

发布时间:2024-07-09 03:15:57


1.标题Titles are to be written to be understood by those in your field, telling them exactly what you have done in your (告诉你的同行确切研究了什么)要求:1) Short and concise(简明扼要):Write in one line (not a sentence); not containing an active verb; not exceeding 25 words or 120-140 letters and spaces; no abbreviations or chemical symbols except those that are generally accepted, DNA, RNA, AIDS, CT, ;2) Informative(信息丰富):State exactly what you want the reader to know about your paper and your work; 3) Indexing(便于索引):Pack as many key words or indexing terms as possible into the title without overloading it; key words not in the title will be in the abstract or can go in the “Key Words” section of the paper; key words are usually in the beginning or ending place of the 示例:(请根据上述原则说明以下标题的修改的理由)1) 视网膜小血管变化是冠状动脉疾病的一个指标Original: Retinal arteriolar changes are an indicator of coronary artery diseaseRevised: Retinal arteriolar changes as an indicator of coronary artery disease2) 用大剂量氨甲喋呤治疗急性淋巴细胞白血病的初步体会Original: Preliminary experience in using high dose of methotrexate to treat ALLRevised: High dose methotrexate therapy in acute lymphocytic leukemia3) 关于饮食中钾含量与血压关系的研究Original: A study of the relationship between the content of potassium in diet and blood pressureRevised: Dietary potassium and blood pressure 为了满足标题写作的上述,有时对较长标题可采用副标题(subtitle)处理,如出现:1) 病例数时,如:对急症室连续170例腹痛病例的回顾性研究Original: A retrospective study on 170 consecutive cases of abdominal pain in the emergency roomRevised: Abdominal pain in the emergency room: Retrospective study of 170 consecutive cases2) 研究性质/方法时,如:用磁共振成象术对正常怀孕期间垂体增大进行活体内研究Original: Use MRI to conduct an in vivo study on the enlargement of the pituitary gland during normal pregnancyRevised: Pituitary gland growth during normal pregnancy: An in vivo study using magnetic resonance imaging3) 并列结构时,如:军队卫生防疫工作中出现的问题、原因与对策的初探Original: A preliminary study on the problems, causes and countermeasures in health and epidemic prevention work of CPLARevised: Military health and epidemic prevention: Problems, causes and countermeasures


SCI论文摘要的文体特点 摘要(abstract)又称提要、文摘。国际上对其标准解释为an abbreviated, accurate representation of the contents of adocument without added interpretation or criticism。其含义是对文献内容不加以解释或评论并作出准确的压缩。英文摘要包括正文、标题、作者名字的汉语拼音、关键词。当然有些论文是不包含论文文摘的,不过绝大多数有英文摘要的文章一般把这几个部分作为一个独立部分放在文章正文中今天查尔斯沃思论文语言润色编辑来告诉你,SCI论文摘要的文体特点是什么? 一、规范摘要的受众是专业的人员,所以文体是正式的,句法结构要求严谨规范。因而摘要中的句子都很完整,没有口语体中的省略句或不完整句。用词也很规范,多用论文研究领域的标准术语,正规英语,很少用缩写词和古词。 二、 精炼摘要要求精炼,不宜列举例证,不宜与其他研究工作作对比。语句也少有重复。在衔接方面,主要使用词汇手段。通过词汇在意义上的衔接,把全篇文章的各部分紧紧地联系在一起,使文章结构紧凑,前后呼应。复合名词可以使文字紧凑利落,因而摘要中复合名词用的较多。三、 具体摘要的每个概念、论点都要具体鲜明。一般不笼统地写论文“与什么有关”,而直接写论文“说明什么”。用词方面要求准确,多用一些源自法语和拉丁语且使用范畴较窄的“大词”“长词”,尽量避免含混不清或一词多义的词语。 四、完整摘要本身要完整。有些读者是利用摘要杂志或索引卡片进行研究工作的,很可能得不到全篇论文,因此要注意不要引用论文某节或某张插图来代替说明。 摘要的写作要遵循一定的原则,掌握这些文摘问题的特点才能在接下来的写作中做到心中有数,时刻的规范自己,充当写作的准则,这样才能高效的写出好的文摘。 参考:查尔斯沃思论文润色贴士-Services/author-services-what-we-html


