

发布时间:2024-07-08 13:40:42



学术堂整理了9个英语教学毕业论文题目,并提供了写作思路的指导:  1、初中英语课堂教学的开放性探究  写作提示-写作思路:文章通过与自己多年的教学经验相结合,来谈谈中学英语课堂实践,研究中学英语课堂的开放性活动,为学生构建一个自主、自由、活跃的课堂生活。  2、浅析初中英语教学中学生主动性的培养  写作提示-写作思路:通过中学生学习的主体作用的发挥,可以让学生在学习的道路上取得事半功倍的学习效果。如何让它充分发挥?首先要建立协调、和谐、互补的师生关系,激发学生的主体意识,其次要尝试探尝试探究性教学,发展学生主体能力。  3、浅析初中英语学困生的成因及其转化策略  写作提示-写作思路:初中阶段是英语学习的重要时期,由于多方面原因,学生中途掉队的现象十分普遍。本文根据学困生的成因,针对性地提出了心理、学法、习惯等方面有效促进了学困生的转化。  4、浅谈打造初中英语有效课堂教学的策略  写作提示-写作思路:有效课堂就是课堂达到教师教得有效,学生学得有效,学生对知识的掌握和灵活运用达到有效,它真正实现了教学效益的最大化。教师教得不再那么累了,学生学得不再那么苦了,而学习效率却真正提高了。实施有效课堂让笔者更新了教学理念,转变了教育思想,提高了教学艺术水平。重新审视以前的教学工作,反思过去的教学行为,笔者深切感受到了有效课堂的优质效果。那么如何打造有效的课堂教学呢?笔者认为应从下面加个方面做起。  5、有声思维法在初中英语阅读教学中的优势及运用  写作提示-写作思路:一、前言根据克拉申(1985)所创立的二语习得输入假说理论可知,语言输入在二语或外语学习者的语言学习过程中占有极其重要的地位。对初中生而言,他们正处于英语学习的初级阶段,需要大量的英语语料的输入。输入方式有两种听力与阅读。刘润清(2002)为代表的北派观点主张中国英语教学应以“听说为本、读写并重”,而南派英语教学的代表董亚芬(2003)则主张“中国英语教学应始终以读写为本”。  6、提高我县初中英语教学质量的建议  写作提示-写作思路:黔西县是毕节试验区的东大门和贵阳市的后花园,享有“中国杜鹃花都” 的美誉,近年来,在县委、政府“科教兴县”战略的引领下,全县教育事业蒸蒸日上,特别是突破高中教育、义务教育均衡发展和中职教育方面取得长足的发展。但是,我县的教育发展中也凸显了许多亟待解决的问题。譬如,乡镇学校教师缺编问题严重,教育教学质量总体水平不高等。  7、情境教学法在初中英语语法教学中的运用  写作提示-写作思路:在英语教学过程中,英语语法的教学是一个很重要的部分,我们不能过分的强调语法的作用,又绝对不能忽视必要的语法学习。然而,长期以来,在传统的教学法的影响下,很多老师都是为了语法而教语法,学生往往学了语法而不知道怎么用。语法教学要改变过去满堂灌的现象,关键在于英语教师应具备语法教学交际化的意识和技巧,使语法在具体的语境中让学生得以体会,在实战中演练。  8、浅析农村初中英语课堂中的合作教学  写作提示-写作思路:在新课改背景下,教师应转变传统的“一言堂”的讲课方法,并要把主导者的身份转变成学生学习的引导者,逐渐使学生实现其学习的主体地位。为了适应这一转变,在农村初中英语课堂中,教师应适时搞好合作教学,使学生实现合作学习,从而最大限度地提高英语教学效率。  9、初中英语课外作业创新性设计探究  写作提示-写作思路:恰当的课后作业可以促进学生对所学知识的巩固,久而久之,会促使学生养成良好的学习习惯,强化英语学习观念。本文结合笔者的教学实践,从研究目前初中英语作业布置中存在的问题入手,探讨了改进初中英语作业布置的创新性策略。

楼主你好!thousand一般是不加复数的,如果加复数,则表示虚数,成千上万的意思。这里then thousand表示是很具体的一万,所以就不需要加了。另外,hundred,million也是如此用法!望楼主采纳!

