

发布时间:2024-09-04 16:42:34


“论文”一词的英文表达很多,通常因场合、用处不同而有不同的表达,下面罗列了几种,请楼主斟酌一下那一种是适合自己。*dissertation(博士学位)论文,(专题)论文,学术演讲:长而正式的论文,尤指大学里由博士学位攻读者所写的论文;学位论*disquisition专题论文;专题演讲,专题讨论:关于一个论题的正式讨论,常为书面形式*thesis命题论文:尤指出于获得学位的研究需要而改进原来观点以作为研究成果的论文*discourse (学术)讨论,研讨用的论文*paper 作业形式的,为达到某一目的或效果(如学位)而写的

thesis 论文 (一本, 如硕士,博士论文)。paper 文章(发表在杂志上的一篇 一篇的) ÄÕÂ

gavin7991 - 举人 四级 说的很详细,但更加简洁明了的说法是:硕士论文用thesis, MA thesis (文学硕士论文),博士论文用dissertation, 学期论文或发表的文章可用paper,essay指篇幅较短小的文章,相当于作文类或散文类



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“毕业论文”用英文是dissertation dissertation[ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn] 专题论文,学位论文;学术演讲 毕业论文; 博士论文; 论文; 学位论文 例句:He was involved in writing his doctoral 他在聚精会神地写他的博士论文 I have not yet footnoted my 我还没有给我的论文加上脚注 I'm working my notes up into a 我正在把我的笔记修改成论文

毕业论文是Graduation thesis 若要在论文里指论文就可以直接说thesis或者paper

论文(Paper)或:dissertation(论文)或:thesis(论文)经常说的:)~English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)



gavin7991 - 举人 四级 说的很详细,但更加简洁明了的说法是:硕士论文用thesis, MA thesis (文学硕士论文),博士论文用dissertation, 学期论文或发表的文章可用paper,essay指篇幅较短小的文章,相当于作文类或散文类

Electronic commerce is an irresistible trend of international In recent years, enterprises in China get in touch with internet on after Number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) available on internet has increased greatly and network marketing has been preliminarily The paper analyses current situation and problems faced by small and medium cosmetic enterprises in developing electronic commerce, and discusses development tendency of integrating electronic commerce with modern enterprises by referring to Hanshe’s network marketing As a brand-new marketing approach, network marketing has brought new opportunities and challenges to The paper analyses external environment factors for Chinese companies to carry out network marketing, on basis of which strategy for SMEs to launch network marketing is Cosmetic enterprises should comply with change of people’s consuming habits, take initiatives in grabbing the first marketing chance, make full use of search engine and network coalition platform to catch the consumers’ attention, keep the consumers’ interest in browsing the website as well as consuming and develop new consumer group by channel transfer so as to gain fast

After experiencing a steel war, auto war and beef war respectively, global trade war has evolved into a tug of war over textiles in China assumes a key role in the ongoing trade war due to its increasing participation in the exports of textile Chinese producers'' sophisticated ability to manufacture and export textiles gives rise to every-growing trade friction as well as every-rising vigilance from their American China Daily quoted an article (China''s rise raises questions about free trade) in an American newspaper on June 16, This article adopts the pragmatic American view and argues that the United States should adjust its policy on free trade in view of China''s rapid



My graduation thesis was named as the excellent graduation thesis 我的毕业论文被评为校优秀毕业论文 Was named 被评为

Electronic commerce is an irresistible trend of international In recent years, enterprises in China get in touch with internet on after Number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) available on internet has increased greatly and network marketing has been preliminarily The paper analyses current situation and problems faced by small and medium cosmetic enterprises in developing electronic commerce, and discusses development tendency of integrating electronic commerce with modern enterprises by referring to Hanshe’s network marketing As a brand-new marketing approach, network marketing has brought new opportunities and challenges to The paper analyses external environment factors for Chinese companies to carry out network marketing, on basis of which strategy for SMEs to launch network marketing is Cosmetic enterprises should comply with change of people’s consuming habits, take initiatives in grabbing the first marketing chance, make full use of search engine and network coalition platform to catch the consumers’ attention, keep the consumers’ interest in browsing the website as well as consuming and develop new consumer group by channel transfer so as to gain fast

After experiencing a steel war, auto war and beef war respectively, global trade war has evolved into a tug of war over textiles in China assumes a key role in the ongoing trade war due to its increasing participation in the exports of textile Chinese producers'' sophisticated ability to manufacture and export textiles gives rise to every-growing trade friction as well as every-rising vigilance from their American China Daily quoted an article (China''s rise raises questions about free trade) in an American newspaper on June 16, This article adopts the pragmatic American view and argues that the United States should adjust its policy on free trade in view of China''s rapid


