

发布时间:2024-09-06 07:28:41


你好,我的英语已经6级了,在英国留学3年,我翻译的百分之百正确,请相信我。Hello, my English has 6, studying in the UK for 3 years, I translated the one hundred percent correct, please believe

Globalization and Internet (全球化/Internet) The drawing vividly unfolds (Describe the picture描述图画) This phenomenon which this picture points out is one of numerous international phenomena to have become common and already attractedGlobalization and Internet (全球化/Internet)The drawing vividly unfolds …(Describe the picture描述图画)This phenomenon which this picture points out is one of numerous international phenomena to have become common and already attracted broad attention in the world in recent Globalization/Internet, in brief, makes the whole world a small Globalization/Internet offers extensive opportunities for every country in the world to develop their economy, improve their regime, enrich their culture, update their technology and so forth, but globalization/Internet is a two-edged sword: it can bring both benefit and (Present state/situation现象描述+ /Meaning含义)这幅图画指出的这个现象是近几年在世界上众多已经变得普遍并且已经引起了广泛关注的国际/世界现象之一。全球化/Internet,简言之,就是使整个世界变成一个小村子。全球化/Internet给予了这个世界上的每一个国家广泛的机会去发展它们的经济、改善它们的政体、丰富它们的文化、更新它们的技术等等,但全球化/Internet是一把两刃剑:既有利的一面,也有害的一面。We must first understand the nature of the On the one hand, globalization/Internet offers extensive opportunities for every country in the On the other hand, One of the most controversial aspects of globalization/Internet is the global spread and dominance of American 我们必须先要理解这个问题的本质。一方面,全球化/Internet为这个世界上的每一个国家提供了广阔的机会。另一方面,全球化/Internet最具有争议的其中一个方面是认为全球化就是美国文化的全球扩张和一统天下。I have some suggestions about dealing with this First and foremost, Globalization/Internet can bring In the past twenty years, in the process of globalization and explosive development of the Internet, China has brought about rapid economic growth, sustained social progress and continuous betterment of people's living standard, so we should Secondly, it can also bring China has been experiencing the collapse of own traditional virtue in the In summary, I am deeply convinced that she, a nation which has civilization for 5,000 years, never loses any good things, physical, intellectual, or moral, till she finds a better substitute, and then the loss is a (Suggestion+conclusion建议+结束语)关于处理这个问题,我有一些建议。首要地,全球化/Internet能带来利益。在过去二十年,在全球化和Internet爆炸性的发展的过程中,中国已经产生了快速的经济增长、持续的社会进步和人们生活水平的不断改善,因此我们是应该接受的。其次,它也能带来伤害,在全球化和Internet爆炸性的发展的过程中,中国一直在经历着自己传统美德的瓦解。总之,我深信她,一个拥有5000年文明的民族,决不会丢掉任何好的东西,物质的、精神的或道德的,直到她找到一个更好的替代,那么到那时侯这种丢失就是一种获得。全球化英语作文

