

发布时间:2024-09-04 19:14:51



Everyone has him or her own favorite kind of musicI like the pop music bestIt can make me feel confortableWhen I am happy,I will listen to the happily musicWhen I am sad,I will listen to the sadly musicPop music is a representative of popularMany singers are famous for the pop music,and to be an idolSo,I love the pop music,I hope all of you also can fall in love with it after my presentation这就是我帮你写的,怎么样,还可以吧?下面附上中文翻译,呵呵~每个人都有他或她自己最喜欢的音乐我最喜欢流行音乐它可以让我觉得舒适当我很高兴,我会听开心地音乐当我感到非常难过,我会听悲伤地音乐流行音乐是一种流行的代表许多歌手都因为流行音乐而著名,并成为偶像所以,我喜欢流行音乐,我希望大家在我的介绍之后也能够爱上它

I think there are many difference between European pop music and Chinese music And the style and the music instruments are But I think the most different place is the way to express the In Europe there are many traditional styles,such as jazz,blues,rock music and so These kinds of music have a long But Chinese music has fewer variaties,because our music develops in later And the music intruments are As whole,the sound of European music intruments are stronger than Chinese music instruments' Now many peope like European music,especially pop And most people think their music attracts them I think ,the bigges reason is that their rhyme is stronger,and can strongly arouse their feelings On the onther hand ,most of us do not konw the meaning of the songs,so we feel that it is more

World Popular Music Print this section | Edit this section World popular music is a broad category that includes many different urban-centered, mass-reproduced, and stylistically heterogeneous styles and A small sampling of these genres include bhangara, a form of dance club music pioneered by Pakistani musicians in London, England; African guitar-band music, performed in Africa, New York City, and Paris, France; the theme songs of romantic and martial arts films produced in Asia; and the recordings of contemporary musicians from Bulgaria, which blend American jazz and rock with traditional wedding The relatively recent discovery of non-Western styles by popular Western musicians such as David Byrne, Peter Gabriel, and Paul Simon might leave the impression that urban-centered, mass-reproduced popular music outside of Western culture is a new In fact, the recording industry was active in Asia and Latin America before the 20th century, and local popular styles were commercially recorded in Africa by the Although the influence of American popular music, supported by the multibillion-dollar transnational music industry, has in some cases contributed to the decline of traditional musics, there is also a rich history of cross-fertilization between popular In the late 19th century the Cuban habanera influenced the development of American ragtime; the Argentine tango gained worldwide popularity during the 1910s, initiating a craze for Latin ballroom dancing in Paris, London, and New York City; recordings of Hawaiian guitar music, country-and-western music, and ballroom dance orchestras arrived in the port towns of Africa by the 1920s; and the Cuban rumba became popular around the world in the In many cases the inclusion of imported elements in American popular music has been linked with stereotypes of the For example, many ballroom dance orchestras in the 1920s performed “Oriental foxtrots,” arrangements that owed more to Latin American music than to Asian Today the global music industry is dominated by a small number of transnational entertainment corporations, with offices and agents in major cities around the One of the most popular forms of music internationally is Indian film music, which is produced in studios in New Delhi and Mumbai (formerly Bombay) and is popular in the Middle East and Africa as well as in A The late Egyptian singer Umm Kulthum, whose recording career began in the 1920s, is still popular throughout the Arabic-speaking African popular music includes a number of distinctive regional styles, including the juju music of Nigerian bandleader King Sunny Ade; central African soukous, a blend of indigenous songs and dance rhythms with Afro-Cuban music; and South African isicathamiya, the Zulu choral singing style performed by Ladysmith Black M The rich variety of popular music found throughout the world continually provides the global music industry with new music 就这些了


