

发布时间:2024-09-06 00:41:19


写好论文的第一步:充分理解题目意思,明白导师到底让你“论”什么,才能确定你的论点。其实我们从小学开始学写议论文时老师就是这么教的,换成英文同样如此。关于如何理解分析问题,现将教材部分摘录如下:The components of a questionMost essay titles or examination questions contain the following components: Subject matter or What, in the most general terms, is the question about? Aspect or This is the angle or point of view on the subject What aspect of the subject matter is the question about? Instruction or This refers to the instruction word or These instructions tell the student exactly what to Some questions also contain the following components: Restriction or expansion of the subject This is the detailed limitation of the What, in specific terms, is the question about? V This refers to the requirement, in the question, that the writer writes from a point of view dictated by the setter of the Analysing the questionTo analyse the title, it is useful to follow the following steps: Identify the If the topic has a restriction or expansion, identify Search for the This is the angle or point of view on the subject Often, the aspect is a phrase ending in 'of', 'the importance of', 'the contribution of' Be sure you are clear about how the aspect relates to the subject It can be an example of it, a stage in its sequence, the cause or effect, one of the solutions to it as a problem Identify the instruction (which often comes at the beginning) and decide what it means and what it requires you to Check whether there is a viewpoint and if so, if it the same as your 'Analysing the question'第4条是非常关键的,因为常常一个简单的词或词组就能够清晰告诉你需要做什么,这一类的词主要以动词为主,包括:account for, analyse, compare, consider, contrast, criticise, define, describe, discuss, elucidate, evaluate/assess, explain, explore, illustrate, justify, prove/disprove, state, summarise/outline, trace, 'To what extent is X true? (means true or/and not true)'。还有很多,不一一列举。在分析题目时我们必须找到这本文转自网学网,转载请注明出处:

of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time



Read over and over again to correct the grammer and get someone with good English to read and correct your

任何学文都是日积月累的;“古人学问无遗力,少壮工夫老始成。” 文章写得好可不是一朝一夕的功夫;更别说要用英语了;而且文体特点不同;简单的英语考试之类的作文可以参考下相关英语作文网站;我英语 写作都不强,帮不了你啊;但不努力肯定后悔!




1、确定题目:一般在论文开始写作之前,学校都会给定一些题目给你选择,初步选择题目之后会分配论文指导老师,然后你可以把之前选定的题目以及你对于这个题目写作的基本框架(论文着重点,往哪个方面去写)向导师请教,询问导师的意见。如果导师觉得你的题目和思路可行,那么基本上可以确定下来。如果导师觉得你的题目比较大,或者是没有写作的意义,一般他会询问你平时关注的东西或是你比较感兴趣哪方面的,然后会提供一些新的题目给你选择。论文题目最好是自己比较感兴趣或是擅长的,这样写起来会更容易。题目要精炼,准确,简洁明了,字数不要太多。2、开题报告:根据之前确定的题目,搜集相关资料(参考文献),拟开题报告并询问导师意见。 开题报告包括以下内容: 论文题目、论文研究的目的,意义、研究方法、本论文国内外的研究状况、论文的目标、论文的基本内容(主体,框架)、论文写作的步骤(时间安排)、参考文献等。3、资料搜集:到相关网站如知网等具有权威的网站搜集与论文有关的资料。为初稿做准备。搜集资料一定要去权威网站,这样更能确保资料的真实性。书籍文献最好是原著。4、初稿:根据开题报告和搜集到的资料进行初稿的写作。在写作过程中,严格按照论文的相关格式要求。如果有引用的地方最好做好脚注,并在最后的“参考文献”部分列出来,这样查重的时候是不算重复率的,但是引用不要太多。初稿的语言表达和用词要精炼,这样方便以后修改。 论文结构要完整,观点要明确且不要抄袭他人观点,如果类似的话最好换一种说法或是提炼以下,简明扼要。5、修稿初稿,降低重复率:请导师批阅初稿,导师在看完之后会提出论文存在哪些问题,论文哪些地方需要修改,修改的建议。 根据导师的建议认真修改,尽量往导师提供的方向(导师在论文中的作用还是挺大的,到答辩的时候有可能答辩老师就是他,说到这里大家应该明白了吧)。导师提出的问题以及怎么修改这些一定要认真对待。查重的话主要看每个学校论文查重用的是哪个网站(即使你答辩过关,但是如果学校最后查出你的重复率不合格,那么你还要重新写或是延迟毕业)。





