

发布时间:2024-09-06 09:43:55


[1]金雯飞,刁化功 浅谈中国旅游服务贸易的发展[J] 现代经济探讨,2001,(12) [2]梁峰 中国旅游服务贸易发展的时空演变特征分析[J] 北方经济,2010,(3) [3]李宝杨 浅析GATS对中国旅游服务贸易发展的影响[J] 黑龙江对外经贸,2004,(4) [4]蒋庚华,张曙霄 中国旅游服务贸易内部区域结构失衡问题分析[J] 东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版),2011,(1) [5]李仲广 中国旅游服务贸易:潜力惊人[J] 中国经贸,2011,(2) [6]李小牧 中国旅游服务贸易发展:1985—2004年的国际收支分析[J] 国际贸易,2006,(10) [7]林贤瑛 中国旅游服务贸易的现状及法律对策[J] 江西财经大学学报,2004,(4) [8]齐述丽,俞会新 我国旅游服务贸易竞争力的国际比较[J] 对外经贸实务,2009,(2) [9]梁峰 中国旅游服务贸易发展研究[D] 华东师范大学: 华东师范大学, [10]王志伟 中美旅游服务贸易竞争力比较及启示[J] 对外经贸实务,2009,(11) [11]王瑞 GATS对中国旅游服务贸易影响的法律研究[D] 厦门大学: 厦门大学, [12]刘伟 中国旅游服务贸易产业竞争力研究[D] 内蒙古农业大学: 内蒙古农业大学, [13]曾宪梅,江河 GATS框架下中国旅游业的发展策略[J] 教育理论与实践,2010,(9) [14]马骊 中国旅游服务贸易入世承诺研究[D] 西南政法大学: 西南政法大学, [15]余彬 中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力研究[D] 武汉理工大学: 武汉理工大学, [16]孙夏 提升中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力研究[D] 河海大学: 河海大学, [17]姜义茂,刘慧芳,李俊 中国旅游服务出口国际竞争力探析[J] 中国经贸,2006,(11) [18]王岩 浅析中国旅游服务贸易的发展[D] 吉林大学: 吉林大学, [19]赵冬东 中国旅游服务贸易竞争力研究[D] 哈尔滨工业大学: 哈尔滨工业大学, [20]林沛泉 中国旅游服务贸易竞争力分析[D] 对外经济贸易大学: 对外经济贸易大学, [21]阮德寿 越中旅游服务贸易研究[D] 广西师范大学: 广西师范大学, [22]韩燕 中国旅游服务贸易竞争优势分析[D] 兰州商学院: 兰州商学院, [23]谭鹏成 关于中国旅游服务贸易出口流量变化的研究[D] 江南大学: 江南大学, [24]陈科 贸易自由化下的中国旅游服务贸易竞争力分析[D] 浙江工业大学: 浙江工业大学, [25]肖小文 论CAFTA《服务贸易协议》与中国旅游服务贸易的发展[J] 法制与经济(下旬刊),2008,(11) [26]蒋庚华,张曙霄 中国旅游服务贸易内部区域结构失衡问题分析[A] 李小牧,钱建初中国商务出版社(China Commerce and Trade Press)[C]: 中国商务出版社(China Commerce and Trade Press),2010: [27]谭鹏成 入境旅游:基于福利恶化型增长视角的分析[J] 黑龙江对外经贸,2008,(12) [28]陈昊 中国旅游服务贸易与服务贸易总协定[J] 沈阳大学学报,1997,(4) [29]何伟,江旸 中国旅游服务贸易发展策略分析[J] 黄石理工学院学报(人文社会科学版),2007,(1) [30]周经,吕计跃 中国旅游服务贸易竞争力影响因素的实证分析[J] 国际贸易问题,2008,(4) [31]陈科 中国旅游服务贸易自由化与竞争力研究[J] 商场现代化,2009,(12) [32]李璐 我国旅游服务贸易竞争力研究[D] 湖南大学: 湖南大学, [33]蒋庚华,张曙霄 中国旅游服务贸易地区差距与地区经济差距的关系[J] 经济问题,2011,(3) [34]汪志伟 GATS框架下中国国际旅游服务贸易的立法完善[J] 黄山学院学报,2006,(6) [35]孙夏 提升中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力研究[J] 长春师范学院学报(自然科学版),2009,(8) [36]冯姝姝 基于计量经济学模型的中国旅游服务贸易研究[J] 生态经济,2007,(10) [37]李小牧,宋玮玮 中国旅游服务贸易收支影响因素的实证分析[J] 生产力研究,2008,(23) [38]周经娟,万红光 中国旅游服务贸易竞争力的影响因素分析[J] 重庆工商大学学报(社会科学版),2007,(5) [39]张汉林,樊莹 景美更需服务好——服务贸易总协定与中国旅游服务贸易发展[J] 国际贸易,1997,(2) [40]梁峰 中国旅游服务贸易发展的空间集聚特征分析[J] 经济论坛,2010,(3) [41]周广威 我国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力的研究[D] 浙江大学: 浙江大学, [42]史玉江 我国旅游服务贸易存在的问题及对策研究[D] 河北大学: 河北大学, [43]林贤瑛 WTO《服务贸易总协定》对我国国际旅游服务贸易的影响及法律对策[D] 南昌大学: 南昌大学, [44]文斐婧,王柏彬,逄忠臣 我国入境旅游服务贸易研究[J] 安徽农业科学,2011,(6) [45]苏科五,李明星 中国与东盟旅游服务贸易国际竞争力比较——基于面板数据的分析:1990~2006[J] 河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2008,(6) [46]冯建栋 中国旅游服务贸易现状及其前景与对策分析[J] 中国商贸,2011,(9) [47]李桂香 中国旅游服务贸易的经济增长效应——基于省际面板数据的实证分析[J] 宜春学院学报,2011,(3) [48]曾兴 中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力的影响因素分析[J] 才智,2009,(23) [49]王永玲,希冷洛 中国旅游服务贸易的竞争力浅析[J] 云南财经大学学报(社会科学版),2008,(4) [50]徐军 中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力的现状及其对策[J] 芜湖职业技术学院学报,2008,(1)



RENMINBI CONTROVERSIESMorris GoldsteinNo topic in international monetary economics has probably been more debated over the past three years than what should be done about China’s currency regime and about the exchange rate for the renminbi (RMB) In this article, I take up three questions that are at the center of the current debate, namely:① Is the RMB undervalued and, if so, by how much?② Would an RMB appreciation of 20–25 percent be particularly harmful for China’s economic growth and development, as well as for its domestic financial stability? ③ Was the July 21, 2005, currency reform a large or tiny step forward?⑴Is the RMB Undervalued?Among the many approaches available for estimating equilibrium exchange rates, I prefer two: the “underlying balance” approach and the “global payments” In both cases, I am going to assume that no wholesale change occurs in China’s capital-account regime over say, the next three ⑵ Under the underlying balance approach, one asks what level of the real effective exchange rate—that is, the trade-weighted average of nominal exchange rates adjusted for inflation differentials between the home country and its trading partners—would produce equilibrium in the home country’s balance of payments, where equilibrium