Everyone has him or her own favorite kind of musicI like the pop music bestIt can make me feel confortableWhen I am happy,I will listen to the happily musicWhen I am sad,I will listen to the sadly musicPop music is a representative of popularMany singers are famous for the pop music,and to be an idolSo,I love the pop music,I hope all of you also can fall in love with it after my presentation这就是我帮你写的,怎么样,还可以吧?下面附上中文翻译,呵呵~每个人都有他或她自己最喜欢的音乐我最喜欢流行音乐它可以让我觉得舒适当我很高兴,我会听开心地音乐当我感到非常难过,我会听悲伤地音乐流行音乐是一种流行的代表许多歌手都因为流行音乐而著名,并成为偶像所以,我喜欢流行音乐,我希望大家在我的介绍之后也能够爱上它dothattome | 2008-11-0820437

World Popular Music Print this section | Edit this section World popular music is a broad category that includes many different urban-centered, mass-reproduced, and stylistically heterogeneous styles and A small sampling of these genres include bhangara, a form of dance club music pioneered by Pakistani musicians in London, England; African guitar-band music, performed in Africa, New York City, and Paris, France; the theme songs of romantic and martial arts films produced in Asia; and the recordings of contemporary musicians from Bulgaria, which blend American jazz and rock with traditional wedding The relatively recent discovery of non-Western styles by popular Western musicians such as David Byrne, Peter Gabriel, and Paul Simon might leave the impression that urban-centered, mass-reproduced popular music outside of Western culture is a new In fact, the recording industry was active in Asia and Latin America before the 20th century, and local popular styles were commercially recorded in Africa by the Although the influence of American popular music, supported by the multibillion-dollar transnational music industry, has in some cases contributed to the decline of traditional musics, there is also a rich history of cross-fertilization between popular In the late 19th century the Cuban habanera influenced the development of American ragtime; the Argentine tango gained worldwide popularity during the 1910s, initiating a craze for Latin ballroom dancing in Paris, London, and New York City; recordings of Hawaiian guitar music, country-and-western music, and ballroom dance orchestras arrived in the port towns of Africa by the 1920s; and the Cuban rumba became popular around the world in the In many cases the inclusion of imported elements in American popular music has been linked with stereotypes of the For example, many ballroom dance orchestras in the 1920s performed “Oriental foxtrots,” arrangements that owed more to Latin American music than to Asian Today the global music industry is dominated by a small number of transnational entertainment corporations, with offices and agents in major cities around the One of the most popular forms of music internationally is Indian film music, which is produced in studios in New Delhi and Mumbai (formerly Bombay) and is popular in the Middle East and Africa as well as in A The late Egyptian singer Umm Kulthum, whose recording career began in the 1920s, is still popular throughout the Arabic-speaking African popular music includes a number of distinctive regional styles, including the juju music of Nigerian bandleader King Sunny Ade; central African soukous, a blend of indigenous songs and dance rhythms with Afro-Cuban music; and South African isicathamiya, the Zulu choral singing style performed by Ladysmith Black M The rich variety of popular music found throughout the world continually provides the global music industry with new music 就这些了

莎拉·布莱曼出生于20世纪60年代,8月14日。她美丽的vioce被评为“vioce来自帕拉迪斯”,这让她的著名歌剧“猫”。然后,她注意到韦伯执导“魅影”。在1992s,她出名后,并演唱了“生活之友”。此外,她演唱的歌曲“我和你”,以及2008年北京奥运会上。 没有完成,请你等待几天。 顺便说一下:1。你上大学吗? 2,可以在它的开始?

