

发布时间:2024-09-06 11:14:24


Abstract: the accounting professional ethics is accounting management is an important part of realizing the accounting law of the legislative purpose of an important part of the construction of The accounting professional ethics content including loving, honest, honesty and self-discipline, and impartial, insist the principle, improve skills, participation in management, enhance service, this eight contents never fails to remind the accounting personnel in daily accounting work quest for gain can friar preached, not because of the low cost and benefit drive provide false accounting In the construction of Chinese socialist economic development in some of accounting personnel is working against standards, forgery, lack of professionalism, violate the law, eventually get legal The accounting professional ethics construction is a long-term work, only by constantly strengthen accounting personnel training, education can in thinking and actions, and seriously rise by financial department of inspection and supervision and accounting industry organization of accountant occupational ethics for self-discipline management and constraint, related laws on accounting personnel to abide by professional ethics situation evaluation and disciplinary series of means strengthening our country accounting professional ethics Keywords: accounting professional ethics contents of the accounting professional ethics education present situation in China

with the high-speed development of social economy, the arrival of the kownledge economy has improved social productivity greatly, have brought the limitless development opportunity to enterprise How to realize the fast enlargement of enterprise's business scale and high growth of economic benefits in the market competition of selecting the superior and eliminating the inferior, choose risk little, profitability strong investment project and adopt advanced science and technology, it is a key to strengthen the accounting control in the Accounting control strengthens management and administration to enterprises to further know inside enterprises, improve the important meaning of business efficiency, construct inside enterprises the accounting control system is a new " accounting law " <>Wait for regulation to important task that enterprise put forward one of, it is enterprise that meet new competition situation, urgent need to take precautions against business risk Construct enterprise accounting control system must problems such as accounting control goal, content, method, further investigate to enterprise, analyze its existing problem and reason, thus put forward the concrete completion measure keyword : Internal accounting control; The problem exists; Improve the measure

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Small businesses in the promotion of competition in the market, increase employment opportunities and to promote national economic development and maintain social stability plays an important role, but the small business accounting systems, resulting in a greater possibility of accounting Small businesses through the implementation of the process of accounting problems in a specific analysis, combined with the accounting system and small businesses of their own intrinsic characteristics, has been put forward solutions to this problem and fundamental measures to address the small business accounting norms problems of small enterprises to reduce and even eliminate false accounting information 关键词: Small business; accounting system; accounting; defects; solution

Abstract: the accounting professional ethics is accounting management is an important part of realizing the accounting law of the legislative purpose of an important part of the construction of The accounting professional ethics content including loving, honest, honesty and self-discipline, and impartial, insist the principle, improve skills, participation in management, enhance service, this eight contents never fails to remind the accounting personnel in daily accounting work quest for gain can friar preached, not because of the low cost and benefit drive provide false accounting In the construction of Chinese socialist economic development in some of accounting personnel is working against standards, forgery, lack of professionalism, violate the law, eventually get legal The accounting professional ethics construction is a long-term work, only by constantly strengthen accounting personnel training, education can in thinking and actions, and seriously rise by financial department of inspection and supervision and accounting industry organization of accountant occupational ethics for self-discipline management and constraint, related laws on accounting personnel to abide by professional ethics situation evaluation and disciplinary series of means strengthening our country accounting professional ethics Keywords: accounting professional ethics contents of the accounting professional ethics education present situation in China


摘要是学术论文的必要组成部分,是作者对文章主要内容简单扼要的客观陈述,是“不加评论和补充解释,简明确切地记述文献重要内容的短文”摘要的主要功能可概括为:一是便于读者迅速了解全文大意,使其能以较少的时间获取必要的信息,并决定是否需要进一步阅读全文;二是为编制二次文献提供方便,摘要的质量直接影响其二次文献的质量;三是在文献的计算机检索、网络和其他电子出版物等方面,摘要也是必不可少的。    摘要应当拥有论文实质内容的主要信息。为此,研究报告的摘要一般应包括4个要素,即研究目的、方法、结果和结论。其中研究方法和研究结果最为重要,需要详细交代。对于研究目的,如果是显而易见的,或者在其他文句中已经包含,就不必单独写出,只有在需要强调研究目的,或研究目的比较特殊的情况下,才需要明确交代研究目的。对于研究报告而言,研究方法的介绍非常重要,但要详略得当,对于常规的、大家熟悉的方法,一般只需提到其方法名称即可,对于作者自己创造的新方法,或者是对原有方法的改良,或者论文本身就是对某研究方法的研究,则必需详细交代其方法,务必使方法表达清楚、具体,使读者能按照论文所介绍的方法重演该实验。研究结果更需详细介绍,力求具体、明确,应把具体的内容、数据等写出来。对有些需要讨论的重要问题和作者的独到见解,可以在“讨论”小标题下给出。    摘要一般采用第三人称的写法。常用“对……进行了研究”、“报告了……、”进行了……的调查“等记述方法,以标明一次文献的性质和文献主题。在这些表述语句中不必使用”本文“、”作者“等主语。摘要的句型力求简单,通常少于10个句子即可。摘要不应有引言中出现的内容,也不要对论文内容作诊释和评论,不得简单重复题名中已有的信息;不用非公知公用的符号和术语,不用引文(除非该论文证实或否定了他人已发表的论文),一般不用缩略语、略称、代号,如有必要,在首次出现时必须马上加以说明(除非相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解);学术论文写作时应注意的其他事项,如采用法定计量单位,正确使用语言文字和标点符号等,也同样适用于摘要的编写。

