

发布时间:2024-07-07 16:44:33


Simple speak the Art museum简单的说说艺术博物馆 Simple to speak the art 简单的说说艺术博物馆。I can speak the Shanghai art 我可以说说上海美术博物馆。I always go there,now have had more art museum have already 我经常去那里,现在有更多的美术馆是免费的了。You can got the free 你可以得到免费的票子。And you can go to the art museum to have a 并且你可以去美术博物馆看一看。And the art museum look likes a church,mystical,美术博物馆就像是一座教堂,神秘而富有吸引力。Like a middle age church,gentle,像是一座中世纪的教堂,温文儒雅赋予思考。I like go the the art museum very 我非常喜欢去美术博物馆。Because I am a art student,因为我是一个美术生,呵呵。

During a long vacation,I usually like to go to see the exhibits in one of a great many Such as the art museum,the history museum,the museum of natural history,and the museum of science and   Many wonderful things are cared for in There are paintings,potteries,sculptures,costumes,swords,ancient animal bones and plants,stuffed animals,antique steam locomotives,and many It is always a good review of history to visit those   在一个很长的假期,我通常喜欢去看许多博物馆,如艺术博物馆,历史博物馆,自然历史博物馆和科学技术博物馆。  很多美好的事物都放置在博物馆。有绘画,雕塑,陶器,服装,剑,古代的动物骨头和植物,毛绒玩具,古董蒸汽机车和其他许多东西。博物馆是个可以很好地回顾历史的地方。

写作思路:首先介绍博物馆的大门,进入后开始逐步从所见的景象进行介绍,最后通过有趣的对白进行点缀。范文:Both sides of the door in the museum,were two mighty big dinosaurs,as if to welcome our arrival,into the museum,we first toured the 在博物馆的大门两侧,都是两只威武的大恐龙,仿佛在欢迎我们的到来,走进博物馆,我们首先参观了水族馆。Aquarium lights are shining dark blue,wavy line on the wall there is a road,as if we are deep "Look!Sturgeon!"I do not know who 水族馆的灯光都是深蓝色的,波浪形的墙上有一条线,仿佛我们是深客人。”你看!鲟鱼!”我不知道是谁喊的。I looked,and sure enough!Sturgeon in the tank a long sleeping when the bottom Down the corridor,we saw a ribbon-like electric eel like swimming in the "I've heard it can help people with electric shock was lost consciousness it!"My good friend Liu Bowen 我看了,果然!鲟鱼在长时间沉睡时,底部紧紧地。沿着走廊,我们看到一条像缎带一样的电鳗在水里游泳。”我听说它能帮助触电的人失去知觉呢!”我的好朋友刘博文说。I nodded,"Hey,what is the fish?Really beautiful!"I Liu Bowen explains:"Although it is very beautiful red and white pattern,can someone give it the name of security do not how to - clown fish!""Poor little thing!"我点点头,“嘿,这是什么鱼?真漂亮!”我说了。刘博文解释说:“虽然它是非常漂亮的红白相间的图案,但能有人给它起个保安的名字不怎么——小丑鱼!”可怜的小东西!”Out of the aquarium,we came to the Museum of E"Disgusting!Look at the long centipede!"Liu Chang spit out his This insect museum insect specimens and television through the video to us in detail introduced insect W走出水族馆,我们来到昆虫学博物馆。”讨厌!看那只长长的蜈蚣!”刘畅吐了吐舌头。本昆虫博物馆通过昆虫标本和电视录像向我们详细介绍了昆虫世界。


D 说明了行动胜于语言,主动胜于被动。英语原文是 I hear and I forget,I see and I remember,I do and I understand。其实这段格言是老外从中国学到的,出自荀子的《儒效篇》 - “不闻不若闻之,闻之不若见之,见之不若知之,知之不若行之;学至于行之而止矣。”

