

发布时间:2024-09-05 16:53:47


Differences between Chinese and Western Education SystemMost Chinese parents like to ask, “How old should be the best age for children to study overseas?” “Is the foundational education as good as China in other countries?” As the matter of fact, the argument about advantages and disadvantages between Chinese Education and Western Education is keeping on all the This question is also one major concern among those students who are considering going In order to find out the most suitable way for each individual, we shall gather more information and compare both matters in China and foreign The basic issue of education is what kind of people we want to cultivate to be, and how to cultivate The concept of value, purpose of education and method of education between Chinese Education System and Western Education System are differentiated in many academic Let’s have a look at this with 2 cases:Darin Yokel is an art teacher from one primary school in Cincinnati, America; she is also a current student of Miami U To be as one of the exchange teacher with Chinese, she came to Kunming, Yunan to have an academic Her objective is split into 3 parts, teaching Chinese students, communicating with Chinese teachers and independent In Kunming, Darin found out that the painting skills of Chinese students are very One day, she gave out one topic which is called “happy festival” to her students, but all the students were drawing the same Christmas At first she thought that Chinese students are friendly so when they met a western teacher, they drew the Christmas tree for But later she found that every Christmas tree those children drown are with the same She looked closer, discovered that all the students were looking toward the same direction where one of the classroom Then she realized that there was one Christmas tree painting on the wall which prepared by the school as the purpose of creating a suitable painting atmosphere for Darin covered the painting on the wall and asked the students to create their own picture, to her surprise; she was so disappointed that once she covered the wall painting, the students could not draw a “happy festival” Some students were scratching the head, some biting the pencil, some staring at each other, but no one knew how to start their With the intention of solving the embarrassment, Darin has to open the cover of wall There is another case far in America: one professor mentioned in his article that his son did research when he was in primary school form One day he came back from school and asked father to go to library, he said he is doing one research on whales so need to go and find The professor took his son to two libraries and borrowed more than ten books about The little boy had finished his first research in his whole life on the topic of It contained 3 pages and one cover with a picture of whale and There were 4 tittles inside the report: introduction, what do whales eat, how whales eat and the features of The professor said that this is the shortest and simplest research he has ever seen in his life; however this is the most interesting research he has ever read as The main concern here is not how much knowledge of whale the boy has learnt, but the process of doing the He concentrated so hard to gather information, read articles, identify points, write essay and so He was doing individually and independently all through the He totally used his brain to carry out every step, thus he has achieved much more knowledge and skills beside only And this kind of research practice is continuous improving, when he was in Form Two, his research is only collecting other people’s But when he reached


标准的教育论文应该包含标题、内容摘要、关键词、正文、参考文献、注释等内容。教育论文格式要求:1、论文题目,黑体3号。2、工作单位、作者姓名、地址、电话、邮箱、邮编,小4号楷体加粗。3、内容摘要:“内容摘要”四个字,黑体4号,300字以内。内容摘要具体内容,小4号楷体加粗。4、主题词:“主题词”三个字,黑体4号。主题词具体内容,小4号楷体加粗。5、正文:宋体小4号,2000—5000字为宜。正文文中标题:一级标题:标题序号为“一、”, 黑体4号,独占行,末尾不加标点符号。二级标题:标题序号为“(一)”与正文字号相同,独占行,末尾不加标点符号。三级标题:标题序号为“ ”与正文字体、字号相同。四级标题:标题序号为“(1)”与正文字体、字号相同。五级标题:标题序号为“ ① ”与正文字体、字号相同。以上内容参考 百度百科—论文格式



(一)论文格式、页面设置、用纸及装订顺序等⒈章的标题:如:“摘要”、“目录”、“第一章”、“附录”等,黑体加粗,3号字,居中排列,每一章单独另起一页。⒉节的标题:如:“1 认证方案”、“5 小结”等,黑体加粗,4号字,左对齐。⒊正文:中文为宋体,英文为“Times News Roman”,均为小四号字。正文中的图名、表名以及图表中的文字均用相应的五号字体,正文中的图和表必须有编号,如:“表1”、“图5”等。表名以及编号应位于表格的正上方,图名以及编号应位于图的正下方。⒋页眉:五号字宋体,居中排列。页眉从绪论开始,左页页眉为论文题目,右页页眉为章的标题。⒌页码:对称页边距,宋体小五号字,排在页脚行的最外侧,不加任何修饰,从绪论开始编排。⒍字间距:采用标准字间距。行间距:采用固定值20磅。⒎页面设置:上边距0cm ,下边距0cm , 内侧边距0cm , 外侧边距0cm , 页眉0cm ,页脚0cm , 装订线0cm。⒏论文用纸:一律为A4。⒐打印:双面打印。右页为奇数页,左页为偶数页。⒑论文装订顺序:顺序依次为:封面→任务书→工作计划表→中期报告评议表→毕业论文评语表→毕业论文评审表→中文摘要(每单元为一页)→目录→正文→结论→致谢→参考文献。

