

发布时间:2024-09-06 07:24:31


太长了,我把中英分开吧  土木工程的英文是Civil Engineering ,直译是民用工程,它是建造各种工程的统称。它既指建设的对象,即建造在地上,地下,水中的工程设施,也指应用的材料设备和进行的勘测,设计施工,保养,维修等专业技术。  土木工程随着人类社会的进步而发展,至今已经演变成为大型综合性的学科,它已经出许多分支,如:建筑工程,铁路工程,道路工程,桥梁工程,特种工程结构,给水排水工程,港口工程,水利工程,环境工程等学科。土木工程共有六个专业:建筑学,城市规划,土木工程,建筑环境与设备工程,给水排水工程和道路桥梁工程。  土木工程作为一个重要的基础学科,有其重要的属性:综合性,社会性,实践性,统一性。土木工程为国民经济的发展和人民生活的改善提供了重要的物质技术基础,对众多产业的振兴发挥了促进作用,工程建设是形成固定资产的基本生产过程,因此,建筑业和房地产成为许多国家和地区的经济支柱之一。    古代的土木工程有很长的时间跨度,大致从公元前500年新石器时代出现原始的土木工程活动到16世纪末意大利的文艺复兴,导致土木工程走上迅速发展的道路为止,前后经历了两千多年。在这段时间内,由于科学理论发展及其缓慢,土木工程也没有突破习惯的发展。  从17世纪中页开始到20 世纪40年代第二次世界大战结束为止的300年间,国外的建筑取得了长足的进步。土木工程进入了定量分析阶段。一些理论的发展,新材料的出现,新工具的发明,都使土木工程科学日渐完善和成熟。到了近代,二战结束之后,许多国家经济起飞,现代科学日益进步,从而为进一步发展提供了强大的动力和物质基础。  人们生活水平的不断提高,必然要求越来越舒适的居住环境,在这种情况下,建筑的发展直接推动了土木工程的发展。  总的来说土木工程是一门古老的学科,它已经取得了巨大的成就,未来的土木工程将在人们的生活中占据更重要的地位。地球环境的日益恶化,人口的不断增加,人们为了争取生存,为了争取更舒适的生存环境,必将更加重视土木工程。在不久的将来,一些重大项目将会陆续兴建,插入云霄的摩天大楼,横跨大样的桥梁,更加方便的交通将不是梦想。科技的发展,以及地球不断恶化的环境必将促使土木工程向太空和海洋发展,为人类提供更广阔的生存空间。近年来,工程材料主要是钢筋,混凝土,木材和砖材,在未来,传统材料将得到改观,一些全新的更加适合建筑的材料将问世,尤其是化学合成材料将推动建筑走向更高点。同时,设计方法的精确化,设计工作的自动化,信息和智能话技术的全面引入,将会是人们有一个更加舒适的居住环境。一句话,理论的发展,新材料的出现,计算机的应用,高新技术的引入等都将使土木工程有一个新的飞跃  English is the Civil Engineering Civil Engineering, civil engineering is literally, it is the construction of the project It means building objects that the construction on the ground, underground, water works facilities, equipment and materials to use in surveying, design construction, maintenance, repair and other professional Civil Engineering with the progress of the human society, has been transformed into large integrated disciplines, it has a number of branches, such as : construction, rail projects, road projects, bridge projects, special project structure, water drainage works, the port project, water, environmental engineering A total of six professional Civil Engineering : architecture, urban planning, civil engineering, construction and environmental engineering equipment, water drainage works and road bridge   Civil Engineering as an important foundation subjects, its important attribute : an integrated, social, practicality, Civil Engineering for the development of the national economy and improve the living standards of the people provided important material and technological foundation for the revitalization of many industries played a catalytic role in the construction of fixed assets is a basic production process, the construction and real estate in many countries and regions become a pillar of the economy  Ancient Civil Engineering has a long time span, roughly 500 years before Christ from the original date in civil engineering activities to the 16 century Italian Renaissance, resulting in the rapid development of the Civil Engineering on the road today, and has experienced more than 2,000 During this period, due to the development of scientific theories and slow, there is no breakthrough in civil engineering   Century from 17 pages to 40 years in the 20th century end of the Second World War 300 years, foreign construction made great Civil Engineering has entered a phase of quantitative Some theoretical development, the emergence of new materials, new tools of invention, the Civil Engineering Science is perfection and In modern times, after the end of World War II, many countries economic takeoff, the increasing advances of modern science, so as to provide a powerful impetus to further development and material People's living conditions continue to improve, more and more comfortable living environment for the inevitable in the circumstances, the construction of development directly to the Civil Engineering