means an “underlying” current account position that is approximately equal (and opposite in sign) to “normal” net capital Suppose we take the average of China’s capital account balance over the 1999–2002 period—a surplus equal to 5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP)—as a rough estimate of its normal net capital ⑶ China’s capital account surplus in 2003 and 2004 was much larger than that—on the order of 7–8 percent of GDP—but much of that appears to have been driven by speculative capital inflows, induced primarily by an expected appreciation of the RMBIf normal net capital flows are in surplus by 5 percent of GDP, equilibrium then calls for an underlying current account deficit equal to 5 percent of GDP The “underlying current account” can be defined as the actual current account balance adjusted for two factors: cyclical movements in the economy that make the demand for imports unusually high or low, and the lagged trade effects of earlier exchange rate changes that are not yet visible in the published China’s actual, overall current account surpluses in 2003 and 2004 were 3 and 2 percent of GDP, The underlying current account surplus was undoubtedly higher than the actual ones in those two years because the overheated state of the Chinese economy was pushing the demand for imports way up and because the real, trade-weighted value of the RMB depreciated during that period, suggesting positive trade-balance effects in the pipeline (see Goldstein 2004) Without pretending to undue precision, the underlying current account surplus in 2003–2004 was probably in the neighborhood of 5–5 percent of GDP China’s actual global current account surplus in 2005 was much larger Based on official figures just recently released, the actual current account surplus last year was 2 percent of GDP The underlying surplus would be somewhat lower because domestic demand growth slowed in China last year—reducing the growth of imports— and because the RMB appreciated in real, trade-weighted terms in ⑷ Nevertheless, the underlying current account surplus in 2005 was likely on the order of 5–6 percent of GDP The foregoing implies that China’s current account balance needs to deteriorate by a whopping 5–5 percent of GDP to restore equilibrium to its overall balance of If one does some simulations with a small trade model to calculate what size real appreciation of the RMB would generate such a large negative swing in China’s current account—using a range of plausible price elasticities, giving due consideration to how the high import content of China’s exports affects its export prices, and making alternative assumptions about the second-round feedback effects of income changes on the demand for imports—the answers tend to congregate in the 20–35 percent ⑸ Note again that this estimate of undervaluation of the MB is not dependent either on the large speculative capital inflows of recent years or on China’s large and rising bilateral trade surplus with the United SA second complementary approach, the global payments approach, asks what role RMB adjustment should play in the correction of large existing payments imbalances around the world—not just in C Here, the elephant in the room is the large US current account deficit—running at about 5 percent of GDP in 2005 and threatening to go higher over the medium term (see Cline 2005) An analysis of US external debt dynamics suggests that a deficit only about half that size is likely to be As argued by Mussa (2005) and others, one key element in any effective strategy to correct the US external imbalance, while simultaneously sustaining healthy global economic growth, is a further depreciation in the real trade-weighted dollar from its current level—on the order of 15–25 ⑹ Emerging Asia plus Japan account for about a 40 percent weight in the trade-weighted dollar Whereas the euro, the Canadian dollar, and the Australian dollar, among other market-determined exchange rates, have shown strong (real effective) appreciations during the first wave of dollar depreciation (since February 