写作思路:首先介绍博物馆的大门,进入后开始逐步从所见的景象进行介绍,最后通过有趣的对白进行点缀。范文:Both sides of the door in the museum,were two mighty big dinosaurs,as if to welcome our arrival,into the museum,we first toured the 在博物馆的大门两侧,都是两只威武的大恐龙,仿佛在欢迎我们的到来,走进博物馆,我们首先参观了水族馆。Aquarium lights are shining dark blue,wavy line on the wall there is a road,as if we are deep "Look!Sturgeon!"I do not know who 水族馆的灯光都是深蓝色的,波浪形的墙上有一条线,仿佛我们是深客人。”你看!鲟鱼!”我不知道是谁喊的。I looked,and sure enough!Sturgeon in the tank a long sleeping when the bottom Down the corridor,we saw a ribbon-like electric eel like swimming in the "I've heard it can help people with electric shock was lost consciousness it!"My good friend Liu Bowen 我看了,果然!鲟鱼在长时间沉睡时,底部紧紧地。沿着走廊,我们看到一条像缎带一样的电鳗在水里游泳。”我听说它能帮助触电的人失去知觉呢!”我的好朋友刘博文说。I nodded,"Hey,what is the fish?Really beautiful!"I Liu Bowen explains:"Although it is very beautiful red and white pattern,can someone give it the name of security do not how to - clown fish!""Poor little thing!"我点点头,“嘿,这是什么鱼?真漂亮!”我说了。刘博文解释说:“虽然它是非常漂亮的红白相间的图案,但能有人给它起个保安的名字不怎么——小丑鱼!”可怜的小东西!”Out of the aquarium,we came to the Museum of E"Disgusting!Look at the long centipede!"Liu Chang spit out his This insect museum insect specimens and television through the video to us in detail introduced insect W走出水族馆,我们来到昆虫学博物馆。”讨厌!看那只长长的蜈蚣!”刘畅吐了吐舌头。本昆虫博物馆通过昆虫标本和电视录像向我们详细介绍了昆虫世界。


