

发布时间:2024-09-04 08:50:24



学术堂最新整理了十五个好写的园艺技术专业毕业论文题目,供大家参考:  1、园艺产品采后处理课程建设与教学改革  2、园艺概论公选课存在的问题及解决对策  3、园艺专题与讨论研究生课程教学改革探索  4、园艺教育先驱引领专业发展--苏州农业职业技术学院园艺专业  5、园艺藤本植物习性及分类探究  6、职业学校园艺专业教学现状及改进策略  7、《园艺植物育种学》教学团队建设的措施与效果  8、高职类都市园艺专业市场调研与课程体系构建分析  9、高校《设施园艺学》课程建设的实践与探索  10、双循环互动教学方式在园艺专业中的实践与探索  11、《园艺设施学》实验教学改革与实践  12、园艺植物营养诊断课程建设途径  13、园艺专业大学生创新实验项目实施浅谈  14、中职园艺生职业素养培养策略研究  15、园艺产品安全生产课程教学改革与实践

不止题目 正文都有





苏州是一座拥有二千五百多年历史的文化古城,从公元前五百十四年建城以来,历经沧桑,但苏州古城形址千年未变,城内三纵三横的水系和河街相邻水陆并行的双棋盘城市格局至今仍然得到了很好的保护,这在世界上十分少见。苏州古城还有丰厚的历史文化传统。 有人问为什么500年前英国比不上苏州繁华:清乾隆年间(公元1624年),苏州画家徐扬用了24年时间画成作《姑苏繁华图》原名《盛世滋生图》,是一幅描绘清乾隆年间苏州的人物风景。展现清代从木渎经阊门到山塘虎丘的繁华的景象。作品中包括各色人物八千多人、房屋一万多间、大小船只三千多条、桥梁四百多座。表现了当时阊门至枫桥的十里长街,万商云集的盛况,当时这里各种店铺多达数万家,各行各业应有尽有。到清朝康熙年间(公元1661年,全国有人口2千万,苏州已是除帝都北京外的天下第二大城,苏州是全国经济文化最为发达的城市。说明当时苏州已经是具有百万人的规模。 1997年12月,以拙政园、留园、网师园、环秀山庄为代表的苏州古典园林被列入“世界文化与自然遗产名录”。 世界遗产委员会给苏州园林做了这样的评价:“没有哪些园林比历史名城苏州的四大园林更能体现出中国古典园林设计的理想品质。咫尺之内再造乾坤,苏州园林被公认是实现这一设计思想的典范。这些建造于16~18世纪的园林,以其精雕细琢的设计,折射出中国文化中取法自然而又超越自然的深邃意境。” 来到了孔庙,那里的环境非常安静,沿着石板路往里面走,我们看见了孔子的雕像。在雕像四周,有好几棵大树,我看见树上都安着牌子,觉得很奇怪,走近一看:“好古老的树呀!”那些树都已经有好几百岁了,特别是其中有一棵银杏树,它已经有800多岁了,它的一半已经被虫子蛀掉了,但另一半还是长得生机勃勃,树枝上长满了嫩绿色的小树叶,在树根旁边还长出了一棵小树苗。还有一棵很大很大的梓树,它也有628年了,需要五六个小朋友才能把它围住,看着这些树,我想,几百年前,这些树就种在这里了吗?回到家后,我就问爸爸,爸爸告诉我,在2500年前,有一位叫伍子胥的人建造了我们的苏州古城,包围着古城区的那条河就是以前的护城河。以前,苏州城是由城墙围住的,在沧浪少年宫那里,还有以前的古城墙,古时候的人要出城的话,就要从城门出去,那些城门就是盘门、胥门、金门、阊门、平门……想着在2500年前就有了我们苏州,生活在这古老又美丽的城市,我感到真的很自豪!我去过拙政园、沧浪亭、狮子林等苏州的古典园林。狮子林是有着“假山王国”的园林。一走进园林,只见到处都是假山的踪影,再配上一些小桥,更能体现出古色古香的风味。  我家在环古城风貌保护的旁边。那里的水很青,但是,另一边的水就没那么青了!小河的水简直发臭了,颜色也由青变成了墨绿色的了!  不知怎么的,我做梦总是做到园林在哭泣。原来是人类总是乱丢拉圾而引起的。我想,如果人类保护古典园林的话,苏州的明天会更加美好!  随着第28届世遗会的临近,连日来我市社会各界、尤其是青少年团体用多种形式喜迎盛。青少年手中拿着一张张木板,上面写着:不随地吐啖、不破坏花草树木等等。 尽管现在,苏州是迈着现代化的步伐亮相于世界,但古城却依然处处散发着园林般典雅古朴的气息。只要你踏进古典园林的门槛,你就会感觉到心旷神怡。 苏州市地处长江三角洲经济发达地区,物产丰富,气候温暖,人文地理条件优越。1997年,以拙政园、留园、网师园、环秀山庄为典型例证的“苏州古典园林”经在意大利那不勒斯召开的第21届世界遗产大会通过批准列入《世界遗产名录》;2000年,沧浪亭、狮子林、艺圃、耦园、退思园作为“苏州古典园林”的扩展项目在澳大利亚凯恩斯召开的第24届世界遗产大会被批准列入《世界遗产名录》。 生活在这座城市的我,不论是现在还是以前, 我都以此为荣,沧浪亭、狮子林、耦园、艺圃、退思园。至此,九处世界文化遗产使苏州成为我国拥有世遗单位数量最多的城市。我坚信你会以坚守的姿态永远立于前言

