

发布时间:2024-09-03 15:28:46



Use science to promote the core concepts of the construction of high school biology research strategy

第一篇:Biodiversity is the variety and variability of life on E This includes all of the plants and animals that live and grow on the Earth, all of the habitats that they call home, and all of the natural processes of which they are a The earth supports an incredible array of biodiversity—from Thailand’s tiny bumblebee bat to the ocean’s great blue whale—with plants and animals of all shapes and sizes in This fantastic variety of life is found in diverse habitats ranging from the hottest desert to tropical rainforests to the arctic Biodiversity is essential to every aspect of the way that humans live around the Plants and animals provide people with food and medicine, trees play an important role in absorbing greenhouse gases and cleaning the air we breathe, and rivers and watersheds provide the clean water that we Unfortunately, the earth’s biodiversity is disappearing, with an estimated 1,000 species per year becoming Conserving biodiversity is especially crucial in developing countries where people’s livelihoods are directly dependent on natural resources such as forests, fisheries and 第二篇:Plants and animals provide people with food and Forty percent of all prescriptions written today are composed from the natural compounds found in different An estimated 80,000 edible plants are found in the world, and one in every three mouthfuls of the food you swallow is prepared from plants pollinated by wild insects and The extinction of each additional species results in the irreversible loss of unique genetic materials, each of which has potential for development of medicines and foods and associated enterprises that create While plants and animals keep you well fed and healthy, trees play an important role in absorbing greenhouse Through photosynthesis, trees absorb and store atmospheric carbon, helping to combat global warming and purifying the air we Forests also control soil erosion and purify As natural systems breakdown, people around the world are forced to find alternative and often more costly ways to maintain adequate supplies of clean water or to deal with increasingly polluted The net economic benefits of biodiversity are estimated to be at least $3 trillion per year, or 11 percent of the annual world economic 希望有帮助

基因工程药物网址: 题目好取,关键看你要写哪个方面的,推荐你写一下现今中国基因工程药物的发展情况,看看这篇文章:


21 new science of biology, is fully aware of Darwin's "survival of the fittest" is a great quote! Biology of a wide range of Genetics, genetics, ecology, such as an extension of study of human development played a significant role in promoting, genetics to solve problems so that several thousand years of human genetic secrets of human genetics to become a powerful, ecology is in the universe The second essential prerequisite for the creation of the earth! the development of biology is changing our world 21世纪的新生科学生物学,使人充分了解达尔文的“适者生存”的伟大名言! 生物学的应用前景很广泛。遗传学,基因学,生态学等延伸学对人类的发展起了巨大的推动作用, 遗传学能破解让人类困扰几千年的遗传秘密,基因学使人类变得跟强大,生态学是在宇宙中创造第二地球必不可少前提!生物学的发展正在改变我们的世界


在生物学实验室中的数位影像Terry Moxon1, Gaynor WightmanDoncaster1 和伊莉莎白中学皇后、 Gainsborough 的, 英国生物学教育 (2005)39(4)179 的日记较廉宜的 SLR 数码相机的来到和联合的软件已经允许数位影像的迅速创造。 我们解释允许显微像的世代的三简单的技术。 较进一步的技术被描述那允许来自显微镜滑的一个完整区段的图像的生产。 显微像的班级组非常提高实际的会议前或后的任何的讨论。xxx字: 显微镜使用; 数码相机; 显微像介绍显微镜使用已经担任生物学的教育的一个被减少的角色在过去的十年内。理由被改变但是落下预算已经意谓给显微镜的班级组的资金已经变得贵。 第二,国立课程的要求已经减少显微镜使用在学校的角色。 然而学生,尤其在主要阶段 3 ,多源自快乐在非常使用显微镜和显微镜使用方面富足那理论上的教学和学问规划程序。 然而,和一个 30 班级一起使用显微镜不没有问题: 显微镜的稀少使用需要检查学生显微镜调整的额外的老师参与 大的班级放限制在老师有效上帮助藉由个别学生的问题 老师有的一点控制什么学生实际上见到。 较年长的学生已经被知道承认当尝试的时候为了要观察苏格兰的植物学家 Robert Brown 的运动, 他们已经度过时间看他们自己的睫毛! 学生有关他们应该见到的也是比较不自信。 这洞察力, 哪些老师已经以经验发展,仍然有被学生获得。在现阶段,学生有整体而言的样品的小空间赏识。大部份这些问题可能被藉由提供完全图像或挑选重要区域的显微像给学生克服。 然而,在 photomicroscopy 的电影的使用意谓了相当多的投资及时,技术和努力是在~手边生产甚至可通行的图像老师需要。 那数传摄影的来到而且处理已经允许那显微像的创造描绘,那能被当作教学帮助使用。图像可能是可用来使用各种不同的团体或者准备了个体的塑料保护的班级床单。 虽然费用是下滑, 但是,主要的设备会仍然方面被视为贵的一个生物学部门编入预算。 在这里,我们描述一个让图像与只有一个谦逊有定价的数码相机一起产生的方法。教学意志的显微镜使用的比较一般使用希望在中学 导致较棒的信心和超过, 哪里这些技术仍然有棒的价值。






