

发布时间:2024-09-06 10:20:55


这个随便上网搜搜,很多的 !

短篇英语作文:篮球赛 The Basketball Game 「篮球赛」 The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o'clock on Friday Long before that, people began to arrive at the By seven-thirty the seats were almost The school band was there; they wore yellow and black They started to play at about a quarter to Everybody stood up, and the people The game was about to Two teams ran out to the The referee blew his whistle, and the game A basketball game is divided into two halves, and each half is divided into two There is a rest period between the During the first five minutes of the second half, the score was From then on, the game was very First one team made a basket, then the The people cheered, and everybody was wondering which team was going to The ball hit the rim of the basket and seemed to hang there for a moment, and then it fell through the The whistle blew and the game was Home team won, 70 to There was a basketball game in our school this It was between Class 3 and Class 6 of Grade They are the best teams in our When the game started, both of them played I could only see the ball passed quickly from one to It was really a wonderful At last Class 6 won the first prize and Class 3 congratulated them They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second"

学好数学也需阅读积累 有人认为,语文阅读课外资料很重要,而数学则不需要。其实,数学同样需要大量地阅读并且要学会积累。 阅读,在语文中要抓住精炼的或生动形象的词与句,而在数学中,则应抓住关键的词语。比如在初二课本第一学期第21章第五节反比例函数性质的第一条:“当k>0时,函数图像的两个分支分别在第一、三象限内,在每个象限内,自变量x逐渐增大时,y的值则随着逐渐减小。”这句话中,关键词语是“在每个象限内”,反比例函数的图像为双曲线,而这个性质是对于其中某一分支而言,并不是对整个函数来说的。所以在做题时,应注意到这一点。从这一实例来看,我们不难发现阅读时抓住关键词语的重要性。 积累,在语文中有利于写作,在数学中有利于解题。积累包括两方面:一、概念知识,二、错误的题目。脑子中多一些概念就多了一些思考的方法,多了一些解题的突破口,在做较难的题目时,也就得心应手了。积累错误的题目,指挑选一些自己平时易错或难懂的题目,记在本子上,在复习时,翻看这本本子就能更加清楚地了解自己在哪些方面还有所欠缺,应特别注意。所以积累对学好数学起着极大的作用。 怎样学好数学 要回答这个似乎非常简单:把定理、公式都记住,勤思好问,多做几道题,不就行了。 事实上并非如此,比如:有的同学把书上的黑体字都能一字不落地背下来,可就是不会用;有的同学不重视知识、方法的产生过程,死记结论,生搬硬套;有的同学眼高手低,“想”和“说”都没问题,一到“写”和“算”,就漏洞百出,错误连篇;有的同学懒得做题,觉得做题太辛苦,太枯燥,负担太重;也有的同学题做了不少,辅导书也看了不少,成绩就是上不去,还有的同学复习不得力,学一段、丢一段。 究其原因有两个:一是学习态度问题:有的同学在学习上态度暧昧,说不清楚是进取还是退缩,是坚持还是放弃,是维持还是改进,他们勤奋学习的决心经常动摇,投入学习的精力也非常有限,思维通常也是被动的、浅层的和粗放的,学习成绩也总是徘徊不前。反之,有的同学学习目的明确,学习动力强劲,他们拥有坚韧不拔的意志、刻苦钻研的精神和自主学习的意识,他们总是想方设法解决学习中遇到的困难,主动向同学、老师求教,具有良好的自我认识能力和创造学习条件的能力。二是学习方法问题:有的同学根本就不琢磨学习方法,被动地跟着老师走,上课记笔记,下课写作业,机械应付,效果平平;有的同学今天试这种方法、明天试那种方法,“病急乱投医”,从不认真领会学习方法的实质,更不会将多种学习方法融入自己的日常学习环节,养成良好的学习习惯;更多的同学对学习方法存在片面的、甚至是错误的理解,比如,什么叫“会了”?