

发布时间:2024-07-20 05:17:03


科技论文的撰写与投稿  撰写科技论文的要求  科技论文应具有创新性、科学性、再现性、可读性和规范性。  (1)创新性:这是首要的一条。没有创新性,就没有必要写科技论文。所谓创新,是指在认识中有新的突破及新的发现,在应用中有新理论、新技术、新方法的提出,研究结果应该是显著的。  (2)科学性:实验数据、推理论证,必须严谨、准确;写作过程中要经过周密思考,论点应经得起推敲。  (3)再现性:又称重复性。读者根据论文中所描述的实验方法、实验条件、实验设备,重复作者的实验时,应能得到与作者相同的结果。但是,应明确的是,一些带有专利性的内容,或者是应该保密的内容,不应写入文中。  (4)可读性:文字通顺、语法正确、概念准确、表达清晰、论点鲜明、论据充分等。  (5)规范性:就是要符合期刊投稿的规定。  科技论文的撰写  1 标题(Title)  标题又叫题目、题名。标题应以最恰当、最简明的词语的逻辑组合反映出文章中最重要的特定内容。标题要简明、准确、醒目,读者阅读和文献检索首先接触的就是标题。对标题的每一个字都要审慎地选择,应用最少的词语反映出最为确切的论文内容。  GB7713—87规定,标题一般不直超过20字。因而切忌用带主、谓、宾语结构的完整词句逐点描述论文的内容;也要避免过分笼统,以致于无法反映论文的主题特色。但近年来,专业期刊也有以句子形式的标题,如:  The GTP-binding protein Rholp is required for cell cycle progression and polarization of the yeast cell  若题目难以用一句话概括,还可以用副题名补充说明论文的特定实用信息和下层内容,使其准确。  2 作者署名(Signature)  作者署名一般应列于标题之下。  署名的作用:表明作者对成果有优先权,是论文法定主权人;表明作者的责任,是论文的负责者;便于读者联系。《中华人民共和国著作权法》(1991年6月1日起施行)中规定:“著作权属于作者”;著作权包括“署名权,即表明作者身份,在作品上署名的权利。”  目前,在研究论文署名上存在不少的问题,属于违反科学道德规范:  (1)有的人根本没有参加科研工作,但为了达到评职称等目的,采取一些不正当的手段使其署名。  (2)有的人为了使文章顺利发表,把没有参加与本项研究有关的任何工作的知名教授的名字加上去。  (3)有的人为了使其低水平的文章发表在核心刊物上,不惜采取拉关系等手段,把该杂志编辑部的工作人员名字写上去,使其文章顺利发表。  (4)有的论文署名多达十余人,从各级领导到实验员或保管员,不管他们是否参加研究工作,统统列上,把人际关系放在第一位。  (5)几个人共同参加一项研究工作,在撰写研究论文时,都想把自己的名字放在前面,甚至争执不休。  关于署名的资格,普遍的看法是:①作者应是自始自终参加该项研究工作。②作者应能对该项研究成果具有答辩的能力。③作者必须参与研究论文的撰写工作。④作者必须阅读过论文全文,同意发表全文,并承担由此而带来的各种责任。  邹承鲁等院士指出,研究论文署名作者必须对科学研究论文从选题、设计、具体实验,一直到从中得出必要的结论的全过程都有所了解,并确实对其中某一个或几个具体环节做出贡献。仅只参加部分实验工作的人,不能署名,可以由作者在文末或以加脚注等方式致谢,因为他无法对研究论文负责。我国和世界上一些发达国家中的一些知名科学家在其署名的文章中也时有发生剽窃、伪造数据等恶劣现象,给这些科学家的声誉造成很坏的影响。作者署名,责任是第一位的,其次才是荣誉。论文的第一作者一般应是具体工作的主要执行者,有时也可以是整个研究工作的主要设计者,或系列论文的主要负责人。其他作者署名的先后顺序应以贡献的大小为依据。  研究工作者把优秀论文投往国际重要学术刊物时,在作者署名上要遵循国际惯例,即名在前,姓在后的规则,以避免我国科学家在国际交往时出现的尴尬局面;避免国际同行引用我国科学家论文时出现的混乱情况。  3作者单位(Department)  标明作者单位主要是便于读者与作者联系。加索取复印件,商榷某一观点,邀请讲学等。同时也为其作品提供负责单位。署名单位应写全称,加上邮政编码,写在作者名下,用小一号字体印出。如论文作者来自不同的单位,则要求用不同的符号或阿拉伯数字标注清楚。有的刊物要求将通信联系作者用“*”注明,列入到第一页脚注内,并提供Fax号码和e-mail地址。  研究生、进修生、访问学者等均应按其完成论文的所在单位署名。著者署名时应在姓名后用符号标记,并在论文首页左下方加脚注说明其现在单位。  4 摘要( Abstract)  4.1 摘要的用途  正式出版并对外发行的学术期刊都要求刊中的调查报告、实验方法、技术性文章、综述性文章、研究论文等在正文中附上中英文摘要。这可使读者用较少的时间和精力了解文章的研究成果。研究进展、存在的问题及经验教训。英文摘要还可把文章的主要内容介绍给不懂中文的国外同行,起到国际学术交流的作用。  摘要也是检索工作的需要,文摘期刊社对其进行整理,使之成为二次文献。  4.2摘要的构成  摘要一般由下列三部分组成:  (1)研究目的简要陈述研究目的和济究内容及需要解决的问题。  (2)研究方法简要介绍研究所采用的实验方法和基本步骤。  (3)研究结果简要描述实验主要发现和主要结论及其论文的价值。  4.3 摘要的位置  摘要应放在文章题目、作者姓名及工作单位之下,这样利于读者在阅读文章之前了解该文章的内容,决定是否需要继续阅读。关于英文摘要,目前,国内的专业期刊中,有的刊物将摘要放在题目之下正文之上,有的放在文章的最后,还有的把刊中所有的摘要放在该刊最后的文摘页上。从习惯上来看,还是应当把英文摘要放在中文摘要之后正文之前为好。  4.4 摘要的长度  摘要不应分段。但长篇报告和学位论文的摘要可分段。摘要的字数视需要而定。一般中文稿250~300字左右;英文稿以1 000印刷符号为宜,原则上不超过全文的3%。写论文摘要时,应尽量将文中的内容和理解这些内容的主要要素写入摘要中。  4.5 摘要的写作  许多人在编写摘要时都习惯以“本文”、“本研究”等作为摘要的开头,摘要来自该研究论文,这些是无信息的词语,应去掉。摘要应采用第三人称过去式的写法,不要用第一人称写成“我校……”、“我所……”、“我院……”。撰写研究论文的学术价值应实事求是、客观。  4.6 摘要的译写  联合国教科文组织规定:“全世界公开发表的科技论文,不管用何种文字写成,都必需附有一篇短小精悍的英文摘要。”因此,我国现有的正式出版的学术刊物在文章中都添加译写英文摘要,从而加速国际学术交流。目前,国内学报级刊物学术论文的英文摘要以一个印刷页为宜,目的是让国际同行多了解我国科技成果。  现将国内外期刊上学术论文摘要中常用的句型作一介绍。  (1)表示研究目的的行文方法  This paper presents…  This paper reports…  This paper describes…  This paper discusses…  This paper investigates…  This paper deals with…  The objectives of this investigation be to(do)…  The aim of this investigation be to(do)…  The purpose of the present study be to(do)…  This paper is concerned with…  This paper is aimed at…  This paper is limited to…  The authors report…  The authors(writers) made observation on…  Investigation on … be carried out in…  … be evaluated and analyzed  (2)表示研究方法  The experiment be performed using…  The approach be based on…  The present study was started in 时间 to(do)…  … be identified according to…  … be determined by…  … be based on the use of…  … was used to(do)…  … be collected from…  … be grown during…  … be observed by(using)…  … be studied by measuring…  … be characterized by…  Analysis of… by… revealed that…   科技论文的撰写与投稿  撰写的要求  应具有创新性、科学性、再现性、可读性和规范性。  (1)创新性:这是首要的一条。没有创新性,就没有必要写科技论文。所谓创新,是指在认识中有新的突破及新的发现,在应用中有新理论、新技术、新方法的提出,研究结果应该是显著的。  (2)科学性:实验数据、推理论证,必须严谨、准确;写作过程中要经过周密思考,论点应经得起推敲。  (3)再现性:又称重复性。读者根据论文中所描述的实验方法、实验条件、实验设备,重复作者的实验时,应能得到与作者相同的结果。但是,应明确的是,一些带有专利性的内容,或者是应该保密的内容,不应写入文中。  (4)可读性:文字通顺、语法正确、概念准确、表达清晰、论点鲜明、充分等。  (5)规范性:就是要符合期刊投稿的规定。  科技论文的撰写  1 标题(Title)  标题又叫题目、题名。标题应以最恰当、最简明的词语的逻辑组合反映出文章中最重要的特定内容。标题要简明、准确、醒目,读者阅读和首先接触的就是标题。对标题的每一个字都要审慎地选择,应用最少的词语反映出最为确切的论文内容。  GB7713—87规定,标题一般不直超过20字。因而切忌用带主、谓、宾语结构的完整词句逐点描述论文的内容;也要避免过分笼统,以致于无法反映论文的主题特色。但近年来,专业期刊也有以句子形式的标题,如:  The GTP-binding protein Rholp is required for cell cycle progression and polarization of the yeast cell  若题目难以用一句话概括,还可以用副题名补充说明论文的特定实用信息和下层内容,使其准确。  2 作者署名(Signature)  作者署名一般应列于标题之下。  署名的作用:表明作者对成果有,是论文法定主权人;表明作者的责任,是论文的负责者;便于读者联系。《》(1991年6月1日起施行)中规定:“属于作者”;包括“署名权,即表明作者身份,在作品上署名的权利。”  目前,在研究论文署名上存在不少的问题,属于违反科学:  (1)有的人根本没有参加科研工作,但为了达到评职称等目的,采取一些不正当的手段使其署名。  (2)有的人为了使文章顺利发表,把没有参加与本项研究有关的任何工作的知名教授的名字加上去。  (3)有的人为了使其低水平的文章发表在核心刊物上,不惜采取拉关系等手段,把该杂志编辑部的工作人员名字写上去,使其文章顺利发表。  (4)有的论文署名多达十余人,从各级领导到实验员或保管员,不管他们是否参加研究工作,统统列上,把人际关系放在第一位。  (5)几个人共同参加一项研究工作,在撰写研究论文时,都想把自己的名字放在前面,甚至争执不休。  关于署名的资格,普遍的看法是:①作者应是自始自终参加该项研究工作。②作者应能对该项研究成果具有答辩的能力。③作者必须参与研究论文的撰写工作。④作者必须阅读过论文全文,同意发表全文,并承担由此而带来的各种责任。  邹承鲁等院士指出,研究论文署名作者必须对科学研究论文从选题、设计、具体实验,一直到从中得出必要的结论的全过程都有所了解,并确实对其中某一个或几个具体环节做出贡献。仅只参加部分实验工作的人,不能署名,可以由作者在文末或以加脚注等方式致谢,因为他无法对研究论文负责。我国和世界上一些发达国家中的一些知名科学家在其署名的文章中也时有发生剽窃、伪造数据等恶劣现象,给这些科学家的声誉造成很坏的影响。作者署名,责任是第一位的,其次才是荣誉。论文的第一作者一般应是具体工作的主要执行者,有时也可以是整个研究工作的主要设计者,或系列论文的主要负责人。其他作者署名的先后顺序应以贡献的大小为依据。  研究工作者把优秀论文投往国际重要学术刊物时,在作者署名上要遵循国际惯例,即名在前,姓在后的规则,以避免我国科学家在国际交往时出现的尴尬局面;避免国际同行引用我国科学家论文时出现的混乱情况。  3作者单位(Department)  标明作者单位主要是便于读者与作者联系。加索取复印件,商榷某一观点,邀请讲学等。同时也为其作品提供负责单位。署名单位应写全称,加上邮政编码,写在作者名下,用小一号字体印出。如论文作者来自不同的单位,则要求用不同的符号或阿拉伯数字标注清楚。有的刊物要求将通信联系作者用“*”注明,列入到第一页脚注内,并提供Fax号码和e-mail地址。  研究生、进修生、访问学者等均应按其完成论文的所在单位署名。著者署名时应在姓名后用符号标记,并在论文首页左下方加脚注说明其现在单位。  4 摘要( Abstract)  4.1 摘要的用途  正式出版并对外发行的学术期刊都要求刊中的、实验方法、技术性文章、性文章、研究论文等在正文中附上中英文摘要。这可使读者用较少的时间和精力了解文章的研究成果。研究进展、存在的问题及经验教训。英文摘要还可把文章的主要内容介绍给不懂中文的国外同行,起到国际学术交流的作用。  摘要也是检索工作的需要,文摘期刊社对其进行整理,使之成为二次文献。  4.2摘要的构成  摘要一般由下列三部分组成:  (1)研究目的简要陈述研究目的和济究内容及需要解决的问题。  (2)研究方法简要介绍研究所采用的实验方法和基本步骤。  (3)研究结果简要描述实验主要发现和主要结论及其论文的价值。  