

发布时间:2024-09-05 00:02:39


山东水利职业学院信息工程系毕业论文 (设计)指导书(适用于2007届电子信息工程、计算机控制专业)目 录毕业论文(设计)任务书一.毕业论文(设计)的目的和任务二.毕业论文(设计)的程序和步骤三.毕业论文(设计)的结构与要求四.毕业论文(设计)的指导工作及对学生的要求五.毕业论文(设计)与答辩的时间安排六.毕业论文(设计)成绩的评定七.毕业论文(设计)参考选题八.附件山东水利职业学院 信息工程系2007届学生毕业设计(论文)任务书指导教师 职 称 需要学生人数及专业 课题名称 课题内容及意义对学生的要求 进度安排参考文献备注:学生分为计算机应用、电子信息、网络技术、计算机控制等专业。一.毕业论文(设计)的目的和任务根据国家教育部的要求,高等学校毕业生在毕业前要进行撰写论文或进行毕业设计(统称毕业环节),这是高等教育不可或缺的一个重要环节。毕业环节注重理论与实践相结合,将课堂学到的知识与实际工作中的问题结合起来,培养学生解决实际问题的能力,同时也增强了学生适应实际工作的能力,是迈向实际工作岗位前的一次重要演练。通过毕业论文(设计),使学生运用所学的软、硬件知识,独立分析解决计算机应用的实际问题,掌握应用软件开发的基本模式和步骤,以达到将理论知识学以致用、融会贯通的目的。学生论文(设计)要完成的任务是:1.根据所选毕业论文(设计)的题目,到各有关单位进行现场实习和调研,搜集并整理有关资料、文献。2.根据实习和调研所掌握的资料,对论文(设计)题目中所涉及的问题进行分析论证,提出见解,编写应用程序,最终完成论文(设计)。二.毕业实习与论文(设计)的程序和步骤:毕业论文(设计)的工作大致可分为如下阶段:(一)选题阶段根据给出的论文题,按自身的理解和对题目的熟悉程度,填报论文题目,学生也可自行选择未给出的论文题。学生须明确所选题目的要求及深度。学校根据学生填报的毕业论文(设计)志愿,在综合评定后,最终确定学生的论文题目,并指定指导教师。自选题须经指导教师认证。(二)撰写论文阶段在教师的指导下,对所选题目目前的状况及用户的要求进行需求分析,提出解决方案,画出系统流程图,编写程序,进行上机调试,最终完成论文(设计)。(三)毕业答辩阶段学生按期做完毕业论文(设计)后,交给指导教师审阅,教师要写出审阅意见,并在论文上签字。在没有特殊情况下,学生均须进行毕业答辩。答辩按以下程序进行:1.学生向答辩委员会报告本人论文的主要内容;2.答辩委员会和参加老师对论文提出问题;3.学生对所提问题进行答辩;4.答辩委员会给出答辩成绩。三.毕业论文(设计)的结构与要求◆毕业论文或毕业设计报告字数不少于12000字◆毕业论文(设计)任务书◆目录◆中文摘要◆英文摘要(Abstract)(可选)◆前言:本课题研究的意义、国内外相关课题的状况介绍等。◆系统的需求分析:系统需求、本课题任务及目的等。◆系统开发工具:本课题使用的软件工具介绍等。◆系统设计与开发:本课题程序结构、数据结构、算法、系统开发流程、主要模块及其原程序注释、遇到的问题及解决方案等。◆代码调试与系统测试:应用程序测试、系统测试等。◆总结:系统的功能、使用说明、存在的问题、收获和体会等。◆附录◆参考文献四、毕业论文(设计)的指导工作及对学生的要求(一)指导教师的主要工作指导学生拟定论文进度,布置给学生应完成的工作并检查其执行情况,每周至少半天时间对所带学生进行指导。引导学生拟定论文提纲,帮助学生分析论文所涉及的问题,对方案的可行性、流程的正确性、程序的严谨性等进行审查,并提出意见,做好论文的审阅和学生的释疑工作。(二)对学生的要求1、拟定个人工作计划,搜集、阅读、分析、整理有关资料;2、复习有关专业理论及编程需用的程序语言,做好实习、撰写论文准备工作。3、在毕业环节过程中,要严肃认真,积极主动,独立思考,努力钻研。对论文内容要充分理解和把握,要有自己的独立见解,不应简单抄袭资料。做好答辩的准备工作。4、遵守实习、劳动纪律,注意安全。服从教师指导,虚心向实习单位的工作按质、按量、按期完成毕业论文。五.毕业论文(设计)与答辩的时间安排序号 专业名称 毕业设计时间 备注1 电子信息专业(04级普通、对口) 第10周~第18周(7~6) 2 计算机控制及应用专业(04级普通) 第10周~第18周(7~6) 答辩时间另行通知。以上时间如有变化,会及时通知。六.毕业论文(设计)成绩的评定毕业论文的成绩分为:优、良、中、及格、不及格五级。