The piano as the king of Musical Instruments, after three hundred years, its evolution and development of artistic performance achieved high realm, piano accompaniment is separated from which a special kind of independent academic The 18th century later, with the Musical Instruments of pop, piano accompaniment is widely used in vocal music art in other styles, piano accompaniment is not generally in the sense of "TuoQiang protect tone," but as a unique artistic form in vocal music occupies an important Overview of our country middle and primary school textbooks of years sing just with accompaniment spectrum is rare, is almost entirely single Facing the ChanSheng department songs can be found everywhere, many music teachers teaching material to spontaneously impromptu accompaniment offers form, creatively made every song have multi-tone accompaniment But as to the present music teachers' basic primary impromptu accompaniment offers, it seems, the situation is not For now in singing piano accompaniment situation, vocal piano accompaniment ability the enhancement become particularly In this paper, only singing from the piano as the accompaniment of Angle, through instruments of vocal piano accompanist to remove adjustable basic quality (technical mastery, piano touching clavier processing, solo part playing skills as well as to the comprehension of the pieces) and piano accompanist and the singer cooperation (piano accompaniment and singing breathing coordination, piano accompanist and the singer cooperation process) two aspects to talk about in vocal music, piano accompaniment perfect correspondence with the Keywords: piano accompaniment vocal music basic quality perfect correspondence


直到现在,这是我所看到的,在我对流行音乐看法的基础上,并略高于本人看法一筹的权威专业音乐人士对流行音乐的唯一的看法正确的文章【指今日<新浪博客>载署名“金兆钧”的撰文《流行音乐——别拿专业说事》】。我除了不同意把音乐分成什么高雅音乐(艺术音乐——如艺术歌曲)和通俗音乐之外,也极力反对所谓音乐家和音乐人的分法,因为它从骨子里是一种鄙视和打压流行音乐—艺术工作的愚蠢做法。流行音乐为人类的文化生活提供了极其丰富的养料和极其广泛的恩泽,这是不争的事实,反言之,流行音乐爱好者给与了流行音乐的制造人以丰厚的令所有人垂涎的精神物质褒奖——回报,这也是铁的事实。所以我始终认为,无论是经典音乐还是流行音乐,只要是好的音乐都是人类值得继承和发扬光大的精神财富。现在终于开始有了专业音乐人士对流行音乐的正确认识与理性回归,人们开始正确评价流行音乐在人们心目中的地位,并做出种种加大流行音乐中“理论音乐成分”的尝试:在我国近期发生的“英伦组合”就是一个成功的范例。正如自然科学的一种正确门类划分方式——即把自然科学划分为理论科学和应用科学一样,把音乐划分为理论型音乐和应用型——商业型音乐,或者是传统音乐和通俗音乐,或者经典音乐和流行音乐,才是正确的、科学的划分方法。以巴赫、贝多芬的管弦交响乐等纯音乐(非特指作曲家笔下的无标题音乐)为标志的人类音乐艺术珍品,是奠定现代音乐理论基础、统一人类音乐语言、积聚人类音乐精华的音乐殿堂的“镇馆之宝”,它是理论音乐,等同于自然科学的牛顿力学和爱因斯坦相对论的理论精华,也是各音乐殿堂音乐教科的必修课。而流行音乐对人类的贡献就在于把这些理论很好地演化成一种商业形式的、为广大民众喜闻乐见并能很好地解析与展示他们的精神生活的音乐商品,极大地丰富了人们的业余文化生活。也如没有应用科学,理论自然科学只是废纸一堆一样,没有流行音乐对理论音乐的分解和沉淀,理论音乐也只能是少数孤芳自赏人士的庭中花、屋内草。因为十分简单,广大民众他们为了生活,是不必要也不可能把音乐钻研得太深,也就不可能感受音乐对于人类情感和精神生活的极大魅力的。需要搞清楚,人们对音乐的最广泛需求在于作为他们生活的辅料,而非生活的来源。如果全人类都成了专业音乐家,那大家都只有喝西北风了。人类为了生存和延续生命,必须创造和从事各种职业,并成为这种种职业的专家,也就没有时间和精力同时成为音乐家,变得能欣赏所谓“高雅音乐”了,尽管理论音乐对人们的从业诱惑力极大。若想知道有关我对这种观点的最集中、最清晰和最精辟的分析论证,可阅读我的新浪博文——帖子式豆腐块文章《流行音乐的生命力来自它反映青年人的心声》、《莫说通俗是庸俗——也为超女鸣不平》。还有就是你去这里看看好像就是你说的流行音乐论文,谢谢 !