是“听懂了”还是“能写了”,或者是“会讲了”?这种带有评价性的体验,对不同的学生来说,差异是非常大的,这种差异影响着学生的学习行为及其效果。 由此可见,正确的学习态度和科学的学习方法是学好数学的两大基石。这两大基石的形成又离不开平时的数学学习实践。 怎样学好初中数学? 从小学生到初中,从你正式踏入中学校门的那一刻就意味着你已经是一名初中生了。在中学我们要学习许多小学中没有学习过的课程,以前学过的课程也会在初中加深难度。就如数学,小学时老师主要讲计算和应用题,而在初中时就会学分数及比例等等。那么怎么样才能学好初中的数学呢? 首先我们的数学老师给我们提出了两点基本的要求(1)上课认真听讲,(2)回家作业认真做。的确,这两个基本的要求只要我们完成了,至少能保证你学会课堂上所教的东西。上课认真听,不是你在课堂上一动不动地听老师讲课,而是在课堂上积极性要高,当老师提出为题时,你要认真地思考,想出解决的办法。回家写作业时,首先字迹要端正,每当要做一题时先分析一下这道题目怎么做,思考后再落笔。 在学习中体验是一件快乐的事,要学会体验。例如:在你研究完一道题后,并得出一个结论,这就是体验,在你亲自通过研究体验出的结论,相信你是会很难忘的。 我也给自己制定了几个学习要求。(1)学前预习, (2)学后复习。预习时把要教的内容先看一边,提出自己不懂的问题,自己先试着解决,如果不行,就在课堂上向老师提出问题。 数学这个大海洋是奇妙无比的,我希望通过我的努力学好数学。 如何学好数学 数学是必考科目之一,故从初一开始就要认真地学习数学。那么,怎样才能学好数学呢?现介绍几种方法以供参考: 一、课内重视听讲,课后及时复习。 新知识的接受,数学能力的培养主要在课堂上进行,所以要特点重视课内的学习效率,寻求正确的学习方法。上课时要紧跟老师的思路,积极展开思维预测下面的步骤,比较自己的解题思路与教师所讲有哪些不同。特别要抓住基础知识和基本技能的学习,课后要及时复习不留疑点。首先要在做各种习题之前将老师所讲的知识点回忆一遍,正确掌握各类公式的推理过程,庆尽量回忆而不采用不清楚立即翻书之举。认真独立完成作业,勤于思考,从某种意义上讲,应不造成不懂即问的学习作风,对于有些题目由于自己的思路不清,一时难以解出,应让自己冷静下来认真分析题目,尽量自己解决。在每个阶段的学习中要进行整理和归纳总结,把知识的点、线、面结合起来交织成知识网络,纳入自己的知识体系。 二、适当多做题,养成良好的解题习惯。 要想学好数学,多做题目是难免的,熟悉掌握各种题型的解题思路。刚开始要从基础题入手,以课本上的习题为准,反复练习打好基础,再找一些课外的习题,以帮助开拓思路,提高自己的分析、解决能力,掌握一般的解题规律。对于一些易错题,可备有错题集,写出自己的解题思路和正确的解题过程两者一起比较找出自己的错误所在,以便及时更正。在平时要养成良好的解题习惯。让自己的精力高度集中,使大脑兴奋,思维敏捷,能够进入最佳状态,在考试中能运用自如。实践证明:越到关键时候,你所表现的解题习惯与平时练习无异。如果平时解题时随便、粗心、大意等,往往在大考中充分暴露,故在平时养成良好的解题习惯是非常重要的。 三、调整心态,正确对待考试。 首先,应把主要精力放在基础知识、基本技能、基本方法这三个方面上,因为每次考试占绝大部分的也是基础性的题目,而对于那些难题及综合性较强的题目作为调剂,认真思考,尽量让自己理出头绪,做完题后要总结归纳。调整好自己的心态,使自己在任何时候镇静,思路有条不紊,克服浮躁的情绪。特别是对自己要有信心,永远鼓励自己,除了自己,谁也不能把我打倒,要有自己不垮,谁也不能打垮我的自豪感。 在考试前要做好准备,练练常规题,把自己的思路展开,切忌考前去在保证正确率的前提下提高解题速度。对于一些容易的基础题要有十二分把握拿全分;对于一些难题,也要尽量拿分,考试中要学会尝试得分,使自己的水平正常甚至超常发挥。 由此可见,要把数学学好就得找到适合自己的学习方法,了解数学学科的特点,使自己进入数学的广阔天地中去。

Basketball ball is my favourite I always play it with my


My hobby is basketsball Everytime I went across the court near my community,a strong feeling,with eager,with desire,raised I found it's really an uncompetible and awesome sports I have ever experienced,the moment I was assisting,and rebounding,I would find the blessing happiness in I admit,that's a little bit crazy,while the same reason I'm fond in Like playing,also watching NBA games,Kobe Bryant(你可以自己写)is my favorite super star player,my only I should practice day and night to reach his height,though a day-That's me,a fantastic basketsball fans,and I will keep it

这个随便上网搜搜,很多的 !

