

发布时间:2024-07-19 07:00:24


范文(一)  假设你是李华,在得知四川大地震的消息之后,作为校学生会主席,你决定给灾区的中学生写一封慰问信,主要内容包括:  1、得知四川发生突如其来的特大地震灾害,心情非常难过;  2、看到你们表现得非常镇定、坚强,感动得热泪盈眶;  3、患难见真情,全校师生向你们表示慰问的同时,共计捐款12万元;  4、美好家园可以重建,希望你们要看到希望、充满信心。  参考词汇:捐款 make a donation to  参考范文:  Dear friends,  I’m awfully sorry to hear that a horrible and severe earthquake unexpectedly hit your Faced with such a rarely-seen disaster, you remain so calm and strong-willed that we are all moved to A friend in need is a friend Thinking about your present situation, we can not wait a minute to make every bit of our effort to help I, as the chairman of student union, on behalf of all my schoolmates, express our most sincere pity and care for Besides, we make a donation of 120 thousand yuan to you, expecting that it can help you go through the A better hometown can be Therefore, never give up whatever Remember we won’t be far away when you need any help!   Yours Sincerely,   Li Hua

Japan earthquake composition (high school) The sun still shines on body,, all foreign object looks is a constant and However, impermanence is always lurking in have often later, never a day away from, but we didn't Yesterday or calm, and the life of Japan, in a moment, he was involved in a swirl of The magnitude 0 earthquake, a not astonishing number, bring a person, it is amazing You hate the Japanese? Maybe all Chinese Can you hate them, really hope that they die? Most people answer must be Maybe the history origin, think of the suffering of those years, think of those people who their evil deeds cause SINS, but they died and in what things up? Not every Chinese is a good man, too, not every a Japanese people are T hink about China's wenchuan earthquake, yushu, let these people power feat not of the disaster, and cause is not a person, not a province, is not a country, not a national, alone to pain, but the pain of all Our compatriots have displaced, had family broken up and decimated, those people face, is full of tears, the face of despair, and is full of pain, feel sad face, which a don't let people enough trails? Even if they have to give us a cause, or a lot of people have nothing to do with these, they also don't want to hurt our Chinese The Japanese people, ordinary family, children and parents, in nine earthquake under the trample also enough trails, despair, loneliness, Still remember when wenchuan earthquake, the Japanese patrol because no save to a man fell on his knees and pain of the After two years, see a large number of countrymen schadenfreude shout again big point of time, suddenly feel how to save most of Chinese feudal culture in five thousand by the soul of Japan earthquake many people Roman Have net friend say the MOP so a words: even the street the thief can't fulminating national, but have the courage shouted out small J Even alive compatriots suffering is indifferent, but the nerve to tell not forget the dead Historical humiliation of course we can not forget, but we why always take off Besides in addition to Japan and many countries invasion, powers C For the earthquake all life in the blessing, life is the best thing, let this beautiful eternal continue!! Love without borders, for the people in disaster blessing。翻译 日本地震作文(高中) 阳光依旧照在身上,,一切外物看起来都是那么的恒常和自然。然而,无常却是时时潜伏在有常之后,从没有一天远离过,只是我们没有察觉。昨天还是风平浪静、和美生活的日本,在一刹那,就被卷入一个噩梦的漩涡。0级的地震,一个并不惊人的数字,带给人的,却是惊人的灾难。 你恨日本人吗?也许所有的中国人都恨。可你恨他们,就真的希望他们死吗?大多数的人回答肯定是否定的。也许历史的渊源,想到那些苦难的岁月,想起那些他们的恶行造成的罪恶,可是他们死了又于事何补? 不是每一个中国人都是好人,同样,不是每一个日本人都是坏人。 想一想中国的汶川、玉树地震吧,这些人的力量无法企及的灾难,造成的不是一个人,不是一个省,不是一个国家,不是一个民族,单独得痛苦,而是全人类的痛苦。我们自己的同胞曾流离失所、也曾家破人亡,那些人的脸,满是泪水,绝望的脸,满是痛苦,心酸的脸,哪一张不让人痛彻心扉?就算他们曾经给我们造成重创,还是很多与这些无关的人,他们也不想伤害我们中国老百姓。那些日本的普通人、普通家庭、孩子和父母,在九级的地震的摧残下同样痛彻心扉、绝望、孤独、痛苦。 还记得汶川地震时,日本救护队因为没有救到一个人而痛苦跪下的情景。时隔两年,看到大批的国人幸灾乐祸呼喊再大点的时候,突然间觉得该怎么拯救大多数国人被五千年封建文化扭曲的灵魂。日本地震许多人都幸灾乐祸。 MOP上有网友说了这么一句话: 连街头的小偷都不敢呵斥的民族,却有勇气高呼灭了小日本。连活着同胞的苦痛都漠不关心,却有脸说不忘死去的同胞。历史耻辱我们当然不能忘,但我们又何必老是拿着它不放。更何况除了日本还有很多个国家侵略、欺辱过中国。为地震中的所有生命祈福,生命是世间最美好的东西,愿这种美好永恒持续下去!! 爱无国界,为灾难中的人们祈福。希望你采纳 O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!如有翻译不懂,可及时追问我哟。