标准论文格式 一:包含内容 1、题目。应能概括整个论文最重要的内容,言简意赅,引人注目,一般不宜超过20个字。 论文摘要和关键词。 2、论文摘要应阐述学位论文的主要观点。说明本论文的目的、研究方法、成果和结论。尽可能保留原论文的基本信息,突出论文的创造性成果和新见解。而不应是各章节标题的简单罗列。摘要以500字左右为宜。 3、关键词是能反映论文主旨最关键的词句,一般3-5个。 4、目录。既是论文的提纲,也是论文组成部分的小标题,应标注相应页码。 5、引言(或序言)。内容应包括本研究领域的国内外现状,本论文所要解决的问题及这项研究工作在经济建设、科技进步和社会发展等方面的理论意义与实用价值。 6、正文。是毕业论文的主体。 7、结论。论文结论要求明确、精炼、完整,应阐明自己的创造性成果或新见解,以及在本领域的意义。 8、参考文献和注释。按论文中所引用文献或注释编号的顺序列在论文正文之后,参考文献之前。图表或数据必须注明来源和出处。 (参考文献是期刊时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、文章题目、期刊名(外文可缩写)、年份、卷号、期数、页码。 参考文献是图书时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、书名、出版单位、年份、版次、页码。) 9、附录。包括放在正文内过份冗长的公式推导,以备他人阅读方便所需的辅助性数学工具、重复性数据图表、论文使用的符号意义、单位缩写、程序全文及有关说明等。

一般是由:题目    论文摘要   关键词   目录   引言   正文

一般论文包含内容有:论文题目、作者姓名、单位、摘要、关键词、论文正文、参考文献。具体要求如下: ①论文题目用二号黑体字居中打印,上下必须空一行; ②作者姓名用四号宋体,且居中排版; ③单位用六号宋体,居中排版; ④“摘要”和“单位地址”之间必须空一行,用小五号黑体打印; ⑤“关键词”用小五号黑体, “关键词”内容结束后必须空一行; ⑥论文正文用五号宋体打印; ⑦“参考文献”四字用五号黑体居中打印,参考文献内容用小五号宋 体字打印。数字序号严格采用阿拉伯数字,顺序依次为:1;1。 公式采用规范符号,上下标清楚;公式编号用小括号()表示,位于行末。 插图采用计算机画图,并贴在论文相应的位置,图号、图名用六号宋体打印,如论文中有照片,同样贴在论文的相应位置。 论文最后要附上作者的介绍,顺序为:姓名、性别、出生年月、学位(或受教育情况)、职称。