短篇英语作文:篮球赛 The Basketball Game 「篮球赛」 The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o'clock on Friday Long before that, people began to arrive at the By seven-thirty the seats were almost The school band was there; they wore yellow and black They started to play at about a quarter to Everybody stood up, and the people The game was about to Two teams ran out to the The referee blew his whistle, and the game A basketball game is divided into two halves, and each half is divided into two There is a rest period between the During the first five minutes of the second half, the score was From then on, the game was very First one team made a basket, then the The people cheered, and everybody was wondering which team was going to The ball hit the rim of the basket and seemed to hang there for a moment, and then it fell through the The whistle blew and the game was Home team won, 70 to 今天下午我们学校有一场篮球赛,是5年级3班和6班的比赛,他们是我们学校最好的球队。球赛开始后,两队都打得很积极。只见球迅速地从一个人手中传到另一个人手中。真是一场精彩的比赛。最后,6班赢了,3班衷心地向他们表示祝贺。他们真正体现了“友谊第一,比赛第二”的体育精神。 There was a basketball game in our school this It was between Class 3 and Class 6 of Grade They are the best teams in our When the game started, both of them played I could only see the ball passed quickly from one to It was really a wonderful At last Class 6 won the first prize and Class 3 congratulated them They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second" 回答者: 如意小子 - 千总 四级 2008-11-13 20:50 短篇英语作文:篮球赛 The Basketball Game 「篮球赛」 The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o'clock on Friday Long before that, people began to arrive at the By seven-thirty the seats were almost The school band was there; they wore yellow and black They started to play at about a quarter to Everybody stood up, and the people The game was about to Two teams ran out to the The referee blew his whistle, and the game A basketball game is divided into two halves, and each half is divided into two There is a rest period between the During the first five minutes of the second half, the score was From then on, the game was very First one team made a basket, then the The people cheered, and everybody was wondering which team was going to The ball hit the rim of the basket and seemed to hang there for a moment, and then it fell through the The whistle blew and the game was Home team won, 70 to There was a basketball game in our school this It was between Class 3 and Class 6 of Grade They are the best teams in our When the game started, both of them played I could only see the ball passed quickly from one to It was really a wonderful At last Class 6 won the first prize and Class 3 congratulated them They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second"

Basketball ball is my favourite I always play it with my


Today, I would like to introduce a legendary star, Shaquille O'Neal is not my idol, nor is it the emperor Michael Jordan basketball is already a truly indomitable fighter - Alonzo Mourning Alonzo Mourning 92 graduated from Georgetown University, the university never a lack of tough-guy, Alonzo Mourning is one of Alonzo Mourning in 1992 first-round draft pick selected second overall by the Hornets, his career has played for the Hornets, the Nets and Heat three NBA Is an awesome defensive tough Maybe Mourning itself contains the meaning of grief, Mourning's career was not Join the NBA from the start, his height would take this criticism, after all, the height of 08 in the center had already been very short, but he used his tough-guy spirit of the legend written for a 7 time All-Star, 2 times Best Defensive Player Award, 2 blocked shots last season they were his In 1995, he joined the Heat, which led the team in the playoffs after dark 8 staged a Later, he was diagnosed with severe kidney disease, it is assumed that his career ends, however, he still participated in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, where he received the Through the transplant, his condition has been some improvement, for example, he might return to the game than the former, but a yearning for the championship but still exudes the heart Monensin once said: "To win the championship, needed is not rhetoric, but to you as a last-minute every minute " So, he did 2005-06 season, the NBA Finals last game, the 36-year-old veteran of 14 minutes for the 14-year career painting the perfect full stop is the service, his opponent five blocks, when he last fall from the sky, everyone can see him This tough guy with the indomitable fighting spirit helped the team to a 14-year basketball career, he never fell down, even if the injury is also standing to leave the January 23, 2009, Alonzo Mourning retired, his jersey is always hanging over the American Airlines C Like Hits of the Santiago, a tough guy, a fighter, will never come to the battlefield is a fall, no matter how, they would standing 呼!好长!终于打完了!累死了!

