

发布时间:2024-09-01 05:02:45


Content abstract: A enterprise success or failure vicissitude, the leader of high-rise director level sum actual combat ability is that the determinant , China-foreign enterprise are without The distinguished enterprise leader, can make enterprise develop expanding not only , can make to be on verge of the enterprise going bankrupt , closing down imminently coming back to life , recast Modern manage theory thinking that the administrative centre of gravity lies in, manage, the centre of gravity managing lies in decision-A enterprise often develops vigorously since correct investment decision of director but comes back to life,; Since wrong investment decision but is cornered, go bankrupt also often even closing The development making policy therefore to the enterprise survival is all-important , investment decision feasibility study and very big basis parts estimating that depend on but financial affairs Need what accounting information to be a basis come after all in investment decision the analysis will do a simplicity sets forth the main body of a Key words: Investment decision cash flow profit maximizes currency time value

[the] at present, our country of accounting information distortion, the more exposure to the distortion of accounting information has seriously affected our normal economic order and economic This paper focuses on the reason of the distortion of accounting information as the objective and subjective aspect, this paper analyzed the reasons in further puts forward some measures to solve the accounting information distortion and [key] enterprise accounting, distortion, causes and countermeasures

[summary] At present, our accounting information exposed the problem, more in information has been seriously affected our normal economic order and economic this article mainly from the account information of the reasons for making the subjective and objective approach in the analysis of the reasons for further raised some solution to the information of the measures and [the key words] fathering accounting information distort, improving accounting information quality , reason and countermeasures

Abstract: accounting professional ethics is the normal operation of the legal system of social and ideological basis, the accounting law system is to promote the formation of accounting professional ethics and abide by the system The two have a common goal, the same adjustment for the same object, in effect, the duty on mutual complement, In mutual infiltration, overlapping, In position, mutual transformation between, In the implementation of interaction, to promote each Both also has the very big difference: the different nature, scope, the realization of different in different


Content abstract: A enterprise success or failure vicissitude, the leader of high-rise director level sum actual combat ability is that the determinant , China-foreign enterprise are without The distinguished enterprise leader, can make enterprise develop expanding not only , can make to be on verge of the enterprise going bankrupt , closing down imminently coming back to life , recast Modern manage theory thinking that the administrative centre of gravity lies in, manage, the centre of gravity managing lies in decision-A enterprise often develops vigorously since correct investment decision of director but comes back to life,; Since wrong investment decision but is cornered, go bankrupt also often even closing The development making policy therefore to the enterprise survival is all-important , investment decision feasibility study and very big basis parts estimating that depend on but financial affairs Need what accounting information to be a basis come after all in investment decision the analysis will do a simplicity sets forth the main body of a Key words: Investment decision cash flow profit maximizes currency time value

标题:Comparison and Accounting Operation of the Confirmation and Measurement of Intangible Asset under the New and Former Accounting StandardsKey words: Intangible Asset (IA) Confirmation and Measurement确认计量Comparison of Accounting Standards会计准则比较accounting operation会计处理 Abstract: Along with the continuously progress of the Glob-integration in the world economy, our accounting system for business enterprises should also be geared to international To fit the development of China’s economy, The Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (ASBEs) has been revised by the Ministry of Finance and formally put into practice since January 1, 2007 , with some remarkable changes in respect of the Intangible Asset (IA) In order to properly understand and perform accounting operation, it is particularly important to compare the changes in terms of the confirmation and measurement of IA The ASBEs fully exhibit our unanimous accounting system with the international accounting principle, thus having significant meaning for perfecting our accounting system of business enterprises, improving quality of accounting information and speeding up the internationalization of China’s The further revised Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises N6 --Intangible Asset shows a remarkable change in the intangible In the paper, contrasts are made from two angles: the one is the changes in the confirmation and original measurement of IA,; the other is the change in the subsequent measurement of IA, as compared the new ASBEs with the former Standards about the changes of intangible Also a study is conducted on the accounting operation under the new ASBEs , while an evaluation on the new edition is finally presented, including the author’s opinions on both of the positive effects and the shortages of the new ASBEs, aiming at deeply studying and properly holding the accounting

