

发布时间:2024-07-09 06:08:59


今天很高兴由我来进行演讲。今天我要说的话题是动物。我一直认为动物是人类的朋友,它们不会像人类那么复杂,而且常常给我们带来欢乐。 I am very glad to give a speech The topic of my speech is the I always think that animals are the friends of They are not so complicated as human beings, and they can bring us plenty of happiness

When you taste a plate of Shanzhenhaiwei, do you think animals are reducing the number of approved? When you kill one of the animals, do you hear them crying in the animal? They gourmet, you can die one by one the animals back to life? Hunting, you can come back from the dead animals back to nature it? As we all know now produced in China's wild animals become less and Mustang, high-nose antelopes, Mi more than 10 species of deer, and other animals now extinct, and the giant panda, the long arm of the monkey, tiger, elephant, dolphin and so on a dozen wild animals facing extinction trend! Due to a small part of the human ignorance, greed and ignorance, everywhere killing of animals, making the Earth ecological imbalance, caused incalculable loss! Changes in the natural world and human beings are also related to human activities, such as war, resource development, population growth and urbanization in rural areas, and so on, resulting in a deterioration of the living environment, animal resources once again make a serious damage to the endangered wild animals decreasing People at random destruction of the ecological balance, killing a large number of animals to catch prey one by one sold to restaurants, hotels, restaurants and so on, and then made dishes, and then have been sold to customers at high prices for Hotels, guesthouses, restaurants on the money in order to kill so many innocent lives, to satisfy some people's It ah, Wake up! Animal protection is the protection of our Arbitrary arrest put an end to indiscriminate killing, and let us live in the same animals under a blue Let us start from a young age, the protection of wild animals, wildlife care, so that more people can join the action to protect wild animals in the 翻译:当你品尝着一盘盘山珍海味时,你是否想过动物们正在一批批的减少?当你捕杀着一只只动物时,你是否听到动物在哭泣呢?美食家们,你们是否能让死去的动物一一复活?捕猎者,你是否能让动物死而复生回归大自然吗? 众所周知现在产于中国的野生动物越来越少了。野马 、高鼻羚羊、糜鹿等10余种动物已经完全绝迹,而大熊猫、长臂猴、老虎、野象、白鳍豚等十几种野生动物正面临灭绝的趋势!由于一小部分的人的无知,贪婪,愚昧,到处捕杀动物使得地球生态不平衡,造成了不可估量的损失! 自然界的变化和人类的人为活动也是有关系的,如战争、资源开发、人口增长及农村城市化等,造成了生存环境恶化,使得动物资源又一次遭到严重的破坏,濒危的野生动物日益减少。人们随意破坏生态平衡,大量捕杀动物,把捕到的猎物一一卖给饭店、宾馆、酒楼等,然后做成菜,再已高价卖给食客进行食用。饭店、宾馆、酒楼就为了钱杀死了这么多无辜的生命,满足某些人的嗜好。人们啊,醒醒吧!保护动物也就是保护我们自己。杜绝乱捕乱杀,让我们和动物生活在同一片蓝天下。 让我们从小做起,保护野生动物,关心野生动物,让更多人都能投到保护野生动物的行动中来。



In the past, there have been many endangered Now they are It does matter if we destroy an endangered species habitat to develop more farmland, housing or industrial There is a delicate balance of If one small part is removed, it will affect all the other For example, If they cannot roost, they cannot If there are no bats, there will be no animal, or bird to Our environment has been affected by the absence of certain Some of the breeding grounds of these butterflies were humans to look for other alternatives for our farmlands, housing, and We have alternatives; the animals do 望采纳,谢谢