If you have received possibly have the earthquake warning, continues to maintain listens to the local broadcasting station newest report and the suggestion, like the suggestion switches off the liquid gas, the power Greatly but the heavy object from high will put on to take The jar, the glass, the chinaware and other brittle things admit in the low cabinet, the baggage shelf should have keeps off the hand by to prevent the object The cabinet gate should shut tightly, moves away to be hanging the Below prepares the goods by to prepare urgently needs: Fresh fresh water and emergency food, flashlight, fire Is far away these possibly to fall is pounding your thing, possibly can eradicate in outdoors trees, in the small town construction even if enough is sturdy cannot destroy, the chippings also possibly Runs away spacious to place most ideal, but if does not have the enough time,stays is possibly safer in the room, on the avenue speech, the gas piping or the electric wire which bursts can increase the Passes in and out the human is most dangerous, extremely easily is wounded by the building in bricks and In room: When the earthquake occurs, if in the indoors, stays in inside, extinguishes the fire, is far away the glass is specially the big window (including mirror and so on) In the room quoin or has the good strut internal way is good seeking asylum Perhaps the low ground or the basement can provide the best survival Hides in under the table bottom or other firm furniture, this not only can provide the protection to you, moreover also has the big breath When store, is far away the big cargo exhibition hall, thesecargos possibly can drop Also is loaded with the elevator in the multilayered building in the office, in-situ hides in the desk Do not enter the elevator, the staircase also possibly can crowd the panic-stricken Che Zhong: As far as possible quickly and safely stops - but stays in the vehicle may avoid hit by the whereabouts Crouches in hiding under the seat, if has the thing to fall on the vehicle, you will be able to obtain the When vibrates stops down, the attention observation obstacle and possibly appears danger: Destroyed the electric cable, damages the path and collapses Outdoors: When outdoors lie in the ground, do not have to This can throw down, also possibly is embezzled by the Is far away the big Toward derground walk or do not enter the gallery, this can cause to be Like you already prepared to the outdoors, did not return to in the The earthquake causes any construction not too to be all reliable for the first time, if then again occurs slightly shakes, the building can cave Is safer to the In the pitch earth stone is easy to fall, if crushes by the number thousand ton heavy soil block or the rock (they to have fearful speed), very little has the opportunity which fortunately Rolls equally on the place like the ball changes the Beach place: So long as under the cliff cannot the suitable security, but because the tsunami follows the earthquake but to come frequently, therefore after vibrates stops leaving the beach as soon as possible to the higher open field The aftershock risk did not like the tsunami to be so