2002), the Asian currencies—with the notable exceptions of the Korean won and Indonesian rupiah—have either appreciated only slightly (, Thai baht and the Indian rupee) or have actually ⑺In some cases (the Malaysian ringgit, the Japanese yen, and the Taiwanese dollar), the depreciation has been large despite sizable current account If the Asian currencies do not lead the way in the needed second wave of dollar depreciation, either the resulting overall depreciation of the dollar will be too small, or the burden of appreciation will fall heavily on economies where a further large appreciation would not be warranted by their economic circumstances (see Goldstein 2005)⑻ Under the global payments approach, China is a prime candidate for significant real currency appreciation: it has experienced massive reserve accumulation equal to 10 percent of GDP over each of the past three years; its real, trade-weighted exchange rate has depreciated over this period; and it has now recorded 10 successive quarters of 9 percent plus economic Moreover, an appreciation of the RMB would likely induce some appreciation in some other Asian To sum up, the message I take away from these approaches to assessing the equilibrium value of the RMB is that it remains significantly undervalued on a real, trade-weighted basis— on the order of 20– 35 ⑼A wholesale liberalization of controls on capital outflows could wipe out most of this undervaluation, but the fragile state of China’s banking system makes this policy neither desirable nor likely for the next several True, there are other approaches to valuing the RMB (, purchasing-power-parity calculations, structural models of the RMB, and VAR models), and there are other ad hoc adjustments one could make to obtain estimates of underlying current accounts and normal capital None of those approaches, however, yields results persuasive enough and different enough to overturn the large undervaluation ⑽Would an RMB Revaluation Be Bad for China’s Growth and Financial Stability?Many have argued that even if the RMB is undervalued, it would be most unwise to undertake a large revaluation since this could be catastrophic for China’s growth and economic development, as well as its social and financial In this context, some opponents of RMB revaluation emphasize the large-scale and continuing migration out of agriculture, the sizable employment losses in state-owned industries, and the large annual flow of graduates looking for Taken together, these labor force trends are said to create irresistible social pressures for rapid economic growth that can only be accommodated with the high export growth emanating from a highly undervalued exchange Still others opposed to revaluation assert that the rigid link of the RMB to the dollar—along with its undervaluation —has served as an essential pillar of China’s domestic financial stability and as a way of encouraging large inflows of foreign direct investment that can compensate for the weaknesses of China’s domestic banking I find these arguments against a significant RMB revaluation Getting the arguments right about the benefits and costs of an RMB revaluation is important because China cannot be expected to undertake an exchange rate policy that is perceived to be counter to its self- Let me offer three First, it is an exaggeration both to equate any significant real appreciation of the RMB with very slow growth and to regard exports as the main driver of China’s Between 1994 and early 2002 the real, trade-weighted exchange rate of the RMB appreciated by almost 30 percent (see Figure 1), yet the Chinese economy grew at an average annual rate of 9 percent and growth never dipped below 7 percent growth in any single year (see Figure 2) True, this large real appreciation of the RMB did not come all at once, but there were individual years in which the appreciation was 8 percent or more (13 percent in 1997 and 8 percent in 2000)⑾Also, the record over this eight-year period demonstrates that the Chinese economy is capable of growing at a robust pace when the real