

发布时间:2024-09-06 02:45:48





1、绿色的梦2、环保大世界3、环保,一直都在我们身边4、绿色在我手中5、环保的呼唤6、共同来环保7、蓝天的约会8、别让环保天使在流泪9、换我一片蓝天10、让“绿色”融入我们的生活11、蓝色星球、绿色踪迹12、环保清洁箱13、环保低碳每一天,幸福生活来相伴。希望能帮助到你写出更好地作文,望采纳,谢谢!又不懂得可以再问我哦!呵呵!追问你的题目都很好( ⊙o⊙ )。可不可以用绿色


“地球”是人类共同的家园,保护环境,就是保护人类生存的环境。所以,让我们共同提高环保意识,从我做起,从身边的小事做起,从一张小纸片做起。   同学们,你们知道吗?虽然“环保”两个字写起来十分简单,但要做起来可就不是那样简单了。所以到现在为止,还有很多人没有做到“环保”。如果再这样下去,在五年后、十年后,未来地球将会变成什么样子呢?可能天是灰蒙蒙的,再也看不到云;到处可以看到垃圾,没有人清扫;还是每隔几天就会有一次可怕地沙尘暴······,可能还有很多我们无法想象的东西。   这样真是太可怕了。可是再看看,现在真正在环保的人又有多少呢?你们看街道边的垃圾桶,每一个旁边都有几个垃圾,尽管这些垃圾离垃圾桶只有一步之遥,可是四周来来往往的人没有一个主动将垃圾捡起来放到垃圾桶里,而态度大多都是视而不见。而且,现在每年又有多少棵树被砍伐,送去工厂,做成一次性筷子,做成纸巾给那些贪图方便的人使用,或是拿到市场上去卖······   这有一些工厂,有废水就往河里排放,使现在很多小河里的水变得浑浊不清,散发着臭气,而且还有毒。所以现在有很多河里的小鱼都死了。我想,如它们会说话,可能会说:“醒醒吧,人类!不要再破坏环境了,不要再破坏自己美丽的家了,你们一定会后悔莫及的。难道你们不想要这个家了?如果你们还想要,那就请你们马上行动,来保护我们吧!”。   其实想挽救这个地球很简单,只需从身边的小事做起。看到地上有垃圾,弯下腰把垃圾捡起;保护野生动物,不再贪图他们那鲜美的肉;或是呼吁人们爱护环境······。   让我们共同来保护我们的这个美好的家园吧!


2011-11-2 20:32 满意回答 1、绿色的梦2、环保大世界3、环保,一直都在我们身边4、绿色在我手中5、环保的呼唤6、共同来环保7、蓝天的约会8、别让环保天使在流泪9、换我一片蓝天10、让“绿色”融入我们的生活11、蓝色星球、绿色踪迹12、环保清洁箱13、环保低碳每一天,幸福生活来相伴。希望能帮助到你写出更好地作文,望采纳,谢谢!又不懂得可以再问我哦!呵呵!追问你的题目都很好( ⊙o⊙ )。可不可以用绿色的梦绿色在我手中蓝天的约会别让环保天使在流泪蓝色星球、绿色踪迹来写文章呢?


Abstract: Hongze Lake wetland is an important fresh water lake, one of the wetland ecosystem, but also in Jiangsu Province wetland ecosystem in the focus of protected areas, but with population growth and economic development accelerated, and wetland ecological environment have resulted in a serious problem, a concrete manifestation of for wetland biodiversity under threat, with an area of atrophy, habitat degradation and the management of confusion, which in a careful analysis of wetland ecosystems exist Hongzehu major problem on the basis of the proposed Lakes wetland ecological protection measures, namely: to reduce catch, cutting intensity, set up Nature Reserve; farmland to lakes, flood protection function; control the upstream water quality, set up monitoring systems and unified planning, improve the management 洪泽湖湿地是我国重要的淡水湖泊湿地生态系统之一,也是江苏省湿地生态系统的重点保护区域,但随着人口增长和经济发展的加快,湿地生态环境出现了严重问题,具体表现为湿地生物多样性受到威胁、面积萎缩、生境恶化和管理混乱,据此在认真分析洪泽湖湿地生态存在主要问题的基础上,提出湖区湿地生态保护对策,即:降低捕、伐强度,建立自然保护区;退耕还湖,保障调洪功能;控制上游水质,建立动态监测系统和统一规划,完善管理体制。