4.3 摘要的位置  摘要应放在文章题目、作者姓名及工作单位之下,这样利于读者在阅读文章之前了解该文章的内容,决定是否需要继续阅读。关于英文摘要,目前,国内的专业期刊中,有的刊物将摘要放在题目之下正文之上,有的放在文章的最后,还有的把刊中所有的摘要放在该刊最后的文摘页上。从习惯上来看,还是应当把英文摘要放在中文摘要之后正文之前为好。  4.4 摘要的长度  摘要不应分段。但长篇报告和学位论文的摘要可分段。摘要的字数视需要而定。一般中文稿250~300字左右;英文稿以1 000印刷符号为宜,原则上不超过全文的3%。写时,应尽量将文中的内容和理解这些内容的主要要素写入摘要中。  4.5 摘要的写作  许多人在编写摘要时都习惯以“本文”、“本研究”等作为摘要的开头,摘要来自该研究论文,这些是无信息的词语,应去掉。摘要应采用第三人称过去式的写法,不要用第一人称写成“我校……”、“我所……”、“我院……”。撰写研究论文的学术价值应实事求是、客观。  4.6 摘要的译写  联合国教科文组织规定:“全世界公开发表的科技论文,不管用何种文字写成,都必需附有一篇的英文摘要。”因此,我国现有的正式出版的学术刊物在文章中都添加译写英文摘要,从而加速国际学术交流。目前,国内学报级刊物的英文摘要以一个印刷页为宜,目的是让国际同行多了解我国科技成果。  现将国内外期刊上学术中常用的句型作一介绍。  (1)表示研究目的的行文方法  This paper presents…  This paper reports…  This paper describes…  This paper discusses…  This paper investigates…  This paper deals with…  The objectives of this investigation be to(do)…  The aim of this investigation be to(do)…  The purpose of the present study be to(do)…  This paper is concerned with…  This paper is aimed at…  This paper is limited to…  The authors report…  The authors(writers) made observation on…  Investigation on … be carried out in…  … be evaluated and analyzed  (2)表示研究方法  The experiment be performed using…  The approach be based on…  The present study was started in 时间 to(do)…  … be identified according to…  … be determined by…  … be based on the use of…  … was used to(do)…  … be collected from…  … be grown during…  … be observed by(using)…  … be studied by measuring…  … be characterized by…  Analysis of… by… revealed that…


PrefaceThe ARPANET – the Department of Defense network that is the ancestor of today’s Internet—was built in the late sixties using a proprietary protocol This first protocol proved to have shortcomings for linking with other networks, which led to the development of Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) TCP/IP used 32-bit address These soon proved to be unwieldy for most users, even when expressed in the less daunting formant of four 8-bit decimal numbers, delimited by The obvious solution was a scheme for addressing computers by After all, people relate much better to names and find it much easier to remember the computer in the corner as “Frodo,” rather than “”The First Generation: Hot TablesThe desire to refer to machines by name instead of number led to the first IP address management scheme: the host The host table is a file that contains all the IP address in use on a network, along with their The host table provides a mapping from a host’s name to its IP address, as well as reverse mapping: Given a host’s IP address, the user can look up its For a host table to be most user useful, it must contain the names of all the hosts with which a given host might want to For the ARPANET, that mean that the host table had to contain the names and IP address of every host on the Such a file was maintained by the Network Information Center (NIC), the central organization responsible for managing the ARPANET The file was called HOSTSTXT and was similar in format to the/etc/hosts file on UNIX Network administrators all over the network e-mailed host table changed to the NIC every time they added or deleted a host or changed a host’s IP The NIC made the changes to its master host table, which it made available via File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Administrators periodically downloaded the latest version of the host table to stay