下面是一篇经济全球化利与弊的中英文对照的作文: 文化多样性的减少 一、全球化会抹平社会间的多样性,但会增加社会内部的多样性。因为人们可供选择的菜单增加了。想想哪个更重要。 二、多样性是一个悖论。全球化确实会使某些局部上的多样性减少。太多的知识会限制我们的创造力。某种程度的隔绝可以将自信和某种魔术感注入到艺术中。这种局部多样性的减少又意味着人们可供选择的菜单的减少。 三、这是一个“度”的问题。 First, globalization will smooth out the diversity among the community, but will increase the diversity within Because people increased choice of Think about which is more Second, diversity is a Globalization does make some partial reduction of Too much knowledge will limit our Some degree of isolation can inject a sense of confidence and a certain magic to the This diversity of local people to reduce the mean reduction in choice of Third, this is a "degree" of the 传统节日渐渐被西方节日占领,传统习俗的遗忘,传统古建筑在经济的发展下不断被拆除摧毁。 The traditional festival has gradually been occupied by Western festivals, traditions and customs be forgotten, the traditional ancient buildings continue to be demolished to destroy in the development of the People in the world today are facing complicated Art and culture even be used to achieve the Hollywood, United States, for example, Hollywood annually produces about 700 films the Hollywood audience all over the In fact, the Hollywood movie has now become a tool of the United States to achieve the purposes of aggression and 文化既是民族的,又是世界的 各民族都有自己文化的个性和特征。 各民族文化都是世界文化中不可缺少 Culture is national, but also the world's All ethnic groups have their own culture and personality The national culture is indispensable to world culture Accounted for over 1/5 of the population lives in countries with the highest income levels, they have 86% of the global gross domestic product (GDP), 82% of the global export market, 68% of the foreign direct investment, 74% of the total number of telephone; while the share of the world's populationonly about 1% of the share of 1/5 of the total number of poor in the above-mentioned items The difference between rich and poor countries in terms of average income, 74 times, in 1960, this gap is only 30 In addition, the 200 richest assets accounted for 41% of the world's total population, more than the total 200 millionaire property increased twice in the past four years, more than one trillion US dollars, to the contrary, the daily income of less than $ poor remained at around 3 Globalization undoubtedly contributed to the overall growth of the world economy, the global distribution of economic interests is A handful of national and multinational monopolies rules of the game and control the world Multinational corporations are an important driving force of economic globalization, the world's 100 largest economies, and yet there are 51 multinational (2000 data) and the vast majority of multinational companies from developed Seen by the state power embodied in national wealth gap is still In economic output, few countries are expected to challenge the middle or even smaller industrialized Even the third world to maintain the momentum of rapid development, the absolute gap can be so large that in the foreseeable future is unlikely to be At present, the persons concerned are to promote economic globalization on developed countries' damage "However, the world economy and the greater impact of the international system is globalization has increased inequality between First, the past accumulated inequalities between countries not only failed to eliminate or mitigate a result of globalization, but Population of high-income countries account for only about 15% of the world's population, their home is the world's biological capacity by 28% but 55% of global consumption of This is how to achieve it? However, political independence, economic independence they are still nowhere in International division of labor under globalization, third world countries are still at the bottom of the global industrial chain, excessive consumption in developed countries to provide the resources and cheap An indigenous leader from the Philippines has sharply pointed out that "the so-called economic globalization, but the latest manifestation of " Colonial past is a direct plunder, colonists had to directly face the dissatisfaction of the colonists and resistance; the current economic globalization is the scam together, the old masters and the elite conspiracy third World countries, third World countries continue to produce low-cost output, raw materials and labor (in processing, ), and in exchange, often and interests of the majority of unrelated or even negatively related to luxury goods and weapons and the " In 1964, the world-renowned US company Union Carbide in India opened a production of pesticides farm 1975 years, finally built a large Pesticide Factory, 750 kilometers south away from the capital city of New D In the 1984, this Pesticide Factory, liquid, highly toxic gas leakage from the tank, and The accident put 45 tons of highly toxic gas inside the tank to leak Only two days alone, more than 2,500 people were killed and another 60 million people affected by the poison damage of varying In 1994,The number of death has reached 6495 , there are 40,000 people Globalization the values conflict, main performance for different nationalities and countries, especially between the values of western values and non-western values of the conflict And for non-western behind countries, western values and the conflict between the national values and is often and traditional values and the modem values is the process of modernization, the formation and development of the conflict between the values and intertwined, and often with the latter for Although "globalization" and "modernization" have different content, the former has some kind of space or geographic category of nature, it is to point to from regional to global; While the latter has some time or historical category of nature, it is to point to from tradition to modern times, but since modern times of globalization and the whole world of modernization process is actually the same It is in this process, the western capitalist countries to take the lead in realizing the modernization of the endogenous type, according to the capitalist expansion immanent logic and with its start advantage, forced or seduce non-western national identity western value, tries hard to western values, a generalized and globalization; Some non-western countries the hand behind efforts to start or DuoCi start forced type, such as the modernization of the ZhuiGanXing exogenous type, and thus in different degree approbation west value, on the other hand, a generalized expansion in western values under the weight of national culture and appear constantly identity crisis and identity pursuit, and national cultural identity in the final analysis or for the ethnic traditional culture, especially to the core value of Therefore, in the globalization of the world modernization and basic collocated process, "" western" is no longer a geographical term but 'common code of', 'modern western' is' the symbol of modernization " Through such conversion, identity 'western' into identity 'modern'" J correspondingly, globalization china-africa western countries face behind the national values and the western the conflicts of values, often also direct the performance for the traditional values and the modem values of the conflict As the expansion of the generalized to western values and fight against extreme form of response, fundamentalism was "the modern", lies in its saw and special emphasis on globalization in the modern values and the exterior-interior relationship between western Also because of this, so native and outland, traditional and modern this two category and their mutual relationships become the contemporary culture study and cultural philosophy in the debate a focal In the face of all these contemporary globalization in complex culture values conflict, cultural evolution in different cultural and understand that values will geographic category (native and outland) into historical category (the traditional and modern), and cultural relativism then requires the people will historical category (the traditional and modern) into geographic category (native and outlands) Although cultural evolution and cultural relativism each has its drawbacks, of which, the former have obviously the theory of color, the latter has the cultural conservatism properties, but both see the modern globalization in different national values, especially the conflict between western values and non-western values is the conflict between the traditional values and the modem values and the conflict is profoundly intertwined with the facts, and to make a fact to own understanding and 增加是随着经济全球化的正常运作过程而产生的,它同时又是全球化发展不均衡的结果。 With the globalization of economy increase is the normal operation of the process and of generation, it is also the result of the unbalanced development of 全球化带来的收益与支付的成本在不同的国家之间和一国之内不同人群之间的分配也是不均衡的。 The benefits of globalization and the cost of pay in different countries and different groups within one country between the distribution is not balanced 也就是说发达国家和发展中国家在全球化发展中参与游戏的角色是不同的,所获得的利益是不 That is the developed countries and developing countries in global development in the game role is different, benefit from is not 均衡的,这样的倾斜导致了发展中国家大量的非法移民流入发达国家 A balanced, so the tilt of the developing countries in a large number of illegal immigrants into the developed countries

引用放逐的哈飞恩的回答:With the development of economy and technology ,more and more people come to realize that the contact between countries has become more and more closely 随着经济和技术的发展,越来越多的人开始意识到国与国之间的联系变得越来越密切频繁。Nowadays almost everyone knows Coca-cola,and when we want to pursue all aspects of all-around development,we can't avoid staying in contact with other So globalization has become a unstoppable Different people have different point of Some people believe that globalization is a good thing ,because they enjoy the convenience and quality life globalization brings, whereas others argue that the developed countries are the only beneficiaries of globalization,and the developing countries in the course of globalization suffered a series of environmental pollution Globalization is a double-edged 现在,几乎每个人都知道可口可乐,当我们追求全面发展的时候,我们不能避免与其他国家联系。因此,全球化已经变成一种无法停止的趋势。不同的人有不同的观点。有的人相信全球化是件好事,因为他们享受全球化带来的方便和品质生活;而其他人认为,发达国家是全球化的唯一受益者,发展中国家在全球化过程中遭受一系列的环境污染问题。全球化是一把双刃剑。As far as I'm concerned,we should look at both sides of Only when we seize the opportunity of development and meet the challenges can we gain the upper hand in the 在我看来,我们应该看到全球化的双面。只有当我们抓住发展的机遇,迎接挑战,我们才可以在竞争中


在商务英语教学中,一些英语教师只重视语言知识和技能,而忽略了商务文化介入,使语言与文化脱节。而商务英语的各个环节都涉及到中西方文化的差异问题,如果在贸易实务中忽视这个问题,就会产生很多分歧,就不利于成功地达成交易。李太志明确提出了培养健康的商务文化意识有利于商务英语学习,陈建平就强化商务文化意识提出了若干建议,陈邦国、柯群胜也强调了商务英语教学中要加强商务文化渗透。在经济全球化的今天,商务英语教学的最终目的是要培养懂国际商务规则、掌握世界各民族文化特点的复合型人才,而能否跨越文化障碍、避免文化冲突,是国际商务活动能否顺利开展的关键。因此,在商务英语教学中加强商务文化意识的培养已被提到越来越重要的位置。 1商务英语中的商务文化 文化深深根植于语言,语言蕴涵丰富的文化因素。不同民族不同国家的商务传统风俗、商务礼仪习惯等存在差异。在英汉语言文化中,某些商务英语词语与汉语所指表面上一致,而涵义却不同。这就是语言文化差异。 2商务英语中的文化现象 不同民族对于不同价值观念有不同取向,在商务文化中,不同国家有不同的风俗习惯、不同的礼仪习惯等。例如我们中国公司的商务人员见到外商时常会递上一支烟。在中国,向客人敬烟是表示礼貌和友好,而在国外,特别是欧美国家,有不少人反对吸烟,向客人敬烟反而是不礼貌的表现。再如,不同国家民族的送礼规矩也不大一样。在英国,客户请你吃饭,带礼物去是不必要的。如果你要带酒,事先要问一下主人喜欢什么酒,这才恰当得体。在日本却恰恰相反,当你被邀到家里吃饭,你不带礼物去就太失礼,并会被认为鲁莽,如果事先问一下需要送什么礼,你会被认为粗鲁。诸如此类的文化现象在商务英语中比比皆是。