实验室测试。氯离子清除 核心N_获得7英尺(7)以上涨潮的1米。自从这个核心只含有 大约120 _C1 - / yd3(7公斤/ m(3)、还是到达了6 / ft_(6 / mz) 去除电流密度,这是预料的处理将达到现在的 如果不立即密度更快。 核心岩石的分析 N_核心混凝土的特点是作为一种轻微的7 air-entrained混凝土(3) 1-in 4%)。(5厘米)的公称通径砾石粗骨料似乎有一种天然的沙子。这个 分析了粗骨料是一个硅碎石组成原理,围着subrounded, 沉积岩流过。大约在百分之六十七石英模态 arenite和orthoquartzite,23%,10%燧石粗静脉石英。燧石鹅卵石 大多是微晶,斑驳的棕色的类型,和一些细石英veinlets。优良的 在混凝土是一种较好的、粗中等,sub-rounded占优势 对圆形石英只有偶尔燧石和褐铁矿粮食。 有一个紧密联系,不间断的骨料粒子和水泥 矩阵的阶段。没有证据证明这是cement-aggregate反应。水泥的阶段 很好的质量,估计有水灰比,为40)。 代表质量好的混凝土的核心。 现场的现场操作 初始启动数据采集和在桌子3-5。 问题补充:12个小时之后,氟化橡胶启动泵叶轮的损坏,可能由于被发现 对_nning干燥初期启动困难。湿润的毯子只是由潮流 水。取代了叶轮和泵启动。 系统当前 占地面积治疗试验(24平方米)的240 fd)。在处理区域 由_dl五个桩、被当作一个单一的区域。提供的电流总和 大约80个一桩AJf-t2(或33 / m(2)3%。 麦克斯



Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works such as bridges, roads, canals, dams and Civil engineering is the oldest engineering discipline after military engineering, and it was defined to distinguish non-military engineering from military It is traditionally broken into several sub-disciplines including environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, transportation engineering, municipal or urban engineering, water resources engineering, materials engineering, coastal engineering, surveying, and construction Civil engineering takes place on all levels: in the public sector from municipal through to federal levels, and in the private sector from individual homeowners through to international History of civil engineeringCivil engineering is the application of physical and scientific principles, and its history is intricately linked to advances in understanding of physics and mathematics throughout Because civil engineering is a wide ranging profession, including several separate specialized sub-disciplines, its history is linked to knowledge of structures, materials science, geography, geology, soils, hydrology, environment, mechanics and other Throughout ancient and medieval history most architectural design and construction was carried out by artisans, such as stone masons and carpenters, rising to the role of master Knowledge was retained in guilds and seldom supplanted by Structures, roads and infrastructure that existed were repetitive, and increases in scale were One of the earliest examples of a scientific approach to physical and mathematical problems applicable to civil engineering is the work of Archimedes in the 3rd century BC, including Archimedes Principle, which underpins our understanding of buoyancy, and practical solutions such as Archimedes' Brahmagupta, an Indian mathematician, used arithmetic in the 7th century AD, based on Hindu-Arabic numerals, for excavation (volume) 土木工程是一门学科,专业工程的设计,施工和维护自然的物理和环境建设,包括桥梁,道路,河渠,堤坝和建筑物的工程协议。土木工程是最古老的军事工程后,工程学科,它被定义为区分军事工程非军事工程。这是传统分解成若干子学科包括环境工程,岩土工程,结构工程,交通工程,市政工程或城市,水资源工程,材料工程,海岸工程,测量,施工工程。土木工程需要在所有层次上进行:在从市政公用部门通过联邦的水平,并在私营部门,个别业主通过向国际公司土木工程的历史土木工程是物理和科学原理的应用,它的历史是错综复杂的联系在物理学和数学的了解整个历史的进步。由于土木工程是一个广泛的行业,包括一些独立的专门的子学科,它的历史是联系在一起的结构,材料科学,地理,地质,土壤,水文,环境,机械和其他领域的知识。在整个历史上最古老的和中世纪的建筑设计和施工进行了如石匠和木匠手艺,上升到建筑师的角色。知识是保留在很少的行会和进步所取代。构筑物,道路和基础设施存在的重复,并在规模上升的增量。对科学方法的物理和数学问题适用于土木工程最早的例子之一是阿基米德在公元前3世纪,包括阿基米德的原则,巩固我们的浮力的认识,如阿基米德螺旋切实可行的解决办法的工作。婆罗门,印度数学家,用在公元7世纪算法的基础上,印度教,阿拉伯数字,挖掘(卷)计算。