D Jiang Su day where more than 500 local people brought eggs Jiangsu team Mangdao the afternoon of March 4 points before lunch Oral: Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital Dr Chan Fu general surgery at 17:00 on May 14 On the 13th at the aircraft, we immediately Jiangsu 106 health care workers to carry supplies Fensheng eight bus and rushed to the M A non-stop rain, the temperature a bit low, about 18:30 finally arrived around M To Mianyang, some stay, Youwang County continue to bump G More and more visible all the way vaguely collapse of the housing, local residents who use the very simple She Pidai the earthquake shed more and 20:00 arrived around quite County, the hard-hit county, water, electricity, gas stops, most residents have been In the absence of water and electricity, the ambulance can only point to do some bandaging, or oxygen infusion such as simple processing, do not have the implementation of emergency surgery, all patients must be treated quickly go to a simple treatment of M Jiangsu team we had to make a U-turn Zaifu M 22:00 around and return to Mianyang, I and general surgery Zhao Hanlin, Jiangkui-such as doctors ordered from Jiangsu rushed to the condensation of the deep concern of more than 200,000 ml of blood to the Red Cross blood station in Mianyang C Mianyang, the rescue mission is very heavy, Mianyang has been the major hospitals in the super-saturation point, the hardest hit North-patients still continue to be sent to the treatment of M North River has subsided, the situation is very complex, first-aid personnel can only be patient carrying out a section of road running, and then by ambulance to the County near the temporary relief, simple processing and then sent to the emergency Mianyang, assigned to the various medical Jiangsu team was divided into several groups, assigned to the Mianyang several hospitals in and around X We Provincial People's Hospital was assigned to the Third People's Hospital in Mianyang City, which is a specialist in the spirit of the characteristics of the top three Around 23:00, 1-3 hospital, the hospital will be our immediate contributions to medical supplies to the transfer of Hospitals hands of colleagues, look forward to these materials can be used immediately are anxiously waiting for the disaster-stricken compatriots Most patients are temporarily living in the hospital entrance simple Earthquake Peng Li, sterile dressings have basically exhausted, waiting for the Pai Pianzai a long line of On the 14th at 7:50, we were in medical rescue teams in three homes mixed with the local peer group where, together with heavy tension into the treatment Has been Mangdao pm on March 4, Hulun only swallow a little lunch I Jiangkui-wing and is now being done to help hemodialysis patients, to help put dialysis This is the three-turn from north to the high school students, teaching building collapsed because of the resulting extrusion muscle necrosis, the advent of the "crush syndrome", a hemoglobin urine, leading to renal failure! We have to give them the afternoon of the purposes of the lower limbs decompression Two students are very heavy conditions, although the active treatment saved lives but may require amputations, there is a rescue in our time, the condition has been Not far away, Xia, Peng Yuhui, and so few very rich experience in the surgical care team members are anxious to line up a cast of the sick and wounded, dressing, infusion, at the same time they also do psychological counseling to Then the distance, Wang Qing and Cai Weihua two orthopaedic surgeons are to fracture surgery patients, from morning to the present, a surgery to one, even He Koushui the time did not, as some of the people injured in the heavy, It is painful, doctors含着eye surgery to help them in tears, do their greatest strength rescue Thoracic surgery Shaoyong Feng, Zhu full two players from the noon start in the rescue has been a serious knock lung injury with respiratory failure over 40-year-old middle-aged women, were critical of life of patients has now pulled through again and There are too many people in too many injuries we anxiously waiting for the medical treatment and did not say, a group of patients from the transit!