这是《科学美国人》杂志上的《PLASTICS GET WIRED》Like many technological advances, the innovations in the field ofconducting polymers began by While attempting tomake an organic polymer called polyacetylene in the early1970s, Hideki Shirakawa of the Tokyo Institute of Technology mistakenlyadded 1,000 times more catalyst than the recipe called What he producedwas a lustrous, silvery film that resembled aluminum foil butstretched like Saran Wrap—something that sounds more like a new andimproved way to keep leftovers fresh than a potential breakthrough inmaterials The substance appeared so unusual that when Alan G MacDiarmidspied it, he wondered if it would be a candidate for his goal of making“synthetic metals”—nonmetallic substances that could transmit In 1977 Shirakawa joined MacDiarmid and Alan J Heeger in their laboratoryat the University of Pennsylvania to investigate this form of After mixing in some iodine, the group found that the material’sconductivity subsequently jumped by a factor of several Durable, cheap, manufacturable and flexible, conducting polymers inspiredvisions of a future of transparent circuits, artificial muscle and electronicdisplays that conveniently roll up under the Researchers haveauditioned various demonstration devices, including components thatcould be useful for new displays, such as plastic transistors and light-emittingdiodes (LEDs) Although such a future is about as dreamy as it gets,many investigators see broad marketing opportunities possible now—inantistatic coatings, electromagnetic shielding, lights for toys and microwaveovens, among Perhaps mundane, such applications are nonethelesspromising enough that universities are collaborating with corporations,and scientists have initiated start-Although the pace of technological innovation has been impressivelybrisk, whether the materials will have an effect on commerce remains Firms are unlikely to invest in new equipment if the devices performonly marginally better than existing Polymer-based batteries,for instance, have a longer shelf life than do conventional ones, but theyhave penetrated the market in only a limited Flat-panel displays andLEDs made of organic substances face entrenched competition from existinginorganic liquid crystals and Still, optimism pervades the Because plastic and electrical deviceshave become integral parts of the modern world, researchers are confidentthat at least some profitable uses will Conducting polymers constitutea radically novel market area, points out Ray H Baughman of Allied-Signal in Morristown, NJ, who predicts confidently, “Fortunes aregoing to be ”Polymers, the constituents of familiar plastic materials