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拿本科毕业证去报考完全没问题,今年本人参加二注考试,和好几个读研的本科同学一个考场,正儿八经的复习一学期加个暑假,把施岚青的复习指南和答题指导做一遍(书中有错,尤其是答题指导,有的摘抄复习指南例题又题干不全,不过还是一本好书),二注通过表示无压力。土木工程学是一门范围广阔的综合性学科,建造一项工程设施一般要经过勘察、设计和施工三个阶段,需要运用工程地质勘察、水文地质勘察、工程测量、土力学、工程力学、工程设计、建筑材料、建筑设备、工程机械、建筑经济等学科和施工技术、施工组织等领域的知识 ,以及电子计算机和力学测试等技术。因而土木工程随着科学技术的进步和工程实践的发展,土木工程这个学科也已发展成为内涵广泛、门类众多、结构复杂的综合体系。本专业培养掌握工程力学、流体力学、岩土力学和市政工程学科的基本理论和基本知识,具备从事土木工程的项目规划、设计、研究开发、施工及管理的能力,能在房屋建筑、地下建筑、隧道、道路、桥梁、矿井等的设计、研究、施工、教育、管理、投资、开发部门从事技术或管理工作的高级工程技术人才。本专业学生主要学习工程力学、流体力学、岩土力学和市政工程学科的基本理论,受到课程设计、试验仪器操作和现场实习等方面的基本训练,具有从事土木工程的规划、设计、研究、施工、管理的基本能力。土木工程十分特殊而又具有系统性。因为几乎所有的土木工程师设计和建造的构筑物都是独一无二的,绝不可能出现两个完全相同的建筑物。有些建筑物虽然看似相同,但是建筑的场地条件(地基、风荷载、地震荷载等)都是不同的。像水坝、桥梁或隧道这样的大型建筑物每一个都完全不同。因此,土木工程师随时要准备应付新的复杂情况。同时工程要考虑的相关影响因素非常多,任何设计上的忽略都将导致一个失败的工程。另一方面,土木工程建设中的计算工作,随着计算机技术发展完善,变得越来越方便和快捷。所以,任何对工程感兴趣的理科类同学报考土木工程都没有问题,尤其适合那些考虑问题全面系统的同学,选择学习土木工程是能够发挥个人才干的。从市场的需求来说,中国的基础建设正在兴起,大跨结构、超高层的项目纷纷立项建设,在未来几十年内这种局面不会有太大变化。这就需要大量高素质的建设人才参与其中。同时我国的建设管理水平非常落伍,当前急需一批能够提高建设管理水平的人才。随着土木工程规模的扩大和由此产生的施工工具、设备、机械向多品种、自动化、大型化发展,施工日益走向机械化和自动化。同时组织管理开始应用系统工程的理论和方法,日益走向科学化;有些工程设施的建设继续趋向结构和构件标准化和生产工业化。这样,不仅可以降低造价、缩短工期、提高劳动生产率,而且可以解决特殊条件下的施工作业问题,以建造过去难以施工的工程。土木工程专业是一门运用数学、物理、化学、计算机信息科学等基础科学知识,力学、材料等技术科学知识以及相应的工程技术知识来研究、设计和建造工业与民用建筑、隧道与地下建筑、公路与城市道路以及桥梁等工程设施的学科。