因为是固定用法。原因如下:ten thousand b表示10000:而thousands只可以和of连用,thousands of 表示成千上万的。在本句中表示的是具体数量的书,而不是虚数,故选择用第二个



I had a long holiday for Summer holiday I was very happy, because I could do anything I During those I enjoyed At first, I went to the zoo to see lovely And I went to the sea world to see beautiful That was very Secondly I went for a trip with my parents, we went to Linxia to visit my grandparents and to eat minority’s We rode horse on the grassland and had a fun with local It was very After that, I held a party and invited some of my best friends to visit my My mother bought a lot of tasty foods for us, we also took many photos on the 我有一个长假期的暑假。我很高兴,因为我可以做任何我想要的。在那些日子。我很开心。起初,我去了动物园看到可爱的动物。然后。我去看看美丽的海底世界鱼类。这是非常有趣。第二,我和我的父母去旅行,我们到银川来探望我的祖父母和少数民族吃的食物。我们骑着马在草原,并与当地儿童玩。这是非常令人兴奋。在此之后,我举行了一个派对并邀请我最好的一些朋友来探访我的房子。我妈妈为我们买了很多好吃的食物,我们还在派对上照了许多照片。更多精品资源来自3 e d u 教育网




abstract key wordsabstract: with the continuous development of sericulture of our county, the traditional ways of storing the mulberry leaves could no longer meet with the demands in the new through exploration we have succeeded in inventing a new method of storing---plastic crates piling method, which is featured by low cost, space saving , good effects he plastic frame piling method is a new method to fit with the producing key words: plastic crate;leaf storing; pile该大写的地方你自己调整吧。这是手工翻译的。我专八。

[summary] With the continuous development of my county silkworm industry,The traditional way of keeping leaves already can not adapt to the sericulture demand of the new age Through our exploration,we invented a new way of keeping leaves---,the stacking of plastic crate this new way has a lot of for instance ,it has the good points of low cost ,low occupied storage space and good storage It is the new way that is able to satisfy the current silkworm production application [the key words] plastic crate keeping leaves stacking


化蝶还是成蛹 可以从奋斗和安于现状两个方面写


[summary] With the continuous development of my county silkworm industry,The traditional way of keeping leaves already can not adapt to the sericulture demand of the new age Through our exploration,we invented a new way of keeping leaves---,the stacking of plastic crate this new way has a lot of for instance ,it has the good points of low cost ,low occupied storage space and good storage It is the new way that is able to satisfy the current silkworm production application [the key words] plastic crate keeping leaves stacking

abstract key wordsabstract: with the continuous development of sericulture of our county, the traditional ways of storing the mulberry leaves could no longer meet with the demands in the new through exploration we have succeeded in inventing a new method of storing---plastic crates piling method, which is featured by low cost, space saving , good effects he plastic frame piling method is a new method to fit with the producing key words: plastic crate;leaf storing; pile该大写的地方你自己调整吧。这是手工翻译的。我专八。


Silk is nature set light, soft, thin as one of the natural fibers, known as "the second human skin" in the world, the industry as "Fiber Q" Its main ingredient is natural animal protein fiber, its structure and human skin is the most similar, 87% is exactly the same, containing a variety of essential amino acids the human body, there is wind, dehumidification, soothe the nerves, nourish and balance the body skin Silk smooth, breathable, soft, absorbent, non-itch and anti-static characteristics assassination makes it personal clothing produced excellent material, and to the endoplasmic silk as silk is more personal warmth, fluffy and soft, breathable unique health care quality and Dignitaries, royal quilt in ancient times, are used in So, silk is the most comfortable quilt cover

abstract key wordsabstract: with the continuous development of sericulture of our county, the traditional ways of storing the mulberry leaves could no longer meet with the demands in the new through exploration we have succeeded in inventing a new method of storing---plastic crates piling method, which is featured by low cost, space saving , good effects he plastic frame piling method is a new method to fit with the producing key words: plastic crate;leaf storing; pile该大写的地方你自己调整吧。这是手工翻译的。我专八。


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