毕业论文的成绩将综合考虑毕业环节个人表现、论文水平及毕业答辩的情况。七.毕业论文(设计)参考选题设计题目一 三相异步电动机转速控制系统1、 任务设计一个小型计算机控制系统,控制三相异步电动机的转速。要求在一定范围内电机转速保持在设定转速上。2、要求(1)、电机转速控制范围为0-1200RPM。(2)、要求设置相应的按钮使用户能够设置电机转速、算法参数大小以及电机的启动和停止等。(3)、电机控制算法可以采用PID算法、模糊控制算法、模糊PID控制算法等。(4)、电动机的转速调整通过晶闸管调压模块调整加到三相交流异步电动机的电压来实现。(5)、要求在系统处于稳定状态时,系统的设置值与实际输转速之间的误差(即稳态误差)控制在15%以内。设计题目二 电烤箱温度控制系统1、任务设计一个电烤箱温度控制系统,要求在一定范围内电烤箱温度保持在设定温度上。2、要求(1)、温度范围为0-200℃。(2)、温度值、控制参数等可以手动设置并能显示设定温度、实际温度、控制参数等(3)、系统的启动和停止等操作可以通过键盘控制。(4)、温度控制精度要求在正负5℃。设计题目三 自动往返小车的设计1、任务设计制作一款具有智能判断自动往返功能的小车,能沿设定轨道自动往返。路长20厘米,并在路的两边贴有黑线轨道,路中间贴有数片铁片,路两头有路障。2、要求(1)、能在路两头自动往返行驶(2)、寻迹功能(按路面的黑色轨道行驶)。(3)、检测路面所放置的铁片的个数的功能。(4)、计算并显示所走的路程和行走的时间,并可发声发光。设计题目五、自动水温控制系统1、任务设计并制作一个水温自动控制系统,控制对象为1升净水,容器为搪瓷器皿。水温可以在一定范围内由人工设定,并能在环境温度降低时实现自动控制,以保持设定的温度基本不变。2、要求(1)温度设定范围为40~90℃,最小区分度为1℃,标定温度≤1℃。(2)环境温度降低时(例如用电风扇降温)温度控制的静态误差≤1℃。(3)用十进制数码管显示水的实际温度。设计题目六、数字式工频有效值多用表1、任务设计并制作一个能同时对一路工频交流电(频率波动范围为50 ±1Hz、有失真的正弦波)的电压有效值、电流有效值、有功功率、无功功率、功率因数进行测量的数字式多用表。参见附图。2、要求(1)测量功能及量程范围a、 交流电压:0~500V;c、 有功功率:0~25kW;d、 无功功率:0~25kvar;e、 功率因数(有功功率/视在功率):0~1 。为便于本试题的设计与制作,设定待测0~500V的交流电压、0~50A的交流电流均已经相应的变换器转换为0~5V的交流电压。(2)准确度a、 显示为 位(000~999),有过量程指示;b、 交流电压和交流电流:±(8%读数+5个字),例:当被测电压为300V时,读数误差应小于±(8%×300V+5V)=±9V ;c、 有功功率和无功功率:±(5%读数+8个字);d、 功率因数:±01 。(3)功能选择:用按键选择交流电压、交流电流、有功功率、无功功率和功率因数的测量与显示设计题目七、液体点滴速度监控装置1、任务 设计并制作一个液体点滴速度监测与控制装置,示意图如右图所示。2、要求 (1)在滴斗处检测点滴速度,并制作一个数显装置,能动态显示点滴速度(滴/分)。 (2)通过改变h2控制点滴速度,如右图所示;也可以通过控制输液软管夹头的松紧等其它方式来控制点滴速度。点滴速度可用键盘设定并显示,设定范围为20~150(滴/分),控制误差范围为设定值 ±10% ±1滴。 (3)调整时间≤3分钟(从改变设定值起到点滴速度基本稳定,能人工读出数据为止)。 (4)当h1降到警戒值(2~3cm)时,能发出报警信号。 3、说明 (1)、控制电机类型不限,其安装位置及安装方式自定。 (2)、储液瓶用医用250毫升注射液玻璃瓶(瓶中为无色透明液体)。 (3)、受液瓶用25升的饮料瓶。 (4)、 点滴器采用针柄颜色为深蓝色的医用一次性输液器(滴管滴出20点蒸馏水相当于1ml±1ml)。 (5)、赛区测试时,仅提供医用移动式点滴支架,其高度约8m,也可自带支架;测试所需其它设备自备。 (6)、滴速夹在测试开始后不允许调节。 (7)、发挥部分第(2)项从站功能中,c中的“异常情况”自行确定。 设计题目八、自动控制升降旗系统 任务设计一个自动控制升降旗系统,该系统能够自动控制升旗和降旗,升旗时,在旗杆的最高端自动停止;降旗时,在最低端自动停止。