拿本科毕业证去报考完全没问题,今年本人参加二注考试,和好几个读研的本科同学一个考场,正儿八经的复习一学期加个暑假,把施岚青的复习指南和答题指导做一遍(书中有错,尤其是答题指导,有的摘抄复习指南例题又题干不全,不过还是一本好书),二注通过表示无压力。土木工程学是一门范围广阔的综合性学科,建造一项工程设施一般要经过勘察、设计和施工三个阶段,需要运用工程地质勘察、水文地质勘察、工程测量、土力学、工程力学、工程设计、建筑材料、建筑设备、工程机械、建筑经济等学科和施工技术、施工组织等领域的知识 ,以及电子计算机和力学测试等技术。因而土木工程随着科学技术的进步和工程实践的发展,土木工程这个学科也已发展成为内涵广泛、门类众多、结构复杂的综合体系。本专业培养掌握工程力学、流体力学、岩土力学和市政工程学科的基本理论和基本知识,具备从事土木工程的项目规划、设计、研究开发、施工及管理的能力,能在房屋建筑、地下建筑、隧道、道路、桥梁、矿井等的设计、研究、施工、教育、管理、投资、开发部门从事技术或管理工作的高级工程技术人才。本专业学生主要学习工程力学、流体力学、岩土力学和市政工程学科的基本理论,受到课程设计、试验仪器操作和现场实习等方面的基本训练,具有从事土木工程的规划、设计、研究、施工、管理的基本能力。




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太长了,我把中英分开吧  土木工程的英文是Civil Engineering ,直译是民用工程,它是建造各种工程的统称。它既指建设的对象,即建造在地上,地下,水中的工程设施,也指应用的材料设备和进行的勘测,设计施工,保养,维修等专业技术。  土木工程随着人类社会的进步而发展,至今已经演变成为大型综合性的学科,它已经出许多分支,如:建筑工程,铁路工程,道路工程,桥梁工程,特种工程结构,给水排水工程,港口工程,水利工程,环境工程等学科。土木工程共有六个专业:建筑学,城市规划,土木工程,建筑环境与设备工程,给水排水工程和道路桥梁工程。  土木工程作为一个重要的基础学科,有其重要的属性:综合性,社会性,实践性,统一性。土木工程为国民经济的发展和人民生活的改善提供了重要的物质技术基础,对众多产业的振兴发挥了促进作用,工程建设是形成固定资产的基本生产过程,因此,建筑业和房地产成为许多国家和地区的经济支柱之一。    古代的土木工程有很长的时间跨度,大致从公元前500年新石器时代出现原始的土木工程活动到16世纪末意大利的文艺复兴,导致土木工程走上迅速发展的道路为止,前后经历了两千多年。在这段时间内,由于科学理论发展及其缓慢,土木工程也没有突破习惯的发展。  从17世纪中页开始到20 世纪40年代第二次世界大战结束为止的300年间,国外的建筑取得了长足的进步。土木工程进入了定量分析阶段。一些理论的发展,新材料的出现,新工具的发明,都使土木工程科学日渐完善和成熟。到了近代,二战结束之后,许多国家经济起飞,现代科学日益进步,从而为进一步发展提供了强大的动力和物质基础。  人们生活水平的不断提高,必然要求越来越舒适的居住环境,在这种情况下,建筑的发展直接推动了土木工程的发展。  总的来说土木工程是一门古老的学科,它已经取得了巨大的成就,未来的土木工程将在人们的生活中占据更重要的地位。地球环境的日益恶化,人口的不断增加,人们为了争取生存,为了争取更舒适的生存环境,必将更加重视土木工程。在不久的将来,一些重大项目将会陆续兴建,插入云霄的摩天大楼,横跨大样的桥梁,更加方便的交通将不是梦想。科技的发展,以及地球不断恶化的环境必将促使土木工程向太空和海洋发展,为人类提供更广阔的生存空间。近年来,工程材料主要是钢筋,混凝土,木材和砖材,在未来,传统材料将得到改观,一些全新的更加适合建筑的材料将问世,尤其是化学合成材料将推动建筑走向更高点。同时,设计方法的精确化,设计工作的自动化,信息和智能话技术的全面引入,将会是人们有一个更加舒适的居住环境。一句话,理论的发展,新材料的出现,计算机的应用,高新技术的引入等都将使土木工程有一个新的飞跃  English is the Civil Engineering Civil Engineering, civil engineering is literally, it is the construction of the project It means building objects that the construction on the ground, underground, water works facilities, equipment and materials to use in surveying, design construction, maintenance, repair and other professional Civil Engineering with the progress of the human society, has been transformed into large integrated disciplines, it has a number of branches, such as : construction, rail projects, road projects, bridge projects, special project structure, water drainage works, the port project, water, environmental engineering A total of six professional Civil Engineering : architecture, urban planning, civil engineering, construction and environmental engineering equipment, water drainage works and road bridge   Civil Engineering as an important foundation subjects, its important attribute : an integrated, social, practicality, Civil Engineering for the development of the national economy and improve the living standards of the people provided important material and technological foundation for the revitalization of many industries played a catalytic role in the construction of fixed assets is a basic production process, the construction and real estate in many countries and regions become a pillar of the economy  Ancient Civil Engineering has a long time span, roughly 500 years before Christ from the original date in civil engineering activities to the 16 century Italian Renaissance, resulting in the rapid development of the Civil Engineering on the road today, and has experienced more than 2,000 During this period, due to the development of scientific theories and slow, there is no breakthrough in civil engineering   Century from 17 pages to 40 years in the 20th century end of the Second World War 300 years, foreign construction made great Civil Engineering has entered a phase of quantitative Some theoretical development, the emergence of new materials, new tools of invention, the Civil Engineering Science is perfection and In modern times, after the end of World War II, many countries economic takeoff, the increasing advances of modern science, so as to provide a powerful impetus to further development and material People's living conditions continue to improve, more and more comfortable living environment for the inevitable in the circumstances, the construction of development directly to the Civil Engineering