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老鼠,小鸟和香肠(The Mouse,the Bird and the Sausage)Once upon a time ,a mouse ,a bird and a sausage lived happily with each other the bird‘s work was to fly every day into the forest and bring back firewood The mouse had to carry water ,make a fire ,and set the table,and the sauasge had to One day,the bird met another he talked about his happy life and good When the bird came home ,all three sat down for Next day ,the bird didn’t go into the forest but wanted to re—arrange their The mouse and the sausage didn‘t agree with him but the bird didn’t change his Finally they came to an agreement the sausage carried firewood the mouse cooked snd the bird fetched The little sausage went out towards the forest while the bird and the mouse stayed at hone waiting for the sausage They waited and waited but the sansage didn‘t come The bird met with a dog on his way and found that the dog had eaten the sausage Back at home the bird and the mouse decided to do their best to live happily together the bird spread the tablecloth and the mouse But when the mouse swung into the pot like the sausage she was burnt to The bird couldn’t find the mouse so he threw the wood here and there carelessly Unfortunatrly the wood caught on fire ,So the bird went to fetch water to fight the frie ,but he into the well and 启示:人各有所长个有所短,在自己不可能完成的情况下,不要把压力强加给自己。否则最后倒霉的就是自己。




有人喜欢高直挺拔的青松,有人喜欢清香淡雅的兰花,还有人喜欢鲜艳傲骨的梅花,我却喜欢那平平凡凡不起眼的小草。  每当春天来临之际,嫩绿的小草就被春风吹醒了。新生的小草吸收着春天的雨露,在春风中茁壮的成长着。  每当烈日炙烤着大地,万物显得无精打采,树上的蝉在“知了、知了”的叫个不停,仿佛在向人们说:“热啊,热啊。”这时只有小草在顽强的生长着,无声无息,向人们展示着代表充满生机的绿色,为夏日的大地披上了一层绿色的地毯。  每当一缕凉爽的秋风吹过之时,大雁南飞,万物成熟,小草则由绿变黄了,却显得依然那么可爱,因为它又代表了金黄色的秋季来临了。  当寒风萧瑟,大雪纷飞时,小草干枯了。但它的根依然那样顽强的伸入大地,积蓄着力量,等待下一个春天的到来。正如唐朝诗人白居易的诗“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。”这就是对小草顽强生命力的赞美。  小草的顽强生命力,是我们每个人都应该学习的。任凭狂风骤雨,小草从不弯腰,有道是“疾风知劲草”。对于中学生的我们,更应该具备小草这样的精神,不管有多大的困难,环境有多么的恶劣,我们也不要畏首畏尾的逃脱责任,要勇敢的挑起祖国的重担,为民族的振兴,国家的富强,尽自己的一份力量。

你还真懒 ,自己写作,丰衣足食!没事的多看看人与自然!自己写的才是真的好!



做一只蝴蝶,那种感觉真好! 做一只蝴蝶的我,来时,无声无息,走时,无牵无挂。没有根的寄托,没有分离的痛苦,没有相守的缠绵,没有远行的犹豫。我不苛求别人欣赏,只是在你无意间飞过你的头上,而在你回首痴望的那一瞬间,我微笑着悄然掠过,继续自己的旅行。 做一只蝴蝶,真好! 我宁静而高远,自由自在地在空中飞翔,远离尘世的天空,哪儿有花香,就到哪儿去,如神似仙,一味品尝着这有生以来的平静淡泊。 人,及有功名利禄的诱惑,于是崇拜权势,很卑鄙,虚伪谄媚;很自傲,胸襟狭窄。很自卑时成了奴才,愚昧畏缩;很自傲时成了主人,冷酷残忍。有欲望,有野心,这世界便来了纷争,有了喧闹。做一只蝴蝶的我,以自己的灵气去接近自然,一如既往地飞过山峦,飞过海洋,一直飞向神奇的花园。 做一只蝴蝶,真好。 没有作业的烦忧,没有压力,不会因为做错事而害怕,不会因为不完成作业而怕老师,不会因为考试不及格而苦恼。做一只蝴蝶的我,哪儿有花香就到哪儿去,在那儿可以无拘无束,天高任我飞。不管我长得怎么样,都不需要有人去评价。有人说,我漂泊不定,然而,只有飘动,生命才会永恒…… 任思绪的情愫飞行,品味有生以来的平静与淡泊,体验那种种神奇的花朵。在那芬芳的花朵上,默默地站在那里品味生活,寻找生活的乐趣,那就是我——蝴蝶

