

发布时间:2024-07-07 07:48:41


Water pollution and protectShortage of water resources, water resources total ranks sixth in the world, per capita consumption of only 2500m3, about the world per capita water 1/4, ranked 110 in the world, the United Nations has been listed as one of 13 water-poor countries The extent of serious water pollution, huge losses, the country has a population of 1/4 do not meet health standards for drinking Water pollution directly affects the lives of our people, the living The status of surface water quality is not The survey found that 25 percent of the river showed eutrophic state, 15% are turning to eutrophication, 100% of the river water hyacinth growth, covering over 30% of the river water hyacinth, 80% of the river there is garbage, 35% of the river impassable blockage, 20% river has become Water pollution is due to pollutants than self-purification capacity of the river According to the survey, residents of poor awareness of the protection of water resources, the garbage directly into the river, home to the toilet waste directly into the river; agricultural water, the water containing pesticides and fertilizers drain into the river; individual private factories, at the expense of environmental interests the economic benefits, causing serious water Water pollution directly affect people's lives and Conducted using contaminated water for agricultural production will result in cuts; river water hyacinth, blocking the river so that boats can not pass; pollution will make people sick, such as diarrhea, skin diseases, and even cause poisoning, such as Japan's Minamata Disease is one good example of the impact on fisheries production is not be A large number of facts tell us that most of our water pollution own human behavior, serious water pollution has caused great attention of governments, I think we should start now, in the governance body of water has been polluted, while protect uncontaminated water bodies and improve fundamentally human quality, and enhance the environmental awareness of puweixin usa tianmao

the status of soil pollution and the way to control

Protect the environmentNowadays,the environment in China is getting worse and The water is polluted,and air pollution and become a very serious Many people even wear masks when they go How can we help save the environment?We can reduce air pollution by riding bikes,taking public transport instead of We can also save energy by closing the lights when you leave the room,and reusing If we all do our parts,our country will be a much better place!最近,中国的环境越来越糟糕了水被污染了,空气污染也成为了一个严重的问题很多人甚至出门都要带口罩我们能怎样帮忙保护环境呢?我们可以通过多骑自行车和坐公交,少乘私家车我们也可以通过随手关灯,重复利用水要节约能源如果我们每个人都进到自己的责任,我们的国家就会变成一个更好的地方


Water pollution and protectShortage of water resources, water resources total ranks sixth in the world, per capita consumption of only 2500m3, about the world per capita water 1/4, ranked 110 in the world, the United Nations has been listed as one of 13 water-poor countries The extent of serious water pollution, huge losses, the country has a population of 1/4 do not meet health standards for drinking Water pollution directly affects the lives of our people, the living The status of surface water quality is not The survey found that 25 percent of the river showed eutrophic state, 15% are turning to eutrophication, 100% of the river water hyacinth growth, covering over 30% of the river water hyacinth, 80% of the river there is garbage, 35% of the river impassable blockage, 20% river has become Water pollution is due to pollutants than self-purification capacity of the river According to the survey, residents of poor awareness of the protection of water resources, the garbage directly into the river, home to the toilet waste directly into the river; agricultural water, the water containing pesticides and fertilizers drain into the river; individual private factories, at the expense of environmental interests the economic benefits, causing serious water Water pollution directly affect people's lives and Conducted using contaminated water for agricultural production will result in cuts; river water hyacinth, blocking the river so that boats can not pass; pollution will make people sick, such as diarrhea, skin diseases, and even cause poisoning, such as Japan's Minamata Disease is one good example of the impact on fisheries production is not be A large number of facts tell us that most of our water pollution own human behavior, serious water pollution has caused great attention of governments, I think we should start now, in the governance body of water has been polluted, while protect uncontaminated water bodies and improve fundamentally human quality, and enhance the environmental awareness of puweixin usa tianmao

Environmental Pollution I read a piece of news It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to and now it is becoming more and more Why?——Fresh air is getting less and less in Japan, and so is it in the U S A In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem the whole world is it is mainly caused by the waste products released from artificial substances, industrial production and increased consumption of Bedsides, the use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes environmental Look at the sky, you can see that dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys; those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into the rivers that we use for drinking water and millions of tons of waste products are heaping around How to change this condition?More and more countries are trying to work out some effective means to bring it under control, but no great success has been