生态环保Protection of the Environment一些内容参考了:)~~ Once man did not have to think about the protection of his There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be Today things are The world has become too We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will Yet, we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will Yet, waste products arestill put into We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there won’t be enough What can we do to solve these problems? If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the

关于生态规划系统科学论文摘要:生态,规划,科学以生态学原理和城乡规划原理为指导,应用系统科学、环境科学等多学科的手段辨别、模拟和设计人工复合生态系统内的各种生态关系、确定资源开发利用与保护的生态适宜度,探讨改善系统结构与功能的生态建设对策,促进人与环境关系持续协调发展的一种规划。编辑本段计划要点 根据生态经济学原理,结合国民经济发展计划,实现和保护生态平衡的长期计划。其目的是:通过规划,合理而有效地利用各种自然资源,以满足社会生产和消费不断增长的需要;同时保证人类社会生存活动不妨碍并有利于充分发挥自然界的功能,以保持和增进自然资源和自然环境的再生能力。 生态规划是在人类生产、非生产活动和自然生态之间进行平衡的综合性计划。一般包括:①保证可再生资源不断恢复、稳定增长、提高质量和永续利用的计划和措施。②保护自然系统生物完整性的计划和措施,如严禁滥捕野生动物,合理采集野生植物,建立自然保护区,保护稀有野生生物和拯救濒临灭绝的物种等。③合理有效地利用土地、矿产、能源和水等不可再生资源的计划和措施,以增加自然系统的经济价值。④治理污染和防止污染的计划和措施。⑤改善人类环境质量的计划和措施,以增进人类身心健康,保护人类居住环境的美学价值。 生态规划按不同的层次分为全国性的、区域性的和局部地区的生态规划等;按不同的类型划分为城市生态规划和农村生态规划等。 制定生态规划,应根据本国、本区域或本地的自然、经济、社会条件和污染等生态破坏状况,因地制宜地研究确定本地区的生态建设性状指标,以确保资源的开发利用不超过该地区的资源潜力,不降低它的使用效率,保证经济发展和人类生存活动适应于生态平衡,使自然环境不发生剧烈的破坏性的变动。生态建设性状指标包括:划分城市和乡村使用土地资源的合理比例;划分城市内工厂、道路和住宅的用地比例;划分乡村地区农田、园地、道路和住宅的用地比例;确定人口容量、资源使用、经济发展规模和生活设施的数量指标等

The first title: Qinghai-Tibet Plateau cushion plants in the alpine zone of the plant community distribution The second title: Androsace cushion against the impact of the diversity of alpine plants