流行音乐即通俗音乐,比起莫扎特、贝多芬的音乐,它更加融入大众生活中。可以说它是像我们这样的学生生活中的主流音乐。流行音乐是指一部分流行歌曲、影视歌曲、通俗器乐曲、爵士音乐和布鲁斯音乐等。通俗音乐的内容贴近生活实际,歌词简单,语言生动形象,直白表达情感,容易理解,容易接受。例如Westlife的《you raise me up》,首先从歌词入手,简单的语句,通俗易懂,稍微懂英文的人都可以看懂。它所抒发的感情也是很真挚很动人的,这种感谢父母的养育之恩从来都是在我们思想中最主流的。尽管中西方文化差异很大,但是看待“孝”都是一样的。我想这应该也是这首歌在全世界颇受欢迎的原因吧。Westlife其他的专辑《coast to coast》、《back to home》等,这些思想和感情都是教人正确对待love、home、life 等等。然后歌曲的节奏轻快自然、旋律简单,特别适合学生传唱。在流行音乐市场上,这些都是上佳之作,可是也有不少低劣的作品。在课上老师举过一些例子,这些低劣性主要表现:曲调过于简单,甚至是长时间不断地重复,不仅枯燥无味而且毫无意义;歌词大意曲解正确的社会观、道德观,或者违背常理等。不过这些都是其次,重要的是我们应该可以分辨这些作品,吸收流行音乐中的菁华。 我们欣赏流行音乐,除了它朗朗上口、节奏轻快、亲切自然以外,还有它的表现形式。那些制作精良的MV,让你随着音乐融入它的风格之中,有时它强烈的节奏让我们身体跟着起舞,有时它的轻柔让我们感觉有人在耳边轻轻细语。在紧张繁忙的学习工作之余,这是最好不过的放松方式了。因为应试教育带来的压力,我们这些学生们总是试图寻找心灵上的解脱。特别在中学时的我们,总是在排名和分数中挣扎,我们幼小的心灵被烙下无数个痛苦创伤,幸好那时开始接触流行音乐的我们都在音乐找到了宣泄。流行音乐伴随着我们长大,特别是在那时出道的歌手们,他们的音乐和我们的想法真正的无代沟。真该好好感谢流行音乐,陪我走过了这么多个困难。或许是寂静的夜里,或许是无人的教室,在音乐中聆听我们自己的内心,品味生活中的酸甜苦辣,他们就像老朋友一样,总能抓住你的心。等我们都长大了,我们也不会忘记老朋友的。就像父辈们一直喜欢如李宗盛、罗大佑、邓丽君等歌星,却总也无法理解周杰伦的歌曲好在哪里。不同年代的音乐应该也有代沟。这就是音乐,抓住了感情,音乐就有了灵魂。我们熟知美国流行音乐中的布鲁斯、爵士乐,布鲁斯俗称蓝调,蓝色在美国文化代表着忧郁、忧伤。早年大部分移民从世界各地来到美国,一般地说是出自于自愿,他们基本上是愿意把自己的文化同美国文化融合在一起。但只有黑人例外。他们是作为奴隶被迫来到这个国家的。他们身上“除了锁链以外,一无所有,但他们的头脑中却牢记着非洲舞蹈和音乐的丰富传统。”黑人奴隶们在农场劳动时,不允许说话,但可以唱歌。他们依靠自人听不懂的劳动号子和歌曲相互传递信息,交流感情,通过这种表达方式,把他们郁积在心里的痛苦与不平宣泄出来,从而逐渐形成了具有黑人特点的黑人音乐。黑人音乐在形成过程中也在不断地发生着变化,这种变化包括汲取白人音乐成分,产生了布鲁斯、爵士乐等形式。而最初的摇滚乐就是黑人音乐“节奏布鲁斯”,西方也有人把摇滚乐称作为“下层阶级反抗当局的一种形式”。关于节奏布鲁斯,在网上搜到得答案:这是一种由布鲁斯演变而来的音乐风格。在上个世纪初,随意走进美国的一家小酒馆,就能看到小舞台上一个拿着一把破吉他的黑人弹着扭曲的音符,用他那没调的嗓子和听起来十分肤浅的歌词诉说着黑人在美国的遭遇。这就是布鲁斯。随着时代的进步,这种音乐也变得更具有音乐性了。曾经没调的音乐变得富有节奏,进而也更加旋律化。于是早期的R&B﹙Rhythm and Blues﹚就这样形成了。真正将R&B引入中国的是陶喆,也有人称他“中国的R&B之父”。虽然说不清他的歌曲里的R&B风格,但是我们去KTV唱他的歌总是找不对感觉,而且也很难唱,对歌手要求很高,据我所知R&B是目前最难唱的音乐,歌手必须很有技巧地运用喉咙与声带来推、挤,要能够既暧昧又准确。尽管陶喆的歌非常受欢迎,可传唱他的歌人确实不多。因为文化和生理上的差异,美国的R&B并不是很容易被中国人接受。直到周杰伦出了第一张专辑,开始我们一下子不明白这是什么音乐,但是唱起来很顺。这是周杰伦的带有本土特色的节奏布鲁斯,他摒弃R&B中一些美国元素,用本土的唱法,更轻松的诠释了布鲁斯。所以也有人说,不管陶喆先前的个人专辑有多么的出色,周杰伦的出现绝对给他很大的压力。