美丽的苏州园林苏州园林是我国园林建筑中的一朵奇葩。苏州园林之所以形成了它独有的风格,有其悠久的历史渊源。据记载,苏州园林在宋代。苏州园林,名闻全国,誉满世界。距今2400年的夫差的馆娃宫,便是苏州第一座园林。现存的园林近则四五百年,远则上千年。  苏州园林是我国各地园林的。。。叶老有高度的艺术修养,对苏州园林又有过长期的欣赏和研究,所以概括它们的特征并不困难。他认为,苏州大大小小的园林。  苏州园林在我国园林艺术中的地位,苏州园林布置的匠心,容易被人们注意的大处,说容易被人们忽略的小处,第九段把苏州园林跟北京的宫廷园林作了比较。  上高高的北寺塔,可以俯瞰古城风光,而人民路与观前街交会处,则是苏州最繁华的街区。品苏州名菜,听苏州坪弹,赏苏州。  古典园林分为皇家园林、私家园林、寺庙园林三类。在私家园林中,多为失意官僚或文人画家命题立意而造的“文人写意式山水园林”。苏州园林多属此类。  苏州历史上早期着名的私家园林为晋代的辟疆园,之后,历代富商巨贾、退休官僚等在苏州的定居、养老和经商等活动,一方面促进了吴地与其他区域经济、文化的交流;另一方面也促进了宋、元以后,特别是明、清时期以消费经济为发展基础、以“享乐”为文化底色的苏州园林及其他艺术种类的发展。  文人山水园林的境界可分为三个层次。  第一个层次是自然美的境界。文人园林的造园立意首先是在有限的庭院环境中创造一个生意盎然、花木葱茏的自然环境,这种环境往往需要用高墙与城市喧闹的市井隔开,使园主可以在这种生机蓬勃的环境中怡然自乐。  第二个层次是艺术美的境界。在园林的自然美基础上,通过造园的艺术手法,对造园要素取舍、提炼、强化、加工、上升为巧夺天工的“艺术美”,使整  个园第三个层次是理想美的境界,及意境。古人云:“诗言志”,“诗缘情”,  园林是“园言志”,“园言情”。苏州园林通过清泉明月、假山花木、匾联书  画来启发观赏者的情趣、联想、思维,进而使观赏者得到精神上的满足。  这次我不仅看到了美丽的苏州风光,还学到了许多知识。我真高兴!!


