

发布时间:2024-07-07 01:15:07


Some people believe that economic development should never be at the cost of the They think the present serious environmental problems are largely caused by rapid?economic For example, land resources are shrinking because of the industrial development and the expansion of Deserts are spreading because of over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, and strip Our air and water supplies are being polluted by poisonous gassesand waste It is important, therefore, that we should take another look at the way in which our industries and cities are However, other people think it unnecessary to consider environmental problems now and our first priority should always be given to economic They believe that environmental problems are inevitable and unavoidable in the process of economic They are only the by products of economic development, which can be dealt with later when we have the time and I think the second idea is Our ultimate aim in economic development is to provide a comfortable and happy life for our What is the point of economic development if we achieve it at the cost of our environment? There has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous


Pollution has been a serious problem for a certain time around the There are many causes for Transportation is the main factor of When the waste gas from cars is released, the air is People breathing in the polluted air can develop respiratory Another factor is that people throw their garbage All kinds of garbage not only spoil the splendid environment, but also cause environmental What's more, industrial pollution also deserves our Wastewater from factories is poured into rivers and this causes water As a consequence, the greenhouse effect becomes a problem which needs our immediate caution and how to solve is urgent all over the At present, some measures have been taken to For example, people classify the garbage and some is recycled after being People are also encouraged to use paper products instead of plastic products because we know that our living condition will be worse if we keep ignoring this And I believe we can prevent pollution if everyone makes the efforts。少开汽车,少走路停止向河里排放(pour)废水少用一次性(one-off)塑料袋把音响(speaker)的声音调低(turn down)多植树



Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous Trees on the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly The whole ecological balance of the earth is Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man's We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental For instance, new laws must be passed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the pub!ic must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and so We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful 全世界的环境问题在变得越来越严重。随着工农业的发展,汽车制造噪音、排放毒气,山上的树木被砍伐,污水不断被排入河里。另外,无论我们走到哪里,到处可见随意丢弃的垃圾。整个地球生态平衡正在改变,环境的巨大破坏已带来负面影响,甚至对人类生存带来巨大威胁。我们必须面对现实,采取行动解决环境问题。例如必须通过新的法律严格控制工业污染问题,大众必须接受污染危害的教育等。我们希望这些措施的有效实施能带给我们一个健康的环境。

[我在美国大学念了五年书,亦参加了辩论学会,希望能给你一点信心]: Resources is limited in the earth[Everybody knows that there is a limited resources in this world, and human is consuming this limited resources in a rapid pace and destroying the world harmfully which will shorten the life of this Therefore, even though economic development is important, but environment protection is the ultimate solution to our earth which is much more important than economic development]: Environmental protection is the only way to save this world[The objective of economic development is to have a better life for ourselves, but if we think about it carefully, we found that we will have a worse life if we don't pay more attention on the environmental At the end, no matter how fast we develop the economic, we will have a worse life if don't protect our Therefore, environment protection is more important than economic ]: Environmental protection is more for the world, not just the country[Everybody is focusing on economic development on their OWN country only, and if we think it in a macro view, we can find that it's selfish to develop your own economic and which will lead to slow down other countries economic development by destroying lots of natural resources in our Therefore, environment protection is more important than economic

Protecting environment is more important than developing the The development of economy is based on the environment we Our environment has been deeply polluted and destroyed,we have to take some measures to protect our We have only one world,one workd one we all want to live a better hough the economy can improve our life levels,the living environment is the basic The goverment has made polocy about sustainable development,which proves we should live in a environmently-friendly Only have a good environment,can we develop the economy better and live a better