Globalization and Internet (全球化/Internet) The drawing vividly unfolds (Describe the picture描述图画) This phenomenon which this picture points out is one of numerous international phenomena to have become common and already attractedGlobalization and Internet (全球化/Internet)The drawing vividly unfolds …(Describe the picture描述图画)This phenomenon which this picture points out is one of numerous international phenomena to have become common and already attracted broad attention in the world in recent Globalization/Internet, in brief, makes the whole world a small Globalization/Internet offers extensive opportunities for every country in the world to develop their economy, improve their regime, enrich their culture, update their technology and so forth, but globalization/Internet is a two-edged sword: it can bring both benefit and (Present state/situation现象描述+ /Meaning含义)这幅图画指出的这个现象是近几年在世界上众多已经变得普遍并且已经引起了广泛关注的国际/世界现象之一。全球化/Internet,简言之,就是使整个世界变成一个小村子。全球化/Internet给予了这个世界上的每一个国家广泛的机会去发展它们的经济、改善它们的政体、丰富它们的文化、更新它们的技术等等,但全球化/Internet是一把两刃剑:既有利的一面,也有害的一面。We must first understand the nature of the On the one hand, globalization/Internet offers extensive opportunities for every country in the On the other hand, One of the most controversial aspects of globalization/Internet is the global spread and dominance of American 我们必须先要理解这个问题的本质。一方面,全球化/Internet为这个世界上的每一个国家提供了广阔的机会。另一方面,全球化/Internet最具有争议的其中一个方面是认为全球化就是美国文化的全球扩张和一统天下。I have some suggestions about dealing with this First and foremost, Globalization/Internet can bring In the past twenty years, in the process of globalization and explosive development of the Internet, China has brought about rapid economic growth, sustained social progress and continuous betterment of people's living standard, so we should Secondly, it can also bring China has been experiencing the collapse of own traditional virtue in the In summary, I am deeply convinced that she, a nation which has civilization for 5,000 years, never loses any good things, physical, intellectual, or moral, till she finds a better substitute, and then the loss is a (Suggestion+conclusion建议+结束语)关于处理这个问题,我有一些建议。首要地,全球化/Internet能带来利益。在过去二十年,在全球化和Internet爆炸性的发展的过程中,中国已经产生了快速的经济增长、持续的社会进步和人们生活水平的不断改善,因此我们是应该接受的。其次,它也能带来伤害,在全球化和Internet爆炸性的发展的过程中,中国一直在经历着自己传统美德的瓦解。总之,我深信她,一个拥有5000年文明的民族,决不会丢掉任何好的东西,物质的、精神的或道德的,直到她找到一个更好的替代,那么到那时侯这种丢失就是一种获得。全球化英语作文