exchange rate is following strong trend The export-to-GDP ratio in China is now approaching 35 But as Anderson (2005a) has recently argued, this does not mean that the Chinese economy is “ export ” Adjusting for the relatively low domestic content of exports makes China’s “ true” export exposure lower than suggested by the headline export-to-GDP Anderson (2005a) goes on to argue that one salient characteristic of an export-led economy is that fluctuations in trade growth should be similar to those in broader GDP growth— whereas an economy that relies more on domestic demand for growth would display fluctuations in GDP growth that were considerably smaller than those for trade On this count, Anderson (2005a) finds that while the standard deviation of trade growth has been very similar to the standard deviation of GDP growth for a group of seven Asian economies, the standard deviation of GDP growth has been only about a third as high as that for trade growth in C In fact, the relationship between GDP growth and trade growth in China looks much closer to that in the United States than it does to China’s Asian





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RENMINBI CONTROVERSIESMorris GoldsteinNo topic in international monetary economics has probably been more debated over the past three years than what should be done about China’s currency regime and about the exchange rate for the renminbi (RMB) In this article, I take up three questions that are at the center of the current debate, namely:① Is the RMB undervalued and, if so, by how much?② Would an RMB appreciation of 20–25 percent be particularly harmful for China’s economic growth and development, as well as for its domestic financial stability? ③ Was the July 21, 2005, currency reform a large or tiny step forward?⑴Is the RMB Undervalued?Among the many approaches available for estimating equilibrium exchange rates, I prefer two: the “underlying balance” approach and the “global payments” In both cases, I am going to assume that no wholesale change occurs in China’s capital-account regime over say, the next three ⑵ Under the underlying balance approach, one asks what level of the real effective exchange rate—that is, the trade-weighted average of nominal exchange rates adjusted for inflation differentials between the home country and its trading partners—would produce equilibrium in the home country’s balance of payments, where equilibrium means an “underlying” current account position that is approximately equal (and opposite in sign) to “normal” net capital Suppose we take the average of China’s capital account balance over the 1999–2002 period—a surplus equal to 5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP)—as a rough estimate of its normal net capital ⑶ China’s capital account surplus in 2003 and 2004 was much larger than that—on the order of 7–8 percent of GDP—but much of that appears to have been driven by speculative capital inflows, induced primarily by an expected appreciation of the RMBIf normal net capital flows are in surplus by 5 percent of GDP, equilibrium then calls for an underlying current account deficit equal to 5 percent of GDP The “underlying current account” can be defined as the actual current account balance adjusted for two factors: cyclical movements in the economy that make the demand for imports unusually high or low, and the lagged trade effects of earlier exchange rate changes that are not yet visible in the published China’s actual, overall current account surpluses in 2003 and 2004 were 3 and 2 percent of GDP, The underlying current account surplus was undoubtedly higher than the actual ones in those two years because the overheated state of the Chinese economy was pushing the demand for imports way up and because the real, trade-weighted value of the RMB depreciated during that period, suggesting positive trade-balance effects in the pipeline (see Goldstein 2004) Without pretending to undue precision, the underlying current account surplus in 2003–2004 was probably in the neighborhood of 5–5 percent of GDP China’s