

发布时间:2024-07-01 23:02:30


Dear Sir or Madam, I am a frequent user of our First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you as the library offers great help to I am writing this letter in purpose of rendering some suggestions to improve the quality of your Firstly, you'd better arrange an inquiry desk at the circulation hall so that students could go through the procedures more Secondly, the light in some corner is not so bright that we cannot look through books Lastly, the amount of books can hardly meet our So, I suggest our library will be able to make efforts to collect more popular and famous Besides,some outdated journal should be updated in time so as to bring new fresh air to Thank you for taking time reading this letter and I hope you will find the proposals Your prompt attention to my advice would be highly Yours Sincerely, Heng Sui


There is a reading-room in our It is a good place for students to stay,only because the reading-room is usually very quiet and it has lots of different books and magazines for students to And the books in the reading-room cover the books from different aspects,such as the books about history,arts, geography, philosophy, literature and even math , physics,chemistry, PE and so You may choose whatever books you like in the reading-Usually,the reading-room in our school opens at 8: and closes at 8:If you like,you can stay there for the whole Of course, you need show your student's card to the library Then you can surf in the "ocean of knowledge"You will not be disturbed by Anybody who used to be a student must have a very good memory of the reading-Perhaps,it is the first time for us to read books with lots of people in the same room without any That's a very impression in our

An introduction to the Library 关于图书馆的英语作文 介绍图书馆The library is the most important part of our Marking a proper use of it will certainly help you very much in your Now, look at the diagram To the right of the doors there me shelves with a lot of current The new issues are so arranged that the students can see the covers of the current Daily newspapers are also in this There are eight comfortable chair and two tables for the student reading newspapers and The card catalog is in the middle of the room just in front of the The cards are in alphabetical order according to the title of a book or periodical, the author, and the subject, which makes it easier for the student to find the book they The major part of the room on the left is another study Beside four tables, all books are on shelves in The shelves are called the This library has open stacks so that the students can look for books If you want to borrow or return books, the librarians at the circulation desk will he at your If you want to photocopy some good articles from books, you can go to the leftmost end of the The photocopy machine in the corner will do it for



仅供参考:理论意义前有带括号的1,应该是没有问题的。 (1)下面可以用(i)(ii)(iii)……或者①,②,③……之类的。




多少钱???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(亲亲)(亲亲)(亲亲)(亲亲)(那尼)(那尼)(那尼)(那尼)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)|????)っ? 喜欢你?

Hi! I'm Li HI am a student There is a new library in my There are diffrent kinds of books in it,such as story books,comic books and so Those are donated by many good

There is a library in our The students in our school enjoy reading in Now,I will talk to you about the school Firstly,the library only provides the teachers and students in our school the So you can read some books which are suitable for Secondly,you must keep quiet when you reading in the If you speak loudly in the library,you may disturb Finally,the school library borrows books only for three weeks and you must return the books in For further information ,you can contact