同学 找到组织了啊 我们一定是一个学校 一个老师 一堂课的 希望不会找到一样的




教育论文由封面、毕业设计(论文)成绩评议表、毕业设计(论文)任务书、开题报告、中期检查、结题验收、中文摘要、英文摘要、目录、正文、参考文献、附录十二部分组成。各种部分的格式详见附录;⑴ 封面:封面包括论文题目、学生姓名、班级等;⑵ 成绩评议表:包括论文评语、论文成绩,由答辩委员会填写;⑶ 任务书:由指导教师填写,在布置毕业设计时发给学生;⑷ 开题报告:学生认真书写后交指导教师检查,经指导教师签字有效;⑸ 中期报告:学生认真书写,指导教师签字有效;⑹ 结题验收:由学生认真书写,指导教师签字有效;⑺目录:按三级标题编写,要求层次清晰,主要包括摘要、正文主要层次标题、参考文献、附录等;⑻ 摘要:中文摘要应在400字左右,包括论文题目、论文摘要、关键词(3个至5个),英文摘要与中文摘要内容要对应;⑼ 正文:论文正文包括绪论(或嵌岩、概述等)、论文主体、结论。工科论文要求符合科技论文格式,正文文字应在10000字以上;⑽ 参考文献:必须是学生本人真正阅读过的,以发表的杂志类文献为主,图书类文献不能过多,且要与论文内容直接相关;⑾ 附录:含外文复印件及外文译文、有关图纸、计算机源程序,如果有毕业实习,需提供毕业实习报告等。(1)摘要“摘要”要求摘出文章中重要而有新意的主要观点,并给予客观、具体的陈述;应避免带主观性和情绪化的评论口吻和脱离具体内容的解释方式;不求反映文章概貌,应避免下述用语: 本文从几个方面论述了什么问题; 本文对什么问题提出了个人的独到见解等。[稿例分析] 本刊来稿的摘要有时存在与提要的概念相互混淆的问题。摘要与提要不同点在于:摘要着眼于客观地向读者介绍文献的精华,以利于其迅速决定是否有必要继续阅读全文,主要适用于学术论文;提要则着重对文章内容或作者的生平、背景进行介绍和评价,意在向读者宣传推荐该著作,主要适用于书籍。英文摘要不一定要重复中文摘要内容,表述内容可以不同,但同样须简明扼要。(2)关键词关键词又称叙词或主题词,指在论文题目、摘要或正文中,表达中心内容,具有实质性意义的词。应是具检索意义的学科专用名词或名词词组。应该依据文献的题名和前言、结语、目次等不同部分,归纳出中心主题因素与修饰限定主题因素,根据需要进行精选和取舍;避免主观性,强调客观标准;应注意主题词的全面性和专指性。所选词语须概念清楚、确切,避免多义性。[稿例分析] 有的作者在关键词中选择一些比较生僻、生造的词汇,或与其论文内容容量不很相称的,比较空泛、抽象的词汇,既不能从关键词里准确地反映该论文的实际情况,也会为在网络上查阅搜索带来不便。

Differences between Chinese and Western Education SystemMost Chinese parents like to ask, “How old should be the best age for children to study overseas?” “Is the foundational education as good as China in other countries?” As the matter of fact, the argument about advantages and disadvantages between Chinese Education and Western Education is keeping on all the This question is also one major concern among those students who are considering going In order to find out the most suitable way for each individual, we shall gather more information and compare both matters in China and foreign The basic issue of education is what kind of people we want to cultivate to be, and how to cultivate The concept of value, purpose of education and method of education between Chinese Education System and Western Education System are differentiated in many academic Let’s have a look at this with 2 cases:Darin Yokel is an art teacher from one primary school in Cincinnati, America; she is also a current student of Miami U To be as one of the exchange teacher with Chinese, she came to Kunming, Yunan to have an academic Her objective is split into 3 parts, teaching Chinese students, communicating with Chinese teachers and independent In Kunming, Darin found out that the painting skills of Chinese students are very One day, she gave out one topic which is called “happy festival” to her students, but all the students were drawing the same Christmas At first she thought that Chinese students are friendly so when they met a western teacher, they drew the Christmas tree for But later she found that every Christmas tree those children drown are with the same She looked closer, discovered that all the students were looking toward the same direction where one of the classroom Then she realized that there was one Christmas tree painting on the wall which prepared by the school as the purpose of creating a suitable painting atmosphere for Darin covered the painting on the wall and asked the students to create their own picture, to her surprise; she was so disappointed that once she covered the wall painting, the students could not draw a “happy festival” Some students were scratching the head, some biting the pencil, some staring at each other, but no one knew how to start their With the intention of solving the embarrassment, Darin has to open the cover of wall There is another case far in America: one professor mentioned in his article that his son did research when he was in primary school form One day he came back from school and asked father to go to library, he said he is doing one research on whales so need to go and find The professor took his son to two libraries and borrowed more than ten books about The little boy had finished his first research in his whole life on the topic of It contained 3 pages and one cover with a picture of whale and There were 4 tittles inside the report: introduction, what do whales eat, how whales eat and the features of The professor said that this is the shortest and simplest research he has ever seen in his life; however this is the most interesting research he has ever read as The main concern here is not how much knowledge of whale the boy has learnt, but the process of doing the He concentrated so hard to gather information, read articles, identify points, write essay and so He was doing individually and independently all through the He totally used his brain to carry out every step, thus he has achieved much more knowledge and skills beside only And this kind of research practice is continuous improving, when he was in Form Two, his research is only collecting other people’s But when he reached


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