浅谈博物馆的绩效管理  摘 要:在西方,绩效管理作为一种的管理工具,已经在政府部门和非营利组织中得到广泛运用。近年来我国公共部门也引入绩效管理的理论和方法来提高工作效率,进行资源的有效配置。博物馆是保护、研究和展示文化及自然遗产的非营利组织。博物馆引入绩效管理将促进内部管理、绩效水平、服务质量及公众-社会满意度的提升,是深化体制改革的一种有效尝试。  关键词:绩效管理;博物馆  一、博物馆引入绩效管理的必要性  (一)现行管理体制下博物馆的现状  当前我国一般性博物馆普遍存在的问题是社会效益不高,在国民社会生活中没有实现应有的作用,没能产生相应的影响,造成投入和产出不对等,因而也制约了本该日愈增长加大的投入,投资渠道单一,不少博物馆仅能生存下去还捉襟见肘,要上项目就力不从心。长此以往,恶性循环,成了单纯的政府摆设。  究其原因是当前我国博物馆管理运营方式的单一、没有人事任免权、缺乏合理的分配机制、缺乏独立性、多层管理行成事实上的无责任人等,这类体制和历史造成的诸多原因,导致了以下几方面的问题:  第一,缺乏行业规范,即便同一性质的博物馆在业务工作中也无统一规范和标准。  第二,主管部门对博物馆、部门及员工综合表现缺乏完善的评定体系,考核工具陈旧、考核 目的不明确、考核方法单一,并且没有真正对考核结果进行认真客观的分析,更没有真正利用考核过程和考核结果来帮助员工在绩效、行为、能力、责任、服务意识等多方面得到切实的完善和提高。  第三,博物馆组织对员工缺乏科学合理的考核制度。  第四,缺少沟通渠道及反馈机制、缺乏相应有效的管理方法和技巧。  第五,缺乏评价激励机制。  就上述博物馆存在的一般性问题看,解决这些问题最好的方法,就是引入绩效管理,建立起一个科学、有效、可实施、可操作、可控制的合乎博物馆性质的绩效管理体制。  (二)引入绩效管理的必要性  第一,引入绩效管理是博物馆自身建设发展的必须。改善博物馆治理结构,推行绩效管理是博物馆摆脱困境的必经之路。在建立科学合理的事业法人治理结构基础上,全面推行绩效管理,在行政主管部门和博物馆之间、公众和博物馆之间以及博物馆和职工之间形成法定的绩效责任关系,通过绩效管理,建立博物馆绩效评估体系,通过公众、行政主管部门和员工的评价衡量博物馆绩效,发挥社会监督、行政监督的作用。  第二,引进绩效管理是博物馆提升管理水平的有效手段。由于绩效管理的系统性、科学性,容易量化,便于操作,以及现阶段的合理性,通过建立绩效管理体系,可以有效的提高各级管理者的管理水平,发现管理中的问题并及时加以改进。博物馆引入绩效管理,有了特定绩效目标、标准,用于博物馆的日常管理活动中,博物馆的管理者和被管理者在这一活动中都是主动者,关乎切身利益,管理者和被管理者都关心绩效,势必行成双方互动的局面,其结果必将推博物馆管理水平的提升。  第三,引进绩效管理必将提高博物馆的工作效率。实施绩效管理,能最大限度地调动员工的积极性,激发他们的工作热情,唤醒他们当家作主的主人翁意识。有了这个前提,博物馆无论在项目的成本控制方面和人员的合理配置方面的工作,都会容易做到合理、科学,而这二者对提高博物馆的工作效率将起到至关重要的作用。  二、博物馆导入绩效管理的可行性  绩效管理是公共部门实施战略规划的重要途径,在提高公共服务的效率和质量、科学评价与引导组织员工行为、实现组织使命和目标方面具有至关重要的地位和作用。博物馆通过关注一些体现组织绩效的使命及核心价值,比如公众参与性、博物馆责任性等,使整个组织绩效管理以实现博物馆所承载的使命与价值为前提,建立自身的目标体系。  绩效管理是一种责任机制,内含管理人员的责任落实、资源的优化配置及整个组织系统协调等,在相当程度上,为促进绩效提供了可能。这与博物馆工作性质对员工的要求相符合。只要细分一下博物馆各部门人员的职能、权限、责任,就会发现文博工作比其它许多工作更需要一种更为严密,更具约束力的分工负责制,而保证这种负责制不落空要靠一种约束力,这种约束力一方来自外部的监督,包括上级领导的监督,职工的监督和公众的监督;更主要的一方是来自员工本人的自律,而推助这种自律的动力除员工自身素养、职业道德,职业责任感外,更要靠一种能够激发员工自律的制度。  事实上,许多公共部有如博物馆一直在呼唤和试图建立这样一个制度。绩效管理正可以提供这样一个制度体系,随着绩效管理的引入,责任机制和监督制约机制形成,管理人员的责任落实、人人的工作目标清楚,极大的减少工作中的盲目性和不作为性,工作不再单纯表现为工作时间,而是时间和效率的统一,这样,为博物馆促进绩效提供了可能。