

发布时间:2024-09-01 16:58:57



College lifeAs a sophomore, I feel that the time You may consider that college life is As we don’t know how to deal with the plenty of spare But I define the college life will become wonderful Frist, I am a girl who like In my college life, I can play computer very late, Whitout worrying my parents asking me to go to bed at the Second, I like rock'n'roll, I can play the music very loudly in my On the contrary , my mother will be angry when I listen to the music in my And then , You can join a lot of associations and University Student Councils In our college, It is a training for I join in atheneum with a lot of lovely girls, so we chat very As we held several parties, I felt very successful and seeing everyone united, I was very glad and deeply moved Another , I am absorbed grand library, school buildings and wide Our campus obtains beautiful environment and good atmosphere to study My school’s library has a lot of different books and Every weekend , a lot of students can go to library to read the Otherwise ,our school have a lot of foreign teachers, In you free time, you can go to the PETER HOLL and visit the foreign Through conversation with foreign teachers it practise your E In your spare time, you can play basketball, pingpang and so Doing sports is very interesting and good for your In fact, you can do anything which you are interested In a word,college life is wonderful!

The region has been seriously polluted by harmful smog, which proves to be the cause of many illnesses and for the climbing death As a result, people have started to move out of the   In response to the problem, the local government has decided to fight against air It has closed down several factories, which were considered to be the major cause of the Many power plants have been modernized to give off less pollution and also moved further away from people's homes so as to decrease the At the same time, the local government has decided to plant trees in and around the region because trees can absorb some of the   People welcome all the measures taken by the Consequently, more and more people have begun to move back to the region to take part in this battle for a clean

我的大学 My CollegeWhen I was in high school, go to college ismy Now I realize my excited as I am, the first time I see 在高中的时候上大学就是我的梦想。现在我实现了我的梦想。第一次看到我的大学时,我很兴奋。My college is inside the biggest universityof Guangxi so that everytime I have to across a big campus to go At first Iam upset about that, but later on I get used to My college looksmodernization in When I arrive at the school gate, the first thing isthe boys’ dormitory and then is the Look up! I see the I seethe girls’ dormitory turn But where is my classroom? I look around butcan’t find It turns out that it is separated by It’s strange,right? While I go across the burrow, I see another two big playgrounds and a tenniscourt at my left What is in my right side? Turn right, I see rows ofteaching building connecting with the This is I like it notonly because of the evironment but also the people 我的大学是在广西最大的大学里面,以至于每次我要出去的时候都要经过一个大校园。一开始的时候我很烦这一点,但后来我习惯了。整体来看我的大学是现代化的。我到达学校门口时,映入眼帘的是男生宿舍,然后是操场。抬头!我看到了食堂。左转我看到了女生宿舍。但是教室在哪里呢?我环顾四周,却找不到。原来它被一个地洞给隔开了。很奇怪,对吧?我走过地洞,我看到了另外两个大操场,一个网球场在我的左边。在我右边的是什么?向右转,我看到了一排排的教学楼连接着图书馆。这是我的大学。我喜欢它,不仅仅是因为那里的环境而且还是因为那里的人。Both the teachers and students there arevery My roomates always help me in the daily life, the thing they usuallydo is wake me up in the Other classmates always help me, when I meettrouble in My teachers are all kind and Especially my headteacher, he talks with us and plays sports with us in order to make us get usedto the new 那里的老师和同学都很好。我的室友总是日常生活中帮助我,他们经常要做的事是在早上叫我起床。我在学习上遇到困难,其他同学也总是帮助我。我的老师们都很友善和博学。特别是我的班主任,为了让我们适应新的生活,他和我们聊天,打球。My college is I love If youhave the opportunity, I hope you can pay a visit one 我的大学很好,我爱它。如果有机会,我希望你们也能去看看。