自动控制升降旗系统的机械模型如图所示。旗帜的升降由电动机驱动,该系统有两个控制按键,一个是上升键,一个是下降键。 要求(1)、按下上升按键后,国旗匀速上升;上升到最高端时自动停止上升;按下下降按键后,国旗匀速下降,下降到最低端时自动停止。(2)、能在指定的位置上自动停止。(3)、为避免误动作,国旗在最高端时,按上升键不起作用;国旗在最低端时,按下降键不起作用。(4)、升降旗的时间均为43秒钟,与国歌的演奏时间相等。(5)数字即时显示旗帜所在的高度,以厘米为单位,误差不大于2厘米。附件一:山东水利职业学院 信息工程系毕业论文(设计)撰写规范一、论文印装(一)装订要求论文一律用A4(210mm279mm)标准大小的白纸打印并装订(左装订)成册。论文在打印时,要求纸的四周留足空白边缘,以便装订和批注。每页的上边距和左边距侧(订口)应分别留边25 mm,下边距和右边距(切口)应分别留边20 mm。 (二)字体要求 论文标题: 小2宋体字,黑体; 小标题1: 小3宋体字,黑体; 小标题2: 4号宋体字,黑体; 正文标题: 参考(五)正文部分; 正 文: 小4宋体字; 参考文献: 5号宋体字; 英文摘要: 标题:小3, 正文:小4,字体 :Times New Roman二、论文结构及要求毕业论文由以下部分组成:封面;毕业设计(论文)任务书;中文摘要;英文摘要;目录;正文;结论;致谢;参考文献;有关图纸(大于3#图幅时单独装订)。(一)封面及毕业设计(论文)任务书封面是论文的外表面,提供应有的信息,并起保护作用。封面上包括下列内容:论文题目,用三号宋体字标注在题目栏;论文的作者和指导教师;所属系(部、中心)、专业、年级、学号。论文封面(见附件八)。任务书由指导教师填写,经系(部、中心)或教研室主任签字后生效。(二)中英文摘要(中文在前,英文在后)及关键词摘要是论文内容的简要陈述,应尽量反映论文的主要信息,内容包括研究目的、方法、成果和结论,不含图表,不加注释,具有独立性和完整性。中文摘要一般为300 字左右,英文摘要应与中文摘要内容完全相同。“摘要”字样位置居中。关键词是为了满足文献标引或检索工作的需要而从论文中选取出的用以表示全文主题内容信息的词或词组。关键词包括主题和自由词:主题词是专门为文献的标引或检索,尽量从《汉语主题词表》中选用;自由词则是未规范化的即还未收入主题词表中的词或词组。每篇论文中应列出3~5个关键词,它们应能反映论文的主题内容。其中主题词应尽可能多一些,关键词作为论文的一个组成部分,列于摘要段之后。撰写要求有英文摘要的论文,还应列出与中文对应的英文关键词(Key words)。关键词排在摘要正文部分下方。(三)目录目录按三级标题编写,要求层次清晰,且要与正文标题一致。主要包括绪论、正文主体、结论、致谢、主要参考文献及附录等。(四)绪论绪论其目的是向读者交代本研究的来龙去脉,作用在于使读者对论文先有一个总体的了解。绪论要写得自然、概括、简洁、确切。绪论的内容有如下几项:(1)研究的目的、范围和背景。(2)理论依据、实验基础和研究方法。(3)预期的结果及其地位、作用和意义。(五)正文正文是论文的核心部分,论文的论点、论据和论证都在这里阐述,因此它要占主要篇幅。由于论文作者的研究工作涉及的学科、选题、研究对象和研究方法、工作进程、结果表达方式等差异很大,所以对正文中要写的内容不作统一规定;但总的思路和结构安排应当符合“提出论点,通过论据或数据对论点加以论证”这一共同的要求。正文必需客观真切、准确完备、合乎逻辑、层次分明。对正文主题的要求(1)主题新颖,研究、解决、创立需研究和解决的问题。(2)主题深刻,抓住问题的本质,揭示事物的主要矛盾,总结出事物存在、运动、变化和发展的客观规律。(3)主题集中,一篇论文只有一个中心,要使主题集中,凡于本文主题无关或关系不大的内容不应涉及,不过多阐述,否则会使问题繁杂,脉络不清,主题淡化。(4)主题鲜明,论文的中心思想地位突出,除了在论文的题目、摘要、前言、结论部分明确地点出主题外,在正文部分更要注意突出主题。对结构的要求论文撰写通行的题序层次大致有以下几种格式:第一种 第二种 第三种 第四种一、 第一章 第一章 (一) 一、 第一节 (一) 一、 1(1) (一) 2(1)格式是保证文章结构清晰、纲目分明的编辑手段,撰写毕业论文可任选其中的一种格式,但所采用的格式必须符合上表规定,并前后统一,不得混杂使用。格式除题序层次外,还应包括分段、行距、字体和字号等。