当 危难来临的时刻 或者 感动的瞬间







我国防灾减灾科技应用与建设的现状、问题及建议 我国地域辽阔,天气变化万千,洪水、飓风、龙卷风、地震等不可抗性灾难频发,此次汶川特大地震给人民的生命和财产造成巨大的伤害。近50年来,我国每年由地震、地质、旱涝、海洋、疫病等自然灾害造成的直接经济损失约占国民生产总值的4%自然灾害已经成为影响我国经济发展和社会安全的重要因素,依靠科技进步,提高我国防灾减灾的综合能力已成为当务之急。 一、我国防灾减灾科技应用与建设的现状 我国目前已建立起了较为完善、广为覆盖的气象、海洋、地震、水文、森林火灾和病虫害等地面监测和观测网,建立了气象卫星、海洋卫星、陆地卫星系列,并正在建设减灾小卫星星座系统。在气象监测预报方面,建成了较先进的由地面气象观测站、太空站、各类天气雷达及气象卫星组成的大气探测系统,建立了气象卫星资料接收处理系统、现代化的气象通信系统和中期数值预报业务系统。全国已形成了由国家、区域、省、地、县五级分工合理、有机结合、逐级指导的基本气象信息加工分析预测体系。为了监测江河洪水,国家组建了由数目众多的水文站、水位站、雨量站等组成的水文监测网,建立了七大江河地区洪涝灾害易发区警戒水域遥感数据库,将遥感技术在“八五”期间应用于洪灾监测。大江大河防汛抗旱工程技术有了长足的进步,有些领域已经达到世界先进水平。另外,利用现代科技积极开展小流域综合治理工作,如农区人工增雨、人工防雹、滴灌工程等,这些技术措施在一定程度上对防灾减灾发生了非常积极的作用。在地震监测和抗震方面,组建了400多个地震观测台站,“十五”期间进行了数字化改造,由48个国家级数字测震台站组成的国家数字测震台网和由300多个区域数字测震台站组成的20个区域数字测震台网以及若干个流动数字测震台网、数字强震台网构成了中国数字测震系统,建立了大震警报系统和地震前兆观测系统,形成了比较完整的监测预报系统,编制了全国地震烈度区划图和震害预测图,确定了52个城市作为国家重点防震城市,对全国地震烈度6度以上地区的工程建筑,实施综合性震害防御,对城市和大中型工矿企业的新建工程进行了抗震设防,完成了多条铁路干线、主要输油管线和多座骨干电厂、大型炼油厂,一批重点骨干钢铁企业和超大型乙烯工程以及大型水库的抗震加固。在地质灾害防治方面,加强了对滑坡、泥石流、崩塌以及地面沉降、地面塌陷、地裂等地质灾害的勘查防治工作,采取了包括工程防御体系、生物水保防御体系、管理防护体系,社会管理体系和预测及报警体系在内的综合防御体系,并取得了一定的效果,同时把生态建设与防灾减灾相结合,实施封山育林、退耕还林、退田还湖、退田还草和修建水利工程等一系列措施,极大地防止和减轻了地质灾害的危害和损失。全国已建立了25片国家级水土流失重点治理区,实施了七大流域水土保持工程,在一万多条水土流失严重的小流域,开展了山水田林综合治理。先后确立了包括“三北”防护林、长江中上游防护林、沿海防护林、平原农田防护林、淮河太湖流域防护林、珠江流域防护林、辽河流域防护林、黄河中游防护林和太行山绿化工程、防治沙漠化工程的十大林业生态工程。此外,还发射了“资源一号”、“资源二号”卫星,广泛应用于资源勘查、防灾减灾、地质灾害监测和科学试验等领域。 二、我国防灾减灾科技应用与建设存在的主要问题 管理缺乏综合协调 长期以来,我国的灾害管理体制基本是以单一灾种为主、分部门管理的模式,各涉灾管理部门自成系统,各自为战。由于没有常设的综合管理机构,各灾种之间缺乏统一协调,部门之间缺乏沟通、联动,造成了许多弊端,如缺乏综合系统的法规、技术体系政策与全局的防灾减灾科技发展规划;缺少系统的、连续的防灾减灾思想指导,不利于部门之间协调;缺少综合性的防灾减灾应急处置技术系统;缺少专门为灾害救援的综合型救援专家、技术型队伍;没有形成相对完善的防灾减灾科学技术体系;信息公开和交流渠道不顺畅;资源、信息不能共享;科学决策评估支持系统与财政金融保障制度尚未建立等等,直接影响防灾减灾实效。 投入不足 资金渠道单一 全国每年投入到防灾减灾科技研发和应用的经费十分有限,在防灾减灾基础设施建设、科研设备购置、防灾工程建设、防灾减灾基础研究和先进技术推广应用等多方面投入不足。主要是因为我国防灾减灾科研基本依赖于财政拨款,资金来源渠道单一。由于防灾减灾科研具有的社会效益远远大于近期经济效益,很难吸引企业资金和社会资金主动投入,造成防灾减灾科技发展和技术推广滞后。另外,缺少科研成果推广的中间环节与适合防灾减灾工作规律的运行机制,防灾减灾科研成果的转化率低,一些防灾减灾科研成果的推广应用率不足10%,严重影响了全国防灾减灾工作的深入进行,影响了全国防灾减灾工作水平的进一步提高。 