你想问的 到底是 学习英语呢 还是怎样过掉四级呢?或许你会说 英语学好了 四级肯定就过掉了 这当然没错但是我又想说点老生常谈的话 学英语是一个长期的过程 可能很多天甚至几个月的坚持都没有明显的效果就我个人而言 大二过四级(512) 大三过六级(455) 考过TOEFL(成绩很烂不说了) 考过IELTS(自学两个月0) 英语一直没放掉 一直在学 没有感觉英语学简单了 甚至越学越难 并且没有技巧 一门科学的英语考试(四六级考试并不科学 中国的英语考试有设计科学的么……)能用技巧走通的都不会有高分 我觉得学英语只有 坚持 两个字我甚至没加上 “方法”两个字 因为我觉得只要是头脑正常的人 坚持学了10多年的英语(从初中算到大学) 肯定都知道自己的pro and con(长处和短处) 所作的就是对症下药而已 时间用到了 功夫用到了 如此坚持 英语水平自然会提高这些都是大道理 下面说点实际的 这里具体到四六级上面 四六级是有针对的复习方法的 关于听力建议方法:MP4里常备一些听力段子,每晚睡觉前听听就行。不过我反正没做到,因为听着听着睡着了……但这个确实有效果。总之不管你多么忙,每天都要保持半个小时的听力。这样考试就不会生疏。如果想更深一步,就比较有难度,这里也说下,你感兴趣可以试试。就是听写,把听力原文听写出来,放一句写一句,记不住倒回去再听。这个是最能考验人的听力的,当然效果也很明显,如果能很熟练的听写出一篇文章,那恭喜你,四六级的听力已经没有问题了。关于阅读,不管是快速阅读还是后面的阅读理解,记住做题顺序,先看题目再看文章。这样你才能快速找到题目出处。很多人说自己看不懂文章照样做题,就是这样的。他只看跟题目有关的段落,可能整篇文章说什么他却不一定知道。下面细说下快速阅读和阅读理解。快速阅读基本是整张卷子最简单的。四六级委员会几十年如一日不会更改出题的顺序,10道题目基本和段落一一对应。所以只要定位了第一道题目所对应的段落, 后面题目就不要再看这一段之前的内容了。最后三道题也基本在全文后半部分。照抄原文即可。可能会改下单词的时态。 阅读理解也基本遵循顺序原则,具体方法没办法细说,我只能说平时练习一定要掐表做,开始练习时候20分钟一到就停,以后要做到争取留几分钟检查答案。这样的好处不用我多说想必你也明白,你平时20分钟甚至更多时间才能搞定的题目考试时候的时间肯定不够用,所以要快。至少保证题目你全看了,全思考了,最后蒙的正确率也会高点。顺便说句,卷子里肯定有你要蒙的题目,所以……蒙也是一门技巧。没有口语……祝贺你,同时鄙视四六级,真不能算英语考试。作文,重头戏。作文写的不好的人太多了,所以作文很容易拉下别人一大截,作对一道14分的阅读理解可能很难,但是英语作文想写的很好,写到100分以上还是可以的,甚至很容易的,当然也仅限于四六级考试,再次鄙视下。 当然高分作文自然有高分的道理,下面论述。 作文类型很多,但我想十之八九都是议论文。记叙文,书信什么的不在我们探讨的范围之内。这个档次这种类型的作文至少要有思路清晰,逻辑严密,文笔流畅,内容充实,用词精彩……诸如此类的要求。这也是考官们给这个档次作文的评价。说的挺悬乎,其实说到本质却很简单。 什么叫思路清晰?就是不能跑题,叫你写网络带给人好处你就不能写坏处,相信看得懂英文看得懂题目的人都不会有这个问题。 什么叫逻辑严密?就是你写的句子段落都要为你的主题服务,不要写出来一句却和题目一点关系都没有,当然必要的转折和联接还是要的。这个后面再说。其实逻辑严密和思路清晰是一回事。你知道自己要写什么,就不会写废话。 什么叫文笔流畅?第一点,就是你的开头第一句话或者第一段一定要引导出你的主题,其实就是直接开门见山点出你的立场。比如说题目是:童年对人的成长是不是很重要?这是典型的二选一,可以说重要,可以说不重要。怎么开头呢?我说开门见山点出自己的观点,Nowadays it is widely accepted that no stage in a person's life plays a more crucial role than childhood 这就是开门见山说出重要。那么说不重要呢,在后面加一句话 Yet I find this view quite specious and unconvincing My contention is that…… 这样你的第一段就基本完成了。 后面的structure就很简单,写为什么重要。第二段写第一个理由,第三段写第二个理由,最后结尾总结。 结尾怎么写呢?开头第一句话要从前面的议论过渡到你的总结,As the parts above as I concerned, I am really in favor of ……这一句话就很巧妙的过渡到你自己的opinions。 