假设你叫王明,昨天收到了笔友David的e-mail,得知他不久要到北京来学习中文。他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他回复一封e-mail,介绍学习中文的体会和方法,提出你的建议,以及表达你帮助他学好中文的愿望。Dear David, I''m glad you''ll come to Beijing to learn C Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it It''s difficult for you because it''s quite different from E You have to remember as many Chinese words as It''s also important to do some reading and You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your Do your best to talk with people in C You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around If you have any questions, please ask I''m sure you''ll learn Chinese Hope to see you soon in B Yours, Wang Ming 二给朋友的信 假如你是英国学生PETER在北京学习,请按下文给你的朋友MARY写一封信谈一下北京和伦敦的异同相同点:北京和伦敦都是首都和重要城市,都拥有众多人口,都是国家经济 政治 文化中心,都拥有许多历史,文化古迹不同点:伦敦;汽车靠左行,很多人坐汽车上班 阴天多 懂汉语人少 学生不充分利用时间 北京:汽车靠右行很多人骑自行车上班 晴天多 懂 英语人多 学生学习勤奋Dear Mary, I have been living in Beijing for some time now and I find it very interesting There are so many similarities between Beijing and L They are both the capital of the country and are both very important Both places have huge They are both the economical, political and cultural They both have many historical and cultrual I also found many differences in the two In London we drive on the left side of the road, while in Beijing they drive on the right Most people in London go to work via public transportation, here in Beijing most people rides In London the weather is always cloudy, here in Beijing most the the time it's And in London most student don't spend their time efficiently, but here in Beijing many people speak English cause they study Regards, Peter三下面是李明同学在日记里记录下来的“保持健康的方法”的几条好建议。请你跟具下表的内容提示,以“The way to keep healthy ”为题,写一篇不少于80个词的短文。 1要多吃水果和蔬菜,多喝开水 2要多运动 3晚上睡眠时间不少与8个小时 三不要: 1晚上不要喝咖啡或茶 2不要吃太多的糖 3工作或学习不要太劳累 The Way To Keep Healthy Health has become a very important part of our life,and there are many ways to keep First,you can eat more fruit and vegetables,and you'd better drink more warn Next,you have to do lots of And having at least 8 hours'sleep a Remember,don't drink coffe or tea before you go to bed,don't eat too much sugar and don't work or study too late,it will make you too If you care about yourself, it's easy to have a healthy 四保护森林 题目:保护森林 字数:60字 内容:介绍我国森林情况与保护森林的措施our country has a large area of however,not until recently did the goverment begin to realize the importance of protecting the as we may know from various sources,the government recently adopted a policy called "restore the farmland to the forest"(退耕还林)。this has brought much hope to the forest of our country as well as the sustainable development of our 五Fresh Air 没有空气我们就不能活,请以Fresh Air为话题,写一篇短文。 提示词:villagers,more healthy,than,towns,air,fresh,all day in the fields,breathing fresh clean air,cities,full of smoke,dust,diseasePoeple in villages are healthier than people in That is because the air in villages is very Farmers are working all day in the fields, breathing fresh clean But there are too many factories in They produce more and more harmful At last, cities are full of And there's many dust in cities, It may cause a So fresh air is very important to the people in We need fresh So please don't pollute the air! 六一篇关于学校要举行校运会的通知!! Announcement(或者Notice也可以的) Boys and girls, may I have your attention, please?(典型的通知开头语) We will have a sports meeting next F The meeting will be held on the playground of our school, from 8 o'clock in the morning till 5 o'clock in the Anybody who would like to take part in the competitions? Just come on and join in! Also, we would like to remind you to make sure you can arrive on Thank you! the Students' Union Feb 13th,2006 (学生会的说法最好记住.这种通知没有落款也可以,但地道的"学生会"往那一摆,至少多得两分!) 七2008年奥运会我要做一名志愿者 I want to be a volunteer of beijing olympic I realized the time I must study english very Because English is very useful and it is very And to be a volunteer of the olympic games is good for myself I can make some friends from different countries and learn more about sport,about But the first thing to perpare this is study hard, I am confident i will to be a good volunteer and I will show the world:our country and our cities are so perfect in the 八奥运会将在北京举行 奥运会将在北京举行为了更好的迎接它的到来,北京政府在今后的几年中修建马路,体育场游泳池作为一名中学生,我们该怎么做呢? In three years later,Beijing will hold the 28th Olympic GThe goverment has decided to build new roads,buildings for As a junior student,i must study my english well enough to communicate with the foreigners,so that i can be a Then i can tell them more about my That will be so of the idea of the beijing is so every of us have to keep the circumstance around us,then our country will be more and more beautiful 九Yaoming - My Favorite Sports Star Yaoming - My Favorite Sports StarI am a basketball My favorite sports star is YAs we all know, Yao is a super star in NBA He is famous in America not only for his amazing height, but also for his perfect skills in basketball and in Although he is very popular throughout the world, he has never forgot his country and his teachers in C He's the hero in my 十My School My school is in the east end of the It takes me half an hour to get to school on I usually ride a bike to There are over one hundred and fifty teachers and about two thousand students in our We have two classroom The office building is three storeys On weekdays our teachers often take us to the laboratories to do Sometimes we have English lesson in the language We have a very large After school we take part in various activities, such as ball games, painting, singing and I like to play football with my I love my