科技资源尚待优化配置 我国防灾减灾科技资源主要集中在气象、地震、地质、环保等领域,由于缺乏宏观协调管理及传统的条块分割现状,一方面各领域主要关注本领域的防灾减灾科技发展,研发工作主要局限于解决本领域存在的技术问题,在不同灾种以及防灾减灾的不同环节中,科技资源没有得到合理配置,科技开发与应用水平发展很不平衡,在基础地理信息、救灾设备和队伍建设方面低水平重复建设严重。另一方面,仪器、设备、资料、数据等都由部门、单位甚至个人所有,不能实现资源共享共用,资源条件不能系统整合形成高效、共享的社会化服务体系,无法形成合力和整体创新优势。 防灾减灾科技发展缓慢 一是在不同灾种以及防灾减灾的不同环节中,科技发展与应用水平很不平衡;二是各灾种的应急研究和操作水平差别较大,低水平重复研究较多;三是技术手段和装备落后,监测能力不强,短期预测预报能力还较低;四是缺乏各类灾害的科学评估模型和方法,灾害信息共享应用和评估的技术急需完善;五是对一些重大灾害的认识与防治技术,长期徘徊不前;六是现有科研结合国情实际不够密切,科技整体支撑能力有待提高等。 防灾减灾高水平科技人才匮乏 我国防灾减灾科技人才主要集中在专业管理部门和科研机构中,基层防灾减灾机构普遍缺少技术应用人才,与我国防灾减灾工作重点结合不密切,特别缺乏防灾减灾领域的高层次、高水平的学术技术带头人和工程技术应用人才。另外,研究经费、待遇等方面条件较差,影响我国防灾减灾科技人才队伍的稳定与发展。 科普宣教力度不够 缺乏统一的防灾减灾科普规划,没有固定的防灾减灾科普教育基地,也缺乏经常性的防灾减灾科普宣传活动,使防灾减灾科普缺乏系统性、连续性,致使我国社会公众防灾减灾知识、防灾减灾意识的科普教育水平较低,全社会对生态环境保护的意识较差,最终影响我三、我国防灾减灾科技支撑的对策建议 建立统一综合的防灾减灾组织保障体系 设置统一的具有危机管理性质的防灾减灾综合管理机构,负责对全国防灾减灾工作的大政方针做出决策,逐步实现从部门为主的单一灾种管理体制向政府和部门联动、条块结合的综合应急管理体制转变。 加强科技主管部门与涉灾管理部门的协同,形成跨部门、跨地区、跨学科、多层次、分布式的协同管理职能和机制。 成立集合各灾种、各专业及相关管理部门专家的顾问团体;建立防灾减灾决策的专家咨询系统,为政府防灾减灾决策提供智力支撑。 完善防灾减灾科技进步政策与创新机制 制定科技支撑防灾减灾办法与政策,增加科技投入,在科学研究、技术开发、科技基础设施建设、科技人才培养选拔等方面给予支持;将防灾减灾科普知识纳入国民素质教育体系和工作计划,提高全民防灾减灾意识和能力,在大中小各级学校教育中适当引入防灾减灾课程及读物。 建立高效、合理的防灾减灾科技创新资源配置机制、科技投入机制、成果转化机制、政策激励机制与人才培养机制;加强基础科学和应用科学研究,开展关键技术、共性技术联合攻关;加快科技成果在防灾减灾领域的推广应用。 多渠道增加对防灾减灾的科技投入 将防灾减灾发展所需投入纳入每年科技经费预算,按照一定的使用比例,支持研究开发工作、科技基础设施建设、改善技术装备、参加国际交流等。并使防灾减灾科技投入的增长幅度不低于科技经费增长的总体水平。 建立社会防灾减灾基金,吸收企业、社会团体、公民及海外人士对防灾减灾的捐赠,按比例将部分基金用于科技投入。 用给予引导资金的方式,促进地方政府增加防灾减灾科技投入,引导技术开发机构与企业投资防灾减灾技术与产品的研发和产业化。 促进防灾减灾科技资源共享平台的建设 借助全国科技基础条件平台的建设,通过制定统一的标准和规范,整合全国各灾害管理部门的分类灾害信息资源,全天候运转监测网;以网络技术为纽带,积极推广应用地理信息系统(GIS)、遥控系统(RS)、全球卫星定位系统(GPS)技术,建设覆盖至全国各乡村的主要灾害实时监测预警系统;充分应用数字化技术及网络技术,综合集成防灾减灾各单位上报的灾情信息,构建包括灾害应急响应、灾害信息分析、灾害救援决策、救援信息反馈等在内的防灾减灾技术及信息资源平台。 加强防灾减灾科技能力与科技队伍建设 通过科研体制改革和现代院所制度建设,进行课题制、首席专家负责制和科研经费预算等防灾减灾科技机构科研管理制度建设;鼓励科研与地方防灾减灾需要紧密结合,开展自然灾害综合研究和治理;鼓励科研机构与企业联合研发防灾减灾技术和装备,实现产业化;与管理部门合作,尝试推广先进的防灾减灾技术和管理方法,探索区域防灾减灾综合管理模式;参与重点防灾减灾工程建设、基础设施建设、试验示范区建设。 在培养选拔高层次人才的基础上,大力培训一线工作的防灾减灾技术人员及管理人员,改善基层技术人员的工作生活条件;通过科研项目、激励措施、分配制度、考核选拔等吸引和稳定人才队伍,培育有竞争力的研究群体,加强创新团队建设;培养防灾减灾后备人才,逐步在我国高校中开办防灾减灾专业教育。 加强国内外防灾减灾科技交流与合作 鼓励防灾减灾科研机构、管理部门开展国内外交流合作,获得先进的应用技术及管理经验,追踪最新技术。在跨国、跨区域的防灾减灾工程建设中,政府应积极协调,为项目实施提供帮助和保障。