With a development of high speed in recent years, China has become one of the fast economic growing countries in the world, but at the same time, we are also facing the worsening problem of We are all well aware of the terrible situation: water loss and soil erosion along the Changjiang River and Huanghe River, the gray and cloudy sky on the industrial city, the dead water without living So what are the causes of the pollution problem? To answer such question is not easy, and in general, causes can be divided into 3 categories: concept, system, and "Chinese lack the concept of environment protection!" many foreign visitors get this conclusion on the first Because this can be reflected by many details in life: rubbish is thrown everywhere; one-off chopsticks are still used in restaurant; waste water can be discharged into river without The ignorance of environment pollution shows that environment weighs quite light compared with the economy, sports, politics, Although propaganda and education began emphasize the problem these days, there is still a long way to change people’s concept that was formed more than 100 years The category of system causes involves 2 aspects: law and In China, many specific laws about environment are either blank or Consequently, many activities and behaviors that do harm to the environment can go without Even in the area with clear law, the executions are not strict and powerful at For instance, many companies along the Changjiang River discharge large volumes of waste water into the river, but they can easily avoid punishment by stopping discharging when the departments of environment discovered And sadly the environment department can do little to Policy is another direct factor of the pollution It is well known that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is highly emphasized by Chinese governments of all To pursue high speed increase of GDP, economy is often developed at the cost of environment So such phenomena are very popular: forests are cut down for economy; illegal factories are permitted for local And behind them are the short sight policies of the Besides, nongovernmental organizations do not play an important role in C Although we can hear more voice from them now, their role is limited to propaganda without essential and powerful effect on Social category also includes several First, Chinese population is so large that it requires more efforts for managements and measures to Besides, a large part of Chinese population is uneducated or low educated, which adds more Further more, although economy has been developing fast these years, yet there are also quite a lot of people, especially in country and village, that live in And they should not be blamed for not caring the environment enough, because the stress of making a living is the first they should In conclusion, it is obvious that pollution is a complex problem in China and the causes of it are really In addition, all these factors are not insulated and always interactive with each So the solution to this problem should be based on a comprehensive and deep understanding of


这个可以吗The air pollution is the most serious pollution in China I think air pollution is the most serious pollution in C We human being cannot live without Once the air is polluted, our health is There are two main atmospheric pollution sources: one is natural, and another is man- We can do nothing to control the former, but we can control the Burning coal provides 75 percent of the energy in C The waste air emitted from the coal burning contains a lot of sulfur elements mostly existing in the sulfur dioxide gas, which will turn into acid rain after a series of chemical reactions and The using of agriculture poisons is another origin of the man-made air So we should use as less poisons in agriculture as we can and try to use some biological method to kill the harmful In conclusion, the main causes of the pollution of China are air, water, land and Any kind of pollution has a bad impact on our daily Among them, I think, air pollution is the most pollution of China ———————————————————————— Well,if you want to konw more about the The main causes of the pollution of China: The air pollution is the most serious pollution in China The water pollution is another serious pollution that we cannot ignore The land pollution and noise pollution are also parts of the pollution of C The main causes of the pollution of China Peace and development are still the two themes of the current But as the world develops, more and more problems have arisen, among which is pollution, especially in some developing countries like C Generally speaking, there are four kinds of pollution in China: water, air, land and So what cause those pollutions in China? Firstly, the land and noise are two parts of the pollution of C The wastes on the land mainly include life rubbish and industrial solid Some materials are difficult to be decomposed such as plastic materials; although they can be decomposed, it will take a long The industrial solid wastes usually take a lot of room, and make our environment dirty and untidy such as slag or cinder and some deserted old I think noises are the most annoying In recent decades because of all kinds of noises the average ability of people’s listening is declining more promptly than the past in C People can not sleep well when the machines are still working at In day time the sound made by vehicles seriously affect the work of officers and the studies of the students, and destroy the quiet environment of some hospitals near the roads We need Secondly, water pollution is another serious pollution that we cannot Water is, like the air, another basic substance of human But the fact is that more and more water is being The available drinking water is Some factories only pursue the development of their factories regardless of considering protecting the They pour the wastewater into rivers and oceans as they Although sometimes they are forbidden and punished in China, after they are imposed a fine or forfeit they will continue to do as usual because the money they make by not adding some equipment to deal with the waste water is far less than the In addition, the leak of petroleum, overproduction of some alga plants, and droppings from human and cattle are also apt to contaminate the waters Finally, I think air pollution is the most serious pollution in C We human being cannot live without Once the air is polluted, our health is There are two main atmospheric pollution sources: one is natural, and another is man- We can do nothing to control the former, but we can control the Burning coal provides 75 percent of the energy in C The waste air emitted from the coal burning contains a lot of sulfur elements mostly existing in the sulfur dioxide gas, which will turn into acid rain after a series of chemical reactions and The using of agriculture poisons is another origin of the man-made air So we should use as less poisons in agriculture as we can and try to use some biological method to kill the harmful In conclusion, the main causes of the pollution of China are air, water, land and Any kind of pollution has a bad impact on our daily Among them, I think, air pollution is the most pollution of C