这是关于:global warmingWhat Can We Do About Global Warming? First, keep in mind the goal, which is to bring the potentially catastrophic warming under control by curtailing the release of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases into the Ordinary people can help immediately by becoming more energy Stop using the familiar incandescent light bulbs and replace them with compact fluorescent bulbs, which last much longer and use only a quarter of the energy consumed by conventional Compact fluorescent bulbs are significantly more expensive, but because they last so long (up to 10 times the life of a standard bulb) and use so little electricity, they are substantially cheaper in the long Next, when shopping for an appliance -- a refrigerator, a dishwasher, an air-conditioner -- select the one with the highest energy efficiency There will be a sticker on the appliance, telling you how much energy it Pay There can be a difference of 30 percent to 40 percent or more in the amount of energy consumed by appliances with comparable Even more important is the choice you make in the car or truck you Motor vehicles are responsible for about a third of the carbon dioxide emissions in the United S The vehicles that are the most fuel efficient emit the least carbon (Fuel economy and carbon dioxide emissions are inversely If you double fuel economy, you cut carbon dioxide emissions in ) According to the research and advocacy group Environmental Defense, if you buy a new car that gets 10 more miles per gallon than your old car, the amount of carbon dioxide reduction realized in one year will be about 2,500 So buying a car or truck that suits your needs and is fuel efficient is a big Honda and Toyota are bringing so-called hybrid vehicles onto the market in the US Hybrids are cars that combine an internal combustion engine and a battery-powered electric They are mid-sized cars that are achieving twice the fuel economy of conventional D Paul Epstein, associate director of the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard Medical School, summed the matter up as follows: "The issue is not so much what we are doing, but how we power what we are That's the first " Over the long term, the requirements are far more Ideally, over the course of the next 100 or so years, a transformation will take place and most energy will end up coming not from fossil fuels like coal and oil, but from clean energy sources -- the sun, the wind, hydrogen and non-polluting fuel "To get there at a cost that's affordable will require substantial technological development," said D Michael Oppenheimer, the chief scientist of Environmental D To move from our pollution-choked present to a future in which climate change is not a mortal threat will take more than that all-important first step of an enlightened citizenry buying cleaner cars and more efficient Tough action by Congress and the president is needed, and And international cooperation, with enforceable agreements covering both industrialized and, ultimately, developing nations, will be Among other things, the federal government can offer subsidies and other incentives to reduce the cost and foster the use of existing clean-energy technology, and to encourage the development of ever more efficient new And the government can -- and should -- develop more sophisticated strategies like emissions trading and more stringent requirements for reducing carbon dioxide emissions Global warming is the most serious problem we face in the 21st Last week an intensive analysis by a respected geologist at Texas A&M University, suggested -- as most scientists have been saying for some time now -- that human activity, not natural factors, is the primary cause of the We caused the problem and we have within our grasp a variety of potential To ignore those solutions, to be aware of them but not make use of them, is not just profoundly destructive, it's (by Bob Herbert Published on Monday, July 17, 2000 in the New York Times)还有一篇环境保护的an and environment the world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental bird flu and sars are two typical examples that environmental destruction may threaten our besides, forest destruction , water and air pollution result in decrease of planting land and unpleasant serious as the problem seems, we can come up with some measures to deal with first of all, the authorities should adopt the policy of “sustainable development”, and laws concerning environmental protection should be put into effect and enforced strictly just as our government has been what' s more, every citizen should realize the seriousness of the problem and make concerted efforts to protect our in addition, planting trees helps improve and beautify the The environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity Must solve this problem must start from First, must massively propagandize, enhances people's consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection Next, must carry on waste recovery use, reduces to forest-tree's Also must strengthen to white pollution processing, little uses the plastic Finally, must make improvement to clean Causes the city's appearance to be For Earth's tomorrow, we must start from the now diligently, will want the well local constable to protect the To this us proposes as follows suggests: Implementation trash classification packed in Like this not only can reduce the environmental sanitation worker's work load, but also can even better basically arrive makes use of waste, to reduce the pollution, saves the resources还有1个世界水资源的缺乏World Water Shortage A new study warns that about thirty percent of the world's people may not have enough water by the year 一项新的研究结果提出警告:到2025年,世界上将有30%的人没有足够的水饮用。 