

发布时间:2024-09-05 17:43:52



The phrase about food

这就是关于转基因食品优缺点的作文:Genetically modified food is science brings us the product, now of cultivated land area of less, genetically modified food will play more and more important role, if the use of transgenic technology can solve the world food shortage problem, it is not quite good? Genetically modified food in the world now is a kind of new things, new things, people need time to promote its accept also need some time, we cannot put new things in the cradle, a stick to it from the beginning, that cannot be eaten of genetically modified You think we don't of hybrid rice is a genetically modified food? But we can open it from? And if they can pass the soybeans genetically modified technique using atmospheric nitrogen inside his produces fertilizers to other crops gene transfer in the mankind, it Everything is both sides, especially technology, science and technology is a double-edged sword? Genetically modified food has its disadvantages, like some worry, because it will not change, will destroy genetic evolution, Genetically modified food and nutrition inside it isn't like that, the propaganda of people worry is understandable, after accepting a new things take But we also should see the benefits of them, I think as time slowly past, genetically modified foods will be accepted by 希望会对你有帮助吧,谢谢!

In terms of the unforgettable food, I would say it is the local delicacy in Guizhou , big stinky tofu , that I introduced to my foreign friend ,which I once took him to a night market ;when we gossiping, we smalled a fit of stink He asked me with inquiring expression, “How can Chinese eat this smelly thing? ” At this time, I heard a street vendor hawing stinky tofu, when I seeing it with my mouth dropping I strongly recommended the appetizing taste of it, urging my friend to enjoy it at the same In the beginning, hardly could he stand the smell of stinky tofu, but after reluctantly tasting a bite of it, he was so amazed that he wanted another “People of Chinese are genius! You can create such formidable specialty! ” he I also took him to try other common snakes in the night


你可以找你的辅导老师 咨询下。如果你直接写“商务英语的特点及翻译技巧”这个题目确实太大了。无论是写特点还是光写翻译技巧 都可以出来一本书了。老师让你写特点与技巧的关联就把题目给缩小了。这样一来写论文就简单了很多。我都毕业三年了对商务英语和翻译技巧 都忘的差不多了 我只能给你提个醒:天下文章一大抄。你可以用总分总的格式去写。首先亮出你自己的观点 然后列举特点 与翻译技巧,再把这两者结合一下,证实自己的观点得出结论。这样凑个8000字的论文应该是轻而易举的事。还有就是不要一字不落的光用原文,也要自己改装一下,这样别人的文章就可以为我所用。自己引用的书籍一定做好记录 参考文献可是有要求的。再图书管多借点这方面的书把感觉对自己有用的都抄下来,打印成文本 注明出处。说真的我当时写论文的时候最惨了,再图书馆借了十好几本书呢还有网上download的。开始导师说没有问题就这样一搞二稿都交了 到了第三稿定稿的时候,导师说我的提纲得改下,当时我就蒙了。改提纲啊!!还有三天定稿了。于是乎我三天没合眼吃住网吧里。好歹是赶完了。很是感激王老师的帮忙把格式和标点替我做了下。我是想说有问题一定要提前解决否则末了自己很受罪,一定要搞好和导师之间的关系最为重要。切记!切记!




The Americans first impression, it seems that the Americans in the way people is like a long not big child not only speak Chinese, often with a childish manner, also very American English than the authentic English pronunciation, from Pinyin to rhetoric and grammar, mostly casually, remain The Americans left the Chinese standard public image ' sit like a clock, standing like pine ', far apart, especially the United States of America's children, their rules have no, be careless about one's dress, lazy by nature, free to sit down and sit, station station without phase; no matter familiar and unfamiliar, is opening a ' ' cough;! Then call them by their names, as well as the grandpa and They eat very simple, invite them to eat bread and egg or please eat Chinese food, they also be Chinese students have to improve their English level, intentionally and American students to rent a room, they soon saw themselves into the American Free nanny: throw things, just cleaned the room and then like a kennel no 最初对美国人的印象,似乎美国人在为人处事方面就象中国的一个长不大的孩子,不但说话常带孩子气,谈吐举止也非常随便。美国英语比起正宗的英语来,从发音拼音到文法修辞,大多随随便便,无拘无束。美国人离开中国的标准公众形象;坐如钟,站如松;,相距甚远,特别是美国的孩子,他们规矩全无,不修边幅,疏懒成性,坐无坐相,站无站相;不管熟与不熟,开口就是;咳;!然后直呼其名,对爷爷奶奶也一样。他们吃饭很简单,请他们吃面包加鸡蛋或请吃中国大餐,他们同样兴高采烈。中国留学生曾经为了增强自己英文水平,有意地和美国学生共租一室,很快他们就看见自己成了美国人的免费保姆:东西乱扔,刚打扫好的房间随即就象狗窝一样毫无次序。