and syntheticfibers, are large organic molecules built out of smaller ones linked togetherin a long Generally, they are insulators, because their moleculeshave no free electrons for carrying To make these substances conductive,workers exploit a technique familiar to the semiconducting industry:doping, or adding atoms with interesting electronic Theadded atoms either give up some of their spare electrons to the polymerbonds or grab some electrons from the bonds (and thereby contribute positivecharges called holes) In either case, the chain becomes electrically Applying a voltage can then send electrons scampering over thelength of the 《MICROPROCESSORS IN 2020》Unlike many other technologies that fed our imaginationsand then faded away, the computer hastransformed our There can be little doubtthat it will continue to do so for many decades to Theengine driving this ongoing revolution is the microprocessor,the sliver of silicon that has led to countless inventions, suchas portable computers and fax machines, and has added intelligenceto modern automobiles and Astonishingly,the performance of microprocessors has improved25,000 times over since their invention only 27 years I have been asked to describe the microprocessor of Such predictions in my opinion tend to overstate the worthof radical, new computing Hence, I boldly predictthat changes will be evolutionary in nature, and not Even so, if the microprocessor continues to improveat its current rate, I cannot help but suggest that 25 yearsfrom now these chips will empower revolutionary software tocompute wonderful 《HOW THE SUPERTRANSISTORWORKS》Although it is rarely acknowledged,not one but two distinctelectronic revolutionswere set in motion by the invention ofthe transistor 50 years ago at Bell TelephoneL The better knownof the two has as its hallmark the trendtoward This revolutionwas fundamentally transformed in thelate 1950s, when Robert N Noyce andJack Kilby separately invented the integratedcircuit, in which multiple transistorsare fabricated within a single chipmade up of layers of a Years of this miniaturizationtrend have led to fingernail-size sliversof silicon containing millions of transistors,each measuring a few microns andconsuming perhaps a millionth of a wattin 如果需要更多跟我联系,我有pdf版的资料。




Good morning, everyone!Here, I'd like to introduce the music robot my father bought It is small, so you can even carry it in your After you connect it to the Internet and speak to it, it can provide different kinds of For example, you just say, “Ding Dong, I want to listen to SHE's songs”, and it will play their songs You can also ask it about weather or even your problems in Besides, it can remind you of important dates and so I am so amazed at my music robot because it makes my life more enjoyable and I really love it!大家早上好!这里,我想介绍一下我父亲买的音乐机器人在线。它它很小,所以你甚至可以把它放在你的口袋里背包。之后你把它连接到互联网和它说话,它可以提供不同种类的服务服务。用于举个例子,你只要说,“叮咚,我想听她唱的歌”,它会播放他们的歌马上。你呢也可以问天气,甚至你的问题学习。除此之外,它可以提醒你重要的日期等等。我很惊讶我的音乐机器人,因为它使我的生活更愉快和方便。我真的很喜欢它!