actual global current account surplus in 2005 was much larger Based on official figures just recently released, the actual current account surplus last year was 2 percent of GDP The underlying surplus would be somewhat lower because domestic demand growth slowed in China last year—reducing the growth of imports— and because the RMB appreciated in real, trade-weighted terms in ⑷ Nevertheless, the underlying current account surplus in 2005 was likely on the order of 5–6 percent of GDP The foregoing implies that China’s current account balance needs to deteriorate by a whopping 5–5 percent of GDP to restore equilibrium to its overall balance of If one does some simulations with a small trade model to calculate what size real appreciation of the RMB would generate such a large negative swing in China’s current account—using a range of plausible price elasticities, giving due consideration to how the high import content of China’s exports affects its export prices, and making alternative assumptions about the second-round feedback effects of income changes on the demand for imports—the answers tend to congregate in the 20–35 percent ⑸ Note again that this estimate of undervaluation of the MB is not dependent either on the large speculative capital inflows of recent years or on China’s large and rising bilateral trade surplus with the United SA second complementary approach, the global payments approach, asks what role RMB adjustment should play in the correction of large existing payments imbalances around the world—not just in C Here, the elephant in the room is the large US current account deficit—running at about 5 percent of GDP in 2005 and threatening to go higher over the medium term (see Cline 2005) An analysis of US external debt dynamics suggests that a deficit only about half that size is likely to be As argued by Mussa (2005) and others, one key element in any effective strategy to correct the US external imbalance, while simultaneously sustaining healthy global economic growth, is a further depreciation in the real trade-weighted dollar from its current level—on the order of 15–25 ⑹ Emerging Asia plus Japan account for about a 40 percent weight in the trade-weighted dollar Whereas the euro, the Canadian dollar, and the Australian dollar, among other market-determined exchange rates, have shown strong (real effective) appreciations during the first wave of dollar depreciation (since February 2002), the Asian currencies—with the notable exceptions of the Korean won and Indonesian rupiah—have either appreciated only slightly (, Thai baht and the Indian rupee) or have actually ⑺In some cases (the Malaysian ringgit, the Japanese yen, and the Taiwanese dollar), the depreciation has been large despite sizable current account If the Asian currencies do not lead the way in the needed second wave of dollar depreciation, either the resulting overall depreciation of the dollar will be too small, or the burden of appreciation will fall heavily on economies where a further large appreciation would not be warranted by their economic circumstances (see Goldstein 2005)⑻ Under the global payments approach, China is a prime candidate for significant real currency appreciation: it has experienced massive reserve accumulation equal to 10 percent of GDP over each of the past three years; its real, trade-weighted exchange rate has depreciated over this period; and it has now recorded 10 successive quarters of 9 percent plus economic Moreover, an appreciation of the RMB would likely induce some appreciation in some other Asian To sum up, the message I take away from these approaches to assessing the equilibrium value of the RMB is that it remains significantly undervalued on a real, trade-weighted basis— on the order of 20– 35 ⑼A wholesale liberalization of controls on capital outflows could wipe out most of this undervaluation, but the fragile state of China’s banking system makes this policy neither desirable nor likely for the next several True, there are other approaches to valuing the RMB (, purchasing-power-parity