If I were a basketball player, I would be very glad that I am still Basketball is a very violent Players get physical and emotional I mean, look at Yaoming, he is injured But I still love the sport with I enjoy the team aspect of i play basketball with four other guys, who are always energetic and They taught me how to fight to the end, to create a good shooting position for others, to stay concentrated, and to be a team I also love the sport because I learn so much about being a well-rounded Basketball helps me to become a leader, especially when my team is not doing well against the I am a shooting guard and therefore I have to pick good I cannot afford to loss my I have to be clear about what to do Because the team relies on In addition, basketball made me You probably couldn't imagine how hard I worked to master a jump I practiced everyday for two months!I am thankful that I am, indeed, a basketball player

Today, I would like to introduce a legendary star, Shaquille O'Neal is not my idol, nor is it the emperor Michael Jordan basketball is already a truly indomitable fighter - Alonzo Mourning Alonzo Mourning 92 graduated from Georgetown University, the university never a lack of tough-guy, Alonzo Mourning is one of Alonzo Mourning in 1992 first-round draft pick selected second overall by the Hornets, his career has played for the Hornets, the Nets and Heat three NBA Is an awesome defensive tough Maybe Mourning itself contains the meaning of grief, Mourning's career was not Join the NBA from the start, his height would take this criticism, after all, the height of 08 in the center had already been very short, but he used his tough-guy spirit of the legend written for a 7 time All-Star, 2 times Best Defensive Player Award, 2 blocked shots last season they were his In 1995, he joined the Heat, which led the team in the playoffs after dark 8 staged a Later, he was diagnosed with severe kidney disease, it is assumed that his career ends, however, he still participated in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, where he received the Through the transplant, his condition has been some improvement, for example, he might return to the game than the former, but a yearning for the championship but still exudes the heart Monensin once said: "To win the championship, needed is not rhetoric, but to you as a last-minute every minute " So, he did 2005-06 season, the NBA Finals last game, the 36-year-old veteran of 14 minutes for the 14-year career painting the perfect full stop is the service, his opponent five blocks, when he last fall from the sky, everyone can see him This tough guy with the indomitable fighting spirit helped the team to a 14-year basketball career, he never fell down, even if the injury is also standing to leave the January 23, 2009, Alonzo Mourning retired, his jersey is always hanging over the American Airlines C Like Hits of the Santiago, a tough guy, a fighter, will never come to the battlefield is a fall, no matter how, they would standing 花了我2小时啊——

yinggaiba:I suggest that you were discussed from three directions, basic basketball (high school), the recreational exercise habits, university basketball, society (including the NBA basketball goal from three aspects, I know of American primary and high school basketball culture (for), it is mainly engaged in the activities of public recreational exercise, it is a project and baseball, football, hockey, etc, it is the main US special one They (four categories of movement) due to cultivate teenagers teamwork spirit and upwards to wait, also can let teenagers to make more friends here, of course, also including theexercise strong body, so many parents, many people engaged in sports is encouraged, The traditional Chinese scholars and the so-called "" there is a big In Chinese, valuing literature while ignoring and in the book the gold room, in the book YanRuYu etc, encouraging adolescents reading this is the first extreme The best example, you can see many American or European basketball game, they are in many ways to "family" stranger, participate in the competition of teenagers learn get along with people, that is, the family of the College basketball or society (including the NBA basketball in the United States, it is a combination of local culture, the special region culture, and the part of the current Chinese territory, but some CBA, Chinese university basketball and American different, Many times, either China or Taiwan university basketball education competent "authority" shall not handle a competition, it is China and Taiwan university basketball) has many places, actually is to match the tenet to match, it is written, "just" impressive-looking, so far, I CaiShuXueJian, so, I really don't see those special cultural The university in Taiwan, a level of basketball game, you can't see many of the so-called "young man," I see hussle playes is 3/5 above oh, Young people like to watch American university basketball, but you need to 2 or 3 university in the game to However, you will find that, in the second tier university in Taiwan, except the win-loss, you may see a culture breath; any It refers to the college basketball (Taiwan) is basically university in the United States, and, what with rooters' home, school, alumni, local special cultural activity, etc, and is completely And if so, China, and I will not!


