

发布时间:2024-09-05 12:43:18


陕西渭北拴马桩石狮雕刻的符号内涵及形态研究【摘要】本文以陕西渭北拴马桩石狮雕刻为着眼点,从中国石狮雕刻的缘起入手,分析了中国各时期石狮雕刻的艺术特征及精神内涵,再从陕西渭北的地理、历史环境出发,分析了陕西渭北拴马桩的成因、拴马桩桩首石狮的造型特点、蕴含的文化符号内涵。认为渭北拴马桩石狮作为陕西特有文化符号,延续传承了中国传统的镇邪祈福的精神文化内涵,其造型夸张自由、质朴率真,具有浓郁的地域特色,反映了中国民间石狮雕刻独有的精神美感和造型法则。【关键词】渭北拴马桩 石狮雕刻 文化符号 形态 Shaanxi Weibei Shuanma pile lion carving the symbol content and MorphologyABSTRACT Weihe River in Shaanxi Province as the focus Shuanma pile lion carving, carved stone lions originated from China, analyzes the Chinese stone lions carved each period and the spirit of the art features, from Shaanxi Weibei geographical, historical circumstances and analysis of the Weihe River in Shaanxi Shuanma pile causes Shuanma none of the characteristics of the first shape of lions, which contains the connotation of cultural That the Weihe River in Shaanxi Shuanma pile lions as a unique cultural symbols, continued transmission of the traditional Chinese spiritual blessing the town of evil culture, its exaggerated styling freedom, simple straightforward, with a strong geographical features, reflecting the unique Chinese folk lion carving spirit of the laws of beauty and Key words Weibei Shuanma pile lion carving patterns of cultural symbols

"The Chinese foreign culture dissemination and cultural exports has come to a new In recent years and performance market continues to heat up, facing huge overseas market of Chinese national culture, creating reflect, facing the overseas audience, has brand influence export performance project is a priority, in upgrading our cultural soft power is important and practical " 还可以伐呵呵

The art of thinking about paintingAbstract: the creation of works of art is a kind of complicated mental activities and production activities in the painter, is the real life of the mind Beauty is truth, and it is a high degree of unity of all art must Each artist should be in the works to show his unique beauty feeling and the Real beauty and ugliness reality is the source of art Usually regarded as content, just to show their true art form, but usually only the form, constitute a piece of art of real Art works by means of the image and techniques and convey feelings of aesthetic ideal Keywords: art creation,Art Beauty,Beauty,Ugly,Content

At present, the China spread culture to the abroad and cultural exports has come to a new In recent years, performance market keep on heating up at home and abroad,aiming at the huge overseas market and oversea's audience, creating and reflecting chinese national culture, exporting performance project with brand influence is pressed, which is important and practical for improving our cultural soft


"The Chinese foreign culture dissemination and cultural exports has come to a new In recent years and performance market continues to heat up, facing huge overseas market of Chinese national culture, creating reflect, facing the overseas audience, has brand influence export performance project is a priority, in upgrading our cultural soft power is important and practical " 还可以伐呵呵

The art of thinking about paintingAbstract: the creation of works of art is a kind of complicated mental activities and production activities in the painter, is the real life of the mind Beauty is truth, and it is a high degree of unity of all art must Each artist should be in the works to show his unique beauty feeling and the Real beauty and ugliness reality is the source of art Usually regarded as content, just to show their true art form, but usually only the form, constitute a piece of art of real Art works by means of the image and techniques and convey feelings of aesthetic ideal Keywords: art creation,Art Beauty,Beauty,Ugly,Content

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"The Chinese foreign culture dissemination and cultural exports has come to a new In recent years and performance market continues to heat up, facing huge overseas market of Chinese national culture, creating reflect, facing the overseas audience, has brand influence export performance project is a priority, in upgrading our cultural soft power is important and practical "