calculations, structural models of the RMB, and VAR models), and there are other ad hoc adjustments one could make to obtain estimates of underlying current accounts and normal capital None of those approaches, however, yields results persuasive enough and different enough to overturn the large undervaluation ⑽Would an RMB Revaluation Be Bad for China’s Growth and Financial Stability?Many have argued that even if the RMB is undervalued, it would be most unwise to undertake a large revaluation since this could be catastrophic for China’s growth and economic development, as well as its social and financial In this context, some opponents of RMB revaluation emphasize the large-scale and continuing migration out of agriculture, the sizable employment losses in state-owned industries, and the large annual flow of graduates looking for Taken together, these labor force trends are said to create irresistible social pressures for rapid economic growth that can only be accommodated with the high export growth emanating from a highly undervalued exchange Still others opposed to revaluation assert that the rigid link of the RMB to the dollar—along with its undervaluation —has served as an essential pillar of China’s domestic financial stability and as a way of encouraging large inflows of foreign direct investment that can compensate for the weaknesses of China’s domestic banking I find these arguments against a significant RMB revaluation Getting the arguments right about the benefits and costs of an RMB revaluation is important because China cannot be expected to undertake an exchange rate policy that is perceived to be counter to its self- Let me offer three First, it is an exaggeration both to equate any significant real appreciation of the RMB with very slow growth and to regard exports as the main driver of China’s Between 1994 and early 2002 the real, trade-weighted exchange rate of the RMB appreciated by almost 30 percent (see Figure 1), yet the Chinese economy grew at an average annual rate of 9 percent and growth never dipped below 7 percent growth in any single year (see Figure 2) True, this large real appreciation of the RMB did not come all at once, but there were individual years in which the appreciation was 8 percent or more (13 percent in 1997 and 8 percent in 2000)⑾Also, the record over this eight-year period demonstrates that the Chinese economy is capable of growing at a robust pace when the real exchange rate is following strong trend The export-to-GDP ratio in China is now approaching 35 But as Anderson (2005a) has recently argued, this does not mean that the Chinese economy is “ export ” Adjusting for the relatively low domestic content of exports makes China’s “ true” export exposure lower than suggested by the headline export-to-GDP Anderson (2005a) goes on to argue that one salient characteristic of an export-led economy is that fluctuations in trade growth should be similar to those in broader GDP growth— whereas an economy that relies more on domestic demand for growth would display fluctuations in GDP growth that were considerably smaller than those for trade On this count, Anderson (2005a) finds that while the standard deviation of trade growth has been very similar to the standard deviation of GDP growth for a group of seven Asian economies, the standard deviation of GDP growth has been only about a third as high as that for trade growth in C In fact, the relationship between GDP growth and trade growth in China looks much closer to that in the United States than it does to China’s Asian

Influence and Countermeasures of International economic integration on China’s foreign tradeAt present, the world economy is moving to the new trend of regional blocs and economic Currently, the economic integration is gradually breaking continental limits to the Pan-Africa The development of international economic integration will inevitably lead to deeper integration of its internal trade barriers and strengthening the dual external results, leading to non-group increasing competition among countries, protectionism is These are constraints of the international economy, especially the freedom of foreign economic development in developing