PrefaceThe ARPANET – the Department of Defense network that is the ancestor of today’s Internet—was built in the late sixties using a proprietary protocol This first protocol proved to have shortcomings for linking with other networks, which led to the development of Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) TCP/IP used 32-bit address These soon proved to be unwieldy for most users, even when expressed in the less daunting formant of four 8-bit decimal numbers, delimited by The obvious solution was a scheme for addressing computers by After all, people relate much better to names and find it much easier to remember the computer in the corner as “Frodo,” rather than “”The First Generation: Hot TablesThe desire to refer to machines by name instead of number led to the first IP address management scheme: the host The host table is a file that contains all the IP address in use on a network, along with their The host table provides a mapping from a host’s name to its IP address, as well as reverse mapping: Given a host’s IP address, the user can look up its For a host table to be most user useful, it must contain the names of all the hosts with which a given host might want to For the ARPANET, that mean that the host table had to contain the names and IP address of every host on the Such a file was maintained by the Network Information Center (NIC), the central organization responsible for managing the ARPANET The file was called HOSTSTXT and was similar in format to the/etc/hosts file on UNIX Network administrators all over the network e-mailed host table changed to the NIC every time they added or deleted a host or changed a host’s IP The NIC made the changes to its master host table, which it made available via File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Administrators periodically downloaded the latest version of the host table to stay

这是《科学美国人》杂志上的《PLASTICS GET WIRED》Like many technological advances, the innovations in the field ofconducting polymers began by While attempting tomake an organic polymer called polyacetylene in the early1970s, Hideki Shirakawa of the Tokyo Institute of Technology mistakenlyadded 1,000 times more catalyst than the recipe called What he producedwas a lustrous, silvery film that resembled aluminum foil butstretched like Saran Wrap—something that sounds more like a new andimproved way to keep leftovers fresh than a potential breakthrough inmaterials The substance appeared so unusual that when Alan G MacDiarmidspied it, he wondered if it would be a candidate for his goal of making“synthetic metals”—nonmetallic substances that could transmit In 1977 Shirakawa joined MacDiarmid and Alan J Heeger in their laboratoryat the University of Pennsylvania to investigate this form of After mixing in some iodine, the group found that the material’sconductivity subsequently jumped by a factor of several Durable, cheap, manufacturable and flexible, conducting polymers inspiredvisions of a future of transparent circuits, artificial muscle and