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the problem of food securityNowadays,there is an increasing number of problem in the food security aspect,such as the swill-cooked dirty oil and the milk Because of last year's Sanlun scandal, food safety become a hot topic and how can we prevent another milk scandal?In my opinion,it is the lack of credit that lead to the serious problem of food We should strengthen the propaganda and education so that we can enhance people's safety consciousness and change their moral Besides,we should strengthen the legal system and the supervision of food security Only in this way can we live a healthier and happier

不知道你是要一种或几种的食物还是总写食物的,先提供一些:吃巧克力保健康?一项荷兰的调查发现,常吃巧克力的老人在某些疾病的死亡率比不常吃巧克力的人要低上百分之五十。目前大家所喜欢吃的巧克力可以说是由荷兰人首先发明的。他们利用加入碱的方法成功的去除了可可豆中的苦味。而荷兰的国家公共卫生及环境研究所(National Institute for Public Health and the Environment)的Brian Buijsse最近发表了一个调查报告(Zutphen Elderly Study),针对1000位年纪在65到84岁的男性进行调查。其中一部分的研究是针对470个男性在1985年到2000年间,可可的食用量进行分析。营养师列出24种含有可可的食物,从巧克力棒到巧克力酱,然后分别计算出里面所含的可可量,以此来计算每个人每天所吃的可可克数。根据调查结果,他们把受访对象分为吃很少巧克力、中等量巧克力、及大量巧克力三群。吃最多的一群大约每天可可的摄取量大约是四克。他们发现,吃大量巧克力的人,收缩压跟舒张压大概比不常吃巧克力的人低了7跟1厘米汞柱。吃其他甜食就看不出这个差别。而常抽烟跟常喝酒的人,这个效果就不显著。而吃巧克力所伴随的高卡路里,也没有对心脏产生影响。相反的,常吃巧克力的人,心脏冠状动脉出现疾病的机率甚至比一般人低了百分之五十。尽管吃巧克力显示会降低血压并可能可以延长寿命,但是根据研究报告,这两者之间并没有发现统计上的关联。所以科学家似乎还要把巧克力好好研究一番。目前唯一所知道的,是可可豆富含大量的抗氧化剂,这可能是相当重要的因素。Cocoa Linked to Lower Risk of Disease The Dutch have a long history with Although native Mexicans and their Spanish conquerors first used the bitter bean--and reported on its tonic powers--a Dutchman was the first to extract modern cocoa and neutralize its bitterness with The modern chocolate bar was Now, results from a study of aging Dutch men have shown that cocoa consumers were half as likely to die from disease than those who did not eat the sweet Brian Buijsse of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in Bilthoven and his colleagues measured the cocoa intake of 470 men between 1985 and 2000 as part of the Zutphen Elderly Study, a longitudinal look at nearly 1,000 Dutch men between 65 and 84 years of The nutrition experts identified 24 cocoa-containing foods that the elderly men ate, ranging from dark chocolate bars to chocolate They summed the total amount of cocoa each consumed and came up with a grams-per-day measurement, which they used to separate the men into three groups: those who ate little chocolate, a modest amount, and the

As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for Food safety is very important for Nowadays, there are more and more food safety Many people use bad substitutes for low-cost It scares We are all very worried about buying bad things, and businesses ignore our food safety for their own 翻译:俗话说的好,民以食为天,食品的安全对于人们来说是很重要的。现在的食品安全问题越来越多。很多人为了低价生产而用不好的代替品。这令我们感到很害怕。我们都很担心买到不好的东西,商家为了自己的利益而不顾我们的食品安全。



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