Pollution Sources and causesAir pollution comes from both natural and man made Though globally man made pollutants from combustion, construction, mining, agriculture and warfare are increasingly significant in the air pollution Motor vehicle emissions are one of the leading causes of air China, United States, Russia, Mexico, and Japan are the world leaders in air pollution Principal stationary pollution sources include chemical plants, coal-fired power plants, oil refineries, petrochemical plants, nuclear waste disposal activity, incinerators, large livestock farms (dairy cows, pigs, poultry, ), PVC factories, metals production factories, plastics factories, and other heavy Agricultural air pollution comes from contemporary practices which include clear felling and burning of natural vegetation as well as spraying of pesticides and herbicidesAbout 400 million metric tons of hazardous wastes are generated each The United States alone produces about 250 million metric Americans constitute less than 5% of the world's population, but produce roughly 25% of the world’s CO2, and generate approximately 30% of world’s In 2007, China has overtaken the United States as the world's biggest producer of CO2污染源和原因空气污染来自于自然和人为来源。虽然从全球人造燃烧,建筑,采矿,农业和战争污染物空气污染日益方程显着。机动车排放是造成空气污染的主要原因之一。中国,美国,俄罗斯,墨西哥和日本是世界上空气污染排放的领导人。固定污染源主要包括化学工厂,燃煤电厂,炼油厂,石化厂,核废物处置活动,焚烧炉,大牲畜养殖场(奶牛,猪,家禽等),聚氯乙烯厂,金属生产厂,塑料工厂等重工业。空气污染来自农业,其中包括明确的砍伐和自然植被燃烧以及喷洒农药和除草剂的当代实践约400万公吨的危险废物每年产生。仅美国生产约250万公吨。美国人占不到5%的世界人口,但产生大约25世界的二氧化碳%,并产生约30世界的浪费%。 2007年,中国已经超过美国成为世界上最大的二氧化碳生产国美国

Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot Concerned people have made some progress in environmental Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve our natural resources and recycle our We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the



在动笔之前要做好充分的准备,一旦下笔之后,则要坚持不懈地一口气写下去,务必在最短时间内拿出初稿。这是许多文章家的写作诀窍。有的人写文章喜欢咬文嚼字,边写边琢磨词句,遇到想不起的字也要停下来查半天字典。这样写法,很容易把思路打断。其实,初稿不妨粗一些,材料或文字方面存在某些缺陷,只要无关大局。暂时不必去改动它,等到全部初稿写成后,再来加工不迟。鲁迅就是这样做的,他在《致叶紫》的信中说:  先前那样十步九回头的作文法,是很不对的,这就是在不断的不相信自己——结果一定做不成。以后应该立定格局之后,一直写下去,不管修辞,也不要回头看。等到成后,搁它几天,然后再来复看,删去若干,改换几字。在创作的途中,一面炼字,真要把感兴打断的。我翻译时,倘想不到适当的字,就把这些字空起来,仍旧译下去,这字待稍暇时再想。  否则,能因为一个字,停到大半天。这是鲁迅的经验之谈,对我们写毕业论文也极有启发。





境污染的各种分类: 按环境要素分 :大气污染、水体污染、土壤污染。 按人类活动分:工业环境污染、城市环境污染、农业环境污染。 按造成环境污染的性质、来源分:化学污染、生物污染、物理污染(噪声污染、放射性、电磁波)固体废物污染、能源污染。 环境污染会给生态系统造成直接的破坏和影响,如沙漠化、森林破坏、也会给生态系统和人类社会造成间接的危害,有时这种间接的环境效应的危害比当时造成的直接危害更大,也更难消除。例如,温室效应、酸雨、和臭氧层破坏就是由大气污染衍生出的环境效应。这 种由环境污染衍生的环境效应具有滞后性,往往在污染发生的当时不易被察觉或预料到,然而一旦发生就表示环境污染已经发展到相当严重的地步。当然,环境污染的最直接、最容易被人所感受的后果是使人类环境的质量下降,影响人类的生活质量、身体健康和生产活动。例如城市的空气污染造成空气污浊,人们的发病率上升等等;水污染使水环境质量恶化,饮用水源的质量普遍下降,威胁人的身体健康,引起胎儿早产或畸形等等。严重的污染事件不仅带来健康问题,也造成社会问题。随着污染的加剧和人们环境意识的提高,由于污染引起 的人群纠纷和冲突逐年增加。 目前在全球范围内都不同程度地出现了环境污染问题,具有全球影响的方面有大气环境污染、海洋污染、城市环境问题等。随着经济和贸易的全球化,环境污染也日益呈现国际化趋势,近年来出现的危险废物越境转移问题就是这方面的突出表现。


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