A private American organization called Population Action International did the new It says more than three-hundred-thirty-five-million people lack enough water The people live in twenty-eight Most of the countries are in Africa or the Middle E 这项研究是由美国一家名叫“人口行动”的私立机构进行的。报告说现在世界上有三亿三千五百万人没有足够的水。这些人主要分布在非洲或中东的28个国家。 P-A-I researcher Robert Engelman says by the year 2025, about three-thousand-million people may lack At least 18 more countries are expected to have severe water The demand for water keeps Yet the amount of water on Earth stays the 人口行动组织的研究人罗博特安格曼说,到2025年大约三十亿人缺水。至少还有其他18个国家将可能面临同样严重的水短缺问题。人类对水的需求不断上升,但地球上水的还是保持不变。 M Engelman says the population in countries that lack water is growing faster than in other parts of the He says population growth in these countries will continue to 安格曼先生说,水短缺的�业娜丝谠龀ぢ室�哂谑澜缙渌�厍�娜丝谠龀ぢ省K�顾嫡庑┕�业娜丝诔錾�式�中�龀ぁ? The report says lack of water in the future may result in several It may increase health Lack of water often means drinking waters not M Engelman says there are problems all over the world because of diseases, such as cholera, which are carried in Lack of water may also result in more international Countries may have to compete for water in the Some countries now get sixty percent of their fresh water from other This is true of Egypt, the Netherlands, Cambodia, Syria, Sudan, and I And the report says lack of water would affect the ability of developing to improve their This is because new industries often need a large amount of water when they are 报告表明,在未来,水资源的缺乏可能会导致一些严重的后果。首先它可能会产生更多的健康问题。水资源的缺乏就意味着饮用水不再有保障。安格曼先生说,诸如霍乱等在水中传播的疾病会使世界出现许多问题。水缺乏也会引起更多的国际纷争。各国可能由于水而发动战争。现在有些国家,例如埃及,荷兰,柬埔寨,叙利亚,苏丹和伊拉克等,60%的纯净水是从国外进口的。报告认为水缺乏将影响发展国家发展经济的能力。这是因为新工业在开始阶段经常需要大量的水。 The Population Action International study gives several solutions to the water One way, it says, is to find ways to use water for more than one Another way is to teach people to be careful not to waste A third way is to use less water of 人口行动组织的研究报告为世界的水短缺问题提出了几个解决的办法。第一,找到多用途的用水方法。第二,教育人们不要浪费水资源。第三就是少用农业水。 The report also says long-term solutions to the water problem must include controls on population It says countries cannot provide clean water unless they slow population growth by limiting the number of children people 报告同时表明,控制人口增长是长远解决水缺乏问题不可缺少的措施之一。它说除非各国能通过限制生育来降低人口的增长,否则它们不可能提供干净的水。 Global warming a bigger threat to poor全球变暖加剧贫穷 气候变化急待控制 Global warming, modelled on computer here, kills more people than terrorism Global warming threatens to reverse human progress, and make unachievable all UN targets to reduce poverty(联合国所有减少贫穷的目标), according to some of the world's leading international and development In a report published today, Oxfam, Greenpeace, Christian Aid, Friends of the Earth, WWF(英国牛津救济委员会、“绿色和平”组织、基督徒互援会、“地球之友”组织、世界野生动物基金组织) and 15 other groups say rich governments must immediately address(致力于) climate change to avoid even "obscene levels(无法忍受的程度)" of worldwide "Food production, water supplies, public health and people's livelihoods are already being damaged and undermined," the report "There is no either/or approach possible(想找一个‘非此即彼'的办法是不可能的) The world must meet its commitments to achieve poverty reduction and also tackle climate The two are inextricably linked(二者的联系是难解难分的)" The report, which draws on UN predictions of the effects of climate change in poor countries over the next 50 years, says poor countries will experience more flooding, declining food production, more disease and the deterioration or extinction of entire ecosystems(整个生态系统的退化甚至消失) on which many of the world's poorest people "Climate change needs to be addressed The poor will bear the brunt of the The frontline experience of many of us working in international development indicates that communities are having to combat more extreme weather " Climate change will play havoc(大范围的破坏;浩劫) with agriculture and water supplies and will increase "By 2025 the proportion of the world's population living in countries of significant water stress will almost double, to 6 billion Tropical and sub-tropical areas will be hardest hit - those countries already suffering from food insecurity(食品短缺)" Poor communities mostly do not need hi-tech solutions, but would most benefit from education, research and being shown how to farm The report says unchecked global warming(尚未得到抑制的全球变暖), more than wars or political upheaval(政变), will displace millions of people and destabilise many