下面是一篇经济全球化利与弊的中英文对照的作文: 文化多样性的减少 一、全球化会抹平社会间的多样性,但会增加社会内部的多样性。因为人们可供选择的菜单增加了。想想哪个更重要。 二、多样性是一个悖论。全球化确实会使某些局部上的多样性减少。太多的知识会限制我们的创造力。某种程度的隔绝可以将自信和某种魔术感注入到艺术中。这种局部多样性的减少又意味着人们可供选择的菜单的减少。 三、这是一个“度”的问题。 First, globalization will smooth out the diversity among the community, but will increase the diversity within Because people increased choice of Think about which is more Second, diversity is a Globalization does make some partial reduction of Too much knowledge will limit our Some degree of isolation can inject a sense of confidence and a certain magic to the This diversity of local people to reduce the mean reduction in choice of Third, this is a "degree" of the 传统节日渐渐被西方节日占领,传统习俗的遗忘,传统古建筑在经济的发展下不断被拆除摧毁。 The traditional festival has gradually been occupied by Western festivals, traditions and customs be forgotten, the traditional ancient buildings continue to be demolished to destroy in the development of the People in the world today are facing complicated Art and culture even be used to achieve the Hollywood, United States, for example, Hollywood annually produces about 700 films the Hollywood audience all over the In fact, the Hollywood movie has now become a tool of the United States to achieve the purposes of aggression and 文化既是民族的,又是世界的 各民族都有自己文化的个性和特征。 各民族文化都是世界文化中不可缺少 Culture is national, but also the world's All ethnic groups have their own culture and personality The national culture is indispensable to world culture Accounted for over 1/5 of the population lives in countries with the highest income levels, they have 86% of the global gross domestic product (GDP), 82% of the global export market, 68% of the foreign direct investment, 74% of the total number of telephone; while the share of the world's populationonly about 1% of the share of 1/5 of the total number of poor in the above-mentioned items The difference between rich and poor countries in terms of average income, 74 times, in 1960, this gap is only 30 In addition, the 200 richest assets accounted for 41% of the world's total population, more than the total 200 millionaire property increased twice in the past four years, more than one trillion US dollars, to the contrary, the daily income of less than $ poor remained at around 3 Globalization undoubtedly contributed to the overall growth of the world economy, the global distribution of economic interests is A handful of national and multinational monopolies rules of the game and control the world Multinational corporations are an important driving force of economic globalization, the world's 100 largest economies, and yet there are 51 multinational (2000 data) and the vast majority of multinational companies from developed Seen by the state power embodied in national wealth gap is still In economic output, few countries are expected to challenge the middle or even smaller industrialized Even the third world to maintain the momentum of rapid development, the absolute gap can be so large that in the foreseeable future is unlikely to be At present, the persons concerned are to promote economic globalization on developed countries' damage "However, the world economy and the greater impact of the international system is globalization has increased inequality between First, the past accumulated inequalities between countries not only failed to eliminate or mitigate a result of globalization, but Population of high-income countries account for only about 15% of the world's population, their home is the world's biological capacity by 28% but 55% of global consumption of This is how to achieve it? However, political independence, economic independence they are still nowhere in International division of labor under globalization, third world countries are still at the bottom of the global industrial chain, excessive consumption in developed countries to provide the resources and cheap An indigenous leader from the Philippines has sharply pointed out that "the so-called economic globalization, but the latest manifestation of " Colonial past is a direct plunder, colonists had to directly face the dissatisfaction of the colonists and resistance; the current economic globalization is the scam together, the old masters and the elite conspiracy third World countries, third World countries continue to produce low-cost output, raw materials and labor (in processing, ), and in exchange, often and interests of the majority of unrelated or even negatively related to luxury goods and weapons and the " In 1964, the world-renowned US company Union Carbide in India opened a production of pesticides farm 1975 years, finally built a large Pesticide Factory, 750 kilometers south away from the capital city of New D In the 1984, this Pesticide Factory, liquid, highly toxic gas leakage from the tank, and The accident put 45 tons of highly toxic gas inside the tank to leak Only two days alone, more than 2,500 people were killed and another 60 million people affected by the poison damage of varying In 1994,The number of death has reached 6495 , there are 40,000 people Globalization the values conflict, main performance for different nationalities and countries, especially between the values of western values and non-western values of the conflict And for non-western behind countries, western values and the conflict between the national values and is often and traditional values and the modem values is the process of modernization, the formation and development of the conflict between the values and intertwined, and often with the latter for Although "globalization" and "modernization" have different content, the former has some kind of space or geographic category of nature, it is to point to from regional to global; While the latter has some time or historical category of nature, it is to point to from tradition to modern times, but since modern times of globalization and the whole world of modernization process is actually the same It is in this process, the western capitalist countries to take the lead in realizing the modernization of the endogenous type, according to the capitalist expansion immanent logic and with its start advantage, forced or seduce non-western national identity western value, tries hard to western values, a generalized and globalization; Some non-western countries the hand behind efforts to start or DuoCi start forced type, such as the modernization of the ZhuiGanXing exogenous type, and thus in different degree approbation west value, on the other hand, a generalized expansion in western values under the weight of national culture and appear constantly identity crisis and identity pursuit, and national cultural identity in the final analysis or for the ethnic traditional culture, especially to the core value of Therefore, in the globalization of the world modernization and basic collocated process, "" western" is no longer a geographical term but 'common code of', 'modern western' is' the symbol of modernization " Through such conversion, identity 'western' into identity 'modern'" J correspondingly, globalization china-africa western countries face behind the national values and the western the conflicts of values, often also direct the performance for the traditional values and the modem values of the conflict As the expansion of the generalized to western values and fight against extreme form of response, fundamentalism was "the modern", lies in its saw and special emphasis on globalization in the modern values and the exterior-interior relationship between western Also because of this, so native and outland, traditional and modern this two category and their mutual relationships become the contemporary culture study and cultural philosophy in the debate a focal In the face of all these contemporary globalization in complex culture values conflict, cultural evolution in different cultural and understand that values will geographic category (native and outland) into historical category (the traditional and modern), and cultural relativism then requires the people will historical category (the traditional and modern) into geographic category (native and outlands) Although cultural evolution and cultural relativism each has its drawbacks, of which, the former have obviously the theory of color, the latter has the cultural conservatism properties, but both see the modern globalization in different national values, especially the conflict between western values and non-western values is the conflict between the traditional values and the modem values and the conflict is profoundly intertwined with the facts, and to make a fact to own understanding and 增加是随着经济全球化的正常运作过程而产生的,它同时又是全球化发展不均衡的结果。 With the globalization of economy increase is the normal operation of the process and of generation, it is also the result of the unbalanced development of 全球化带来的收益与支付的成本在不同的国家之间和一国之内不同人群之间的分配也是不均衡的。 The benefits of globalization and the cost of pay in different countries and different groups within one country between the distribution is not balanced 也就是说发达国家和发展中国家在全球化发展中参与游戏的角色是不同的,所获得的利益是不 That is the developed countries and developing countries in global development in the game role is different, benefit from is not 均衡的,这样的倾斜导致了发展中国家大量的非法移民流入发达国家 A balanced, so the tilt of the developing countries in a large number of illegal immigrants into the developed countries

Globalization`s dual power Globalization has found a significant place in the lives of the During the process of globalization, we have made a bridge where ideas and beliefs can cross the borders, and the walls of distrust and the barriers of suspicion between countries have gradually Though globalization is seen as a sign of a hopeful future by some, there are others who believe that it can cause a horrible disaster for the world Counties benefit a lot from globalization, especially the developing With it, there is a global market for companies to trade their products which can make the production sector develop This gives lots of options to the manufacturers as Besides, competition keeps prices relatively low and it can provide a wider range of options for people, to choose from among the products of different In addition, there is a sound flow of money, as a result, inflation is less likely to But the disadvantages brought by globalization cannot be Globalization is causing Europeans to lose their jobs as work is being swerved to the Asian The cost of labor in the Asian countries is low as compared to other countries which is often argued that poor countries are exploited by the richer countries where the work force is taken advantage of and low wages are Moreover, companies are as opening their counterparts in other countries which can result in transferring the quality of their product to other countries, thereby increasing the chances of poor Simply put, globalization is an ongoing process of integration of regional economies into global network of communication which the human being cannot hold So we should keep a positive attitude toward it, take good use of it and avoid disadvantages at the same Thus there will be a better world where all the people can have a brighter 全球化`的双电源全球化已发现在人们的生活中一个重要的地方。在全球化的过程中,我们已经有了一个桥梁,想法和信念可