有人喜欢高直挺拔的青松,有人喜欢清香淡雅的兰花,还有人喜欢鲜艳傲骨的梅花,我却喜欢那平平凡凡不起眼的小草。  每当春天来临之际,嫩绿的小草就被春风吹醒了。新生的小草吸收着春天的雨露,在春风中茁壮的成长着。  每当烈日炙烤着大地,万物显得无精打采,树上的蝉在“知了、知了”的叫个不停,仿佛在向人们说:“热啊,热啊。”这时只有小草在顽强的生长着,无声无息,向人们展示着代表充满生机的绿色,为夏日的大地披上了一层绿色的地毯。  每当一缕凉爽的秋风吹过之时,大雁南飞,万物成熟,小草则由绿变黄了,却显得依然那么可爱,因为它又代表了金黄色的秋季来临了。  当寒风萧瑟,大雪纷飞时,小草干枯了。但它的根依然那样顽强的伸入大地,积蓄着力量,等待下一个春天的到来。正如唐朝诗人白居易的诗“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。”这就是对小草顽强生命力的赞美。  小草的顽强生命力,是我们每个人都应该学习的。任凭狂风骤雨,小草从不弯腰,有道是“疾风知劲草”。对于中学生的我们,更应该具备小草这样的精神,不管有多大的困难,环境有多么的恶劣,我们也不要畏首畏尾的逃脱责任,要勇敢的挑起祖国的重担,为民族的振兴,国家的富强,尽自己的一份力量。



绝对原创In the past, there have been many endangered Now they are Does it matter? Has our environment been affected bytheir absence? Has the quality of our own life been changed? The answer to these questions is "Y" It does matter if we destroy anendangered species habitat to develop more farmland, housing or industrial There is a delicate balance of If one small part is removed, it will affect all the other For example, if certain trees are cutdown, bats will have no place to If they cannot roost, they cannot If there are no bats, there will be no animal, or bird to eatcertain insects that plague our Our environment has been affected by the absence of certain Certain flowers arepollinated by butterflies which migrate from Canada to M Some of the breeding grounds of these butterflies were Now these flowers are disappearing from certain We will no longer be able to enjoy their The quality of our life hasbeen America used to be covered with giant Now we have to visit them in one small Rainforests around the worldare being cut down to make room for We will never be able to see or study this fragile I would encourage ushumans to look for other alternatives for our farmlands, housing, and We have alternatives; the animals do

Protection of animals, is what we all want to do, many people go to hunt animals, arbitrary, though now that you want to protect animals, but there are many people who do not listen to stubbornly continues to hunt animals, humans take animals to the ornamental, sell, make coats of skins, but have you ever thought, if you were an animal, but suffered a human Hunt, what would you think that you like it, you will be hunted? you definitely do not like, some people say: "I'm not an "But you, have you ever thought about how animals think? now widely hunted animals, animals will be reconciled? no, no, They are not willing to die at the hands of They are willing to be your slave? no, they won't have a thousand, ten thousand to ten million, a reluctant some people even know how to love animals, but they will only go to educate other people hypocritically, while they are still just as harmful to the environment, with a taste of the Take the Indian Ocean, Mauritius Islands on the life of the Dodo, because of its flesh is very tasty, so that human predation of large, in the 17th century has been But if the people have the awareness of animal protection, would not have caused the extinction of the There are whales, whales do not mean random killing of whales were killed, a dead end, not as small as a tiny shrimp and fish, if we put the whale kill, our children and grandchildren, they do not see a whale this animal? Now, some animals have died out, while the fierce crocodile, but human beings more Just because some animals organ has outstanding economic value, thus become the object of human depredation, become a major factor in the Crocodile with sharp teeth, and a huge appetite for food, and we all said crocodile, a crocodile more terrible fear of humans, in a human eye, crocodile leather can be made into suitcases, handbags, purses, shoes and other articles, crocodile, has now become almost extinct The Golden footprints, this article is about the shotaro home caught a little Fox, two old Fox tried to rescue the little Fox, shotaro sympathize with little Fox, he secretly to the delivery of food, so the old Fox, they established a close relationship, trust, and then save the two old Fox shotaro, little Fox's return to nature, the two old Fox is so happy this article praising the human and animal trust each other, help each other, harmony, demonstrated that strong family We're going to learn that he shotaro help animals, animals also save him, this is not very good? why people or kill animals? In this, I urge people not to destroy the plants and trees in nature, not randomly a bird a beast, to refrain from killing our friend, to protect all creatures in Eradication of animal, in the eradication of human beings If one of the world's animals disappeared, that humans can survive? to protect animals, cherish the nature of each Friends, the animals are invaluable for human nature, it is our human They multiply died off and our human life are closely A lot of destruction of animals to humans will have serious adverse consequences caused ecological imbalance, thus enabling human living Let us today, starting, animal protection, make the world a better place to live!, for the protection of animals is to protect ourselves!