随着公众意识的提高,观众有权要求博物馆对其提供的公共产品(包括服务)负责。绩效管理在博物馆中的应用,为公众从组织外部科学、正确地认识和评价博物馆的绩效提供了可能,这是一种有效监督,是博物馆提升自己不可缺的宝贵资源。按照权责一致的原则,明确决策、执行和监督三者的关系,强化健全互相配合、相互制约的监督新机制和责任追究制,形成务求实效的良好氛围,从内部和外部促进博物馆绩效的提高。  三、博物馆实施绩效管理实施方向  谷峻岭:浅谈博物馆的绩效管理(一)争取博物馆发展管理的自主权  为全面有效地推行绩效管理,必须积极推进政事分开。政事分开的核心是减少政府部门的直接干预,下放权力,让事业单位拥有自主权和灵活性,不再成为政府部门的附属机构。对于带有强制行政命令提供的公共服务(例如免费向未成年人开放展览陈列等)或公共产品(例如为配合该地区举办的某项重大活动而举办的展览活动等),行政主管部门除保障资金来源、协调方方面面关系外,要实施有效的管理和监管,以确保博物馆提供公共服务和公共产品的落实。同时博物馆也应借行政主管部门职能转变之际,力争减少直接干预,尽量摆脱作为行政主管部门的附属机构的地位,争取更多的自主权和机动权,力求获人事和财务的自主权,拥有人员配置和资金支配的权力,按照博物馆行业性质和宗旨,确立其相应的管理模式。这不仅是实施博物馆绩效管理的理论前提,也是博物馆管理体制改革的一个重要基础。  (二)建立博物馆行业标准和规范  建立博物馆的行业标准和规范既可以使博物馆的发展有法可依、有章可循,又能对博物馆进行科学的评估,为博物馆确立相关级别提供依据。博物馆行业标准和规范应包括两个方面的内容: 一是“硬件”方面, 一是“软件”方面。“硬件”方面: 包括博物馆的体量,包括展厅、公共设施、库房、研究中心、文物修复中心等方面在建筑体量、安防、技防、通讯等方面的标准和规范。“软件”方面, 包括博物馆的人员结构、机构设置、管理水平、业务水平等方面的标准和规范。  (三)建立公共责任机制  博物馆应在仿效私人部门责任机制基础上对传统责任机制进行改进,将传统复杂而模糊的政治责任机制转变为二个导向的责任机制,即以结果和观众为导向,用实际收到的社会效益衡量组织绩效;以观众需求为导向,建立博物馆直接对员工、观众和社会责任机制。  (四)人事制度改革  大力推行博物馆人事制度改革,按照“紧编制、满负荷、高效率”的原则,按需设岗,因事设岗,合理调整各类人员的结构,优化馆内各部门人力资源配置,提高专业技术人员的比例。实现博物馆人事管理由身份管理向岗位管理的转变,逐步建立用人自主、人员自主择岗、人员能进能出、职务能升能降的新的机制。在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上,通过签订聘用合同,确定博物馆和个人的人事关系,明确博物馆和个人的义务和权利,明确不同岗位的责任和任职条件。在推行聘用制的过程中,大力引入竞争机制和激励机制,增强活力。  (五)薪酬分配制度改革  薪酬分配制度的改革是实施绩效管理成功的关键,博物馆同其他依靠政府财政吃饭的单位一样,在体制改革尚未取得成效之前,绩效成绩利用难以在博物馆的管理体系和分配体系中起到应有的促进和激励作用。  薪酬分配制度改革要坚持按劳分配,建立重能力、重实绩、重贡献,实行岗位靠竞争、建立岗位定酬、按任务定酬、按业绩定酬的分配制度。采取特殊人才特殊分配、优秀人才优厚待遇的政策,对关键岗位的特殊人才可采取协议工资、项目工资、课题工资等分配形式,逐步完善收入分配的约束机制。  参考文献:  〔1〕张成福,党秀云公共管理学〔M〕北京:中国人民大学出版社,  〔2〕丁煌西方行政学说史武汉:武汉大学出版社,  〔3〕〔美〕戴维奥斯本,特德盖布勒改革政府—企业精神如何改革着公营部门〔M〕上 海:上海译文出版社,  〔4〕Eic R公共部门的绩效管理〔M〕郑州:郑州大学出版社,200   〔5〕王宏钧中国博物馆学基础〔M〕上海:上海古籍出版社,   〔6〕刘旭涛政府绩效管理〔M〕北京:机械工业出版社,  〔7〕孙柏瑛,祁光华公共部门人力资源管理〔M〕北京:中国人民大学出版社,  〔8〕张德人力资源管理〔M〕北京:企业管理出版社,  〔9〕〔美〕加里德斯勒人力资源管理〔M〕北京:中国人民大学出版社,  〔10〕〔美〕 格罗弗•斯塔林公共部门管理〔M〕上海:上海译文出版社,  〔11〕彭剑锋以KPI为核心的绩效管理〔M〕北京:中国人民大学出版社,  〔12〕段勇当代美国博物馆〔M〕北京:科学出版社,