当然可以写,以下推荐你几个相关医学人文的期刊,希望对你有帮助:医学与社会繁荣医学科学文化,开展学术交流,促进医学与人文社会科学交叉学科的发展,旨在集中反映当代医学科学、卫生管理学、公共卫生各学科、医学伦理学、卫生法学、卫生经济学、医学心理学、行为医学、医学教育、医学图书主管主办:中华人民共和国教育部  华中科技大学同济医学院快捷分类:医学医学教育与医学边缘学科 医药卫生科技出版发行:湖北  月刊  A4期刊刊号:1006-5563, 42-1387/R创刊时间:1988  影响因子 891审稿时间:3-6个月期刊级别: 统计源期刊 医学与哲学(A)《医学与哲学》杂志自出版以来,已成为我国医学人文学方面的一份主要刊物,在国际同类期刊中占有重要地位。并最早被评为“中国核心期刊”与“国家中文核心期刊”,是我国同时获得两种国家核心期刊的惟一人文医学杂主管主办:中国科学技术协会  中国自然辩证法研究会快捷分类:医学医学教育与医学边缘学科 医药卫生科技出版发行:辽宁  月刊  A4期刊刊号:1002-0772, 21-1093/R创刊时间:1980  影响因子 896审稿时间:1-3个月期刊级别: 北大核心期刊  统计源期刊 北京大学学报(医学版)《北京大学学报(医学版)》是由教育部主管、北京大学主办、国内外公开发行的综合性医学学术性期刊(双月刊)。主要报道医学科学领域的最新研究成果,刊登具有国内外先进水平的基础医学、临床医学、预防医学、生物主管主办:中华人民共和国教育部  北京大学快捷分类:医学医药卫生综合 医药卫生科技出版发行:北京  双月刊  A4期刊刊号:1671-167X, 11-4691/R创刊时间:1959  影响因子 760审稿时间:1-3个月期刊级别: CSCD核心期刊  北大核心期刊  统计源期刊 中华医学《中华医学杂志》是由中华医学会主办的中国人文社会科学核心期刊,荣获首届国家期刊奖和第二届国家期刊奖,综合影响因子为677。中华医学杂志具有较高的实用性、指导性和权威性,是全国医学界与社会各界互通通信主管主办:中国科学技术协会  中华医学会快捷分类:医学医药卫生综合 医药卫生科技出版发行:北京  周刊  A4期刊刊号:0376-2491, 11-2137/R创刊时间:1915  影响因子 677审稿时间:1-3个月期刊级别: CSCD核心期刊  北大核心期刊  统计源期刊 辽宁医学院学报(社会科学版)更名为《辽宁医学院学报(社会科学版)》。 《辽宁医学院学报(社会科学版)》面向哲学、法学、教育学、管理学等与医学相关的一系列人文学科,以"医学人文"为主,报道"医文结合"的学术研究成果。 《辽宁医学院学报主管主办:辽宁省教育厅  辽宁医学院快捷分类:医学教育综合 社会科学II出版发行:辽宁  季刊  A4期刊刊号:1674-0416, 21-1553/C创刊时间:2003  影响因子 156审稿时间:1个月内期刊级别: 省级期刊



Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behaviour, feelings and physical well- Depressed people may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, or They may lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable, experience overeating or loss of appetite, or problems concentrating, remembering details or making decisions; and may contemplate or attempt Insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, loss of energy, or aches, pains or digestive problems that are resistant to treatment may be A number of psychiatric syndromes feature depressed mood as a main Mood disorders are a group of disorders considered to be primary disturbances of Within them, major depressive disorder (MDD), commonly called major depression, or clinical depression, is a condition where a person has at least two weeks of depressed mood or a loss of interest or pleasure in nearly all Dysthymia is a state of chronic depressed mood, the symptoms of which do not meet the severity of a major depressive People suffering bipolar disorder may also experience major depressive Outside the mood disorders, dysthymia is also commonly a feature of borderline personality Adjustment disorder with depressed mood is a mood disturbance appearing as a psychological response to an identifiable event or stressor, in which the resulting emotional or behavioral symptoms are significant but do not meet the criteria for a major depressive A number of psychiatric syndromes feature depressed mood as a main Mood disorders are a group of disorders considered to be primary disturbances of Within them, major depressive disorder (MDD), commonly called major depression, or clinical depression, is a condition where a person has at least two weeks of depressed mood or a loss of interest or pleasure in nearly all Dysthymia is a state of chronic depressed mood, the symptoms of which do not meet the severity of a major depressive People suffering bipolar disorder may also experience major depressive Outside the mood disorders, dysthymia is also commonly a feature of borderline personality Adjustment disorder with depressed mood is a mood disturbance appearing as a psychological response to an identifiable event or stressor, in which the resulting emotional or behavioral symptoms are significant but do not meet the criteria for a major depressive 文字来源是维基百科,请自己根据需要删节吧




Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behaviour, feelings and physical well- Depressed people may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, or They may lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable, experience overeating or loss of appetite, or problems concentrating, remembering details or making decisions; and may contemplate or attempt Insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, loss of energy, or aches, pains or digestive problems that are resistant to treatment may be A number of psychiatric syndromes feature depressed mood as a main Mood disorders are a group of disorders considered to be primary disturbances of Within them, major depressive disorder (MDD), commonly called major depression, or clinical depression, is a condition where a person has at least two weeks of depressed mood or a loss of interest or pleasure in nearly all Dysthymia is a state of chronic depressed mood, the symptoms of which do not meet the severity of a major depressive People suffering bipolar disorder may also experience major depressive Outside the mood disorders, dysthymia is also commonly a feature of borderline personality Adjustment disorder with depressed mood is a mood disturbance appearing as a psychological response to an identifiable event or stressor, in which the resulting emotional or behavioral symptoms are significant but do not meet the criteria for a major depressive A number of psychiatric syndromes feature depressed mood as a main Mood disorders are a group of disorders considered to be primary disturbances of Within them, major depressive disorder (MDD), commonly called major depression, or clinical depression, is a condition where a person has at least two weeks of depressed mood or a loss of interest or pleasure in nearly all Dysthymia is a state of chronic depressed mood, the symptoms of which do not meet the severity of a major depressive People suffering bipolar disorder may also experience major depressive Outside the mood disorders, dysthymia is also commonly a feature of borderline personality Adjustment disorder with depressed mood is a mood disturbance appearing as a psychological response to an identifiable event or stressor, in which the resulting emotional or behavioral symptoms are significant but do not meet the criteria for a major depressive 文字来源是维基百科,请自己根据需要删节吧

学术堂整理了十五个好写的英语论文题目,供大家进行参考: 试论简奥斯汀生活对其小说的影响 (On the Impact of Jane Austen’s Life on Her Novels) “真实的诺言”与传统文化的碰撞——简析“真人秀”的实质和本地化过程 (When True Lies Challenge Tradition—An Analysis of the Reality and Localization of Reality TV) 从台湾问题看中美关系 (The Sino-US Relation—The Taiwan Issue)《傲慢与偏见》的生命力 (The Great Vitality of Pride and Prejudice) 平凡中的不平凡——《傲慢与偏见》(Significance in Commonplace—Pride and Prejudice) 萨皮尔沃夫理论 (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis) 论格里高尔的悲剧 (An Analysis of Gregor’s Tragedy) 对大学生心理健康问题予更多关注 (More Attention to the Psychological Health of College Students) 文体学: 语言学习的科学 (Stylistics: A Scientific Approach) 佛教在西方 (Buddhism in the West) 非语言交际 (Nonverbal Communication) 国际反恐 (International Anti-Terrorism) 全球资金市场近期特征与走向 (The Character and Tendency of Global Capital Market in Recent Decades) 从《老人与海》中桑堤亚哥的性格可知——人是打不败的 (A Man Cannot Be Defeated—From the Character of Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea) 南方的失落 (The Loss of the South)