electronicdisplays that conveniently roll up under the Researchers haveauditioned various demonstration devices, including components thatcould be useful for new displays, such as plastic transistors and light-emittingdiodes (LEDs) Although such a future is about as dreamy as it gets,many investigators see broad marketing opportunities possible now—inantistatic coatings, electromagnetic shielding, lights for toys and microwaveovens, among Perhaps mundane, such applications are nonethelesspromising enough that universities are collaborating with corporations,and scientists have initiated start-Although the pace of technological innovation has been impressivelybrisk, whether the materials will have an effect on commerce remains Firms are unlikely to invest in new equipment if the devices performonly marginally better than existing Polymer-based batteries,for instance, have a longer shelf life than do conventional ones, but theyhave penetrated the market in only a limited Flat-panel displays andLEDs made of organic substances face entrenched competition from existinginorganic liquid crystals and Still, optimism pervades the Because plastic and electrical deviceshave become integral parts of the modern world, researchers are confidentthat at least some profitable uses will Conducting polymers constitutea radically novel market area, points out Ray H Baughman of Allied-Signal in Morristown, NJ, who predicts confidently, “Fortunes aregoing to be ”Polymers, the constituents of familiar plastic materials and syntheticfibers, are large organic molecules built out of smaller ones linked togetherin a long Generally, they are insulators, because their moleculeshave no free electrons for carrying To make these substances conductive,workers exploit a technique familiar to the semiconducting industry:doping, or adding atoms with interesting electronic Theadded atoms either give up some of their spare electrons to the polymerbonds or grab some electrons from the bonds (and thereby contribute positivecharges called holes) In either case, the chain becomes electrically Applying a voltage can then send electrons scampering over thelength of the 《MICROPROCESSORS IN 2020》Unlike many other technologies that fed our imaginationsand then faded away, the computer hastransformed our There can be little doubtthat it will continue to do so for many decades to Theengine driving this ongoing revolution is the microprocessor,the sliver of silicon that has led to countless inventions, suchas portable computers and fax machines, and has added intelligenceto modern automobiles and Astonishingly,the performance of microprocessors has improved25,000 times over since their invention only 27 years I have been asked to describe the microprocessor of Such predictions in my opinion tend to overstate the worthof radical, new computing Hence, I boldly predictthat changes will be evolutionary in nature, and not Even so, if the microprocessor continues to improveat its current rate, I cannot help but suggest that 25 yearsfrom now these chips will