判决和决策会计研究:一探寻,改进有关加拿大N2L 3G1电子信函惨败惨败的会计工作大学的生产把信息纳塔莉亚Kotchetova助理教授School视作,证明和使用:生意Queen’s大学金斯敦,向前加拿大K7L 3N6电子信函的a史蒂文Salterio Professor有效2003年7月1日 Queen’s学校:a 2003年5月13日JDM会计研究2003年5月12日草稿判决和决策会计研究:一探寻,改进生产认为信息摘要是这章,证明和使用复习判决和涉及生产把信息视作,证明和使用的决策研究((JDM)我们首先勾画把信息视作的领土和职业会计人员的作用和把信息视作的其它用户那时我们提供一在认为JDM是研究上短暂历史的透视我们描绘JDM会计研究在时期1995-2002中经由一个在最高会计杂志中JDM会计出版的分析更通常把研究视作的当前冲击那时我们求助于在两方面同样地数量上地描绘JDM会计研究的最近焦点通过考核重要最近JDM会计文章的一些细节在这手册中和质量上地使用分类我们关于JDM的未来以一些观察结束把研究视作JDM会计研究2003年5月21日草稿判决和决策会计研究:一探寻,改进生产在解释行动方面认为信息判决和决策研究是(未来的JDM),证明和使用作为一部分a潮水般的把开始科学检查现象的解释行动的研究者视作中间-1970’s回到找到它的根消磨绝大部分的这些研究者接受经济学同样地他们的基础纪律a重要聚集在一起有重要性研究者选择判决和决策同样地科学基础他们的1 JDM解释行动研究者承认那个消磨内容有重要性创造进入经济上的交易准备证明和解释有重要性信息是强烈患了的偏于人信息列队前进特征的专业人员会计人员和其他的用户有重要性信息这样地当时经理

[summary] At present, our accounting information exposed the problem, more in information has been seriously affected our normal economic order and economic this article mainly from the account information of the reasons for making the subjective and objective approach in the analysis of the reasons for further raised some solution to the information of the measures and [the key words] fathering accounting information distort, improving accounting information quality , reason and countermeasures


Content abstract: A enterprise success or failure vicissitude, the leader of high-rise director level sum actual combat ability is that the determinant , China-foreign enterprise are without The distinguished enterprise leader, can make enterprise develop expanding not only , can make to be on verge of the enterprise going bankrupt , closing down imminently coming back to life , recast Modern manage theory thinking that the administrative centre of gravity lies in, manage, the centre of gravity managing lies in decision-A enterprise often develops vigorously since correct investment decision of director but comes back to life,; Since wrong investment decision but is cornered, go bankrupt also often even closing The development making policy therefore to the enterprise survival is all-important , investment decision feasibility study and very big basis parts estimating that depend on but financial affairs Need what accounting information to be a basis come after all in investment decision the analysis will do a simplicity sets forth the main body of a Key words: Investment decision cash flow profit maximizes currency time value

At present, our country mainly adopts institution accounting Although this system on institutions can cash receipts and effective control, but with China's socialist market economy system, the improvement of public finance system of government functions, the changing environment and the social environment accountant such as changes of revenue and expenditure, the disadvantages and deficiency becoming increasingly apparent that the accounting information authenticity and effectiveness of, can better guard against and defuse financial risks, Unable to fully and accurately record and reflect the financial institutions, To accurately reflect the true and institutions provide public products and public service cost and efficiency, Thus, the revenue and expenditure has not meet our institutions and social development and the need of economic development, must be based on the accounting system for business unit of reform and In view of this, the author collected institution accounting related data and analysis, the conclusion: institution accounting into the accrual accounting will become the development and reform of a This article will introduce accounting institution accrual of feasibility analysis, Suggestions and measures, and the main economic business accounting information disclosure and discusses related Keywords: institution accounting, The accrual, Revenue and expenditure