Electronic commerce is an irresistible trend of international In recent years, enterprises in China get in touch with internet on after Number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) available on internet has increased greatly and network marketing has been preliminarily The paper analyses current situation and problems faced by small and medium cosmetic enterprises in developing electronic commerce, and discusses development tendency of integrating electronic commerce with modern enterprises by referring to Hanshe’s network marketing As a brand-new marketing approach, network marketing has brought new opportunities and challenges to The paper analyses external environment factors for Chinese companies to carry out network marketing, on basis of which strategy for SMEs to launch network marketing is Cosmetic enterprises should comply with change of people’s consuming habits, take initiatives in grabbing the first marketing chance, make full use of search engine and network coalition platform to catch the consumers’ attention, keep the consumers’ interest in browsing the website as well as consuming and develop new consumer group by channel transfer so as to gain fast

英语翻译毕业论文可以写某个电影或者某本书的翻译,开始也不太会,也是莫文网的高手帮忙的,很靠谱的说应用英语翻译呼唤理论指导大学英语翻译教学:现状与对策商务英语翻译中存在的问题与对策新世纪十年来商务英语翻译研究:回顾与前瞻国内商务英语翻译研究综述顺应理论视角下科技英语翻译切雅实证分析经济一体化环境下的商务英语翻译教学大学英语翻译教学存在的问题与对策语用观视角下的中医英语翻译教学实证研究翻译——找到源语的所指——对规划教材《商务英语翻译》误译译例的批判研究从功能对等角度看商务英语翻译高校科技英语翻译课程设置探讨功能对等理论指导下的商务英语翻译科技英语汉译的英语翻译技巧研究——以船舶英语文本中的汉译为例功能对等视角下的科技英语翻译论商务英语翻译的4Es标准关联理论在科技英语翻译中的应用——以Climate Change and Peak Oil文本的翻译为例大学英语翻译教学:问题与对策英语翻译专业本科生的笔译能力调查分析——以某师范大学英语翻译专业为例中国职业篮球俱乐部体育英语翻译人员现状及发展对策研究从目的论的角度下看商务英语翻译试论旅游英语翻译中的创造性论高职商务英语翻译教学中学生跨文化交际意识的培养试论近代国人英语翻译基于功能翻译理论的商务英语翻译教学任务型教学法在《商务英语翻译》教学中的运用跨文化因素对商务英语翻译的影响及调整策略商务英语翻译教学存在的问题与改革商务英语翻译与文化信息等值研究大学英语翻译教学教材编写探讨东西方文化差异对商务英语翻译的影响顺序分析在科技英语翻译中的应用——以翻译项目《大气污染排放系数手册》为案例从关联理论分析法律英语翻译中的文化差异及其翻译补偿商务英语翻译原则探讨商务英语翻译中的文化与语用因素研究Advanced Systematic Golf高尔夫技术英语翻译项目的实践报告

毕业设计不会做,抄也要讲究方法作为一个已经毕业了的大学生,在做毕业设计的过程中,无论是设计成果的研究还是毕业论文的撰写,不可回避的一个问题就是抄袭。作为一个过来人,我想说的是,做毕业设计难免会有抄袭的现象,但是一定要掌握方法,千万不要盲目的抄完了事,那样做是非常危险的。有的同学看都不看就抄到论文上去了,有的同学拿着别人做完的东西都不研究一下就参加答辩去了。我就听过一个活生生、血淋淋的例子——  老师问:“你这段代码是什么意思?”  答:“我不知道。”  老师又问下一段代码,又不知道,老师问:“这是你做的吗?”  答:“不是,老师给的。”其结果可想而知了。  你们想想,那些东西都是往届毕业生做出来的,老师们能看不出来吗?掩耳盗铃,自欺欺人,大家都是成年人,我想不用多说了吧。  大家在完成毕业设计的过程中肯定会遇到各种各样的现实性困难,成果做不出来了怎么办?论文写不出来了怎么办?外文文献不会翻译怎么办?其实这都好办,世界上再难的技术也是人做出来,没有成果就找个现成的东西;论文写不出来就多看几本书,多引用书里的内容;外文水平不高就用翻译软件。总之一句话,你有张良计,我有过墙梯,物竟天择,适者生存。文章转自 众赏文库 毕业设计论文,专业文档下载



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