第一层次(章)题序和标题居中放置,其余各层次(节、条、款)题序和标题一律沿版面左侧边线顶格安排。第一层次(章)题序和标题距下文双倍行距。段落开始后缩两个字。行与行之间,段落和层次标题以及各段落之间均为单倍行距。第一层次(章)题序和标题用小三号宋体字,黑体。题序和标题之间空两个字,不加标点。 第二层次(节)题序和标题用四号宋体字,黑体。 第三层次(条)及以下各层次题序及标题一律用小四号宋体字,黑体。(六)结论结论即结束语、结语,是在理论分析和实验验证的基础上,通过严密的逻辑推理得出的有创造性、指导性、经验性的结果描述。结论作为单独一章排列,但标题前不加“第XXX章”字样。结论是整个论文的总结,应以简练的文字说明论文所做的工作,一般不超过两页。(七)致谢对指导教师和给予指导或协助完成毕业设计(论文)工作的组织和个人表示感谢。文字要简捷、实事求是,切忌浮夸和庸俗之词。(八)主要参考文献参考文献参考文献应是论文作者亲自考察过的对毕业论文有参考价值的文献。参考文献应具有权威性,要注意引用最新的文献。参考文献在整个论文中出现的次序用[1]、[2]、[3]……形式统一排序,依次列出。参考文献的表示格式为:著作:[序号]作者译者书名版本出版地:出版社,出版时间引用部分起止页 期刊:[序号]作者译者文章题目期刊名年份卷号(期数) 引用部分起止页 会议论文集:[序号]作者译者文章名文集名 会址开会年出版地:出版者出版时间引用部分起止页 例:[1] 刘国均,陈绍业图书馆目录第1版北京:高等教育出版社,1957[2] 傅秉义,陈运泰,祁贵中地球物理学基础北京:科学出版社,1958,447[3] 华罗庚,王元论一致分布与近似分析中国科学,1973(4):339~357三、其他要求(一)表格论文的表格可以统一编序(如:表15),也可以逐章单独编序(如:表5),采用哪种方式应和插图及公式的编序方式统一。表序必须连续,不得重复或跳跃。表格的结构应简洁。表格中各栏都应标注量和相应的单位。表格内数字须上下对齐,相邻栏内的数值相同时,不能用‘同上’、‘同左’和其它类似用词,应一一重新标注。表序和表题置于表格上方中间位置,无表题的表序置于表格的左上方或右上方(同一篇论文位置应一致)。(二)图插图要精选。图序可以连续编序(如 图52),也可以逐章单独编序(如 图8),采用哪种方式应与表格、公式的编序方式统一,图序必须连续,不得重复或跳跃。仅有一图时,在图题前加‘附图’字样。毕业设计(论文)中的插图以及图中文字符号应打印,无法打印时一律用钢笔绘制和标出。由若干个分图组成的插图,分图用a,b,c,……标出。图序和图题置于图下方中间位置。(三)公式 论文中重要的或者后文中须重新提及的公式应注序号并加圆括号,序号一律用阿拉伯数字连续编序(如:(45))或逐章编序(如(10)),序号排在版面右侧,且距右边距离相等。公式与序号之间不加虚线。(四)数字用法公历世纪、年代、年、月、日、时间和各种计数、计量,均用阿拉伯数字。年份不能简写,如1999年不能写成99年。数值的有效数字应全部写出,如:50;00不能写作5;2。(五)软件软件流程图和原程序清单要按软件文档格式附在论文后面。(六)工程图按国标规定装订 图幅小于或等于3#图幅时应装订在论文内,大于3#图幅时按国标规定单独装订作为附图。(七)计量单位的定义和使用方法按国家计量局规定执行。(八)附录附录附录是论文主体的补充项目,为了体现整篇论文的完整性,写入正文又可能有损于论文的条理性、逻辑性和精炼性,这些材料可以写入附录段,但对于每一篇论文并不是必须的。 附录大致包括如下一些材料:(1)比正文更为详尽的理论根据、研究方法和技术要点,建议可以阅读的参考文献的题录,对了解正文内容有用的补充信息等;(2)由于篇幅过长或取材于复制品而不宜写入正文的材料;(3)一般读者并非必要阅读,但对本专业同行很有参考价值的资料;(4)某些重要的原始数据、数学推导、计算程序、框图、结构图、统计表、计算机打印输出件等。(5)附录段置于参考文献表之后,附录中的插图、表格、公式、参考文献等的序号与正文分开,另行编制,如编为“图1”,“图2”;“表1”,“表3”;“式(1)”,“式2”;“文献[1]”,“文献[2]”等。四、毕业设计(论文)装订顺序(一)毕业设计(论文)封面(二)毕业设计(论文)任务书(三)中文摘要、关键词(四)英文摘要、关键词(五)目录(六) 正文(七) 附录 (八) 封底