第一篇Hi,I’m I'm 13 years old and I study in xxx Middle S My school is Every morning I get up at seven and have And then I go to school at half past Lessons begin at eight o’ We have four lessons in the morning and Chinese is my favourite We usually have 10 minute's break between two lessons and at about 12 o'clock we finish our morning I have lunch at school at twelve I like school lunch and I always have rice with meat and After lunch I often talk with my friends or play basketball with In the afternoon lessons start at half past one and finish at four o’ I play games after school with my friends and then go home at half past In the evening I do my homework and then watch TV At ten o’clock I go to It’s really a busy day but I like 第二篇 As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the With fresh water, the world will be prosperous第三篇 保护水资源: As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the With fresh water, the world will be 翻译如下:正如大家看到世界人口增长迅速日。 给这类大的人口需要有足够的淡水。 怎么还有与工业事务局研究工厂和车辆产生有毒气体或,因此导致污染的水的废物。 虽然新鲜的可以不再使用好的量。 只有很有限的新鲜水资源可供人类。 因此,它是我们人类采取快速行动,保护水资源的时候了。 停止污染和保存水,否则,我们不能生存在地球上。 新鲜的水世界将会繁荣。改革开放:It has been thirty years since China started reform and began a policy of opening up China to the outside This has resulted in great changes taking place in various With the nine-year compulsory education(九年制义务教育) program,all children have the chance to be In the past 30 years,China has made great progress in science and In 2003,China launched its first manned spaceship and fulfilled its first space walk in As economy is developing fast,people's living conditions have greatly In addition,there have also been great changes in The 29th Olympics were successfully hosted in Beijing and Chinese athletes won the most gold I'm really proud of the great achievements in the past 30 It is the leadership of the Communist Party and the great efforts of us Chinese people that made all these Nowadays,people are working hard towards a more advanced and harmonious I'm sure China will have a brighter future and Chinese people will live a happier 第四篇保护水资源: As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the With fresh water, the world will be 翻译如下:正如大家看到世界人口增长迅速日。 给这类大的人口需要有足够的淡水。 怎么还有与工业事务局研究工厂和车辆产生有毒气体或,因此导致污染的水的废物。 虽然新鲜的可以不再使用好的量。 只有很有限的新鲜水资源可供人类。 因此,它是我们人类采取快速行动,保护水资源的时候了。 停止污染和保存水,否则,我们不能生存在地球上。 新鲜的水世界将会繁荣。改革开放:It has been thirty years since China started reform and began a policy of opening up China to the outside This has resulted in great changes taking place in various With the nine-year compulsory education(九年制义务教育) program,all children have the chance to be In the past 30 years,China has made great progress in science and In 2003,China launched its first manned spaceship and fulfilled its first space walk in As economy is developing fast,people's living conditions have greatly In addition,there have also been great changes in The 29th Olympics were successfully hosted in Beijing and Chinese athletes won the most gold I'm really proud of the great achievements in the past 30 It is the leadership of the Communist Party and the great efforts of us Chinese people that made all these Nowadays,people are working hard towards a more advanced and harmonious I'm sure China will have a brighter future and Chinese people will live a happier 翻译如下:这是三十年以来中国开始改革与开始的外部 This 中国开放政策,导致在各个领域发生的巨大变化。 于九年强制 education(九年制义务教育) 程序所有孩子都有机会被 In 在 30 年中国已取得很大进展科技 In 2003、 中国推出其第一次的载人的飞船和完成首次空间行走在 As 经济发展迅速、 人民生活条件大大改善。 此外,也有很大的变化在 The 29 奥运成功承载在北京和中国运动员赢得最大的金牌。 我的确感到自豪的丰功伟绩在过去的 30 It 是共产党的领导和我们中国人作出所有这些 Nowadays,people 正在努力向更先进,和谐 I 确信中国将会有一个光明的前景和中国人民将过幸福生活的努力。电脑利弊:The main disadvantages are: some of the young people are too obsessed with the network control poor, it will trap into the Relevant data show that young people indulge in network performance is more than 89 percent Online games will have a strong young vanity has led to some young people have an unhealthy psychological, severely hampered the normal development of young There are fighting games so that some young people think that real life can be like a virtual network of the world as ruled by the law of the jungle to the world today, leading toward the path of Play the role of those villains, so that boys like girls change, but it's like boys The trap of the second network, some people because of social discontent, the network's own desire to radiation, leading to others on the network by fraud, deceived many examples, list goes Many benefits, save time and effort before the provincial lesson entirely on hand-written, time-consuming and laborious, much more will have to Preparation of a computer is now "semi-automatic", and the school to teach all the prior knowledge input into the computer, after layout, modify, save, and finally print it out; the same can also copy the Computer is time-saving, labor-saving good helper, it gives me more time to study materials, the design of better teaching 第五篇I like badminton and basketball,basketball is my favourite sport,I like basketball I always wear a T-shirt,shorts and runners to play I can throw the basketball in the net, I think it is easy, but someone think it is hard, I can catch the basketball, On Sundays,I am a bbasketball I like to watch basketball game on TV, Yao Ming is my favourite basketball player, I want to be a real basketball player 第六篇Hello everyone !DO you like sports? Let me tell you whate my favorite sport Well I like tennis Becase of playing tennis makes me be healthy and You can run on the playgrond and enjoy it every So I really like playing tennis very mnch! 第七篇a meaningfull activity Last month I went to the hometown with my family,We decided to swim in the river where my father often swim when he was But when we got there,there was only a dirty river,so we thought we got to a wrong But there was a old man,he said:"Here is a place where you want to go"He look so sad when he said Then he said:"Two years ago,here was really a beutifu place,but one day,many visitors come here and threw rubbish The river be dirty and dirty,and it look like this now"When I heard this,I think we should protect our It was really a meaningful activity第八篇Our school has now started an activity called “Build Civilized Classes and a Harmonious C” The topic is “ Get Rid of Bad Habits and Greet Civilization” Bad habits do Some students throw rubbish everywhere or spit in Some wear long Others are even addicted to smoking and We require that the students break away from these bad We urge the students to wear their school uniform and be polite to During the activity, we’ll hold a picture show, a competition of classroom and dormitory decorations and so We all hope that we’ll build each class into a civilized one and our campus into a harmonious 第九篇My Birthday PartyIt’s J Today I am16 years I am going to have a party at home and I am waiting for all my friends to They are going to bring?lots of beautiful presents with My parents are preparing a lot of nice things to eat and At the party we are going to play games, sing songs, dance and listen to I think we will have a good