Summary:The painting has very strong infection and the sense of vision assurance, is an author body oneself the affective diagram type drains now, can restore the feature and perfect author of thing of heart of imagination The painting sets up in the meantime of depth, size, disease Xu alternative rhythm variety, the function can make people produce different motion activity or the reaction of emotion at the person's physiology, mental state;This kind of special but complicated rhythm regulation needs to take to have regulation, periodic rhythm the text Yu activity or art work of the variety to alleviate, adjust a physiology in the daily life like people, mentally of tired, nervous, miscellaneous disorderly, The painting is with the color obvious rhythm effect to give people with dulcify So rhythm within painting art the United States became to have the problem of research Study this problem can let us clearerly understand a painting art to the influence that people live and understand the effect, body that the rhythm function will come at the painting now of the United SAppreciate beauty to the painting art now, especially for the research of rhythm in the painting more unilateral, opposite Spoke of on the whole the rhythm of painting also have no heel have another of carry on The especially a little bit current art critic lifted for the word of the rhythm in the painting at the time of commenting on some painting works, but more of express from it of cultural content and artistic conception to carry on commentary, although cultural content and artistic conception express by painting can carry on annotation to the depth of painting,I think that the painting is a visual art, so a painting work first want what to hold tight is our eyeballs, only holding tight our eyeballs first then can let us come to a stop small and soft personal status among them of So appreciate beauty appearance rhythm in for the painting in nowadays appreciate beauty is to the pass is Keyword:The lines skin texture of the rhythm color is clear and dark to appreciate beauty

By the modern clay modelling “the potential” - - the putty, the glaze, possible which in the fire contains the abstract: The modern clay modelling was in the 20th century world modern art ideological trend rare and beautiful The modern potter pays great attention to surmount the technique stratification plane the exploration, gives the people the energetic domain by to be more widespread, the deeper level's attention, through its modelling, glazes, fires and so on aspects to come to innovate boldly, the experiment, the exploration, does not pursue conforms to the populace esthetic idea, but makes widely known artist's subjective consciousness, seeks cuts into the modern clay modelling all This article is precisely from the technology, art and the idea three stratification planes explores the modern clay modelling the possibility, is also the modern clay modelling “the potential” the key word: Modern clay modelling, potential, putty, glaze, fire

The drawing has the greatly strengthened infectiousness and the visualdeterminism, is the author manifests the oneself emotion the scheme todivulge, can return to original state the thing itself appearance andthe consummation author's innermost feelings imagination worldSimultaneously the drawing layout depth, the size, illness Xu and soon the rhythmic variation, affects Yu Ren's physiology, the psychologyin turn, can cause the people to have the different mood activity orthe emotion response; This kind unique and the complex rhythm rule issimilar to the people to need to have regular, the periodic rhythmicvariation recreational activities or the artistic work in the dailylife alleviates, fills a prescription in the physiology, thepsychology weary, intense, disorderly, is monotonous The drawing isgives the people by the color tangible rhythmic effect by the Therefore in the drawing art rhythm beautiful became had theresearch value the Studies this question to be allowed tolet us clearly understand drawing art the influence which lives to thepeople, understood America which the rhythm function to draws whichthe exhibition to come the effect, Now regarding drawingart esthetic appreciation, specially regarding drawing in rhythmresearch quite one-sided, is relatively Calculated mentionedthe drawing rhythm with many has not carried on Speciallythe present some artistic critics in comments some drawing works timeregarding the drawing in character of rhythm have not raised, what butare more is from its aspect and so on performance cultural connotationand ideal condition carries on the commentary, although the drawingdisplays the cultural connotation and the ideal condition may carry onthe annotation to the drawing depth, but I thought the drawing isvisual art, therefore a drawing work first must hold is our eyeball,only had first holds our eyeball to be able to let us stop the thinthin personal status Therefore in regarding presentdrawing esthetic center, is esthetic to the picture rhythm is

"The Chinese foreign culture dissemination and cultural exports has come to a new In recent years and performance market continues to heat up, facing huge overseas market of Chinese national culture, creating reflect, facing the overseas audience, has brand influence export performance project is a priority, in upgrading our cultural soft power is important and practical "


"The Chinese foreign culture dissemination and cultural exports has come to a new In recent years and performance market continues to heat up, facing huge overseas market of Chinese national culture, creating reflect, facing the overseas audience, has brand influence export performance project is a priority, in upgrading our cultural soft power is important and practical " 还可以伐呵呵

Reflections on the art of oil painting Abstract: creative art is a complex mental activities and production activities, is a realistic painter living in the minds of the product of The Sound of Music Arts beauty is a high degree of unity, it is all art must be consciously setting Every artist should be showing his work in the United States he was a unique experience and Ugly reality of the United States and the reality are a source of artistic Content is often seen as something only to the performance art form of its own real, and are usually things that only the form, it constitutes the real content of a work of Art techniques by means of image and convey the feelings of thinking of the author, as well as the carrier of the aesthetic Keywords: artistic creation, artistic beauty, the reality the United States, ugly reality, contents