直到现在,这是我所看到的,在我对流行音乐看法的基础上,并略高于本人看法一筹的权威专业音乐人士对流行音乐的唯一的看法正确的文章【指今日<新浪博客>载署名“金兆钧”的撰文《流行音乐——别拿专业说事》】。我除了不同意把音乐分成什么高雅音乐(艺术音乐——如艺术歌曲)和通俗音乐之外,也极力反对所谓音乐家和音乐人的分法,因为它从骨子里是一种鄙视和打压流行音乐—艺术工作的愚蠢做法。流行音乐为人类的文化生活提供了极其丰富的养料和极其广泛的恩泽,这是不争的事实,反言之,流行音乐爱好者给与了流行音乐的制造人以丰厚的令所有人垂涎的精神物质褒奖——回报,这也是铁的事实。所以我始终认为,无论是经典音乐还是流行音乐,只要是好的音乐都是人类值得继承和发扬光大的精神财富。现在终于开始有了专业音乐人士对流行音乐的正确认识与理性回归,人们开始正确评价流行音乐在人们心目中的地位,并做出种种加大流行音乐中“理论音乐成分”的尝试:在我国近期发生的“英伦组合”就是一个成功的范例。正如自然科学的一种正确门类划分方式——即把自然科学划分为理论科学和应用科学一样,把音乐划分为理论型音乐和应用型——商业型音乐,或者是传统音乐和通俗音乐,或者经典音乐和流行音乐,才是正确的、科学的划分方法。以巴赫、贝多芬的管弦交响乐等纯音乐(非特指作曲家笔下的无标题音乐)为标志的人类音乐艺术珍品,是奠定现代音乐理论基础、统一人类音乐语言、积聚人类音乐精华的音乐殿堂的“镇馆之宝”,它是理论音乐,等同于自然科学的牛顿力学和爱因斯坦相对论的理论精华,也是各音乐殿堂音乐教科的必修课。而流行音乐对人类的贡献就在于把这些理论很好地演化成一种商业形式的、为广大民众喜闻乐见并能很好地解析与展示他们的精神生活的音乐商品,极大地丰富了人们的业余文化生活。也如没有应用科学,理论自然科学只是废纸一堆一样,没有流行音乐对理论音乐的分解和沉淀,理论音乐也只能是少数孤芳自赏人士的庭中花、屋内草。因为十分简单,广大民众他们为了生活,是不必要也不可能把音乐钻研得太深,也就不可能感受音乐对于人类情感和精神生活的极大魅力的。需要搞清楚,人们对音乐的最广泛需求在于作为他们生活的辅料,而非生活的来源。如果全人类都成了专业音乐家,那大家都只有喝西北风了。人类为了生存和延续生命,必须创造和从事各种职业,并成为这种种职业的专家,也就没有时间和精力同时成为音乐家,变得能欣赏所谓“高雅音乐”了,尽管理论音乐对人们的从业诱惑力极大。若想知道有关我对这种观点的最集中、最清晰和最精辟的分析论证,可阅读我的新浪博文——帖子式豆腐块文章《流行音乐的生命力来自它反映青年人的心声》、《莫说通俗是庸俗——也为超女鸣不平》。还有就是你去这里看看好像就是你说的流行音乐论文,谢谢 !