An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic Earthquakes are measured using observations from The moment magnitude is the most common scale on which earthquakes larger than approximately 5 are reported for the entire The more numerous earthquakes smaller than magnitude 5 reported by national seismological observatories are measured mostly on the local magnitude scale, also referred to as the Richter These two scales are numerically similar over their range of Magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes are mostly almost imperceptible or weak and magnitude 7 and over potentially cause serious damage over larger areas, depending on their


范文(一)  假设你是李华,在得知四川大地震的消息之后,作为校学生会主席,你决定给灾区的中学生写一封慰问信,主要内容包括:  1、得知四川发生突如其来的特大地震灾害,心情非常难过;  2、看到你们表现得非常镇定、坚强,感动得热泪盈眶;  3、患难见真情,全校师生向你们表示慰问的同时,共计捐款12万元;  4、美好家园可以重建,希望你们要看到希望、充满信心。  参考词汇:捐款 make a donation to  参考范文:  Dear friends,  I’m awfully sorry to hear that a horrible and severe earthquake unexpectedly hit your Faced with such a rarely-seen disaster, you remain so calm and strong-willed that we are all moved to A friend in need is a friend Thinking about your present situation, we can not wait a minute to make every bit of our effort to help I, as the chairman of student union, on behalf of all my schoolmates, express our most sincere pity and care for Besides, we make a donation of 120 thousand yuan to you, expecting that it can help you go through the A better hometown can be Therefore, never give up whatever Remember we won’t be far away when you need any help!   Yours Sincerely,   Li Hua



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