虽然我的专业是生态领域,其实我个人基本是倾向于生态优先的,但既然是辩论赛,无疑还是可以提供一些论据的。这个辩论依然是传统关于比较级的辩论,即谁谁//“更”重要,所以这个辩论赛我们的核心论点就是:我们不否认保护环境的重要性,而且相反,我们还是积极提倡环境的保护与发展,只是相对而言,经济的发展是根本,经济发展是比环境保护更为重要。/r/n /r/n我个人建议大致从以下几个角度展开:/r/n /r/n一、哲学角度,或者说经济的根本性,这是系统的阐述/r/n /r/n物质基础,我想这一点基本很好阐明,我国虽然提出建设几大文明,也提出生态文明这一概念,但无疑经济文明是根本,是决定其他文明的,这一点你可以搜集一些素材,我不再展开。/r/n /r/n二、因为经济发展才能很好的发展科技,也才能更好的保护环境/r/n /r/n因为很多污染物的危害,在原先经济条件下是无法治理的,比如很多生活污水的排放,如果一个城市没有足够的资金和技术的话,那么是很难对城市实行清洁循环的,具体可以继续展开。/r/n /r/n三、如果经济发展足够强大的话,即使是排放更多的污染,也不会承担很大的责任/r/n /r/n以全球碳排放为例,基本来说,现在全球试想碳交易的,比如中国一年可以产生多少碳,但因为经济发展比较快,我们需要更多的碳排放指标,如果有一定经济实力的话,就可以向其他国家购买,这样在排放碳的同时也实现经济的飞速发展,这也是建立在经济发展的基础之上。/r/n /r/n基本如此,而且反驳对方的时候,一定要记住我们的立论,即我们是承认环境保护的重要性的,只是认为经济发展更重要,如此~

Dear editor: I am writing to you about the discussion we’ve had about the relationship between economic development and environmental Some students think that we should not develop the economy at the cost of damaging the For instance, in order to boost the economy, they built a lot of The waste of the factory polluted the local air, water and The polluted air does great harm to people’s The polluted water and soil causes diseases and Other students argue that the issues of the environment are unavoidable for economic It is just the by- We can solve such issues when we have money and In my opinion, a strict law should be issued to keep the environment under proper We should know that destroying environment means destroying mankind Sincerely yours,Mike


Protect the environmentNowadays,the environment in China is getting worse and The water is polluted,and air pollution and become a very serious Many people even wear masks when they go How can we help save the environment?We can reduce air pollution by riding bikes,taking public transport instead of We can also save energy by closing the lights when you leave the room,and reusing If we all do our parts,our country will be a much better place!最近,中国的环境越来越糟糕了水被污染了,空气污染也成为了一个严重的问题很多人甚至出门都要带口罩我们能怎样帮忙保护环境呢?我们可以通过多骑自行车和坐公交,少乘私家车我们也可以通过随手关灯,重复利用水要节约能源如果我们每个人都进到自己的责任,我们的国家就会变成一个更好的地方