流行音乐是根据英语popular music翻译过来的。按通常的说法,所谓流行音乐,是指那些结构短小、内容通俗、形式活泼、情感真挚,并被广大群众所喜爱,广泛传唱或欣赏,流行一时的甚至流传后世的器乐曲和歌曲。这些乐曲和歌曲,植根于大众生活的丰厚土壤之中。因此,又有"大众音乐”之称。但是, 这样的界定有可能使那些本不属于流行音乐的音乐如《国际歌》、《义勇军进行曲》、《马赛曲》、《洪湖水浪打浪》、《歌唱祖国》、《东方红》《南泥湾》等,仅仅因为它们也在群众中广泛流传而都可被划归为流行音乐。另一方面,又把那些分明是流行音乐的音乐,由于它们流传不开这在流行音乐中也为数不少而排除在流行音乐之外。显然,流行音乐不一定都流行,流行的音乐也不只是流行音乐。 准确的概念应为商品音乐,即以赢利为主要目的创作的音乐。它是商业性的音乐消遣娱乐以及与此相关的一切‘工业’现象。(见前苏联《音乐百科词典》1990 年版)它的市场性是主要的,艺术性是次要的。有些歌曲虽然用通俗唱法演唱,但它的思想性、艺术性较高,这类歌曲不属于商品歌曲。如《大中国》、《众人划浆开大船》、《亚洲雄风》、《十五的月亮十六圆》、《好大一棵树》等。 其实歌曲的类型和唱法没有必然联系,不能认为艺术歌曲只能用美声唱法演唱,民歌只能用民族唱法演唱,通俗歌曲只能用通俗唱法演唱。首先,三唱法的划分本身就是不甚科学合理的,这一点已被音乐界所公认,没有任何音乐家会认为三唱法的划分是完全科学合理的;其次,唱法目前有三种(如果加上原生态唱法和童声唱法则有五种),但歌曲的类型远不止艺术歌曲、民歌、通俗歌曲三种,还有颂歌、抒情歌曲、进行曲、队列歌曲、军旅歌曲、校园歌曲、讽刺幽默歌曲等多种类型;再次,音乐界无数事实证明,同一首歌可以用不同的唱法演唱。著名歌唱家刘秉义演唱过许多台湾校园歌曲,用的是美声唱法。香港歌星奚秀兰演唱过许多民歌,用的是通俗唱法。这样的例子举不胜举。 “商品音乐”这一概念比任何一个概念都科学、合理、准确。单从字面上看,“通俗”指易解易懂,“流行”指广为流传,这样看来象《义勇军进行曲》、《歌唱祖国》、《东方红》《南泥湾》等歌曲也可以称为通俗歌曲或流行歌曲。咋一看很荒唐,细想一下也不是完全没有道理,因为这些歌曲都是通俗易懂、流传很广的。但是,这些歌曲是决不能称为商品歌曲的,因为它们决不是以赢利为主要目的创作的。从这一点也可以看出“商品音乐”这一概念是科学、合理、准确的。 明确了“商品音乐”这一概念,可以解决音乐界许多有争议的问题。例如“流行音乐能不能进课堂”的问题,事实证明不是一个“不用讨论”的问题。而且这个讨论永远不会结束,也永远不会得到最终结论。原因就是因为“流行音乐”不是一个科学准确的概念。明确了“商品音乐”这一概念后,可以得出结论,“商品音乐” 是决不能进课堂的,而第二段所讲的思想性、艺术性较高的歌曲则完全可以进课堂。  编辑本段主要特性  流行音乐与其它大众媒介的差异主要是流行音乐有6种特性: 1.流行音乐的新奇性 即流行音乐的流行性或时尚性。新奇是一切流行事物的显著特征,好奇心是人类心理的一个特征。而流行音乐作为一种主要以满足消费为目的的商业化的娱乐音乐,它必然是“建立在契合了某种具有代表性的社会心理因而能为大众所普遍接受的基础之上的。”