回答 您好,我这边正在为您查询,请稍等片刻,我这边马上回复您 您好,很高兴为您解答。简简单单的凭证摘要,再填写时也有很多需要注意的问题。1、日常收支业务的摘要编写要规范统一一般,对日常收支业务采用“主语+谓语+宾语”的句式。说直白点就是摘要里要具备本页记账凭证里,发生的经济行为的主体、经济行为的对象和经济行为的内容三个最基本的要素。比如:5月13日,公司采购员王梅用现金购买了办公用纸张2摞,共计支付80元。摘要为:王梅报办公用纸。2、摘要的编写要简单明了就是编写时抓住经济业务的重点,用简单明了的语言将经济内容全面的表达清楚。比如:销售部人员李海预支差旅费5000员去四川开展业务。摘要就要做为:李海预支差旅费去四川。3、摘要的编写要准确同一张凭证上如果有不同经济内容,每项经济内容就要准确对应一个摘要,不能使用一个摘要笼统的概括。比如特殊情况下的一借多贷、一贷多借的记账凭证,及要认真对待。比如:考古系马元斌教授,借3000元去南京开会,回来报账时,差旅费开支1000元,会务费开支300元,购买相关图书资料用去1500元;剩余200员退还出纳。摘要就要按照每项经济业务对应的会计分录分别编写为:马元斌报南京开会旅费;马元斌报会务费;马元斌报书料费;马元斌报还借差旅款。这样做的摘要,不管以后复核、记账、查账都会非常的清晰明白,不会因笼统概括而产生麻烦。重点强调的是:用银行存款开支的经济业务,对应银行存款科目的摘要,必须要反映收款单位名称,便于银行存款日记账同银行对账单的核对。 希望这边能够帮助到您,如果答案对您有帮助的话。请给我赞哦 更多1条 

一般摘要包括:论文核心问题及研究目的描述、使用方法和研究过程的概述、研究结论或科研结果的概括等。摘要应该是具有独立性、自明性否认,就算不阅读全文内容,也能获得一定信息。切忌将摘要写成论文全文的提纲。学士论文的中文摘要200-300字即可,博硕论文或者一些特殊要求的,可以适当增加摘要篇幅。学士论文英文摘要250个实词是最合适的,注意不要直接用翻译软件将中文摘要翻译成英文,英文摘要常用的是第三人称与现在时态。  2、关键词  关键词是为了进行文献标引,从论文中提取出来的最为关键的一组主题词,是用来描述文献资料主题,并提供文献检索便利的一组情报语言词汇。学位论文一般在中英文摘要之后,分别列出3-5个中英文的关键词。  例如博士学位论文格式要求,中文关键词可以设定为“写作规范”“排版格式”“博士学位论文”;英文关键词就是“Write Criterion““Typeset Format““Doctor‘s Degree Paper“只需要通过搜索这三个关键词,就能非常简单的查到该篇文章。  中英文关键词的引导语是“关键词:““Keywords:“,不可省略。如果是其他外语语种关键词的引导语,那应该按照该语种的词汇来确定。中文关键词大家尽可能使用《汉语主题词表》等词表提供的规范词;Keywords应与中文“关键词”保持一致。



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Abstract: the accounting professional ethics is accounting management is an important part of realizing the accounting law of the legislative purpose of an important part of the construction of The accounting professional ethics content including loving, honest, honesty and self-discipline, and impartial, insist the principle, improve skills, participation in management, enhance service, this eight contents never fails to remind the accounting personnel in daily accounting work quest for gain can friar preached, not because of the low cost and benefit drive provide false accounting In the construction of Chinese socialist economic development in some of accounting personnel is working against standards, forgery, lack of professionalism, violate the law, eventually get legal The accounting professional ethics construction is a long-term work, only by constantly strengthen accounting personnel training, education can in thinking and actions, and seriously rise by financial department of inspection and supervision and accounting industry organization of accountant occupational ethics for self-discipline management and constraint, related laws on accounting personnel to abide by professional ethics situation evaluation and disciplinary series of means strengthening our country accounting professional ethics Keywords: accounting professional ethics contents of the accounting professional ethics education present situation in China

Abstract: the accounting fraud phenomenon exists from ancient times, The origin year of world's first accounting fraud event is unable to Among those events which influence large and well documented, the earliest can be traced back to the British "South Sea Company Event", it gave birth to the British "Bubbles Company Abolishment" in the year Up iill its abolition in the year 1825, Britain had had a phenomenon of "100 years without stock" Another event of accounting world's earthquake is the well-know 'Enron Corporation Event' In addition, the famous WorldCom, Xerox of the United States,as well as the domestic companies like Hainan Minyuan, Yinchuan Guangxia have steped into forging abyss in The most fundamental purpose of their fraud is to gain more profits, they exhausting their thoughts, take all advantage of means to achieve this This paper mainly discusses the means of fraud and how to prevent and Keywords: accounting fraud, harm of fraud ,means of forging,prevention and govern 手工翻译,希望有帮到你。请明辨机译和手译。



【Key Words】 idiom; comparison; English; Chinese (英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号,采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距。)




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