强烈建议你去苏州新华书店买一本 Travel round jiangsu 讲述苏州的最多,什么都涵括了~~~

Suzhou, the cradle of Wu Culture, is a city with a history of more than 2,500 years, tracing back to the later Shang D While talking about Suzhou, the old saying mentions it as a “Paradise on the Earth” or the "East Venice of the World”, referring to its natural beauty, classical gardens, bridges and waters, traditional operas and soft dialect The city is well-known to its classical gardens, in which two of them have been listed as the great world heritage Situated in the downstream of Yangtze River Drainage Basin and Yangtze River Delta economic zone, Suzhou has been a national tourist center and has attracted visitors around the Not just for its natural beauty, its splendid history, or its cultural heritage, Suzhou’s economy represents the highest growth and the fastest expansion in the past 5-10 years in the region and in C The city’ GDP has surpassed its any other neighbor cities except Shanghai in the region and more than 80 of the world top 500 corporations listed on the Fortune have set their offices in the suzhou is one of thirteen prefecture cities of Jiangsu and the cities including Changshu, Taicang, Kunshan, Wujiang and Zhangjiagang are under its The flower emblematic of the city is osmanthus and the city tree is camphor Geography, Resources and Climate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suzhou is in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and on the shores of Lake Taihu between north latitude 30°47’ - 32°02’, east longitude 119°55’ - 121°20’ The city borders its great neighbor, Shanghai, on the east, Wuxi on the west, and other three cities of Zhejiang Province on the Dubbed "East Venice of the World” Suzhou is crisscrossed by rivers and Yangtze River, the most spectacular river in the region, flows through the city’s north boundary but the Grand Canal runs down from north to The city has the jurisdiction over the Lake Taihu, being equal to about 2/3 of the proportion of the lake, nestling in its southwest Yangcheng Lake, located in Changsu, attracts hundreds of thousands of travelers, coming each year to enjoy its beauty and aquatic Five county-level cities under Suzhou’s jurisdiction are Zhangjiagang, Changshu, Taicang, Kunshan and Wujiang, nestling in from northeast to southeast of the city in Suzhou is under the influence of East Asia M The city has a mild and humid climate and is easily accessible by water, land and air Seasons are distinct, with usually hot summers and plenty of precipitation throughout the The average annual temperature is close to 20°C Jurisdiction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suzhou jurisdiction includes twelve county-level divisions, of which five are districts, five are cities, and two are special industrial The districts are the old urban areas of Suzhou while the five cities are recently designated as county-level districts being considered as suburbs and governed by the Suzhou city The special industrial zones are specifically designated as new investment

ISO14000 in the application of Suzhou

【On the Suzhou Tourism ProductDevelopment Management】In Suzhou, the prospect of major tourism development in the face of the tourist market demand and dissatisfaction with the development of tourism products in Suzhou to explore the advantages and disadvantages of effective measures for the tourism products in Suzhou integration and structural optimization to enhance the image of tourism in Suzhou, In order to enhance the attraction of Suzhou, a tourist destination and make the necessary product development, innovation, and eliminate the drawbacks of the old system, forming a coordinated development of the tourism market, rather than forming a patchwork of low-grade product mix, strong tourism for the city of Suzhou to build a solid building the basis of the


Suzhou, the cradle of Wu Culture, is a city with a history of more than 2,500 years, tracing back to the later Shang D While talking about Suzhou, the old saying mentions it as a “Paradise on the Earth” or the "East Venice of the World”, referring to its natural beauty, classical gardens, bridges and waters, traditional operas and soft dialect The city is well-known to its classical gardens, in which two of them have been listed as the great world heritage Situated in the downstream of Yangtze River Drainage Basin and Yangtze River Delta economic zone, Suzhou has been a national tourist center and has attracted visitors around the Not just for its natural beauty, its splendid history, or its cultural heritage, Suzhou’s economy represents the highest growth and the fastest expansion in the past 5-10 years in the region and in C The city’ GDP has surpassed its any other neighbor cities except Shanghai in the region and more than 80 of the world top 500 corporations listed on the Fortune have set their offices in the suzhou is one of thirteen prefecture cities of Jiangsu and the cities including Changshu, Taicang, Kunshan, Wujiang and Zhangjiagang are under its The flower emblematic of the city is osmanthus and the city tree is camphor Geography, Resources and Climate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suzhou is in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and on the shores of Lake Taihu between north latitude 30°47’ - 32°02’, east longitude 119°55’ - 121°20’ The city borders its great neighbor, Shanghai, on the east, Wuxi on the west, and other three cities of Zhejiang Province on the Dubbed "East Venice of the World” Suzhou is crisscrossed by rivers and Yangtze River, the most spectacular river in the region, flows through the city’s north boundary but the Grand Canal runs down from north to The city has the jurisdiction over the Lake Taihu, being equal to about 2/3 of the proportion of the lake, nestling in its southwest Yangcheng Lake, located in Changsu, attracts hundreds of thousands of travelers, coming each year to enjoy its beauty and aquatic Five county-level cities under Suzhou’s jurisdiction are Zhangjiagang, Changshu, Taicang, Kunshan and Wujiang, nestling in from northeast to southeast of the city in Suzhou is under the influence of East Asia M The city has a mild and humid climate and is easily accessible by water, land and air Seasons are distinct, with usually hot summers and plenty of precipitation throughout the The average annual temperature is close to 20°C Jurisdiction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suzhou jurisdiction includes twelve county-level divisions, of which five are districts, five are cities, and two are special industrial The districts are the old urban areas of Suzhou while the five cities are recently designated as county-level districts being considered as suburbs and governed by the Suzhou city The special industrial zones are specifically designated as new investment