第二点,句子,段落之间的连接。有联系的句子之间的连接不外乎几种关系,因果,转折……等等,初中生用 because, but……高中生用as ,however……一篇六级作文重复出现两个以上这种词汇我就不想看了,考官一样,太腻味了。从现在开始抛弃这些弱智单词吧,大学生用什么,随便举例 (for instance): 因为(on account of),所以(consequently),因此(hence),但是(nevertheless)……第一点,第二点,最后一点怎么说?你可能首先想到firstly, secondly……这都是倒胃口的说法。第一点(first and foremost),最后一点(last but not least),再发散一点,第二点可以用in addition, additionally ……表示更进一步的意思。举了这么多examples,就是要你写作文的用词一定要出彩,要与众不同,要吸引考官的眼球。 什么叫用词精彩?as the parts I have mentioned above, 把作文里常用的词全部换成符合大学生水平的 词汇,就是用词精彩。 什么叫内容充实?很简单,议论文本身就是很枯燥的说教,凭借你的逻辑能自圆其说已经很不错了,考官也不指望你能写出什么高深的说教道理出来。还是以童年为例,你费尽口舌说童年怎么怎么重要(significant),考官没耐心看!这时我们需要的是例子!只有活生生的例子才会给人以深刻的印象。这不仅仅是四六级作文的诀窍,我看TOEFL,IELTS作文范文时感觉一样,这同时也是老外与中国人在写文章上面的不同,如果你有机会看到一本英文原版教材for instance, 《Financial Risk Management》(或者翻译过来也可以,但一定要是老外写的),你就会发现老外们对名词基本不会做精确解释,他们一定是通过真实的例子和数字来形象描述某个概念和他们想表达的内容。六级作文也是如此。写童年重要,第一点,童年可以培养儿童的teamwork 能力。然后举例,说自己小时候和伙伴在一起合作(cooperate)玩什么什么游戏,现在长大了这种能力对自己还有帮助。在公司或者学校里和同事职员(co-worker & staffer),同学可以和谐相处或者共同完成任务(mission)。举例的好处除了更加生动,另一个作用就是凑字数,实在想不出来理由就一个for instance,至少可以写出几十单词了。考场时间紧张思维打不开,可以用用的。最后提提模板,你说你没看过这种东西还可以理解,你连听都没听过我确实很……无语。对于模板,有些人不屑一顾,认为写出来的东西千篇一律。因为开头,结尾,段落之间的连接词都是定式,最多十几种变化。我觉得他们没上过高中数学。很简单,你有十几个开头十几个结尾,排列组合起来也有好几百种变化。再加上中间的内容不同,考官是不会看到两篇一模一样的文章的。何况真论起来这也仅仅是六级考试,TOEFL,IELTS考试的作文是有技术检测出来你写的是不是事先准备的模板,中国的考试……恕我直言,不是一个档次的。总之一句话(all in all),尽情的用吧,用了就有100分(亲身检验),饿死的总是胆小的。模板怎么用却是有讲究的。First and foremost,你得找到一本好的作文模板书,我当时用的是《六级作文DIY……》吧,书名不记得精确了(accurate),大概就是这个名字,感觉很不错的。你去图书馆可以找找,不一定非要一样的,但一定要是那种把开头结尾的变化列举的详细的。In addition,你就要把这些开头结尾背的滚瓜烂熟,并且找到适合自己style的开头结尾,做到出口成章,下笔就不假思索的写出开头和结尾。Last but not least,做大量的练习,把历年真题都写写,做到不管什么话题你都能有话写出来。这样作文基本是没问题了。关于单词我原则上是不建议拿本什么淘金词汇星火词汇专门背的,没效率没效果。我觉得你不懂得单词主要来自阅读,那很简单,遇到不懂的单词就记下来,第一张卷子下来至少能积累几十个生词,然后继续第二张,第三张……做完十套左右你基本在阅读上面的单词都能混个熟头熟脸了。因为很多生词都是重复出现的,可能上面一篇文章你才查了什么意思,下面一篇就用上了,我觉得这样速度是最快的。So……我觉得该说的都差不多说完了,不要小瞧我括号里标注的英文,都是作文或者阅读里经常用到的,有段时间没摸英文了,现在用起来都有点生疏,有些都不记得怎么拼的……如有错误……自己改过来吧