译文:abstract英['æbstrækt]释义:纯理论的;抽象的;抽象派的摘要;抽象;抽象的概念;抽象派艺术作品摘要;提取;抽象化;退出;转移;使心不在焉[复数:abstracts;第三人称单数:abstracts;现在分词:abstracting;过去式:abstracted;过去分词:abstracted;比较级:more abstract;最高级:most abstract]短语:abstract algebra[数]抽象代数;近世代数;[数]抽象代数学;代数结构扩展资料:词语辨析:summary,abstract,digest,outline,resume这些名词均含“摘要、概要、概括”之意。1、summary普通用词,指将书籍或文章等的内容,用寥寥数语作简明扼要的说明。2、abstract指论文、书籍等正文前的内容摘要,尤指学术论文或法律文件的研究提要。3、digest侧重对原文融汇贯通,重新谋篇布局,以简明扼要的语言,简短篇幅成文,展现原作精华。4、outline指配以释议文字的提纲。5、resume源于洁语,与summary极相近,通常可互换使用。

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Mumford's famous saying: “the city is the cultural ”Indeed, the different urban appearance, the street landscape, is we distinguishes, the understanding different culture most direct The urban architecture is called “coagulation music”, its load bearing, the coagulation are not only the chitectural arts, moreover is different time social culture, historical culture, national culture, region culture, political culture and so The Chinese modern metropolis's formation mainly comes from two kind of different histories: First, partial port city: Like Shanghai, Hong Kong, Dalian and so on, in the colonial rule or the foreign settlement time, are mainly today's urban pattern which and the appearance forms under foreigner's management; Second, historical culture old city: Like Beijing, Nanjing, Xi'an and so on, are mainly in near several dozens year social change, manages, the construction and the transformation by Chinese, forms today's urban The architect and plans the expert to believe that since World War II under the modernism theory instruction take the large-scale reconstruction as the characteristic urban renewal movement, has not had the success precedent nearly in the West, should realize “the community develops” the plan, the evolution type plan, the public choice plan, the historical block repair, the small scale reconstruction, the inhabitant from to construct and so on many kinds of new theories and the practice This article the comparison which will form from Beijing and the Nanjing urban planning, from the 50s to the 90s's new Beijing, the urban construction “Hong Kong pattern”, in the construction pop culture, the crossroad street intersection's urban five aspects will introduce the urban construction culture 建设文化Construction culture 城市建筑 Urban architecture 城市规划Urban planning 流行文化 Pop culture

City system plans to separate the impact of urban development ------- Ningbo City Abstract: The city plans to separate the system in our country for more than 20 years, whether the development of the city how to kind of impact? Article to Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province as an example, the scheme is implemented through a separate before and after, the Ningbo port, foreign trade, changes in status, as well as with other areas of comparative analysis to show the city plans to bring a separate At the same time, the article also discussed plans to bring a separate city system, as well as a variety of

城市道路交通流量研究 Urban road traffic flow research摘 要准确的短时段交通流量预测在良好的道路交通管理中越来越成为至关紧要的一个步骤,对我国城市发展具有重要的意义。 The accurate short time interval traffic flow forecast more and more becomes an extremely important step in the good road traffic management, has the vital significance to our country urban 本文中~~~~In this article mentioned very many now already in the application and the existence forecast model, like ARIMA model; Based on kalman filtering theory traffic flow forecast mold; In view of the different transportation condition, in the set existing forecast model several kinds come to the traffic flow to carry on the forecast one kind of unified The present paper mainly attempted has carried on the traffic flow using the BP nerve network method the real-time Before through the certain disposal procedure, will be able automatically to act according to the traffic flow forecast future 5 minutes traffic flow magnitudes, thus the arrangement transportation will unblock, alleviates the road congestion Designs the neuron needs 48 inputs pitch points and 48 outputs The network takes 48-20-48 The network design will be for according to the correlation transportation flow rate forecast future 5 minute in traffic flow First trains has a lower error 平方和 has the ideal input the After each training power vector took the next group inputs the vector training the starting All designs thought manifests in the procedure, network training is carries on with the auto-adapted study speed and attachment momentum method function The training result through passes the current capacity forecast the training performance chart 该方法具有很强的学习能力和自适应性,因而具有很好的应用价值。This method has the very strong learning capability and auto-adapted, thus has the very good application

The state plan system influence on urban developmentFor example, in ningboPick to the state plan, implement system in China for more than 20 years, the development of the city of impact? Taking ningbo city, zhejiang province as an example, based on a single, ningbo port, foreign trade, changes in the position and other areas to show the comparison and analysis of the urban planning to At the same time, the article also discusses the state plan of all kinds of problems and system


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