Non-electrical signal to the sensor signals into the circuit a total follow-up measurement and analysis, measurement and control system is an indispensable component, it is the nature of various non-electrical signal conversion and signal mutual In the monitoring and control system, the quality and characteristics of the sensor affect the performance of the entire Temperature measurement in the area of negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor in its response has been fast and wide measurement range, the advantages of cheap occupy certain market However, different series of thermistor resistance difference between the thermistor and the same series of individual differences seriously affect the actual use of the Subject to the single-chip microcomputer as the core design of AVR NTC temperature characteristics tester, in the design of high-precision temperature sensor PT100 thermal resistance of the heating environment in which real-time accurate measurement, the use of constant current source circuit as a sensor drive circuit, through the TLC2543 to be the temperature of high-speed data At the same time bridge the use of constant current source of the resistance of the thermistor measured the output signal through the bridge with the PGA-type △ ∑ A / D converter AD7705 is converted to digital From these single-chip temperature, the corresponding value recorded and the data sent through the serial port to the PC, in this way to measure the temperature characteristics of thermistor

Based on single-chip simulation intelligent delivery device system physics and Electronic Information Engineering College of Electronic Information Engineering Specialty Instructor 08: Xie Chunmao pick to : the subjects come from the2011 country Nobunaga day cup microcontroller design and development of simulation examination The intelligent transport system is the simulation of transport equipment in the transmission device, the main chip AT89S52as the main control chip, the four digital tube display circuit displays" goods" weight, analog to digital conversion circuit for8 bit analog-to-digital conversion, EEPROM storage circuits for storing cargo weight data, the buzzer for the overweight alarm, key control circuit control system start, reset, search, flip and transmission direction, can realize the weight of goods inspection, changing device transfer direction, overweight and overweight alarm record Keywords: intelligent AT89S52; simulation; transmission system The