拙政园:The Humble Administrator's Garden (or Zhuozheng Yuan) is one of four great Chinese it is the largest garden in Suzhou and generally considered the finest garden in southern C It consists of three major parts set about a large lake: the central part (Zhuozheng Yuan), the eastern part (once called Guitianyuanju, Dwelling Upon Return to the Countryside), and a western part (the Supplementary Garden) The house lies in the south of the 网师园:The Garden Of Master Of Nets is seated in the depth of a small It’s the place where guests were entertained and ceremonies held on special Suzhou Gardens苏州园林:Suzhou in Jiangsu Province is a famous historic and cultural city that is more than 2,500 years Suzhou features more than 200 ancient The small private gardens are especially famous nationwide and reflect architectural styles of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing D

Discussed shallowly the Suzhou tourism product development manages Under Suzhou big traveling development prospect, facing traveling source of tourists market demand and discontented, discusses the Suzhou tourism product development the superiority and the inferiority, thus acts appropriately to the situation, carries on the conformity and the structure to Suzhou's tourism product optimizes, promotes Suzhou's traveling image, to enhance the Suzhou traveling destination the attraction to make the essential product development innovation, abolishes the old system malpractice, forms a coordinated development the tourism product market, but is not the inferiority which pieces together forms




我的快乐 如果你要问什么最快乐,我会毫不犹豫地回答:游玩苏州园林 或许因为是我家苏州人的缘故,我从小就对苏州园林充满了美好的向往,但那时的喜爱或许还是只基于对那花草丛中美丽的蝴蝶的喜爱。但现在不同了,如今的我,真正从心底里喜欢充满了吴文化气息的苏州园林。因此,游园也自然就成了我最快乐的事。 常愿意一个人,在节假日期间,带着一个小背包,到园林里去散步。这是我放松学习压力最好的方法,也是我节日里最快乐的事。一个人走在石子路上,看着周围古朴、宁静的景色,我便把什么烦恼、不快、压力都忘记了,只觉得整个人从里到外都是安安静静的。园林里的花草树木和亭台楼阁是我十分喜爱的,欧阳修的《醉翁亭记》中有“四时之景不同,而乐亦无穷也”,这虽然写的是山中的景色,而苏州园林又何尝不是呢?     春天走进园林,是满地、满树的嫩绿。小小的叶芽如同婴儿的嫩手,只悄悄地伸出那一点儿,惹人喜爱。这时游园,总觉得有种蠢蠢欲动的感觉,似乎是沉寂了整个冬天的活跃的心情也在慢慢滋长着。     夏天永远是我最爱的季节。此时游园,当然也充满了欣喜与欢乐。那满园的翠绿和湖中的荷花,使我把夏日的炎热都抛在了脑后,只感到此刻是十分凉爽的。那荷花有的像水中仙子,有的像婷婷少女,长长的柳条像少女随风起舞的发丝,看着这些,我浮躁的心情早烟消云散了。这时如果有本好书,坐在湖中心凉亭中,细细品味,便是一种享受。因此,我也是常带着书去园林的。如果下雨,就更好了。雨水会洗去树叶、荷叶上的尘灰,使景色又明亮许多。滴入水中的雨滴激起的晕圈,使那些鱼儿也活跃起来了。这雨天里,游人不会很多,那景色就像是单属于我一个人了     对于秋、冬的园林,我更多的是向往,向往第二年的绿色,第二年的荷花……     朋友!现在,你该知道为何游玩苏州园林是我最快乐的事,而且永不生厌的原因了吧!


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