My Favorite SportI like to do all kinds of sports, in the morning, I will do some jogging and in the evening, sometime I will go to the gym with my My favorite sport is playing tennis, tennis brings my life so much happiness, I can watch the match while talking to my friends To do the sport will improve my health and make me catch up with the 我喜欢做各种各样的运动,早上,我会做一些慢跑,在晚上,有时候我会和朋友去体育馆。我最喜欢的运动是打网球,网球给我的生活带来了很多的乐趣,我可以一边和朋友愉快地聊天,一边看网球比赛。做运动可以改善我的健康状况,让我与时俱进

Hi! I am a I’m fourteen years I come from a small village of G I am a student of Class 1, Grade My School life is very Class begins at 7: I have five classes in the In the afternoon, I often have two or three We learn Chinese, English, math, history, biology, geography, politics, physics and so I learn them with great I like PE Because having sports is good for us and build us And we’ll have a sport meet this term, I want to take part in the long I have lunch at school at about a quarter to twelve, because my home is a little far from the After school, I often play basketball with my classmates on the Sometimes, I go to the school In my spare time, I often practice speaking English with my good friends on the Because Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic, English is very Speaking English will help me to make more foreign My teachers and classmates are very friendly to I like my school life very What about your school life? Can you tell me?



Ever since man appeared on the earth, knowledge will sprout in the human wisdom, from primitive barbarism of the ancient to highly civilized, every time the progress of the All without exception shows knowledge of the tremendous The progress of knowledge, promote the historical development, the promotion of human Knowledge is In ancient times, lightning storms, and other natural phenomena are regarded as God's During the drought, the people would kill pigs and To the altar, and ask God, obey monk called Phoenix - In this view, these seem to be too foolish, however it is not knowledge but lead to the inevitable Now we have scientific knowledge, the artificial rainfall approach, even when the drought, crops can grow very " Old days" also cannot card our Man can conquer nature, is because people have the At present, the world a popular saying: look at a country, a nation is prosperous, prosperous, see this country, the people and culture knowledge I think that this argument is not without Even if a country is not rich enough, but as long as it has the wisdom of the people, have the importance of knowledge tradition, it can be asserted that: this country is But if a country, a nation is very rich, but maintains a group of" who have neither learning nor skill", the inevitable result is It will gradually The history of the Tang Dynasty was formed" prosperity" In addition to the emperor's enlightened, the main reason is that all walks of life to the full development of science and A galaxy of talents in domestic, national strength, Megatron Thus, the country's prosperity, prosperity is inseparable from the

