

发布时间:2024-07-08 07:37:15


据学术堂了解,医学论文一般采用的是中文摘要,有些为了国际交流,还有外文(多用英文)摘要。所以,我国国家级医学期刊,通常都要求中、英摘要,而且采用了国际医学期刊要求的格式化摘要(structured abstract)。下面是医学论文摘要的写作方法:1、目的:应简要说明研究的目的和意义,一般用1-2句话简要说明即可,不必太过冗长。目的部分的文字最好不是对文题的简单重复。2、方法:应简述研究的材料(对象)、方法、设计方案、观察的指标、资料的收集处理和统计学分析方法等。3、结果:应简要列出主要的结果,包括阳性结果和阴性结果,描述结果要尽量用具体数据,而不要过于笼统。4、结论:应根据研究的目的和结果,得出适当的结论,并指出研究的价值和今后有待探讨的问题。

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the "teacher-student role reversal Law" teaching method in clinical medicine professional "rehabilitation medicine," teaching Methods of clinical medicine at school 96 students in group teaching, in which 48 students in the experimental group a "teacher-student role reversal Law" teaching methods in the control group 48 students using traditional teaching Two groups of students after school at the same time a theoretical examination and Results In the experimental group of students the theory of test scores than the control group (p <01), and the two groups of students the theory of the good test scores difference was statistically significant (p <01); experimental group of students interest and motivation in learning, knowledge, memory and understanding, self-learning ability and problem-solving ability better than the control group (p <05) Conclusion "teacher-student role reversal Law" teaching methods in the "rehabilitation medicine," an effective method in [Key words] the roles were reversed; teaching methods; Rehabilitation Medicine; AnalysisAbstract spastic cerebral palsy is the most common form of cerebral palsy, their motor dysfunction is manifested mainly delayed motor development, abnormal posture, tendon hyperreflexia, increased muscle tone and so Based on principles of Bobath therapy, Bobath ball in the treatment of spastic cerebral palsy children in motor dysfunction could play a very good Key words spastic cerebral palsy; motor function; Bobath Ball1,“师生角色互换法”教学法在《康复医学》教学中的应用探析 2,Bobath球在改善痉挛型脑瘫运动功能障碍中的应用"Teacher-student role reversal Law" Approach in the "rehabilitation medicine," Teaching of Analysis, Bobath ball with spastic cerebral palsy in improving motor dysfunction of

具体的要根据你自己的情况来,一般的摘要格式(双面打印)1、中文摘要中文摘要约1000字左右。应简要说明论文的目的、内容、方法、成果和结论。MBA论文应突出理论与实践的结合点。用句应精炼概括,并有本论文的关键词3~5个。论文题目摘# #要(三号,黑体,居中)1)摘要正文(小四,宋体)2)关键词: XXXX;XXXX;XXXX (3-5个主题词)(小四,黑体)2、英文摘要(另起一页)Thesis TitleAbstract(三号,黑体,居中)英文摘要撰写要求如下:(1) 英文摘要正文用Times New Roman字体,小四号(2) 必须用第三人称,最好采用现在时态编写。(3) 大约为1000-1500个单词。(4) 用词应准确,使用本学科通用的词汇。(5) 摘要中主语(作者)常常省略,因而一般使用被动语态,应使用正确的时态并要注意主、谓的一致。(6) 关键词(Key words)按相应专业的标准术语写出。(7) 中、英文摘要的内容须一致。(8) 英文关键词与中文关键词一一对应。

Abstract objective to explore the role exchange students "teaching mode" in the clinical application of rehabilitation medicine teaching Methods of clinical medicine in 96 professional students, including experimental group teaching by 48 students "and" teaching mode role exchange control, 48 students adopts the traditional teaching After two groups of students and theory test and The result of the exam scores than theory of students in control group (p < 01), and two groups of students' theory test scores are statistically significant differences between rate (p < 01), Students in learning interest and initiative, knowledge and understanding of memory and self-study ability and problem solving ability than control group (p < 05) Conclusion "and" teaching mode role exchange in the teaching of rehabilitation medicine application effect is [key] role exchange, Teaching methods, Rehabilitation, exploring[in] spasm of cerebral palsy type cerebral palsy is one of the most common, and its main function obstacle for sports development lags behind, abnormal posture, tendon hyper-reflexia, increased muscle tension, According to the principle of Bobath therapy in the treatment of Bobath ball movement of cerebral palsy children borderline dysfunction can have very good [key] spasm of cerebral palsy, Movement function, Bobath


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回答 康复医学源自于医学康复,是临床医学的一个重要分支,虽然临床上常常将康复医学简称为康复,但两者不能等同,从学术角度来看,康复是一个事业,医学康复是一个领域,而康复医学是一个具体的专业或专科,具有自己的学科特点。简单说,康复医学是以研究病、伤、残者功能障碍的预防、评定和治疗为主要任务,拟改善躯体功能、提高生活自理能力、改善生活质量为目的的医学专科,卫生部将康复医学科与内科、外科、妇产科、儿科等临床学科并列为临床一级学科,可见其在临床学科中的影响力。



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