Abstract: With the unceasing progress of world economic integration, the enterprises accounting system must also measure up to the international In order to adapt to the development requirement of China's economic, the Treasury Ministry revised the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises" and which officially take effect on January 1, There are large changes in intangible In order to correctly understand and handle accounting treatment of intangible assets,the comparision the chages of the identification and measurement is articularly The guidelines fully reflects the international convergence of accounting standards, and have a great significance in constructing the accounting system in China, improving the quality of accounting information and speed up the internationalization of China's economic "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises" N 6 intangible assets is revised based on the original criteria , the intangible criteria has a larger change, comparing the old and new accounting standards, suggesting the changes in identification and measurement of intangible assets, it is easy to correctly understand and handle the operation of intangible assets accounting This paper comparing the old and new criteria from the two aspects of identifing intangible assets and initial measurement of change and follow-up measures of the changes intangibles changes,and also study the accounting treatment under the new guidelines I finally show my evaluation of the new accounting standards for intangible assets, and give my opinion in the aspect of the positive impact and weakness of the new guidelines, aim to studying deeply studying the criteria and accurately grasp the accounting treatment Keywords: intangible assets confirmation and measurement accounting standards comparison accounting treatmentThe accounting standards comparison of confirmation and measurement on intangible asset and accounting treatment in the new and old accounting standards system 时间紧促,能力有限,即供参考。



判决和决策会计研究:一探寻,改进有关加拿大N2L 3G1电子信函惨败惨败的会计工作大学的生产把信息纳塔莉亚Kotchetova助理教授School视作,证明和使用:生意Queen’s大学金斯敦,向前加拿大K7L 3N6电子信函的a史蒂文Salterio Professor有效2003年7月1日 Queen’s学校:a 2003年5月13日JDM会计研究2003年5月12日草稿判决和决策会计研究:一探寻,改进生产认为信息摘要是这章,证明和使用复习判决和涉及生产把信息视作,证明和使用的决策研究((JDM)我们首先勾画把信息视作的领土和职业会计人员的作用和把信息视作的其它用户那时我们提供一在认为JDM是研究上短暂历史的透视我们描绘JDM会计研究在时期1995-2002中经由一个在最高会计杂志中JDM会计出版的分析更通常把研究视作的当前冲击那时我们求助于在两方面同样地数量上地描绘JDM会计研究的最近焦点通过考核重要最近JDM会计文章的一些细节在这手册中和质量上地使用分类我们关于JDM的未来以一些观察结束把研究视作JDM会计研究2003年5月21日草稿判决和决策会计研究:一探寻,改进生产在解释行动方面认为信息判决和决策研究是(未来的JDM),证明和使用作为一部分a潮水般的把开始科学检查现象的解释行动的研究者视作中间-1970’s回到找到它的根消磨绝大部分的这些研究者接受经济学同样地他们的基础纪律a重要聚集在一起有重要性研究者选择判决和决策同样地科学基础他们的1 JDM解释行动研究者承认那个消磨内容有重要性创造进入经济上的交易准备证明和解释有重要性信息是强烈患了的偏于人信息列队前进特征的专业人员会计人员和其他的用户有重要性信息这样地当时经理





with the high-speed development of social economy, the arrival of the kownledge economy has improved social productivity greatly, have brought the limitless development opportunity to enterprise How to realize the fast enlargement of enterprise's business scale and high growth of economic benefits in the market competition of selecting the superior and eliminating the inferior, choose risk little, profitability strong investment project and adopt advanced science and technology, it is a key to strengthen the accounting control in the Accounting control strengthens management and administration to enterprises to further know inside enterprises, improve the important meaning of business efficiency, construct inside enterprises the accounting control system is a new " accounting law " <>Wait for regulation to important task that enterprise put forward one of, it is enterprise that meet new competition situation, urgent need to take precautions against business risk Construct enterprise accounting control system must problems such as accounting control goal, content, method, further investigate to enterprise, analyze its existing problem and reason, thus put forward the concrete completion measure keyword : Internal accounting control; The problem exists; Improve the measure


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