描述大学生活的英语作文My college life I am proud of being a college I like my college life as it is so wonderful time in my As being born in small village of the remote countryside, I didn't have a good education However, I set a goal and felt confident to be a college After hard study, I passed the entrance examination of national college by excellent All people were proud of me, as I was the first college student in my I was farewell warmly by them when I came to I was warmly welcome by school, After then, I’ve felt my study is not only for myself but also for the honor of my village neighborhood and our The college life is All life in school are New teachers, new classmates and fresh friends are around I’ve felt their friendship, wide knowledge and opening The grand library, school buildings and wide playground are very attracting to I am very eager to learn much knowledge In high school, I was ever called as a runner before Now,I know I am behind time so much in I hope to catch up with the time by my hard Every day, you can see me get up early, doing exercise hard and go to school the first At night, I am the one who leaves away the

College lifeAs a sophomore, I feel that the time You may consider that college life is As we don’t know how to deal with the plenty of spare But I define the college life will become wonderful Frist, I am a girl who like In my college life, I can play computer very late, Whitout worrying my parents asking me to go to bed at the Second, I like rock'n'roll, I can play the music very loudly in my On the contrary , my mother will be angry when I listen to the music in my And then , You can join a lot of associations and University Student Councils In our college, It is a training for I join in atheneum with a lot of lovely girls, so we chat very As we held several parties, I felt very successful and seeing everyone united, I was very glad and deeply moved Another , I am absorbed grand library, school buildings and wide Our campus obtains beautiful environment and good atmosphere to study My school’s library has a lot of different books and Every weekend , a lot of students can go to library to read the Otherwise ,our school have a lot of foreign teachers, In you free time, you can go to the PETER HOLL and visit the foreign Through conversation with foreign teachers it practise your E In your spare time, you can play basketball, pingpang and so Doing sports is very interesting and good for your In fact, you can do anything which you are interested In a word,college life is wonderful!


My college life I am proud of being a college I like my college life as it is so wonderful time in my As being born in small village of the remote countryside, I didn't have a good education However, I set a goal and felt confident to be a college After hard study, I passed the entrance examination of national college by excellent All people were proud of me, as I was the first college student in my I was farewell warmly by them when I came to I was warmly welcome by school, After then, I’ve felt my study is not only for myself but also for the honor of my village neighborhood and our The college life is All life in school are New teachers, new classmates and fresh friends are around I’ve felt their friendship, wide knowledge and opening The grand library, school buildings and wide playground are very attracting to I am very eager to learn much knowledge In high school, I was ever called as a runner before Now,I know I am behind time so much in I hope to catch up with the time by my hard Every day, you can see me get up early, doing exercise hard and go to school the first At night, I am the one who leaves away the The most interesting thing is that I can’t speak the PUTONGHUA well and made many funny events at the beginning, as I am from S When I entered the classroom at first time, I was headache as I couldn’t understand what the professor was I met much difficulties at math, physics and other courses, even though I used to be good at these Therefore, I learn these courses myself after After three months, the exmination indicated that I overcame all the I also improved my listening and spoken ability of Chinese Communication is very important to my college I study English hard as It makes me have many chances to communicate with

There are similarities and differences between high school life and college Here are some of For one thing, there are several similarities between high school life and ollege First, the most important task in high school and college life is both Studying is the most important task as a Second, we need a goal to fight for in both high school life and college To lead a meaningful and fulfilled life, we have to set up a go al to fight


the most important person in my life If you ask me who is the most important people in your I will reply my Yes she is the most important person in my at first she gave me my She let me alive and touch the world and see On the other hand, when i was very young she taught me how to speak and who to when i was in school she also worried about my studies and if it was rainning outside she would also came to school and picked me she would like to wait me in the raining and cold I told her i need to wear school uniform the next she would cleaned it at night and dry then fold it and put it beside my I really impressed with So the most important person in my life is my mother! 这篇怎么样?希望能够帮到您如果还有什么问题的话可以追问我如果您觉得还可以的话谢谢采纳!非常感谢

This year's summer vacation was most I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains and fields covered with green Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite I kept a diary every Besides doing farm work, I help the children in the neighborhood with their All of them showed much interest in E They could read and write well, but they could hardly understand simple E So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening and spoken E They all made great Their parents all thought highly of I now realize that knowledge is very much needed in the


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