下面是一篇经济全球化利与弊的中英文对照的作文: 文化多样性的减少 一、全球化会抹平社会间的多样性,但会增加社会内部的多样性。因为人们可供选择的菜单增加了。想想哪个更重要。 二、多样性是一个悖论。全球化确实会使某些局部上的多样性减少。太多的知识会限制我们的创造力。某种程度的隔绝可以将自信和某种魔术感注入到艺术中。这种局部多样性的减少又意味着人们可供选择的菜单的减少。 三、这是一个“度”的问题。 First, globalization will smooth out the diversity among the community, but will increase the diversity within Because people increased choice of Think about which is more Second, diversity is a Globalization does make some partial reduction of Too much knowledge will limit our Some degree of isolation can inject a sense of confidence and a certain magic to the This diversity of local people to reduce the mean reduction in choice of Third, this is a "degree" of the 传统节日渐渐被西方节日占领,传统习俗的遗忘,传统古建筑在经济的发展下不断被拆除摧毁。 The traditional festival has gradually been occupied by Western festivals, traditions and customs be forgotten, the traditional ancient buildings continue to be demolished to destroy in the development of the People in the world today are facing complicated Art and culture even be used to achieve the Hollywood, United States, for example, Hollywood annually produces about 700 films the Hollywood audience all over the In fact, the Hollywood movie has now become a tool of the United States to achieve the purposes of aggression and 文化既是民族的,又是世界的 各民族都有自己文化的个性和特征。 各民族文化都是世界文化中不可缺少 Culture is national, but also the world's All ethnic groups have their own culture and personality The national culture is indispensable to world culture Accounted for over 1/5 of the population lives in countries with the highest income levels, they have 86% of the global gross domestic product (GDP), 82% of the global export market, 68% of the foreign direct investment, 74% of the total number of telephone; while the share of the world's populationonly about 1% of the share of 1/5 of the total number of poor in the above-mentioned items The difference between rich and poor countries in terms of average income, 74 times, in 1960, this gap is only 30 In addition, the 200 richest assets accounted for 41% of the world's total population, more than the total 200 millionaire property increased twice in the past four years, more than one trillion US dollars, to the contrary, the daily income of less than $ poor remained at around 3 Globalization undoubtedly contributed to the overall growth of the world economy, the global distribution of economic interests is A handful of national and multinational monopolies rules of the game and control the world Multinational corporations are an important driving force of economic globalization, the world's 100 largest economies, and yet there are 51 multinational (2000 data) and the vast majority of multinational companies from developed Seen by the state power embodied in national wealth gap is still In economic output, few countries are expected to challenge the middle or even smaller industrialized Even the third world to maintain the momentum of rapid development, the absolute gap can be so large that in the foreseeable future is unlikely to be At present, the persons concerned are to promote economic globalization on developed countries' damage "However, the world economy and the greater impact of the international system is globalization has increased inequality between First, the past accumulated inequalities between countries not only failed to eliminate or mitigate a result of globalization, but Population of high-income countries account for only about 15% of the world's population, their home is the world's biological capacity by 28% but 55% of global consumption of This is how to achieve it? However, political independence, economic independence they are still nowhere in International division of labor under globalization, third world countries are still at the bottom of the global industrial chain, excessive consumption in developed countries to provide the resources and cheap An indigenous leader from the Philippines has sharply pointed out that "the so-called economic globalization, but the latest manifestation of " Colonial past is a direct plunder, colonists had to directly face the dissatisfaction of the colonists and resistance; the current economic globalization is the scam together, the old masters and the elite conspiracy third World countries, third World countries continue to produce low-cost output, raw materials and labor (in processing, ), and in exchange, often and interests of the majority of unrelated or even negatively related to luxury goods and weapons and the " In 1964, the world-renowned US company Union Carbide in India opened a production of pesticides farm 1975 years, finally built a large Pesticide Factory, 750 kilometers south away from the capital city of New D In the 1984, this Pesticide Factory, liquid, highly toxic gas leakage from the tank, and The accident put 45 tons of highly toxic gas inside the tank to leak Only two days alone, more than 2,500 people were killed and another 60 million people affected by the poison damage of varying In 1994,The number of death has reached 6495 , there are 40,000 people Globalization the values conflict, main performance for different nationalities and countries, especially between the values of western values and non-western values of the conflict And for non-western behind countries, western values and the conflict between the national values and is often and traditional values and the modem values is the process of modernization, the formation and development of the conflict between the values and intertwined, and often with the latter for Although "globalization" and "modernization" have different content, the former has some kind of space or geographic category of nature, it is to point to from regional to global; While the latter has some time or historical category of nature, it is to point to from tradition to modern times, but since modern times of globalization and the whole world of modernization process is actually the same It is in this process, the western capitalist countries to take the lead in realizing the modernization of the endogenous type, according to the capitalist expansion immanent logic and with its start advantage, forced or seduce non-western national identity western value, tries hard to western values, a generalized and globalization; Some non-western countries the hand behind efforts to start or DuoCi start forced type, such as the modernization of the ZhuiGanXing exogenous type, and thus in different degree approbation west value, on the other hand, a generalized expansion in western values under the weight of national culture and appear constantly identity crisis and identity pursuit, and national cultural identity in the final analysis or for the ethnic traditional culture, especially to the core value of Therefore, in the globalization of the world modernization and basic collocated process, "" western" is no longer a geographical term but 'common code of', 'modern western' is' the symbol of modernization " Through such conversion, identity 'western' into identity 'modern'" J correspondingly, globalization china-africa western countries face behind the national values and the western the conflicts of values, often also direct the performance for the traditional values and the modem values of the conflict As the expansion of the generalized to western values and fight against extreme form of response, fundamentalism was "the modern", lies in its saw and special emphasis on globalization in the modern values and the exterior-interior relationship between western Also because of this, so native and outland, traditional and modern this two category and their mutual relationships become the contemporary culture study and cultural philosophy in the debate a focal In the face of all these contemporary globalization in complex culture values conflict, cultural evolution in different cultural and understand that values will geographic category (native and outland) into historical category (the traditional and modern), and cultural relativism then requires the people will historical category (the traditional and modern) into geographic category (native and outlands) Although cultural evolution and cultural relativism each has its drawbacks, of which, the former have obviously the theory of color, the latter has the cultural conservatism properties, but both see the modern globalization in different national values, especially the conflict between western values and non-western values is the conflict between the traditional values and the modem values and the conflict is profoundly intertwined with the facts, and to make a fact to own understanding and 增加是随着经济全球化的正常运作过程而产生的,它同时又是全球化发展不均衡的结果。 With the globalization of economy increase is the normal operation of the process and of generation, it is also the result of the unbalanced development of 全球化带来的收益与支付的成本在不同的国家之间和一国之内不同人群之间的分配也是不均衡的。 The benefits of globalization and the cost of pay in different countries and different groups within one country between the distribution is not balanced 也就是说发达国家和发展中国家在全球化发展中参与游戏的角色是不同的,所获得的利益是不 That is the developed countries and developing countries in global development in the game role is different, benefit from is not 均衡的,这样的倾斜导致了发展中国家大量的非法移民流入发达国家 A balanced, so the tilt of the developing countries in a large number of illegal immigrants into the developed countries