Food Safety in China With the growing awareness of healthy eating, more and more people now are paying more attention to the importance of healthy diet and an active But at the same time, a growing unrest over food safety in China has caught everyone’s In my opinion ,everyone involved in it should set up a high responsibility for others, law related should be passed and carried Only in this way can we come by a healthy eating and a harmonious 食品安全水平  与日益意识到健康饮食,越来越多的人们现在已经更加注重健康饮食的重要性和积极的生活。但与此同时,越来越多的食品安全事件在中国引起了大家的关注。  在我看来,每个人都参与了应该建立一个高度的责任感对于其他人来说,要通过相关法律和执行。只有用这种方法我们才能得到一个健康的饮食和一个和谐的世界。

这是英国的 望采纳~~Compared to other European countries, Britain has been criticized for not diet culture; But as Britain join the European Union, the different diet culture has been introduced in the UK, and British consumers in terms of food demand, caused a revolutionary change和其他欧洲国家相比,英国向来被批评为没有饮食文化;不过随着英国加入欧盟之后,不同的饮食文化已被引进了英国,造成英国消费者在食品需求方面,出现了革命性的变化。Compared to other European countries, Britain has been criticized for not diet culture; But as Britain join the European Union, the different diet culture has been introduced in the UK, and British consumers in terms of food demand, caused a revolutionary change简而言之,英国菜制作方式有两种;放入烤箱烤、放入锅里煮。做菜时什么调味品都不放,吃的时候再依个人爱好放些盐、胡椒或芥茉、辣酱油之类。说起来是尊重各人的好恶,却也难免有偷工减料之嫌。不过这的确是英国人喜爱的烹饪方式。Their habits stewed, barbecue, Fried and Fried foods, including For meat, seafood, game cooking also has a unique And they on beef special preferences, such as barbecue beef, when eating is not only the enclosed seasonal vegetables, baked detailed taro, also the steak with a little mustard sauce; On the use of ingredients like butter and liquor; Fresh on spices, cinnamon or other 他们习惯烩、烧烤、煎和油炸食物,甚至包括蔬菜。对肉类、海鲜、野味的烹调也均有独到的方式;而且他们对牛肉类特别偏好,如烧烤牛肉,在食用时不仅附上时令的蔬菜、烤详芋,还会在牛排上加上少许的芥茉酱;在作料的使用上喜好奶油及酒类;在香料上则喜好肉桂等新鲜香料。Dinner for British people and is the most important part in daily life, they choose the meal time is usually late, and ate and drank, chatted, to promote the friendship between have dinner person, but to see they are belong to the autonomy of ethnic groups, a dinner for them may take a few hours!晚餐对英国人来说也是日常生活中最重要的一部份,他们选择的用餐时间通常较晚,而且都是边吃边喝边聊,以促进用餐人之间的情谊,可想见他们是属于极有自主性的民族,一顿晚餐对他们来说可能要花上好几个钟头!Fish and Fried potatoes, this is the "McDonald's", is a kind of cheap and convenient Fish are flatfish, or cod, with French fries dipped in salt or vinegar (many British people use both), is very popular with ordinary 炸鱼及炸马铃薯条,这是英国的“麦当劳”,是一种既便宜又方便的食品。炸鱼多为鲽鱼或鳕鱼,与炸薯条一起沾着盐或醋(不少英国人两者都用)食用,很受普通百姓欢迎。


characteristic; distinguishing feature; peculiarity; trait; point; [例句]研究表明,女性的管理风格往往具有更强的参与式特点。Studies have shown that women tend to be more participatory in their

你可以找你的辅导老师 咨询下。如果你直接写“商务英语的特点及翻译技巧”这个题目确实太大了。无论是写特点还是光写翻译技巧 都可以出来一本书了。老师让你写特点与技巧的关联就把题目给缩小了。这样一来写论文就简单了很多。我都毕业三年了对商务英语和翻译技巧 都忘的差不多了 我只能给你提个醒:天下文章一大抄。你可以用总分总的格式去写。首先亮出你自己的观点 然后列举特点 与翻译技巧,再把这两者结合一下,证实自己的观点得出结论。这样凑个8000字的论文应该是轻而易举的事。还有就是不要一字不落的光用原文,也要自己改装一下,这样别人的文章就可以为我所用。自己引用的书籍一定做好记录 参考文献可是有要求的。再图书管多借点这方面的书把感觉对自己有用的都抄下来,打印成文本 注明出处。说真的我当时写论文的时候最惨了,再图书馆借了十好几本书呢还有网上download的。开始导师说没有问题就这样一搞二稿都交了 到了第三稿定稿的时候,导师说我的提纲得改下,当时我就蒙了。改提纲啊!!还有三天定稿了。于是乎我三天没合眼吃住网吧里。好歹是赶完了。很是感激王老师的帮忙把格式和标点替我做了下。我是想说有问题一定要提前解决否则末了自己很受罪,一定要搞好和导师之间的关系最为重要。切记!切记!