古往今来,地球妈妈用甘甜的乳汁哺育了无数代子孙。原来的她被小辈们装饰得楚楚动人。可是,现在人类为了自身的利益,将她折磨得天昏地暗。人类只有一个地球;而地球正面临着严峻的环境危机。“救救地球”已成为世界各国人民最强烈的呼声。 我为周围环境的恶化而感到心痛,我想:作为未来接班人的青少年,如果不了解环境问题的严重性,无视有关环境保护的法律法规,不去增强环境保护意识,我们的生命将毁在自己的手中,老天将对我们作出严厉的惩罚。为此我下定决心要从我做起爱护环境,保护我们这个赖以生存的家园,做一个保护环境的卫士。 在刚过去的一年中,我积极参加学校开展的植树活动,带领我们六(2)中队的班干部创立了“绿色天使”植绿护绿小组,鼓励队员们在校园里认养了一棵小树苗,利用课余时间给它梳妆打扮,为它长成参天大树打下了基础。在学校组织的“让地球充满生机”的签字活动中,我郑重地在上面签下自己的名字,并写下了自己对环保的决心和期望,对美好未来的憧憬。我积极参加学校在世界环境日举行的有奖征稿,认真查阅、收集各类资料,进行社会调查,撰写有关环境治理设想方面的文章,我经常去参加学校组织的环保讲座,观看环保方面的录相带,积极参预环保知识问答调查活动,认真填写每一项提问。我参与了“红领巾植绿护绿队”的网站建设,在上面发布大量的环保图片和环保知识,以及关于环保的各方面的法律知识,我国在环保方面发展动向、世界各国的环境保护情况;每个月我都利用网络、报纸,查找一些最新的不同的专题和板块“环保资讯”来告诉大家;还定期制作一些宣传板来宣传环保知识和生活中的环保常识。提高了大家的环保意识;号召同学们从不同的方面来关爱自己的家园,从身边的小事做起,为周围的环境奉献自己的一份力量!我积极动员身边的人一起来依法保护和建设人类共有的同样也是仅有的家园,为促进经济和社会的可持续发展,为人类的文明做出贡献。我还和同学们共同发起“养一盆花,认养一棵树、爱惜每一片绿地,让我们周围充满绿色”和“小用塑料袋不使用泡沫饭盒和一次性筷子,让我们远离白色污染”的倡议。让我们放下方便袋,拿起菜篮子,让我们共同走向美好的绿色的明天,走向辉煌、灿烂的未来! 据我收集到的一份报告说:“环境问题是由于人类不合理地开发和利用自然源所造成的。触目惊心的环境问题主要有大气污染、水质污染、噪声污染、食品污染、不适当开发利用自然资源这五大类。”一个个铁一样的事实告诉我们,它们像恶魔般无情地吞噬着人类的生命。它威胁着生态平衡,危害着人体健康,制约着经济和社会的可持续发展,它让人类陷入了困境。为此我作出宣告:“只要我们——人类有时刻不忘保护环境的意识,有依法治理环境的意识,地球村将成为美好的乐园”。未来的天空一定是碧蓝的,水是清澈的,绿树成荫鲜花遍地,人类可以尽情享受大自然赋予我们的幸福。 “真正检验我们对环境的贡献不是言辞,而是行动。”虽然我现在做得只不过是一些微小的事,但是我坚信要是我们人人都有保护环境的责任心,从自己做起,从小事做起,携手保护我们的家园,自然会给人类应有的回报。在温暖的摇篮——草原上小憩;在慈祥的笑脸——天空下成长,在爱的源泉——河流中沐浴 英文Throughout the ages, the earth mother with sweet milk nurtured countless generations of their Original decorated her junior who was However, human beings for their own interests, her tortured eyes Only one earth; Earth is facing a serious environmental "Save the Earth" has become the strongest voice of the peoples of the I felt very sad for the deterioration of the surrounding environment, and I thought: as future successors youth, If you do not understand the seriousness of the environmental problems, ignoring the laws and regulations on environmental protection, not to enhance the awareness of environmental protection, our lives will be ruined in the own hands, God will make a severe To this end, I determined from I start caring for the environment, to protect the homes of our survival, do a guards to protect the In just the past year, I have actively participated in the tree planting activities undertaken by the school, led us to six (2) a small squadron class cadre founded the the "green Angel" Zhilvhulv, team, encouraging players to adopt a campus saplings, dressing spare time to it, and laid the foundation for it to grow into towering Signature activities organized by the school "Give Earth a Chance" I solemnly above signed his name and wrote his own determination and expectations of environmental protection, the vision of a better I have actively participated in the the school prizes held on World Environment Day Call for Papers, careful inspection, to collect information on various issues, social surveys, writing the article about the vision of environmental governance, and I often went to participate in the environmental seminars organized by the school, viewing the environmental aspects of the recorded phase with actively Intervention in environmental knowledge questionnaire, fill in the address each of the I was involved in the construction of "the red scarf Zhilvhulv team site, released a large number of environmental protection in the above picture and environmental knowledge and legal knowledge of all aspects of environmental protection, the environmental aspects of developments, world environmental protection; Each month I have made use of the Internet, newspapers, Find latest thematic and plate "environmental information" to tell you; regularly produce some publicity boards to promote environmental knowledge of environmental knowledge and Improve everyone's awareness of environmental protection; called on the students to care for their own homes from different aspects, from the little things around, and give their surrounding environment! Actively mobilize people around together in accordance with the law to protect and build common humanity in their homes, is also only for the promotion of sustainable economic and social development, to contribute to the civilization of I also co-sponsored students to "keep a potted plant, adopt a tree, cherish every one green space around us is full of green and small with a plastic bag, do not use foam lunch boxes and disposable chopsticks, let's stay away from white pollution" Let us lay down convenient bags to pick up the basket, let us work together toward a bright green future glory, a bright future!Far as I collected the report said: "Environmental issues are caused due to the irrational human development and use of natural sources the shocking environmental issues of air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, food contamination, inappropriate development and utilization natural resources of these five "an iron-like the fact that tell us that they like demonic mercilessly devouring human It threatens the ecological balance of harm to human health, and restricting the sustainable economic and social development, it is so human in To this end I declared: "As long as we are - human beings have always keep in mind the protection of the environment awareness, awareness of the environment according to law, the global village will become a beautiful The future, the sky must be blue, the water is crystal clear, tree-lined flowers everywhere, human nature has given us happiness can "The real test of our contribution to the environment is not words, but " Although I do now is just some minor things, but I firmly believe that if we all have to protect the environment, a sense of responsibility, from ourselves, from The little things that work together to protect our homes, natural give mankind should Grasslands in the warm cradle - rest; grow up in the kind of smile - sky, the source of love - rivers bath