网络无界,资源共享,使得Internet成为一个流动的数据库和无形的信息源。对于提到论文就头痛的大学生来说,互联网是一个搜集材料的可靠平台。而互联网的无地域性——不需要再为一篇论文或者观点跑去图书馆查阅,这种省时省力的特点,也加大了互联网在大学生论文中的使用便捷性。这也是大学生利用互联网做论文的重要原因。如今大学生论文抄袭的事情已经不少见了,尤其是在互联网如此发达的今天,这更是—件轻而易举的事情。只要打开网页、点击鼠标,把我们想要的内容复制粘贴,一篇论文似乎就有了雏形。国内一项调查显示,25%的投票者认为抄袭是“普遍现象,屡见不鲜”,28%的投票者在评价社会影响时选择了“不抄白不抄,大家都这样'相对于前人对于论文写作的严谨态度,如今的部分大学生不免有些敷衍了事。从态度上来说,这种论文“复制粘贴”的生成模式自然是不可取的。但是,从客观分析来说,这种现象的存在又是一种不得巳。据某报一项调查发现,2243名受访者中,3%的人认为本科毕业生对毕业论文不重视,5%认为本科毕业论文应取消。多数大学生还是能意识到这种行为的不可取,但是,有些论文题目的确是让人无从下手,比如,《中外关系之我见》、《中亚五国人口与移民》,题目过于宏大乃至于很少有大学生能够掌控。有人就曾经坦言过:“其实我也不想自欺欺人。说我抄袭也好,引用也罢,我能力有限,老师给的论文题目不抄不行。”同时,有时候论文时间可能和其他的活动安排发生冲突,尤其是毕业论文,有些大学生到了毕业前两三个月,才知道自己的研究课题,同时还要面临着升学和就业的压力,这一段时间完成一篇论文确实过于紧迫。所以那个时候,大多数人更愿意把时间用在找工作或者考研的准备上,鲜少能够匀出时间给毕业论文。再者,指导自己写论文的导师,难得见到几回面,所谓的“论文指导”有时候可以说是有名无实。但是,无论客观原因怎样,从主观_h来说,这种拼凑论文的行为还是不可取的。其实,通过网络搜索资料来进行论文写作是并不是一件坏事。我们可以更快地接触最新的信息和更为丰富全面的咨讯与内容。关键在于,我们怎样去操作这种方式。通过互联网,我们能够瞬间掌握到大量的信息和材料,在论文操作时,我们完全可以借用其思想,转换其文字。当我们把一个材料的内容咀嚼、吃透、消化后,这个材料的重新解构和创造,就是我们自己的“原创”了。因为这种信息的反馈势必会带上我们自己的思考、想法、观念和个人特色,这时,就能将材料转化为真正意义上的“为我所用”。我们可以说“复制粘贴”是一种文字抄袭,但是我们不能说思想的“吸收重构”也是一种抄袭。因为我们的新观点无不是建立在前人的思想上一步步走下来的。论文的写作不是容易的事情,而对论文的操作或许也有大学生不可抗的某些因素,但是,从总体上来讲,一份用心的论文,是对自己大学生活和学习的总结和负责。我们应该谨慎地对待互联网与论文写作的关系Network unbounded, resource sharing, making Internet become a mobile database and an invisible source of The Internet is a reliable platform for collecting materials for students who have a The Internet has no regional - no need for a paper or point of view to go to the library to access, this time saving features, but also increased the use of Internet in college students in the This is also an important reason for college students to use the Internet to do Nowadays, it is not uncommon for college students to copy the paper, especially in the Internet so developed today, it is an easy Just open the web page, click the mouse, we want to copy and paste the contents of a paper, it seems that there is a 25% of voters think that plagiarism is "universal phenomenon, not uncommon", 28% of voters in the social impact evaluation choose "copy white copying, and everybody was so 'with respect to the previous paper writing for rigor, some of today's university students inevitably some perfunctory, according to a national From the attitude, this paper "copy and paste" model is not However, from the objective analysis, the existence of this phenomenon is not a " According to a survey found that 2243 respondents, 3% of the people think that college graduates do not pay attention to graduation thesis, 5% believe that undergraduate thesis should be Most college students are aware of this behavior is not desirable, however, some topic is indeed makes no start, for example, the relationship between China and the foreign countries I see ", the five Central Asian countries on population and immigration", the subject is too great for very few college students to be in charge Someone once said: "I don't want to fool Say I plagiarism or reference worth mentioning, my ability is limited, the teacher to the paper title does not " At the same time, sometimes the time possible and other activities arranged conflict, especially the graduation thesis, some college students to graduate the first two or three months, just know his subject, while also facing the pressure of higher education and employment, this period of time completed a thesis really is too So at that time, most people more willing to spend time looking for work or study section of the preparation, rarely able to spare time for graduation Furthermore, guide their writing tutor, rare to see a few times, the so-called "the guidance" is sometimes said to be However, no matter what the objective reasons, from the subjective _h, this piece of paper is not In fact, it is not a bad thing to write the paper through the web We can access the latest information more quickly and more comprehensive information and The point is how we can do Through the Internet, we can instantly grasp a lot of information and materials, in the operation of the paper, we can borrow their ideas, to convert their When we put the contents of a material chewed and digested, digestion, the re deconstruction and creation is our own "original" Because of the information feedback is bound to bring our own thinking, thoughts, ideas and personal characteristics, then, will be able to materials into the true meaning of "self regardness" We can say "copy and paste" is a kind of text plagiarism, but we can not say that the idea of "absorption" is also a kind of Because our new idea is not based on our predecessors' Thesis writing is not an easy thing, and the operation may also have some factors of college students of non resistance, however, generally speaking, a heart of the thesis is responsible and summary of their university life and We should be careful about the relationship between the Internet and the writing of the

The library is the most important part of our Marking a proper use of it will certainly help you very much in your Now,look at the diagram To the right of the doors there me shelves with a lot of current The new issues are so arranged that the students can see the covers of the current Daily newspapers are also in this There are eight comfortable chair and two tables for the student reading newspapers and periodicals




多少钱???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(亲亲)(亲亲)(亲亲)(亲亲)(那尼)(那尼)(那尼)(那尼)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)|????)っ? 喜欢你?


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