在商务英语教学中,一些英语教师只重视语言知识和技能,而忽略了商务文化介入,使语言与文化脱节。而商务英语的各个环节都涉及到中西方文化的差异问题,如果在贸易实务中忽视这个问题,就会产生很多分歧,就不利于成功地达成交易。李太志明确提出了培养健康的商务文化意识有利于商务英语学习,陈建平就强化商务文化意识提出了若干建议,陈邦国、柯群胜也强调了商务英语教学中要加强商务文化渗透。在经济全球化的今天,商务英语教学的最终目的是要培养懂国际商务规则、掌握世界各民族文化特点的复合型人才,而能否跨越文化障碍、避免文化冲突,是国际商务活动能否顺利开展的关键。因此,在商务英语教学中加强商务文化意识的培养已被提到越来越重要的位置。 1商务英语中的商务文化 文化深深根植于语言,语言蕴涵丰富的文化因素。不同民族不同国家的商务传统风俗、商务礼仪习惯等存在差异。在英汉语言文化中,某些商务英语词语与汉语所指表面上一致,而涵义却不同。这就是语言文化差异。 2商务英语中的文化现象 不同民族对于不同价值观念有不同取向,在商务文化中,不同国家有不同的风俗习惯、不同的礼仪习惯等。例如我们中国公司的商务人员见到外商时常会递上一支烟。在中国,向客人敬烟是表示礼貌和友好,而在国外,特别是欧美国家,有不少人反对吸烟,向客人敬烟反而是不礼貌的表现。再如,不同国家民族的送礼规矩也不大一样。在英国,客户请你吃饭,带礼物去是不必要的。如果你要带酒,事先要问一下主人喜欢什么酒,这才恰当得体。在日本却恰恰相反,当你被邀到家里吃饭,你不带礼物去就太失礼,并会被认为鲁莽,如果事先问一下需要送什么礼,你会被认为粗鲁。诸如此类的文化现象在商务英语中比比皆是。

全球化 这个,不是很难写的, ,能给,,您 搞。,定。



Economic opportunities of globalization on developing countries: First, economic globalization for developing countries to attract more foreign investment conditions and To attract foreign investment scale will no doubt help to solve the problem of shortage of funds in developing Second, economic globalization for developing countries outside of the capital voted to create a favorable external environment and conditions, so that foreign direct investment scale is continually expanding and growing Third, economic globalization brought about a worldwide economic and technological development zones and bonded areas and free trade zones and other forms of development of free economic Fourth, the economic globalization so that the worldwide industrial restructuring was further deepened, the pace of Developing countries can take advantage of this opportunity to follow based on reality and focus on the future of the organic unity and take the initiative to coordinate the worldwide industrial restructuring and upgrading of domestic industries Fifth, economic globalization has promoted the development of transnational corporations in developing countries so that in the world market However, the development trend, as a result of economic globalization for developing countries in the broader field of active participation in international competition opportunities for transnational corporations in developing countries more actively active in the world economic stage of the era just around the Sixth, the economic globalization has driven the rapid development of international Although developed countries are the biggest beneficiaries of international trade, but developing countries, especially developing countries in Asia also benefited from international trade, its trade volume of world trade accounted for about 20% of the Economic challenges of globalization on developing countries The challenges posed by economic globalization is tough, developing countries and developed countries brought about by economic globalization to share some interests, but under pressure from economic globalization brought about by the negative effects of even a serious blow to their Economic globalization on developing countries, the challenges are: First, developing countries in the current process of economic globalization in a disadvantageous With the global trade and the global production system of rapid development, as well as multinational corporations and capital expansion of the national economy of developing countries are faced with increasing pressure and the impact of dependence on the developed countries is also increasing Developed countries to control the international economic system, holds the hands of capital, technology and other advantages, in economic globalization to the majority of developing countries far Secondly, under the economic globalization of financial globalization in developing countries in promoting economic growth, brought about the financial risks can not be ignored and economic At present, 24 hours of electronic transactions in the global financial market has taken shape, in order to provide greater facilitation of market transactions, but also for the financial sector has provided many opportunities for Second, because under the conditions of economic globalization, market forces around the world to strengthen, as well as developed countries, the expansion of large multinational companies, there may be some impact on domestic industries of developing countries, threatening the safety of its domestic market to enable developing countries in economic affairs the relative decline in

Globalization and Internet (全球化/Internet) The drawing vividly unfolds (Describe the picture描述图画) This phenomenon which this picture points out is one of numerous international phenomena to have become common and already attractedGlobalization and Internet (全球化/Internet)The drawing vividly unfolds …(Describe the picture描述图画)This phenomenon which this picture points out is one of numerous international phenomena to have become common and already attracted broad attention in the world in recent Globalization/Internet, in brief, makes the whole world a small Globalization/Internet offers extensive opportunities for every country in the world to develop their economy, improve their regime, enrich their culture, update their technology and so forth, but globalization/Internet is a two-edged sword: it can bring both benefit and (Present state/situation现象描述+ /Meaning含义)这幅图画指出的这个现象是近几年在世界上众多已经变得普遍并且已经引起了广泛关注的国际/世界现象之一。全球化/Internet,简言之,就是使整个世界变成一个小村子。全球化/Internet给予了这个世界上的每一个国家广泛的机会去发展它们的经济、改善它们的政体、丰富它们的文化、更新它们的技术等等,但全球化/Internet是一把两刃剑:既有利的一面,也有害的一面。We must first understand the nature of the On the one hand, globalization/Internet offers extensive opportunities for every country in the On the other hand, One of the most controversial aspects of globalization/Internet is the global spread and dominance of American 我们必须先要理解这个问题的本质。一方面,全球化/Internet为这个世界上的每一个国家提供了广阔的机会。另一方面,全球化/Internet最具有争议的其中一个方面是认为全球化就是美国文化的全球扩张和一统天下。I have some suggestions about dealing with this First and foremost, Globalization/Internet can bring In the past twenty years, in the process of globalization and explosive development of the Internet, China has brought about rapid economic growth, sustained social progress and continuous betterment of people's living standard, so we should Secondly, it can also bring China has been experiencing the collapse of own traditional virtue in the In summary, I am deeply convinced that she, a nation which has civilization for 5,000 years, never loses any good things, physical, intellectual, or moral, till she finds a better substitute, and then the loss is a (Suggestion+conclusion建议+结束语)关于处理这个问题,我有一些建议。首要地,全球化/Internet能带来利益。在过去二十年,在全球化和Internet爆炸性的发展的过程中,中国已经产生了快速的经济增长、持续的社会进步和人们生活水平的不断改善,因此我们是应该接受的。其次,它也能带来伤害,在全球化和Internet爆炸性的发展的过程中,中国一直在经历着自己传统美德的瓦解。总之,我深信她,一个拥有5000年文明的民族,决不会丢掉任何好的东西,物质的、精神的或道德的,直到她找到一个更好的替代,那么到那时侯这种丢失就是一种获得。全球化英语作文