你还真懒 ,自己写作,丰衣足食!没事的多看看人与自然!自己写的才是真的好!

珍爱生命 粉笔、动物、花草……哪一个没有生命?有一些人贪生怕死,珍爱自己的生命,而对待别人的生命,却就像结束一根小草的生命那样残暴。但有一个人我发现她不仅珍爱自己的生命,更珍爱别人的生命。她就是我的姐姐。 姐姐生活在乡下,最喜欢小动物了。她经常买小动物养,什么小鸡、小猫、小狗、小乌龟等。可以说,姐姐只要遇到卖小动物的,便执意要买。有一次和大妈上街见到卖小鸟,缠着大妈买下。可一到乡下,便打开鸟笼把小鸟放回到大自然中了。 但不知为什么,姐姐喂养的小动物总是不能活久。例如姐姐喂养过两只还未睁开眼睛的小猫,从喝奶到吃粥、鱼,一点一点地被姐姐精心喂大,可漂亮了!可是长大没多久,却不知什么原因跑丢了,姐姐因此伤心了好几天。最惨的一次是姐姐看到了一只被车子撞得鲜血直淌的小狗,小狗躺在路上直发抖。姐姐可怜这只小狗,便把它带回了家。经姐姐细心检查,发现它的一条腿断了。姐姐花了好多时间为它治疗,但小狗最终还是死了,令姐姐伤心了许久。姐姐知道小鸡、小鸭不好养,可仍买了两只可爱的小鸡。姐姐精心为小鸡做了一个温暖小巧的窝。可是过了两天,忽然冷空气南下,小鸡受凉,出现了死亡的征兆。姐姐心痛极了,拿出自己的台灯给躺倒的小鸡们加温。我正好到姐姐家玩,看到这个样子,心情也很沉重。姐姐看着小鸡低声地对我说:“让小鸡死前也温暧着吧”!姐姐的话深深地打动了我。 一次在班上,我看到了一个同学拿了一支粉笔“叭”地一下子就把它折成两半,扔在地上,随后又一脚踩成了粉末。我愤怒了。这支粉笔实在太不起眼了,可从粉笔的命运我还是想起了生命——粉笔不也是一个微小的生命吗?它也有出生到死亡的过程——制作、出厂、被使用、变成粉末、消失,这是一个完整的生命历程。它也曾那么快乐的去完成自己的任务,不惜奉献自己的一生。我们有什么理由剥夺它的生存权力呢?折断一支粉笔是一件十分容易的事,只需吹灰之力。可你想过没有:你手中不仅仅是一支粉笔,而是一个完整的生命!你在无形之中已经成了残杀者! 朋友,你是如此热爱自己的生命。那么,请你也珍爱生命——一切有形无形或是有声无声的生命吧!因为只有这样,你才能真正理解生命的含义,懂得生命的意义,从而创造更加灿烂辉煌的人生!


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