From the start, the Arup engineers decided that the structural form would need to mirror the architectural form, but the geometric complexity of the building—including its sloped ceilings and walls—left room for few truly vertical walls or columns, the exception being the elevator Moreover, a tightly controlled environmental system to protect the works of art was required, and that system would have special ductwork for various zones that would run from centralized mechanical rooms to the Like the structural system, the ductwork could not follow typical vertical and horizontal 一开始,阿拉普的工程师们决定结构形式应该反映出建筑形式,但是这个建筑的几何复杂性(包括它的斜屋顶和墙体)使得除了电梯间外它几乎没有为真正意义上垂直的墙体或柱子留出空间。此外,它需要一个用于保护艺术品的被严格控制的环境系统。而且,那个系统应该是一个具有从高度机械化的房间到图表的不同分区的特殊管道系统。就像这个结构体系一样,它是不能套用典型的横平竖直的模式的。As a result, lateral loads are imposed on the structure that would exceed those potentially seen in regions that experience high levels of seismic activity, even though Denver is not located in a zone of high seismic By reinforcing the composite concrete floor slab with structural steel plates, Arup optimized the structural system to meet the building’s complex The engineers approached the design as one might approach the design of a ship, the idea being to pull together the exterior walls so they would be stable and not fall 结果,这个结构被加上水平荷载。而它的强度将会超过那些大概只有在曾发生过高强度地震的地区才能见到的建筑。为了满足建筑复杂的要求,阿拉普通过使用钢板加强组合楼板优化了结构体系。工程师们采用与轮船设计类似的方法把外墙连接在一起,这样它们就会很坚固而不至于掉出来。The engineers designed a “typical” floor framing system to provide tension ties to the exterior walls and to transfer shear forces from the wind-resisting All lateral loads are resisted by latticelike steel bracing on the exterior walls; some additional bracing runs through the But in a typical structure, floor systems do not need to support lateral loads generated by the inclination of the exterior walls in addition to gravity Here the angled walls would tend to deflect during construction and so would have to be The shorings would be removed after construction, and the structure would then have to deflect into its correct Some 50 shorings were set in place for this The challenge was to determine which geometry to use so that when the gravity loads were imposed on the structure it would deflect to the desired architectural It took a great deal of structural analysis work on our part so that we would be able to tell the contractor to build the right cambers so they would all go to the zero baseline Otherwise the building would have been one characterized by warping and 工程师们设计了一个经典的楼板骨架体系。这个体系为外墙提供了拉力并且通过挡风系统把它转化为剪力。所有的水平荷载由支撑外墙的钢格来承载。一些附加的支撑穿过了内部结构。但是在典型的结构中,楼板系统不需要承受由外墙倾斜和自重引起的水平荷载。由于这里的带有角度的墙具有倾斜的趋势所以应该给它们加上支撑。这些支撑在完工后要被拆除,之后这些墙都应该达到它们的正确倾斜形式。为了达到这个目的人们设置了50个支撑。关键在于用哪种几何形式才能使得结构在自重的作用下它能够达到设计的建筑几何形式。在我们做大量的结构分析工作之后我们才能让承包商去建造正确的拱。这样他们全都会去做零高程基准工作了。否则,它可能已经成为了一座以翘曲和弯曲为特征的建筑了。



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