Abstract:The sensor can transform the non-electric signal as the electrical signal altogether following electric circuit survey and the analysis, is observes and controls in the system the essential part, it is the link which nature each non-electric signal and the electrical signal transform In the observation system, sensor's quality and the characteristic are affecting the entire electric circuit's In the temperature survey domain, the negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor has been quick by its reaction rate, merits and so on measuring range width, price small advantage are occupying certain market But between different series thermistor's resistance number difference and in same series thermistor's individual difference serious influence actual use this topic take the AVR monolithic integrated circuit as the core design negative temperature coefficient thermistor temperature characteristic reflectoscope reflector, uses the high accuracy in this design temperature sensor PT100 to locate the heating environment to the thermistor to carry on the real-time precision measuring, takes the sensor driving circuit using the constant current electric circuit, obtains the temperature data through the TLC2543 high speed Simultaneously uses the constant current electric bridge to carry on the survey to thermistor's resistance number, the electric bridge output signal through has PGA △∑ A/D switch AD7705 to transform into the digital By the monolithic integrated circuit these temperatures, the resistance number correspondence's data record and transmits through the serial port for PC machine, surveys thermistor's temperature characteristic by this Key word: Monolithic integrated circuit; PT100; Constant current electric bridge; Measure of resistance 应该是这样!


B2B eMarketplaceAnnouncements and Shareholder WealthThe advent of the Internet as an instrument for business commerce has fundamentally altered the economy by ushering in increased efficiencies and more transparent Since businesses started conducting Internet transactions in 1995,the growth has been Forrester Research estimates that worldwide electronic commerce(e-commerce)revenues were about$650 billion in 2000 and projects they will grow to$8 trillion by The greatest impact is in the businessto-business(B2B)sector,where new supply chain models within electronic marketplaces (eMarketplaces)enable companies to significantly lower procurement costs and increase operating B2B eMarketplaces streamline the supply chain by making better use of more The time it takes to match buyers and sellers can be radically reduced,precautionary inventory levels can be lowered,and the range of potential suppliers and distribution outlets can be expanded as geographic boundaries Projections of online B2B revenues differ vastly,primarily because defining what counts and how to count it varies But despite these differences,forecasters agree that online B2B trade will grow B2B e-commerce is generally believed to account for about 80 to 90 percent of total e-commerce Forecasts typically project USline B2B revenues of about$2 trillion by 2003,up from roughly$336 billion in B2B e-commerce is expected to impact the USy Brookes and Wahhaj(2000)argue that the rapid growth of B2B e-commerce will have an economic impact over and above that of the normal process of innovation and productivity They suggest that as a result of B2B e-commerce,annual GDP growth in the large industrialized countries should rise an average 25 percent for the next ten years—with the level of GDP eventually 5 percent higher than it would otherwise have Brookes and Wahhaj conclude that the dominant long-run effect of B2B e-commerce will be on output and equity markets,rather than on inflation and bond 全文内容省略Investors should respond favorably to announcements of new B2B e-commerce initiatives,as long as they believe these moves will ultimately result in higher profits and increased productivity without fueling We examine the potential impact of B2B e-commerce initiatives on the New Economy paradigm using the efficient markets hypothesis(Fama et 1969),which implies stock prices reflect all available information about individual companies and about the economy as a Information is the key So in efficient capital markets,prices will immediately adjust to reflect any new Thus,B2B e-commerce announcements should immediately raise stock prices if investors believe a firm’s value will be increased by higher net future cash flows resulting from higher productivity,lower costs, or higher