在商务英语教学中,一些英语教师只重视语言知识和技能,而忽略了商务文化介入,使语言与文化脱节。而商务英语的各个环节都涉及到中西方文化的差异问题,如果在贸易实务中忽视这个问题,就会产生很多分歧,就不利于成功地达成交易。李太志明确提出了培养健康的商务文化意识有利于商务英语学习,陈建平就强化商务文化意识提出了若干建议,陈邦国、柯群胜也强调了商务英语教学中要加强商务文化渗透。在经济全球化的今天,商务英语教学的最终目的是要培养懂国际商务规则、掌握世界各民族文化特点的复合型人才,而能否跨越文化障碍、避免文化冲突,是国际商务活动能否顺利开展的关键。因此,在商务英语教学中加强商务文化意识的培养已被提到越来越重要的位置。 1商务英语中的商务文化 文化深深根植于语言,语言蕴涵丰富的文化因素。不同民族不同国家的商务传统风俗、商务礼仪习惯等存在差异。在英汉语言文化中,某些商务英语词语与汉语所指表面上一致,而涵义却不同。这就是语言文化差异。 2商务英语中的文化现象 不同民族对于不同价值观念有不同取向,在商务文化中,不同国家有不同的风俗习惯、不同的礼仪习惯等。例如我们中国公司的商务人员见到外商时常会递上一支烟。在中国,向客人敬烟是表示礼貌和友好,而在国外,特别是欧美国家,有不少人反对吸烟,向客人敬烟反而是不礼貌的表现。再如,不同国家民族的送礼规矩也不大一样。在英国,客户请你吃饭,带礼物去是不必要的。如果你要带酒,事先要问一下主人喜欢什么酒,这才恰当得体。在日本却恰恰相反,当你被邀到家里吃饭,你不带礼物去就太失礼,并会被认为鲁莽,如果事先问一下需要送什么礼,你会被认为粗鲁。诸如此类的文化现象在商务英语中比比皆是。



引用放逐的哈飞恩的回答:With the development of economy and technology ,more and more people come to realize that the contact between countries has become more and more closely 随着经济和技术的发展,越来越多的人开始意识到国与国之间的联系变得越来越密切频繁。Nowadays almost everyone knows Coca-cola,and when we want to pursue all aspects of all-around development,we can't avoid staying in contact with other So globalization has become a unstoppable Different people have different point of Some people believe that globalization is a good thing ,because they enjoy the convenience and quality life globalization brings, whereas others argue that the developed countries are the only beneficiaries of globalization,and the developing countries in the course of globalization suffered a series of environmental pollution Globalization is a double-edged 现在,几乎每个人都知道可口可乐,当我们追求全面发展的时候,我们不能避免与其他国家联系。因此,全球化已经变成一种无法停止的趋势。不同的人有不同的观点。有的人相信全球化是件好事,因为他们享受全球化带来的方便和品质生活;而其他人认为,发达国家是全球化的唯一受益者,发展中国家在全球化过程中遭受一系列的环境污染问题。全球化是一把双刃剑。As far as I'm concerned,we should look at both sides of Only when we seize the opportunity of development and meet the challenges can we gain the upper hand in the 在我看来,我们应该看到全球化的双面。只有当我们抓住发展的机遇,迎接挑战,我们才可以在竞争中

你好,我的英语已经6级了,在英国留学3年,我翻译的百分之百正确,请相信我。Hello, my English has 6, studying in the UK for 3 years, I translated the one hundred percent correct, please believe

Nowadays almost everyone knows Coca-cola,and when we want to pursue all aspects of all-around development,we can't avoid staying in contact with other So globalization has become a unstoppable Different people have different point of Some people believe that globalization is a good thing ,because they enjoy the convenience and quality life globalization brings, whereas others argue that the developed countries are the only beneficiaries of globalization,and the developing countries in the course of globalization suffered a series of environmental pollution Globalization is a double-edged 现在,几乎每个人都知道可口可乐,当我们追求全面发展的时候,我们不能避免与其他国家联系。因此,全球化已经变成一种无法停止的趋势。不同的人有不同的观点。有的人相信全球化是件好事,因为他们享受全球化带来的方便和品质生活;而其他人认为,发达国家是全球化的唯一受益者,发展中国家在全球化过程中遭受一系列的环境污染问题。全球化是一把双刃剑。