Today, I would like to introduce a legendary star, Shaquille O'Neal is not my idol, nor is it the emperor Michael Jordan basketball is already a truly indomitable fighter - Alonzo Mourning Alonzo Mourning 92 graduated from Georgetown University, the university never a lack of tough-guy, Alonzo Mourning is one of Alonzo Mourning in 1992 first-round draft pick selected second overall by the Hornets, his career has played for the Hornets, the Nets and Heat three NBA Is an awesome defensive tough Maybe Mourning itself contains the meaning of grief, Mourning's career was not Join the NBA from the start, his height would take this criticism, after all, the height of 08 in the center had already been very short, but he used his tough-guy spirit of the legend written for a 7 time All-Star, 2 times Best Defensive Player Award, 2 blocked shots last season they were his In 1995, he joined the Heat, which led the team in the playoffs after dark 8 staged a Later, he was diagnosed with severe kidney disease, it is assumed that his career ends, however, he still participated in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, where he received the Through the transplant, his condition has been some improvement, for example, he might return to the game than the former, but a yearning for the championship but still exudes the heart Monensin once said: "To win the championship, needed is not rhetoric, but to you as a last-minute every minute " So, he did 2005-06 season, the NBA Finals last game, the 36-year-old veteran of 14 minutes for the 14-year career painting the perfect full stop is the service, his opponent five blocks, when he last fall from the sky, everyone can see him This tough guy with the indomitable fighting spirit helped the team to a 14-year basketball career, he never fell down, even if the injury is also standing to leave the January 23, 2009, Alonzo Mourning retired, his jersey is always hanging over the American Airlines C Like Hits of the Santiago, a tough guy, a fighter, will never come to the battlefield is a fall, no matter how, they would standing 完全翻译

If I were a basketball player, I would be very glad that I am still Basketball is a very violent Players get physical and emotional I mean, look at Yaoming, he is injured But I still love the sport with I enjoy the team aspect of i play basketball with four other guys, who are always energetic and They taught me how to fight to the end, to create a good shooting position for others, to stay concentrated, and to be a team I also love the sport because I learn so much about being a well-rounded Basketball helps me to become a leader, especially when my team is not doing well against the I am a shooting guard and therefore I have to pick good I cannot afford to loss my I have to be clear about what to do Because the team relies on In addition, basketball made me You probably couldn't imagine how hard I worked to master a jump I practiced everyday for two months!I am thankful that I am, indeed, a basketball player