HDB3 code (ie, high density bipolar order code) is a modern transport system, one of the most common pattern, applied very The main contents of this paper is based on the CPLD's HDB3 encoder First on the HDB3 code and CPLD applications and current research introduced; then use the software on this article and the VHDL language MaxPlusII brief; last detailed analysis of the HDB3 code coding principle and method of using VHDL By coding HDB3 code theory, this paper's design on HDB3 Encoder Design is divided into three modules step by step implementation (plug-V module modeling and implementation, modeling and implementation modules make up B, polar transformation Module Modeling and Implementation) After completion of the design elements, software MaxPlus2 on the simulation test results obtained with the initial design of the idea of line, so simulation is correct, complete CPLD-based design HDB3 E

SummaryHDB3 code (that is, the third order high-density bipolar code) is a modern transport system in the most common code, application is very The main content of this article is based on the CPLD HDB3 encoder First of all on HDB3 codes and CPLDs development are discussed in this article, and to the software used and the introduction of VHDL language MaxPlusII; finally a detailed analysis of the principle of coding HDB3 codes and VHDL HDB3 codes by coding theory analysis, this design on HDB3 encoder design are divided into three modules step-by-step implementation (Plug-and-V module modeling and implementing the modeling and implementing module B, polar transform module modeling and implementation) Complete the design content in software MaxPlus2 on simulation, testing results and design ideas at the start of the match, so the simulation is correct, complete based on the CPLD HDB3 encoder




Based on single-chip simulation intelligent delivery device system physics and Electronic Information Engineering College of Electronic Information Engineering Specialty Instructor 08: Xie Chunmao pick to : the subjects come from the2011 country Nobunaga day cup microcontroller design and development of simulation examination The intelligent transport system is the simulation of transport equipment in the transmission device, the main chip AT89S52as the main control chip, the four digital tube display circuit displays" goods" weight, analog to digital conversion circuit for8 bit analog-to-digital conversion, EEPROM storage circuits for storing cargo weight data, the buzzer for the overweight alarm, key control circuit control system start, reset, search, flip and transmission direction, can realize the weight of goods inspection, changing device transfer direction, overweight and overweight alarm record Keywords: intelligent AT89S52; simulation; transmission system The

Abstract:The sensor can transform the non-electric signal as the electrical signal altogether following electric circuit survey and the analysis, is observes and controls in the system the essential part, it is the link which nature each non-electric signal and the electrical signal transform In the observation system, sensor's quality and the characteristic are affecting the entire electric circuit's In the temperature survey domain, the negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor has been quick by its reaction rate, merits and so on measuring range width, price small advantage are occupying certain market But between different series thermistor's resistance number difference and in same series thermistor's individual difference serious influence actual use this topic take the AVR monolithic integrated circuit as the core design negative temperature coefficient thermistor temperature characteristic reflectoscope reflector, uses the high accuracy in this design temperature sensor PT100 to locate the heating environment to the thermistor to carry on the real-time precision measuring, takes the sensor driving circuit using the constant current electric circuit, obtains the temperature data through the TLC2543 high speed Simultaneously uses the constant current electric bridge to carry on the survey to thermistor's resistance number, the electric bridge output signal through has PGA △∑ A/D switch AD7705 to transform into the digital By the monolithic integrated circuit these temperatures, the resistance number correspondence's data record and transmits through the serial port for PC machine, surveys thermistor's temperature characteristic by this Key word: Monolithic integrated circuit; PT100; Constant current electric bridge; Measure of resistance 应该是这样!

