Revolution that lead to economy growing very farst,the Chartist Movement and two world wars when the economy fell down Economy recoveried and developed quite significantly in 80s but in 1989 inflation caused by over -heated economy bringing one of the most remarkable periods in the British Until 2008 the economy crises covered all over the world, the British economy inflicted heavy the economy got recoveried slowly from 2009 to the Britain has a long history The William Shakespeare is generally regarded as the greast writer in the English And the education is very famous in the world like the universities of Oxford and Cambridge popularly known as OMajor sports are football or soccer , the most sport in E Then Cricket,the most typically English of sports, has been in existence since the 16th It is played in schools colleges and universities, and amateur teams play weekly games in cities, towns and villages from late April to end of S There are many scenic The tower Bridge of London can pass through the giant Titanic are well- Stonehenge in Wiltshire constructed before 2000BC Exactly why it was built is Big Ben, Palace of Westminster, River Thames and so on you can travell to the United kingdom to feel natural and cultural O(∩_∩)O

Nowadays, most people own cars as their material life becomes higer and more and more colorful! Obviously, the busy traffic can not satisfy our need as At the same time,the pace of science development are becoming bigger,it seems that the way we facing is too narrow and we do not get ready for Why would this happen? From my standpoint, the main reason is that it is connected with our mental I believe if we broaden our mind, everything is OK or we can overcome it Moreever, it is known to all that the phenomenon is the base of a country to make progresses! So we must think about it


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