China is a developing country, and in the socialist modernization drive in the process of economic development and environmental protection often We need to protect the environment of economic First, we must protect the environment of economic development is the essential requirement of economic Economic development is to improve people's living China's economic development is to solve the people's increasing material and cultural Born Out of China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal agricultural Weak economic foundation, a low level of industrialization, in the course of economic development and economic development in the protection of the environment prevailing Protection of the environment including the protection of people's living environment and the natural Exist in the city economic development especially industrial development on the lives of the residents have a negative impact on the situation in the rural areas there is more damage the natural environment and ecological The purpose of economic development is to improve people's living standards, and the process of development because of damage to the environment affect people's lives, and contrary to the original intent of economic Second, we must protect the environment of economic development is the strategy of sustainable development The environment we live in, our future generations have to live We destroy the environment of economic development, some damage is irreparable, the future generations of Now countries around the world have attached great importance to the strategy of sustainable development research, vigorously develop the green industry, and pollution-free China is a civilization with a long history and a big country in the process of economic development should also attach importance to environmental protection, to leave our future generations a better living Third, we must protect the environment of economic development is a natural law The process of economic development, if the serious damage to the natural environment, then we will be natural to be severely Major floods caused damage to the environment are the inevitable In the floods in the consumption of manpower, material and financial fear of the expense of the environment more than the fruits of economic The laws of nature is merciless, who violated it who will be its We must attach great importance to the process of economic development in the protection of the natural environment and social Fourth, economic development and resolve conflicts protection of the environment is the fundamental way to further economic Development is the last We can not lose the economic development and the protection of the environment, not because of the ground to protect the environment in the development of economic issues before the Way is economic It is necessary to strengthen environmental awareness and use our Economic development and environmental protection are not necessarily On the contrary, economic development should promote environmental Extensive multi-level high-technology development, industrial pollution-free The development of the economy, the prosperity of the country, the level of development of productive forces, people conquering nature's ability to transform nature will be further People not only have the ability to protect the environment, but also the environment can be Desert will be transformed into Economic development is the way to protect the Fifth, the whole society should attach importance to developing the economy and protecting the At present many places, there are many sectors of the expense of the environment and developing the This is historical and practical reasons, but look at the use of the development issue, people will be even more profound understanding of the economic development process of the importance of environmental protection, leaders at all levels should establish environmental awareness, from the strategic height of the development of knowledge economy and the protection of the environment , based on the overall situation into consideration in the protection of the environment at the same time vigorously developing the economy and improving the people's standard of In short, protecting the environment and economic development are not In the process of economic development must pay attention to protecting the Because pollution will, of course, cause Earth is a circle of the In fact, there is no absolute on the planet All things can be But human intervention so that the deviation in this cycle, there has been not the cycle of For example, the styrofoam boxes years If this is the case, then, is a vicious That the Earth's resources will be consumed E Well, the earth Protective measures should be as close to the Earth's self- Prevention should do more "farsightedness" and not always stare in the economic Should be from the perspective of the humanities and natural starting 译文:我国是发展中国家,在社会主义现代化建设过程中发展经济与保护环境时常发生冲突。我们发展经济必须保护环境。 一、发展经济必须保护环境是发展经济的本质要求。发展经济是为了提高人民的生活水平。在我国发展经济是为了解决人民日益增长的物质文化需求。我国脱胎于半殖民地、半封建的农业国。经济基础薄弱,工业化程度低,在经济发展过程中发展经济与保护环境的矛盾普遍存在。保护环境包括保护人民群众生活环境和自然环境。在城市存在发展经济尤其是发展工业对居民生活产生不良影响的情况,在农村更是存在破坏自然环境和生态环境的问题。发展经济的目的是为了提高人民生活水平,而发展过程中因破坏环境影响人民生活,违背了发展经济的本意。 二、发展经济必须保护环境是可持续发展战略的要求。我们生活的环境,我们的子孙后代也要在这里生活。我们发展经济破坏了环境,有些破坏是无法弥补的,是对子孙后代的犯罪。现在世界各国都已高度重视可持续发展战略的研究,大力发展绿色工业,无公害产业。我国是具有悠久历史和文明的大国,在发展经济过程中更应该重视环境保护,为子孙后代留下美好的生活空间。 三、发展经济必须保护环境是自然规律的要求。经济发展过程中,如果自然环境受到了严重损害,那么我们将受到自然的严厉惩罚。重大的洪涝灾害都是破坏环境造成的必然结果。在抗洪救灾中消耗的人力、物力、财务恐怕已超过了牺牲环境的经济发展成果。自然规律是无情的,谁侵犯了它谁将受到它的报复。我们必须高度重视发展经济过程中保护自然环境和社会环境。 四、解决发展经济与保护环境矛盾的根本出路在于进一步发展经济。发展是硬道理。我们不能因为发展经济而失去对环境的保护,更不能因为以保护环境为由在发展经济问题上畏缩不前。出路还在于发展经济。要加强环境保护意识,开动脑筋。发展经济与保护环境并不是必然矛盾。相反,发展经济应该促进环境保护。广泛多发展科技水平高,无公害的绿色工业。经济发展了,国家富强了,生产力发展水平提高了,人们征服自然改造自然的能力会进一步得到加强。人们不但有能力保护环境,还可以改造环境。将沙漠改造成良田。发展经济是保护环境的出路。 五、全社会都应该重视发展经济与保护环境的问题。目前许多地方、许多部门都存在着牺牲环境而发展经济的情况。这有历史和现实原因,但用发展的眼光看问题,人们会更加深刻认识发展经济过程中保护环境的重要性,各级领导都应该树立环保意识,从战略的高度认识发展经济与保护环境的问题,立足全局,统筹兼顾,在保护好环境的同时大力发展经济,提高人民的生活水平。 总之,保护环境与发展经济是不矛盾的。发展经济过程中必须注意保护环境。 因为污染当然会造成危害。地球是一个循环的世界。其实,在地球上没有绝对的废弃物。所有的东西都可以循环利用。但是人类的介入,使这个循环出现了偏差,出现了不能循环的东西。比如早些年的发泡饭盒。如果这样的话,那么,就是一个恶性循环。这样地球的资源就会被消耗完。那么,地球就危险了。保护的措施应该是尽量的接近地球的自我循环。预防应该是多做些“远视”,不要老是盯在经济目标上。应该从人文和自然的角度出发