围绕课题收集资料和研究资料。 收集资料分三步:①根据研究课题选择检索工具;②确定检索方法;③查阅原始文献。 收集资料时应注意下列内容:①在方法上沿用前人的,或在前人的基础上加以改进的;

写医学专业论文的步骤就这样,你可以看下,一般情况下是没问题的,但至于你们学校有没有什么要求的,那就不确定了,因为没地区没个学校都有不同的要求吧!我只能这么说,1 医学论文的命题医学论文题目应是文章内容的集中概括。作者写论文,一是传播科技经验,二是为晋升需要,因此,论文好坏与标题有很大关系。由于论文题目首先映入读(编)者的眼帘,读(编)者浏览文章,多先看题目,然后才决是是否阅读(取舍)全文。所以,要求命题既能概括全文内容,又能引人注目,便于记忆和引用,做到恰当、确切、简短、鲜明,起到一种画龙点睛的作用,以引起读(编)者的注意与兴趣。2 医学论文摘要与关键词摘要是正文的高度浓缩,是医学论文内容不加注释的评论和简短陈述。便于读(编)者了解全文的要点,便于做文摘和检索。因此,摘要应力求简明扼要,字数一般为200字左右,如是特殊情况字数可以略多。摘要可以独立使用,不过简亦不过繁,不要一般的套套空活,但也不要照搬图表、公式,不可用非沿用编写符号。有的期刊要求列出关键词,即选出3-5个代表论文主要内容的单词或术语,另起一行列于摘要后。医学论文关键词的选用应尽可能的用《医学主题词表》中的术语。讲座、综述、病案讨论、误诊教训、临床报道可以不使用。3医学论文的构思构思是撰写论文的准备,也是开始。它是作者对文章整体布局、要说明的论点以及依据进行 阐明、安排和设计的过程。其内容包括:文章如何开头,如何进一步引深,首尾如何相呼应 ,论据论证如何有效的说明主题以及各段落层次与主题之间的关系。4医学论文的提纲在反映思考,理清思路,并形成条目后,写出提纲。提纲是论文的基本骨架,有了提纲,作 者写起来就会目标明确,思路开通。提纲的内容主要是按题题目、前言(文章的宗旨目的)、 实验材料与方法、讨论与结论的顺序进行。5医学论文正文的写作在提纲拟定后,根据自己的思路,妥当安排内容的先后次序,然后将自己的观点充分表达。 在写作初稿时,不妨内容写的全一些,面宽一些,避免有重要内容遗漏。而且,最好能集中 一段时间和精力,使文章一气呵成。6医学论文的修改在文章的初稿完成后,应征求各方面的意见,尤其是共同的工作者与指导者。然后加以反复 推敲并作细致的修改。文章全部完成后,最好放置一段时间,再行修改。"温故而知新"常 可发现重要问题,因而需要多次修改。修改的重点是:①篇幅压缩;②结构调整:期刊论文要求结构严谨、层次清晰、衔接得当、 重点突出并有逻辑性;③语言修改:应具有准确性与可读性。并避免应用"大约"、"可能"之类的字眼,还应避免应用非专业术 语;④内容修改:根据自己写作的意图或要论证的内容材料,使内容修改的更为翔实、观点 明确、结构严谨、论据充足。还有一些问题也要注意下:1 科学工作的最后环节就是撰写科研论文。在写作之前,应将实验数据逐项进行归纳、整理与 分析,并查阅收集有关的文献,尤其是初学写作的作者,更应阅读、借鉴好的医学论文,然后开始。2 以上内容并非每篇论文的讨论都必须涉及,面面俱到。应从论文的研究内容出发,突出重点,紧扣题目,围绕一个至几个“小核心”进行。3 应紧密结合本文研究所获得的重要发现,以及从中引出的结论进行讨论,而不是重复结果部分的内容。特别是要对新的发现、文献尚未报道的内容进行深入讨论,包括可能的机制、临床应用范围以及从研究结果对总体的推论。必须强调应紧密结合本文发现进行讨论,且所作的推论必须恰当。


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