My best favorite sport is My hometown Dalang is a famous “Basketball Town” Everybody likes playing basketball I love playing basketball, It’s my favorite It was because my brother loved playing basketball that i got interested in I love Jordan so much that i think basketball makes our life greatly I love basketball and I play it every day!Because basketball makes my life enjoyable! Every morning I go to play it in our school My PE teacher told me that playing basketball would make me tall and Because I play basketball Now I am a member of our school basketball I play harder than My PE teacher teaches me how to play it I made I have my own way to play How I hope I can be a famous basketball player some Basketball is a very good It can strength our It is a good way to relax, Let’s play basketball OK?About Basketball (Olympic sport since 1936) 篮球概述(1936年成为奥运会正式比赛项目) For 36 years after basketball entered the Olympic Games as a full medal sport for men, the question was not who would win, but who would finish The United States owned the game, and not just because it was invented 在男子篮球成为正式的奥运会比赛项目之后的36年中,人们关注的焦点并不是谁会赢得冠军,而是亚军的归属。美国是这项运动的主宰,这并不仅仅是因为篮球起源于美国。 The Soviet Union took home the gold when they toppled the US team in a controversial 1972 After another semi-final victory for the Soviets in 1988, the sport opened to Once again, the question became who would finish In Barcelona in 1992, with a squad featuring some of the world’s best-known athletes - Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and Larry Bird - the gold-medal winning US "Dream Team" gave an exhibition of basketball at its 苏联曾在1972的一场有争议的比赛中击败了美国,获得了奥运金牌。在1988年苏联再次击败美国赢得奥运会篮球半决赛的胜利后,奥运会篮球赛向职业选手敞开了大门,于是人们关注的焦点又成了谁将获得亚军。在1992年的巴塞罗那奥运会上,拥有迈克尔·乔丹、魔术师约翰逊、拉里·伯德等著名职业选手的美国“梦之队”上演了一场精彩绝伦的表演赛。 Women’s basketball hasn’t been quite such a one-sided Since it joined the Olympic programme in 1976, the gold medals have been divided between the US, the Soviet Union and, after the break-up of the Soviet Union, the Commonwealth of Independent S 而女子篮球的决赛就不是一边倒了。自从1976成为奥运会正式比赛项目之后,冠军起初是由美国和苏联分享,在苏联解体后则有美国和独联体来争夺短篇英语作文:篮球赛 The Basketball Game 「篮球赛」 The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o'clock on Friday Long before that, people began to arrive at the By seven-thirty the seats were almost The school band was there; they wore yellow and black They started to play at about a quarter to Everybody stood up, and the people The game was about to Two teams ran out to the The referee blew his whistle, and the game A basketball game is divided into two halves, and each half is divided into two There is a rest period between the During the first five minutes of the second half, the score was From then on, the game was very First one team made a basket, then the The people cheered, and everybody was wondering which team was going to The ball hit the rim of the basket and seemed to hang there for a moment, and then it fell through the The whistle blew and the game was Home team won, 70 to There was a basketball game in our school this It was between Class 3 and Class 6 of Grade They are the best teams in our When the game started, both of them played I could only see the ball passed quickly from one to It was really a wonderful At last Class 6 won the first prize and Class 3 congratulated them They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second"

Today, I would like to introduce a legendary star, Shaquille O'Neal is not my idol, nor is it the emperor Michael Jordan basketball is already a truly indomitable fighter - Alonzo Mourning Mourning, 92, graduated from Georgetown University, the university has never been no shortage of tough-guy, Alonzo Mourning is one of Alonzo Mourning in 1992 first-round draft pick selected second overall by the Hornets, his career has played for the Hornets, the Nets and Heat three NBA Is an awesome defensive tough Maybe Mourning itself contains the meaning of grief, Mourning's career was not Join the NBA from the start, his height would take this criticism, after all, the height of 08 in the center had already been very short, but he used his tough-guy spirit of the legend written for a 7 time All-Star, 2 times Best Defensive Player Award, 2 blocked shots last season they were his In 1995, he joined the Heat, which led the team in the playoffs after the black 8 staged a Later, he was diagnosed with severe kidney disease, it is assumed that his career ends, however, he still participated in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, where he received the Through the transplant, his condition has been some improvement, for example, he might return to the game than the past, but a yearning for the championship but still exudes the heart Monensin once said: "To win the championship, needed is not rhetoric, but to you as a last-minute every minute " So, he did 2005-06 season, the NBA Finals last game, the 36-year-old veteran of 14 minutes for the 14-year career painting the perfect full stop, is service, his opponent five blocks, when he last fall from the sky, everyone can see him This tough guy with the indomitable fighting spirit helped the team to a 14-year basketball career, he never fell down, even if the injury is also standing to leave the January 23, 2009, Alonzo Mourning retired, his jersey is always hanging over the American Airlines C Like Hits of the Santiago, a tough guy, a fighter, will never come to the battlefield is a fall, no matter how, they would standing forever


Basketball ball is my favourite I always play it with my

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I like playing basketball As we all know,doing sporys is good for our As for me,I like playing You know,piaying basketball is good for our heart,lungs,head and so I aiways piay basketball in the morning and in the Of course,''where there is a will,there is a way'',Not only my teachers but also my classmates are all pleasant with On the other hand,I am in good Because of that,I like basketball better than You also can see,when I am angry,I will piay basketball,then,I may be I like playing basketball,what is your favorite sport?


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