Protecting environment is more important than developing the The development of economy is based on the environment we Our environment has been deeply polluted and destroyed,we have to take some measures to protect our We have only one world,one workd one we all want to live a better hough the economy can improve our life levels,the living environment is the basic The goverment has made polocy about sustainable development,which proves we should live in a environmently-friendly Only have a good environment,can we develop the economy better and live a better

Some people believe that economic development should never be at the cost of the They think the present serious environmental problems are largely caused by rapid?economic For example, land resources are shrinking because of the industrial development and the expansion of Deserts are spreading because of over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, and strip Our air and water supplies are being polluted by poisonous gassesand waste It is important, therefore, that we should take another look at the way in which our industries and cities are However, other people think it unnecessary to consider environmental problems now and our first priority should always be given to economic They believe that environmental problems are inevitable and unavoidable in the process of economic They are only the by products of economic development, which can be dealt with later when we have the time and I think the second idea is Our ultimate aim in economic development is to provide a comfortable and happy life for our What is the point of economic development if we achieve it at the cost of our environment? There has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous


你好,谢谢采纳。祝你成功。答案How to cope with stress You feel anxious, tense and Small problems upset you and you feel overwhelmed by all the things you have to You can't think as clearly as you're easily confused, forgetful and accident- You feel generally run down and You don't have your usual You never really relax because you keep thinking about all the things you have to Sometimes you don't sleep very You don't find much in life to feel joyful There's nothing to look forward These are some of the signs of a common problem called We all suffer feelings of stress sometimes - the anxiety and the feeling that life is hard to cope Sometimes the symptoms of stress are expressed in a physical way - headaches, stomach aches, a pounding heart, a churning feeling in the Stress happens for lots of A crisis can make us feel stressed, but so can everyday problems like worries about work or money,or about relationships or about children's Although a certain amount of stress is normal, too much can contribute to health problems, including heart disease, some types of mental illness and abuse of alcohol or That's why everyone needs to be aware of stress and know how to find good ways of coping with Different things work for different people, but here are some ideas for finding ways that suit you: Sometimes stress isn't caused so much by an event but by our attitude towards People who see difficult situations as challenges to overcome, rather than problems that get them down, usually cope better with Don't make small problems seem bigger than they When something goes wrong, ask yourself: "In ten years' time, will this matter?" Try to avoid stressful situations by better planning - give yourself more time to do things so you're not always rushing Try to avoid people or activities you find Find time to relax each If you think you haven't got time, remember that you will do tasks more quickly and efficiently if you feel rested and less Ways to relax include: spending time alone in a quiet place, focussing on something pleasant - soothing music, a book or magazine, a pet - or even having a long Don't feel guilty about taking time for Go for regular walks or do some other form of exercise you enjoy, such as Tai C Exercise is a great stress- Eat healthy When you feel stressed it can be easy to skip meals and fill up with fatty snack foods, sweets and take-away A diet that includes plenty of bread, rice, pasta and other grains, vegetables and fruit will help you cope Don't dwell on problems or failures you've had in the past, or worry about bad things that may happen in the Concentrate on living in the Talk to Talking about problems can sometimes help solve them, or at least make you feel better about Sometimes other people can give you new ways of looking at problems or of dealing with Contact your local community health centre and ask if they know of any relaxation courses or relaxation tapes available in your Get expert help if nothing you do seems to People who can help you include bi-lingual counsellors or social workers at community health

It is generally believed that there is a good supply of fresh But to our disappointment, the fact is just the   As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big What’s more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human So it’s high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the   With fresh water, the world will be   (130words)一般认为,有一个很好的淡水供应。但是,我们感到失望,但事实是正好相反。 正如我们可以看到,世界人口正在迅速增长每天。因此,足够的淡水需要养活这么大的人口。更重要的是,与工业的发展,工厂和车辆所产生的有毒气体或废物,因而导致污染的水。虽然新的,良好的数额可以不再使用。只有十分有限的淡水资源是提供给人类。因此,这时候我们的人迅速采取行动,以保护水资源。阻止污染和节约用水,否则,我们无法生存在地球上。 淡水,世界将繁荣。 ( 130words )


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