empower revolutionary software tocompute wonderful 《HOW THE SUPERTRANSISTORWORKS》Although it is rarely acknowledged,not one but two distinctelectronic revolutionswere set in motion by the invention ofthe transistor 50 years ago at Bell TelephoneL The better knownof the two has as its hallmark the trendtoward This revolutionwas fundamentally transformed in thelate 1950s, when Robert N Noyce andJack Kilby separately invented the integratedcircuit, in which multiple transistorsare fabricated within a single chipmade up of layers of a Years of this miniaturizationtrend have led to fingernail-size sliversof silicon containing millions of transistors,each measuring a few microns andconsuming perhaps a millionth of a wattin 如果需要更多跟我联系,我有pdf版的资料。


科学发展观在飞秒瞬间判断派别的特征 从泽维尔发现了"飞秒"这个最短的时间,从他因这一发现获得诺贝尔奖的那一刻,"飞秒"这个瞬间已被世界关注。人的一生中有无数个飞秒瞬间,无论任何事情,我们用国正论分出大小的过程,就是在那个千万亿分之一秒分成了两半。无论我们今天看到一个惊天动地的事件还是悲惨凄凉的形式,粗略地看待它们,好像是时间的煎熬,其实是经过飞秒瞬间之后,给予我们的感悟。让人无奈的是,我们感觉到的一切奇迹、遗憾或叹息都是经过了飞秒瞬间之后,才让我们看到。给我们这种奇妙的感觉,都是相对立的两方由飞秒瞬间穿越之后,它们的状态才固定下来。人们表现出来的爱与恨、情与仇、好与坏、美与丑、赞成与反对、欣喜与灾难,相互的确立和转换也都是在飞秒瞬间界定了派别。 科学发展观作为一种文化,它和其他的文化一样表现出同样的性质。人们开始愿意接受的文化观点都是先接受了它们的表象,经过一段时期后,真正与主题基因发生亲缘似地互动时经过了那个飞秒瞬间,文化派别就这样被哲学确定了,派别的立场就成了分离不变性的"博弈实体"。《博弈圣经》中说过,两次直观才可进入实体,实体是国,可以从中剥离出无数的可能。由此得出结论,不经过飞秒瞬间看似融入主题的文化派别,也只是进入了一个空间单位,一半的行为仍是个人的性质,不能代表稳定的"博弈实体"。正因为实体文化的虚无性质,才需要根据主题要求,在飞秒瞬间进行分离,并吸收扩大文化派系,才能保持派别情感的实体特性。 经过飞秒瞬间将主题的文化基因积累的爱融入科学发展观的实体基因里,那才是对科学发展观真正的爱。《博弈圣经》对爱这样陈述说:"我们把文化进程中被瘾魂驱动的欲望抛弃了自我之后,自由给予的真、善、美,定义为爱。"这样一个个被唤醒的高官,他的行为有一种无私的爱,才是忠诚的骨干,就是一颗拥有魅力的野性种子;他会利用各种发起、召唤、倡导、指导的优质遗传特征,传播科学发展观的主题文化基因;他会改变一大片,这一大片里还会出现种子。 聪明的文化基因,总是优先被唤醒,呈现出中心,它是防止自身衰变进行生物博弈的创新繁殖。这是我们从遗传学那里得到的启示。在连续的文化进程中,让他人接受科学发展观的文化,要靠多次的遗传交流才能逐渐地接近派别的飞秒瞬间。我们可以看出学习实践科学发展观的步伐很大,口号响亮,仍不见奇效,完全可以想象,唤醒人类在第三空地里的创新行为是与时俱进的发展历程。只有不断地对科学发展观的"一观二论"进行相互的红移轰击,喊多了,就变成了自我的内容,看到了科学发展观就像看到了自己的名字、影子。《博弈圣经》曾有一段描述:"每一个人对自己的肖像和名字的敏感性,仍是存在一种神秘的知觉,因为无论什么人的生物特性都可以对实体影子和实体肖像产生神秘性,像把梦境看成实体知觉一样,有一定的实在性。" 科学发展观的"一观二论"一旦被接受,适用文化相对性,随时都可以跨越飞秒瞬间,分出真假文化派别,分出博弈的阵营,表现出感情,正像《博弈圣经》中说的:"感情是依赖,是瘾魂驱动欲望过程中的殷勤创作。"如果不能依据国正论的哲学,在飞秒瞬间区别出大小(就是博弈实体与性质),就不能对科学发展观表现出感情,就不能信仰它那至高无尚的主题,也不能融入它的内容;即使在一个阵营也只是一种形式,一旦遇到困难,一半的可能性不会表现出感情忠诚和坚定实体的信念,内部将会出现消极、论争、障碍、麻烦和危险。 任何虚假或不实在的表现,都是想用博弈的手段,战胜对方,独享支配权。 科学发展观是领袖对战略文化的思考,是社会持续发展的纲领。在实践的过程中,文化只有一次次达成,文化没有成功,只有前行。 每一个人都应该理解文明的永恒、普适、唯一性就是科学,再理解战略的连续性就是发展,发展就是创新,我们把大脑对科学和发展的抽象快照看成观念,这就是科学发展观的概念。 我们无论走到哪里,都会受到科学发展观红移辐射的冲击。科学发展观是一个实体,任何一个实体都是一个博弈的平台,站在实体一边会占优。每个人都有机会竞争,竞争就是博弈,博弈的飞秒瞬间都是有输有赢。 失败是博弈的结果,所谓成功也是博弈的庇护。

气垫船又叫“腾空船”,是一种利用空气的支撑力升离水面的船。这种船一出现立即受到全世界造船界的关注。     老师在三天前也叫我们制作气垫船,我兴致勃勃地拿出了制作气垫船的材料:光碟、101胶水、气球、瓶盖、吸管,开始准备做气垫船了。我一开始不会做,可是我们班的同学有很多都做好了,于是我决定试一试。     我班的同学做的样子都一样,可为什么有的跑远,有的跑近,有的跑快,还有的跑慢呢?我就一边思考着这些问题,一边开始操作,可是一开始不大顺利,连瓶盖都粘不到光碟上,我就请妈妈帮忙。瓶盖终于粘好了,刚好粘在光碟的正中央,我看起来很满意。下一步工作是用针把瓶盖钻一个小洞,可是我不会用力,一下子把手都扎破了,但是我忍着疼痛继续干下去,小洞终于扎好了。然后我把气球放在上面,大功终于告成了,虽然样子不是太好看,但是我现在兴奋不已,因为这是我自己完成的手工制作。接下来我很紧张,因为要开始试了,能否成功呢?不管怎么说还是试一试吧!我就用吸管向瓶盖眼里吹气,然后把吸管拿开,把它放在桌面上,一松手,气垫船跑起来了,终于成功了,我的气垫船虽不及真正的气垫船,但是,它也是形式上的气垫船,所以我很自豪。     通过这一次气垫船的科技小制作,我更加喜欢上了科学,所以我以后要加倍的努力学习,将来的一个成功的科学家。


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