流行音乐是建立在这个基础之上的,因而必然会“致使这种唱、奏、听某一曲目或运用某一风格的行为方式及其对象在一定的社会范围内扩展蔓延,并形成不同程度的社会风靡与社会群体性狂热。”流行性和时尚性是流行音乐的基础。 2.流行音乐的娱乐性 流行音乐的作品内容通俗易懂,题材多取自于日常生活,以表现爱情主题的为多数,接受和消费的主体多数是以一般平民或亚文化群为主,因此它强调的是它自身的娱乐性和消遣性。 它的通俗性决定了它拥有大众的基础。人们可以主动参与表演,增加了能动的空间和乐趣,人们从中能得到放松与享受。因此,流行音乐更为注重和强调自身的娱乐消遣性,“娱乐性”是流行音乐的重要特征与功能。 3.流行音乐的商品性 流行音乐的传播载体是以作为大众文化消费品的各类录音磁带唱片为主的,在市场经济下,由于生产者面对的是一个巨大的商品市场,他们必然会以赚取利润作为他的最终目标。 4、快速更替性 既然流行音乐具有商业性,那么它也和其他商品一样,是群众文化消费商品的主要形式之一,就必然存在着大批量的生产特性,产品快速的推陈出新,是为了满足消费者不断更新的文化消费的需求。随着大众文化需求的不断变化,使得流行音乐的变更周期越来越短,之后会被更为时尚新颖的形式迅速所代替。 5.流行音乐的参与性 流行音乐的创作题材一般都是以日常生活为主,强调个人的心理情感,强调自我,容易引起特别是大学生的情感共鸣。且流行音乐旋律易记易唱,演唱时可以满足自我的情感宣泄,产生自我陶醉感,从而获得一种创造性的满足感。这就使得流行音乐的可参与性大大增强。 6.流行音乐传播手段的科技性 科技的进步使得流行音乐的传播手段发生极大的变化,从最初没有影像的磁带、唱片、CD、广播到有影像的电视、卡拉OK、VCD、DVD、MTV,再到便携式的mp3、mp4、MP5等高科技的发明成果,这些科技产品的出现极大地满足了流行音乐的广泛“流行”。而MIDI、多轨录音技术和电子音响合成技术的出现则大大提高了流行音乐制作的效果和音响表现的丰富性。因此,流行音乐的流行性的扩大离不开这些现代科技传播手段。  所谓流行音乐,是指那些结构短小、内容通俗、形式活泼、情感真挚,并被广大群众所喜爱,广泛传唱或欣赏,流行一时的甚至流传后世的器乐曲和歌曲。这些乐曲和歌曲,植根于大众生活的丰厚土壤之中。因此,又有"大众音乐”之称。  流行音乐起源于美国的爵士音乐。20世纪初,美国出现了一种由多民族文化汇集而成的爵士音乐。这种新兴音乐,以它独特的演奏(演唱)方式,刷新了听众的耳目,轰动了全美国,又很快传遍西欧各国。  在今天,流行音乐所包含的内容极其广泛。在器乐作品中,它包括丰富多采的轻音乐、爵士乐、摇摆舞曲、迪斯科舞曲,探戈舞曲,圆舞曲以及各种不同风格的舞曲和各类小型歌剧的配乐等。  流行音乐中器乐作品的特点是:节奏鲜明,轻松活泼或抒情优美,演奏方法多种多样,音响多变,色彩丰富,织体层次简明,乐队规模不大,现代作品多使用电声乐器。声乐作品的特点是:生活气息浓郁、抒情、风趣、音域不宽,手法通俗、曲调顺口、易于传唱;歌词多用生活语言,浅显易,易为听者接受和传唱;歌手多是自成一格的流行歌星,发声方法各有千秋,不受声乐学派的约束,演唱时感情重于声音技巧,动和自由不羁,自然亲切,易引起听众的共鸣;小乐队的强声伴奏与歌声融为一体。由于流行音乐具备上述特点,所以就能够和群众连在一起,无论文化水平的高低,都易于接受