[1]金雯飞,刁化功 浅谈中国旅游服务贸易的发展[J] 现代经济探讨,2001,(12) [2]梁峰 中国旅游服务贸易发展的时空演变特征分析[J] 北方经济,2010,(3) [3]李宝杨 浅析GATS对中国旅游服务贸易发展的影响[J] 黑龙江对外经贸,2004,(4) [4]蒋庚华,张曙霄 中国旅游服务贸易内部区域结构失衡问题分析[J] 东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版),2011,(1) [5]李仲广 中国旅游服务贸易:潜力惊人[J] 中国经贸,2011,(2) [6]李小牧 中国旅游服务贸易发展:1985—2004年的国际收支分析[J] 国际贸易,2006,(10) [7]林贤瑛 中国旅游服务贸易的现状及法律对策[J] 江西财经大学学报,2004,(4) [8]齐述丽,俞会新 我国旅游服务贸易竞争力的国际比较[J] 对外经贸实务,2009,(2) [9]梁峰 中国旅游服务贸易发展研究[D] 华东师范大学: 华东师范大学, [10]王志伟 中美旅游服务贸易竞争力比较及启示[J] 对外经贸实务,2009,(11) [11]王瑞 GATS对中国旅游服务贸易影响的法律研究[D] 厦门大学: 厦门大学, [12]刘伟 中国旅游服务贸易产业竞争力研究[D] 内蒙古农业大学: 内蒙古农业大学, [13]曾宪梅,江河 GATS框架下中国旅游业的发展策略[J] 教育理论与实践,2010,(9) [14]马骊 中国旅游服务贸易入世承诺研究[D] 西南政法大学: 西南政法大学, [15]余彬 中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力研究[D] 武汉理工大学: 武汉理工大学, [16]孙夏 提升中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力研究[D] 河海大学: 河海大学, [17]姜义茂,刘慧芳,李俊 中国旅游服务出口国际竞争力探析[J] 中国经贸,2006,(11) [18]王岩 浅析中国旅游服务贸易的发展[D] 吉林大学: 吉林大学, [19]赵冬东 中国旅游服务贸易竞争力研究[D] 哈尔滨工业大学: 哈尔滨工业大学, [20]林沛泉 中国旅游服务贸易竞争力分析[D] 对外经济贸易大学: 对外经济贸易大学, [21]阮德寿 越中旅游服务贸易研究[D] 广西师范大学: 广西师范大学, [22]韩燕 中国旅游服务贸易竞争优势分析[D] 兰州商学院: 兰州商学院, [23]谭鹏成 关于中国旅游服务贸易出口流量变化的研究[D] 江南大学: 江南大学, [24]陈科 贸易自由化下的中国旅游服务贸易竞争力分析[D] 浙江工业大学: 浙江工业大学, [25]肖小文 论CAFTA《服务贸易协议》与中国旅游服务贸易的发展[J] 法制与经济(下旬刊),2008,(11) [26]蒋庚华,张曙霄 中国旅游服务贸易内部区域结构失衡问题分析[A] 李小牧,钱建初中国商务出版社(China Commerce and Trade Press)[C]: 中国商务出版社(China Commerce and Trade Press),2010: [27]谭鹏成 入境旅游:基于福利恶化型增长视角的分析[J] 黑龙江对外经贸,2008,(12) [28]陈昊 中国旅游服务贸易与服务贸易总协定[J] 沈阳大学学报,1997,(4) [29]何伟,江旸 中国旅游服务贸易发展策略分析[J] 黄石理工学院学报(人文社会科学版),2007,(1) [30]周经,吕计跃 中国旅游服务贸易竞争力影响因素的实证分析[J] 国际贸易问题,2008,(4) [31]陈科 中国旅游服务贸易自由化与竞争力研究[J] 商场现代化,2009,(12) [32]李璐 我国旅游服务贸易竞争力研究[D] 湖南大学: 湖南大学, [33]蒋庚华,张曙霄 中国旅游服务贸易地区差距与地区经济差距的关系[J] 经济问题,2011,(3) [34]汪志伟 GATS框架下中国国际旅游服务贸易的立法完善[J] 黄山学院学报,2006,(6) [35]孙夏 提升中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力研究[J] 长春师范学院学报(自然科学版),2009,(8) [36]冯姝姝 基于计量经济学模型的中国旅游服务贸易研究[J] 生态经济,2007,(10) [37]李小牧,宋玮玮 中国旅游服务贸易收支影响因素的实证分析[J] 生产力研究,2008,(23) [38]周经娟,万红光 中国旅游服务贸易竞争力的影响因素分析[J] 重庆工商大学学报(社会科学版),2007,(5) [39]张汉林,樊莹 景美更需服务好——服务贸易总协定与中国旅游服务贸易发展[J] 国际贸易,1997,(2) [40]梁峰 中国旅游服务贸易发展的空间集聚特征分析[J] 经济论坛,2010,(3) [41]周广威 我国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力的研究[D] 浙江大学: 浙江大学, [42]史玉江 我国旅游服务贸易存在的问题及对策研究[D] 河北大学: 河北大学, [43]林贤瑛 WTO《服务贸易总协定》对我国国际旅游服务贸易的影响及法律对策[D] 南昌大学: 南昌大学, [44]文斐婧,王柏彬,逄忠臣 我国入境旅游服务贸易研究[J] 安徽农业科学,2011,(6) [45]苏科五,李明星 中国与东盟旅游服务贸易国际竞争力比较——基于面板数据的分析:1990~2006[J] 河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2008,(6) [46]冯建栋 中国旅游服务贸易现状及其前景与对策分析[J] 中国商贸,2011,(9) [47]李桂香 中国旅游服务贸易的经济增长效应——基于省际面板数据的实证分析[J] 宜春学院学报,2011,(3) [48]曾兴 中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力的影响因素分析[J] 才智,2009,(23) [49]王永玲,希冷洛 中国旅游服务贸易的竞争力浅析[J] 云南财经大学学报(社会科学版),2008,(4) [50]徐军 中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力的现状及其对策[J] 芜湖职业技术学院学报,2008,(1)


参考文献是在学术研究过程中,对某一著作或论文的整体的参考或借鉴。征引过的文献在注释中已注明,不再出现于文后参考文献中。按照字面的意思,参考文献是文章或著作等写作过程中参考过的文献。然而,按照GB/T 7714-2005《文后参考文献著录规则》的定义,文后参考文献是指:“为撰写或编辑论文和著作而引用的有关文献信息资源。”根据《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范(试行)》和《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范(修订版)》的要求,很多刊物对参考文献和注释作出区分,将注释规定为“对正文中某一内容作进一步解释或补充说明的文字”,列于文末并与参考文献分列或置于当页脚地。2007年8月20日在清华大学召开的“综合性人文社会科学学术期刊编排规范研讨会”决定,2008年起开始部分刊物开始执行新的规范“综合性期刊文献引证技术规范”。该技术规范概括了文献引证的“注释”体例和“著者—出版年”体例。不再使用“参考文献”的说法。目前这两类文献著录或引证规范在中国影响较大,后者主要在层次较高的人文社会科学学术期刊中得到了应用。⑴文后参考文献的著录规则为GB/T 7714-2005《文后参考文献著录规则》,适用于“著者和编辑编录的文后参考文献,而不能作为图书馆员、文献目录编制者以及索引编辑者使用的文献著录规则”。⑵顺序编码制的具体编排方式。参考文献按照其在正文中出现的先后以阿拉伯数字连续编码,序号置于方括号内。一种文献被反复引用者,在正文中用同一序号标示。一般来说,引用一次的文献的页码(或页码范围)在文后参考文献中列出。格式为著作的“出版年”或期刊的“年,卷(期)”等+“:页码(或页码范围)”。多次引用的文献,每处的页码或页码范围(有的刊物也将能指示引用文献位置的信息视为页码)分别列于每处参考文献的序号标注处,置于方括号后(仅列数字,不加“p”或“页”等前后文字、字符;页码范围中间的连线为半字线)并作上标。作为正文出现的参考文献序号后需加页码或页码范围的,该页码或页码范围也要作上标。作者和编辑需要仔细核对顺序编码制下的参考文献序号,做到序号与其所指示的文献同文后参考文献列表一致。另外,参考文献页码或页码范围也要准确无误。⑶参考文献类型及文献类型,根据GB3469-83《文献类型与文献载体代码》规定,以单字母方式标识:专著M ; 报纸N ;期刊J ;专利文献P;汇编G ;古籍O;技术标准S ;学位论文D ;科技报告R;参考工具K ;检索工具W;档案B ;录音带A ;图表Q;唱片L;产品样本X;录相带V;会议录C;中译文T;乐谱I; 电影片Y;手稿H;微缩胶卷U ;幻灯片Z;微缩平片F;其他E。