下面是一篇经济全球化利与弊的中英文对照的作文: 文化多样性的减少 一、全球化会抹平社会间的多样性,但会增加社会内部的多样性。因为人们可供选择的菜单增加了。想想哪个更重要。 二、多样性是一个悖论。全球化确实会使某些局部上的多样性减少。太多的知识会限制我们的创造力。某种程度的隔绝可以将自信和某种魔术感注入到艺术中。这种局部多样性的减少又意味着人们可供选择的菜单的减少。 三、这是一个“度”的问题。 First, globalization will smooth out the diversity among the community, but will increase the diversity within Because people increased choice of Think about which is more Second, diversity is a Globalization does make some partial reduction of Too much knowledge will limit our Some degree of isolation can inject a sense of confidence and a certain magic to the This diversity of local people to reduce the mean reduction in choice of Third, this is a "degree" of the 传统节日渐渐被西方节日占领,传统习俗的遗忘,传统古建筑在经济的发展下不断被拆除摧毁。 The traditional festival has gradually been occupied by Western festivals, traditions and customs be forgotten, the traditional ancient buildings continue to be demolished to destroy in the development of the People in the world today are facing complicated Art and culture even be used to achieve the Hollywood, United States, for example, Hollywood annually produces about 700 films the Hollywood audience all over the In fact, the Hollywood movie has now become a tool of the United States to achieve the purposes of aggression and 文化既是民族的,又是世界的 各民族都有自己文化的个性和特征。 各民族文化都是世界文化中不可缺少 Culture is national, but also the world's All ethnic groups have their own culture and personality The national culture is indispensable to world culture Accounted for over 1/5 of the population lives in countries with the highest income levels, they have 86% of the global gross domestic product (GDP), 82% of the global export market, 68% of the foreign direct investment, 74% of the total number of telephone; while the share of the world's populationonly about 1% of the share of 1/5 of the total number of poor in the above-mentioned items The difference between rich and poor countries in terms of average income, 74 times, in 1960, this gap is only 30 In addition, the 200 richest assets accounted for 41% of the world's total population, more than the total 200 millionaire property increased twice in the past four years, more than one trillion US dollars, to the contrary, the daily income of less than $ poor remained at around 3 Globalization undoubtedly contributed to the overall growth of the world economy, the global distribution of economic interests is A handful of national and multinational monopolies rules of the game and control the world Multinational corporations are an important driving force of economic globalization, the world's 100 largest economies, and yet there are 51 multinational (2000 data) and the vast majority of multinational companies from developed Seen by the state power embodied in national wealth gap is still In economic output, few countries are expected to challenge the middle or even smaller industrialized Even the third world to maintain the momentum of rapid development, the absolute gap can be so large that in the foreseeable future is unlikely to be At present, the persons concerned are to promote economic globalization on developed countries' damage "However, the world economy and the greater impact of the international system is globalization has increased inequality between First, the past accumulated inequalities between countries not only failed to eliminate or mitigate a result of globalization, but Population of high-income countries account for only about 15% of the world's population, their home is the world's biological capacity by 28% but 55% of global consumption of This is how to achieve it? However, political independence, economic independence they are still nowhere in International division of labor under globalization, third world countries are still at the bottom of the global industrial chain, excessive consumption in developed countries to provide the resources and cheap An indigenous leader from the Philippines has sharply pointed out that "the so-called economic globalization, but the latest manifestation of " Colonial past is a direct plunder, colonists had to directly face the dissatisfaction of the colonists and resistance; the current economic globalization is the scam together, the old masters and the elite conspiracy third World countries, third World countries continue to produce low-cost output, raw materials and labor (in processing, ), and in exchange, often and interests of the majority of unrelated or even negatively related to luxury goods and weapons and the " In 1964, the world-renowned US company Union Carbide in India opened a production of pesticides farm 1975 years, finally built a large Pesticide Factory, 750 kilometers south away from the capital city of New D In the 1984, this Pesticide Factory, liquid, highly toxic gas leakage from the tank, and The accident put 45 tons of highly toxic gas inside the tank to leak Only two days alone, more than 2,500 people were killed and another 60 million people affected by the poison damage of varying In 1994,The number of death has reached 6495 , there are 40,000 people Globalization the values conflict, main performance for different nationalities and countries, especially between the values of western values and non-western values of the conflict And for non-western behind countries, western values and the conflict between the national values and is often and traditional values and the modem values is the process of modernization, the formation and development of the conflict between the values and intertwined, and often with the latter for Although "globalization" and "modernization" have different content, the former has some kind of space or geographic category of nature, it is to point to from regional to global; While the latter has some time or historical category of nature, it is to point to from tradition to modern times, but since modern times of globalization and the whole world of modernization process is actually the same It is in this process, the western capitalist countries to take the lead in realizing the modernization of the endogenous type, according to the capitalist expansion immanent logic and with its start advantage, forced or seduce non-western national identity western value, tries hard to western values, a generalized and globalization; Some non-western countries the hand behind efforts to start or DuoCi start forced type, such as the modernization of the ZhuiGanXing exogenous type, and thus in different degree approbation west value, on the other hand, a generalized expansion in western values under the weight of national culture and appear constantly identity crisis and identity pursuit, and national cultural identity in the final analysis or for the ethnic traditional culture, especially to the core value of Therefore, in the globalization of the world modernization and basic collocated process, "" western" is no longer a geographical term but 'common code of', 'modern western' is' the symbol of modernization " Through such conversion, identity 'western' into identity 'modern'" J correspondingly, globalization china-africa western countries face behind the national values and the western the conflicts of values, often also direct the performance for the traditional values and the modem values of the conflict As the expansion of the generalized to western values and fight against extreme form of response, fundamentalism was "the modern", lies in its saw and special emphasis on globalization in the modern values and the exterior-interior relationship between western Also because of this, so native and outland, traditional and modern this two category and their mutual relationships become the contemporary culture study and cultural philosophy in the debate a focal In the face of all these contemporary globalization in complex culture values conflict, cultural evolution in different cultural and understand that values will geographic category (native and outland) into historical category (the traditional and modern), and cultural relativism then requires the people will historical category (the traditional and modern) into geographic category (native and outlands) Although cultural evolution and cultural relativism each has its drawbacks, of which, the former have obviously the theory of color, the latter has the cultural conservatism properties, but both see the modern globalization in different national values, especially the conflict between western values and non-western values is the conflict between the traditional values and the modem values and the conflict is profoundly intertwined with the facts, and to make a fact to own understanding and 增加是随着经济全球化的正常运作过程而产生的,它同时又是全球化发展不均衡的结果。 With the globalization of economy increase is the normal operation of the process and of generation, it is also the result of the unbalanced development of 全球化带来的收益与支付的成本在不同的国家之间和一国之内不同人群之间的分配也是不均衡的。 The benefits of globalization and the cost of pay in different countries and different groups within one country between the distribution is not balanced 也就是说发达国家和发展中国家在全球化发展中参与游戏的角色是不同的,所获得的利益是不 That is the developed countries and developing countries in global development in the game role is different, benefit from is not 均衡的,这样的倾斜导致了发展中国家大量的非法移民流入发达国家 A balanced, so the tilt of the developing countries in a large number of illegal immigrants into the developed countries


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