feature [ˈfi:tʃə]特征[ ]相貌;特写;故事片 突出characteristic [ˌkæriktəˈristik]特有的,典型的 特性,特征trait [treit]特征,特点,特性

你好,很高兴为你解答解答:There are reasons to minimize the amount of fat in natural or formulated foods and a great deal of product development and processing development has been devoted to decreasing the fat content of Generally, elimination of the fat is not the challenge; the resultant changes in product quality characteristics are the A simplified approach of lowering the fat content without compensations in processing and formulation does not usually result in an acceptable 1、有理由减少自然或配方食品中的脂肪量和大量的产品开发和加工开发一直致力于降低食品的脂肪含量。一般来说,消除脂肪是不是挑战,产品质量特性的结果的变化是关注。一种简化的方法,在处理和配方中不含补偿的脂肪含量通常不会导致一个可接受的产品。 1 、 yǒu有 lǐ理 yóu由 jiǎn减 shǎo少 zì自 rán然 huò或 pèi配 fāng方 shí食 pǐn品 zhōng中 de的 zhī脂 fáng肪 liàng量 hé和 dà大 liàng量 de的 chǎn产 pǐn品 kāi开 fā发 hé和 jiā加 gōng工 kāi开 fā发 yī一 zhí直 zhì致 lì力 yú于 jiàng降 dī低 shí食 pǐn品 de的 zhī脂 fáng肪 hán含 liàng量 。 yī一 bān般 lái来 shuō说 , xiāo消 chú除 zhī脂 fáng肪 shì是 bù不 shì是 tiǎo挑 zhàn战 , chǎn产 pǐn品 zhì质 liàng量 tè特 xìng性 de的 jié结 guǒ果 de的 biàn变 huà化 shì是 guān关 zhù注 。 yī一 zhǒng种 jiǎn简 huà化 de的 fāng方 fǎ法 , zài在 chǔ处 lǐ理 hé和 pèi配 fāng方 zhōng中 bù不 hán含 bǔ补 cháng偿 de的 zhī脂 fáng肪 hán含 liàng量 tōng通 cháng常 bù不 huì会 dǎo导 zhì致 yī一 gè个 kě可 jiē接 shòu受 de的 chǎn产 pǐn品 。 Carbohydrates come in a variety of forms but the major differences in chemical properties and functions divide into sugars and While some molecular aspects are in common to both groups, the sugars and the polysaccharides have vastly different functional 2。碳水化合物以多种形式出现,但在化学性质和功能上的主要区别是糖和多糖。虽然某些分子方面是共同的两组,糖和多糖有很大的不同的功能特性。 2 。 tàn碳 shuǐ水 huà化 hé合 wù物 yǐ以 duō多 zhǒng种 xíng形 shì式 chū出 xiàn现 , dàn但 zài在 huà化 xué学 xìng性 zhì质 hé和 gōng功 néng能 shàng上 de的 zhǔ主 yào要 qū区 bié别 shì是 táng糖 hé和 duō多 táng糖 。 suī虽 rán然 mǒu某 xiē些 fèn分 zǐ子 fāng方 miàn面 shì是 gòng共 tóng同 de的 liǎng两 zǔ组 , táng糖 hé和 duō多 táng糖 yǒu有 hěn很 dà大 de的 bù不 tóng同 de的 gōng功 néng能 tè特 xìng性 。 Food marketing brings together the producer and It is the chain of activities that brings food from "farm gate to plate" The marketing of even a single food product can be a complicated process involving many producers and For example, fifty-six companies are involved making one can of chicken noodle These business include not only chicken and vegetable processors but also the companies that transport the ingredients and those who print labels and manufacture 3。食品营销汇集了生产者和消费者。这是一系列的活动,使食品从“农门”。一个单一的食品产品的营销,可能是一个复杂的过程,涉及许多生产商和公司。例如,五十六家公司都参与了一罐鸡汤。这些企业不仅包括鸡肉和蔬菜加工企业,而且还包括那些运输原料的公司和印刷标签和制造罐头的公司。 欢迎追问!!希望能帮到你,你的采纳是我答题的动力!!!1求采纳谢谢







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