[1]金雯飞,刁化功 浅谈中国旅游服务贸易的发展[J] 现代经济探讨,2001,(12) [2]梁峰 中国旅游服务贸易发展的时空演变特征分析[J] 北方经济,2010,(3) [3]李宝杨 浅析GATS对中国旅游服务贸易发展的影响[J] 黑龙江对外经贸,2004,(4) [4]蒋庚华,张曙霄 中国旅游服务贸易内部区域结构失衡问题分析[J] 东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版),2011,(1) [5]李仲广 中国旅游服务贸易:潜力惊人[J] 中国经贸,2011,(2) [6]李小牧 中国旅游服务贸易发展:1985—2004年的国际收支分析[J] 国际贸易,2006,(10) [7]林贤瑛 中国旅游服务贸易的现状及法律对策[J] 江西财经大学学报,2004,(4) [8]齐述丽,俞会新 我国旅游服务贸易竞争力的国际比较[J] 对外经贸实务,2009,(2) [9]梁峰 中国旅游服务贸易发展研究[D] 华东师范大学: 华东师范大学, [10]王志伟 中美旅游服务贸易竞争力比较及启示[J] 对外经贸实务,2009,(11) [11]王瑞 GATS对中国旅游服务贸易影响的法律研究[D] 厦门大学: 厦门大学, [12]刘伟 中国旅游服务贸易产业竞争力研究[D] 内蒙古农业大学: 内蒙古农业大学, [13]曾宪梅,江河 GATS框架下中国旅游业的发展策略[J] 教育理论与实践,2010,(9) [14]马骊 中国旅游服务贸易入世承诺研究[D] 西南政法大学: 西南政法大学, [15]余彬 中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力研究[D] 武汉理工大学: 武汉理工大学, [16]孙夏 提升中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力研究[D] 河海大学: 河海大学, [17]姜义茂,刘慧芳,李俊 中国旅游服务出口国际竞争力探析[J] 中国经贸,2006,(11) [18]王岩 浅析中国旅游服务贸易的发展[D] 吉林大学: 吉林大学, [19]赵冬东 中国旅游服务贸易竞争力研究[D] 哈尔滨工业大学: 哈尔滨工业大学, [20]林沛泉 中国旅游服务贸易竞争力分析[D] 对外经济贸易大学: 对外经济贸易大学, [21]阮德寿 越中旅游服务贸易研究[D] 广西师范大学: 广西师范大学, [22]韩燕 中国旅游服务贸易竞争优势分析[D] 兰州商学院: 兰州商学院, [23]谭鹏成 关于中国旅游服务贸易出口流量变化的研究[D] 江南大学: 江南大学, [24]陈科 贸易自由化下的中国旅游服务贸易竞争力分析[D] 浙江工业大学: 浙江工业大学, [25]肖小文 论CAFTA《服务贸易协议》与中国旅游服务贸易的发展[J] 法制与经济(下旬刊),2008,(11) [26]蒋庚华,张曙霄 中国旅游服务贸易内部区域结构失衡问题分析[A] 李小牧,钱建初中国商务出版社(China Commerce and Trade Press)[C]: 中国商务出版社(China Commerce and Trade Press),2010: [27]谭鹏成 入境旅游:基于福利恶化型增长视角的分析[J] 黑龙江对外经贸,2008,(12) [28]陈昊 中国旅游服务贸易与服务贸易总协定[J] 沈阳大学学报,1997,(4) [29]何伟,江旸 中国旅游服务贸易发展策略分析[J] 黄石理工学院学报(人文社会科学版),2007,(1) [30]周经,吕计跃 中国旅游服务贸易竞争力影响因素的实证分析[J] 国际贸易问题,2008,(4) [31]陈科 中国旅游服务贸易自由化与竞争力研究[J] 商场现代化,2009,(12) [32]李璐 我国旅游服务贸易竞争力研究[D] 湖南大学: 湖南大学, [33]蒋庚华,张曙霄 中国旅游服务贸易地区差距与地区经济差距的关系[J] 经济问题,2011,(3) [34]汪志伟 GATS框架下中国国际旅游服务贸易的立法完善[J] 黄山学院学报,2006,(6) [35]孙夏 提升中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力研究[J] 长春师范学院学报(自然科学版),2009,(8) [36]冯姝姝 基于计量经济学模型的中国旅游服务贸易研究[J] 生态经济,2007,(10) [37]李小牧,宋玮玮 中国旅游服务贸易收支影响因素的实证分析[J] 生产力研究,2008,(23) [38]周经娟,万红光 中国旅游服务贸易竞争力的影响因素分析[J] 重庆工商大学学报(社会科学版),2007,(5) [39]张汉林,樊莹 景美更需服务好——服务贸易总协定与中国旅游服务贸易发展[J] 国际贸易,1997,(2) [40]梁峰 中国旅游服务贸易发展的空间集聚特征分析[J] 经济论坛,2010,(3) [41]周广威 我国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力的研究[D] 浙江大学: 浙江大学, [42]史玉江 我国旅游服务贸易存在的问题及对策研究[D] 河北大学: 河北大学, [43]林贤瑛 WTO《服务贸易总协定》对我国国际旅游服务贸易的影响及法律对策[D] 南昌大学: 南昌大学, [44]文斐婧,王柏彬,逄忠臣 我国入境旅游服务贸易研究[J] 安徽农业科学,2011,(6) [45]苏科五,李明星 中国与东盟旅游服务贸易国际竞争力比较——基于面板数据的分析:1990~2006[J] 河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2008,(6) [46]冯建栋 中国旅游服务贸易现状及其前景与对策分析[J] 中国商贸,2011,(9) [47]李桂香 中国旅游服务贸易的经济增长效应——基于省际面板数据的实证分析[J] 宜春学院学报,2011,(3) [48]曾兴 中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力的影响因素分析[J] 才智,2009,(23) [49]王永玲,希冷洛 中国旅游服务贸易的竞争力浅析[J] 云南财经大学学报(社会科学版),2008,(4) [50]徐军 中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力的现状及其对策[J] 芜湖职业技术学院学报,2008,(1)

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参考文献是在学术研究过程中,对某一著作或论文的整体的参考或借鉴。征引过的文献在注释中已注明,不再出现于文后参考文献中。按照字面的意思,参考文献是文章或著作等写作过程中参考过的文献。然而,按照GB/T 7714-2005《文后参考文献著录规则》的定义,文后参考文献是指:“为撰写或编辑论文和著作而引用的有关文献信息资源。”根据《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范(试行)》和《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范(修订版)》的要求,很多刊物对参考文献和注释作出区分,将注释规定为“对正文中某一内容作进一步解释或补充说明的文字”,列于文末并与参考文献分列或置于当页脚地。2007年8月20日在清华大学召开的“综合性人文社会科学学术期刊编排规范研讨会”决定,2008年起开始部分刊物开始执行新的规范“综合性期刊文献引证技术规范”。该技术规范概括了文献引证的“注释”体例和“著者—出版年”体例。不再使用“参考文献”的说法。目前这两类文献著录或引证规范在中国影响较大,后者主要在层次较高的人文社会科学学术期刊中得到了应用。⑴文后参考文献的著录规则为GB/T 7714-2005《文后参考文献著录规则》,适用于“著者和编辑编录的文后参考文献,而不能作为图书馆员、文献目录编制者以及索引编辑者使用的文献著录规则”。⑵顺序编码制的具体编排方式。参考文献按照其在正文中出现的先后以阿拉伯数字连续编码,序号置于方括号内。一种文献被反复引用者,在正文中用同一序号标示。一般来说,引用一次的文献的页码(或页码范围)在文后参考文献中列出。格式为著作的“出版年”或期刊的“年,卷(期)”等+“:页码(或页码范围)”。多次引用的文献,每处的页码或页码范围(有的刊物也将能指示引用文献位置的信息视为页码)分别列于每处参考文献的序号标注处,置于方括号后(仅列数字,不加“p”或“页”等前后文字、字符;页码范围中间的连线为半字线)并作上标。作为正文出现的参考文献序号后需加页码或页码范围的,该页码或页码范围也要作上标。作者和编辑需要仔细核对顺序编码制下的参考文献序号,做到序号与其所指示的文献同文后参考文献列表一致。另外,参考文献页码或页码范围也要准确无误。⑶参考文献类型及文献类型,根据GB3469-83《文献类型与文献载体代码》规定,以单字母方式标识:专著M ; 报纸N ;期刊J ;专利文献P;汇编G ;古籍O;技术标准S ;学位论文D ;科技报告R;参考工具K ;检索工具W;档案B ;录音带A ;图表Q;唱片L;产品样本X;录相带V;会议录C;中译文T;乐谱I; 电影片Y;手稿H;微缩胶卷U ;幻灯片Z;微缩平片F;其他E。


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