HDB3 code (ie, high density bipolar order code) is a modern transport system, one of the most common pattern, applied very The main contents of this paper is based on the CPLD's HDB3 encoder First on the HDB3 code and CPLD applications and current research introduced; then use the software on this article and the VHDL language MaxPlusII brief; last detailed analysis of the HDB3 code coding principle and method of using VHDL By coding HDB3 code theory, this paper's design on HDB3 Encoder Design is divided into three modules step by step implementation (plug-V module modeling and implementation, modeling and implementation modules make up B, polar transformation Module Modeling and Implementation) After completion of the design elements, software MaxPlus2 on the simulation test results obtained with the initial design of the idea of line, so simulation is correct, complete CPLD-based design HDB3 E


Based on single-chip simulation intelligent delivery device system physics and Electronic Information Engineering College of Electronic Information Engineering Specialty Instructor 08: Xie Chunmao pick to : the subjects come from the2011 country Nobunaga day cup microcontroller design and development of simulation examination The intelligent transport system is the simulation of transport equipment in the transmission device, the main chip AT89S52as the main control chip, the four digital tube display circuit displays" goods" weight, analog to digital conversion circuit for8 bit analog-to-digital conversion, EEPROM storage circuits for storing cargo weight data, the buzzer for the overweight alarm, key control circuit control system start, reset, search, flip and transmission direction, can realize the weight of goods inspection, changing device transfer direction, overweight and overweight alarm record Keywords: intelligent AT89S52; simulation; transmission system The

PickHDB3 yards ( third-order high-density dual polarity yards) is the most commonly used in modern transmission system is one of the MaXing, is widely This study is based on the main content of the HDB3 yards encoder CPLD device First of HDB3 yards and CPLD application and research status were introduced, This paper used to MaxPlusII and VHDL language software, Finally HDB3 yards are analyzed in detail by VHDL language encoding principle and realization Based on the principle of coding HDB3 yards, the paper analyzes the design scheme of HDB3 code design mainly divided into three coder realized module ( insert V module, modeling and realize the modeling and realization, B module modeling and realize polarity transform module) After completion, the software design in the simulation, MaxPlus2 test results and the design idea of early, so right, completed based on simulation HDB3 code design of CPLD Keywords: HDB3, VHDL, Polarity transformation

This subject introduces a kind of nc dc voltage stabilizer, the power supply, by simulation showed circuit, control circuit and digital-to-analog circuit, amplifying circuit four parts, mainly is a set of singlechip intelligent dc power Accurate analog power is to provide power, digital chip, amplifiers, microcontroller is the voltage required by A/D sampling data output voltage, and comparison, if there is A deviation is the limit, adjust output signal output and closure, alarm, The working process of the working status, manostat by SCM outputs drive LED display, Display circuit used to display the size of the output voltage of While the digital technology and the simulation analysis of the concept of technical This topic is a kind of based on singlechip intelligent high-precision dc power supply of simple design, this power can use digital adjustment, the closed-loop real-time monitoring, high precision, and the output of both double overload protection and alarm functions, applicable to all have high accuracy requirements of the It compared with traditional manostat with easy operation, high stability of power and its output voltage size using digital display




ComposAI 在线语法/拼写检查软件**你的英语写作助手Cai 检查语法的例句:*方括号内是错误部分, 圆括号内是修改建议    The new [metod] is [effective] than the old (method, more effective)    The children loved [there] (their)    Good policemen require three [quality]: courage, tolerance, and [dedicated] (qualities, dedication)

HDB3 code (ie, high density bipolar order code) is a modern transport system, one of the most common pattern, applied very The main contents of this paper is based on the CPLD's HDB3 encoder First on the HDB3 code and CPLD applications and current research introduced; then use the software on this article and the VHDL language MaxPlusII brief; last detailed analysis of the HDB3 code coding principle and method of using VHDL By coding HDB3 code theory, this paper's design on HDB3 Encoder Design is divided into three modules step by step implementation (plug-V module modeling and implementation, modeling and implementation modules make up B, polar transformation Module Modeling and Implementation) After completion of the design elements, software MaxPlus2 on the simulation test results obtained with the initial design of the idea of line, so simulation is correct, complete CPLD-based design HDB3 E


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