写好论文的第一步:充分理解题目意思,明白导师到底让你“论”什么,才能确定你的论点。其实我们从小学开始学写议论文时老师就是这么教的,换成英文同样如此。关于如何理解分析问题,现将教材部分摘录如下:The components of a questionMost essay titles or examination questions contain the following components: Subject matter or What, in the most general terms, is the question about? Aspect or This is the angle or point of view on the subject What aspect of the subject matter is the question about? Instruction or This refers to the instruction word or These instructions tell the student exactly what to Some questions also contain the following components: Restriction or expansion of the subject This is the detailed limitation of the What, in specific terms, is the question about? V This refers to the requirement, in the question, that the writer writes from a point of view dictated by the setter of the Analysing the questionTo analyse the title, it is useful to follow the following steps: Identify the If the topic has a restriction or expansion, identify Search for the This is the angle or point of view on the subject Often, the aspect is a phrase ending in 'of', 'the importance of', 'the contribution of' Be sure you are clear about how the aspect relates to the subject It can be an example of it, a stage in its sequence, the cause or effect, one of the solutions to it as a problem Identify the instruction (which often comes at the beginning) and decide what it means and what it requires you to Check whether there is a viewpoint and if so, if it the same as your 'Analysing the question'第4条是非常关键的,因为常常一个简单的词或词组就能够清晰告诉你需要做什么,这一类的词主要以动词为主,包括:account for, analyse, compare, consider, contrast, criticise, define, describe, discuss, elucidate, evaluate/assess, explain, explore, illustrate, justify, prove/disprove, state, summarise/outline, trace, 'To what extent is X true? (means true or/and not true)'。还有很多,不一一列举。在分析题目时我们必须找到这本文转自网学网,转载请注明出处:

of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time



写好论文的第一步:充分理解题目意思,明白导师到底让你“论”什么,才能确定你的论点。其实我们从小学开始学写议论文时老师就是这么教的,换成英文同样如此。关于如何理解分析问题,现将教材部分摘录如下:The components of a questionMost essay titles or examination questions contain the following components: Subject matter or What, in the most general terms, is the question about? Aspect or This is the angle or point of view on the subject What aspect of the subject matter is the question about? Instruction or This refers to the instruction word or These instructions tell the student exactly what to Some questions also contain the following components: Restriction or expansion of the subject This is the detailed limitation of the What, in specific terms, is the question about? V This refers to the requirement, in the question, that the writer writes from a point of view dictated by the setter of the Analysing the questionTo analyse the title, it is useful to follow the following steps: Identify the If the topic has a restriction or expansion, identify Search for the This is the angle or point of view on the subject Often, the aspect is a phrase ending in 'of', 'the importance of', 'the contribution of' Be sure you are clear about how the aspect relates to the subject It can be an example of it, a stage in its sequence, the cause or effect, one of the solutions to it as a problem Identify the instruction (which often comes at the beginning) and decide what it means and what it requires you to Check whether there is a viewpoint and if so, if it the same as your 'Analysing the question'第4条是非常关键的,因为常常一个简单的词或词组就能够清晰告诉你需要做什么,这一类的词主要以动词为主,包括:account for, analyse, compare, consider, contrast, criticise, define, describe, discuss, elucidate, evaluate/assess, explain, explore, illustrate, justify, prove/disprove, state, summarise/outline, trace, 'To what extent is X true? (means true or/and not true)'。还有很多,不一一列举。在分析题目时我们必须找到这本文转自网学网,转载请注明出处:

of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time



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