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My favorite music is pop There are many kinds of music ,such as country music, R&B , rock music and so But I like movie music Because it is easy to learn, and this knid of music is often about our life, for example, A whole new world, M They are very popular among And these movies are also watched again and again for many It is also a good way to learn E So you know my favorite music is movie

World Popular Music Print this section | Edit this section World popular music is a broad category that includes many different urban-centered, mass-reproduced, and stylistically heterogeneous styles and A small sampling of these genres include bhangara, a form of dance club music pioneered by Pakistani musicians in London, England; African guitar-band music, performed in Africa, New York City, and Paris, France; the theme songs of romantic and martial arts films produced in Asia; and the recordings of contemporary musicians from Bulgaria, which blend American jazz and rock with traditional wedding The relatively recent discovery of non-Western styles by popular Western musicians such as David Byrne, Peter Gabriel, and Paul Simon might leave the impression that urban-centered, mass-reproduced popular music outside of Western culture is a new In fact, the recording industry was active in Asia and Latin America before the 20th century, and local popular styles were commercially recorded in Africa by the Although the influence of American popular music, supported by the multibillion-dollar transnational music industry, has in some cases contributed to the decline of traditional musics, there is also a rich history of cross-fertilization between popular In the late 19th century the Cuban habanera influenced the development of American ragtime; the Argentine tango gained worldwide popularity during the 1910s, initiating a craze for Latin ballroom dancing in Paris, London, and New York City; recordings of Hawaiian guitar music, country-and-western music, and ballroom dance orchestras arrived in the port towns of Africa by the 1920s; and the Cuban rumba became popular around the world in the In many cases the inclusion of imported elements in American popular music has been linked with stereotypes of the For example, many ballroom dance orchestras in the 1920s performed “Oriental foxtrots,” arrangements that owed more to Latin American music than to Asian Today the global music industry is dominated by a small number of transnational entertainment corporations, with offices and agents in major cities around the One of the most popular forms of music internationally is Indian film music, which is produced in studios in New Delhi and Mumbai (formerly Bombay) and is popular in the Middle East and Africa as well as in A The late Egyptian singer Umm Kulthum, whose recording career began in the 1920s, is still popular throughout the Arabic-speaking African popular music includes a number of distinctive regional styles, including the juju music of Nigerian bandleader King Sunny Ade; central African soukous, a blend of indigenous songs and dance rhythms with Afro-Cuban music; and South African isicathamiya, the Zulu choral singing style performed by Ladysmith Black M The rich variety of popular music found throughout the world continually provides the global music industry with new music 就这些了

Pop is short for popular, and it's remained the defining term for the ever-changing music favoured by the Although not specifically applied until the middle of the 20th century, pop music as such can be traced by a few decades before Since the year 2000 there's been a dearth of major new stars, relying mostly on established Several younger artists have come and gone, and new styles have briefly emerged, but nothing appears to have gained a major foothold besides modern R&B, which owes little to its soulful predecessor, but a lot to hip-hop - which itself has become a pop


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