The rules in the museum While you are visiting the museum, please help us look after our common Works of art are unique, valuable objects that we must preserve for future Your collaboration is requested so that all our Visitors can enjoy the Museum to the full and exhibition hall supervisors can do their jobs Please observe the following rules: Works of art are fragile and can be easily Please do not touch Intellectual property and reproduction rights limit the free circulation of images of the works of Taking photographs and filming are not permitted inside the M T o avoid bothering others, the use of mobile phones is not permitted inside exhibition Guide-dogs accompanying the visually-impaired will be allowed entrance to the The entrance of any other animal, however, is strictly T he Museum has a Cafeteria where visitors can take a break and eat and Please do not take food and drink into the exhibition Likewise, we would remind you that smoking is strictly forbidden by law inside the M For your convenience, the Museum provides a Wardrobe and Left Luggage Service where visitors can leave umbrellas, back-packs, bags and For security reasons, umbrellas, packages and bags larger than 40 x 40 cms are not allowed into the Children are very Please keep them close by, however, and make sure they behave themselves Organised groups of more than fifteen people must designate one person as being responsible for the group in order to make things simpler for other Thank


Free Admissions to MuseumMuseum is an extremely significant place for persons to absorb knowledge; besides, it is beneficial for our country to enhance the quality of whole On the other hand, free admission to museums can enrich people’s Therefore,an increasing number of musemes are open free to the Nevertheless, some different opinion still First of all, the stuffs exhibited in the museum may be destroyed by careless visitors because visitors come from all walks of life, some of whom don’t know how precious the things Second, the governments have to waste a large amount of money to afford all the As far as I am concerned, in spite of the fact that free admission to museums may include some disadvantages, museums also should open up to the public uncharged so that more people can benefit from



Visiting the museum should be one of the best choices for the tourists who have never been in the place before with a limited amount of The amazing experience would definitely make your precious time most On the top of that, nothing could be as fascinating as the exhibition of the museum, which combines the visual entertainment, the educational experience and cultural sense altogether so The items on display are often organized by professional elaborately, designed not to confuse the spectators but to provide them with well-arranged One who only read about the lives conditions of the creatures in Mesozoic can never imagine the breath-taking sight which could only be seen when he walks through the gallery of the fossils of Similarly, a thematic attire exhibit could impart the visitor about the convention of religion, custom and even ideology of a specified period, which are merely abstract impressions in reading Meanwhile, the architecture designs, which are more often than not among the most idiosyncratic in the city, are worth the For example, the famous Louvre, originated in 13th century, taking up the Renaissance style and undergoing the turbulence of French Great Revolution, accommodating with the ideas of the first grade contemporary architects, assume an not only unique but also gorgeous fashion that can be seen nowhere else, with the labyrinth-like structure and the wonderful masterpieces, overwhelming the The Palace Museum itself is the most well-preserved and grandest ancient China architectural The symmetrical distribution of the buildings sufficiently reflects the philosophy of the Chinese architecture and the strict hierarchy ideas of ancient C Finally, some of the collections of a famous museum are second to no other celebrated resort They are another kind of wonder on the earth, which demonstrate the superlative ingenuity and exorbitant crafts of human Few can hold there extolment to himself while they are visiting the Vatican Museum and dwarfed by the masterpieces of the Renaissance genius, namely, Rafael and Michelangelo, who had both devoted ten years of their golden era to the museum and sprinkled their talent in the countless paintings and statuary which have now been a part of the museum Admiring such a artistic work only is a great mind-tugging that can be experienced right there, right


Free Admissions to MuseumMuseum is an extremely significant place for persons to absorb knowledge; besides, it is beneficial for our country to enhance the quality of whole On the other hand, free admission to museums can enrich people’s Therefore,an increasing number of musemes are open free to the Nevertheless, some different opinion still First of all, the stuffs exhibited in the museum may be destroyed by careless visitors because visitors come from all walks of life, some of whom don’t know how precious the things Second, the governments have to waste a large amount of money to afford all the As far as I am concerned, in spite of the fact that free admission to museums may include some disadvantages, museums also should open up to the public uncharged so that more people can benefit from



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