生态环保Protection of the Environment一些内容参考了:)~~ Once man did not have to think about the protection of his There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be Today things are The world has become too We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will Yet, we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will Yet, waste products arestill put into We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there won’t be enough What can we do to solve these problems? If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the


Abstract: Hongze Lake wetland is an important fresh water lake, one of the wetland ecosystem, but also in Jiangsu Province wetland ecosystem in the focus of protected areas, but with population growth and economic development accelerated, and wetland ecological environment have resulted in a serious problem, a concrete manifestation of for wetland biodiversity under threat, with an area of atrophy, habitat degradation and the management of confusion, which in a careful analysis of wetland ecosystems exist Hongzehu major problem on the basis of the proposed Lakes wetland ecological protection measures, namely: to reduce catch, cutting intensity, set up Nature Reserve; farmland to lakes, flood protection function; control the upstream water quality, set up monitoring systems and unified planning, improve the management 洪泽湖湿地是我国重要的淡水湖泊湿地生态系统之一,也是江苏省湿地生态系统的重点保护区域,但随着人口增长和经济发展的加快,湿地生态环境出现了严重问题,具体表现为湿地生物多样性受到威胁、面积萎缩、生境恶化和管理混乱,据此在认真分析洪泽湖湿地生态存在主要问题的基础上,提出湖区湿地生态保护对策,即:降低捕、伐强度,建立自然保护区;退耕还湖,保障调洪功能;控制上游水质,建立动态监测系统和统一规划,完善管理体制。

别让可爱的生灵在我们这一代人手中消失 发展经济不能以牺牲环境为代价 环境保护是一项基本国策 建设项目必须依法进行环境影响评价 合理利用自然资源 防止环境污染和生态破坏 尊崇自然、敬畏生命 尊天重地、敬天爱人 判天地之美、析万物之理 环境保护,人人有责。 为了地球上的生命-拯救我们的海洋"。 保护蓝天碧水。 建设美丽的边疆,爱护我们的家园。 环境保护从我身边做起。 保护环境,造福人民。 保护环境就是保护我们自己。 保护水环境,节约水资源。 树立大环境意识,保护生态环境。 欣赏荒野、回归自然 青山清我目、流水静我耳 山中何所有?岑上多白云 水光山色与人亲,说不尽,无穷好 自然不可改良、生活可以选择 选择绿色生活、健康适度消费 只有一个地球、人类应该同舟共济 人类善待自然、就是善待自己 地球能满足人类的需要、但满足不了人类的贪婪 幸福生活不只在于丰衣足食,也在于碧水蓝天。 追求绿色时尚、走向绿色文明

would like to thank my parents i would like to thank my parents My parents brought me up with much hard work and they didn't want to get sth They take care of me every day and make me happy as much as one day, i was angry with my father for not taking me out on In the night I was sleeping when there was a loud I woke up and heard what my parents were talking My father was ill for several months and they kept it a secret from He didn't do so because of his How regretful I was! I didn't think about their feelings I made up my mind to treat my parents From that moment on ,I decided to study hard and they wouldn't worry about me any That was the only thing I could do


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